t II- r ' - f C v';, m s 3 dr immmt - " ; 7 t.'.e local Democratic!' at ; t'.e 3rd district Rally at iv;:ie last Thursday night : R. V.. Wells. 0. P. Johnson r. W. McGowan. .If S. J , .. . .. . . i . , Mr. and Mrs. N. B.. Booey spent I working In North Carolina fouf ot the week end with their son's lam-1 the New Bern Office spent last ily la Greensboro. - : . Wednesday la .the Duplin , County Mrs. LAura weaaeu or raarucn j unapter working on several case Kentucky who is a special Disaster with Mrs. N. B. Boney the local Ex Caseworker for the. American Na-lfecutive Secretary. Two : familial tional Red Cross and is currently were financially assisted With their T 1- VAIT "-ill. All New John Dccrb Tractors C Vill Bo Shown Soon ; f, : All-New John Deere Tractor Line. There's new earning power in 4 power sizes and -12 basic models . .-..new 4- and 6 -cylinder variable-speed engines ;.. new transmis sion and hydraulic systems v .r and the most advanced PTO in tractor history. wd seel:. the (' GENERATION Wif Be Announced Later or hovm J -' n ss "oio steal bvCns , Quality Farm Equipment Co. Your John Deere Dealer FAISON HIGHWAY CLINTON tc. . i J i ...l.g i, urd. y auernoon. Urs. H. M. West Sr., Mrs. Ju ; West, . Mrs. Williard Brinson. Mr. Amos Brinson and Rev. Lauren I Shame attended the Association,- ! meeting at Island Creek' Church, ivesoay.1 .-, a . . . Mrs. James Alderman .Dobson of Snow Hill was west of the Perrv Dobson's last week. , Mr. ; and Mrs. , Ivey Fields , and family visited Mrs. -Field's parents in Dudley on Sunday. , . Mrs. F..W. McGowan. Mrs. Mat tie Sadler. Mrs. Vance Ravin. -Mm RufllS Elk. Misa Bettv Ijmi Kilts miss Margaret Williams. Mrs. Ma. tha Sitterson. Mrs. J.: R. Wallap Mrs. George Penney, Mrs. Martha Sltterson and Mrs. Jack , Sitterson attended the reception' given In Fayetteville last Thursday , evening for Mrs. "Lady Bird" Johnson. -J Mr. and Mrs. E. C. TvndaH. Mike Rudy and Bobby Hasty were Sun day guest of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Cos- tin la Warsaw..;1 t - w Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Williams ami son of Wilmington were guest of her ... 1. r m . r uiuuier, mrs, . aiyru uum several days this week. -' .. ' ,r t Mrs. B. ; William.nn hat whin. ned, from Norfolk, Va.. Her, daugh ter, Mrs. Ed Sparks and sons, re turned with her for a. visit. ,- Mr. Bostic of . Greenville was Wednesday night guest of Mr. Willie Brinson. ; tr-'. Mrs. Hilda Chanel and children of Raleigh spent several days recen tly wun ner mower, Mrs. Maggie ' Mr. James Edward firlnann nl University at Chapel Hill was home wun nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mor ns Brinson, for the week end. ?r Misa Yvonna Pattnnnn nt Raloloh - spent the week end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patter son, t Miss Svlvia Cnodinv nf .Qalsm Al lege, Winston-Salem,., was home with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. G V. Goodine for the week Ann Oliver Vestal nf Wilminoinn rni. lege, Wilmington was home fcr th wees ena. . v t Mrs. Roscoe Jones nent uveml days this week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Gooding in Raleigh..-. ':v;'-,-i.rf -i . ..j .4 Mr. and Mrs. Jl. Gradv William and daughter. Keiley Anne, also Mrs. Louise Williams from Baton Rouge, Louisiana were guests of Mrs. Enna ' and Miss Lottla wil. liams last weefcvV X'' On Wednesday thmr mnfniwl tn Raleieh as masts of Mr ami Mr. Hiram Casebolt and on Thursday to Hamilton and WUliamston to visit relatives. Thev rehirneH hnma Vrl. . . -- . rv- y f CONVENTION PRINCIPALS The five persons shown above were principals in the annual fall meeting of the Eastern Tree Will ' Baptist Women's Auxiliary convention, held at Mount Olive College. Left to right, they are Mrs. T. 0. Terry, New Bern, president: Mrs. . Nelson Simpson of Brldgeton, secretary;; the Reveread Jerry Rowe. Ministerial student' at the College, and pastor ofThley Grove Church in Pitt county, who delivered the convention sermon; Mrs.. Rom MaR larrl 'Trenlnn WonelifAr onrl Mm f Uav. tt fintor Hill- rtrAcMent of the State Auxiliary Convention. Delegates from nine eastern North r.n ,v. ofa . '. .11 j!-- . ' ; Cutt. The new members of the club stood and were welcomed.-'' Members stood and repeated .the name o( the club, then they sang the club sonff to the tuna of "Ave Yoq Sleeping.'; . It Is v ,;w rve love music, sweet sweet inusto, Yes we do. You will too .. . Ones a month on Werfnerln t . A piano piece we must play It's a date with the eighty-eight) The pledge was then given. Mar garet Grady was elected reporter for the year. Piano pieces ; were played by the members and re marks were made bv Mrs. Bowden. music teacher. Refreshments were served hv the hosts and . their mothers. After games were played the meeting ad-' Journed . , -.': n Eastern Star Met : Paast Matrons and nasi natrnn nieht was observed at Kenansvllln Chapter No. 2is when it met here last Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the Lodee Hall. . Celia anil J n Stroud, Worthy. Matron and Patron were in their rexnantiva atntinna Twenty three members of the local cnapier ana tnree visiting - Stars were nresent Visitors. inplnHorl Kathleen P Snvriar and Marv Alioo Blackmore members of the Warsaw Chapter but who were former Mat rons of this chantar alsv V.liznhaih Dobson, past Matron of the Greene County Chanter of Snow Hill' Other pusv matrons ei me local chapter who were honored ou Jil.t occasions Mil Sir I nvorc 'Chik Doro now m she was we Mat IU5ig UOVerS VlyD.'ron of KenansviUe Chapter, follow- iue music leavers t:mit mot ' in KenansviUe school auditorium - in KenansviUe on September 27-- The meets was called to order hv'hnsi. Charles Ingram and Jackie Nether- SUBSCRIBE ' ' ,t, , TO THE m m . v ixtaaw p. '"' PI ''' ;'''" TTI ' .. : ',v News ; " - , - ? ? y 1 : - . : r? n n n s no Gf.-.iG;:1 V f. ture 1 ". ' " " i:-', ', v j Bar bV a.ljr d by Mrs. Pearl T. Korneaav. Miss tsie Kornegay, Mrs,. , Ruby i G. Newton.. Mrs. Sallie B. Tyndall, Mrs.. Margaret , Westbrook Mrs. Edna E. firinsnn Mrs 4 UnlnoV. Westbrook, Mrs. Thelma B. Murphy Mrs. Virginia D. Holland and Mrs. Louise K. : Boney. It ' wai .with, re- ret that the' onlv ttast natrnn nro- sent was Lewis A. Westbrook. A. so cial hour followed the meeting dur ing which time Mesdames Dora Evans, Mollle Westbrook and Map tha. Sitterson served apple pie-a-la-mode. At the next stated meeting ea ' October . 11 th. a visit fmm ih District Deputies is anticipated. With The Duolin Circuit Rider V-!--:v.:.:;.e;V'.Jv;.lrt, r v:'tW Riding along, you notice a wreath on the door. We are never ready for death when it comes to a baby or to a person one hundred' years' old. But Death is necessary. When our. body gets old and worn out,' We wouldn't want to be chained to it foreverl we live In th'.s kind of a world. Death is liberation from this world and the door to the next.; We ! nave a wise creator. Ha made time. His Son told na about eternity. Church School at Kananavllfe Magnolia, and Unity at 10 00 A. m! Moraine worahin at TTilh at n nn A. M. and Homecoming. Dr. Stacey Weaver. , i . ', President of Pavettavina M.tw dist College, Speaker.' Evening worship at Magnolia, 7:M P"...M.'",i,v-.;''--f,r''iv-ivi,s.A''x Dr. Harrell la dean nf tha rh).. ., vaui.v- lan workers Scheol at KenansviUe. School begins Sunday afternoon and goes through Wednesday afternoon. Miss Brown ' Honored At Dinner . i, . - ' . On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Thur man Brown entertained the follow ing in honor of their daughter Alices 14th birthday: Miss Judy Chambers. ar, ana Mrs. sucy Cavanaugh of Magnolia, Miss Polly Brinson, Miss Jane Brinson, Mr. and Mrs Willard Brinson, Hirman and Andrea Pat terson. Following a delightful din ner tiie beautifully decorated birth day cake was cut and; enjoyed Have many more, birthdays Alice. Gs Afs Met Alon. The G. A.'s ef KenansviUe met Monday nigh in the home of Mrs, Jean Reese, their nwiuk, vr Betty Sue Steward, assistant coun selor, was present to assist with the program. , ;. , , - 'O t :-, , New oficers were elata4 . it.. fiscaJ year. They are: Polly Brinson ivesiueni; vfaii Nicholson, jvice president; Becky Oakley, secretary and treasurer- .lean - r,o.,.u r - WTsuauKU, Program Chairman. ;,; i .,, , Other positions filled werei Social charman, Carol Pate; Forword Step Chairman. Gall Mnmhv stou,-j ship chairman, Nancy Stephens: foreign and Home Mission chair man, Alice Brown; prayer chair man, Marie Grady. , Popcorn and Cokes were served and enjciyed by alL - PI A yocs First Meet Of Year The'- Kenans villa School Parent Teacher Asociation met for the first meeting ot the 19WMBL school year at 7:au p. m. on ucuwer , two. w tanrianra : was nnnallv Ff vnnA. Tha Rev, Mr. House, Methodist minister gave tne aevouonai aicer wnicn a snort Dusmess meeung was neia. Officers and committee members for the ensuing year were announ ced. Tney are: rieaiueni:,, nuiiwn a. vran -' Vice-President :r Mrs. Melvin Bosti 5Sefratarv Mrs. ftarlanil Alnhin - Ass't. Secretary: Mrs. Andrew Out law , , Treasurer: The Rev. Mr. Lauren Sharps v . Committee Memhers Budeet and Finance: Lauren Shame Chra. .: Phillip Kretsch and Amos isrinson. ' Congress PublicatioiK Mrs. Mattie Sadler, Chm. '- .. i Mrs. Amos Brinson and Mrs. Hazel Scott - , i Hosnitalitv:' David -,J. Kilnatrinlr Chm., Francis Oakley Mrs. Virginia renny ana Mrs. fmmp Kretsch -' Membershio: Mrs. Nannie Brin son, Chm., Mrs. Florence Brown Mrs. Jim Outlaw Mrs. David X Kflpatrick and Mrs. Joe Wallace National P. T. . A. Magazine: Mrs Florence Currle. Chm Mrs. C. f Ivey, Jr., Mrs. Coral Burch and mts. naipn sasser. " . Program: Mrs. Melvin Bostic. Chm Mrs. Ray Bell. Mrs. Alma Brinson Mr.s J. ,D. Kornegay, and Jim Bunce Publicity: Mrs. Marearet Oaklev Chm.. Mrs. Paul S tenhens ' and Mrs. J. R-. Grady. : , Safety:. Mrs. , Anne Redwine," Chm Mrs. Hortense Hasty. Mr 2.' W. Frazzellei and Mrs: Garland Alnhin , The new members of tha farnltv were miroaucea. Mrs. Virginia Pen nev's 7th srada and Mrs .lnv Bell's first grade won for having uie most parents attending,:- . - , v Refreshments were eninveH rfnr. tng a social hour following the mt ing. - i . l La 3 LuJ. i is CO' . r-ton.uiined. Ow 3 f.,.J ciierators of the new fjcik.y i.Lit.'e J. T. Ashford. Jr., who w 'U serve as mana.-r; A. B. Butler, Holt Robinson, and IL lv Stewart, Jr. Archie Smith will serve as assistant manager. . Mrs. Edith Hhompson and Mrs. Jean Barefoot will serve-An dual capacities there, both as counter personnel and bawling instruction, Ashfard said. .' The 72 by 140 foot building, con taining more than 10,000 square feet of space, was constructed by J. L, Holland and Son of Salemburg as general contractors. Sub-contrac tors Included plumbing by Sampson Ace Hardware; heating and air conditioning by Clinton Hardware; electrical wiring by Cell Electirc: painting by White and Sons; end . lor t..s L- . . - - - -- fort t'ltstn ' un4 a la kru t - iu(3tt' 1 1 t aa. tonihinif -r to i ""nor rhoiut mui to t- r i.noo urfrary. I-i -r --.at , hila (oUy IwlmviiKf pain, a u riiua tisn "(hrinWaga) took pmoa. Most amazing of atl -results' ware so thor ough Uiat sutfereri made antomihtna; Utements like "Filet have ceaaad to - be a probleml" The secrat is new aaaiins; suosiancv iw-u.w uia cover; of a world-lamoui reaearch Institute. This lubatanoe now avail bit in tuppotteory er tatmnt orat called" Preparation H. At all drna- couaura taoaty bask fuarantae . , A t ' i-r : Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. William Nnhla Mar. un, jr. announce the birth, of a son William Noble Martin TTT- lur. September 23. i960 in Aiken, s r. Mrs. Martin was Miss Emma Jean Kaynoids of Red House. - Va. Mr. Martin Is nephew of Mrs.1 C. B Guthrie. ' Town Ancf Country Club Club met with Mrs. Jean Reese Tuesday night. Cokes and salted nuts 'wire ser ved during the progressions to the following members: Mesd ames Ruth Wells Parol sn. u.. ei ...... w v .1 uiMB pir cer. Betty Sue Stewart, Sally Tyn- uou ana cioise ityaer. Mesdames nary aue tjooner anrt Pat Knmmar. lin were visitors. Mrs. Tyndall received a purse lor high SCOre. A nearl hraeala given to Mrs. Cooper for visitors iugu. joinKO Drize was a neeiriaM receivea oy Mrs. Weils. . , Mrs. Vestal ' Club Hostess . " 'Mrs. Nl B. Bonev was sivait liidw glass vase for club high and a bud vase was given to Mrs. Rufust Elks for visitors' gift on Wednesday even ing When Mrs Elll Vestal enter. tainea ner contract Klub. -,. t Roy Lee Vestal assisted his mot her in serving ' strawberrw sunriaa cake and coffee to Mrs. Elks, Mrs! noney, Mrs; 1. c. Burch, Mrs. D. S. Williamson, Mrs. Vance Gavin, Mrs J. B. Wallace and Mrs. C. B. Guth rie." r ' ' , . CovJiiig Alley InCILin 0?:n:J0cf.5 What has been described as a creational , need for snortsmimieii youth and other residents of Clinton and its .surrounding area" cama n Clinton on Wednesday, October S. wuen me aootB ot Clinton Lanes, an all modern, up-to date bowling alley, opened . v , , , Located at 414 Warsaw highway, the new recreational facility will provide the latest in bowling equi pment,? free bowling instructions, and a 60-car parking lot for its cus tomers. " Twelve alleys with automatic pin spotters, underlane bail returns and the .latest in--scoring equipment have been installed for customer FOR YOU .4 mm ' HI SV 'I1 1 ' N lllli; II 4 fc'iififftcii Come in and bring your ignition kevi make vonr deposit and well custom cut your souvenir key in about one minute. -' -. ' ' - j ' ' ' : WHEN YOU "Pay Yourself First" Aiki. GolcTPIated T7 LiU' On A Safety Lock Ring : i y.i.' -V 1r-i-- . 'v, a :- U U UC7, ( ; : When Ton Add $50.00 To Your Savings Account or Open A New Savings Account For $50.00 or More At Any Waccamaw Bank Office. ' - t It Deposits ;', Mcde By The tC.'h ' ' ' Eorn lnf:rerf 'Frc.U; f ::':?V'Th8.1s-.i:;-..V:"'it.''; riome of Friendly Service ' mm ,mi V Srf V tmmrnm "in j Uank At Any of Our Locations . Ceulaville . Rose Hill irpn,Birn! Member Federal Deposit Insuranee Corporation 1