iV'.-.'. THE DUPLIN TIME8 KENANSVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY FEBRUARY tS, Utt. ; v." RALEIGH ROUNDUP ( INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK ) STRICTLY CASH . . The story is told here about a candidate (or Statewide office some 10-12 years ago who decided ,to blanket the countryside with his picture on yard-square placards and to run a few more modest photos in some of the leading papers. He contacted a n advertising agency to arrange for it in a kind of turn-key job. Two days later his manager laid a bill on his desk. It was, for $15,855. "What is this for?" asked the candidate. When informed they had to have $15,855 in advance for the project, the would-be nearly fainted, it is said: A $5,000 or $10,000 cash out lay is not too unusual in the last stages of political campaigns in North Carolina. Kerr Scott, intimated once that if he had known what it costs to run for Governor, he would have thou ght "two or three more days" be fore taking the plunge. But he was fortunate in that, he was able to HEADACHE Ease PAINS OF HEADACHE. NEURAL GIA, NEURITIS with STANBACK TABLETS or POWDERS. STANBACK combines several medically proven pain relievers The added effectiveness ol these MULTIPLE ingredients brinps (aster, more complete relief . easing anxiety and tension usually accom panying pain. Tfrst ' $1 AN fa AC Igainst ai prepa'a you've used $nep Hack attract to his camp Capus Waynick, regarded by many as one of the best money-raisers in the State. If you recall, Kerr Scott had said he was going to manage his own cam paign. When Waynick finally arriv ed on the scene, things were pretty desperate. There are some few items in a political campaign which are not cash-on-the-barrell, but 90 percent of it runs the other way, We are becoming more- know ledgeful regarding such things. . . more realistic . . .and that is why you hear so much talk this year about this or that candidate drop ping out because of a shortage of money. So, if you really want to help a candidate, don't Whisper sweet notherings in his ear, lay the long green in his palm. Then he will know you mean bus iness. NOT SINGLE HAZEL . . .The snow and sleet storm which hit most of North Carolina a few days UFO knocked elertrifity f-om "inre homes than anything since Hurri cane Hazel. Some Haleigh businesses were without power a"d lights for more t ian three hours . . and our good !vie.' cjs Carolina Pow.t Light went at it night and day and on into Sunday. A new product that eliminates the dangers of having homes and businesses darkened by electric power failure will go on the market soon in North Carolina. It automa tically switches on to provide light whenever electrisity fails - no mat ter what the cause of the power lapse. Called Astro-Lite, it hangs on the wall, plugged into an ordi nary electric outlet, and looks a whole lot like a wall telephone. However, it never lights up un til the moment there is a power failure. When the power goes off, a relay system within the unit turns on the Astro-lite. It is being man ufactured for stores, schools, bus inesses, hospitals and any other spot which could be a danger area when power goes off . . and for homes, toe, of course. We Could have used about 8,000 of the things in Raleigh on Saturday evening, February 13, when the wires came tumbling down. EATING PLACES ... In Volume 3 just out, of the "Ford Treasury of Favorite Recipes", we note four places listed from North Carolina -three of them in Chapel Hill. They are the Carolina Inn, which we love dearly; the Ranch House, the ori ginal charcoalers in North Caro lina; and the Ramshead Rathskel ler, right in the heart of the "vil lag:',, and of the favorit hangouts uf Carolina students. The other North Carolina eating places recommended is The Old nation at Kitty Hawk. We have passed it scores of times, but never did stop. News of the Wright bro thers' first flight wa3 telegraphed frointheie. The recipe recommend ed is one called Crab Old tSation. IN THE TWELFTH ... If Thad 73:yson and Roy Taylor wind up locking horns for the seat in the 12th Congressional District, it will be a tough Dattle indeed. The way we see it'. . . and ac cording to reports we get . . .any body could win in a race with those ! two as the principal contenders. WESflCQflST I IT Fit . mt Fir YOUR BEST SOURCE for . . . Framing Oak Flooring c 12 Sheathing Panelings Plywood O Moulding . Seal Tab Hooting COMPARE NET PRICES A DIVISION OF C. E. WHITE LUMBER CO ERicompflnv M J ABOUT SEAWfcLL . . An editor ial in at least one of the State's leading papers ha taen Maicuim Seawell to task for his statement it fie time of his announcemet for Governor to the effect that if he is nominated far Governor that he will request his friend, Governor Hodges, to call a spacial session of the. Legislature to make available the necessary funds to replace the cut in the State welfare allotments. The editorial pointed out that, as Attorney General, it would have been appropriate for him to have made this request for special session when the matter first came up. And, as a member of the coun cil of State, he could have recom mended that the Council join him in such a recommendation. This would have carried some real weight. RECORD . . . The record does not show that Mr. Seawell showed any real interest in the plight of these needy people - until such time as he needec them. . . needed them to vote for him for Governor. for my next class, "Now I wonder the Potters Hill Community near Beulaville. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sudie Garvey of the home. Seven daughters Mrs. J. L. Bpll of Phila delphia, Mrs. Edmund Wilson of Louisville, Ky.. Ms. Orlin Mc Gowen of Ev(T"U, Washington., Mrs. Dolphie Williams and Mrs. I V. Shepherd of Jacksonville, Mrs. W. M. McKenny of Greenville, S C. and Mrs. Wnaley of Beulaville. Fourteen grandchildren and twenty one great grand children. One bro ther Wright Garvey of Wilmington. MRS. DELLA M. BISHOP Mrs. Delia Mercer Bishop, 82, of Pink .Hill died Wednesday night in the Duplin General Hospital a'. Kenansville after several weeks ill- 200 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD Wilmington n: c. RO 3-1674 RO 2-6670 NOT FIRST TIME ... We knew Jack Paar rather well in the South Pacific - and the NBC censorship is not the first time such a thing has come Parr's way. The late Admiral Paul Hendren, State College alumnus and relative of Hendren's in Taylorsville and Elkin did some censoring of Jack during World War II. In the first act of this show, Paar as master of ceremonies had told some pretty fast stories. Admiral Hendren said they were too rough for the ladies, of which there were several, including Red Cross girls and nurses. So Jack was pulled at the end of the first act . . . and a N. Carolin ian did it. CLEAR SAILING? . . Although there seems to be a lot of candi 'it s thinking of running for the U. S. Senate or for Governor or for Lt. Governor, or Speaker of the House in the 1961 Legislature, very few people are interested in taking on Charles Gold for Insurance Com missioner, Thad Eure for Secretary of State, Bridges for State Auditor, and other men of that type. In times past, we have had as many as three and four candidates running for some of these State pos itions. But now it seems obvious that Agriculture Commissioner L. Y. Ballentine, Frank Crane, Labor Commissioner, and others on the State front are doing such a good job that they may make it though 1960 without serious opposition. You can count on us for dependable deliveries of cleaner-burning TEMCO FUEL CHIEF Heating Oil You can count on us for onetime delivery of fuel oil when you need it. And Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil is best for many reasons. CLEANEST BURNINGI Texaco Fuel Chief is the cleanest-burning oil you can buy. It burns completely no wasted fuel. SMOKELESS, ODORLESS! No disagreeable odor no smoke to smudge walls and curtains. NO DEPOSITS! Wont leave harmful deposits on burners -saves repair bills. UNIFORM QUALITY! Ordinary fuel oils vary in quality from batch to batch. Texaco Fuel Chief Is always the same you get dependable, uniform heat. ( TEXACO lliffO DEPENDABLE DELIVERY! You can count on our on-time delivery service. .We schedule deliveries so you never run short. CALL US TODAY -AND FORGET ABOUT YOUR HEATING PROBLEMS! . MMrKtU Utuw .1 .. HEATING OIL MACK OIL COMPANY Phone 328 Wasaw, N. C L BACKFIRING. . . As one astute political observer remarked: "Mr. Seawell is saying vote for me and I'll do something for you." But the people have a habit of laying: "If you had done something for me we would now vote for you." Another remark heard on the sub ject: "Milcolm Seawell's statement that, if nominated for Governor, he will request Governor Hodges to call a special session to restore welfare cuts is as hypocritical as General Eisenhower's statement in the 1952 campaign that, if elected President, he would "go to Korea!" Frcm all we have gathered so far, it appears that Mr. Seawell's remarks are backfiring. Lif you could show us something WE CAN AFFORD. My jeweler friend turncl to me and said, "Kidd, congratulations! You are about to outmarry your- se!i." i did! TERRY OR JOHN? . . Heard on Fayettville Street here: "Robert Morgan can take his Lake and go jump in the Governor's race." Get it? Incidentally, if Beverley Lake does get into the race, someone has sized it up thusly: "Lake and Seawell will kill one another off on the segregation issue and the question to be settled in the second primary will still be what it was a year ago. Will the next Governor be Terry Sanford or John Larkins? We heard somebody say on the day Seawell announced: "Well, Hodges has gone through the al phabet from B-(Barnhardt to G- (Gill to H-iHewletti to L-Larkins) to P-(Pearsall) and now to S-(Sea-well) . . . anybody named Zimmer man wanta bt next?" BASES . . . Incidentally, wouldn't it be a novel political chance if " candidates for Governor would really base their campaigns on the following three items: 1. What they have already done for the voters. 2. What they propose to do for the voters. 3. From whence and from whom will come the money to do with-. INTERESTING THOUGHT . . . Wonder if Add Hewlett is now as mad at his friend John Larkins a? he was when he thought Governor Hodges was going to support John instead of him for Governor? funeral services were conducted at the Cabin Free Will Baptist Church Friday afternoon at 3 00 'O'clock by Rev. J. L. Powers as- ;is!od I y t'.illon- I She ,s K:.a Hi' !;. ther Jay four sister ;v. . l !!; Ingrain. IliuUil Mer'.vr Fa.nKy survived W her hsuband . p i.f the home, one bru- Kenpcdy of Jacksonville. Mrs. Laura Noitli of Wilmington, Kenlv, Mr;. Mrs Estcll Eva Standi of ; Mercer U Nor folk, Mi-is Victoria Kennedy of Kinston and Mrs. Johnnie Mercer of Raleigh. Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Steps I ixh Relieves Pain Fur 'h" :1rt time science haa found a ru v; In i! '.l: .''ib.si..:i(X' wi'ti the as t"h.i.:r.ir ! -i'liity to fahnr.k hemor fhii'ii ai;d to relieve pain without fcc.rLr ry. In cn.-y after case, while penuy rHkvir. pain, actual reduc i.m ( hr;v-:;te) t"k place. Moat a;::azr of ail results w.-re so thor-oiii-h that i-jfTerera rr.aie astonishing siattnitnt.-i like "I'iU-s have ceased to he a pr'iblrm ! " The secret U a new healrr.g substance ( Bio-Dyne) dis covery of a world-famous research institute. This sjbstance is nowavail atle in bj ppoait ory of ointment form called I'repuration . At all dru counters t.ijey back, guarantee THE LOSER . . . There is a lot of heartache and friction behind the resignation of Dr. Ilollis Edens as president of Duke. And Duke is the loser; not Dr. Edens. Deafhs LEVI GARVEY Levi Garvey, 75 of Beulaville died Thursday mornin? in a Ral eigh Hospital after having been in leclining health for several mon ths. funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at 3:90 O'clock at the home of his daughter Mrs. Ophas Whaley at Beulaville by Rev. Robert Craft. Burial followed in the lial! Family Cemetery in PROMISES . . . Most office-seekers tell about all the things they are going to do for the voters, but have no record of having already done anything . . . and, most important, they do not say whom they will get the money from or how much it will cost. The voters just might not be able to afford all the good things promis ed them. CAN WE? . . . Take the teachers for example. They have been prom sed the moon. Now they should ilso he told how much the moon is :oing to cost. . . an who is going ,o pay for it! A tax on cigarettes? Then the andidate loses at once the support if the multi-million-dollar tobacco ompanies in the Piedmont section if the State . . . and the small to jacco farmer down east. An increase in the general sales tax from three to say five per cent? In this case, the teachers themsel ves will have to pay out in taxes al most as much as they receive in salary increases. The simple question is, can we afford all the good things the var ious candidates profess they want us to have? CONSTIPATED? Medical reports show how folks over 35 can establish regularity After 35, irregularity often be conies a problem. What yo:i need is something th.it aids natiue'.iiid beh'S esiablnii reg.ilaiuy. Sucn an aid to regularity is the daily use of serutan. Here's medical evidence: A group of men and women took serutan daily under medical supervision. In case after case serutan, taken daily, helped establish regularity. So, for real relief from constipation after 35, try stRUTAN," powder or granular. SERUTAN Rtrd It Backwards" I riSKTmsiWNtfsrcW C V I f Roma Si..Aiot its ) PV CL. V Of tki Ntk) See oa- JOi .,., 14 - U The new lue Economy Twin: Folcon Fcijci Severn s 7 -?r c atL Sr (' '-it nw sjw Jar 5 ."AW! THE FALCONS V-i-Jl; ? V-JW ' C ) 13 J E NOT 0D (SW KowMf runt t6 neiO b C I FsougH To ae.vE' 7 t FAlBlAM 503 TW ) I R U T3, V V - Ul The big uze Economy Twin: Fanlone 500 Town Seoan FORD'S ECONOMY TWINS 00 FOR PEANUTS We I'ortl Dealers invite you to see our new look-alike, save-alike r.cunoinv Twins, the Falcon and Kairlane 500. Interested in the new-size compact cars? Then, see the Falcon. Priced up to S 1 24 less than other O-passenrr cars in its field, it i;' t up to V) miles per gallon, noes 4,01 H) miles IxMwccn oil chanues. Want bi-i.yd economy? Then you'll want the Fairlane 00, now priced up to SI 42 Ua than last year's. Has more inside room than ever, plus fine-car extras like rear seat arm rests, tuo sun visors, color-keyed steering wheel, at no extra cost! Come in for your economy twin choice of a lifetime . . . new Falcon or new Fairlane 500! fatiS ECOWMV TWINS WN OH PANtT5 Tw! PwnuM Criararlon 0 United feature Syndii. Inc. floied on a companion ol manu'oc 'u'ri uggai'vd ft to if diivtr4 pncai F.OJLf. SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER See "FORD STARTIME" in living color Tuesdays on NBC-TV Manufactures License No. "MY NEXT CLASS" . . This re minds me that when I took Mrs. Brewer to my jeweler friend and isked her to select the stone she vould like to have for her engage ment ring, the jeweler showed her several large expensive stones. He tangled them before her eyes and turned them so the lights made them sparkle and shine. Holding a large one before her, le said: "How do you like this me?" Mrs, Brewer, who incidentally as a school teacher at the time aid. "I like it fine - it is lovely -but I've got to get back to school Printed Pattern jm gijg) 111 Printed Pattern 9061; Half Sties 14U, UV&. 18V&. 20tt. 22H. 24tt. Sit ltVfc dress takes Stt yards S9-lnch fabric. Send FIFTY CENT8 In coins for this pattern add 10 cents for caeb pattern for first class mllnK. 8nd. to 170 Hswmiaper Patltirii DIL, 232 West 18th St, New York 11. N. Y. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE. SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. You Will Have Something To r v Crow About 4 Per Snnum When Your Money Earns Extra Dividends For You. That Is Why MATolffQfin I m I si a ip LiWU Are Important Dates For You. Money Deposited By The 10th Earns Dividends From The 1st. e Is For A Loan To Build, Buy Remodel or Repair 205 E. Cooperative Savings & Loan Association Of Wilmington, N. C. Where Thousands Are Saving Millions Main St. Wallace, N. C.