1 I - ham and 'Mray'W.' '(. out ' the -week , end L,-Taylor IniEaleighi 1 : 3. L; D. .Groonw re- - my irom a Business ... ivaola;- thejr'visHed;' i ; , J J, rs'. Jioha, Groome; daugh 't r U .lortemoutb,; jy,' vertbe ; Zf " i ihVAlton ! liltoihwn: arHV-i '"tl hwne 'Monday ;t (fpm . MitQC,; ? i -s he, set ved the past, yeari ) ) 1 rr ykited eIridrenv;Mf;F ' ! ijvir'KenrnethTayJor and'chil .' t i'iit itatesy.IU0 overhe week- VT,Tla.n,;l;1Wtor: tfed. jmd Mrst.W:N.?Waiert' attend J , ea' dlnier meeting' Tuesday nigljt 7 lri ;Wallace.aJ.tbe 'roeng wris Uor ;'lhi batjkef s an flielr '"wives of the I fcmoh -8$tnk and Trust Co. ot this i territory; : i: i 1? i - Mra P! 5 StflliamsBnoi. Kenans I til spent Uw Week with ber grand f.Jons-'-Staart'-afld iNelaori ..Precy the: f . Mr.' W.mKBryanf; CJ O: $ : Catef -tind ?Mrs. Mangiim ' i from the Qardon and Sesame! clubs I. - isrvd tut '.'Cheer- 4adles" i at; Dup I tlln General Hospital in fCeriancville ? Ptn&tfivAj ' ifcvi- 'V;' r' f . wT04iCa sttt4ent1at C. C'lri ; :" jGreestyJUe, speat the week end with 1 isffamily.-'tSM;--r:'',A'? V MT.7JB. C. IcQtttty of Theological E D U.PLJNiT-1 M E S ' -t ."-febltshed eaeb Ybnr4ar In F.ftimMvtlU. N. C, County Seal of h-; A-;;; .:.vrjboFUN:'coiJNrt-'..; ' ' , - ftfUortal, batdnew office nd prlntinf plant, Renantvllle, N. C. f::;;;;biK'aM PCBltSHEB ;v' V'S'S'v'V-: v-' ' M.ieVo4Hs mstter ; I' niC,lf!TWIt RATES! fj.ee per ryai , In Duplin. lolT. te iOnkw.-. Pander. (SamiMon. New JIover nd - WyM UtwrM.OT"peitr!mlle thh ireilii Nartb Carollns. nmhfUM. elMher' ' ;ft'4;) " , ,-;i,?tva1lerlsnf .''rale 'iattilshed oa reqoest ; .A ttaptln Comity )ornl,"dfvot,d to the 'rlif loos, material, J,iMiioi4U hOBoU ad triciillurl devrtvpmenl of Daplta ' ' Cet. t ' . i U .'LulIzj V 1 .rrf..)?PBIII!:?01EI!SS. ';-V;-FaS'2.F('l' ,j - 'i. " -: !i 1 f t . , . . i : r . - -v Thia remarkable offer k made ao that you will find out bo your.own farm' " f. :i :t the oeptiotial fuel eootwrny you get with Ford diesel tractors. IVou.' ' -4 v - "'i. . M purchase a new Ford or Fordson diesel tractor anytime frooa January 1, : ' ; " . " ; through March 31, 1961, we will pay half your fuel coats during the tint, : ', .- .W.JDanfta otiOQ hours of operation, whichever occurs first Ford dieaela :. !-. r J"av' yo -"we . f, let us prove, it . .Pay-as-you-fana credit-terms - w. ""av'ilabla. CooJe in and see us sooftl - - ; , ( . i t . , v. For the Bosf Deal ' r 1 r .'A nit v Seminary in Richmond,- ya -was guest io town over tlie week end He Dreached in the Presbyterian- 'm..W,R titMlav mAMiintf VV '-i- Mrs;t 5. f recythe .visited Jher coiisifl, ;Mri. ' R. ' V ' Cote ;and fam ily In Richmond, this weeKj. jars. rfrecyth attended the! National As- sotmuon w potato Growers m men uwndt tie. :atso'rrtiaae;-tf business tripto". Delaware. 'Wtolk fri &; te-Mr.-t nd ;Mrs.i Wad8!.Daughtery aid Mlssr-Christine Daughter? rat : tended the Flower Show lit Raleigh, ;.: -Mortorf todv daugtw ters of i Q(A isboro i -Spent - Suftdar ith Wf rtwther Mr&J: XvMorton- MtssThomion" iMrt jM. C'Bdwderind' Mrs. N. F.;McColman .pntertalned' with a luncheon' Saturday: i honoring Mrs. Eldon Thornton, the former Miss Jane McClour of . 'Carthage.1 -The Thorntons were married-in Carth age ffiis month and . are making their home in Faisbn. . Mr, Thorn, ton is in the Insurance business with his office in Faison.' 7, -.ys The luncheori . was held at the Bowdett : : home. V; Mrs.' Thortiton';1 place was marked 'with a Camelif and shewas given,' a silver tray from the liostes8. ' ;-''v'i"? The guests included Mrs. Thorn ton, the : honoree,' Mrs. 'William via LT;STS2 m IT n1 'Dn'Good Used Tractors riiinmpnt - 30 Tn flirvWP frrttrt" - Lewis, Mrs. EarJ Watts MrsI "F.lD.V raylor.. Mrs, WiUiam Igoe Mrs. C. 3 . . ....m.. .- C tales, -Mrs.' James Cottle Mrs. w. ' Ci Mangum Mrs; i Frapk; Boy ette, t. Wi'CJv Kalmaf 'nd -Hlf. 1;H: Kaim'y&-.S: i, FavorS'of weddfygirbells wer on the luncheon- plates, f f'.'; ,' ;The' Fafsoo Lions Cliib' filet Tnu- rrfday night- at the community build ingiTne' prfesia.era.fWft: 'Bryant 'presided,'" Program cfhamanrC C. cates howed an ' interesting "nun on -rrhe Hlstory'Of TfTelvtalon.M Sesanwi "Glub i ;UaWs seiWd the sur.;'"i .ri-.r: ''! '-' L'f ':-f'' 1. Hostess To , -CkatiefCliib , the Chattel tlub 'met with Mrs. W. C. - Mangum Wednesday after .noon,' Sewfng wa enWed. Guests : ther than Club Members Included; ;jrs William Igoe, Mrs. . D. Tay lor, Mrs. A.; P. Catea and her -sis-'er Miss Ruth Curtis of PHtSford, N. Y.;A sweet course was served luring the afternoon. - Mrs, Stroud Club Hostess Mrs. .J. i B. Stroiid" Jr. entertain i her bridge club Friday . night. Visitors to the club-included Mrs. tames Thornpson and Mrs. C D. IcCullen. Mrs.. Thompson held iigh score and .wins Riven '-a set of matching towels.? Following .the regressions - the hostess ..served pple pie -a-la-mode and nuts with coffee. Women MM The Women! of the-Presbyterian :hurch met .Monday inthe church. Mrs. C D, Decker Was , Hostess t,o :hA mptln(T "Mrs.''..1 P.;'Ca'te. "'e- sided- The Bible Study was given iy Mrs. M. C. Bowden. The Vyorid Mission book, a "One . World,' One Mission", was reviewed by "Mrs. C. . Decker, Mrs., W; T.-HJnes; and, Mrs. J. h. r aison. , :. . ., v The Women of the; Episcbpal riiurch met Monday afternoon in the home of their president,,' Mrs. 0 L McCullen. Mrs.- McCulleh pre sided. Mrs. R. A. WilUams .led, the? devotional "Promise of Victory" and. she read an article, "Len.t and,; 5: A S-.r. if'-,:; , 1 1 t r. . r t '' ' ' '' v' - - Pastor, aad Mrs. M. L.'l Harrell of the Woodland Methodist church r( wferf T nufw;,m-inTLnom1! 01 s Mi. ' unit Mr .A .1 Wnlkor Tiiiml. day. "Mr.' and Mrs.' E. M. Murphy and daughter,;: Lynn, visited v Mr,; and Mrs.. Edgar Murphy and Mrs, Glen hie Rouse of Arlington, Virginia last weekend-1' Accompanying the Murphy's were Mrs, Ben . Wallace and Bobby Wallace who were guest1 of Mr. and Mrs.' Douglas Shivar. also of Arlington, Va. During this visit the Murphy's and Wallace toured v Washington ' and ' visited various places of lnjlerest,r!nclud-" ing me wmie nousf . ine capitoi, Washington' Momument.. and Mt. Vernon. On Saturday they had lun ch in the Crystal Room of the Wil lard Hotel where ' Irs. Douglas Shivar was a featured model show inir the latest collection of spring fashlons.;v.V:,;'i. r'-Vi 5 Week end visitors In the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. jDall were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lester and child ren -of Jacksonville j and Mr. and MTS.r?EFer.ette-( 4Dail f of Kinston. ; Mr arid Mrs.' Edd Parker and children of Benson were visitors in the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Wallace Sunday. ' ' Mr. Jimmy Hatcher; lay-preacher In the pre-Easter series of "No Silent" pulpits, wasi the featured speaker in the Woodland Church Sunday A. M. Mr. Hatcher made an Interesting talk on Prayer to an appreciative audience. Mr. and Mrs. Williams Earl Tyn dall. of Kinston were recent visi tors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tydndall. I Guest of Mrs. George Walker Sunday were Mr. and .Mrs. Cecil Kornegay of1 Mt. Olive. Recent vis itors with Mrs. Walker were: Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Herring of Albertson -u3nep pue 8uixj9H epv s-iN pue ter Virginia of Bethamy. WSofCSMet The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Woodland . church "was held -last Friday night in a Sundaj, school room of the church. The proTam chairman, Mrs. Dwlght Walker, was in charge of (he program. She presented an in Its, Jleanfng.'",. Fjlowjng adjourrtr ment ' refreshments were served by thft hpstess. a ' ' '-A -V-!SSS "" Well feathered nests don't grow on trees. " They have to be built !,Foresigh ted peo fplc do jnost ofthetr'nest'-building" in t their -savings .accounts' Your ' idea of a ;v,Wel ; feathered mest", may ..be any jthingfrom a. Home of your own to finan ; Chckng Accounts presonal fcoans ,i 5i ir t - - of the Lord's 'rerN 1,.! '' Mrs.,' .Remus' Outlaw the . presi dent, gave the devotional, and Also had chame of the orotrafn. There Worhanless Wedding x The Woodland Methodist "ffiurch" Youth Fellowship is sponsoring a " Womanless . wedding" i on Friday night, March 3, 1961 at!7:30, p. m. at the Pleasant Grove Communi ty "Building, i The admjksion is .25 and 50 centsjThere :v?ill be free refreshments. ,TT Announce irlh Mr, and Mrs. James E Of Mount Olive, Route i, . Whitfield announce 2SJ!LU:.,Cr.i? Wayne Memorial Hospital, Golds- boro on February 12, 1961. IE6A" NOTICES v NOTICE OF RESALE . Under and by virtue of an order of i-psaI Af' Ihp Siii-ipi-inr rViitrt nf Duplin County, made in the Special isaleat public auction to the high Proceeding entitled . "Irene Q. !est bldder for cash at.me Co,lrt- Brovn et al, vs. Joyce Faye Quinn, et als" and being Specjal Proceed ings No. 3358, the Undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th. dav o(,MarChs,1961.at the hour of 12:00 Noon, at the Courthouse Door in Kenansville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash upon an opening bid of TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Dollars, but subject to the confirmation of the Court a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Limestone Township, Dup- lin County, North Carolina, and j in the Brook's line. U. Dixon's cor more particularly described as fol- i ner; thence North 30 degrees 20 lows: , Situated in the Town -of Beula - ville, on the west side of Jackson Street and on the north side of Bostic Street and' known as a part of the' Peyton -.Whaley . Garage, .lot and runs as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Jackson Street and Bostic Street i and. runs with Bostic Street North; 7 degrees West 56.5 " feet to a P I. . ti ' j T, . , 1. . 1. . inane; ineiiire parallel wun me gar age and four feet, from the wall of same, North ,14 degrees East 70.6 OTHER . Automobile Loans :, Home Imp't Loans f, - j f , ' ) I 5 " ...Is Built BrSv ;f:f i H iTicuiwr f cvcra feet to .an, iron. pine:..thepcet South 76 .degrees jEast SB,, feet and' being two feet from the., wall of said gar age: to B, stake on Jackson 'Street;' neace (With .saltl Street South, t4 d grees West 70.8 feet to the begin ning, containing a part of the Pey ton Whaley lots. And further being the same lands described, bi that certain deed recorded in the Dup lin County Registry In ook 471 page S7tf to'which"refCTenick Is had. : A ten per cent deposit will be re quired of the successful bidder as svidence of good faith. . Advertised this 2lst. day of Feb ,,-uary, 1961. -Russell J. Lanier QanimlssjQjief of the Court 3-2-2T-R. J. L. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a cer- . : J 1 r l i ... ' i j i i 'sie Lisane and wife. Mazell Jsane, dated the 22nd day of Jun. 1960. and recorded in Book 534, (age 588, in the Office of the Register Of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indeb tedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will toffer for House uuur in nenansviiie, iyuiui Carolina, at the hour of 12:00 Noon on the 20th day of March. 1961, the property conveyed in said deed of .trust, the same lyin? and being in Island , Creek Township, Duplin County, State of North Carolina, and mire particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the middle of the old Wilmington Goldsboro Highway, H. Dixon's cor ner; thence South 76 degrees 40 minutes West 1856 feet to a stake I minutes East 288 fei-t to a corner ! in the Brooks' line; Ihence North 3 degrees 30 minutes East 46 feet to a stake.' Daisy Ezzell's corner: 'thence North 76 degrees 40 minutes East .1660. feet to a stake in .the cen ter of the old Wilminton-Goldsboro Highway, Daisy Ezzell's corner: 'hence down the old highway 271.5 feet to the beginning, containing 10.3 acres, more or less. And the above lands being the same . described in a deed from James , Brinson and wife, Annie stemalic cial security for your later years, . But - whatever it is, the best and surest way to build it is by systematic saving here. Time to start building is now f Come in jjuyi open an account. SERVICE Trust Accounts Travelers' Checks ' " v v i i ' Acywsiv uia. vuip, . iueus ol iu..Put' tvjiity, to which r3ference is had. i'Alse ,ljeyig h; 'same Jarid des cribed in a deed made December 7, 1933, from Henry D. Brinsoh, et a!s,';to James Brinson ' And wife, Annie Brinson recorded iri Duplin County Jiejsistrjr in Book 'je 151, 'to which reference is had. f- " BEGEWtNa tt --stake-1i : the center of the old highway, JrA. B"ardeii'S rfioei "Jim Brlnson's cor ner nd runs thence as bis line South 77, West .300 feet to a stake, Roland Dixon's corner ; thence, ws his , line South 19 degrees fthd'tt minuter West Til Teer ttfU'itake, I Stephen Brin son's corner; . tfieooe (' is his line North 77-V East 434 feet (to a stake in the center of the old road; thence as the center of the j old road. Northward 230 feet to the Deginiung, .contamjng nej ana nine tenths (1.9) acres be the same, more-or less. ' ' AH that certain tract or parcel of land con taining '0 acres, more or less, which Is described In a deed dated the 3rd day of Jaftufiy, 1947 from Haves, Dixon and: wife,' Emma DLxon to Jessie Lisane and vife, Mozelle Lisane as recorded in Book 450, page 301, of the Duplin County Registry. A ten ner cent deposit wi" hp re quired of the successful bidder as I evidence of good faith. I Advertised this the 17th day of reoruary, jsdi. H, E. ' Phillips. Trustee 3-16-4T-H. E. P. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersitmed. having quali fied as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Jasper J. Her ring, deceased, late of Duplin "ounty, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said 'estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the nth day of Febru ary, 1962, or this notice will bf plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will j please make immediate payment , to the undersigned. ' This the i4 day of February, 1961. Ruth S. Hen-ins. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Jasper j J Herring, Hecersed R. F. D. 1 ! Mount Olive C. ' ' I H.' E. , Phillips,- Attorney ! Kenansville, ,N. ' C. ! ' ' ' 3-30- T H. E. P. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having qualified as Administrators of the Estate of Donhie Irene Davis Lambert, de- Saving I t - can P. plead All K- -iu . will please' niai.e br . .; ment tp the underm aed. 2nd day of March, 1ML Robert Lr-Lamberf and Go t Bv 4aeksor)Adm)fiistrators Vf t e TEslate ofTnnie'Trene Eivi 1 , -rt bert rt . Deceased.; ,PO.y Bof i$U Celt. .; 'part wWWtttf Puplijrt Co mty 'wiH-meerax inevourxnouse m ' n,-. 20, 1961, at 10:00 o'clocfc A M , to , , equalize the aTugtJon of all pre per- ty, ln ,he. county, Jto.ihftvttid'iiat'' such property shall be listed en tbe , tax, records thtvaJiiation- rdub? . This the tne zotn day or rewwy, :7' i'l'i? 1961. 3-16-W-D.-;0.-?'lw'':7?'.jf IN THE SUPERIOR COtfrtf .BEFORE TnZ CLERK-:' ' "V V0F IiicATiON iMi-k S. P. 3362 NORTH CAROINA DUPUN COLNTy, W. B. Carlton and wife. J)(xii jfc'- '' " Carltou-; Mary,;CarUonBJd&ir( and husband, Woodrow Blackburn; Katherine1 Carlton . Price ahoVtEflay'' band, Walter Price V'J-c!' ; - vs .--'ftiisr' Emma C. Johnson ' Virginia ,"' ', Scarborough; Nash Johnsoh: n4, wife, Mary Sue 'Johnsc:4CfSeny Johnson : Fletcher f JobnsoO; Cjni Jane Johnson Bostic and husband, ; Raeford Bostic : Dorothy Johnson Lane and husband, Titer'TAiifr i Maye J. Sorrell; Archie AA SfoWM?.. . Ian, individually,' and Archja A.' McMillan."" Guardian 'tor'.arV"' Irene McMillan, an incomDetenti. ! Mary Irene M.cMifUan;Ljify; WN iace cookingmaster andv'hasbivd'" Oydf Oookingmasterj .G.Ii.- Hod: ges. Administrator of the Eatetel of ' Maude Johnson Hodges, to&id( ' G. J, ; dikmviJatiA wife. Mrs. G. J. ...JftdMsitr; Hodges; and Wife, .Mr1.' . rHoi. - and ter .. - .v ..vrirSUf i.; E NOTICE TAT V'' 't 1 TAKE r TJiat. a pteadlni Mtfa))t; i , lias been filed fa the above entitled . .SPHRrflceaSing.' ftf - That the rature of the-TTeHil fca : ing sought i ToBows: Tatf peti tioners, W. B- Carlton, et .als, af4 seeking tocsin certain ' lands 'jar ' partition sndfbeing the lands as set oot, ind descrjbed.tn th - petlUo; filed in this cause. ; , fa You are reqiiired to make defeiM -3' to such pleadlnisgiot 'later tfian tbi " 20 ' dav, i 61' Arirn; lflfi! H'lftVi lU . .your iaiu' tMto so, W seeking service aIr- rou;wll' .apply to the Court- foe fha.VlteUet ; sought. ' .wvci,: This the 28th day of ' R. V. Wells nerk 'SUperlcr'-0$Mi ' B-23-iT- H: ' ry; A:' EXECURIX'S xlonCB-' . ! - The Undersigned .havirui a quali fied as the Execotrb,(K .ne Estate ' of Eugene, W. Peasley deceased; late of Duplin County, North Car olina, all.persops. bavjng.laitni' of whatsoever fiatureV uaCrtsU the said Euge'ne; W, tieasfey deceased. ' are hereby notified, to hbtt jibe said claiip'Or cjilm ui'tne -uodcr. signed 'oft or., before "februaryi : , or inis. nouce wu.be pcW in par r meir, recovery.AUj per sons uidebfed tp'he'isaid' -Etugee.' w. Beasley, deceasel, are, hereby requested to pay the saH indebted fiess' to tte uersighed.inMdia- i This 1st day of febniarr:t.'.:i '- Warsaw, It. F, DJto.-2 V3.-SV- :-iii2;ixi'i 'V' Board -of -County- CommisiloMre. Attest:- .j-i-.'; l'f Christine, W, WWJ4ms. ClokPr- ges; j, w. BianciuirAodj iA Docia, Blanchard. m-TMi TO- Lacy Wallace CiMnkmMiM . Skatmg, Af ternottfi Vi Price To Evye v' : Saturday AftertooBi.' Mttix- Night: Skit. 5. il1;LA!Eii, .- OoU,IctoV ,H ;Pn,in?liv2y,llT;:vv ROSE HILL EQUIPMENT CO, . '. ', rRoso HillN. & " . . ..1 I- i f : ' j '. . .' t .. ;V ,. .. k, i. i- ' , ' I'f ' '1 . V

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