i 1 t ' , Tv;6 Scc.!:n 14 Pages This Vcek fl Ml V0LU5IE XXTH , v No. a . KENANS VILLB, NORTH CAROLINA. Thursday May 19, 1960. araacMFnow rato $m t tapam mu PRICE TEN CENT ' ' V 4 . 'll 2 X.JM y&ef V y ' i Sarecta Metbodiit Church, where Dedication aervices will be held on Sunday, May 22, at 3:30 P. M. Bishop Paul N. Garger will be guest speaker. ; Sarecta Church Dedication Sunday Sarecta Methodist Church will be formally dedicated on Sunday, May y 22, at 3:30 P. M. ' Bishop Paul N. Garber of Rich- . mond, presiding Bishop of the North Carolina Conference, will preach the dedicatory sermon and lead' in the services of dedication. He will be assisted by Rev. H M..McLamb, Superintendent pf the Ooldst.oro Dis- '' trtet, and Rev: Russell. G. Spence.J pastor oi we cnurcn. s Also assisting in the services will1 'be Rev. C. E. Vaui,. first pastor of the church and Rv. J. R. Regan- of Autryvilie, who 13d in the move ment to organize the church while Stolen Car Found A 1949 black, four door Plymouth, Evidently owned by a spporter of John Larkins for Governor, has been found by the Duplin County Sheriff's Dept. The Car bearing the License tags N. C. CP 9363 was found approxi- mately three mils east of Kenans ville off of highway 24 at the top Of "Pickett" Hill on a side road. Stickers of "Larkins For Gover nor" Were on the front and rear of the car and inside the car was a tapler gun, hammer and pamphlets ' of "Larkins far ftmrsrnnr " Alcu fcund In the car waa th tJook "Wat er uont ' containing the stamped "wording of ''Property of American ' Lending Co., Atlanta. Ga. U was reported that the car had been at the location where it was found since Monday night. The car - bad not been damaged and the Keys , were still in it. Further Investgation by the Dup . tin County Sheriff's Dept. revealed .that the car was owned by Judge Robert B. Morgan of Lillington, N. ' C. and that it hd been stolen by two escapees from Lee County. ' DR. CLYDE A. M1LNER Dr. Clyde A. Milaer, president of Guilford College, who will speak at the James Kenan Graduation exer- ; cises on Frf. night, May 20. Exereci es will be in Kenan Memorial Aud- ; itorium at 8:15 p. m. Dr. Milner re ceived his A. B. and LL. D. degree ! at Wilmington College, and bis Ph. D. at Hartford Theological Semi nary. Since 1934 be has been Presi Uent and Professor of Philosophy at Guilford College,, Dr. Milner has traveled extensively aud is the au thor of various articlea and . the book, The Dean of the, SmaB CoV leg.. ( y ' ' VA- '.; '; i K I P' ' i-i il i' i i ii ... v4 . 'mLmmmjmmm ! r; h;.-.. 1 . 7 pastor of Pink Hill Charge. A history of the churcn will be read "by Mrs. Carey Williams, his torian of the church. j Sarecta Church was organized on Pentecoast.Sundny on May 29, 1955 with 66 members received the first day. This closed a series of- revival meetings conducted in an oliLtUling stattoHMiiidtag by R&v Jk-ftfttte f-gawHntt Bev. H. M, McLamb. XM R6V-. Air. Regan, hadvmader a jteu eioifc: census of-the rnmmiitw nnH Sea i& organizing Sunday School. He supplied the pulpit until the an nual conference appointed Rev. C. E. Vause, first pastor of the church on July L 1955. Rev. Otis Ridge ser ved as pastor for one year. On July 1, 1956, Rev. R. G. Spence was appointed pastor. The Rev. Mr. Spence led the church in a building program on a do-it-yourself, pay-as-you-go basis. Jim Atk:ns served as chairman of the building comm ittee. He donated hundreds of hours in labor in the construction of the Patients At Duplin General Hospital The following patients were admit ted to Duplin General Hospital dur ing the past week. ROSE HILL Baby Girl Rouse Earl Nelson Baker, Jr. Ruby Brock Johnson Mary Lydia Heath Randy Dail Rich Mary Bryant Carr Johneesia McCalop WARSAW Baby Girl Outlaw Edward Earl Parker Mary Best Johnson 'Kenneth I. Godwin Donald Keith Tucker FAISON Essie Pearl Benjamin Ben Tucker Sally Whitley j PINK HDU, William H. Howard BLADENBORO Lonnie Caulk, Jr. ; BOWDEN Bessie Owens MAGNOLIA ' Armittie Carlton MTOLIVE Donnel Carlton N'ora Estelle Flynn BEULAVTLLE Edna Jones Nethercutt Sebra K. King Betty Sue Hall CHINQUAPIN Marlene Maready Lee. Maready Herman Hezikiah Lanier Lillie Mae Batts Baby Boy Batts KENANS VILLE , Mona Lisa Norria ' Robert Ellis Hollingsworth Haywood Summerlin -David Moore, Jr. , WALLACE Johnnie Leslie Norrla ' Kay Frances Blaatoa : . James Benjamin Sradsbav Mary Alice Carttoa , v i Baby. Boy Carttoa f. :.V. ! f it .'. ."V Rev. H. M. McLamb, district Superintendent, will also be present. The public is cordially invited to attend. V building and superised the free la bor of many other workers. The present situ and building is valued at $40,000 and is of brick vernier construction. Thj building consists of a sanctuary, five class rooms, rest rooms, a kitchen and a oclal hall. The North Carolina . Mrth'odist Confcrenu contributed VM00 tbru- Ngfthlf. conference $10 Club. The ujiKe Endowment gave .s3.500 on the pipject. ; ,. Mrs.. Bessie Smith, a. member of the church, donated the one acre site for the1 church. vi The public has been cordially in vited to attend the dedication ser vices. By: Lee Maxwell Chairman Poppy Drive American Legion Auxiliary Post 379 "I am not just a crepe paper flower. I am the glowing symbol of the sacrifice of our American boys who marched away, with heads so high, to keep war from cur fair land and were cut down in the prime of their young manhood-who now sleep on -foreign soil, under their white crosses, row on row, where poppies sway and toss, to caress each cross". "I am not just a bud of red paper, wound together and fashioned by thin weary hands of thpse other thousands who marched away as i the call of" country, only to return home broken in body and spirit. I am the symbod of their sacrifice made daily behind white Hospital walls.' When we Auxiliary aldies march on Poppy Day, May 28, may we pin one over your heart for remembrance? - - )i"i'.7 -A ,' :-fV :V-, V"( - Yi ,. . ....js ..:.vw, - . - : ip-w- -- f. i s.rf,1',- f . . JATCEB OFFICEBS INSTALLED at 9l recent . meeting of the Kenansville Jaycees are (reading left to right): Installing Officer, John Hood, Out : going State Vic President of Klnston; A. 3. Sam- merlin. Secretary; Allen Dunn, Incoming President; p Henderson Is Speaker Democratic Convention Huge Success A most enthusiastic Democratic Convention was held in the Kenans ville Court House on Saturday of last week at which David Hender son, candidate for Congressman of the Third Congressional District, was the speaker. A large crowd, with representation from every part of the county, was present. Mrs. Christine W. Williams was elected permanent secretary and Rivers D. Johnson, Jr. permanent chairman . . Johnson urged that the Democratic party bring an over whelming victory in November. Delegates to the State convention in Raleigh on Thursday, May 19 were elected for one to serve on the platform and resolution committee and one to serve as a delegate. These were elected from each vot ing precinct of the county, Duplin Resolution Honoring Graham A. Barden At the meeting of th Duplin County Democrat Convention held in the Duplin County Courthouse on Saturday, the following Resolution honoring Honorable Graham A. Bar den, member of the House of Repre sentatives from the third Congress ional District, was passed: Resolution Honoring Honorable Graham A. Barden, Member of The Congress of the United States Re presenting the Third Congressional District of North Carolina: NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY WHEREAS, members of the Dem ocratic Party of Dupl'n County here in assembled in County Convention are cognizant of the announcement by Honorable Graham. A. Barden, member of the Congre of the United States representing the Third Congressional District of North Carolina, . of his in tention to retire from., this office ot the end of his presew -Urtn AN feel a deep sense of sadness at the announcement of " the 'impending close of the legislative career of Honorable Graham A. Barden, who as patridt, jurist, and legislator has devoted half his years to the ser vice of the State of North Carolina and to the Nation-with more than a quarter of a century of service in the United States House of Re presentatives, AND WHEREAS, he has been hon ored by The American Good Govern ment Society as an outstanding American whose courage, integrity, and wisdom haVe made him a maj or constructive force in the move- Perry Smith New Warsaw Chief Perry Smith of Warsaw has been employed1 to succeed Earl Coombs as Chief of Police for the Town of Warsaw. Smith, a veteran law officer, hav ing been a former Deputy Sheriff of Duplin County, will begin his duties as Chief of Police of War saw 'Saturday May 21. Chief Earl Coombs, whose resig nation becomes effective May 21, has been Cheif of Police for the Town of Warsaw for the past eleven years. Coombs resigned the post to go into business for himself . The town of Warsaw employs three fulltime Policemen. BAND FUND DRIVE A total of $4,234.00 has been raised on the James Kenan Dis trict Band Fund as of Wednes day May 17. Chairman, Ted Wilson re quests that all reports be made by the middle of next week so as to close out the James" Jenan Band Fond Drive. t 1 if ;-..v yyrywiyy rap; tTywww wwi Charlie Jernlgan, retiring local president and also . State Director: W. E. "pot" Craft, State Vice Preei ' dent Absence when tbf picture was made were Jean Stewart; treasorer; 'and Lee McGregor, vice president. ) . ' ' V v;"' has a total of fifty votes at the State Convention. Candidates and nominees for all county officers were recognized by the floor. A resolution of appreciation was adopted for the Honorable Graham A. Barden, retiring Congressman from the third Congressional Dis trict. H. L. Stevens III introduced the speaker David N. Henderson of Wal lace, candidate for the seat in the Third Congressional District sub ject to the May 28 Primary. Hender son gave a most inspiring speech and told of his work in the cam oaign. Henderson's promise is "To Do The Best I Can Do." The Wallace - Rose Hill Band ?ave a concert before the meeting. nvention ment for responsible labor legisla tion and a tower of strength against one-sided and unbalanced proposals, destructive of the mutual interest o( employees, employers, and the pub lie. AND WHEREAS, in the field of education he has been a steadfast leader in the continuing struscle to keep Control of public education in the States and their communities, and has led their fight for a suc cessful program, of vocational Edu cation. AND WBJEREAS, jn all mat ters he has been a .public servant who could be counted upon to put the well-being of his country above private or party considerations, AND WHEREAS, he has been a stalwart American who had the courage to stand up and be count e'l when the chips were down on issues vital to the maintenance of the freedoms we. Cherish as citizens of this great Republic, AND WHEREAS, through his thrift, self-reliance, faith in the future, his willingness to put forth sustanied effort, and the courage to face adversity, he will forever be demembered in the crops of great Americans who have kept our Na tion from going the way of so many other liberty-loving people: into Socialism or some other undemocra tic, form of government. AND WHEREAS, over the years of his service, Congressman Barden has exerted a powerful influence for Continued On Back DEACONS CLUB MEETS MAY 31 The Lenoir County Chapter of the DEACONS CLUB composed of Wake Forest Alumni will hold its annual Banquet at r airfield Kecreation center, Kmston on May 31 I960 at 7:30 P .M. A Dutch Luncheon with turkey dinner will be served. A special invitation is extended to the Craven, Jones, Onslow and Duplin County chapters, its alumni and friends to attend the banquet. Of Sepcial interest to all will be the guest speaker of the evening, Horace ( Bones) McKiney, Head Basketball Coach at Wake Forest College. Those planning to attend the banquet, please make your re servations early by contacting Ellis D. Harrell, Vice President, Lenoir County Deacons Club, Branch Bank ing & Trust Company, Kins ton, N. C. IED BOXSCORE 0 I.C.IMSHVAYl RALEIGH - The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 A. M. Monday May 16, 1960: Killed To Date 378 Killed To Date Last Year 420 Hew Post Office Facility Given Endorsement By Commissioners For Kenansville; Community Progress The Duplin County Board of Coun ty Commissioners and the Town of Kenansville Commissioners have gone on record favoring and re questing the construction of a new Post Office facility in KenanA"ilie. A. C. Holland, Kenansville Post master, said today that Frank Gra ham, Postal Field Service Officer, out of the Charlotte office, has visit ed Kenansville and after surveying the situation "concurs with the Cou nty Commissioners and Town offic ials that a new postal facility is needed in Kenansville.'" "The state of equipment and fac ilities in Kenansville, the County seat of Duplin County," Holland said, "are obsolete and are not in keeping with the other developments 1 in Kenansville and Duplin County." In the past five years, Duplin County, and Kenansville in particu lar, has made considerable pro gress. In the field of Agricultural In I .. . in v - '- I t JAMES KENAN MARSHALS - Marshals serving at the James Kenan Baccalaureate Sermon held at the Magnolia School Auditorium Sunday night. May 15 were ( left to right) Colin Quinn, Dorothy Dunn, Janice Henderson, Pat Holland, Lura Ann Penney, Chief Marshal; Mable Jane Straughan, Shirley Somers, Mary Lou Potter and Donnie Ezzell. Other Pedodontic Club Elects Officers The Demeritt Pedodontic Study Club met Wednesday May 11th. with Dr. James Lee of Mt. Olive as host. Dr. Charlie Goodwing of Rocky Mount, as representative of the House of Delegates of N. C. Dental Society, extended an invita tion to the club to give the table clinics in Los Angeles as represen tatives of the Society. The club voted to accept the in vitation. Dr. Billy Hand of New Bern is the clubs new President, replacing Dr. James Lee of Mt. Olive. Dr. Lewis Lee of Wilson is the new Vice-President, replacing Dr. Zeno Edwards of Washington. Dr. Donald Bland of Wallace is the new Secretary - Treasurer, re placing Dr. Mett B. Ausley, of War saw. At the next meeting which will be in September, Dr. Tom Fleming of Tarboro, Dr. Ben Houston of Golds boro, Dr. Buck Barden or Wilming ton, and Dr. Donald Hinson of Kin ston will give this clinic to the group. Delmar Houston Wins New Comet A Beulaville man has won a new Comet compace car in the "Come Away with a Comet" contest thro ugh Mercury-Comet dealerships. He is Delmar E. Houston, P. O. Box No. 2 Beulaville. A total of 60 of the new Comets, which have been setting a fast pace in compact car sales since introduc tion March 17, were awarded to con testants who visited Mercury-Comet dealerships during the introductory period. Mr. Houston entered through the Bostic Motor Co., Rosehill. Mr. Houston is part owner of the Southern Building Company building contractors. More than 750,000 people, visited Mercury-Comet showrooms and re gistered their entry in the contest, according to Robert J. Fisher, ad vertising and sales promotion man? agar for the lincoln-Mercury Dlvi- come, Duplin County now leads all of North Carolina's 100 counties. Too, in Kenansville the 50-bed Duplin General Hospital is now ser ving the entire county and is fil led to capacity the majority of the time. Recently, the new County Court House annex was completed and oc cupied. Estimated cost of the new facility, which is being paid for from current receipts without hav ing the levy new taxes, is in excess of $225,000, including equipping the new annex. The Agricultural Building has been enlarged to take care of and expanded ASC and Farm and Home Agent service. The new Health Center pro ides for the County citizens one of the best services on any County Health Department in North Carolina. A nw Nursing Home is to be c- mpieted soon with the renovation r r the Nurse's Home, which was BRIEFS ADULT RECREATION The Warsaw Jaycees have organ ized a soft ball team and are chal lenging any Warsaw Civic proup Church or any other organiut'ori to "Break Out" the Liniment and compete in a friendly soft ball game It is hoped that interest in adult soft ball will be created and grow into a Warsaw soft ball League The .layceos played an inter-squad game Wednesday afternoon and ;ire challenging any other organization to a game next Wednesday after noon at the Warsaw junior High School Field at 5.15 P. M.. All these interested "get Out" and help begin an adult recreation pro gram. FASHION MODELING Mrs. Douglas Shivar (formerly of I Kenansville1 made her modeling de but this Spring at a "Washington I Party Fashion Show" at the Williard ! Hotel in Washington, D. C. She wore originals by the Designer, Phili.) Robertson. Since then Mrs. Shivar has been appearing in various fash ion shows in Washington. Mrs. Shi var is employed as a legal secre tary in Washington and is doing fashion modeling on a part-time basis. She and her husband are l'v- (continneQ on tack) 4-H Club Adult Training School To Be Held May 24 4-H Club Adult Leaders' Training School will be held Tuesday, May 24, at 8 p. m. in the Agriculture Building, in Kenansville. The Training School will be direc ted by Mrs. Lois Britt and Law rence Reese, Duplin Assitant County Agents working with 4-H Club mem bers. Purpose of the Training School is to plan a program for 4-H boys and girls in Duplin County for June, July and August All 4-H Adult Leaders in Duplin County are urged to attend the meeting on May 34. I completed at the same time the Hospital was completed and dedi cated. It has been pointed out that Ken ansville, the center of law practices in Duplin County, is growning in that realm. Evidence ot this is seen through the construction of new of fice of law and renovation of old facilities in recent months It is felt by all those seeking a new post office building for Kenans ville that a new facility would be in keeping with progress of Duplin County and that Kenansville. beimr ! the County Seat, would serve a ! large majority of the people of ! Duplin County. j According to Postmaster Holland. a space requirement enr:nwr will oe in Kenansville within the next SO to 60 days to look over the situa tion ana 10 suDmu plans tor a new ! facility to the Regional Post Office j Headquarters, in Atlanta, Ga. I Marshals ( not pictured) that will serve at the Grad uation Exercises to, be held Friday night May 20 at Kenan Memorial Auditorium are: Florrie Currie, Walker McNeil Hubert Merritt. Joyce Teachey, Sylvia Brown, Dottie Hinson, Arwiller Jones. LcRoy Frederick and Lorraine Ivey. Democratic Exec. Committee Elects Officers At the close of the County Conven tion on Saturday the County Democratic Executive Committee met. The follow ini officers were unarm nously re elected by the Committee: F. . MeGowen. Chairman; Mrs. Christine W Williams. Vice Chair man. Dr. John D. Robinson, Jr. Secretary. Addis F Cates. who has announ ced his candidacy to succeed him self on the County Board of Educa tion, subject to the Democratic Pri mary of May 28. Cates has been a member of the Board of Education for seventeen years and a member of the Duplin County Board of Commisioners for four years. Cates is from Faison and is President and Treasurer of Cates Pickle Company in Faison. He is a man of wide ex perience in the financial field. Re cently Cates was named to the Statewide Committee of 100 mem bers ( one committee from each county in the state) to promote and foster the program as sponsored by the United Forces of Education. Cates has three sons: one a gradu ate of Davidson Colege who is now working in Faison: one with the Army in Europe; and one a student at State College. , ADDIS P. CATES ,-Vv;

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