! 4. V . V PERSONALS . Py TUa Miller -;v0: Tie annual dinner "was held at the Eethd Presbyterian church Sunday of th "every member can vass" occasion. All who attended enjoyed the affair and were happy to do so. The Rev. 'Reid Erwin. pat tor of Bethel church, preached the sermon. Immediately after church fee left far Virginia where lie, will bold a week's revival before return ing home. Among visitors were, the former Miss Beatrice Batts. (man ried name un-available! also Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lanier, of Wallace who It with the W. R. High School, s The mea of the Bethel Presbyter ian church held their organizational monthly meeting Monday Sept. 28th with quite a number attending. - A baby boy weighing 4b lbs. Was born to Mrs. Ralph Lanier Jr. last week at Kenansville Hospital. Mr. Hunter has returned home but tto baby bad to remain for a short time 1 Both mother and sob are doing nicely at this writing. Mrs, Lanier' had bad Rheumatic fever for a long time and was In and out of hospital many times during pregancy. . o, f . Among the many new homes go ing up oa the highways are one for Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thigpen near the some of -his father. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson Thigpen.' .." '. 'v ,; Mr. David and Isaac Fountain and their father, Mr. Ransom Fountair who has been bedridden for several months and has been in and out of a Kinston hospital many times this year went for a long ride last Sun day. Mr. Fountain is ill and has to have constant care at borne but en Joyed the ride very much. Being an invalid is very disturbing and tire- tag and any friend who wishes to drop in to see him is welcomed. He Is living at Mr. David Fountain's. Mrs. Ralph Hunter is home from the Kenansville Hospital after un dergoing a major operation there and is doing nicely at her home. Friends wish her a speedy recovery iLJill Jsshs- tn:::iT cc-Fm n:t WXIZ3X WIS KKUtlXtl GXCTM.ITCIT1 CJU0IKAPWXI417I " Mrs. Annie PicketW-who recently fell at home and fractured her hip and spent several weeks In the Ken ansville hospital has returned at home and is recovering at the home of a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dossie Lanier at Cedar Fork, Miss Brenda Andrews, daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. J. C Andrews, was home for the week end recent ly. Miss Andrews Is a student nurse at Lenoir Memorial hospital in Kin ston. This is her second year there and she is an average student of 90 on her grades. She also loves her work. !. ..?;'" .?; ''.' ; ;: ! Miss Kaye Sanderson of E. C. C. was at her home her home over the past week end. She is the daughter it Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Sanderson, rhis is ber fjrst year at the college. ' Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Sanderson and three chidlren. Cynthia, Elwin and Famlia, of Hampton Roads. Va. and Mrs. Sanderson's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Thorp of Va. was by last week end visiting" with Mrs. Eula Sanderson for a brief stay." Mrs. V. Milloy and Mrs, Eula Sanderson made a brief ; visit to Kenansville ' last week. Stopping over to Visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Heath while there and .visiting some of the modern buildings which have recently been completed. Mr. and Mrs. John F, Lewit and daughter Vickie spent a week at Cherry Point recently visiting with a friend who bad a new baby, and enjoyed being a helping hand with the., youngster.- .y v :-; Mrs. Tom Batts and son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Blake of Jack sonville, N. C. went to McCain State Hospital ( Sanatorium) at McCain to visit Mrs. . Batts husband. Tom Batts. who has been a Patient for several weeks now. Mr. Batts is getting on nicely and is improving and is in good spirits. Friends and acquaintances here wish .bint a speedy return. ' .-..; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rogers of Tin City were visiting her mother Mrs. Etta Batts last week end with their (wo children, G-lenn and Pat Mrs. T. . Brown of Lyman, has returned from a Kinston Hospital where she was Under treatment and is doing niaely. f :.' ' ;V Mrs. Helen Brown, Mrs. Vera Lanier and Mrs. Elizabeth Raynor are near completing a beauty school,. They expect to finish In Nov They all commute together and en joy it all. -v,-. ix-' v.- Miss Edna King of Lyman,' an nounces that ber mother Mr. Ber tie King and Mr. E. R. Rochelle of Jacksonville, N. C. left Friday Sept 30 for South Carolina to be married and will honeymoon in western, N. C. around in-the mountains, around Charlotte and Asheville. They ex pect to be home October 4th. Miss Sharon Lanier left last Sun day from a 'Raleigh Airport for Providence, R. I. where she will spena ner vacation, auss Lanier ex pects to visit her' former school chum" Miss June Sanderson dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillipp San derson now Mrs. Irvin Winsor oft Cranston, R. I. before returning. Mr. Onsby Lanier has been ser- Augusta, Maine Governor Joi n H. Reed confers the honor of "Play-Mate of the Maim- Sardine fleet'' on Lisa Jane Merrick, 6, - -' and Charles "Chuckle" Brown, 6. The two happy youngsters are -the first of thouaanda of boys and girls who will get the same '- seafaring ratine through a program developed by Richard E. Reed, . standing (no relation to the Governor), who is executive secretary of the Maine Sardine Council. The yellow alicker sou'western coats . worn by Lisa and Chuckie, have been designated by the menu- ' faeturer aa the official coats of the Maine Sardine Fleet. Similar . in design and protection to thoee worn by the hearty fishermen of the North Atlantic, the coats along with the certificates and. ; a color comic book recounting the adventures of Ricky and Debbie in Bardineland are expected te make the small fry reverse the ..... usual refrain Of "rain, rain, go away" to "rain, rain, come much . iraicker, ao I can wear, my fishermen's slicker." The Play-Mate of , the Fleet certificate la valid only ao lons; as the holder continues ' to protect himself or herself from the weather through dresshir properly for rain, and by continuing te eat healthful muscle and bone building foods, Reed said. - ' v ' -. IT JL TO THE Poffers E3III Development Community Glub Your electric cooperative's Directors and em ployees appreciate y our splendid ; cooperation and effort in making the first of our current series of area community meetings a tremendous suc cess We appreciate your interest in the "REA Story" ana we hope you will encourage others to see this movie when we take it to their commun- Your electric Co-Op is proud of the part it has played in he development and progress of the several communities It servos - and we look for ward to being of even greater service and bene fit to all of our people as we - enter the secohcl quarter century of Rural Electrification in Amerr 1 ' Community Owned - Community Built - Community Builder Kr-::rters-OIIicemGoldsboro,N. C. ' v ; lously ill at his home with virus in fection; but it s reported be is men- dug and doing nicely at this writ- : Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lanier and Mrs. Ida Lanier, 83, who enjoys life at her son's and gets around remar kable well,' and Mr .and Mrs, Fen nel! Lanier and family spent but Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Germon Mareadys In Jacksonville, N. C where Mr. Maready was cele brating a birthday - no comment about the age etc. It turned out al most to be a family re-union and nice gifts were received and a nice time was had by all attending. i Miss Bertie Brown is back home from Kenansville hospital where she Spent more time with a seriously in jured knee and leg, when she fell in ber home while, she gathered the eggs.: The eggs scattered every where breaking all of them, and there she lay all alone calling for any help available. It . was on a Sunday and her nearest neighbors heard ber and came to ner aid. Sev eral stitches were required, she still praises ber Drs. and nurses who at tended ber while she was in the hos pitaL It's bad to live alone-but worse when one faQs and wonders if someone will hear their call for help, i' V- ; '' ;- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harold Lan ier and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lanier are all on their vacation where they are touring through the ' mounatins around B lack Mt. Chimney Rock and other parts. Mrs. Hilton ( Jaunetta) Williams sii; -y t: i- S r - i - - ing n,tc'.y a. J h--,-s to L houm very soon". . . Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Batti son Tbe Rev. and Mrs. Johnny Dur ham here were in "deep water" last week when the plumbing at the Parsonage went haywire I A quick survey and : investigation showed rust, effects of the late "Donna" and possible Hazel and a few other ladies of time, caused the crack-up. Then they .had a drjr spell, which meant they were without water-but the troubles are now under a quick repair job and things should soon be In order again. - , . ' A group led by the W, M. U. bne left the Baptist church last Sunday for a guide trip ' at the Kennedy Home," near Kinstoa sponsorea by the Baptist Organization, for a few hours. The home Is and has done a magnificent job of carrying for the needy children. ' ; , Many years ago,' former school teacher who later became the Dean of a famous University in her old age Jay in a sem-i- coma at her home elsewhere. In our state and if was said of her, "She was living :.n the past," during ber illness. If it were these days it could be said, that "she could bave been living a lot cheaper then, at least! Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sanderson made a busines trip to Charlotte vis iting relatives in the meantime. : r-.: I Family Reunibrii Mr and Mrs. OR. W. Underwood of Tulsa, Oklahoma, brother of Mrs. Tom Parker have recently returned to Oklahoma after an extended visit with relatives bare. While here,' a family re-union and picnic was held at the home of a daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Price of Newark. Del- ware where part of the family at tended. 'After that another family picnic was held at another daughter of Mrs. Parker's, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Bowman of Charleston, South Carolina. -. '. .-iv-v;1 All that happened in a fullweek of the family clan and then they cau ght a plane at Washington. D. C. back to Tulsa, . after having been able to fly here via New York, by plane, and the nicest thing was that ; Mr. Underwood s son who Is a mach inest at an Airplane plant, had en abled his parents to use a FREE ticket both wayst. " - vt-' Mrs. Parker, who is quite a trav- &ui tv J C... beginnlrf to patk winter vii.t. , la. L;j.e a. C.e's already up now for her f' . rj rt Mrs. Cora J. Sanderson of beula vllle, was ready to take off for a short visit and pleasure trip to Kenansville last Monday wbijn a nice' neighbor called and -told her tbe STORK was hovering around ber home and would she come over and visit her and help keep track of him while her husband was away at his job until be arrived home? Of c l'3 1. a IT. , f ni!-r.fn, home last we k t J l.oul K. C. T. C. col luge, was t';ii i up her "daily's" new Faicon, the Vacum, and while 'sweeping, she hafi discarded her nice new scarf - which was laying-near-by, when "shofw up the vaccum hoses it went out of sight and has not been seen since! It's clogged up the hose, but her daddy- Mr. Tom Sanderson the "genluv that be is about doing thing," I'm sure he'll find away to extract it pretty soon. , , ' . -. Cash - and Carry l!icu!LDi;;e MATErJAlS l:y "ft- OredU ' H ten' Heed , it 'At ' Wholesale Price' Sculhcrn Supply Co: Aeroes front tbe Park la Clintea . YOU'VE T'CK GOT DROl'SllT virv v l ' -Mi,' i.-iy NORTH CAROLINA MOTOR CARRIERS ASStiV A,K .s StATI HfAOOUMTHS, ISUCMNO SUH0INO. MUMS ' , t - ' ; ' ... r 'pi,',,. ,, i i '-i ni i J tJ LJ LJL i . VJlJ. ill ULJLJ. I 'JlU..Ci- 1 Here's the car that reads you loud and clear the 'new-size, you-tize '61 Chev rolet' We started out by trirnming the ' outside size a hit (to give you extra inches of clearance for parking and maneuvering) but inside we left jou a full measure of Chevy comfort Door' openings are as muchjas 6 inches wider to give feet; knees, and elbows the undisputed right of way. And the new easy-chair seats are as much as 14 higher just right for seeing, just right for sitting. , Once you've settled inside you'll have high and wide praises for Chevrolet's spacious new dimensions (in the Sport . Coupes, for example, head room has been i upped as much -as 2 inches, and there's , more leg room, too front and rear). , , Chevy's new trunk is something else that will please . you hugely what with its deep-well shape and bumper-level loading - it holds things you've never been able to get in a trunk before. V , Yet, generously endowed-as this car is with spaciousness, and clean-etched ele- . gance, it holds steadfastly to all the thrifty, . dependable4 virtues Chevrolet buyers have come to take for granted. Your dealer's . ; the man to see for all the details. ' g : - IMPALA 4-DOOR SPORT SEDAN one of Jive Impalas that bring you a new measure of elegance.: from the most elegant Utevtes of all. ' U-'.apHM . v There's never been a trunk like it before! : . The floor's recessed mare than half a foot . ; and the loading height is as much as 10H wchealower.-',,.-: INTRC D 'JCING TBI: 61 CHEVY ."Bjgc-nvnE s the lowest- priced 'full-sued Chevy with big-car comfort at small-car prices! Chevy's new '61 Biscaynes 6 or ,V8 give you a full measure of Chevrolet " ': aualitv. roominess and proved perform ance yet they're priced down with many : cars that give you a lot less! Now you can : .have economy and comfort, tool- t jI -r - .... NOMAD 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON. Ton have a choice of six Chevrolet wagons each with a cave-sized cargo opening nearly 5 feet across.. i S' ' BEL AIR 2-DOOR SEP AN, like all 6l ChevroUts, brings you Body byjuher newness more front teat leg room. i t '... . . . r i ' t i if 4 v i Biscayne 4-Door Sedan . See the new Chevrolet cars, Chevy Corvairs and the new Corvette at your local authorised Chevrolet dealer's ' 3 ONES CHEVROLET COMPANY INC. , Anthorlxe Chevrolet dealer in Fink Kill, it. C. in Warsaw, M. O. : 1M K. toilet e Street ... . .... Warsaw r.iOTom co?.i?any 1 Main Ktreet

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