- . x v:.j 41 Cmuferei: 1 l i e Crady was gotag to 3 it f. Xeeen in the first three i. Leulaville's lassies were 1 with only 15 seconds to go. . l did the trick and the red- ' v hite . team, -dropped both ,.,s to win 40-39. ;" :, ,:S ' j;.e fine Grady girls gave the ' e away from the free,, throw i ). They only hit twice out of i ' on times at the line, while ...'e missed only J put of five V Billy Bostic was not very y Allowing the rady game i r htly so. High scoring Larry I.cning broke his ankle during the game and will be out for about three weeks. Herirng has averaged better than 90 points a game and you can say what you like that will . really make those ulcers enlarge. CHINQUAPIN: Coach, Jack Can's Indians took a doubleheader last Friday night from Pender lea.' Jack that married life makes a big dlf ;;. ference ; whata say. The Lady Indians walked fast the Pender girls 51-34, with Ange lina Woo ten taking- high honors with 24 points. Mary Mobley came close with, 20, while Clara Whaley added 8 more to the winning col umn. . ...'':: . ..' Carr's boys didn't have much tro , uble with the boys from lower Pen i er In winning 53-38 in a non-conference scrap. Robert James and 'Carlton were high scorers for, the Indians scoring 15 and 11 points a respectively. R, C;: Henderson acc ounted for 9 points while Roy ; James and Charlie Futrel added the other six. , ... CLASSIFIED ADV. . .HOUSE FOR SALE: Oa.East side of U. 8. Highway 117, North of Warsaw, f room frame house and 4-room garage apartment. Located on t Aere lot. Terms. Phone 29 3-4919 Warsaw Real Estate A Ins. Co. Wasraw, N. Cs. 1-19-1TC. . HOUSE FOR SALE: On East aide of V. S. 117, North of Warsaw. I room concrete block dwelling. Lo cated on large lot Very desirable Phone 29 f-4919 Warsaw Real Estate ft Ins. Co. Warsaw, N. C- 1-19-1TC BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for Small Businesses to be kept at ear home at night. Call Braxton er FaKh. Wilson at OL S47S9, Mt. OUve, N. C. or write P, O. Box 45. 4 1-U4TC : FARM FOR SALE: Henry J. Ball farm, iVx mOaa Southwest of War saw, 79 Acres, 59 Acres cleared. M Acres tobacco, room dwelling, 1 tobacco bam, pack barn. Located both sides of paved highway. Phone 29 S-4919 -v" . Warsaw Real Estate ft Insurance CO. : - j Warsaw, N. CV l-lMTC . . , . ' r Is L.mQ. V 1 t.,8 acuta t.ed 1J 19 at the haif and leading by only one point going into the final period the Lady Panthers dropped in two points in the closing minutes to win 22-30. Rita, Sumner, the sharp shooter for Billy Bostic's girls bagged 20 points to lead the winners. Pat Sanderson added 9 more and Addie Horn bad I.- The undefeated Beulaville boys came from behind to, stop a tcrapy five 50-37. Union High W at the half 28-20, but, the big jred-and-whlte team scored 30 " in the second half while Union managed only 11. Danny Lanier as .high scorer with 10 points. Tostic's un beaten Panters vera pkyina with out the services of their atar Larry Herring. Jerry Simpson - hit : the net for 11 and Doug Edwards had 10. - . a ;:s if;., iyrt.u vmiii(mmin.'A..jL TIYf TTt I . OTAMnoi ixLtCj: vui;w, out to- ton's boys and girls seem to oe coming into their ' owe .as -. they played the ' strong Wallace-Roee-Hill team on even terms most of the game, played. Tuesday night of this week. The Lady Tigers drop ped a very exciting game to the Wallace lassies 50-42. James Kenan lead by Sylvia Brown was leading the Wallace girls 24-19 at the half. And at the beginning of the' final quarter the Tiger lassies were still out front 36-32 But In that fourth and final period the' Wallace girls scored 18 points while . holding James Kenan to only 6 i-rtti I Just don't understand. Brown was high scorer for James Kenan with 26 points.' - f";:1' ''S ? The boys game was a heart brea ker as they fell before the power pack Bulldogs 40-38. Both , team played on even terms-most of the time with the Bulldogs leading 22 20 at the half. James Kenan sallied in the fourth quarter out Scoring Walace 11-8 but it was Just short of a win. ,. ' .,viiviH '. James Kenan's , big towering Charles Lock amy lead the Tiger at tack with 12 points. Hugh: "Ugle" Mltchel was close with 10 and Hu bert Merritt and Johnny Pat Har mon had 8 and 7 points respective ly. : . --.-y-,-;. JAMES KENAN: Coach Dorris Norman's James Kenan Junior Var sity basketball boys have been play Ina five hundred ball 2-) and 1 might add been looking pretty good- This coming from several re ports. :'y.i-ir "'-';-. ' In their first outing Norman's Five' 'lead by Bobby Batts took a very exciting will over Chmqua- uin 26-25 : With less than thirty se conds to go Batts hit on an outside abort to make the acore 25-24 in favor of Chinquapin. The Baby In dians failed to get the all up court and Batts stole the ball and passed to Allen Fountain. . The . big . T atar hit with the time running out and the Baby Tigers vietorjvBatts and Fountain lead, tha Tigers with 12 and 10 po'nta Jospectwelj?T The Baby Tigers cams up on -the short end of thevscore. ,vhi'; their second game, against. Wallace 33- 26. The Wallace team was leading 15-1 at the end of the first quarter but rallied in the the second to narrow the gap to 17-12, Fountain lead James Kenan with , 10 points .r By Mu : i . i Pho ! UK.,1 ; Mr .and Mrs. Jerry Smith and children visited her sister. Mrs. Gibbon Hobbsl in Clinton on Sun- ( day. Jane ; Cbestnutt has returned home from the hospital and is do ing line Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barnette of Warsaw visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Quia non Sunday Gary Smith has returned to school after . being s hospitalized with an infection, -'i:-.";..'. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Quinn visited Mr. and Mrs. Clint Rouse in War saw Sunday afternoon. Mr, Rouse is being admitted to Duke Hospi tal Tuesday. - ' .' -. y- Mrs. Minnie Bostic has returned home after spending several days at Duplin General Hospital. , Miss Aim Pope of Meredith Col lege spent the week end with her mother. . wi. f - , Mr. and Mrs. ; I J. Taylor of Penderlea spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith. ' - ' - Mr. and Mrs. David Barnett vis ited in Wallace Sunday. Mrs. Eva Powell accompanied her son, John to Fayette ville last! week where he was admitted, to Veteran's Hospital. ' .i - Mrs. G. B. King Is visitng her daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kneedler of Raleigh. - - There will be a Country Style steak supper for the benefit of the March of Dimes Fit night, Jan, the twenty ;, seventh r from five thirty . until eight o'colck at the school lunch room in Magnolia. All proceeds will go to the Worthy cause of fighting polio so lets try to give them a band by going out and enjoying a good supper v Mr. and Mrs. David Barnette and children visited in Wallace Sunday. . ' . " ' Mra. G. B. King is visitng daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wyatt -Kneedler of Raleigh. Mrs. Jones Hostess WSofCS The W. S. C. $. of the Methodist Church held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs.. Dallas Jones Thu raday evening at eight o'clock. , The president! Mrs. Tracy Brown presided over -a short business meeting. Mrs. Thomas House con l . I. 11 t : , - g u:a . i h 1. j 1 i on t i props' 1 ure J.Zrs. N. T. Til!- .t. Mrs. J.uscoa Potter and Mrs. Fen- At t:.e close of the meeting the I hostess served fruit cake, buttered nuts and coffee to the eleven mem bers present. . , rsbfcs..cf The V.'S of CS met on Thursday night :jx Mrs. Dallas Jones. Mrs. Tom House, Mrs. F, SmKh and Mrs. J. Potter. Nuts, cake and cof fee were served.' v:', tf----r . r 1- . 71 ,.tatt it Mrs. CJion C y. Lt tl of the circle eauiitnan, L..i- den Southerland presided. After the business me- and program, the hostess a i re freshments to the ten 1 a.lprs present. Those attending re Mrs Kenneth Johnson, Mis. Lu.'uer Stanley, Mrs. Henry Brown, Airs. Linden Southerland, Mrs4 Luther Kisaner, Mrs, Tom Kis-ner, Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mrs. Her ert Smith, and Mr. Louis Quinn. y Pers6nals .'Mrs. Listen Summerlin of War saw and Mrs. Tipp Scott visited their aunt Mrs. Ina Jones and son Hoyt of Corbett H1U Wednesday. Taft Herring attended a , FCX Conference at Clem son, South Car olina several days last week., ; , Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kornegay and Mr, and Mrs. Henry Tyndall visit ed Mrs. Fred Outlaw at . Duplin General Hospitals Sunday night, Mrs. Outlaw was in Juried in an auto wreck recently. ; ,?! Mrs. Marica .Powell and little daughter of Warsaw had dinner with her mother, Mrs A. J. Scott Thursday. . .. . . .-X.f -.,. : Coy Hlnaon of Brogden was visi ting the Roland Sullivans Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Howard of Kenans ville is visiting Mrs. Nora Jackson. ) Mr. and Mrs. Dan Waller and Lorena were visitng the Norwood Phillips family of Warsaw Tuesday of last Week. ' - Following morning worship ser vice at Snow Hill Church the Rev. and Mrs. Herman Grubbs and fam ily were guests of ' Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kornegay Sunday for dinner. Guests for Sunday , dinner in the Bucks Hill home were Mr. and Mrs William Parks of Wiliama Mill, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lassiter 1 I J sj Goldsboro; Miss Scarlette Hill Ra leigh ' In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. T. F.' HiU of Faison visited with tho HlBs. ' . ,j ; Invitation Issued Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whaley of Kenansvllle requests the honor of your presence at the marriage' of their daughter Hazel Whaley. to Mr.,;, Lawrence Everette Herring son of Mr. and Mrs. JEarl Winston Herring of Albertson .on Saturday the twenty-first of January at five o'clock in the afternoon., . Snow Hill Free WOl Baptist Chu rch route 2. Ml. Olive, North Caro lina. Relatives and irienda are in vited to attend, rci and Batts had Six. In their third Outing the Baby Panthers Of Beulaville lead by Harry Miller and Rickey Simpson sent them down to defeat 40-34. Batts. James Kenan pint-size play-' maker lead James Kenan with 11 points, while Fountain had 7.' v Last Wednesday afternoon the Baby Tigers , evened their v"won" and lost" record td 34 downing North Duplin - 47-30 on ' the fine shooting of Batts. , Batts, a real sharp shooter hit the net for 16 points, while Scotty Lockamy and Dwight Kirby coming close with 11 each. ( ... re . 1 The Jayvees take on Chinquapin again this Wednesday afternoon in Kenasnville. 7 ' Public Speaking Contest Held In Pink Hill FHA ' Freddie Simpkins of Pink Hill was first place winner in a public speaking contest held before the Pink Hill Business and Professional Club on Monday night. Dennis Ho ward was a close runner up in the contest. The winner of the contest from the FFA Club of Pink , Hill, entered the county-wide contest in Lenoir on Tuesday, at the South- wood School. . .---j The Pink Hill Club met on Mon day night for a supper meeting in the Hill Top Cafe with their presi dent, Billy Brewer presiding. After the supper and speaking contest a business meeting was held Out-of- town. Guests at the meeting .were L J. Sandlin of Beulaville and Mrs. Ruth Grady of Kenansvllle. ' 1 Community Club Names ) Committeemen - The Pleasant Grove Community development club met Thursday night for their regular - business meeting at the community build ing. Mr. and Mra. L C. Herring and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kornegay were hosts. , ,. ;i z The project chairman ' Franklin Quinn presented 'the projects for the new year which were approved oy ine group. - r j; : g - It was decided' to have a : first aid course in the community which will begin shortly. Anyone interest ed in taking the course should con tact any member of the club tor details, f ; - fcW'i V .p'H? .- Plans were also made to. have a box party at the community build ing Saturday night, February 11 at 7:30 o'clock proceeds will go into club treasury to help defray expen ses of the projects. , V. i c-.--'V- Committee chairmen were nam ed as follows: Buildings: and main tenance Chairman, Tipp Scott: Pro gram, Franklin Quinn; Devotional Mrs, . Zollie Kornegay; Projects, Franklin Quinn; ; Finance, Elmo Blizzard; House improvement. Mrs Emmett Herring; Agriculture, row Crop, Taft Hering;Uve stock , Eu gene Outlaw "Soil conservation, Rodney .Kornegay; Social, Mrs. Taft Herring; Health, Welfare and Safety, Remus Outlaw. . .,: r 0 mm 71' v(ii)iiiaFoa-BiLfc:; mwm& vim HwiirtiJr '. : E) D S E LL'. K ACS u ; This remarkable offer U made so that you will find out Jn y, . the exceptional fuel economy you get with Ford diesel tractors. If you purchase a new Ford or Fordson diesel tractor anytune t"! ' - IT Cgh March 31. 1961. we will pay half your fuel costs uringi Uje first six months or 400 hours of operation, whichever occurs first Ford dieselat let us orove it . .i. . Pay-aa-you-farm crecut terma t available. Come in and see us soon! . , Se Us For The Best Deal , On Good Use Tractor Ahd kquiqpment 30 To Choose From HOSE HILL EQUIPMENT CO. ; Rose Hill, J. C 48th Annual Statement V 114 E. Gordon Street Kinston, North Carolina' . 101 E. Caswell Street LaGrange, North Carolina OFFICERS J. C Hood President C W. Howard VicePresident 8. T. Midyette Vice-President T. W. Heath. Jr. ' Exec. Vice-President - Secretary H. T. Sugg . Treasurer J. P.. Hart Asst. Secretary-Treasurer DIRECTORS C W. Howard C. W. Howard Wholesale Co. - j - Leo Brody . Brody's Dept. Store L. L. Oettinger . Oettinger Bros. ' '., H? 3. Lajodaaer ' Retired ? Haywood Weeks " Weeks Motor Company . ; S. P. Hlnes ' -Retired T. W. Heath, Jr.' ; - Exec, Yke-President J. Q Hart r ' J. Q. I.'art, be. . - j. r. " t -1 : s r Etora T. ' '-rite ' . : vare Co. As of December 31, 196& -ASSETS .... . Cash on hand and in Banks t 460.964.90 U. S. Government Bonds 367,44823 Federal Home Loan Bank Stock ' First Mortgage Loans Loans on Share Accounts Furniture and Fixtures .... Other Assets,-...... Leasehold . Improvements Real Estate Owned 145,900.00 9,563,096.62 262,945.43 16,993.28 81,703.77 9,005.98 170,194.25 $ 11,0785246 LIABILITIES Shareholder's Accounts ... .......... $ 9,584,785 62 Federal Home Loan Bank Advances .. 515,000.00 Mortgage Loans in Process .......1.......... 445,873.89 Accrued Interest, Payable 2,680.32 Other Liabilities .... . 558.29 RESERVES AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS;.'.!....;...:..;...... , 529,354,34 - ' - $ 11,078,252.46 Reserves Equal 5.5 of Shareholder's Accounts. GURREBJTI DIVIDENDS f ; ' J.'.!'- i - I r r lJ l n r LA LJ - Z3 U:lj u 9 D ,' - FULLY, v - 'AUTCr.lATIC ipORTADLC HOVJ-inCTALL PGtrJ3ArJCrjTL.V LA7CE73 IDEAL FOX APARTf.'.ItlTS, DL7LEXES, RItlTED r.IS::n:CB OF All TYPES CO.VJlETaY AUTC:.!ATIC - cnE:.:i:iT c:sTn::uT0 nc:iv ' -? t r-, " ' t . '" ' - t - - Brand New Hoavy Doty "Baby Care "Modell Designed Especially For , : Problem Wash Loads! Automatic dye:::3 7 ; autc:utic r:::si D::r::::n vmd r:o. l - u. s. tot::3 cp. f - f Pi ' m L , i ' I i . . . ' . . .. ...('.-. ... : . - ' -" " ' ' . y ' r. .