!:ci;:n$ :U v 12 fc:;es::& :; This Veek 0 1 ir volutis XXVH No. 47 KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY OCTOBER 27, 1960. SDB8CROITION KAR8 9Um 9 tm id DwtXa and adJetnbM PRICE TEN CENT O yoCJ Jl)U0!7O nr 3 ULlU if," "V-l U Vs. vIOth anniversary TRICK OR TREAT tot?1 ltI I I960 A REALLY . ; SPECIAL -HALLOWN FOR TJE WORLD'9 CHILDREN 4 WMEKKASi uctooer 31st, Hallo ween, is a holiday, especially lor coildrcn; aad , V WHEREASVMillion. cf American - youngsters iV the holiday each year by-Trjcitvar Treattag tur Xnu CEP aqd'-'lhe-Vorld'a needy child ren", .nd . WHEREAS:' Trtfk or5eat lor knL.t' is a coBstructivelexpres ilon of American children' concern and friendship for , their, less for tunate contcmporariea; ajtd -4 WHEREAS: t)I(;tha';tJftel - NaUons Children'! Fund, it helping ; aboot 5 mHllph childre.ra., .countries and territories in .governments '.in'' pp disease control, nutrition, and matr ernai ana ehiid -welfare: aid WHEREAS; " Each:.eoi4 i by Trick ir Treaters w& niean medicine, or load , for the skk and hungry children jm the world. In Warsaw United nations Day Celebrated I,; I " David Henderson, Democratic Nominees for the 3rd Congressional District, and Mrs. Troy Kornegay, President of the Warsaw P. T, A. planting a tree' in front of Warsaw Junior High School:' Thii tree -planting was held in commemoration of United Nations Day." : V ',-(. . - , i Photo by Ruth Grady) rson of Wallace, Douglass L. 1 . iol P. T. A. planting a tree, celebrating the fifteenth anniversary"? United Nations. The tree planting ceremony was' held in front of the Douglass High School, after a program which 8s he!d in the a "'jriwn. :, '. ' v r ' '' - , ' : t - : ( Pboto by Ruth Grady) I. J. E. Strickland, Mayor of the Town of Warsaw, do hereby pro-Jlai-. l Cesser ?'.st as UIOEP Day r.. ar; . ( t.ti -.e ( olrtk and young alike) to participate in Trick or Treat for UN1CEF and to wel come the j properly identified Trick .r. Treaters at the door Jn witness V.ierecf.. I have set my band and seal cf.thj Town of Warsw. N 0.. on this 24th day of October, nine teen hundred, and sixty. , This project is being sponsored by Methodist Youth fellowship in Warsaw, Each-citizen will be caled Monday night .betsven 4k00 And Kenansville by the Council of Chu rches, . through the three churches in Kenansville, and Kenansville' peo pie will be contacter after T:30 P. X. on Saturday night, October 29. sSSSf!1!!1! tad Henry Martin, preIt 6t Ca by SSlSt- ,.7' i ' . A . (fgramt tmfii i&C&'iii haW aomunmi in r.V. Vi.. - DORMITORY OFFICER Miss Judy Pearsalr of Warsaw has been bained on the . religious committee of Cotten Hall at East Carolina College. Freshman' offic ers were recently elected to serve In. thff Freshman Women's Dormi tories. ON CENTENNIAL COMMISSION Col Hueh Dortch. Chairman of he fl. C. Confererate Centennial commission, announcea recently the . appointment of . the following persons from Duplin County to ser ve as members of a local Confed erate Centennial committee:.? Mrs. Winifred T. Wells of Wallace, Mrs. Christine W.. Williams and F. W. McGowen of Kenansville. . This jroup will work with the Stale Commission in the formulation and execution of plans to conduct a County program in commemorating the 100th anniversary of the War Between the States. , PRACTICE TEACHING Duplin County students at East Carolina who began their fall-quar-. ter student teaching program are: Jerry. Ann . Dobson, BeulavUle, Greenville Jr. H. S., 7th grade; Barbara W. Mitchell, Kenansville, Plymouth H. S., Home-Economics; tnd Jean E Wells, Wallace, Wahl Coates Laboratory School on cam us, 6th grade. , WORLD COMMUNITY DAY World Community Day will be ob served in the Kenansville Metho dist CharcS on ' Friday afternoon, November 4 at 3:30 P. M. The pro gram will be under the direction of Mrs. E. A. Newton. The public is :ordially invited And urged to at tend..;'. A'oV '- i .: y , HOMECOMING 1 Sunday. 6ctobet" 30. Vrill -be Hotne . 'iiWBayuraj2pdnga, 'Bap tise wiurco,, Morning services win be af 11:00 A. M. -with the pastor, Sev.' Charles E. Price, in charge. A picnic lunch will be served on tne grounds. There will be special mus .c in the afternoon "-All former pastors,-members and Friends are invited. "' United Nations Day was celebrat ed most . effectively in Warsaw on Monday at the James Kenan High School, the Warsaw Junior High School and Douglass High School. David Henderson, Democratic no minee from the 3rd Congressional District, made a talk at each of the schools commemorating the fif teenth anniversary of United Na tons Day. Henderson, was introduced at each school by Dr. Mett Ausley. who was chairman of United Na tions Day in Warsaw , Ausley hac a well organized program plannec in the1 three schools which included the planting f a tree at the War saw Junior High and Douglass High School., Henderson's theme was 'Love Thy. Neighbor As Thyself". He poin ttd out that in 1945 the U. N. char ter, was signed in this country, this was about 69 days after World War H. "we have had fifteen years of history of world nations coming to gether to form World Peace . :i . What can High School boys and do about -the situation?, They can educate themstlves",. Henderson further Stated - that we are at the . (continoea m baokj ub Judging To Be Held Nov. 2-4 Duplin County, Commnnity Club Judging will be conducted for the eight Clubs in the County Novem ber 1-4, according to Vernon H. Reyonlds, ; Duplin ."County , Farm. Agent-" ::- ' The eight Community Clubs with In Duplin are competing for the County honor of the "Best Com munity Ckib in 'Duplin". The Club selected, will then be entered in competition for the honor of SENC land's Outstanding Community Club for W60. ; ; :;. ,:.'.;' For the past three years,, Duplin's winner has also 1een the tep Club in SENCIand, Pleasant Grove, Ce dar Fork and Oak Ridge all have been SENCIand winners. x Awards day will be held ca Noy' ember T, in Kenansville. i -' The cemmittee traveling Duplin to select the top Commulaty Qub this year is an Ovt-of-cou&ty and imrrtial group. Trial: & Error When Halloween, Election, Toba cco season and football season are over, 1 wonder what we will do for excitement. Between all of these activities, Ilf estays in a pretty mad whirl! I honestly believe that children get a bigger -kick out of Halloween than they do Christmas. All of the young folks of Kenans ville are so busy getting ready for the School Carnival -on Thursday night each child seems to take it as his individual ' project, and I imagine it is the same way in each of the schools of the county. The Democratic Rally in Clinton last Friday was certainly very in teresting. Adlal Stevenson's' speech was right down to earth and sprin kled with as much honest to good ness humor as I have heard in a long time. He laid the facts on the table squarely, and was extremely well informed on his subject. The crowd was most responsive, and en thusiastic. In the Motorcade from Duplin which formed at Baltic, a .ruck plastered with Republican stickers pulled into the line ahead of Preston Wells, well that was a little too much for Preston, and I am afraid he used some 'unseemly language.' Duplin County is very busy get ting ready for Terry Sahford Day in Monday. Sanford will stop in Warsaw, then come to Kenansville Mid speak, tbcv -j :o Wallace for linner. nrr! then tc Prnder County. OTt ?.f wcp. TVs-j politicians 'nust dk" i r f t-i? to hold the ichedulcti. Vir each day .tjs amasing: W(p pe:.ple af Duplin lave had (he opportunity this year if meeting all the dignitaries. , Well, the. camera has made a phool" of me 3-i'n, But for the lenefit of the James Kenan School children who were looking on, I vsuld like to say that there was a short in the flash attachment to he camera. A poor excuse is bet er than none. But after spending he entire day of Monday, picture aking, and getting only three or 'our good pictures - a new deter nination has come into my life. 1 im not going to let that little old wx ' master me, just for spite, I im going to master it, if it takes 10.00 worth of film to learn. My stubborn blood ( which I am ac- used, of inheriting from my Moth T) is boiling, and soon you will see onie pictures worth viewing. Was out" at Pearsail's Chapel ?ree Will Baptist Church at a pray r meeting services last week ( My Mother spoke to the group-and she "id real well, for she didn't insert iny Methodistism in her speech). They have, recently built a new shurch, and it is lovely. They have Sunday Schoo rooms, and have an attic which has not been complet ed but can be used for Sunday School rooms if needed, which they probably will ne?d soon, after look ing at their record of Sunday morn ing attendahces. The furniture in the Church is beautiful. It was most inspiring to see so many present on Wedensday night, after' they had put in a hard day's work on the farm. The singing in rural churches always does something to me, they sing like, they enjoy it so much,, and with such enthusjasm. Saturday Last, Chance FdrYouv To Get Registered Saturday is the last day to real- ster for. those, persons who are not registered in order to be eligible to vote in the November 8, General Election. r .-v.-:-.';. : u- .;'';:.;.:" Registrars will be at preciously designated places on Saturday. Be tween now. and Saturday v regisra tion can be comnleted at .the Wak tloa can be completed at the homes of the registrars, - - -j: , - ;, - Those persons srhe voted a the Primary in May are eligible to vote in the General Election and do not have te register. Those persons, it is pointed oui, who have voted since the sew registration are eligible to vote. --. ' ' Individuals who. are not certain about their registered status should check to make sure before the dead Mne Saturday at ( p. m. , Sataord Und Henderson To Speak At Rally In lenansville onday - Everyone Invited Hon. Terry Sanford, Democratic Nominee for Governor of North Car olina, and Hon. David Henderson, Democratic Nominee for Congress from the Third District, will speak at the County's Democratic Rally at the Courthouse in Kenansville, on Monday Morning, October 31, at 11:00 o'clock,- Come and hear the next Governor of North Carolina and the Congressman discuss the is sues in the Campaign. The County Democratic Executive Committee' cordially invites you to this Rally. Come and bring your friends with you. HENDERSON David N. Henderson, our next Congressman from the Third Dis trict, is a young-man who is able, experienced and well qualified to r epresent all people of the Third District in Congress. He is familiar with farm problems and is a friend to Agriculture in every sense of the terra. Duplin is proud to have our next Congressman. SANFORD Terry Sanford, the next Governor J North Carolina, is an experien ced, well qualified young man Ter ry has gone before the people with a vigorous program of progress for North Carolina. Through the Demo cratic process of free and open discussion of all issues. He present ed both himself and his program. Hi held open press conferences twice e wee k. He went before the oublic by visiting every county in the state and through radio and Television. Terry was nominated ii primaries in which more than 600, Stevenson In Clinton Adlal Stevenson was in North Carolina last Friday when he madf political speech in Clinton in the jail park. Accompanying Steven son ' to. Clinton Were his two sons and his sister Mrs. Ives. After the welcome by Robert Powell, Mayor of the city of Clin ton, and Jack Morrisey, chairman if the Sampson Esecutive Commit tee.' Governor Hodges introduced Terry Sanford who in turn introdu ced Adlal Stevenson. Governor Stevenson gave an ex ?ellent address beginning by ridi ulieg the Republicans, and then retting into a more serious veir vhich was sprinkled throughout with much humor. Stevens, pointer )ut that the real isue of the cam )aign is "Peacs on Earth" which s what everyone wants. Stevenson spoke to a group of a out 5000. Many State and National ffice holders were on the platform vith Stevenson. Among them were Thad Eure, Congressman Graham harden, David Henderson, Senator 'ordan and many others. Sanford's TV Shows ' Here is a schedule of Terry San ford Television shows scheduled for next weeks. , November 1 - WNCT , Greenville 9:00 - 9:30 p. m (This is tentative) 3 - WBTV, Charlotte - 9:00 - 9:30 a, m. Big East Central Game M Arid Aft. Conference North Duplin Will Travel To Erwin; Burgaw Host To Wallace-Rose Hill and Swansboro At Beukville n By Joe Costla WARSAW: James Kenan's unde feated Tigers looked like anything but undefeated last Friday night at Tiger Field as they staged an up hill 13-11 conference win over North Duplin. R was the third straight victory in the East Central for the Tigers and the eighth win in a row this season. North Duplin has drop ped two conference. fames thus tar by a total of two points., They lost to BeulavUle 7-6 last week., :; ! Throughout the first half it was tee-saw battle ",with both teams grinding out short gains. Highly ra ted James Kenan was unable to move, the ball against a fired -up Re bel team that came to Tiger Field to gain a' little glory and revenge. James Kenan had only one sustain drive going but lost the ball pn downs in the second Quarter about mid-field Just before the half North DupUa marched down te 000 North Carolinians participated Sanford has stuck to his program He ' has not said this fall that his "Spring Program" was wrong. STATE DEMOCRATIC RECORD The Democratic Party has had full responsibility for the Adminis tration of State Government in Nor th Carolina since the turn of the century. Thus for sixthy years each succeeding administration has built upon the accomplishments of its predecessors until today the govern meat of North Carolina is famous for its efficiency, its progressive character, and, above all for its ntegrity. Terry Sanford has demon strated in' the primaries that he will continue this program of pro gress. A Democratic Governor who vill have the cooperation of a Dem jcratic legislature.' The Governors of North Carolin; from Aycock to Hodges, have been nen of great capacity. They have all been characterized by a genuine levotlon ti the cause of good gov ernment and to the welfare of all iur people. The Democratic Party is giving o this state a really modern and ,-ver-expanding public service that s the envy of our sister states. )ur state government, under the eadership of the Democratic Party s showing an ever-increasing a vareness of the needs of our people n education, in public health, in ublic welfare, in the development Mrs. Boney Named Glp Telephone For Kennedy ign Mrs. D. H. Boney ef Teachey has leen named Duplin County Chair rian of the Telephone for Kennedy Campaign. Mrs. Willard M. Marley of Dur lam. State Chairman f the Com mittee, stated the purpose of the .elephone campaign is to provide llrect contact with the Senator's ampaign and the Democratic Par y. Persons serving with Mrs. toney in the county will be prepar ed to answer questions about the democratic Party slate and about he record of the Democratic Par- y- In announcing the appointment. Jrs. Marley said 'Hhe Democratic women of North Carolina appreci: ate the opportunity to participate personally in Senator Kennedy's campaign,' Trf kick off the national Telephone for Kennedy Campaign, Mrs. John F. Kennedy - wife of the Democ ratic presidential nominee, called Mrs. Marley personally, along with several other state chairmen across the country. Throughout the nation during the remaining days before the election, some 150,000 women in 50 states will participate in the telephone campaign. North Carolina alone ex pects to complete one million calls for Senator Kennedy before Nbvem ber 8. Olive In Bhj Game Friday Night; Championship Could B James Kenan's 37 yard line on two pass plays but the half ended with the score 0-0. In the third quarter the Tigers moved. inside the Rebels 30 only to have a long penalty stall the drive. North Duplin took over and two plays later defensive halfback Bobby "glue-fingers' "Phillips inter cepted a Rebel pass on Tigers 2t and returned it five yards to the 23. In three plays fullback Danny Batts plunged over for the ' first score of the game. The point failed but the Tiger took a t-O lead. 1 Both teams' battled for short gains most of .the third land fourth quarter. But with five minutes and forty - seven seconds left in the game . . '. the fire works began to sound off. On an exchange of punts the Rebels behind star quarterback Doug Kennedy began to roll and In just three plays drove 73-yards to tit the score M. The drives were of natural resources; we have not neglected our human values and have sought to place human wel fare above material things. The Democratic Party is proud to give an accounting for our long f'aWlaeiii' ,, - I wr.;M.Wiiifii.iii(l' mm TERRY Luntheon At Wallace To Honor Sanford Public Inirited To Meet Candidate A luncheon wniVheld in Wa4 Iaee- at noon n Monday, October' 31, honoring Terry Sanford, Fay itteville and Cumberland County's favorite son and the successful Democratic nominee for governor jf North Carolina in ttie primaries this spring. The event will be one of the high lights of Duplin County's Terry Sanford Day." Arrangements for the luncheon, which will be held at the Wallace American Legion Building, are be ing made by Claude Hepler and Dr John D. Robinson, Jr., Wallace Democratic leaders. All residents of the Wallace area and the surrounding towns and aommunities are invited to gather it the American Legion Building snd meet and hear Mr. Sanfard, who will give a frief address at 12:00 noun. Those desiring to eat lunch may purchase tickets at 52.50 each from Mr. Ilcpler, Dr. Robinson, Jr., or Dr. John D. Rob inson, Sr., who is chairman of the Wallace precinct. The proceeds de rived from this luncheon will be used to defray the expense of the rally and luncheon in Wallace, it was pointed out. "Whether or not you attend the luncheon, you are most cordially invited to be at the Wallace American Legion Building to meet and hear our Democratic candi date for the governor speak.' the spokesman emphasized "It is hop ed that a large crowd will be pres ent and will give Mr. Sanford a warm welcome to Wallace and to Duplin County," they added. climaxed by two long passes to inus Harold Thompson and Glenn King good for 18 & 40 yards respec tively. Kennedy raced into the end zone to score with less than five minutes to play. The Rebels kicked to James Ken an and fullback Batts returned the kick 27-yards to the Tigers 38. From there the Tigers marched 62-yards to score clamaxed by a 19-yard pass from quarterback Jimmy Dix on to End Colin Quinn. 1 And believe you me I don't see how Colin got his .hands on the ball because he was ; covered like a blanket. All I can say is he caught it like a true champion. On the try for the point quarterback Dixon sneaked over in what was a very definite turning point in the won and lost column. ' . With Just 19 seconds left in 0 game and most James Kenan tans breathing. sigh of relief the Re bels struck like lightning , Kennedy, real wixiard with that ball engin eered the Rebels to their second touchdown kr two plays. With tbe Ann unnrniran wnrii nr annn nnirwn ment. The record commends itself to the good sense and the pride ef our people Terry Sanford will ear- -ry on this tine record with a Demo cratic Legislature. 8AN70RD Amo dignitaries.. eq&t&. te attend -the'latoheon Wlh, be F HXK.JJ "VII, l-IIUll 1IIU1I VX i Duplin County Democratic Execu tive Committee, and Wallace's own David N. Henderson, Democratec congressional nominee from tbe -Third District, who will introduce the honorable Mr. Sanford. Terry Sanford is scheduled to arrive in Duplin County at War saw at 10:00 a. m. Monday, Octo ber 31, and from there join a motor cade which will escort him to Ken ansville where a Democratic rafly will be staged. Sanford will speak at the Duplin County Courthouse where he will be introduced by Mr. McGowen. From Kenansville, the Democrat ic gubernatorial candidate will be accompaaied by a number of Dup lin dignitaries to Wallace where he will be honored at the neoih luncheon. On Monday afterncon. Terry San ford will be honored in Pender County, with a tour, beginning at 1:00 o'clock in Willard, climaxing with a big free barbecue supper and Democratic rally in Burgaw at 4:30 o'clock. VISITING DAY Next Tuesday, November 1, Is Democrats Visiting Day. Cand-i dates and Democrats will be visiting all over North Carolina. Visit your friends and neighbors and have a gntd time as well as reminding them to vote. Dis cuss the Democratic Program and Candidates. It does every one good to get out and visit. . At Stake ball on James Kenan's 44 yard line Kennedy uncorked a perfect pass tev to the Tiger 29. And with just abaat time enough to get off another play Kenedy nncorked a perfect pass fa King on the 12 and he was lang gone for the TD. And the play f plays was about to unfold when tie try for the point was blocked ty guard Bobby Best. That was defhm . (CONTINUED N BACK) James - Kenan Still Number 1 James Kenan is still No. 1 isr in tlass "A" after, a close calL CLASS "i" 'Won -Lost Tlesl . 1. James Kenan t. NCSD .. 3. Benvenoe 4. ML Olive : 5. Allen Jay ' . Mebane " 7. Beaufort ' t . Ayden ' " It, Sparta 1 1 1 t 1 1

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