. al:.:xn:.;tration 'ined having qualified ntrix of the estate of, Dr. i, deceased, late of Dup , Hii Is to notify all per . g claims against sad t j present them to the under: 1 e n or before the 15th, day of y, 1962, or this notice will .i In bar ot. their recovery. If tf ' ft FbningTo ; Buiid Or - " iCkCdw e a ' O TrimT'-Vl ' ,'.-'vwi4 Need O Rooftnif ' l ' , . O Timrt Is? , f " O t .:zt Rock O 11:otiijjf;r: - ' O ;Y!aW-'r, f . O Viadowi ' . , O Asbestos Siding ' I' "s'i'i;-fr ' ' O Hardware Get Our Prices Before : -'-: 'You Buy Get Our Wcej Before At No Extra Cost 'V; t sj i ' CUZZARD Building Supply . 1453 W Vernon Ave. ' ; Kinjton, N. C. FARM 5rJ0 sp-Fall Payments Liberal Appraisals - Prompt Closing - i ' Write r Call M, T. Brttt Loan Agency, ' I pinion, p. , , Tel MUS . Night t-3141 -i r .1.1 - Come In &w f- I 1 If 127 k Walnut SL Goldsboro, N, C. Dial KK 4-0866 : WAR DID ABRAHAM UHCOLN , SEGVSASA LATE AS At .. CAPTAIN , . ' 5 -r.' You know youf savings are af e at Hohie Federal c r soiind financial position plus - he fact your ' st ire" insured by av Federal Government y takes care of that! ., ' ' ' ; ; i-! ; MAr.ca L' . 1 'f I. 'Ul . 1 'I All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay, ment to the undersigneds ',-., 'This, 15th.' day of February, 1861 Mrs. Sarah Bolin, Executrix Of tlx estate of Dr. Paul Bolin, Beula ville. N. C. -' '',' i Russell J. Lanier" -r Attorney At Law - , , Kenansville. N. Q' ', v 4-13-6T-R. J. L. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION i Th" ImiforRicrneri. havinz auati Hed as Executrix of the Last Wil and Testament of Jasper J. Her riag.'- deceased, late of Duplli "aunt, this is to notify all person: having Claims against sai 1 estat to present them to tne unaersignec on or before the 14th day of Febru a,ry, 1062, or this notice will b plead in bar of their recovery. Ai persons indebted to said estate wil nlease make immediate payment to Jthe undersigned. .This the 14 day of February. 1961 Ruth S Herrinff. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Jaspe: J. Herring, tfecersed R. F. D. 1 Mount Oil vi, H,C . - H. E.' Phillies. Attorney Kenansville. N. C. 3-30- 6T H. E. r. EXECURIX'S NOTICE The Undersigned having quali fied as the Executrix of the Estatt of Eugene W. Beasley, deceased late of Duplin County, North Car olina, all persons having claim; of whatsoever nature against th said Eugene W. Beasley, deceased, are hereby, notified to exhibit the said claim or claims to the under signed en or before February 1962, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to the said ( Eugene W. Beasley; deceased, are hereby requested to pay the said indebted ness to the undersigned immedia tely. This 1st day- of February, 1961. . Mrs. Ruby Beasley Warsaw, R. F. D. No. 2 4-6-6T-RRB-Pd. LOANS ThtRnst In Men f. Spring Fashloirj ' Hav Just Arrived. r.Ushsst Stern & Ccrb Ssits ilisgiss Slacks JOHN B. STETSON Hats! Today!! m "'iVMJItS' 13, 1. (NQTlCii CI' SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the ewer of-sale contained in, a cer ir rUwL-nf trust executed by Jes- ie Lisane and wife, Mazell Llsane, lated the xsnd may oi junr, iw, nr) recorded in Book 534. page 588, a the , Office, of the-' Register of Meds oi uupun - wwiiw, ! ." Carolina, default i having.- been nade to the payment of the indebf edness toereby aeeured and said lee of trust being by the terms hereof subject to foreclosure. , the indersfgned trustee Will offer' for iale at public auction, to the high, st bidder for cash at the. Court lolise Doer In Kenansville, 1 North Carolina, at the hour of l?:00 Noon id the 20th day of March, 1961. the .roperty cenveyea in saia aeea oi rust, the same lying and being in sland Creek Township, Duplin -..., ' . stntn nf North Carolina. kWl.LJ , V - -L J and more particularly described as follows: . . ' BEGINNING at slake In the niddle Of the old Wilmington loldsboro Highway, H. Dixon's cor er; thence South 76 degrees 0 ninutes West 1856 feet to a stake n the Brook's line, H. Dixon's cor ler; thence ! North 30 degrees 20 ninutes East 288 feet to a corner n the Brooks' HUP? thence North 3 legrees 30 minutes East 46 feet to i stake, Daisy Ezzell's corner; hence North 76 degrees 40 minutes Cast 1660 feet to a stake in the cen er of the1 old Wilmington-Goldsboro lighway, Daisy E?zell's corner; hence down the old highway 271.5 eet to the beginning, containing 0.3 acres, more or less. And the above lands Deing me same described in a deed froni !ames Brinson and -wife. Annie Jrinson, and Hayes Dixon and vife, Emma Dixon to Henry P. Irinson, James W. Brinsoa and Joe j Rrin.ain recorded in Book 413, lage 168, Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin county, ro wnitn -eference is had. . Also being the same land des cribed in a deed made December 7, 1953, from. Henry D. Brinson. et 11 to James Brinson d wife, nnie Brinson recorded in Duplin County Registry ii Book 487, page '51, to which reference is had, BEGINNING at stake, in the center of thetold highway, T. A. Barden's line, Jim Brifson s cor ner and runs thence as his. line South 77 West 300 feet to a stake, Roland Dixon' corner;; thence as his line South 19 degrees and 10 minutes West 271 feet to a stake. Stephen Brinson's corner: thence as his line Norm 77- r-asi m ieei to a stake in -the center of the aid road; thence as the center of the old road, Northward 230 feet to the beginning, V containing one ; and : nine tenths (1.9) acres De me same, more or less. i All that certain tract or parcel of ; land cob taining 0 cfern- more- or less, which Is descrffied m a deed dated the 3rd day or January, 1947 from Hayes Dixon and wife, Emma Dixon to Jessie Lane and wife. Mozelle Lisane as recorded in Book 450,- page 301, of the Duplin County Registry. : A ten per cent deposit will be re nuired of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertised this the inn day oi February, 1961. H. E. Phillips, Trustee . 3-16-4T-H. E. P. IN THE SUPERIOR OURT BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION P. 3362 NORTH CAROLINA - DUPLIN COUNTY JV. B. Carlton and' wife, Dixie K. Carlton; Mary Carlton Blackburn ind husband, Woodrow Blackburn; falherine Carlton Price, and hus band, Walter Price ' VS ' . LSmrna C. Johnson Virginia v. Scarborough; Nash Jonnson and lfe, Mary pue jonnson: vaiauu Tnhncnn- Plptpher Johnson: Cora Jane Johnson Bostic and husband. Raeford oostic; ... umoiny jonpwn Lane and husband, Lester Lane: Vfaye, J. Sorrell; .Archie A. MoMil- !an, individually, apa Arcnie a. WcMillari, Guardian for Mary inn McMillan, an incompetent: Mary Irene McMillian;' Lucy Wak 'ace cooKingmaster ana nusoana. "Itiife rnnkinpmastpr' G. J. " Hod- es. Administrator of the Estate of Maude Jonnspn Hodfres, Deceased; a . J " Hedges, Individually,: and prnAf.s 2x4 Western 2x6 Western Red Cedar .... 2x8 Western Red Cedar . f QUALITY FRAMNG Precut White Fir Studs 9d VVhit Fir li .. ' . ( . 2x6 & Wider ; Prices Free Delivery In Quanity , wife. Mis. G. J. Hodges: F4 is Hodges; and wife. Mrs. F. , nod- ges; J. W. Elanchard ana wue, Docia Biancnardr ) TO: Lucy" Wallace Ceokingmaster and husband, Clyde tCookingmas; tar v,," . m f TAKE NOTICE THAT:" ) ' That ' a , pleading seeking relief has been filed in the above entitled Special Proceeding, , , ; x That the nature, of the relief be ing sought is fit ifollow: , Tfif Pett tioners, W. B. Carlton, et aft, are seeking to sell, perfain lantfs for partition and being the. lands as set out and described in the' ' petition filed In this cause.' , '. 1 - ' You are required to make defense '0 such, pleadings not later than the 20 day oi April, 1961, and upon your failure to do SO; the petitioners seeking', service , against - you .will apply to 'the Court nrut reiiei sought. - -j-i vv : This the zatn aay ot jeoruary, 1961.-, - ' V vU'-rs R. v: Wells Clerk Superior-Court ; 3-23-4T-'BE; P, ' J y ! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION s navlnp this dav oualffled as Ex ecutrix of the Last -Will and Testa,-, ment ot Airs. Ada w, oni'iu, huw ,i,fa4 ita A Tlimlln . Cniintv. North Carolina,1 this is to , notify all persons having claims against ner said estate to presentltbem to the' undersigned Executrix on pr before che 1st day of February! 1962, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar o( their recovery.'; ' All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. ' . v ' This 1st day of february, 1961.? (Mrs ) Thelma S. Canary. Execu trix Mrs. Ada W. Smith -Estate 2J1 Fuller, Street ' Fayettevile. N. C. , . : 3-16-6T-T, S,. C.M;5. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The iinrtprsienwi . havine been duly qualified, as Executor of Hen ry Elgin Tann, deceased, iaie vf Duplin County, North Carolina, this is o notify " all. persons having claims against saia estate io pic sent them to'the undersigned. Bank of Mount -. Olive, Mount Olive, North Carolina, on or before the 16th. day of February 1962, or tnis notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons 1 indebted to saia estate will please make prompt set tlement. . ' - Thjs the 16th.. day of February. 196L rank OF MOUNT OLiVE Executor of the wtll of Henry ( Elgin .Tanr., Deceased , S-23-6T fi of M ' ' NOTICE. OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having qualified . 'lmWrDlnni nf 'ttlA . EfilStP Of I Donnie.j Irene Davis Lambert, de ceased," late of Duplin County. North Carolina this is to noUfy all persons having claims against said aetata in nrpsent them to the! 'under signed or, or before the 3rd day of March, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in oar oi meir rctuvcij. fflVHUVU - - . - - All persons indebted to said -estate will please make Immediate fay- ment to tne undersigned., ims y 2nd day of March. 1961. t? ;. Robert L, Lambert and Gordon B ' AHminUtrntnrs nt thk .oknwu, .... t - - - . Estate of Donnie Irene Davij Lam - bert. Deceased. P. O. Box 194, Cal- vnsn. N. C. 4-6-61- K. 1. .Iy. NOTICE .. .; rim rnnntv Board of Eaualiza- tion,' and Review of Duplin County will meet at the i,ourtnouse in en- ansville, N. C, n Monday, Marcn m foci nt in no o'clock. A. M.. to equalije the valuatiqn of all proper ty in the county, w tne ana umi such property shall pe psted on, me tax records at the valuation requir ed by law. This the 20th day 01 reoruaryj, 1961. ..-V '.',. ... ' .. -. 'J. W. Hof fler, Chairman Board oi County ' Commissioners. Atlocf- ,i . " . . ' Christine W.' Williams, Clerk. 3-16-3T-D. CO. NOTICE OF RESALE i Vfider and by virtue ot an Order pf the Superior Court of Duplin County, made in a Special Proceed ing there In pending entitled',' In the Matter of W 'O. Houston;" Ad . ministrator of Estate ot .; Ransom James i Frank 1 Wilson; and Grover 1 Oliver Wilson. e( u. et als." and Red Cedar ?85.03 Douglas Fir 942 Net .Vv 5U.ZB ... V 1. 8Q.28 1 i .942 i I j - 31- r: IVJli US Miss rhristina Daurfiterv j SDent the week end with her sister Mrs. Julian Parker and Mr. Parker in Charlotte. ; . , ', i Dr. Graham Newton of Duke Hos pital spent the week end -with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, DJ Newton. Mr. and Mrs. L.- E; Taylor Jr of Charlotte ispent the, week , en44wiU Mr. xayior parents.- ; ., , , . ? Mitchell Paughtery, oldest sonpf Mr. and Mrs. Wade paughtery, re turned home Saturday. He was sta tioned at Ft. Jackson, S- C with the U. S. Army the past six months, Among the Presbyterians' that attended- the Vlth District? Conferen? c ir Calypso Wednesday were Mesdames A, P. and G. H. Cates, W. C. Mangum, CO. Lee, t R. and J. E. Faison,'D.Newtoni W. T. Hints, T. H, Latham - and Misses Kate Hicks and Jennie Middletodt Mrs. G, H.. Cates was -elected pre sident for 196243. Mrs,' Cates' Co chairman is Mrs.' Eva C( Edger- ton. . Miss Blanche Lewis spent Sun Aav In Kinston and Mrs.' Lewis. her mother returned with her. . The Rev. and Mrs." Herbert T. nnrinr and hv virtue of an Order of Resale, upon an advanced bid. the undersigned Commissioner will on the 27th day of March. 196V at the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon, at the Courthouse door t in ' Kenansville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for1 cash' upon the opening bid of Four Thousand; Two Winrlred Fifty &,Nol0O ($4,250.00) riollari. but subject to the confir mation of the Court; a certain tract or parcel of land m uupun itouniy, North Carolina, and more particul arly 'described as follows: t - FIRST . TRACT; Adjoining the lands of J. I j" Thomas. Callle Whaley. et als. nid bounded as fol lows:! BEGINNING . at a stake in J., I. Thomas line ; near the pack house, and the fifth corner of G,. O. Wilson and runs with J. I.Thomas and Callie Whaley's. line due West,, mcsiniF thfi Turkev Branch road. (9 feet to a stake at the corner of the garden; thence with the fence r,A fjilli. Whalev'S line South 3 degrees West 174 feet to a stake, CalUe Whaieys comer in it. yu son's line; thence at' his line east 245 feet to a stake on" the Turkey Branch road; thence as said road South 36- degrees East , 51 j.feet in a Binke. Gj O, Wilsen'a corner; thehce as "his line North, r degrees West 248 feet to me Beginning,. m taining 1.2 acres, more or less.jAnd being the same land described in uvi. rlniprl December 8. 1945 from S. Wilson, F. Wilson: et ux, to Rf J. recorded ' Duplin vCounty J Recistry in Boc page 163. to mco reiwwiw uhu RKr-nivm TRACT: Adfoining the lands pf Callie Whaley, Staadman f Nethercutt ". and others, and Dounaea d. iouow.. , BEGINNING t a on the 'run . f Turlrew Branch. Callie , Whaley 8 I others, and bounded as. follows iv . -, ' ' . lnnjtietf and, runs her, lin i due east, 1089 feet to a stake ' on vthe TUTKey praocn nyaij, .wres said road .South 36- degrees East 252 feet to a stake,; Marie Hetner- cutt's corner; thence as ner une due west,:i035 teet to a wwc: it,. n,n 'nf canal of the aforesaid Branch; thence down said canal to, the beginning, j containing -y acres, more or less. And being the same land described in a deed dated October ;27, 1938 from Cora WiWn to R. J. Wilson, recoruu -J , . i ,ij, 406 page. 234. io wh.ch referencei ishad., . tirfS'M bidder as evidence of good faitn.j. This 9th day of March. 1961, ' Vance B; Gavin, Commissioner Jt Vi3-2S-2T-y. B. 1. THtATBt Thur Fri. i Sat. V Mar. w-ii-ia - - w - - - Sundowners - ' Starring Peborah Kerr Robert Mtttham PW Selected Short Subjects y Sunday - Monday - ,Marr.i-M The Little Shepherd ot , - Kingdom Come' ? Starring Jimmte Rogers' . f-, Luaaa patten :.-..' : ' y- Taetday .. Wedfday Man,.u-w i iiiepnam ' M ', 1 1 A 11711, - ' Starring Elizabeth Taytor, . Dana Andrew i i Naked lungle StarrtaVC Eleanor Parker ; Charlton Heston t Techpieeler . r" Thursday Only V . Mar. arc ' The Hound of tae Baskervilles ' i l Tm Time The Terror la j, TECHNICOLOR Friday - Saterday , , March U-K COSGO ' Like Nothing Veo'ce Ever Seen ' Beforel. - Pins T t F ' I- 1 rONL3 - ALOUT 1 - eft V a " " v ' m mi Lewia 1 of . Wilmington, announce the birth of f on, Bryan . Long, M.wk oih :rnu Vnr.' Vfmorial Hospital.. The Lewis' were formerly of Faison and nave iwo .PHiwr ni't Mark and John. ' .Mr unit Mrs.- : David Glllis Of Chapel Hill1 were the guesti over. the week end ot . Mrs.' vims w. ents Mr. and Mrs. M. C, Bowdeo Mrs. 'M. C Lewis. vfcited relatives in Kinston- last week. , " Mrs. J. J. Gibbon spent the week, end In, Wilmington. ;t( Mrs?:j. . Wrton V VWtng ; her son FHwin Morton and daughter ln-OoJdsboro.rt,'K-'::?Jtt J , .....u.n - Parkins senior -V. Union: Theological, , Seminary in Richmond Va.- waa Uwever night guests of Dr ,and Mr ,F. D; Tay loF Saturday and preached in w Presbyterian Church Sunday morn ing..', k ;"- ' . NORTH CAROLINA , PUPL1N, COUNTY v , ' ' Under and by virtufl of n order of the Board, ot Town Commission; ers of the; Tewn sf Rsulaville the undersigned will nn the tth. day of a.;i loci nttar- -fni- nli at Dublif, , auction at the Town HalJ in Beul- vii, iNortn, caronna, at w; w, subject to the terms and condttlpm? hereinbelow set out, me iqiiowing described tract or parcel of land situate in Limestone r Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows?, ;. ' r , Roinc i jit No. 114 on'a map Re corded in Book 157 page 585 of the ference is hai See also Book page 255fcof the Duplin county Keg The terms and conditions oi mis sale are: - ' '! ti Tha Tmm will nnt furnish 8 Warranty - Deed to th property hereinabove oescnoeu uw wi .v VPV hv Quitclaim Deed such title as the Town may havj : , ; i9 1 4 Honnsit nf ten oer cent of lh nurchase price will be required of the successful bidder ' Ut shew good faith. - - " ii Th Rnnrri nf Town Commis sioners reserves the right to reject any. and all bids; ' ; . i'.'v ", Tnis the 7th day of March, 1961. Kusseil J. Lamer, Town Attorney (, j 4-S-4T R. J. L. - . , r : - NOTICE Of RESALE St "s ' " . ' Under and by virtue of and Or der of the Superior Court Of Duplin County,', made 1 the Special Pro ceedings entitled; ."Meude u Eliza beth Willtemteft alt,, y, Ruth V Carr Brown efe. 4" -.and,, being Speclaf J'roceiWdUtgR Ncu,,a3it.jntl under and Jqr Virtue at an Ordeji,f Special, Proceeding, .thw mnderia-1 .J : ...III .. .cw, 1 day, March 25th, 1961,' at the hour Of 12: (IP Noon; u vUmi Door : in Kenansville. North Caro Una, offer 4ot ale to the. : highest bidder for cash upon an opening bid of 13,25150, Dut suojeci iq tne ennfirmation of the Court, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Island ' Creek Township, Duplin. County, State f. Nortjk CJ olina, and more .panicpjacn qe cribed, a follows: ,,t i, , BEGINNING at a stake In the James Cap- line, John .Carr's cor Tttr tun Ihmce aa John:' Carr's ;lln HOULD S-Hi DBH W .WH M stake in Owen J. Teachey lipe; to ,M gtake la Marsh Branoh;.. thence 2Mi Wert Jne; Carr', u me BEU1NNING, ponUining 9 acres, .more or less, and being the Same lands aa aescrioea in Book 180, page 306, and Book 102, jage 39, of the Duplin County Reg istry," to which Reference J had. ,1-, A ten per cent deposit wili be re quired of the successful bidder M evidence ot good faith,. , rfvert'M this 'the 8th day , of March, IsSL : v ', : RussellJ. Lanier t' '. H. Ef Phillip ' 'j Earlie C. Sanderson " . Commiasionera of the Court -. - 8-23-2T H. E, P. , .. , - . O , , i , .... . Small Farm - Richlands Townshi ! 6 8 Acre tobacco .. . ; , of Richlands. Casdentown CommurJ t y - r. : w 5 i - Huffman and Roy C. Taylor. AvaAlle for, fejri c'-c: ' , " u Price very reasonatle for frcrt rJs.' t. : v i r V i 1 J OrLS J. 'iFth Koi4tA.i iAnn "yiift. ! I at E, C. C in Ore'v',a I i chosen "'Prc8.Ti;-.r ty L a i it the Mason Dixon J 'V etv, J j'orest College labt f ' d, Mrs. D.'T, Hall d sons of U mond Va. spent 1W her parent Mr. nd Mi Jark HI8, V t naiieilt In Sampson.'Menjptlal'Hwsp'-.'V! Mrs. M. H. mviiv" " r '; , . Al'" CV CaS$ vp i ,4f ' V'f ? & ,( , HOflOf CCl , tlUl Mr.' and Mrs.' W.f & Kal'nfsu ',W ... ' . . -toDn.' rliiinn were aw, ana - r hostesses to the Senior Claw Friday night. , They entertained iur o children. Donna QuifW Jnd'Cttrif Kaimar. Class Mascot for the Serv (or Class of Nprtn . vww ph School.' The Senior Class and fecu, lty members of the T-higb school were guests.,,' - , - , i, ' .. nih. jkaMiii imnof "-fni" tnA BU euesU wa6fleld n , hy mar garden Adding tar the AttracUvf garden was an oj h v door fire place. Following , puppet aaiicinjj wa Fnjpye;d in. t Myhvf t0CS UWICCf S The Parent teachers .Association of the Faisort "' Elementary School was held in the School Auditorium Monday night, tot, A- t- -Pte presided over the meeting. Mr. James Jordan 1 led . the 'devotional period. The pro grant . on "Reli gion and Education" we .given by the ftey. B. R.' McCuJlen of thti Methodist twircni rnncipaf nuuer , . ..' .... . kjk 1 rnce prougn w iwuuMM date concerning ;the.,luhch room.r v.Tbe fpnowuf enieerir.F- were ", elected, - 'President;, .'Mrs. James tattle; vice president,- Mrs. H. S. precythe; secretary Mrs. Tom1 mie Versaoli Treasurer, Mrs. K. P Precythe.1 , ,Vy'r' !' ' ' x The Baptist "Missionary 'Society M.A.'1m IV,. hnma nf Ml C 4 : PA cyUie Tuesday afteroeon Mr: ?re New LQW'prii;Q$ ' j. 'j S f'.f ' FfiED KXltli ' ' Center Mowt OUtd Do You Have Pine J Polpwood or Land -With standing Timber PulpwobdDcal I Home Ph Office Ph. 289-4592 ta 5-2r: ' 'Wallace Rose Hill YardPhrVvV AT 5-2232 O.. Wallace OffUi In AYtHace -Open Rlon, Wei., Fri. allotment Four roVa f.-.e ... ' '. . .. ..... .. Li" f r ' Clfll M' m p.Onilv Cc U(y, .JJ lAcife jead ; c Mil. J ,1. w. 1 .ble I ' Tayior.- -by; Ja"rt.fo - ' 'v '11' f tf's, FRMAliitVtr MODEL S:1U !ilfet'3fj Vfawm,'-. ft.H 1 J 'If, JE . USK)DqvU ;Vr!!::dr : u ( ( ( ( ATT " ;)) liiase with two isiv- ..f..' ..' .'.'..-;,1''-.' . VV'4 - r j L.-.i tf 1. AploifV'a'n4feh:; 221 r ' ;t C. " ZS8l "(ueipwi) . 2CD Castle Wilaiinston, -N. C, RO 3-1S74

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