k -, ' f r,',1-,'t 'V, 1 " -:v'J2r Pedes' .?i'3f: V ow This-AVeek ooivi- 1 1 VOLUME XXVJI Not 45 , , J f c . T V'lfVi. ; KENASVHXE, NORTH Ci IOL1NA , "THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1960, ; ; "TT KVB8CRIFTION HABg O.Mr HH Dmplln ud aojauu. PRICE tEN CENT :'M wMU this BNa ki N. Cj LM Mrtrida N. O. ( IO 't r If 1 W-t,-7 T h c-J. r , 1 J ( 7 f.i , . ' ' :&f Error ., a Did ytm know that aa , expert U . like the bottom part of . double VboilerT It rives' oft a lot of steam j And hot air, but doesn't even know' what's coklng.yt , . . Went to the A. S. C W. E. C. ' T. Awards banquet in Wilmington with the farm iamily of Duplin Cou : nty, Mr. and Mrs. Faywin Sbaw of ' BeulaviUe, Mr.-and ' Mrs..' Rufus Elks, Mr. . and Mrs, O. L. Holland of Kenansvllld; and Mr; and. Mrs, , t Herbert' Best I of., Warsaw; - Even lf - our farm family from Duplin, did k not win top sitit, from the-twelve - counties, 1 am sure that they really. t crowded the ..winners, as theyt re - ' a farm family of which Duplin tan v be very proud, and have done out- standing work. In their commuiirty i and Dupliq County. Ben McDonalct, " farm reporter; f of W' E. C. T., wa Master of Ceremonies; and did a ' wonderful Job. Jou could ac!wlly A feel the prldo tbit Ben toS in -tliis first awards progrew HM ty?e i Which has ever been held In the ' United States. IncWentally there were some pretty good Jokes told. ' at that meeting', and I can't remem ber any of them to'pass on to you. There have been sojraary aitivl ties going on this week that It Is - hard to tell where the week begins - or ends. But you should have at , tended the 4-H awards , program , held at' the Kenan Auditorium last Saturday. .Those children are doing a marvelous Jobaudtheir .exhibits were wonderful. TJIr cakS cook- o ies, donuU-boked so tasty ana pretty plso. They had an- exhibit on most any item you can name, leaves, bugs ' paintings, clothes, scrap books, com, etc,, etc f The young- Mc presU ed with such ease grace-and cap ability,, that It gives you a warm feeyng-JtoaWe to knew that ther are haveTmorlcs4n ishftlr' handsT lthi- A In. a few sho years. Hats .off " : Lawrnce,: Reese an4 .oia Brltt, . theyare doWg a wonderful job 4 as advisors to the boys.nd glrU.;y CTonder who it "vtiti In Warsaw who got so excited .about the ball game 'at Rockingham, that they got OO' the wrong road and Went to South Carolina! However they dla ' covered their mistake in time to get to the ball game on timei I suppose r just - about halt .ff the James Kenan school district will be in Goldsboro Friday night to see our boys play Ayden, It will be an exciting gittie and We are aU "rooO -, tog' for you, boys! ?r,Q' ' BAZAAR -.' . ' , i The Kenansville .Methodist Chu rch will have a Bazaar on the Bth of December in the fellowship hall ' '.of the church; Many lovely Christ , . mas gifts will be oa, sale. On the . stme day from 5:00 P, M . . until Z 7-30 P, M. they iwlll serve a turkey " ''i dinner Tickets are on sale now, so buy your ticket as no tickets will A be sold at the door.' Mark this date ' il en your; aleWax,$; r r- c -, .vutm, . , ' ' TURKEY SHbOT .1 , , An all da turkey' Shoot will be - , held at the Lesion Hut at Maxwell's (?-(' Mill on , Saturday ? November 19. , - iThls shoot is snonsored by the Ame V tican fcegiott Pois,t H4Sft.lbJ,'; THANKSGIVING DANCE . The Business and ' Professional r. Women of Vjfarsaw will again spon sor their annual Thanksgiving Dan ,ce on November 13 from nine until ' one o'clock.. The dance will be held in the Warsaw Armory' and the music will be by TheMelody Mas- ters under the .directioa of Walter CHPope; ;'Sutcumbs ' As we go to prtss we ' have ' Jwat learned el the dcat( of -fcV "t H. Pope, .popular ; agrlcaltare; f. 1 teacher at " the f James Keaan' -' ' Behoof We have not leame alf r I el the'pBrtlrulars, bnt funeral . services will be held- Friday , aileraMa la the Methedlsi Chu :k. :"Nach at Mag-noil. ' , J; , , . . a A. SALE Jlak 'aad Jenk sale at George Clark's Ehepplng Center Ia ' Warsaw en ,. Friday ' aftrrnoen . 'Sad all day Saturday. Every thing from f.;ri ' -e to . pits ' and pans for sale, f . annorrd by. Warsaw McihodWt Parsonage Cemiml'fee. If yoa have Items a 1 t j will be happy to ' k f-r re snle, eestat I I t n : w or J.l-s. 1 J Tt j-kr" i t i I r y e a. . I 1 4 v -" t. ' ,.''4 i " ' :a J "fslh)$. if:; j 'X : 1 - -1, . ,J V COUNTY 4-H CHAMPIONS IN DIFFERENT PROJECTS who will ' receive a trip to 4-H Camp next summer are: ( From left to right front row) Emily and Annette Sloan of Chinquapin, wieners in Eiec trie project; Beverly Grady, B. F Arady, Beautification of home ;,' grounds; Linda Grady, B. F. -Grady, Home Improvement- Jov James, East Carolina College, Home Economics. ( Back row) Gail " Grady, B. F. Grady, Home Management; Glenn Williams, B. F. -'Grady, Swine and Beefand most outstanding boy; Evelyn Wilklns, s Wallace Rose Hill. food preparation; Polly James, Easat Carolina Col- leee achievement and leadership. Absent when the picture was made . were Joha Steve Wilkins, 'Wallace-Rose Hill, field crops; Janice Maready, diirtquapin. Garden; Mike Goodson, Duke University, boy achievement; Mary Alice Thomas', James Kenan, clothing. 4-Hchievemenf "The Duplin County 4-H Clubs Achievement Day. program was held on November 12 at the Kenan Auditorium in Kenansville. 300. ex hibits: were displayed in the auditor tium and the blue ribbon exhibitors of which 'there were 80, will go to Wilmington on Saturday, November tt to take part in the 9-Cbunty Hon or Program which is sponsored by thfr Wilmington Staff:. : , liK.- ' " The program at HCenan Auditor ium began at 2:00 en Saturday with Organised Recreation. At 4:w i Kouatywide picnic was held in the JBhool lunchroom. Vesper Prograir s, conducted, at 3:00. by the Oak ? The cost and means ofdwtamlns the money was 'die subject f dis cussion at a general meeting of, the Town of BeulaviUe on November 14 Beulaville has recently installed an adequate, water system to take care of the growing town and now they need a city sewerage system. Mayor G. S. Muldmw gave the re port and stated that the cast of the system would be (284,000: Joe Cos tin, county Sanitary inspector, was present at the meeting and made a short talk on the necessary require menU. Costin has been working with the Mayor and Town Commis sioners on this project for quite some time. On a unanimous vote of the group attending, it was decided to investi gate to see if bonds could be sold, to contact the Local Government Commission for approval, and then decide on -a date for a bond elec tion, v . 57 white residents and 18 colored of Beulaville were present for the meeting. The mayor, and commis sioners expressed thanks to the group for their fine - cooperation, v 4 Brady Lee Tew-HS of the Rose Hill sect'nvi was charged .Wednes day with .lairgulary -fn connection with several ' breakiris ?, last ; week throughout the County. : ! . plin SheTiff Ralph. MUler indi cated today that investigation Is ntinuing in the case and that ere is " a possibility", that ethers ire Jnvoived.V h hi ' ""'vtofi ' f. Sheriff .Miller said Tew bad ad mitted : selling "some cigarettes" which investigation revealed were Vpossibily" part of the loot taken in the breakins, but" that Tew, had net admitted where ha:got,tlw'clg arettes. r Mrs, GraveVann, -case worker of the Duplia County Welfare Depart ment, was presented 4 20 years' wvice certificate Manday in Ral eigh, at a meeting of the Welfare Institute. - fs.:l"-i'. ' '. Mere than 500 people attended the 2 day meet in Raleigh,' which is the 41st annual public welfare institute. Dr.; Winston, State Welfare Com missioner, said the chief purpose of the institute is "to help bring to Die people -up-to-date, development on welfare programs and to strengthen welfare admlmstratioa." ; . , . v -. Krs. Vann has been a casV work er in Dur' n County for more than 10 years. i...e lives in CHnton. - jew tid?e Club which was a most eff ective program rsii? the Bible and a cross as the theme .' "CONTINUED ftU ".CKi TfmesT.o print Earlyg ticket Wisek The ; Dapim V Thnes wlH be printed early next week be- j cause of Thanksglviag. It has been the policy of The Pwplto.TiWes to prart each ,ear eni Tjesday befOKiThank UJn JsLerder that eatoieyeM tune as pesswie wnn tav W'-3.B? aireeis were t-ru wiu pw llefdurbijr the ThaaJksghria 'ebseWaacfSb.j'-- 'io'Sw'Vr' All advertising aad news mart be la the Dwlin Tunes office ot later thasfc..! p. at. on Mon day Noremter, 21. j J7:i w.:: ' f J ' itv": .-'Sl. '., WINNING FLOAT at the annual Veterans Day celebration held' fh Warsaw last Friday This float sponsored by the Warsaw Jaycees with' the theme ''World-Peace thru World Law" ' was the float which, carried Miss North Carolina through the. 12 . 'j A'. .::... : CAN. LEGION iCF i:;8,; Wartha Arm Joies of Ci: 'on Wss crowned by Miss North.. CarsUna at t: a Annual Veterans Dry celebration ha Congressman-Elect Henderson Names Charles VhifFey Administrative Asst. i Third District Congrsm"n-Elect David N. Henderson of Wallace to day announced t e appointment of Mount Olive attfmey, Charles O. Whitley, to serve ts his-' administra tive assistant Whitley, 84, is a na tive of Si!r City end'-has practic ed law in Mount Olive since 1930. . Active in political affairs, Whitley iving Services iov. 20-24 The annual Interdenominational Thankssiv!ng services of Kenans ville will be held this year in the Presbyterian church from Sunday. November 20 to Thursday Novem ber 24. Sunday through Wednesday there will be night services at 7:30 P. M. .Thursday morning at 10:00 V M ty:e Thanksgiving services wi'l conclude the series of 'meet ings. Rev. Lauren Sharpe of the Pap 'ist Church, Rev. Tom House of the Methodist Church and Rev. Richard Iolshouser of the Presbyterian Chu--ch will con(Hict the services. There wi'l be special rri'sic at each ser vice with the three church choir partcipating. T" theme for the Thanksgiving r-vires !j "T.ie Crs: c! Thanks- vixi'.. Davis Gets Ride Making good his premise to Tom Davis, of Pink Hill that be would take him for a ride en a wheelbarrow should Jack Ken nedy win the election for presld dent ef the V. S., Bill TyndaU of the A. It. C. Store In Pink Hill.' headed a parade with Mr. Davis aboard. The parade mar-ched- from the tows' Esse Sta tion to the wlrnet borne ef Htghwew H at about 12:10 P. lew Mjss PnUy Westbwek. also 1 got m trtV rUd tlk the baek f Mr. Democrs', the donkey -with Carol Stroud. Bneada Bee tle and Paul Howar at the ' rents. ' s.' 'to 14,000 spectators In Warsaw for the occasion. Se cond place winner in the float was the , Warsaw PTA . and third place winner was Sutton's Gas and Ap- pliance Co. ' is a member cf the Wayne County Democratic Executive Committee md chairman cf the Mount Olive ?recinct Committee. He served as ''own Attorney for the Town of Mt Olive from 1951 to 1959.. He is a veteran of World War II and a graduate of Wake Forest College and the Wake Forest School of Law. Whitley is married to the former Audrey Kornegay of Warsaw and ias two children. In commenting on the appoint ment Congressman-Elect Henderson said, "I am confident that Mr Whitley is well qualified to seVve the people of the Third Congres sional District in this staff position we expect to make every effort to :nsure that continuity and efficiency f the Congressional office. The standards of prompt and effictive (o I aiied on bak) Louis Davis Dies Saturday From Wreck Injuries Louis Davis, 65, of route 2, Beu ' iville, died Saturday around 12:4 -i. m. in Duplin General Hospital, Kcransviile. ficrn injuries received n an ascident Friday around 11:45 m. s'x miles cast of Beulaville on ''".Y.vay T4. Patrolman T. A. Bryan said to day that Nicholas E. Osborne, Ne gro, 68, of Jacksonville, has been charged with manslaughter and reck'?ss driving connection with Davis' death. According to Bryan, Divis and Webb Hardison 39, also' of route 2 Beulaville, were riding in a cart pul led by a mule on the highway when Osborne attempted to pass the mule and. cart in face of oncoming Lraffic Osborne attempted to pull back ir.to the. rijrht lane and struct At mule anoV'carU causing U to 'Epjrn. Both Dai and Hardison Vurthrown from the cart onto the highway.' .p. i Osborne wni( given a hearing be fore Magistrate O. S. Muldrow, of Beulaville, and bound over to Dup lin Superior Court on manslaughter and reckless driving charges. Warsaw on Friday . :'X First runner Up was Miss Wallace-Rose Hill, Cweo Rouse; and third runner up was Miss North Duplin, Betty Gay Herring, i Jovemlier 20 IsDDD Day"lri Duplfo Sunday, November 20, is to be "D. D. D. Day" in Warsaw, Beula ville, Falson, Kenansville, Rose Hill and Wallace - "Direct Distance Dial ing Day," that is. On this day an exciting new service will be inau gurated enabling telephone subscri bers in these six exchanges to dial most of their own station-to-station long distance calls without placing them with an operator. W. Y. Vann, Warsaw, local mgr. for Carolina Telephone, said that beginning at 2:01 a. m. Sunday local telephone subscribers may dial their own distance calls to points in North Carolina and across the na tion. A special direct distance dialing directory has been sent to tele phone subscribers in these towns. This directory contains instructions for using customer long distance dialing, places that may be dialed, and codes for dialing them. In addi tion, a special instruction folder concerning this service has been sent to subscribers. The m.-maeer said that starting Sunday local telephone users for the first time will be able to span the nation with a few spins of their dials. The r stnMishmcrt of a standard z?d, nationwide telephone number ing system and intricate new equip ment has made D. D. D. possible and marks an important milestone in communications progress, the manager pionted out. This new customer long distance dialing is being installed to provide faster and more efficient telephone services in this area. Vann said. It Duplin County Chosen For Study Of "Natural History Of Dental Diseases" Duplin County has been chosen as one of the few counties for the study of "Natural History of Dental Diseases which is to be made by .he Division of Oral Hygiene, in ooperaMon with the Department of Public Health of the University oif North Carolina. Work is now-being done in the county on this-sstudy. A stratified random sample of North Carolina households has been selected, and the study plan calls for local and State public health dentists to visit these households and to give complete dental exami nations to all members of each Pink Hill Banker Sentenced 10 Years Robert F Holt, former Pink Hill banker, charged with misappropria ting a total of $97,317.32 over a per iod of several years from the Pink Hill branch of the First Citizens Bank and Trust Co., was sentenced 'o 10 years in federal prison on em bezzlement charges. Judge Alger non L. Butler, Jr., Federal Judge, sentenced him during the opening session of Eastern District Federal Court in Wilson. Charges grew from man investiga tion conducted following an audit of the bank's records earlier in the year. Holt confessed to mishandl ing the bank's funds, when he was faced by the FBI agent, according to the agent's report. John G. Dawson, a Kinston attor ney representing Holt, told the Court that his client had in no way benefitted from the misappropria ted funds. The money was used to cover notes that were due from friends of Holt and checks for which there were insufficient funds: Holt is alleged to have forged 26 notes, withheld 14 savings account ledger sheets, and withheld cash in five instances. During the period from October 25, 1959 to March, 1960 he was char ged with misappropriating $86,533.- 71; with makiag false entry in the bank's record involving $500 on January 20, i960; and with making false entry on the - balance sheet and saviags account ledger sheets involving $10,283.61 on March 23, 1960. Holt said the money was used to "cover" checks and notes for fri ends. Some of the money has been paid to the bank, it was testified by the FBI agent. Holt has been living in Pink Hill for the past 20 years aad has been and outstanding citizen in the town. Sub-District ' Meet In Clinjfon . Kenansville Sub-dis'trict ' of (he Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice will hold their fall meeting Jointly with the Clinton subdistrict on Wednesday, Nov. 23, at the First Methodist Church in Clinton. Regis ration will begin at 9:30 and the meeting at 10:00 A. M. . Miss Louise Nichols a Field work er from New York City will be the speaker. ' '. : -. v -.: Due to the fact that "this is the day before, Thanksgiving each lady hi asked to take a sandwich for hinca and the . hostess church' will ba-respoasible far drinks is part of a long-range program of the telephone Industry which even tually will permit any telephone user to dial diretcly most station-to-staion calls to any other subscri ber in the United States or Canada. - )' ''il''oi&t&MtmK!L-.. FIRST PLACE WINNER OF DUPLIN COMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT CLUBS was Potters Hill Community. Above is shown. Corbet Quinn, president of the Potters Hill Club, accepting the cup from. Henry Rivenbark of the Wallace FCX. Between Rivenbark and Quinn is Dr. Brooks James, Dean of Agriculture at State College, who was speaker at the awards program on Monday night. On the right is George Cowan, MC for the evening and president of the Duplin Com munity Development Clubs. household visited. In addition to the dental examina tions, a questionnaire will be used to obtain data regarding various biological and social characteristics Of the household members ""WhilethereW a vafo amouk jf data in the literature on dental dis eases, particularly dental caries in school-age children, very little of teontinueO on tutckj Volunteer Firemen Have Instructions Duplin County volunteer firemen will receive instruction in fireman ship at a new school sponsored by the State Board of Education in co operation with the State Insurance Department. Classes began in Rose Hill and Chinquapin last week. Other county fire departments will have the instruction as soon as the course is completed there Operated through the Goldsboro Industrial Educaion Center, the firemanship school is a part of the North Carolina public school sys tem and is under the supervision of County Superintendent O. P. John son, of Kenansville. Instruction is free of charge to all qaulified mem bers of the fire department in the communities affected. Keith Phillipi, Jacksonville fire chief, is the instructor for both classes. The Rose Hill classes will be con ducted in the vocational building at the Rose HiH Elemnetary School and the Chinquapin classes are be ing conducted in the vocational building at Chinquapin High School on Monday and Wednesday even ings respectively. Chief Phillippi attended the fire manship training schools in Mary land, Oklahoma and several other places. He has been certified to teach the course by the State De partment of Public Instruction. Interest in the course is high and a full attendance is expected. Per sons interested in further informa tion about the instruction should communicate with Superintendent Johnson. Farmers And Farm Laborers Note! Farmers needing tenants, share c ropers, farm wage hands, tractor and truck drivers, dairy hands, or my other type of farm workers, should contact Herbert E. Thigpen, ?arm Labor Representative for this irea, at one of the following itin erant points: Monday 1:00 9:00 A. M., Employment Sec urity Offiee, Goldsboro. N. C 1:00-11:45 A. M.. Chase's Steae, Eureka, N. C. Tuesday 3:00 9:00 A. M., Employment Sec trity Office, Goldsboro, N. C. tl:00 - 11:45 A. M County Agent's Office. Kenansville, N. a : ; ' Wednesday , ; 1:00 1:00 A. M., Employment Sec urity Office Goldsboro, N. C , . 11:00 - -11:45 A. M.. Calvin Mercer's Store. Cabin, N- C. J. :l. :. ( w Oa Bask Conversion of the six local changes to direct distance has required a cons truci ton and et pansion program involving the ex penditure of more than $140,000 bj the telephone company. Williams To Speak On Tobacco Friday Joe R. Williams, Director of the; Tobacco Divisioa in the Commodity Stabilization Service, Washington. D C, will speak at Kenansvffla High School, Kenansville. oa Fri day, November IS. at 8:0O P M. William. will discuss th .Fhw cured Tobacco situation, both dow estic and foreign. Williams is a na tive North Carolinina. He has has! many years experience wiirl tag with tobacco, and is well qualified to bring the latest information a the over-ail tobacco situation. The Duplin County Farm Cms is sponsoring Williams' visit to Dap lin County. LeRoy Simmons, Presi dent of the Duplin County Farm Bureau, cordially invites all toba cco growers, warehousemen, and allied interests to be present to hear Williams. Tobacco being so important to the economy of Dup lin and surrounding counties. Sim mons especially invites everyone interested in tobacco from the ad joining counties to be present. Group Voles For Consolidation The County Board of Education held a hearing last night in the Beu laville School Auditorium on the proposed consolidation of the high schools at Beulavilel, B. F. Grady, and Chinquapin. The meeting WW well advertised and approximately 135 interested citizens attended. A. P. Cates, Chairman of the The County Board of Education, calM the meeting to order and aekea Reverend Reid Erwin to lead na prayer. Cates then stated the par pose of the meeting and urged each person present to feel free to exv prgss himself whether he lavarea the proposed consolidation or not as it was the purpose of the County Board of Education to hear every one who cared to express himself Contlnurfl n Back Week Of Industry ' Appreciation WHEREAS, the industries of Dup lin County make a substantial eou tribution to the economy af the county, by employing citizens of the county, by buying items grown ear produced in the county, and hjr paying taxes to help support i services, and WHEREAS, the efforts to age the location of additional dustry ia the county at times appear to overshadow the m butioa now being made by erhning industry; and WHEREAS. Luther H. Hodges. Governor of North Carolina., has proclaimed the week of Novesnber ; 28 to December S, 1950, as Industry Appreciation Week throughout Nor th Carolina: ' ' " r NOW THEREFORE BE IT PRO CLAIMED by the Board of Chanty , Commissioners ; of " -DupBn Cauaty, North" Caroline, that: the week t November 2S to December 3. 196. will be Industry Appreciatioa week In Duplin County, thereby providing; an opportunity for officials and Cit izen ta express appreciation tx. I ( Chadae' Ca-rue. y .