. 1.. C, Cvu- J u t . i I , lu "at m a d,rv plant, Kenansville, N. 0 v'.';;V OWNES an4 WDBHSEE ' ( r.- , 'v'', . M V ECCT 1. GBA0Y, EMTOa a Entered At the Port Offloe, KenaasvITle, W. d . J "r . . m second elass Matter' ' " ' tti rrnor-v-aunansvUe, d jr.sii-NirM -' '1-V tiTESi UN per yes h' t.JUa, Leaetc, i, XhhIow reader.' Saaopeeo, New Uaaever ant Vajpa ;t I" M rea NwftOMtMi A CrUa 0v eafjiia t'esaty. A mm (lnmr !? LV.cle Peie From BEAR MISTER EDITOR: I see where the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture reports that farm income is now down 10 per cent from the 1949 level. The far mers ain't plowing enough in the right place. ; ;y When I was a boy I recollect my Grandpa telling how he got rid of a feller that come to his house sel ling books on bow to farm. Grand pa said he told the feller, "I ain't farming now half as good as I know how." It's been 40 'years since my Grandpa told that story end I cant see much improvement. The farmers is farming easier and faster, but when they git 10 cent a pound fer somepun that's selling at the store fer 60 sent, they ain't learned how to plow the middle man under. They was a piece in the papers the other day about some town in Utah thai has cut city taxes and don't owne a dime and has got money in rthe bank I'm disappoint er in learning that we got such old fashioned 'towns left in. this coun try. I knowed a feller from Utah onct and I always thought they had real live-wire, modern, up and coming, bustling towns that was floating bonds, borrowing money, and raising taxes and going m debt fer all sorts of tilings like all other good towns. I think they '7 tot 'Now Low Prices ;'. 'on - a. Jk.. ' ' at ' , ENTERPRISE FEED MILL S Center Mount Oltre FISH 1 , .,' , FARM LOANS 0M.M It ap-FaO Payments Liberal Appraisals Piempt Ctoahuf , Write sr Can M. T. Brttt Leaa Agency, Citato.' N. C Tel tttSt Night MM , SEE YOUR TOWNSHIP LIST TAKER TODAY AIID LIST TAXES Jant A "Complete, Finances Are No Probrem', Cffer 100 Financing at The Interest Bate Of -? - -, ' vrill Duild and Finance Your House For Too In Town or la The County ( " 'iy Choose From Oar Plans Or Ifaj Select . -. Soae OITeorOint'r-: .r-.:--r - 111 Eay Tit Lot Or EuHi Your Uoxm " Fer Yea 0a -Your Loivv :!.. - r Cc":":is L ciils Ccr!act-r - f ia res Beat i roU te w ralghua, Materia .! loude lum aftwwtai wnumm ef impua , Chililin Switch need to have a election in that town and git some fellers running the place that knows about theseJ new methods of progress. . I wonder where the folks in that town think we'd be in this country today if our Federal Guvernment hadn't gone in debt fer 285 billion dollars. Where would we be today if we wasn't borrowing money by the billions and raising taxes and gitting someplace? Come to think about it. Mister Editor, where are we today? . Well, now that we're gitting a new President in office, I hope the political scars ain't as hard to heal the November election. Incidental political scars ain't as hardto heal as they was in the old days. In these times the candidates discuss what they call the 'issues, but when I was a boy the issues wasn't never mentioned Tine candidate always started . out accusing his opponent of looking like Judas Is carlot, acting like Benedict Arnold and milking his neighbor's cow through a crack in the fence. He took it from there and worked down. As I was setting here writing this piece I heard a news feller on the radio announce that the Guvern ment is reducing the number of weather bureaus around the coun- try. I hope they'll keep enough fer us farmers and ranchers to git our usual "widely scattered thunder showers" from some place else, Yours truly, Uncle Pete BIBLE FACTS OF INTEREST By Ella V. Priafcea JUDGING ALL Ho sea 14:9 - "Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? Prudent, and he shall know tbem? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them; but .the transgressors shall fall therein." . Since God-the one God-is holy, active in history, alone creative and omnipotent and since he re quires righteousness of man, it fol lows "as the night the day" that all nations and persons are under the judgement. Unless man is ac countable to Him, his moral law has no force." ( There is a divine purpose run ning through history, and the wickedness of man canot defeat ' 'n IUaU B7 it. It is what the historians call the "moral soverignity it history We live m a moral order, and what ever is contrary to God is headed for .disaster. None can escape his judgment. "The ways of the Lord are right," says one of the pro phets and all of them are in agree meat. There is no appeal from the judgments of the Almighty. They stand, not because of arbitrary now, er, but because they are right The upright man "shall, walk" (pro gress) in his ways, but the trans gressors shall fall there in." There is no device by whioh this universe may be made comfortable or se cure for one who defies a holy God. 'There are two ways and two destinies, and between them each must choose. Read Jeremiah 23:19, 29. Some of the prophet's writings are like the roll of thunder, warn ing us of the approaching storm They disturb;, our , complacency. They challenge our easy optimism "Behold a whirlwind, of the Lord is gone forth with fury.' Unless a tree is firmly rooted it cannot stand the fury of a torna do. Neither can the unrighteous stand in the face of the testing of life, which are the testings of God. There is no security in wickedness. Psalms 1:5,6 "Therefore the mv godly shall not stand in the judg ment, nor sinners in the congrega tkm of the 0116009.' "For the Lord knoweth the way of he righ teous; but the ungodly shall per ish.' Magnolia Telephone 28 9-3021 By Marguerite Bradshaw Personals Mrs. Alma Martino, Bettie Sue and Mrs Sallie Tucker made a business trip to Fayette ville Friday afternoon. Friends of little Gary Smith, will be' sorry ito learn he is a patient at Duplin General Hospital in Ken ansville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pickett of Greenville were at home for the week end. Mr .and Mrs. Austin Baker left on Sunday for their home in Texas following the death of his mother last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Taylor of Penderlea. The Magnolia Home Demonstra tion Club held hs regular meeting on Friday at the school lunch room.' . Friends of Miss Mary Cox will I i be happy to know she is doing fine. Mrs Stella Matthis is much im proved and able to be around after being .confined at rthe hospital for several days. . Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howell and children of Wilmington, Mrs. James Price and children of Rocky Mount, Miss Loyce Bailey and J. P. Rowe, also of Rocky Mount Is Changa-of-Life Making Yoli Only Half a Woman? wart MtHdaa ass rtUtvt News Jl ' H Toe tNse (k ,S teetbtsJ JN. yw k V! ' 'iMisbaaBt berlal at flaakat1 waikflasSi asrvaasatss ...tkea yta ssa mkw lift foHy isalil Has ehanee-of-llfe leftyoti s weak you feel only "half alive Bull oca ted by "hot flashes", coa stantlr tense ... so you oant be aa affectionate wife and mother Dont despair I Lvdia PlnkhamU Compound can reJIevs both ten akin and phy-a distress! la doc tor's t.a, I-iikharo's cve Vs ttiiH5 heio Wi.iiout e. J s'-'L IrriU!',!t.T is aoouied. "not - "e.Thmni'wtwnmea ei f-J V"-..i'ftJ..ii" chasiee Of-' W-H.t :f'itis; . 1 r -t.f-i..a 1,-4 li'lt yJ. r- f..t-,ai-'n.i I.-,aR l u . i. u-n's .... e c . ...ii. J ( t . . t 1 --v t j Jj4 ( I - i V iJl i I . Little Jane Chestnutt is a pneu mania patient at - Duplin General Hospital . , . We are happy to announce that 01 D. Drew is continuing to im prove since his recent illness. : Those attending the W. S. C. S. Study Course . and ' covered dish supper in the Kenansville Metho dist church 5 Monday night were Mrs Tracy Brown,. Mrs -. Albert West, Mrs David Rouse, Mrs. A. Q. Smith, Mrs. C. H. Pope, Mrs. Roscoe Potter. Mrs. Bill Potter, Mrs. Oswald Croom and Mrs. Charlie Thomas. Mr. and Mrs: Ollie Bradshaw and eon of Portsmouth, Virginia visited Mr. and Mrs. S. T Brad shaw and Mrs. Eva Jewell on Monday. To Organize Club Several couples from here gather ed at the Rookfisih County Club on Saturday night fof the purpose of organizing a new club,, which at this time has not been named and details are . incomplete. : We Will 'have more about this perhaps next week. Dancing and refreshments were enjoyed by all those attend ing which included Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith, Mr, and ' Mrs. Fennell Smith, Mr. and Mrs Fred Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lanier, Mr. and Mrs. Austin. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Hal berg, Mr and Mrs. Bromby Pope, Mr.- and' Mrs. Melvin Pope and Baxter Sanderson. - . t i i ' The advantage of a free system of economics over the communistic system is that everyone Works be cause he wants to. . Nobody makes him take a particular, job' and if he does not like It he can change. Under communism a . commissar puts you on the Job and If you quit they take your food card away and Under both systems the'1 work has to be done. Peoole are haoDier and better satisfied when they can; have a choice as to what they do. They work better. So all of us work ing together produce more Which is distributed among us alL The more produced the more then is to be divided, among us alL V- Communism starts out ' with a promise that everything will be long to the people, but it ends ud with everything being controlled Summcrlins v; , : . ; V'' ' 1 - ; J,'v-!' Crossroads tlevs - - By Mrs. Carl Ivey - , Mrs. Julia Jones "V Mrs. ' Elbert Whitman and ' Patricia Whitman visited The Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Whitfield of Kenly lafrt Tuesday. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Whitman re mained for a longer visit. . Mr. and- Mrs. D. W.; Cherry of Portsmouth; Va. . were ' dinner ?uest.? of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey last Tuesday. . .' , ' Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Stroud of Warsaw visited Mr .and Mrs, El bert .Whitman Sunday. , , . Mrs. Cyrus Rhodes and daugh ter, Tonie, Mrs. Fred Alphin and daughter Peggy Visited -Mrs. Gar- land Wallace, of Albertson, Sun- day. N Mr. and Mrs. Alwood Ervin and family of Richlands visited. Mr. and Mrs. D L. Cherry Sunday, fRjTt TUtra P A .fannfffayi vial. ted Mrs. Josephine Powell and Mr. I and Mr Ti P. Chambers of Ken-1 ansville Sunday v ' " ' " J w tt'OemA the Inauguration Gov Mr. and Mrs; Adron Goodman eor,TerS f"? hdd fa Ral and children of Mount Olive visl- eh 1881 Wednesday. . ted, Mrs: Foy Goodman during the week end.. v v- t. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Ivey and sons visited 'Mrs L. A. Brock of i Rose Hill Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell attend ed a meeting of the Masons held in Kenansville last Thursday, i Gideon F. Cherry of Hyattsville. Md. and Ted Garner of Mt Olive were guests last Thursday of. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey, Mr. Cherry re turned to his home Friday and was accompanied by his sister Mrs. Arthur Arnett and her son Marvin of Faison. .-. Elbert Whitman visited his mo ther, Mrs, Ira Whitman of .Warsaw Sunday '. . --i Should j Spendlt or -!f ! . .A -i. feMWgtteWlWWm Mr. Home Maker And Mrs. Housewife, if you save your money NO W, you'll have it later when you decide to remodel your kitchen, or add an extra bedroom to your house. You'll be amazed' at t how 1 your account adds up when you save regularly t and it's fun, tod, when you save for a special purpose. Your money .will earn 3 in-' terest compounded, and you are protected. by ? sound jmanaeement which has enabled Waccamaw Bank & Trust Co. to operate. ! ; ' ' Drop in soon and a,dd to your savings account-youH find itin v' ."-v'-' 1 : teresting! C;;;- rl';., , I,' i ) '.;;,..-. f. ;li'Vvi.'Wf:';.V.''.!,."' v.f!,t,'vv'. - .' I . . ', V .) t....,i i, ! . c! y, Lucille aU t r f i v v .ru. ilS YiCong .to t 3 f . It is said Castro promiti tj u.vije the land among the poor, but what he has done is to set up communes, controlled by the state, , and the people have to move onto. ' them and work them under the commis sars I :,, -C X r 5 ::- -; ';'.''.'':'; ,: ,v . . ; In a free country we all work to gether for the goM of all. Of cour se there have to be "those who manage the enterprise and set sal aries and direct Eie work ' They are helping us all too, by making uie economy run. , : Paul the Apostle wrote io Thus about those who- work for others 1 tOUOWS: ..' "', :,,. .' "They are not to be refractory. nor to pilfer, but to show entire and true fidelity, so that in every- uung they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior." f Thus 2:10), Mr. and Mrs. MUton Dafl and son Gregg of Klnston were guests Friday of Mr. and - Mrs Cyms Rhodes. ' Mrs. . T. A. Jernigan and Mrs. Carl Ivey were guests last -Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. a. B.' Good son and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Good son of Greenville. , ''. Mrs., Fred Alphin Sr. tm& Fred Alphuv Jr r accompanied 'V Jack Alphin to' Chapel Hill-. Tuesday where he will resume his 'studies at the University of N. C - . Visiting during the -week - end were Mr, and Mrs. Odelle Bullock, Lynda Bullock, and Mrs. Raymond Ivey of .Lumbenton and Mr. and Mrs. La Mont Kornegay of1 Seven Springs. (Mrs. Ella Outlaw is spending sev- eral days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton of Warsaw while Mrs. Sutton undergoes surgery at Wayne Memorial hospital; Golds- boro. .-:J:';'' ' Walter Hinson, - Jr.- was - among students Of Kenansville school Fred 'Alphin "' returned to . Fort Benjamin Harrison Base Indianap olis, Indiana last Wednesday : fol lowing a visit with relatives here. ACHING UUSCLES Quickly relieve tired, sore, aching : muscles with STANBACK Pow ders or Tablets. STANBACK'S S. A. (Synergistic Acuon ) brings faster, more complete relief from , pain. Remember i , . Soap back with STANBACK J . :s' -If, I should I Save It. TrcJiLi U. S. ".The United States economy dis played baMc strength and underly ing stability during 1960 by setting a new record in tne ouipui w goods and services in the face of substantial adjustments in certain industries, disturbances in foreign relations; and"? domestic politicai uncertainties. In the year 1961, the economy, we believe, will again show high fata of activity, with renewed vigor becoming apparent m the latter part of the year' W. Grady Clark, president, - Investors Diversified Services, inc.- said m a new year statement. , The advantages of investment through mutual funds are becom ing increasingly recognized both by Individuals and by; institutional financial managers. - Installment certificate Investment, ..In Which our company plays an almost uni que national role,.1 is also gaining in popularity. Growing . families and family obligations lead to an increasing need for life insurance protection These are our fields of service. - ..X'i'-i-A i '"Assets of the 'five mutual funds, the investment certificate subsid iary, and the life insurance com. party which, with Investors Diver sified Services, Inc., form the In vestors Group, increased during 1960 by $288 million to a total $3, billion. We believe that both , the sales and assets of our' companies will enjoy a healthy : growth - in 1981.':-- . I. Cecil R. Burke, Jr., is the Sales Representative for Investors in this area. '. ' ' ; - END YOUIt f CONSTIPATIOM WORRIES Now you con end your comttea s tion worries once-and for all. eat aside chemical laxatives, oil or bran like roughage that may upset your system. Instead, take Sesutah in. a class of water every day. , , Seutaw is an all-vegeta61e laxs y live aid that provides the proper ' Bioisture, bulk and peristaltic aumu. ' laUonyoumayneedtopromofedaUy . regularity. This is entirely different '. horn chemical laxatives, Prove ttl TakeSEaOTAMaVitfytoendyOTrcon irination worries. InWoductory OUerl Send thiad plus 10c with name and iddiwSToV Jl-00 sue to Sbsutan, y- Box 740, New York 19. N. Y, f J V.i.'. 'a t iiiiiililf' .mi Blbla Materiall John 4. Daratloul Kwdliif i John 1:43-St Lesson for January ti, 190. BELIEF does not always burst . like the sudden turnfngr-on of a " thousand floodlights. Belief ma , come slowly, , like the twilight el dawn, first only a glimmer on th( ' edge of darkness, a silver of llghte ' grey along a cloud's rim, growlns into the. glory ot another aunrlF , So it has al ways been. Many -books in the Bible, ate con cerned with faith, or belief. Espe cially John;. Not only is Jeau in the spotlight, but llirhti!alao on .a- 4 those who .be lw. Foreman,., lleved and en those who did not. Why did the befovera beBever Why did the unbelievers fall to be lieve?, iv,! i sv"(;Vv'!.jfi' Can This Ba 'the CkrfsIT "l?&Vjt'i :StbrW: Irt W.Blble.';get:,thoul?v names, often;t not from the Biblo ., A itself but from some student of s$ other (perhaps centuries aeo) wb. . never lost.; One such story It mt John' 4.? its usual name ia "Th . :i: Iv hM the spotlierht at first, but eKe -f i,;!?; , doe not keep' it; Jecus, aa.alwnytj..-;-;;.-? th picture;: but --the 'light; r-rto&fc& anaalp 4. .M : UIA rhat a -swl.'vn.- .il ; ;iV '' 'but 'it does -not end with her: it.v 'i'-?" Mrt - tHfh ' that " waafo4tKM'; -tiA. '".U? .'.--'".' 'uaairnB.tA hava tioA via fvHaaVHfaV vkrVirk . . ; , also believed. Let us took at jut Uj. f f' i one thing-in this story; how faith' 'iffi.'. ". ,n It began dimly' enough, to ' bx: , sure. The neighbors did not believe) - ' 1 : But she was beginning to have aiv Vi Inkling of the truth. Can this W v ;V very nign.," pu iv 1 'nwjwrji-,'7,;. TfcAv Sr.nt Com In 9 ' . ; l'UiUJU IIVI. iUUgU JiOS, Via,, IHTWI!.,;. A. jnftn on the street may m seen-. rt lonklnsr-uo toward What? He may i1' C not know, himself,. He may thlnic v. n1nn nirorhMrl . But 'even if he 13 'f,':::' who -see him will look up too. Bd k we read that th& men of Samaria : 1 went out to taiK wua jesus ana io see him for themselves. The Greek word for "they were coming"!! ox." they jcame1! to him is interesting.,',' tt Is not the word that would ba'-'i;'!? used for one single act. It la the i form of the verb meaning a thim? W.UUUb VT.I .HU vrm. nugiMM. - . that they did not all go out at once, . V .they came out one by one, by little ; groups! Sarnie of them were Blowetf ; to wake up than others. Faith U;; i:;;? like that. People have different re- "y,': action-times when driving a some will jut ' their foot on the ;a 4 brajce quicker than othens. They ; . , ' have different reaction-times about . ' ' faith, too. Jesus did not hold this 7., against the late comers;' aedUier - .":'v- should we. . . , v ( '"-vV'' ' "All Wt Ko' 'V- , ? ', " ; How do people come to know," V '- to be assured in their minds and hearts, that Jesus is indeed the Savior of . the world, and theuf Savior? Wety much as those Ba4 . i marUans did. We usually begin by .Vv, some one else suggesting tt. Hay- ,' ... be a parent, maybe s teacher. . ' Maybe suggesting It timidly and 'I not too confidently;- but at least) aroiulng -our Interest.' The nexft,-. ,. utep Is personal contact witH Christ This is absolutely essential . - . the eHsenUal of any true Chrlatiars, T ; faith. No one can nave deep faitl f In an X. a question-mark, a barevy .";' snd unbodied name: This contact) y t. . must bo more than for a moment' . ' only. As Christ came to that yfl- r. !age artd stayed for two days and 7 re tain Imagine w he must haver-.;, .v becnicnpt busj all day and far into' .'ho nifl-t- l asust be invited, ilto' our minds, otu beau-U. It ta'-,. . inly after expsricnr like that,,; - ' lhat ono-cah ray. "1 heard for p.; , r.yself,; and I Itasvr.- linut fciow1-' r ing is not iix rov.lu tht 3 astH ' , ; 2 are V-H the kinl (.f kning f!h person meets person, a kjww . r? ; lag born, of laith. bringing faith !. -. , Its full power. '." ; . . ' OhrNt n Ska IT. s. a. ilnl v.. A bflllon dollars worth of coffee was Imported by the U. S. In f.. ca 195MO. This nation buys more than halt of world eonee. - HewI'MCir T 1 fim if ' f 8 (. . 4- : i'