THE DUPLIN TIMES KENAN8VUJJE, N. C. THURSDAY FEBRUARY ''' THE DUPLIN TiMES PabHabed each Thursday In Kenansvllle, N.. C, County Seat of DUPLIN COUNTY x Editorial, business otflrr and prhUfw plant, Kenansvllle, N. C. RUTH P. GRADY OWNER and PUBLISHER RUTH P. GRADY, EDITOR Entered At The Post Office, Kenansvllle. N. C. aa second elaaa matter TELEPHONE KenansTtlle, Da 217-1 Night 214-1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: S3.0S per year In Duplin, Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson, New Hanover and Wayne eoonties; M H per year outside this area In North Carolina; and $4.00 per year elsewherr Aavertlslnf rates .amlahed on request A Dnplln County Journal, devoted, to the rellctons, material, educational, economic and africudturml development of Dnplln County. Wasu ML.Mt Opportunity For Our Children Our children, the nearest and dearest things to our hearts, are being offered one of the best opportunities of a life time if we as parents wil ltake advantage of it. The Board of Education is offering a six-year pro gram of school expansion in a building project which will relieve congested conditions, give room in the schools for extensive expansion in agricultural and in dustrial shops, adequate classrooms space, gymnai sum auditorium space, and many things that are need ed to meet the requirements today of our boys and girls in a changing world. We, as humans, instinctively buck at any raise in the cost of living. But we still get what we want if we want it badly enough. Do we want the opportunity being offered to us badly enough to go after it? If ad vantages for our children are not worth fighting for, what is there left to fight for? The $2,202,000. building program for schools of Duplin sounds steep when first mentioned, but when one thinks of the cost of building, and then stops to realize that when the program is completed at the end of six years it will be paid for, it almost sounds like a miracle. One County in Eastern N. C. has recently had to issue $23,000,000 in school bonds during the past 10 years. Go to your County Commissioner and tell him you are for this program for your children. The Commis sioners of Duplin are anxious to carry out the wishes of the people, it is your money they are spending, and they want to know how you feel about subjects. Uncle Pete From SAYS DEAR MISTER EDITOR: I see by the papers where Sena tor Kefauver says we ought to have a full investigation of the 'integrity' of our Guvernment. Most folks back home would be satisfied if they'ed just find it. When things is going bad in Washington, the Republicans claims the Democrats is running It and the Democrats say the Republicans is at the wheel. It confirms a suspicion I've had fer years, that most of the time it's running itself. It reminds me of that time the Judge had two fellers up fer being dead drunk and turning their car over. When he ask one of them just who was driving at the time, the feller scratched his hed. studied fer a spell and said: "Honest, Mister Judge, the last I recollect we was both riding In the back seat." When things ain't going good in the Con gress, everydoby in Washington is riding in the back seat. What we call our foreign pol icy, fer instant has been wobbling around fer years like a peanut in a pukin shell. The Republicans blame it on the Democrats and vise verser. And whilp thev'ro m-ini over whether the barn burned down or burned up, tliem uubSiai.:, is busy building a bigner barn. In a manner of speaking. Mister Editor, you might say i'.iat we conduct our foreign policy on the twcedledee and tweedledum system, with may- Helps Ileal And Clear Itchy Skin EtasSi! Zemo liquid or ointment a doc tor's antiseptic, promptly relifve itching, stops scratching and so helps heal and clear surface skin rashes. Buy Extra . Stmgih Zemo for Vtti fl stubborn cases !iVlliV WARSAW ELECTRONICS Located In Cities Service Station On Highway 117 N. N-xt To Coffee Shop Warsaw, N. C. Headquarters For . . RADIO & T. V. REPAIR Expert Repair On All Makes And Models All Work Guaranteed Fast Dependable Service WARSAW ELECT ROM ICS Phone 2717 L E. Keel - Owner Warsaw, N.'C. R Chiftlin Switch be the dum gitting a little the best of it. As a general thing, I figger the two-party system is the best form of Guvernment, but sometimes I wish we could git a third party and put all the screwballs from the other two parties in it, then the Democrats and Republicans could get down to business and git some pun done. As it is, our Congressmen has a pritty hard time of it, a heap of the time making the right move at the wrong time, like the girl that hurt her back trying to git into her girdle. She was wiggling when she should've been waggling. But it's mighty comforting to git our new Congress back in session. They operate the biggest give-away program on earth. A feller at the country store said Saturday night that the Lord helps those who helped theirself but that Congress would help anybody. Incidental. I see where we got four members in the new Congress that can play the guittar. When I was a boy, if you saw a feller with a guitar strung around his neck you knowed he was a wandering bum. Today he can either be a tele vision star with two yachts or a Congressman with four different plans fer reducing taxes - in a elec tion year. Yours truly. Uncle Pete CHANGES IN SOCIAL SECURITY By M. H. Moore (Field Representative, Social bec urity Administration) The period January 1 to April 15, 1960, is tax return filing time, M. 25. MM. oiuciile HE'S OUR BEST MECHANIC! HE CftN FiNO THINGS VJRONS WITH MOUR CAR THAT ' YOU'D NEVER EVEN DREAM OF ! Choose to Eat Well! Are you interested in Quick and Trifty Meals? Meals in a matter of minutes especially the thrifty ones are problems with most home makers. Sometimes we have the idea that attractive and good meals must be made up of expensive foods. Of course, this is not true. Most of our meals are planned around the main dish meat. What is one form of meat that all farm families have right at hand that is not expensive? Sausage! Do you always prepare it the same way? Do you think it's just an everyday dish. If so try the following recipes. SAUSAGE SKILLET CASSEROLE Cook one pound sausage in a large skillet. Stir occasionally and break up with a fork while cook ing. Remove meat from skillet. Drain off all grease but about 'A cup. Cook in the fat !4 cup chopped onion until it is soft. Add the sau sage, a 6 ounce package of noodles cooked and drained, 2 cups of cream style corn ( fresh, canned, or frozen i, 1 cup of tomatoes (fresh or canned, or 1 can condensed to mato soup), and 1 teaspoon salt. Heat and serve hot. NOTE: Ground beef, chopped chicken, canned fish, or other sea foods may be substituted for the sausage and any other cooking fat for the sausage fat. To complete the meal, serve: Tossed green salad, cornbread and a dessert. SAUSAGE WITH SWEET POTATO AND APPLE: y2 peund sausage, 2 medium size sweetpotatoes, 3 medium sized apples, Vi teaspoon salt, 1 table- H. Moore, Field Representative, of the Wilmington, N. C, Social Sec urity District Office wishes to re mind the self-employed that filing of a 1959 tax return Is required if the net profit from any trade or business or a combination of busi nesses is $400 or more, regardless of whether any income tax is due. This is true no matter how old or young you are, and even if you are receiving social security benefits. If the net profit is over $400, the only self-employed persons exempt from filing a return for scoial sec urity purposes are medical doctors. Ministers are also exempt if they have not signed a waiver certificate electing coverage under the Social Security Law. The only group that may file returns if the net profit is less than $400 are farmers with a gross farm profit of $600 or more. The tax return is filed with Inter nal Revenue Service and the self employed obtain social security credit when a part of the tax re turn is sent by Internal Revenue to social security. The self-employed person is given credit for 4 quarters under social security for each year for which a tax return !s filed if the net profit is $400 or more. By filing tax returns self-employed persons are providing for scoial security benefits when they reach retirement ase..65 for men, 62 for for women, and for disability bene fits if they become disabled before reaching retirement age. They also idp for survivors benefits for their widows and children in case : deatn. Looking For Recreation Free Picnic Area Carpet Golf (All New Carpet) Skating Afternoon And Night 7:00 - 11:00 P. M. 2:30 to 5:30 All Week Long GOLD PARK LAKE 5 Miles South Of Gnldeboro On Highway 117. conrjEri 1 ,,jm! ood Ballot spoon flour, 2 tablespoons sugar, y2 cup cold water, 1 tablespoon sausage dripping. Cut link sausage into Vi inch pieces. Fry until well done. (Bulk sausage may be used and shaped into balls) Pare and slice potatoes and apples. Mix salt, flour, and sugar together and blend with cold water. Arrange layer o f potatoes, apples, and sausage in a baking dish, pouring flour - sugar mixture over each layer. Top with apples and sausage and add drippings. Cover, bake at 375 for about 45 minutes or until apples and pota toes are tender. here a mar vr rwv azbv; NEVER CLEAN WITH &ASOLINE ttMtmu-tmoum nutt m mettr I tmoam. ttaomx tmammm mmt I M UVMmnfns'MftMtTIMMs: me, uia. on mcml When Planned. The And And Then Deposits Made At Regular Intervals, It Is Always A Thrill To See The Figures Grow, Start Your Savings Account Now 'And Deposit At Regular In tervals. A Growing Savings Account Is Always A Thrill. Prepared by Department of. Bible .- Presbyterian Junior Collate :', Maxton, North Carolina. When a non-swimmer falls into the sea, his fear makes him fight the water. He strggles bard to keep his head above the waves. Splashing and kicking, he soon ex hausts himeslf; and unless he is re scued, he will drown. When an ex perienced swimmer falls into the sea, he takes it easy. He rests in the water and lets it support him. i ' it g x -v T'J , i' , W PVT. LUTHER A. BEST . Army Pvt. Luther A. Best Jr., whose parents live in Warsaw, N. C, is shown with the Army's new rifle - the M-14-which is being intro duced to paratroopers of the 101st. Airborne Division at Fort Camp bell, Ky. The 101st Airborne Divi sion, spearhead unit of STRAC (Strategic Army Command), is the first to receive the new rifle as limited quantities began arriving here. A welcome sight to Best, the M-14 will give him increased fire power, lighter weight and easier f v JfX' Sp, wtlM VV- V--, g out of 10 WOMEN GET RELIEF FROM the awful nervousness and "hot flashes" of CHANGE-OF-LIFE in scientific clinical tests by noted doctor! Every case tested got striking re lief from awful discomforts of change-of-life. Nervousness was reduced for as many as 87 . . . "hot flashes" 757. ! No Cotlly Shofl Ntdd Femal Ailments Relittvaril Results were credited entirely to Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Acting through the sympathette nervous system, it has remarkable power to relieve this functionally-caused distress. Don't suffer needlessly. See If IT'S ALWAYS First So It Plant Appears, Is With A J3 I Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. Kenansville Rose Hill Beulaville A'. ( v:.v'' ..v-. -.t He knows he only needs to keep bl face above water, and" really he only needs face out from time to time as he breathes. So, resting in the water without any loss of energy, he begins to swim with slow, relaxed strokes and flutter kicks. Each time, his body rolls so that his face is above water he takes in a big breath through his rounded Hps so that no water is drawn into his mouth. While his head Is under water, he slowly - - I - A Its jit." -' maintenance without sacrificing the wallop of the present M-l. Designed to replace the M-l, the carbine, the .45 caliber submachine gun and the automatic rifle, the M-14 fires 7.62 millimeter ammunition which is now the standard cartridge for all NATO troops. Best, a radio operator in Company A of the divi sion's 501st Signal Battalion, enter ed the Army last June and complet ed basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. The 20-year-old soldier is a 1958 graduate of Douglass High School. that tension, irritability aren't relieved with Pinkham's. See if you don't escape suffocating "hot flashes" that made change-of-life so hard to bear. Today, get Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at all drug stores. SIEEP t HOURS WAKE UP TJSfO? When dae to simple Iron defi ciency anemia, take Plnkham Tablets. Rich in Iron, they start to strengthen your Iron starved blood within one day. A THRILL In The Garden You Have Savings Account. a4Jik W v MUdA breathes out through his hose. Thus he can swim; for hours and cover many miles toward shore before he is worn out and in danger of drown ing. . p.-v; In the sea of life how do. we react? Are we fearful, strained, hectic, lashing out wildly? Or are we relaxed, self controlled, confi dent, and efficient? Fear or the lack of it makes the big difference. It has been said we are not ready to live until we are ready to die. Rickenbacker, after his rescue from a raft in the Pacific said, "If you haven't had an experience with God, get yourself one." It is only when we have accepted God's grace and love, as It is freely offer ed to all men in the good news of Jesus the" Christ, and have come to rest ourselves In His covenant pro mises, that we are really ready for the business of living. "The eternal God is your dwelling place, and un derneath are the everlasting arms.' (Deut. 33:27) Seven Springs Mineral Water Delivered to your home in 5 gal lon Jugs weekly. Deliveries in Du plin each Thursday an Calypso, Fal son, Bawden, Warsaw. Kenansvllle. B. F, Grady and points In tweed tf interested in getting the watei Hiop a card to SEVEN SPRINGS MINERAL WATEP, Seven Springs. N. C. or notify th Duplin Timet office. Adv. r I'LL TAKC THIS RCScauarioM TO Mf. OLIVE. W. O CLINIC DRUG CO. AFTER AIL. I lit WORTH WHILE TO Sit A DOCTOR. IT IS WORTHWHILE TO HAVE tilt PRISCRIPTIOM FILLED BY COMPETENT HAN 03.' Once Planned xibbsbilie Good Soldiers for February TtS, 1960 MA.TBE too much Is said about the peace and Joy of the Chrla ' tlan life. Peace and Joy there are, to be sure; but hearing about noth ing else may give Interested per ' sons the notion tyit being a Chris tian is Just like floating on your back in a sunlit swimming pool. half asleep. On the contrary, the Christian life is more like a swim across the Eng lish channel, fighting current, waves, cold and hunger. If you're not prepared to swim against the tide, you'll never Dr. Foreman make it. Saint Paul more than once used language about the Christian life that make it sound like a fight. He compares it to a race (2 Tim. 4:7), to a boxing match (same verse), to a wrestling match (Eph. 6:12), to a war (Eph. 6:10f), to a battle with wild beasts (1 Cor. 15:32). He urges his young friend Timothy, who was a bit of a mother's-boy, to take his share of suffering like a good soldier of Jesus. Whara the Fight Starts If this world were the kind of place that would give no trouble at all to a real Christian, it would not be the world that needed to be "saved." It is precisely because the world does not welcome 100 Christians that It did not welcome Jesus; it is definitely the hostility of the world that brought Christ here to endure the Cross. Jesus did not go around picking on the world, and the Christian has no business picking on it, either. The way to be a good soldier of Jesus is not, usually, to start nriivg at will. There is enough fighting to ' be done without picking fights. Consider the story of Paul's ar rest at Jerusalem. It wasn't exactly arrest. It was being taken Into pro tective custody to keep from being beaten to death by a lynching-bent mob. What caused the uproar? Slander caused it, for one thing; Paul was accused of sacrilege, de filing the Holy Place,' which he had not done at all. Prejudice caused it, including race prejudice; Paul was accused, truthfully enough, of being friendly with Gentiles. There were other factors, but already we can see the kind of cause that can always be found back of opposition to Christians: Accusations of which Paul was Innocent, and hatred of , the very thing he did that was good. The Christian will at times be misunderstood, but even when he is fully understood he still may be a target for broken bottles. Enduring There Is one very important dif ference between Christian "war fare" and literal war as carried on in the modern world. The GI or other soldier at the front carries a deadly weapon. He goes after the enemy by bringing him pain and . catastrophe, he destroys him if he can. The Christian soldier carries on his war by turning the enemy (of God) into a friend. He fights not by Inflicting suffering but by enduring it. Paul being beaten by that insane mob was not fighting back. He would not have done It If he could. He wrote to friends that he carried the "marks of the Lord Jesus" about with him, and he meant literal scars. Read what he says about his trials In 2 Cor. 11: 23-28. Witnessing The other way the Christian sol dier fights is by simply witnessing. It is an Impressive sight. Paul with his clothes torn, himself bleeding and in fact half dead, looking more , ike an Egyptian bandit than a toman citizen, quieting the crowd vith a gesture, and then In their iwn language telling the story of ow he became a Christian. That ook courage. It was really his be ng a Christian that started the rouble. But this is what he will lot tone down or deny. The Chris ian warfare is by witnessing. Let io one say this Is all talk, that talk 3 cheap and easy, that nobody ia roing to lynch you for being a Christian In America today Isn't t true, disgracefully true, t many Christians keep quiet r -it? Stones are not thrown but laughter Is. Don't Ch dread ridicule almost as if i gunfire ? (Baned on ontIln. eopyrielifcd vr the Dlvlilon of Christian T National Council of tka li 'if Christ In the V. 8. A. Uelci; ,cd uy Community Prcn SenleeJ Natiesa) farm output has Increas ed abuot 2.5 per cent aimually since 1950. WGiHette Adjustable Razor SSettagttoiSiiprTbShimt! era m '195 LUMP i 1