1 i - xzzx ettxjdi i s 5 s.-v.le is f s u. ' .d Ut of the speech . - f jrcinee tor the Pre.Jecy of the United .' r C... i i ; ,se!y before toe Houston Texas Ministerial i en . ten tr 12. We are running the luD text vm at the expressed in tee speeeh by local citizens.'. We bop all of our t will read tttls statement through la order that they snight have rer vision of the. religious issue and lttcSeets gaa Kennedy when Isxtei President of the United State 1. November. Faul Barak.) rca'S NQT2: There hat been a great deal of discussion of the o- - reueious iisue u me rresidenaal rampaign Senator Kennedy, -muiion towara closing that discussion and focusing the public t oa the hnportan.i&sues ol the campaign, snade the following atate- o uie ureaier Houston i Texas) Ministerial Assoelatlbnen Sept. believe that editors tvimlwn Mmni ikii tv.. a,ut iui- Nation of this statement serves the cause of public enlightenment e national interest, we t&erefore nope yoa will print the full text n ffrateful ior your ffenpmmi fnvttnftnn m liBe the so-culled relijjioui issue ta necessarily and properly the chief nere uiaigni, i want to empnasue t rom tne outset that We have sore critical Issues to Iocs in Out rata winm thn nmni rvm. it Influence; Until it now festers Mnlles off the coast of Florlda- unuuaunK treatment oi our resident and vice President by those no . longer respect our power - the hungry children I saw In West iijia, the old people who cannot pay their doctor bills, the families ;d to give up their farms as America with too many shims, with few schools,, and toe late.te the moon and enter apace. :;, . . v These1 are, the real issues which should decide this campaign. And are not religious Issues for war and hanger' and tfrmT and air know no religions barriers. . . .-v- r But because I am a Catholic, and no Catholic has ever been elected ;ldent,.the reel issues in this campaign have bees obscured perhaps berately, in some quarteri less responsible than this. So it is apparent ecessary for me to state once again not what kind of church I be-i - ' . - e - . . iUL to Bi tat ..t kd ol 1 ill .'eh. I kt'Jgve In an America where the atr oration of C uJ sle is aUkite where no Catholic prelate would tell the Pre,:.' ..t ( should he be Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners fer whom 'to vote where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political prefereoce-and .i i ... . wimb w maa U uemea puouc oiuce merely because his religion differs from the President who miffht aminint him At - that Mnnlav'.whA smImM elect him. I believe in an America that is officialy neither Catholic, Pro- esuuu jor wewisn wnere no ouduc ouiciai either requests or accepts Instructions on nubile oolicv tram ih pw. th NtiAni r..n j rn... rches or, any other ecclesiastical sourcehere no religious body seeks i i j . n ji t . .. .... .. . . f uuki IK wiu otrecuy or uiairecuy upon tne general populace or the nfihlta arfa itm J' 1: i ,., . . ...... " ... pw wm.4Vj ,CU(1WH uwvrij IM W9 wuivunlUv t&at an act against one Church la treated a an art ffalnt n ,-' ' : I Jr, while this year It may be a Catholic against whom the finger of suspicion Is pointed. In other years it has been , and may some day be sum, a oitw or wuaxer or a unitarian or a Baptist. It was Vir (lnia'i harassment of Baptist preachers, for example, that helped lead to Jefferson's Statute lor relielnua frAnm Tnrfav T m n. but tomorrow H aay be" you untfl he whole fabric of our harmonious DCltV is riDOed at a llm, nf ornat natlmiol'iuvll T ' Finally, I believe la an America where religious intolerance will some lay end t- where U men and all churches are treated as equal where jvery man has the same right to tfttevd or not attend or not attend the church of his choice where there Is no Catholic vote, no anti-Catholic Ote. no bloc VOtinff of anv kltutanrt whara Cathnlt. . D..IW..I. .j - w " . wwawui BUU Jews, at both the lay and pastoral level, will refrain from those attitudes V disdain and division which have so often marred their works in the past, and promote Instead the American idea' of brotherhood. . fliL.l f it. - t ? . . m . , , ... .... ... vv- ajau jb tuo juna junenca m wmcn i neiieve. And it represents ,he kind of Presidency in which- t believe-a great office that must leltber be humbled by making It the instrument of any one religious roup, nor tarnished by arbitrarily withholding its occupancy from the members of any religious group.' I believe in a President whose religious iews are his own private affair, neither imposed by him upon the nation, ior imposed by the nation udob him as a conriitlnn tn hnMina thot Afna I WOuId not lank With favor limn I Praalriant nnrlrlna .k.. H.' - " r " W BHUTCll U1C ?irst Amendment's guarantee of religious liberty ( nor would our system I cnecss ana oaiances permit nun to do so) and neither do I look with , N. C. X V GET THE HIGH $ For Your Tobacco r . . . ' at In Clinton PKone LY 2-2966 SALE SCHEDULE Monday, October 10 ..L..U. . . .: 3rd Sate . Tuesday, October 11 2nd Sale Wednesday, October 12 1st Sale . Thursday 13 1........:, 3rd Sale ; Friday, October 14 .........:. ..w 2nd Sale ' ' i Our Sales Continue Hish . . S ISrins Us Yoer Next Load.. SELL WITH - s A. E. Racltley tlliy Guy R. Boss ' GiaBuck - George Ifenaett r .-v Clareoce Kirwn, Jr. Floor Managers: A. F. Powell & M. T. Parsons -, Leslie llobbs, Auctioneer Satisfied Customers Are Our First ConseridatHm I Amos Brmson And Bill Shiff ield i Presented Citation Amos Brinson of Kenansville Drug Company; and" Bill Sheffield, of Warsaw Drug Company, owners of the Kenansville and Warsaw Re xall Drug Stores, rescectivelv. to- day were awarded a Citation by President Eisenhower from the Small Business Administration nf the United States praising their ef forts in promoting registration and voting. . Brinson and Sheffield have dis played registration and voting in formation in their stores and havf urged all eligible citizens to take ad vantage Of their voting Drivileee. The campaign conducted here was part of a nation-wide "Let's All Register. Let's All Vote" camnaitrn We are most grateful to President Eisenhower and the Small Business Administration. More than ever be. for we must all Darticinata in pW. -lions ana worn to get more Ameri cans, to tne polls," they said. . The Citation, the first ever made bv the email Business Administration, was Jointly signed by Philip HcCallum, SBA administrator, and reads: 'Demonstrating the Community emce ot this and other Rs 11 LXR-ur Stores and .of .United States retail pharmacists and the phar macy industry In general by their active-leadership of the non-partisan, nation-wide let's All Rfflter Let's All campaign has made a maj or, ana mgniy important contribu tion to the welfare of this country. Bv enceuraalna fellow Amerfeana t vote, and making it easier for them to oo so, ue members of the Rexall Family have Bet an ezamnla far all cosinesses, ana nave done their ut most to insure the permanence of ue American way of life." favor upon those who would work to subvert Article VI of the Constitution by reaolruig a relielaus teat-avim hv faitfo-aMUn w i. i.... with that safeguard, they should be out openly working to repeal It, J I want a Chief ExecuUve whose public acta are responsible to all mm naifam w ww , woo can auena ' wt$ , ceremony, ervice or dinner his office may appropriately require of him and whose fulfillment of his President oath is not limited er conditioned by any re ugious oau, nuiai or ODUgauona.-;W:.ov;.,a;s: r, This is the kind of America I rllv in .nVM. t. tt,. fought for In the South Pacific, pnd the kind my brother died for In Eu rope; No one suggested then that w mieht hava a "itivM4 I,.ifW k. we might ;"not believe in liberty or that we belonged to a distoyaly aroup uuu ureaienea ue "treedoms for which eur forefathers died." And in fact this a the kind nf Amarfra for whlh ... j.-j - - T ".w. mi, MUCtRUICll IUCU -when they fled here to escape religious teat oaths that denied office' to members Of less favored churches-When thev foimHwi the Bill of Rights, and the Virginia Statute ar Ralisian. v j - - aw w ...wamaw . KVUVN-WIU when they fought at the Shrine I visited today, the Alamo. For side by u wiw oowie ana crocseR aiea Mcuauerty and Baily and Carey but n. I. ...U.t .1 n i. . u"c kikuht uiey were vainoacs or not. r or tnere was no re ligious test at the Alamo. , . I ask you tonight to follow in that tradltlon-to judge me on the basis of 14 years in Coneresa ar mv Horlarorf forvrln on.inst - i - -v BfMiui wi miiuaa- sador to the.' Vatican.' against nnconstltntianai ' -f 1 , WM aauwuam oviiwio, and against any boycott of the pubUc. schools which I have attended iuseu; insieaa oi juaging me on tne oasis of these pamphlets and pub lications we all have seen that carefully uWt niWM,n. f t - - r iihwiw vut vi VUUirAt from the statements of Catholic church leaders, usually in other coun- irequenuy in omer centuries, ana rarely relevant to any situation here and always omitting, of course, th ttmnf r th. a . Bishops in 1948 which strongly endorsed Church-State separation, and which more nearly reflects tte views of almost every American Catholic. I do not consider these other auotations binding why should you? Bue let me say, with respect to ether countries, that I iu wuouy opposea 10 me state neing used Dy ony religious group. Cath olic or Protestant, to compel, prohibit or persecute the free exercise of any omer reunion. Ana i none tnat vim and i mnm. ...uu t i - - . - - .w..Mb.u. mui djutu LVlVvr j unB unuuns wu.-u aeny meir rresiaency to rrotestants and those which I Honv It f PothtHttf Awrt .1 ii t , , ... - ' lamci woii kuk me misaeeas oi tnose wno differ, I would cite the record of the Catholic Church in such nations as Ireland and Franca and the independence of such statemen as Adenauer and De Gaulle. But let me stress again that these are ny views for, contrary to common newspaper usage, I am not the Catholic candidate for President. I am the Democratic Party's candidate for President who happens also to be a Catholic. I do not sneak for mv church nn nnhlir- nttro...t it- church does not sreak for me. Whatever issue may come before me as President nn.hirth mn. trol, divorce, censorship, gambling or any other subject-I will make my decision in accordance with these .-v,.f a vkwuwiv a v hi nuai -my conscience tells me to be the national interest, and without regard -19.1, Arevousmokina more now V, i, 4 t J, ft . N.Y, YANKEI HOME BUM nuniut Th.f. r.mi smoker, Roger Maris. He says he was a switch smoker ---until he switched to Camels. They t. Rive him everything he wants; flavor, mildness j. and complete smoking satisfaction. VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY 21 Acres Of Farm And Timber Land, Located In Cypress Creek Township Approximately 5 Miles South-East Of Chinquapin. Approximately 11 Acres of Geared Land With 1.05 Acres Tobacco Allotment. Must Be Sold By 15 October, 1960. For Further In formation Contact Russell J. Lanier, Attorney At taw, Kenansville, N. C. to outside religious pressures or dictates. And- no power or threat S unWunent could cause me to decide otherwise. .c-J'Xt, . ; out a ue tune should ever eome-and I do not concede any e to be even remotely possible when my office would require me to i w conscience or violate ue national interest, then I would i he office; and I hope any conscientious public servant would do the i uut i oo not intend to apologize for these ivews to my Crete T either Catholic or Protestant faith-or do I intend to disavow .either aay views or my church in order to win this election. If I should ke ea Om real issues, I shall return to my seat in the Senate, satisfied that I heat tried my best and was fairly fudeed. But if thi aiai. i. a basis that 40 million Americans lost their chance of being President ea Ow v uwr were oapusea, men it is the whole nation that win be the laser, in the eyes of Catholics and nonCatholica aramui th mu i- v - of history and in the eyes of our own people. But If, on the other hand. I should win thi .wtinn i... t .t..n vote every effort of mind anH niHt to .,tr,iu., .'.tw n.- , - i -- -w .m iiu wvii vi uiv near dency-practically identical, I might add, to the oath I have takes m years in the Congress. For, without reservation, I can "solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of ProaiHont r th and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the te- jsiituiwu. bw ueip me uou FARM LOANS $5000.00 A np-Fall Parmeato Uberal Appraisals - Prompt Clostas Write or Call M. T. Brttt Loaa Agency, CUatoa, N. C. Tel 2-2136 - Night 2-H41 QUALITY WESTERN LUMBER SHEATHING 1x12 White Fa Panderosa fine $80.78 PRECUT STUDS White Fir $87.87 er $94.S2 DOUGLAS FIR FRAMING 2kS 2x8 2x10 2x12 r To 10' $94.52 Lengths np to 24' Extra 2x4 RANDOM LENGTHS Cedar $83.03 White Fir $94.52 Up To 50 1&' KNOTTY PANELING foaderoaa Pine Lodge Pole Pine White Sprnce Inland Cedar $118.75 To $166.15 CLEAR PANELING Redwood $284.05 To $304.00 Douglas Fir $218.50 FIR PLYWOOD V' Ad Int. $jjJ4i Ad Int. $fja V Ac Ext SUH Ac Ext. S4.W XA Sheathing $3Jt" Sheathing 12.74. Sheathing $4.41 Underlayment $4.41 Plus Other Types ROOFING Flintkote Brand ThlckbuU Hurricane Resistant Seal tab t. .jJ r" $2.37 OAK FLOORING $12X50 $12jr5 No. 1 Com W. Shorts No. 1 Com R Shorts Clear & Select Shorts $133.0t No. 1 Com Red R-L $175.15 Select Red R-L $304.75 Clear Red R-L $213.75 FINISH - MOULDING - SHELVING - Price Net Cash FOB Yard - Low Delivery Charges Within 100 Miles And Credit Terms WEST COAST LUMBER CO. RO 3-1674 200 Castle Hayne Rd. Wilmington, N. C. RO 2-6G9 000 Hat new number in the LOW-PRICE FIELD f ...every Inch an OLDSMOBILE 3vl N.V. VAMKSaa j KHJOVS HIS tVtvORITfi ' ' ClOA-taTTI-CAMai. .; Why dont you Join Mm - especially if you are smoi. ror now but anoving K lessf SV-t to r smoking . Sain. CM i s , -s-today. a V !7 m. 4, iMrwMu a at v , i nr.:. a . ; Is x ' ' ? ir Here', an aH-new kind of car m the low-price field-more agile to drive, more economical to operate! Sized to seat six in comfort! Not too big . . . not too small . : : . just right for you! So sturdy and road aure you'U drive all day without tiring! Smooth and quiet in theOldamobile tradition! lalh for Hm bvyor who wants soaMtUnij bettor b Ae Uw-jKko fieUl o ExchMlve olumlaw Rockana V-8 angina turn out a aphHadlSJ kp.o Handy IM-indi Iwigth. Easy riding 112-inch whaalba. Sadant or Static Wogow -oH wHh four big doors. New Hydra Matk whfc Aotst-A-Rotor oction (optional at xtra cost), o q spoxa Imido ... fer yew end yowbggagal' mm vour looai. AUTHOBUZBUa aUAUTV DBALBR , -.! . '' a ..... . - . t cBf6roi you buy any low-prfced car . be sur to and drive, the new F'SSf WARSAW; TJ0T0R COMPANY 101 E. College St Phone 29 3-8iil Warsaw, N. a : , - V llanafactarers License No 1M -r-TUXI tn MICNAll SMAYNI EVUT VftX.ON KiC-TVI' t,, ,. , ' ... k - . t . . ( ...... . , r k- . v '