T r r 4, 4 r . f s.' the: &l jpontiac is out today! - ' v S ''-' ' T ' ',,J,'4i ' ..-h. - N i - , : , a j s ' 'v ' V ,-? '.-V - v . , - V . - v . A , " ' 11 ' - iiMiwiiiiiMiim n; ,Mmm,n j. ,.'(: .'.is jj W''. i f I , " . "'- " "J1 """"""tlliiilMl'l I ' iinuiiiuiiiiii ii J .. . fj f ' . " '" ' ".vn . ,1.'. 'A,: t - f J , .. . ..' - -0 ft's A PontSLcf -Track! ' ' , ' j ,v.- .--:-'.. ( J i .;.. -i .v' '' .i'.V on a newVWce New track-to-body proportion! The track is the width between the More headroom, leg room, foqpoom for greater comfort! You'll take wheels. Pontiac is the only Wide-Track car, fiod width is reduced, great comfort in the extra roominess we've puilt into the '61 pontiac shaving side overhang, balancing more weight between the wheels. Seats are higher, yet there's more clear- Best relationship of body width to wheel width ever tailored, lean ance beneath the steering wheel and and iway are ancient filitory.?: 'Wif batrbom overyur head; There Is; Amovndng fkMftS Cit imprtoiinKl. mofe iegrobrn, mdre ocbrD6ors4 ttie engine the experts saicf was perfect, Newfue induction system , .are. wider and designed to swing jppefl,' saves gas by using more air in the gasoline mixture; This makes the : farther. The- more -highway you put engine breatlje more efficiently, giving you better acceleration! - behind you (Ppntiac specialises in this) tut only, wide-track cari Eleven versions to choose from. Horsepowers range from 215 to l i the more you'll appreciate tfie new 348. For best economy, specify the Trophy Economy V4J. tts lower room that's all around you in this sleek compression ratio lets you use regular gas. , ' ' new '61. PEN-FEEDING FQR lEEF-Durinfl cool months, irhitt fas Hrfordi limply fi ill concret Imxii and ot h their fccorti ; eontcnr M th McNoir Form f Scoilodd vV and Robemn CoMntf. An xoctly-botoneed !i dirt b ftd "curb.ric irl" i th form y ; of dthrdratcd polleH (imot) confoioiri v potturt-fresh vitamin' oad athat growth lnShL P.n.H ara Broduct el f-b : da'rdrator, which Mnwa aff-iaatoa to dehydrota cottla ananra af kana gordea fartiKiar. Lookiag a aw (left to right) L. L' liggi, district rnnagar for Corolma Powar 6 Light Coapaar, which tuppliat pawar for tha aparotioa; sad ; ioa Smith and Jamai WoKer f rha McNoir Farm. .x.a ... " . ...war"-.H jry RALEIGHIROUHDUP , BY KIDD BREWER , ? C.-'$Zfi!?::H business, We make a lit? RECKLESS , Headline from ' tie kitchen appliance V Costs us Jaturday morning's Raleigh Nes 4. 1 "it ,. . I -..i" 'j) 'j, ,mJ't'-,vf trtmimxl to raduoa (Ida walgtit baawxiad ba- twaan ttia whaala. No pthar car huga tha read with audi au(a-tastat alaj tMity and pradaioii. ' 1 ONNCVtLi.aT arTAWCHiajr VENTURA CATAUMA' ON DISPLAY NOW AT YOU ft LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALEft if. - .oizns.'ia : r.:oToa co:.:?r.ny 102 W. College St Warsaw, N. C DlM m . TH VtCTOft BOflOa SHOW TOHtOMTI ABO-TV I uid Observer: "Sanford Calls Gav a Reckless Campaigner." -Headline from Sunday morning's Charlotte Obsesver; "Nixon: i. Ken ied Reckless.' y:.$& PREDICTIONS ; i t-The 17 sports vriters visiting the teams which tiake up the Atlantic Coast Confer ence predicted in the late summer 'ust before the season began r tnat Vake Forest and Carolina would be lie top elevens in the group.: f ' Carolina lost its first two games o N. C. State and t Miami. Wake Torest lost its first two games - to Tlemson and Florida State. , ' i PERCENTAGE , .'. Democrats 'or. weeks how have been. blowing heir top at Robert ,. Gavin's state liest that he would support' an in vease of 50 per cent in pay for tea- yiers it eiectea uovernor. ' ; -. i A Republican friend of ours re narked recently that "it W almost Impossible to outpromise Demo vrmt but this is one time . wbeie certainely done H,"' t, i ; Be bat as it may, Democratic pldtimer hereabouts said h doubt 3d that Gavin understands percen 'are - said It reminded him of. the allege football star who was having much trouble with math. Finally, lis professor told him be was going be forced to bust him out of Khool if he did not do better. Mt did nd better and was soon out of hol., for "Kbolsstic difficiultles" ttjht papers put li v w ' 'About two years later his math professor, vu In a nearby town to peak to a ciyic club. 'This big baby )lue Cadillac whispered up to the irub and out Jumped the. former ootball star. Prof looked them over. VU that yours. Son?" he asked. "Yes. Fessor, I try to get a new e every year. In that way .you ire not brothered with repairs and ilways have a good, car." ., ,, . The eld prof was amazed asked Jm how he did JJ -Well. Fessof'V said the old foot- only 25 cents - parts and everything to make it -' and the we sell it door-to-door for a dollar. It don't take that three fer cent long to add ORRORSr V, We have It on good authonity that the grand-daughter of Gov. Locke Craige ( Demo cratic Statev Chief, Executive from January 15.1913, td January , 11. 19 17) is now one of the chief workers In Gavln-for-Governor headquarters inAsheville. , .'. : " . ,: r ; ;'- - ' Gredt day what are we coming to! '-j.i-r . . NEWS BUREAU ' : S on of a N. C. Baptist minister is Graham A. Martin, who last week was appoint ed by President Eisenhower as U. S. representative to the United Na tions European Office. In Geneva, Swjtterland.;';;-. Martin. 48, will nave the rank of ambassador - at a salary of proxi mately $25,000 iter annum.' ' At the time be was at Wake For est he graduated there ; in 19SZ he was prominent in Publications and assisUd- Prof . JL.X, Meniery.l yr,, in the News Bureau His fath er was pastor of the Denton Baptist Church in Davidson County." , ; Other sons of Baptist ministers who assited on the New Bureau and went on to fame: : Charlie True blood; with AP in AtlanU: -, Hoke Norris, with. Chicago Sun-Times; Lewis Morgan, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, D. C; and Nail Morgan, author of "My San Diego" and on the staff of ' the M aa l: ' ' . ... j?ao . iwrt, iTioonsV-'Jf'xfMwAI late uass . , k "Heavy with sleep is the old farmstead, the wind fall of orchards is mellow; the green of the gum .tree Is shot with md, the popular is sprinkled with yellow Sluggish the snake and leafy the stream; the fieldmouse is fat in his burow; sun up sets million of dewdrops agleam where the ; late grass Is grown in the furrow." - The foregoing Is a verse from "Autumn" written by John Charles years ago. REMEMBRANCE. Overheard In a N. C. city recently: "vour tro- . uble, man, is you Just don't remetn- - ; kn. 4 Vi a laat Aartom c inn v Cn4liAT Dairies was agiving away milk -a- oivinir it awav. 1 teu vou. -ineaB- pore, little children Come along with their cans and buckets. They looked pitiful - didn't have on - enougbt clothes to clean a gun barrell." ,.TRAYELERS . . . While I was at the Raielsh Bus Station last Sunday buying tome morning papers. I noticed a whole Sock of life ladies. arxmi ion years oia muung aooui buying post cards.; It was easy to see-and to hear. they were Jrora " Tl-.t- W 1 1 1 up n uia auniewiiere. g iwuircu. lWe are from Rockland, Maine" said one little glrL and we are on our way to . Savannah, Georgia, ' home of the first Girl Scout troop r in America." --.A :;' ' V.;;t V V ' t VACANCY i V U the vacancy on ? the State Sunreme Court .should come betweennow and' January; it will likely be filled by Malcolm Sea- Governor now practicing law ln"R ' v leioh and Chanal Hill. If It should ' come after that time, don't be sur- -prised if the place Is given to Irving Carlyle of Winston-Salem, former State Senator, veteran atorney, and great and good friend of Bert Ben ; oette and Terry Sanford,. ' J 1 u-i ) ITT y. Free Ferry Service . "a ( teras and Ocracoke Island la being gradually restored to normal, ac-" cording to an aaouncement toda4 by the State Highway Commluiov. - Until -today, the ferry operation-; had been restricted to two . round -! trip daily because of- HurricaM :i Donna damage but a five round, trij , .; per day d&hedulo baa now beea nkr A ced m effect 'rST?'' v" Under the. new scbedule, ferries leave the southern tip of Hatteras ; Island at 6:45, 7: M and 10:00 A. ' M.. and at 12:30 and 1:00 P. M. Fer ries now leave Ocracoke at 1:45, 8:90 and 11:09 A. M., and at 1:30 and 8:0 P. M. . -h,-l:i: : :W Highway officials noted that the nermal winter schedule of ferry ser vice connecting Hatteras and Ocra- PnlrA Will Ka immiihauI .h.k. J- all boy, - I stumbled Into this McNalU of Scotland County Wme M wJH fcecome effect 0 October J, toiD ! -Look ! Listen ! 1 mEPPAkm WAREHOUSES Na i And No. 2 Kinston, K C '.-'W'-r' I R nnil-rblnniionin N.C. ; : ..- Bortha & Norman Smitn - Deep Run, N. C. -; Pounds For $631.94 AVE. $71.18 2610 Pcds For$l,855.82 JJljls AVE. $71.10 Raymond Sheppard - Richlands,N. C : Abb Pickett-Beulaville, N.C' ; . 634 Pounds For $453.52 ....:;..:..,.:... AVE;$71 .53 ;; ?J PcundsFor $705.96 ..:..1.-.,AVE. $74X3 R. Smith & O. Maroady - Beulavillc N. C . - i Wood & Pickett-Chinquapin, N.C-. " ; 1932 Pounds Fcr $1,4C3.59:... :.. AVE. $72.49 , 916 Pc-nds For $3.61.-....:...VAVE. $73X3 A. Mfirofiflv- BGuiavillfk. C. 1 1CI3 PcandsFcr $772.43 Z: AVE. $71X3 M. L. Smith - Deep Run, N. C : Pc-:nds Fcr $1 fG5t.2Q .l.;:.!: AVE. $72.C3 Herman Sou!hcrbrid-Bcu!avilb, N.C. - - 1292 Pc::Js Fcr $93):33 $72.71 i;o;coo;a;:G ihessary n I -s r-a, V V-. 1 r L . rc?. yc:."i ;:z;t s:.ie c--...; t . .i l:I JA 3-3522 , w. a a i v.. .. 1 fr