. 7; i l a of .' l"r. J i s. Li St i'&i.J f s.it L.t . . 4 Mr. lichen's IroUier, Paul t-bea and s ha mother, Mrs. KAcben. - ilri. Kenneth Fussell and Kiss Sara Alice Fussell stfent last week vi end in High Point whet they visit : ed tbeir daughter and sister. Miss Jackie Fussell. , ' ' Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Newman and . baby of Burlington spent last Satur day with Mr. Newman's brother, ' Singclalr Newman and family. Dr. and Mrs.- Mett Ausley and children spent Thursday in Wilming ton where tbey visited Mrs. Ausleys mother, Mrs. B. B. Knight - Mr; and Mrs. Billy Houston and children of Kinston spent last week end with their parents. Mrs. J, K. West Sr, and Mrs. Florence Hou- StOn.-. .v" '' .--"V"':'v5 v 'fe; "" Mrs. Bonnie Thomas and Mrs. T. L. Smith shopped m Goldsbora last ' Friday.' :-y. . ff-v .' r Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Thomas and son, Gregory, shopped in Raleigh j. last Thursday. L Mr. and Mrs. Y. L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Best, and Mrs. , Mattie Torrans recently enjoyed a , seafood dinner at the Marina at 1 WrighUville Beach. Mrs. . P. Wood. Mrs. E. ' F. Strickland, Mrs. Perry Smith and Mrs. Martha Davis fished at Topsail ;.- last Wednesday. Mrs. Lela Phillips and Misses , Fannie Wilson and Sadie Bennett shopped in Goldsbora last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sheppard of - Pink Hill were Thursday evening i dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dou- rlas Townsend. ,r v.Vv Mrs. Joe Kornegay, shopped j in rlelcb last Saturday. ' Miss Becky House of Goldsbora spent last week end with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. x. noose. Mrs. B. B. Knight of Wilmington pent last week end with ber daugh ter and family, Dr. and Mrs. Mett Ausley. ' ' ;'(; --;:' Mrs! West Honored With Shower jfti s ' Mrs. George West was honored last Thursday evening with an ap- propiate shower given by Mrs, Sing' clair Newman at her home here. . Guests included members of Mrs. West's bridge -dub, MesdamM Joe Cos tin, Joe Kornegay, Arnold Jones, Bill Best. Frank Steed, J. T. Kelly. Gerald Quinn, Boy Barwick, V. A. Standi, and the honoree. Dainty floral arrangements Were used' to decorations. The serving table was centered with a Hallmark stork and miniature stork and hold ers were used as favors. Following the first progression of bridge, the hostess served lime sherbert punch, individual cakes, mints, and nuts. Mrs. West was presented an at tractive covered -container filled with many lovely and useful gifts by members of the club. At the conclusion of play, Mrs Newman presented Mrs. Costin with a deck of playing cards as high score winner; Mrs. Jones, a flower frog as traveling winner, and Mrs, Kornegay received a flower frog and florist clay as consolation win ner. When a boy's best friend is mother's too! 12 OUNCE HEAVYWEIGHT s&jZ by Billy Kid They're nothing but the greatest thing that's happened to jeans since boys. Ever- feature of a pair of jeans that's important to a boy and to a mother has been vastly improved and here's how: They're longer wearing because they're tighter woven and tougher thru a new bonding-finishing process. They hold weight, color and strength longer. They have improved construction throughout. The first and still the finest fused knee SAF-T-NEE. I NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED Ff W Department Store Warsaw. N. C. PTA Holds First: Meet Of Year T The Parent-Teacher Association held its first meeting of the school year last Tuesday evening in the Junior High School auditorium with its new president Mr. John ron vielle. presiding over the meeting. The meeting was opened with a devotional given by Mrs. Oman Grice, taken from the: fourteenth chapter of Luke, - During the ' business - meeting, Mrs. Fan vie lie appointed the fol lowing committee chairman: Fund Raising chairman, Mrs. Bill. Shef field: Program chairman, Mrs. Or man Grice; Float Committee chair man,, Mrs. Bill Taylor, and Social Chairman. Mrs. J. M. Kornegay. , Following the' business meeting. Principal Bin Taylor gave an in formative dicussion concerning new school regulations , of North Caro lina in connection with attendance and teacher allotment - - e Following the meeting, members were, invited into one of the school rooms for refreshments. ' The ser ving table was covered with a yet lew doth' on which a fall flower ar rangment of yellow and . gold and brass candlelabra were used effec tively.. Sofe drinks and cookies were served by Mesdames J. M. Korne gay, BUI Sheffield, and Elbert Mat bis. .f ' Mrs. Torrans Club Hostess Warsaw Metlscd-sts observed Ral ly Day at their church last Sunday morning during the Sunday School and Worship Service Hour. . v " . Following Sunday School, promo tion -exercises were held with at tendance pins, banners and Bibles being given in recognition to mem bers of the, Sunday school Following .the 11:00 o'clock wor ship service, dinner was enjoyed la the Fireside Room of the cnurcn. Presbyterian Circles . Circle Number : IT met Mondr afternoon in the Ladies' Parlor ol the Presbyterian Church with Mrs. Lott Kornegay hostess. ; Mrs. F. A. Mttchner, chairman Presided over the business meeting. and Mrs.- Edwin, Ewers was ! m charge of the Bible Study.; The hostess served ribbon pimen to cheese sandwiches, cookies, pick- les, olives and coffee to the ten ; members and one visitor present Circle Number 1 of the Presby terian Church met Tuesday morn ing at 10:30 in the home of Mm. Fmul Raars an hill Street. ' t ; Mrs. Fred Bears; Chairman, pre sided over the business meeting. : Mrs. Henry I. Stevens, Jr. gave the Bible, Study'rf?ip.! ' - ' Mrs. Baars served hot buns, tid bits and coffee, to the ten mem bers present- ' j4 j Mrs. Y. L. Smith was high scorer tnff . UJ 1 . Tir-J I M i VAMUa- Circle Number 9 of the Presby terian church met Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. S. C. Hines was fourteen members present . Miss Mamie Beathea, Chairman, presided over the busines session. Mrs. B. C. Sheffield. Sr. gave he Bible Study which was most inter- at bridge last Wednesday evening when Mrs. Mattie Torrans enter tained members of ber bridge' club. Mrs Smith received an attractive china tea pitcher as her award; Mrs. V. A. Standi received a utility tray as second high award, and the traveling award was received by Mrs. Jack Weatherly. Others attend ing were Mesdames E. E. Jones, George Hopkins, Forest Martin, A. J. Strickland, and J. . Wahab. The hostess served apple pie a-la- mode, nuts and coffee at the con clusion of play. STATEMENT REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF . AUGUST 24, 1912, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS ' OF MARCH S, 1933. JULY 2, 194S AND JUNE 11,-1960 ( 74 STAT.; 208) SHOWING THE ' OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULA TION OF The Weekly Gazette pub lished weekly-at LaG range. North Carolina for October , 1960.J 1. The names and addresses of the publisher editor.- managing editor, and business-managers are: ' Publisher Mrs;' Ruth Grady, Ken-' wwviue, North Carolina Editor Mrs. Ruth P.' Grady, Xen- ansville, N. C. , Managing editor' Mrs. Ruth P. Grady Kenansyllle. North Carolina Business manager Mrs. . Ruth Grady Kenansville. North Carolina . -2. The owner is: If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediate ly thereunder the names and add resses of stockholders awning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and address of the individual owners must be siven. If owned by a partnership or tber unincorporated firm, its name and address; as well as that of each Individual member, must be given.) Mame Mrs. Ruth Grady Address Kenansville, North Carolina 3. The known bondholders, mort gagees, and other security holders jwning er holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mor- gages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) None 5. The overage number Of copies. of eacli Issue Of this publication sold or distributed, through the malls or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur ing the 12 months preceding the date shown above Was: (This infor mation-is required by the act of June 11, 1960 to be included in all statements regardless of srequeocy of issue.) 1800 Ruth P. Grady, Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of October, 1900 (Sealr - :' . ? Ruth B. Wells . ' (My commission expires 10-29-60.) Mrs. Bill Sheffield, who is Presi dent of the Women of the Church, met with the group also. ;: Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the meeting. ' : r 4 Circle Number 4 met at 8 O'clock Monday night in the Ladies' Parlor of the Presbyterian Church with Mrs. Douglas Townsend Hostess. Mrs. Bill Best, Chairman, presid ed over the business session, and Mrs. Jack Weatherly gave the Bible Study. .. i, Mrs. Townsend served to the thir teen members present fresh coconut mm ccute, ouu ana conee. SUkDAY ; H , AT CHURCH . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH D. E. PARXERSON. MBSflSTER Sunday Scfaool t:4S a. m. J. Johnson, Supt Morning Worship UtOO a. fn. ..... "r "Message - ,.' . . tl"M?lc'-burjurpli Chotr. - ' .Training' Unieo 1:00 p. In. 'vll. C. AUer.i Director Bvefuig WorshHiS'OO p. m. WARSAW MCTHODIST- HURCH k ief. WILSON MINISTER CHURCH SCHOOL; 45 a. m ;Al M. Benton Sup'fc Worship Services 00 A. M. . v.Ssnnon;,.,- Men's Chora ' " ' . WARSAW PRESBYTERIAN . . v.. . . CHURCH- . ' NORMAN FLOWERS, 'MINISTER 1 CBurch soiiotf skso a. to. P. A. Mltohner, Supt I! Mornhur Worship 11:00 A. M. Sermon:' "The Sincerity Of Christ Music: Adult Choir -i , Music: AUI Choir ; ' Pioneer' Felowship' 6:00 P. M. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH , PACT. MULL. PASTOR Sunday. School 10:00 A. M. Robert Price,- Sunt ; Morning Worship U:00 A. M "Wayside Shrilles, Training Union - 6:46 P. M. Evening Worship 8:00 p. M. "Hearing Mort Than One Hear PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS ' ' CHURCH . REV, T. L DAUOrTBY. JR. Sunday School W:M X M.. Worship Service 11:00 A. M. Evening Worship Service 7:30 P. M BEST UAUTYj, '!.'.. ' Outside White Paint ' '.--.r-.'.:,j:.f, tsja Gallon vi'tV:; ; HINES JEWELERS "7 22S N. Railroad Si,' -lU ''. Warsaw, h? X.-'WX '3 l -7 James A. Rackley -.V.'V 'X: ent For Duplin Mutual Burial Association And jnsuronceftm 2 XIMWM QUIIIlliMWEIIlTOM illn?! : 'i , B - V' WW A .;ii:;;pY'.W?.X. 1 AH Of Next Wcelc- OCTOBER 10 tbru 15 if r -'f V ',H : . J - '. - : -- f .'; V'-' A. 4-- ft v:;il i: " "Mi 1 ' 'AT i v v 1 6 M w t M 'VV r SM " IV r f J t1 "i . i "h 1 V" ' A DAY iff - i , L ) . ; 1 & I t - - t t 1 I' I 1 I r. ... , Li.- lAb S if tLi CH::G GIVE! I VtEEtLY 3 ON THURSDAY - 3 ON FRI DAY 4 - ON SATUR NO OBLIGATION SIMPLY COME IN AND GET YOUR FREE TICKET AND REGISTER OFTEN , A & P Employees and JVIenAew of Thfeir ImmedUte Families Are Not Eligible To Win rood Baskets. r L 1 J f.mc2 c"urj:z:i!:i SLICED Et:niGIED 24-OZ. LOAVES Bremn.er's Cremes Cookies I 2 lb 39c Ann Page Grape 2 lbs jar . 45c r n Jon Porker Vanilla Creme Iced Spanich Bars Libby Brand Specially Priced Corned Boef AP Pure t ' , ."' Grape Juice Sl 29c Each Coke 29 C 15Can350 Sultana L Salad Dressing "1 at. 35c ) i u J Carolinian 10 to 14-Lb. Country ; UALiS WHOLE OR BUTT HALT "SUPER-RIGHT" SHORT SHANK U to 16-LB. SMOKED cm fir try cnnTinfi : I Will lUtl ;i:,;v: l y. : lb. w j Whole or Shank Half Center Slices v ; u u u 69 c 405 1 w j ;) " 79c 'SUPER-RIGHT" VARIETY PAK.BofognaSeIomiLuncheon Meat r fickle Loaf w w i v ' mT ' ri t sTsi .,.;- mr mm y-r". . : . . t. mm a roc 0 PIT ft I 1. I" ' 1 n Hi WHS."','-" ' .. 1 .;'' ,.,-','; . .'' .';r,::';-i.-! . '-.Jj. ' .''' Un Pari Para f relt ' Peach, lar IO:iA TOMATOFt :);1nn7 Van W P W . - i i i i - i. ......... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmim aUt r.' Mr. Clean 15oi. bof. 39c - U tCaBiCT'Jo-V'u"!!'' a. tleg. Bar ti' .'i.1 . lOci Large Bar' r2-29c S:il Lfc'jid 12 oz can 22 oz. can 25c 43c 5 1 . ff I If 9 Ml fc' i . t dig ms k-V' COriUA APPLES. 4 lb boo 3?e O 9. yc;5 V