-,n'. . .V 1:1; 'A' ' mi- r,AAy- 4 J W w W r l tj. ana Mrs.. Paul Walker i t :mai a two week vacation in t s tame of Mrs. George Walker i I oUier relatives. Sgt. Walker I ..jt ist recently returned from er aeu duly, He expect to be Uuned in Kentucky following his L2 tern v- K J -V-y -T T. V ' klr. and Mrs. Stacy Murphy syent r X week end the home of Mr. and I rm. E. af. , Murphy The E. . M. KLarphya accompanied ' them to their noma in Wilmington Sunday .' Guest m the home of Mr. and EIrs. daudel Tyndal Sunday were. Mr. aid- Mrs. William Earl Tya dal af finston, and Mr. and Mrs, Delas TyndaO of Mt Olive. Mr. and Mrs.: Jack , Grady and ; children visited ' In the home of Cordom Grady of Seven Springs : Suday afternoon. ' : Guest in the home of Mr. , and - Mrs. Herman Williams Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heath of Wal lace Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Williams, IMak Williams, and Mr .and Mrs. Waller or Kenansvuie. nr. Mrs. Alton Dunn of Jones town Peon, and Mr.- Mrs, Linwoed Jones. Mrs. Jennie Williams of the Herring's 6 tore community. Visitors In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hintoa Turner Sunday were: the Rev. and Mrs. Major Smith of Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Howard and children of Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Waller .and daugther. Cathy, spent Monday in Kinston with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Moseley. " At- 4v-'''v Mr. and Mrs.' Joe Westbrook and Mr. Marvin Marshburn .fished at Topsail Monday. - n,t,H Mr. E. C. King of Folkstone is spending mis week with his daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wallace'1 -A;-- Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Messey visited Mrs. M. H. Holmes la LaGrange Sunday afternoon. V;:? "'.',,'.'-,' ; Mr, and Mrs.' Earl Faires and Children visited in the Henry Mat thews home in Wallace Sunday. , Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Faires Wednesday night ; were Dr. and Mrs. James Faires of Philadelphia Pa. and Mrs. Virginia Faires of Wallace. Dr. Faires is a brother of Earl, and Mrs. Vifrginia Faires is his mother. , ; Week, end guest in ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wal ker were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Millard of Roxboro sad Mr.; and Mrs. Howard Walter ; of Kinston. '. - 7 A- i-'t-.'W' Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Teachey at tended a supper given to, the state employees near Wallace Friday night , : ;V;-..y Callers in the homo of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Herring Sunday after noon were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herring and children of Pearsall's Chapel and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Lee of Pink Hffl.,, v V AHUJAAJ:; : Supper guest In the heme of Mr. and Mrs. James Westbreok Monday night were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Faulk and son of Bear Marsh, - ' Mr. and Mrs. Royie Kornegay of Seven Springs visited relatives in the community Sunday . afternoon. ; Mr. and Mrs.' James Westbrook and Linda Ray ' Westbrook spent Sunday with Mrs. Westbrook' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John I. Amon of Summerlin's Cress Roads. . ' Mrs. -Cyrus Rhodes and daughter visited with the B. R. Dail's Sunday afternoon.'. ' a. f-i-.-" vA i Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Bass and children of Nashville and Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Henderson of Smtih- Personals ill an ........... .c. Gewenuneat (Choice A ParchaM Prices far EUgJUe Grade i Grades! 1" 3334 31.79 30.54 29.14 ......2.09 ........2659 .25.64 I Staple Lengths at Vftaa Cettea 1-1'32" 1-116" tUSSUXG SXZICT LOW MIDDLING PLUS .... CTZICT LOW MIDDLING LCI7XSDDLING PLUS LOW CUDDLING : STZSCT GOOD ORDINARY PLUS ST2ICX GOOD ORDINARY ( Light Spotted) STRICT MIDDLING .....32.09 CUDDLING ....30.49 STSICT LOW MIDDLING 28.09 LOW MIDDLING ..... 55-49 34.99 3239 31.44 29.89 28.69 27.09 26.09 32.89 3159 28.74 25.99 349 3354 31.99 3059 29.09 2759 2654 33.49 31.79 29.04 26.14 1-332" 35.39 33.69 3254 30.49 2959 2759 26.34 33.79 32.14 2959 2659 C0no:i S70MGE WAREHOUSE A Bonded Warehouse & Approved CCC Purchas ing Agency Laatied on E. Garnet Street- Slick East of Metltodlst ChiiKh Dial OL M144 or OL 8-2356iVtS. "Bill' Porter Jr., Owneft Mount Olive, N. C. 1 Av (Cut Tbis Ad Oat To Compare With Yoar Green Card) .Visitors of Mr. and f Mrs. , Edd Kornegay Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Currie Smith and children of Smith Chapel; Mr. and Mrs: Bill Herring. Claytonr 1 Mrs. Taft Her ring and Janet of Herring ' Store section,'.-' m;;j'''':(.;.;.V " Mr, and Mrs. Eldridge Carter and little daugther of Calypso visited the Elbert Carter family Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. Frank Outlaw spent the week end in Charlotte with their son and family the Jarvia Outlaw's 11 Mesdames Jonas DaU,' D. L. Scott Edd Kornegay, Irvln f Kornegay, Ethel Kornegay, Oarrie Scott, Larry Harper, Herbert Kornegay and Nan nie Kornegay of Scott Store Home Economico Club ; attended County Council Thursday .: at . Kenansvilki Mrs: Ruby Grady of this area member of Suramerlins Club- at tended 'r'AAAA V a i!A Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wafers and baby spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Aiaoux i. arn in Baltimore.';: pf A:- '''A Visltlna Mr. and Mrs- Ray Car- tor during' the week end; were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Denver and the Earl Whaley'a of Washington. ;,V. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin sauuer ana daughter of Mt OUve visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dsll Suadaj afternoon. : ' "' r "i " Several members tt Long Ridgs Church were represented at the Sunday School Convention Satur day at the Assembly Building near Pink HilL v-':.- ' V':-.--- Visiting Mr. aad Mrs. " Roland Tbigpen during the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Jack niigpei , ana dauEhters of Grifton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Malpasa and baby and the II. J Sutton family of Goldaboro. I. .3. Delia Call is visiting in Char lotte wllh her sons Alton and Henry Tie young folks - choir of Long Eis church went to Christian uel Sunday near Kinston where they participated in the singing in loo alternoon. . .. .'! ; ' Nellie Waters spent Sunday night with Barbara Dean Smith of At- bertson... --V',. -:-JA Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Kornegay and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Whitfield went 'to Snesds Ferry Sunday even ing where they enjoyed1 a sea food supper, together, l A ' ::-"; College students boom here, for the week end were Scarlette Hill, Meredith; I. L. Scott, Jr. and Lin- wood Grady of SUte College, and Carolyn Waller. ACC Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Carter attend. d a Tmlninff ITninti jurv1m it Pin Hook Sunday nighL ' . ' Among visitors of John W. Waters Sunday were Gerald Waters . of Seven Springs,' Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Whitfield and Sen Waters of Mt Olive. - j . ; ' Stale College USING ' UNCOOKED HONEY Honey is at its best uncooked, with the natural flavor and color unchan ged. Among the most satisfactory uses are the fouowhur: v ' i As a Spread with oread, griddls cakes, waffles, biscuits, and other hot breads. ' ":-.. 7 To Sweeten Fruits, Beverages, and Cereals If necessary, warm the honey slightly to make it peur mora easihr. -.i..... In Sandwich Flllings-Tbe fouowbig are a mr or um many acucious ssodwiches fklings made with hon ey. ".Yr;'-.- ).. ' ; " Honey butter, made wita qual parts of hoaey and butter creamed together, wita ir .without' nuts or with grated orange peeL Honey with chopped drisa emits. with or -without nuta." , Honey, and -chopped or grated orange peeL -. ' I. .There U I a 7 wo.k- shop for sil Lribo X :rat on Clothing leaders a J her i ' rt t ed persons on Oct.:, r U, t t e C. E. Smith High SU,i Cym. in Ken ansvuie. Mrs. G. K. Creeiklee, Clo thing Specialist. A. A T. College in Greensboro wiS conduct the. work shop.' 'L':-:-' : ' The workshop wm begin at 9:00 A. M. We are urging all leaders to please be on time so ss to get full benefit of all information. ' ' ; COUNTT COUNCBL MEETING i The Home Demons tratinon Coun ty Council wEl meet October 13, at 7:10 ft M. in Kenansvuie at the E. E. Smith High ScbooL Reports will :r:7 nit beat I .4 k Zarao. a'doctui's f mm mntmnt.. snout, hmu , ulnar bunu, cuts, bruiaca. Fkmily antiaaptia, eaaas 'ituA ot mnansm . nahea, eaeiua. . Vn mtm. fijnpUt thleto's f oot. Stop (rrutc!iiK, H ids faster haauuxr;. J or atiunxwa , gi mutm- aniwoia w : I nutZt tj? out J '.-.. 1 t..s i OB I-.- :;.,.;r 2. jsiititl: -j soni ier ' - rraa tJt C L- X Ca J--- Ca i;3 LiizLg Decc8isr coltsca, O ,aSSaitlia iinSiiSiS). - Rubber Base Outside White $2.76 gaL $358 gal. GoIJstord Paint CcCi?:ny Goldsboro,N.(l ' , field accompanied by Mrs. Harley Smith and Rjwa Smith wen recent weekend visitors at Carolina Beach Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Hender son and children of Smlthfleld were week end guest of Mrs. Mollis K. Smith. ' . ANNOUNCING THE HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY OF THE YEAR! W'A '61 has these wonderful birthday presents for you 8 &3 Tom the nnunti nn tTi firs tiirtrtrlav of the world's most aucceatful HOW CBT . . Up to 39 miles per eallon . .. 4,000-mile oil chansres , a new extertded warranty .. . and much more ':'A Ai NO OTHER COMPACT MEASURES UP TO FALCON! The Falcm givea ; Too P to 30 miles on a gallon, goes 4,000 miles between oil changes - ' . . . and Falcon's finish newer needs waxing. Then' a choice of two n-.'. ezudnea. the standard 144 Sis; or the new optional 170 . :i : - an extra daab of oower. inero s room tor a adults and tneir A A; Falcon has coat hooks, front arm rests, foam-padded front seats 1 f eirluggaga. , i A-iAU . (fi ,; JVA rV.-.V Urfia wvv avsaaM w se w sin nmuwuia 11 j,iwj v suwusj ssut w , : , been built with such a high degree of quality, your Ford Dealer is ,. v. extending his warranty to 1200 miles or one fuu ytar whichever : ",v 7 - .. y. : . m..' - i , xi.-a i i- i - ) o ' 'ffpS Www won link iiiw vwuuwku wuiuuv ui uie uuiubutt lur uuur an a a m mmm ' 4,000 miles or 90 days.) Get the details and s copy from your ' wi mOnm '." 'A WOfuf utosr iwciiffw rsnr (. v; 7' VI. ' ' k r-ALb KS NOW? :' 1 DIG BHia( WAREHOUSE r,?' Goid3obro,N.C. A ' SOLD 1 15,574 Pounds for $77,489.1 1 Ave.:$67A0 Sell The Reirsainder Of Your Crop With , Robert Musgravo and Raymond Smith j n ' I' 0 n. North John Street Dial RE 4-5044 ri n f Lzi, ' MTtD) . IZTaOH '(Dirndl Z2?V A- . ' " ' 1 ' t ' x v r - ' ' ' ' ' 1 " . - c- t ," , ' "v ' Sl ' ' v i . : : -V. ' ?t 'V Jiti'fVv .V' ;)f' '.vv''.'t' Vv A : '! ) --cif . '.... ' .:i'fV':-; :-. -,V,. "'- N-Y" '-' " , ' Busy homemakers support Reddy Kilo A with safe, flameless electric heat.: And if watt's two candidates for convenience the : u', you're cramped for space, the neat, trim' automatic washer and the flameless clryer. mbination washer-dryer provides a most V . ' (. . " ' happy solution. s " t ' iXo more of that old heave, hang and haul , , . ' 1 "J on 'wintry washdays. Just let these toil-; "' .With stormy weather here to i stay, now's ,. : " v saving twins takers load off your mind wniie ( tne time to see a nearby electric appliance .' you devote your time to' more important dealer. When you vote to Elept ELECTRIC ' family affairs., , 35v " , e nameless way to wash 'n dry. ,-.,,' ".V4i. 1 i. K-.-3' you'U live better. Electrically! - I . Thevll swirl and swish the wash L r ' spanking clean then gehtie it dry . t faSJ - See your electric J 1. , ' 1 " , ! J I t ' . j, '. j'sn.--. ' uuuuuncr. ue. LP.r xnnni .-., -i...'-. ., x . . ;. .. ' V;.' ( CnOLINA POWER A LIGHT COMPANY) An investor turned, taxwvina, public utility comnanu ; , 1A- 'i' ii V I.' i I' .... . ' ii.

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