i ( , 13 Pc;:s 4 4 1 i. W J OOWM 1, VOLUME XXVIII No. 7 KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. J THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16,961 8CBSCRIFT10N KATES $3.M per In Dap tin mad sdJalDte PRICE TEN GENT 1 1 W. 0. Mt raMde M. O. 1 4IETV 4 r i csw I XX MM 1 L WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION CHAIR-. MAN Robert M. Cut of Wallace, center Is showi t Commissioner. takinf the oath of office to begin a second six-year ; nme-member i term I on the Wildlife ' Commission from State ., oil distributor of Burgaw, left: Governor Terry4 Sanford, right, 1 rial & Error Well Sir; we are in the process of installing a1 new press-at least it ia .new to us. We are all so excited 'and if you opn'f tHink our estab lishment is tors, up, Just drop in to See us. We have had some pretty ? f '!?d i'1 from, Afferent interestbig to see just how. deep the ; pit was' going. . To any newspaper , person ; who ' might accidentally - read this, let me tell you, you have : never been fully initiated 'into newspaper work , until you have gone through this ordeal. It is real- ly a major operation, but when you are blessed1 with such good friends as we have had, you really have . something for which to be thankful. J, .And when you have eleven or twel ve mousana pounas , ot cast iron ,. to juggle around over the state.. you need some good friends or some S. 'strong ones, . This has been the problem. You - have to move the old press out of the way,- get the' new ' one , torn down; get a mammoth pit dug and . cement set up, and then move the ' new one in and reassemble it-and e it all has to be done at the' same ime at different places, and not . . one person -can miscue anywhere r -because it all has to roll out com pleted at the same time. But Worst of all a paper . has to be published durmg that time. Golly-ee! Try it! 'My good friend, Frank Denny, of the Wilson Daily Times has been the "master-mind" in this deal, and he has just about worked the aay ngnts out ot me. 1 nave, peen so mixed up with contractors, truck - drivers, wreckers, .fork lifts :. ( ; I had never seen one before), junk dealers, spring steel, rolled steel, contractors, and what nots- Adver- . Using and news seem to' be in an- 'other business. ;. - ' r ; ' ' It really makes one realize how far apart the .front shop and the back shop is in newspaper ,work, ' but how entirely dependent one, is on the other. It doesn't seem pos . sible that workers could live in , worlds so far apart and yet have so much in common, .. -v y- ' . - I guess you are tfred of hearing about the press, but that is all that we know , to talk about now. But news and meetings seem to have mo consideration of our dilema. They move on at a high rate of ' speed.;.;''- .y . v-V '. The County Basketball Tourna ment begins next week. The schools are working up to a high pitch. The f ames should be good this year, and at the present rating it is hard to tell just bow it will all turn out. Many of the Kenansville and Warsaw music pupils . participated iii ti e North Carolina Music Festi- X in Crfvnville last Saturday at : t ;--' :.na C(."-f. It is amai ' j s.-e t!:e grow la of t! e College ? List ti yrars. After the .1 a ;i of t - s nl girls i to tn in l " 'vision i. V e "tilt t-, is : . , b l tHir $.'m. V. I : i;.ai - . 1 as :i in t s v IS : & 8 .1 to I f v , was iium uw 1 a 1 11 commission since June, 1955. 1 sician Dr. Paul Bolin, promient physi cian of Beulavile, died Thursday morning in Memorial Hospital at Chapel HiU. : ; He had practiced medicine in Beulaville and the surrounding community for the past fifteen years. His going is a great loss to all who knew him. ' Funeral services were conducted last Saturday afternoon at 3:00 O'clock in the Beulavilel - Baptist Church by Rev, 'Jerry DeBell, pas tor assisted by Rer, A, L. Brewnj former pastor. Interment wag ia " I Ha ia fliirvlVAfl htr hia uf ffu former Sarah Sandlini two sons ' MUSIC TRAINING SCHOOL Dr. Arnold Hoffman, State Public School : Music Instructor wll con duct a Music Training School, Feb ruary 23, begmnig at 10:00 A. M. in Burgaw Methodist Church, located one block north of the 'Court House Home demons, tration. Music Lea ders, Family Life Leaders and any others who' are interested are cor dially nvited to attend.. Leaders wil receive : valuable . information and training by attending announ ces Mrs. Mae Spicer, Home Econo- mcs. Agent.-, . a ...'.',:;)?..'.; : IN ART 'CLUB-.:. - I. . James Sanders of Rose Hill is one of the 104 students as East Car olina College participating, in the Art Club. The club, composed of students majoring in art, carries on during the school year a pro gram of varied activities for the benefit of its members and the de partment of art at the college, ; ' ON PLANNING COMMUTE Barbara 'Blanchard, daughter of Mr,, and Mrs.' W. T, Blanchard of Rose Hill, has served On the plan ning committee for Religious Em phasis -Week at Meredith College. The committee has made all ar rangements for the week s activi ties. . Religious Emphasis week , is February 13-17, and the theme is A Relevant Faith in a Revolution ary World." :. -. '.-- WORLD DAt OF PRAYER ' The World Day of Prayer will be held at Magnolia Methodist Ch urch on Friday, February 17 at 5:00 P. M. The public is cordially invit- ted to attend. , BAKE SALE ' " -A Bake Sale will be held at Fri endship Methodist Church, Warsaw, RFD, on Saturday, February 18 from 1 ta :00 P. M. Proceeds to go to the church- . ; , , Warsaw Boy At Industrial Art Meet A number of ' faculty members and students at E. C C. attended the meeting of the Industrial Arts Teachers of the Northeastern Dis trict of the N. C. Education Associ- iiun in Roanoke Rapids on Satur- ay. Among them was Waitus C Eng'.h, Jr. of Rt. 1, Warsaw; . " ' F"0)V3 TZVA n .riard, r 't County r it f lm " to t A" ire !(. I on 1 leb 1 ! iu t' ? fi -e F Id- uuieiiiuiiy in uie viovemor s umve. Carr was re-elected chairman of the Wildlife Commission on Tuesday. An b; Wallace, he has served on the - , 11 . 1 - s ii V f i ' Wildlife Commission photo by Jim Lee Paul, Jr. and Itoosevelt Merter all of the home. His mother,' ; Mrs. Louella Bolin of Beulaville, pne brother Dr. G. C. Bolin of Smith filed U v. ' World Day ' Of Prayer -Observance of the". 75th, World Day of Prayer will be held at the Warsaw Presbyterian. Church, un der' the auspicies of the Women of ieChurch, nd4fah0tUi9llm the afternoon. Mrs. Henry L. Stev ens, Jr. Chairman of World Mis sions will have charge of the pro gram. 'Others taking part will be Mrs. B. C. Sheffield, Jr., Mrs. A. J. Jenkins, ' Mrsi J T. Gresham, Mrs. J. W. Farrior and Mrs. Dou glas Townsend. The public is most cordially invited. - 4 : Pov Ktrhvinf (hp Wnllarp MnthnHist Church nresentinc a Bihln , for the Prayer Koom at Duplin General Hospital to Mrs.- Hugh Wells, ;5 President of the Auxiliary center) Mrs. Everett Stout of WaUace Via- standing beside Mrs Wells. The scene was taken in the Prayer i Room at the iHhspitaL,' ; '.?.;' v - "a Auxiliary (Ladies present at the dedication of the Prayer Room at Duplin. General Hospital on -last Thursday were: Reading' from right to left Front row: JTrs. Edgar Walls, Teae! ey; Kiss Katie' r a. Teach f y; Mrs." Oscar Redwine, Kenansville,,'' s : clary; Vis. K h Wefls, B. F. Grady, Chab ' nwa; J!rs. Ev""t h Wallace. Back Row: Mrs. N. B. I.-:. ; ' ---c; Jlrs. J.-rry a Saila, If Not To Be Planted Leroy Simmons Advises Duplin Farmers Ta Release Cpf ton ' -r irt L-m . : a. -L.L "Duplin County farmers who have cotton acreage they do no inte id planting this .year are being urgid to release the acreage to the Coi ty tyASC Committee during Cott 0 Acreage 'Release Emphasis Wedt. February 20-24 ( next week.) i Leroy Simmons, President of tie Duplin Farm Bureau and Vice-Pife sident of the State Farm Bureau Said today that the farm organiia- tion would like to encourage 1 farmers, to make it a personal ie sponsibiiity to see that all Duplir 's Cotton Acreage1 is planted in 196 , Farmers have until March 15, to release the cotton to the' Coun y ASC committee for re-alocation U Murray ByrdDup T CI CC n T1-. 63, of Faison died Thursday about noon in Duplin General Hospital; He had served as deputy sheriff M Duplin County for 35 years. ) Funeral services were conducted Saturday at 2 p. m. at Faison Methl Odst Church by his pastor, the ReV; B. R. McCullen, assisted by tl Rev. C. G. Nickens of Elizabe City, Interment was in Devotion!! Gardens in Duplm County. r He is survived by his wife, Mrs, hard Murray Jr. of La Plata, Mi Sweetheart Dane? On Friday, February 24, a Sweet heart Dance will be held at the' Warsaw- Armory. Music is furnish ed by Bill Cooper Quintet, through; a grant from National Federation of music- , Admission will Be by donation only with all proceeds going to the Heart Fund. ;i ' The public is cordially invited to attend, ; - -,-.,. AabmgTOfgnsl -chairtnartof the Heart Fund Drive in Warsaw. Duplin General Hospital's Wo- mans Auxiliary met on Thursday after noon in the staff room of the hospital, At this meeting the Pray- 1;g B. F. Grady; Mrs. Marguerite Teachey, Wallace; Mrs. Elsia Stewart, Teachey; Irs. Lee. Brown, Warsaw; Mrs. John Frank, Landen, . Chkiniapin; Mrs. L. U. CaanUIer, Wallace; Mrs, C. B. Guthrie, Kenansvfl; Mrs. T ydia Reece, Chinquapin; Mrs. H. E. Grubbs. - ' ' ' - , "'-"'-'.. IS' Jkreage Febi 20-24 Vr farmers who do want to plant the cotton. However, an all-out effort Kto get the cotton released that far Finers do not intend making will be made during Cotton Acreage Re lease Emphasis Week. t 'Cotton means a lot to the pfinty and State's economy,-" Sim- I mons said, "and I feel that every Warmer should be interestd in help- toft raise the income of the County,' i Simmons advises farmers that if they plan to plant their full allot ment, no action is necessary. 'X But by those farmers releasing their cotton acreage who do not in terid planting it, it will mean Dup Erf, will retain its cotton acreage. in Deputy, Succumbs and Douglas Wells Byrd of the home; three borthers, A. B. of Wil mington, J. M. of Goldsboro and Dan Byrd of Lenoir and one siter Mrs. J. B. Coalter of Newport News Va. ..e ; . Trapping Season Game and Hunting ( Trapping) ' (Regulation 7-60 A. 1., Exception (b) 'December 1-February 15 Open Season for Trapping Mink, Musk rat, Opossum, Other, and Raccoon in; Beaufort, Bladen, Brunswick, Carteret, Columbus, Craven, Cum berland, Dare, Duplin, Harnett, Hoke, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamilco, Pen det Roberson, Sampson, Scotland, Tyrrell and Washington counties." page 16 of Official Commission Re gulations and Abstracts of Laws Governing Huntng and Trapping, effective August 1, 1960, to July 31, 19(1, is hereby amended by extend ible trapping season in said &AifeVi rbW?-February 15 ; to March 2, ' inclusive. er Room was dedicated and Rev. Ktrby of the Wallace Methodist Chu rch presented a Bible from the chu. rch to the Prayer room. The Prayer Room has recently been completed under the super vision of the Auxiliary. The Prayer Room is a quiet sanctuary equipped with comfortable furniture. The furniture for the room was rede corated by John Sorrel I of the Per fecl; Fit Upholstery Company in Wallace as a gift to the hospital. During the business session, over, which the president Mrs. Hugh Wells presided p.lans were made to complete the children's room, secure a library, cart,' make a drive for.'gifts to be placed in the gift case at the .hospital. The money from the sale of such gifts goes to help purchase any articles needed at the hospital. Dr. L. U, Chandler made pictures of the group present and thanked them for. the efforts and work which they are doing, stressing the great need for many things per taining to the hospital. Anyone needing gifts at the hos pital, check with Mrs. G. R. Dail or the ladies in the office and pur chase from the Auxiliary. Cpso; apd Mrs. L B. Herring, &:rK wWw S 'v - . .'..'x.-''-f-i-: i - rt ' '- -' : '' ' 1' .. m r - ' ' x j , t v ..zr A,y Mrs. Violette K. Phillips, a member of the steer-, ing committee of the County 4-H Development Fund Drive and Mrs Mae H. Spicer, Home Agent discuss 4-H Development Fund with the County Commissioners. Seated right to left: Commission County Commissioners Endorse 4-H Development Fund Drive At the regular meeting of the Duplin County Board of Commis sioners on Monday, February 6, the i-H Club Development, Fund Drive was endorsed by the board with the adoption of the following resolu tion: .j, .-t Resolved, By Ihe Board of Cbrti missioners of Duplin County that the Board heartily endorses and supports the 4-H Club Development Foundation Drive, which is an Ed ucational Foundation supporting the 4-H Club Program in Duplin County and the State of North Car olina and the Board recommends Reports Given Semi-Annual Red The semi-Annual meeting of the Duplin County Chapter, American Red Cross was held in the Chapter House at Kenansville, on last Fri day night, Feb. 10, with the chapter chairman. Attorney Wililam E. Craft presiding'. Minutes of the annual meeting were read by the Secretary after which the Treasurers report was given by Paul Ingram. A report of Jr. Red Cross work revealed 7 white schools and 5 ne gro schools enrolling last fall. Fifty Educational Gift boxes for ship ment overseas were also filled by the Juniors. The first aid report showed two classes being planned: one in the Pleasant Grove Community Deve lopment Club and the other in the Chinquapin School. Two Classes in Home Nursing are now in progress and the number of certificates issued will be repor ted at the annual meeting. Jr. Killed Sunday Night In Warsaw Investigation , Into the death of Lormte Boone, Jr., 18, Negro of Warsaw, Sunday between 6 p. m. and 6:30 p. m. is being continued today by the Duplin Sheriff's De partment . and. Warsaw Police De partment. . Sheriff Ralph Miller said today the pistol killed Boone has been forwarded to the SBI laboratory in Raleigh for examination. A partial finger print was on the gun. Preliminary evidence .points to suicide. Sheriff Miller ' said the shooting occurred at the. Jerry James residence in Warsaw.. Wit nesses yo the shooting said that Boone placed the pistol to his head, just behind hia left ear. and fired the pistol Evidence points to an accident to, date, according to Sheriff Miller. -' ' "I think it was probably a prank' ha aid. "that backfired.. But we have to be sure." ; v , Investigating the case are Perry T. E. Jtevelle, Sheriff's Chief De- puty. and urges support of the Drive by the citizens of the County. This the 6th day of February, 1961. SJ. W. Hoffler, Chairman S-Lott Kornegay, Member S-J. B. Stroud, Member S-Leon Crown, Member S-Kenneth G. Grady, Member Attent: S- Christine W. Williams Clerk. Each member of the Board, F. W. iMcGowan, County Accountant, and Mrs. Winifred T. Wells made ini tial donations to this drive which is to be conducted during the week of Cross Meet Held The recent Christmas Cheer pro ject for the U. S. N. Hospital at Camp LeJeune and the Marine Hos ptal at Cherry Point was reported thru Community Services Chair man. The following articles were donated 50 bags of hard candy, 75 packages of cigarettes, 75 key chains or rings, 40 lbs. of pecans, 35 pencils. 108 comic books, 97 poc ket edition books, 40 current maga zines, 25 miscellaneous gifts in cluding games, juzzles, playing cards, shaving lotion, etc, in addi tion to 50 pkgs. of chewing gum. Organizations responsible for these gifts and to whom many thanks are due were: The James Kenan Chapter, U. D. C, The Warsaw B. & P. W. Club, the Warsaw Eastern Star Chapter. The Jr. Red Cross of Duplin County. The Faison Garden Club and the Sesame Woman's club of Faison-The Wallace Jr., and Sr. Woman's Club, Pat. McGowan Cha pter, OES, of Wallace, The Beula ville Chapter of OES. The Rose Hill Woman's Club and Rehoboth Chap ter Order of the Eastern Star of Rose Hill, also 22 of the Home De monstration Clubs throughout the County. Various Services were rendered during the past six months to 125 Home Service Cases including active servicemen or their depend ents and veterans. Craft reported that Attorney Chri stopher Blossom of Wallace had a greed to be the new vice-chairman. Tournament Facts The coaches from James Kenan, Beulaville, North Duplin, B. F. Grady, and Chinquapin will hold a "Coach Meeting" at the Kenans ville Cafe Saturday morning- at 10:00 a. m. At that time they will select the All County Conference teams, brackets for the tournament, and Coach of the 'Year.. Facts about the County Tourna ment next week Feb. SO, 21, 23, 24, and 25. i 'y Adults. SOc 1 ' Students 25c yy-., ' Each school will two "different color passes each ight and any one leaving gym will have to pay to re-enter, s - v Official Timers: Amos Brtnson 7 (CONTINUED ON SACK) . ers Kenneth G. Grady, Leon Brown, J. W. Ho'fler and Lott Krrnegay. Standing: Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Spicer, Commissioner J. B. Stroud, Mrs. Winifred T. Wells, County Attorney and F. W. McGowen, County Accountant. March 3 through 10 of this year. The quota for Duplin County is ; $7500.00. This money will be used ' by the North Carolina 4-H Develop- , ment Foundation in expanding the 4-H Club program in North Caro lina, Each county, in .the. stater has- A Deerr -gfveia "fyuota and' smiley1' drives will be held in each county, .tr This money will be used for 4-H Camps, Recognition Awards, Sch olarships to 4-H Club Members for the study of Agriculture and Home Economics and the expansion of the International Farm Youth Ex change Program. Dr. Rasmussen Speaks At Nurses Asso. District No. 27 N. C. S. Nurses Association met at Wallace Town Hall on February 9. Mrs. Marica Powell, president, presided. After a short business meeting, Dr. Glenn S. Rasmussen gave a very informative and inter esting talk on the role of the nurse in regard to care of injured pat ients in the absence of the doctor. He mentioned the fact that many lives could be saved if proper care could be given an injured person immediately following an acicdent, and that many times frantic, well meaning people did more harm than good. Dr. Rasmussen also mentioned several factors which should be considered before a person is jud ged to severely - thus stressing the ' point of better understanding be tween the nurse and her patient. - Immediately following the meet ing, the 17 members persent were served delicous refreshments by the nurses from Pender County. Delta Kappa Gamma Honors Future Duplin Teachers The Duplin Unit of Alpha Eta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma honored the Future Teachers of Duplin County at a tea at the B. F. Grady School on Saturday, Feb-, ruary 11. A symposium consisting of a future teacher, a parent, and . a teacher discussed "The Whys ot Teaching." Miss Pat Holland, a senior at the James Kenan High School, had as her topic-"! Wish to Teach." Mrs. Hazel Kornegay, a. teacher in the B. F. Grady School, spoke on the subject - "I'm Glad I Teach;" and Mrs. Christine W. Wil-, liams. Register of Deeds in Duplin. County and President of the B. F. Grady Parent. Teachers Associa tion, had the topic "I'm Thankful for Teachers. . Representatives from the Future Teacher Organizations of the f '- lowing schools were present: Jan1 s Kenan. B. F. Grady. Walace ! Hill, and Beulaville. v

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