rv r? r t 1 fvwC ALS SOCIALS - i " Phone No. 711 MCS. JAN D20WN : .Anne trauj,'uaa of Women's Col 9eg spent the week end with her " pareats, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Strao- ;' . Mr. and Mri. E. C. Tyndall and ' , grandchildren. Mike,, Bobby, and liudy Hasty of Kenaasvilie were ', Suaday dinner guests of Mr. and fi .Mr. -Joe Coafto... ;.;.' Miss Joanne Summerlin of Miner? State Business College, Wilmington v: apent last week end with her par eats Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Summe Jln. - i . -v ,? " Mrs. Alan Brtwn and children, Sonsy and Pamela, shopped in Clin ton last Saturday. Miss Judy StancD f -"" v '. : :.' College spent Oa week end With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Stand Miss Zona uinn of Woman' Col lege, Greensboro, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs.TT. R. Quinn. W... v-vv,. t Mrs. Frank Steed land son,' Fran kle, ahopped In Clinton last Satur day. :'; .-,..,-t';V..ti Mr. Bruce Porter of Raleigh vis ited her sister, Mrs.' Nathan Costia several day last week, vy'M Mrs. T. R. Quinn and Mra. Rich ard Williams of Beulaville apent Saturday In Greensboro. ; ' Mr. land Mrs. I Don LaNier "of Greensboro spent last 'week end with Mra. LaNier' parenta, ; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. West. .' ' Mis Sue Whittle of E. C C. spent 'he week end with her parenta, Mr. " 'i. ,"t , f SUMI;ecX i "and ' vlw m; - Y. I -,V .. ( TERRIFIC in the pantie girdle legs can't feel" Newl Snapen Datochabla Inner Crotch Is ex clusively designed to minimin your loondering chores . . . ond jGossard gives you on extra crotch, too . . . one to wash, one to wear. The pontie is of Jocqucrd . ostte nyjon net wim vertices srelth fro and bock panek Upshaped elastic le banding never,near H -binds. Bonelesi White. SiA.1. Medium, long lengAsA ' S Hbbbs Tovn & : Country Shop and Mr. X, S. Whittle. utvia Benton of btate College spent the week end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs; A. M. Betnon. Mrs. Nathan Costin and Mrs. Daisy Standi shopped in Golds berg last Wednesday; . V , : - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summerlin and family visited Mr. Summerlin' parenta in Golds bo ro last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 1. T, Kelly and son, Johnny attended the circus in Clin ton last Tuesday evening. . . , Mrs. Al Smith and daughter. Josef Ann, spent last Thursday at Caro lina Beach with Mrs. Smith' par enU,. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Newkirk. - Uttle Bt jter Johnson received treatment for nneumonln at Durlln General Hospital in Kenansville several days last week, Music Makers Club Met Msycrs Prccbmsiion For Oil; I lo:tr$ Di:r.c.id Jubilee Week On Wednesday afternoon, Septem ber 28, the music students of Mrs. Glendora Brown, the Music Maker' Club, held their first meeting of the year in" the Junior High School audi torium. ; The meeting was opened with the singing of 'America and was fol lowed by i the club pledge which states 'an effort on member's part in helping to keep America! musi cal The purpose and the aim of Na tional and State Federation of Music Clubs was discussed and members were brought to see the advantages of being a part of the organization. Daring the business meeting, new officers for the current school year were elected and they are as fol lows: President. Annette Wabab: vice president. Donna Kaye Wood. and secretary and treasurer. Betty Lou wood: Twenty-four members took Dart in the student recital after which soft drinks and cookies were served by Mrs. Davis Hollingsworth and Mrs. Adin Powell, Jr. Walt West Has Birthday Party "Little Walt West Celebrated his 4th birthday with a party given for him by his mother, Mrs. W. P. West last Wednesday afternoon at bis home here in Warsaw. The party was held on the lawn of hsi home where outdoor games were led by Mrs West. Refreshments were served around an outdoor table which was center ed with a "circus" birthday cake. Ic cream, and bubble gum was al so served., ... -' Those attending were as" follows: esaaaarHuie- Gray; Matthia. BUI Wilson, Mary Beatfdhd Tracy John; son, Stey and Stan Draugbon, Cus ter Johnson,- Chip Ausly, Kenny Minshew, Jeffery Matthews, Anna and Tanga West. W. J. Middleton, Love Taylor, Barbara Raynor, and Walt's grandmother and great grandmother, Mrs. :J. N. West, Sr. and Mrs. J. J. West. It's hcro.irjuL-w. iK L0nL nsjnwils i : r y Zt a.-WMUPa ' 'MKMVnt ir-T'mtm.. .. i . 1 ' 1 , , .. , rl ,. i- ir i i ii nn iii nrr .- 5. ' If- : . iz ! . innw vuu utu ucui uu ura vtukwisv oaw ',.,. u,,V. t-lu- -J -w JtLtUi A Mil Awt1J nn 4tta Tt-97S srln WsMi - fKi mit n ..... conveiiieiico ana ucyvuwiwiju v v . wm w -; t' ' ' tinn nf nrofJuction-boostins features. thai shortens every -"'V, '. ' Rlsr nTa Teuflh. yllnd Blaui wr-33, belt bo, M aVwwwat bp (ert.J-to Kw '. iCittWiiva allffarenHal lock, WHICH intfamiy mn wipin w... ... i ;" WtHtst per hour, ;!';J;!. ?''i'.'i V',;,Vl;'i:-'s ? ' r tigeH liydtweBe-tar aieeWsa oea Jliiirioasaiiy. M v-.-V' , b YallcrepcbMranc; . , clwir vlw V frwwfullmfort srt. ; .ifeft "ti the "BfS ; carrtes:imra 3oM tools than any other DieseL It's a , ...... n A tiill.fonhrf an uiesei costs less w own saves yuu i mfiieL and has the Itfwtihaintenance expense ever. Check this . s, . Ma.;. 'i!-:vr,- r ;.. i. . -;. Aiinfrh van BBvmsnn ro rovr inram wim . rfvrs.vv . i j . mum irir n i u u u aa b e ;a'aaaaai.;iv tsvr..Tf "I 1 I J, W , S-j ' : ". . i i ... i tssti I i I i ' 1 1 f i i f v -4 . ; ... l i w ' . t k A . j a. m V - u ..jS. A Luuut. JO ' WHEREAS, hundreds of families is the Town of Warsaw depend on automatic oil heating systems and WHEREAS, many, industrial Concerns depend heavily on the re liability and accessabillty of heating oils - - -v-.u.. ;-.v--.. - and WHEREAS, hundreds of men and women in the Town of Warsaw depend, directly or indirectly, on the oQ heating industry to provide them with gainful employment. and WHEREAS, the oil beating in dustry contributes thousands . of dollars In taxes to the Town of War saw and to the State of North Car olina , ; and WHEREAS. 1960 is the Diamond Jubilee Year for Oil Heat ing in America and represents three quarters of a century of progress in oil beat: comfort and WHEREAS, the Oil Heat Council of North Carolina and the Oil Heat Institute of America have announced the period' October 9 through October IS will be observed throughout America as NATIONAL OIL HEAT DIAMOND JUBILEE WEEK. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE SOLVED that I, J. E. Strickland Mayor of the Town of Warsaw, do hereby proclaim the Week of Oct ober 9 through October 15 to be Oil Heat's Diamond Jubilee Week thro ughout the Town of Warsaw, and to the Oil Heat Association and the Oil Heat Institute of America and to all other organizations, individu als and companies associated with this industry, I offer congratulations as chief executive of the Town of Warsaw. And I do further take this oppor tuntiy to-commend the oil head dis tributors. Jobbers and dealers and the manufacturers of oil burning equipment for their acumen, indus try and integrity in providing the people of this Town and of our Na tion with a system of heating which is the envy of the entire world. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town to be affixed this 4th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hun dred and sixty. -J. E.; Strickland Mayor Mrs. Johnson Hostess To B&PW ; The Warsaw Boshseas and Pre fesslMal Women's Ctob met at the borne of Mrs. Rivers D. Jobaaoa, Sr. for tts regular monthly meeting at eight o'clock September U. .... Lovely fall flowers arrangements predominated throaghoat the home. Miss Mary Loa WUMas. preJsdent, presided and welcomed Misses Ma bel Jane 8traag"haa, Sandra Smith, Mary Lou Potter, Dottle Hiasoa, and Edna Faye Powell, staaeats ef James Kenaa High to the meeting. Miss Mary Alice Blackmore, pro gram chairman introduced .Mrs. Steve Wfikliis ef Rose Hill,' member of the Wallace-Rose Rill High Sch ool Faculty, who gave a most in teresting - and informative talk, "Career Advancement For Youth". Mrs. Wllkins said, "Every girl should know how to make a living It isn't what you do, but the at titude you have toward it that real ly counts." Following the program, delicious refreshments of ice cream, dainty sandwiches and cakes and coffee and punch were served to the mem bers and their guests. Methodist Circle Circle No. 1 of the Methodist Chu rch met Monday night at 8 o'clock in the Fireside room of the church, with Mrs. George Taylor, hostess. Mrs. Paul Hunter, Chairman, pre sided over the business meeting. Mrs. Robert West gave a most in teresting program, with Mrs. San ford Packer having the Devotional. Mrs. Taylor served the ten mem bers present ice cream and cook ies. Circle Number 2 met Monday night in the home of Mrs. Eunice Taylor, with six members present Mrs. flmmons Garner, Chairman, presided during the business meet teg.. - - - Mrs. Garner was In charge of the program and also gave tne devo tional Mrs. Taylor served toasted pound cake and coffee at the conclusion of the meeting. Circle Number I of the Methodht Church met Monday night with eight members present in the home of Mrs. Park Pridgen. Mrs. Job Wabab. presided over the business meeting in the absence of Mrs. J. N. West, Jr. who is chairman. Mrs. Pridgen gave most impres sive devotional with Mrs. Q. J. Sutton being in charge of the pro gram. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the meet ing. Circle Number 4 met with Mrs. D. J. Middleton Monday Night at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Eugeen Beasley, Chairman, presided over the business meet ing. Mrs. E. C. Thompson was in charge of the program and Devo tional. The hostess served a chicken salad plate and coffee. Circle Number 5 met with Mrs. J. N. West Sr. in her home on Col lege Street. Mrs. Belton Minshew, Chairman, conducted the business session. The devotional was given by Mrs. Her bert West. Mrs. West served German Choco late cake, nuts and coffee to the seven members present. Circle Number 6 of the Mehtodist Church met in the home of Mrs Martha Davis Monday night at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Martha Davis was in charge of the program and those taking part were Mrs. Milton West, Mrs. Floyd Bass. Mrs. Joe Brinson, Mr.s Ted Wilson and Mrs. W. C. Martin. The devotional was given by Mrs. Joe Brinson. Mrs. W. C. Martin, Chairman, presided over the business meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting, the hostess served peach pie topped with ice cream and coffee. The W. S. C. S. meeting of the Methodist Church met Monday l.-.iit in the i c...,e JUxm of tue church with Mrs. Myra West pre siding ever the meeting. ; The program was presented by Circle Number S which Mrs. Belton Minshew is Chairman, Announcement was made that the Mission Study Class is to be held October 17th. " Mrs. C. F. Carroll closed the meet ing with prayer. Road Improvement I For Dupl i - in The State Highway Commission has approved and set up funds for Improvements to more than a dozen Duplin County roads. Grading, draining and base work is scheduled on these roads: 1.1 miles of road 1702-Cabin Road, from road 1700 to NC 24; 1.7 mile of road 1330-Juniper Road, from road 1329 to the Sampson County line; 3 miles of road 1364-Pridgen Road, from roadu.4 torobd ;s ii ; of road 1154 Simua fUwhL U. j road USS to NC 41, , , . Stabilization ' work wfO be &as on these roads: t.t snflea ef iwaJ HQs-Branch Road from road ua to the beginning of pavement; u snOe of road 1306-Rob Road, bona rest 1001 to the county tine; 1.7 softs of road 1931-Hank Road, from . road: 1141 to road 1102; 2.5 miles of issat msOxford Road, from NC n to road 191S; 1.7 mile of road H3B Ribbon Road, from road 1IBX to roaa noz; L4 mile of - road l Velvet Road. 1953 to road 1353; l mile of road 19B1 - Doboost ; from road 1953 to a dead m Grading and stabilization work la scheduled on the following roads which have been added to the Stats ssytem: 0.75 mile of Loop Basts, from US 117 to US 117; 0S mBe f bmitn and Simmons Road, road 1545 to road 1548; and 15 of Curtis Hall Road, from roa to a dead end. ' Approximate cost of the wwrk Is $103,000. WeVanfYourHogs "e Pay A Premium For Top Quality Hop See Us or Call 2106, Umton, N. C Clinton Livestock Market OPERATED BY LUNDY PACKING COMPANY Buying Days Are Monday!' Through Pridayi 8 a. m. Until 5 p. m. During October APPRECIATION DAYS... i to I .2 I B ii i I B I V V u 1HWJ I IsU'M lm i it f, YOUR FREE IMF- GI FT. AVcftaco. N.C. r- wii.-', 16-PIECE Wmr "SILVER STAR" STAINLESS SERVICE if "Silver Sta" stainless is handsome enough i to uss with your finest china . . . durable enough for yews of cverydry service When you feel the weight of each piece . . . see its sparkling beauty first hand, you'll know the luriouSjquality of this imported set A" "Silver Star" stainless will net rust, stain or tnrnish.'Its luster finish never needs polishing. I j L'mil of ene 16-pieco so! (4 place ssttincs) per family L Offer ends Octo!?r 31f 1WJ 1 V w 1 ! '!'.. For Saving $100 or More Open New Account Add to Present Savings SAFE Your savings ert Cooperative ore insurer! safo up to $10,000 by a Federal Agency . . . backed by 62 years of proved safe oporction. PROFITABLE Whether you save small amounts regularly or invett "lump" sums, your earnings are ot the same high current rate o 4 yearly, pay able in June and December. AVAILABLE Your savings are readily available when wanteJ at full value. You enjoy a risk-free investment unaffected by m-aiket rl-ctuations "Where Thousands Are Saving Millions" COOPERATIVE 7 J CUMtENT RATE PER AMNUM Atefflben rederaf Sovinyrcmot Loon Insvrence Corporoiion- ; .v 205 . Uan St. SAVIN GS AN D LOA N ASSOCIATION V . Of Wilmington . . W Rnv Johnson. Mananor ... YolTaca phcnoAT5-21C.-AT5-2.05