1: I 'id Mrs. Tom Ja vis -left of this week for WaJj , D.C. to attend ihe inau ' p. isldent - elect John F. : i!"ra.H. E.'MaxweU were ' ' t . ,.aiu 'W&Uiesday where Mr. ' i i an eye specialist at rsons" Hospital. ! ?' , S. It Lee has been a recent f .i.t at tenoir Memorial Hospl- Friday.-':' ' ' ", Franklin Tyndall and Miss Betsy Rouse, ei Kinstorr visited MrvTyrb dall'a parents. Mr. and Mrs-'Lin- l wood. Tyndall and. ether Relatives near Pink Hill,. Sunday. . . Mrs. JUnwood-Tyndatt : attended a miscellaneous Orldal shower at the Sharon Recreation Buikiirre, near Kinston Wednesday, which was to, honor -Miss e3eisy Rouse, bride - elect of .her son, Frapklia Tyndall.. The marriage, will take MH- Kinston. She returned home' place at 3 PVM. January 22. 1 P. Tij jy . -Jj:v i '- Ml 1 1 III'11 Mir Mf ..If For Expert Factory Approved Service Take Your Tractor In Today or Call. BARKER-SAUDERS Equipment Company Richlands Road - JA2796 7Ki9sto N. C. 'ft-. T "i.W; i 't Jt f. J, J! t .;ht i Irg tlic ket thcr,. i r i . guest of la-, i, ii Ii. U lenpie. &' Mr. andrMrs. Flyd F' ol Kinit.irt visu. .1 ; r. I.v. Va'i tr- ents-oii tl.e F-..vIUa J.vJi Sunday? aHernoon '- ' : Whitford Kll. "-teriolr ii.r-'y Commissioner who was ill ar t. .a- c4r Mem. Hghrital in ; .ufeo,. has returned .to his ho, ,e i-a Touis 1. " Mr. and Mrs.-feill .C- 1 8 and two children., of 'Charluiia - luxi 'l.r. Cade's father' of Eufaia, Ala. spwt the week end with Mr-, and Mrs. Corbet Weston: - 'L ' ' i iMrs.Uohn H. Jarmair and Want son have returned to their home on Pink Hill Rt. 1 from , lenolr Memorial Hospital, Mrs;' Jannan: is the fcrmer Nell Smith. Mrs. Koonce of Chapel Hill is fU at the home of her dai'hter, Mrs. Walter Allen, and Air. Allen' uv the downstairs Turner .Apartments. . , Mrs. (Nora ..Stroud ,nd , .Messrs Jepsey , Plckettj .Horace L poward, Lemuel Potter, Ernest, Moody, and Raeford Jones attended a district meeting of VFW and auxiliaries iheld in Washington, N. C. Sunday afternoon. . Mrs.. Belle Swinson of Pink Hill, Rt. 2 Is critically ill at Lenoir Me morial Hospital, in Kinston, Mr. and Mrs. J. D Gladson and childrei'of Kinston were, supper guests, . Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Rogers and family. Messrs B. E. Jones and Kom Harper returned jhothe Wednesday from a trip to Dallas: rort wortn, and other points in Texas. They were guestiin. Dallas at Mrt Jones' sister" Mrs. 'Xdd 'rFlorer, - and while her,dKtierM?W film showing of thejAJamoy, which, taey report diwwclWfteok ,he trip by "plaw frpm fKins4ion, and anheut'seturji .-.js topped .,.at Hh Raleigh-Durham Air ,)rport . hera, they were,net l?y their jwt?e;4 , Guests ,f ,Mr, , nd -.pif 5 4iov Smith and Mr Loajeaa Jtomphil?; Sunday 'were (Mesdames s, Hennan Spence and Aqullla Suggs of , Kin, ston.. , i . Mrs W.J. Grady of Albectfion J reportedly improving ' 'following ,a light stroke suffered at Aho.home recently. ,-.".' '. ; VMS Met Viffi -Mrs. Howdtd MrsJ Earlfiowardjwaa hortas -to' the Pmk JBll "MeUwdist Wiman' Society of Christian-Service a er home Tuesday afternoon, with nine niembers present: The program en titled, fLooking Backward. Think ing Forward.',' was presented ,, by Mrs. R. L. JCiog. ; .The February .neeting fwill. bj v.-u nn TiiAlav afternoon .alter I second .Sunday, ,n'd the bostess will be Mrs. a. x.. , , . l I .tiC t z, 3';, i : r f . j c r- i- i ? i t - i i - - u I --. i .. 1 i - i . . i cn f , t.ie i . - - i cf J y ii'iie i ,i 1 '.ni' J i nd . v-o, .e at t.ree O'cluklr in ; tie t-.'-rnoon. Spm MethfV'st . C5-urch Route oe i .. r.jrih Carolina. L J ,V" fltt f mm i- ill JdftiiWlJ , ; . .. In Xrnroo Saturday to attend the CKi.ll-Snii.h wedding from t'tis' area were the bride's parents, K.r.and Mrs. Sam J. Smith, Mrs. i if" I C. , , 1 . . 1 !. I 'i! -n-. 7s i : t ,! j. t i , .' r. i 1 3 i v.. j t. ', j . t id : .5. Xr-)i irner, I ;.A e I 'aye : . "h, D. L. S:t .,, I Lorn Chap el 1"U. Ecn Scoii. Tun.or. , ,. f .. ' M C 1" 1 i" f f ""-' ill J 1 Vi''vll 'Ki? Woman's ' 'orMy tf Nobles Chapul Method.. : Chutch met at the Church recently.- In the absen ce of 4he president, Mrs. Sam Hill, the vice pres. Mrs. Rom : Harper presided.. Mrs, 'Rex Noble was in' charge, of Ahe program. Refresh ments were served by Mrs.- P, A. Nobl0.i'.'"-- virv; i . . A. r - ' "Ud 1. r I .' j ..i ' y a f.err.iv i v l two t ' ? ia !' y. r.rvi-i i . NMM in t:.e f. 'al arrsi! , . 's u. ti to d-'uiate t; e home." '..et t fr 1,' L't s:ore was rtxuved by I:rs. Hoyd Kcuih and the ruwTerup award went to Mrs. J F. May. , Light refreshments were served. tArSi Sf'rc'jd : i -.V, Hoztoss To I IDC Mrs. Roscoe Stroud was hostess to the January meeting of the Pink - Hill Home Demonstration CCj'T eu:ss AT VIIAT YOU LO i::eds 'We Take Soil Samples, And You Can Then Know:, Exactly Whaf ... r. foBuy,:' - .; ' - v ' ' 1 - This Is A 1 ; . C ' 1 ; Just Let Us Know If You Would Like . , - -, , , . This Free Service . , 'y t V Go l SEVEN SPRINGS, N. C. Phone Moss IIU1 LO 9-3481 l.D 3. r.jin Harper was hostcrs to jiutt i L and col . 1ROW V Crop-Tailored f or your i. Work power like this has never been seen in trao ' tors so compact in size. The new one-row D-10 . - and two-row ... with high-clearance styles -' in each . . let you tailor a tractor to fit your par-' ticular specialty crop or type of farming. New POWR-CRATER engines '. . , with a new kind of "throttled-down,". high-torque power let you creep when needed ... or really dig in to handle heavy loads. Let us show you today. Come in or call. POWER-CRATER i an Atlii-Cholraeoi taiSaw&. i ' - , i ' ' ' -3 5 Atk in about th Allit-thalmm phn to t . rnanctavr llm purchase ol lam aqvlpmtnr. . ALLIS-GUALf.lE t!5 SAIES AND SERVICE X ,v I "TURNER CO. . Pink Hill, N.C . ' 9 ml - r :-:-:-;-:-:x,x-::;-frtwww.vfcrrtii .i- ' UlOM "6u JtUNI '- (amp (f icir ' ''CUYlOM - : ClINTOM , COATS ' DUNN , fAYITTFVIlie - KMT SACO OAtNM ' MAveioas . ; JlUNldlNtOM' : OHIHOM MCKSONVKtt ' ; "WNStrtM r VkOiASSWRO ... AUYJVIllI ' - ""'?trtAO CITY .ylnUH ' . ,N(wraT - - lfIWN OHOVI - ':ttnt HHl - HI SAfJDS oOKO " ' mo . '" .. HOM , (,sJWAM5OtO .' iWlLMIhiaTPH " - CONDENSED STATEMENT ' .. . Firs! - Citizens Bank & Trust Company As Of The Close Of Business December 'SI,' 960 RESOURCES . Cash in Vaults and Due from Banks ...,..$ 47,391,187.69 U. S. Government - Securities $67,733,8a5.8T Obligations of Federal Land Banks, , Federal Agencies, -and Other ; , Marketable Securities 11,48M74.10 State Bonds :....:.. ;70,498.48 v Municipal Bonds ., 21,641,299.18 . ' ; 108,474,167.63 Accrued Interest 1,133,339.92 Loans and Discounts .............,..4- 103,236,599.53 ' Banking Houses, Furniture and ' Fixtures, Equipment, .and Other , Real Estate I.....L . ' 3,?88,1046 " Customers' Liability, Letters of Credit - and; Acceptances. U-,- ... ffi7;tS5.72 J " r t263iC3A55.13 . . : . LIABILITIES . Capital Stock ... ......$ 358ft,tS9.00 Surplus -;. i2,csa,cco.oo . Undivided' profits z j, 116,73049 - Reserve Accounts, Accrued and - . 1 Unearned Interest, Takes, ' -' ' ' - Insurance, and Other Reserves i...... 11,174,879.79 Letters of Credit and Acceptances :...L. 437 23 72" mec-irancn clearings .....;.....:.uf. - r?5JJ DEPOSITS .. 235.:St.733.ca $2C3,SC3,4:3.13 We thank. you for. . . : . j1. 7 f r : v 3 featuring1 J b'1 - Li l5 . I; -" V . ? . . H.' ( ,:,-( - n. Th6 best selling :'0 n n r 1 Th6 "car of the year" n i L n I! -. Overwhelming acceptance of. the n: . introiuccJ last f.'.I-'t-cther vit!i t' t w J t-i t.iC v.. 7 Vi- t ... ,) : - f :er t c:r 3 t : :'' t.' I'-? rrCI. : 1: :i rc'.'j trr : c .3 r thrrc you for your continuing lnce in, :..J f reference for, Chevr. ':t. Your rivord-brcakirs l.ases of Chevrolcts liavc si ificance to everyone thinkir cf l-ujii x ;-"v' car this ;.:r, r- '-since ' s cf r.vv ! l'C! 'rts . i j cc;. 1 at r:: - - n ! 'thy i ' " i r C