N, c t;.i:.2dat AFtIL 6, 13:l. LIhiO . Wallace near ,,Kna. , ;"e f : ! ia i. ktf. i Saturday aiternoon. '. : ; " 5." - Mrs. Herman -Williams, acconsp ahied '.Mr.' and Mrs. Elmo Wcikor Visiting "Mrs..jLilI Sitterson on Hastef were Mr. and Mrs. F. feele and daughter of aWililamstoB, Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy and dau ghter of Rose Hill,' Mr,' Frances Moore and' son ef Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sitterson. Mrs. D. S.Williamson, Steve Wil liamson and Mrs, Hazey Scott at tended a funeral in Burlington on Sunday. . " Mrs Mary Southerland spent the week end in Raeford. ' Mrs.' F." W. McGowcn visited in . Fayetteville and Laurinbur; during the week end. .-' Mr, and Mrs. Lester Biinson and daughter spent the week end with her parents in China Grove. ; Visiting Mr .and Mrs. Tom Quinn during the Faster week end were her daughter and three children. Mrs. Caroll Vereen, of Columbia, South Carolina, Mr. and Mrs. Bob by Quinn and two children of Kin- in : . FORMAL k WEAR , RENTALS New You Can ; Rent Taxedo White ' :- Dinner Jacket Fall Dress All Formal - Accessories - - F0r Wedding Dances Formal Affairs Oar Rates Ar Most Reasonable See Us For Your NVoc's (Allow Fire Days For LEDERS' INC. , US W. Walnut St. Goldsboro, N. C. Hi 1 ' : f LSN V m ston.'Mr.' and Mrs. Bobby Pittman and1 daughter of Jacksonville nad Mr. and Mrs. Chapman Rivenbark of Rose Hill. ? ' Little . Eddie Sparks of Norfolk, Virginia is Spending the week with his grandmother. Mrs. B. B. Wil liamson. Visitors of the Gordon Kornegay's during Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paschal of Glendon. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Paschal of Chad- bourn, Bill Kornegay of Amherst, Vlassachusests and Kent Frederick son of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bullock and family of Mt. Olive. lum an dsaw "Easter the Awaken ing. - '"' After visiting the Planetarium we went to the Liggett and Myers ci garette factory at Durharri which makes L4t.f, Chesterfield and Oasis cigarettes;; The 'Duke Chapel "-and University were our next stop. At the Chapel Mr. Sharpe told us about the Gothic Architecture of the Cha pel. ; . -kyi; '' ' . 'v :& We visited the , Raleigh-Durham Airport next and observed planes landing and taking off. On our way home we stopped at a tastee freeze an den joyed ice cream. . We arrived at the school again at about 8:30 o'clock. Southerland News By Christine Southerland Visitincr Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grady and 'Mrs. Kate Grady on Sunday With The Duplin Circuit Rider Good, Better, Best, never let it rest, until your good is better, and your better is your best- Goes a pop ular little rhyme. Now if man knew as much about getting along with and serving God and fellow man as he does about making eighteen hundred pounds of Tobacco to the acre and was as successful in so . werp Mr .and Mrs. Herman Spence doing, Man would 'reallv mave it 'of Kinston. made." ) Miss Bobby Jock Herring, Miss America needs to learn to be sue- 1 Linda Lou Smith and Mr. Lynn cessfui in serving God and man. Sutton of Asheville, Miss Brend and Russia needs to see how it is Grady of Wilson and Miss June done - Lest we botn perish. j Ann Smith of Rateirh were home Church School as usual. ' for the Raster holidays. Last quarterly conference at . Mrs. Martha Loftin and children and Miss Kathy S&uthrlsnd of Kr ston sperjt Easter with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Souther land ! Speninq; awhile with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Southerland wpre Mr Unity at 11:00 A. M. OUR TRIP Pv; Tommy Jtowsnn On April 4th .Mrs. Edna E. Brin- lan'l Mrs. Ashley Hill Aldridge and Hello; Just back from several days in Florida. Went to take my Tranddaughter, Miss Annette Gat Bn to her home in- Jax. for Spring holidays from Red Spring College before her graduating ' day May 29th. T left here March 2lst; for Lumberton, took a short -cut to my neices's home, got lost there, ran over Lumberton several times be fore finding her home: We left Wed A M. met many patrolmen, 'plus northern tourist'. , My apeedmoter went out of fix again arrived at dark, found all OK.' Took speedo meter to Bill Terry's next day, had it fixed; we all-worked, ate- slept, the time passed so ' quickly, : left Tuesday good hick all way, Saw sev eral "picked for reason unknown to us, stopped only to gas ket drink stretch a bit and "lounee about. Back to Red Springs,; spent, night , The Rev. Blenkenborn. "of the Goldsboro Airboro Methodist Chur" ch began, revival services in', the Woodland Methodist Church last Sunday night. The series of meet ings, beginning t at T;30 . o'clock; will continue through each evening of the .week.v . -j Those of the community attend ing the wedding of Ray Westbrook and Becky Porter in Wadesboro oti Easter Sunday- Included ' Mr.' and Mrs. Willard , Westbrook and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Westbrook and Joan Francis, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Kornegay, Andrew Kornecay, Pan' Williams, ' Kenneth A Smith, y Viola Westbrook," Mr. and Mrs. ! Lewis Westbrook arid Mr and Mrs; Paul in Lumberton with Neice; Mr and t Westbrook and children; Mrs. S. V; Mrs. S. L. Shaw.i left ' early next Massey; Joan Francis . Westbrook morning, in Wallace around noon i was.a bridesmaid in the wedding, bv Rose Hill, visited Cecil Rhodes. A. J. Walker visited in the home who had been in HosDital. some.o' Mr. and Mrs. 'Herman Rouse iri better, on by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanderson's where dinner' was on Watha Sunday. Betty H Walker wh had spent a two weeks, visit In the the table on by Mr .and Mrs. David I Rouse Home returned home with Kilnntrlrfc for a minuto - nn Home. . mm.' son and 42 pupils accompnn:e1 ny Mr. Lauren Sharpe. Mrs. Ki Good man. '?.Ir. D. J. Kilpatrick, Mrs. Amos Chestnutt and ' Mrs. Paul Ptpphens Ietf school about 8 n ro on an educational trip. eW had excitement when a tire blew out a hout 6 miles from Newton Grove. We were delayed some on that ac count. 'We ate lunch at the Kenan Stadium and enjoyed it very much although it was very cool. After lun ch we went to Morehead Planetar- Reg. Rubber Base ... Reg. Outside White AC Champion and Auto-Lite SPARK PLUGS Brand Nev-G2c Eich. SPECIAL $4.10 Now $298 gal. $5.25 Now $3.98 gal. Goldsboro Paint Company Goldsboro, N. C. pirls of New Vork, who are visitinr relatives near Pink Hill, on Fridaj night and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Tyndall on Thursday ni"ht Mrs. Bruce Southerland, Deneldp and Eddie visited Mrs. Lctha Sum merlin of Mt. Olive Easter and lat er stopped hv to see Mr. and Mrs Pinkney Aldridge near Pink Hill. I Mr. and Mrs. Coolidce Turne and family visited the Raymonr i Rocers' Easier afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turner o' ' Greenville visited relatives near : Harper-Southerland during thf week end. I Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kornegay of ' Anpier and Mrs. Annie Kornegay of Pink Hill visited the L. C. Sou therland's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Potter of Deep Run visited their daurhter, Mrs William Sutton and family Sunday afternoon . Visiting the Harvey Harper's over the Easter week end were, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Ballard and family of Richlands, Hr and Mrs. Kenjnetr Moody and 'Cmldren of Stedman and Mr. Leamon Harper and child ren of Fort Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Haymore of High Point and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Harper of Greensboro visited the R. D. Harper's during the Easter week end. Mr .and Mrs. Jimmy Deaver and girls of Greensboro visited the Thurman Harpers over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rhodes visited relatives in Norfolk, Va. over the week end. Mrs. Sally Harper spent the week Good to be back. 1100 miles, $12.00 worth of gas. No oil.' Appreciate all those sending me Birthday cards especially, M. A. W. of Beulaville Date March 21st. hon ey! Mr. WMbur 'Norris who has been stationed in Guam for many mon ths arrived home last week.' , Mrs. Kerma Cavenaugh who is ob lidged to use crutches ta enable her to get about, was out to church some for the Spring I revival last Mesdames W. C . Tyndall and Charlie Walker visited their father, W. M. McCullen near Warsaw Sun day afternoon'. - ;-' ; The mother of Mrs. Mahlon B. Wallace, Mrs. Neal Baker of Fay etteville, spent the week end in the Wallace home.' She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cannady, also of Fayetteville, home on Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mo7eley of Mrs.. Hioton Turner Sunday .were Mr.' and MrJ Douglas Turner of Kinston, preacher and Mrs. Eddie Kenendy of Deep Run and. Bobby Howard lf Kinston. , 1 1 7 -Mr. James Walker went to Rox boro Sunday to accompany his wife home from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Millard where she bad spent the past week. He also saw bis new granddaughter who was re cently born-to the Millard's . The B. FV Grady Home Econom ies Club met fat the home of Mrs. Willard Westbrook; with Mrs. ,Wesfc brook as hostess for a regular mon thly meeting last : Monday. i-Tie Home Agent, Mrs. Spieer, gave ah interesting demonstrationx en"Llr Ing Room . Arrangements for' Use -Ml.BeauQr.'tliere ':fM:Ili-imi' es 'present.' :vh .' jRecent guest in the home' of Mr and Mrs. S. R. Chestnutt were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wells bf Wallace: Mr. Minnie Summerlin of Mt. Olivet Mrs. Glennle Outlaw and Donie Jerome fa A&andrV. ' Misses Peggy and Carol Tyndall and Francis Holmes accompanied Mr and Mrs: Leland Wallace and family to the Cliffs of the Neuse Sunday on a picnic outing. ; . Mr. and Mrs..' Leland Wallace and- girls visited ; Mr - .and Mrs. Robert Herring and Mr., and Mr. aiaisiaaMiisisSasasMiiiiiiMWMkBMiMMMBi , , , . inm I UsALDiliN otpMmM. WSpIiivfi ii i KOSS 14966 ' ITInatAM vioiiaA fvi thA kAmno M Htm . . ... . it niuowii us lire iiumca vi . week. She was with her daugher, flnd Mrg Park Ho,mM and Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brant and chil-1 Iren spent the Easter Holidays 1 - $ i St Control root-knot nematodes in cotton, tobacco, vegetables Use DOWFUME W-85-the high-strength ethylene dibromide soil fumigant that's first choice for high-value field crops. By controlling the root-knot and other nematodes, Dowfume W-85 indirectly controls soil-borne root diseases such as black shank of tobacco. Fusarium Wilt of cotton, and black rot of sweet potatoes. Dowfume W-85 has a built-in rust inhibitor, won't gum-up or clog nozzles. For bigger yields, better stands, order your Dowfume W-85 today! Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company H. G. Quinn Store Kenansville, N. C. AZALEAS Locally grown plants from 50c up in bloom Quality 3 FOR CALIFORNIA ROSES $4.00 ' t' j ' , v ' , i - Standard Variety ; A Wide Assortment Of Quality Plants i n n n ni unrsoiy B. C. Herring, Landscape Consultant Martin Casey, Proprietor . Raleigh Ilwy. 70 West Open 7:30 - 5:30, 6 Dayi AVeek 'i v " v' . ' .: y f- ,: Goldsboro, N. C. . ' ith her mother, Mrs. Sudie Pickrt who plans to return to S. C, with , them for a short visit Sunday. Miss Kay Sanderson of E. C. T. i C. was home over Easter week end, ' entertaining friends from Fayette- j ville. Her mother, Mrs. T. F. San- ierson is mending after a fall which seriously injured her left leg. Mrs. Cora pariter nas-recently returned from Burlington where she has been visiting with her child ren . . Mrs. Ruby Beale of Wilmington spent Easter-Sunday with her mo ther, V. Milloy here. Mr. S. L. Carter returned from Charlotte where he has been visit ing relatives. His son and family, Mr. and Mrs. H .L. Carter and daughter Jean accompanied him when he spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sanderson. and. family, i ., . ;; ,V., . Bobblft Brinkley, son flf Mf. ftftd Mrs. Graham Brinkley, Wallace, Rt, 2 is now with the U. S. Army, stationed at Ft. Jackson, S. C. He entered the Army in March and was a Chinquapin Hign Muaem here. Boy-"Pop, what's a monologue?" Pop "My boy, a monoologue is a conversation between a husband and wife." Boy, "I thought that was a dialogue." Pop, "No, a dialogue is wner two persons are pseaking. Inquisitive youngster; "Pop, what is dew?" Irritated dad, "The rent, the note at the bank, the install ment on my car,': 'Now run along.' Mrs. Haywood Hall and daughter Mary, of Angiers, Mrs. G: G. Rho des, and Miss Bertha Rhodss of Richlands were visitors through here after visitng Mr. and Mrs. Ce cil Rhodes of Rose Hill. ; ! All the many Easter visitors here are back home now and probably back to normal. Let's hope we all are here for another Easter next year, after having done ine oesi and Mrs. H. S. Tyndall, Sunday.. Guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wallace over the week end were their daughter and son-in-law, Douglas and Mittie Ruth Shi var of Arlington, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Walker at tended the Waters-Anderson wed-, ding in the Garner's Chapel Sun day. Their small son, Aubrey, was the ring bearer in the wedding. , Dr. H. L. Harrell filled his regu lar preaching appointment at Wood-1 land Sunday. Following the ser vices, he with his family, were lun- j cheon guest in the home of Mrs.- j Harley Smith. Other guests of Mrs. , Smtih on Sunday were Mr. and , I Mrs. Bradford Henderson and chil-1 dren of Smithfield and Mr. and. I Mrs. Charlie Bass and. children of j Nashville. i i Mr .and Mrs. Earl Faires and ! children visited Mrs. Faires mother Mrs. Virginia Faires in WaUacw Sunday. . 1 VisHpr hy Vjg borne., of Mr. and as we could; with what we have, lone as we have it! Hope ot see you next week. V. M. L , Moth Proofing Time To Save Dv ; Lets Face Facts. Your Clothes Are The Nearest t Thing To You" So Why Not ProtectJherrt By Using Our SAN EX BUILT-IN Protection ; moths Mildew - odor Alt This Free To You Bv CALLING ' ; '' :MSy ...1T-' . x ,- W,. h Against :; : ; .'.,.,?':'! Phone 29 34421 end with Mrs. Linda Southerland near Kenansville . Mrs. Eugene Herring has been taking a vacation this past week, Mrs. Herring works at DuPont in Kinston. GAROEN ' SEEDS Thrive in This Artal .Yield Lus eioui Crops! Before you buy weds, cuntklcr Mt fact! Since 17, T. W. Wood It Son hat been aucctiifiilly growing teed? for aouthern planting. Each aeed variety is adapted for planting in certain areat . , . and acieatincall teited to auure highest quality, purity and germination. Naturally we- are proud to offer you . . A eompleta stock' of Wood' tardea and field seeds beat tuhed for planting in tkit area. Com ia today. . We'll be (lad to help yoa select the Wood'a aeeda to make this your most profitable gardenias, eeatoa ever I .. ;T.W. Wo6cI ; r &Sons vXfr '.- Seed and Garden ; y--.. Supply Headquarters 317 Front St Wilmington, N. C. :: BelfeBeeryj , . Wilmington, Nor Corolla' SP EC mm 'Fridaj Saty -V'.-'.fVs;'.'.: 3w Visit our spectacular gardens, view our spectacular parade, shop for our 'vftnikl I p ( V ' i 1 H ' l It "Wrtr-'-' W0 . i- ,P'-'. .Y fc-: i.-'4iF.i.i ' p -Jl'-I -a :" ': I ; wash. 'n' wear A-'-'; mmm&4h'-- ' . ' I .' '--.'.-'" T ii;".'."-l .; ' 7 il .; -1 Chenille Bedspreads Just in time for spring re- . decorating . '. lint-free ebe SJIIe kedspretWU i'. i; U ton witk viscose tafttai V In twin and aotibfe sbes , l asserted eolerk and style. - Linens. Belk's '"l' ejf.$S.8$ 1 ':' ?'',. Cotton 1'Slim Jirns Far sprint "diggings", wear these cation slim 'Jbnsv Slim tapered pants iv self sett.' Sixes S-lf ki solids, plalas, nd stripes.V $4.00 reg.. $5.99 '. 1.- '.'0';. SpoHs Wear. Belks' Second Floor : tar's pepalar wash itk wear poplin c " httu witn siwin tt'- :'l he :ad-tlsa1ie.:sM;VI' a4 a.A ?' tV.Wi-- V-'V. ;'"-.ifV,f-!'':.1i V$ g. . rr spring and sainatet) sowing, . a wMderfuT seleottan. of bread cloths' poHJtedi esttsns, prints, ginghami. eottsik eords' , P ! . sofliev' are wssn V wear' "'.y'-i': fabrics f"; n:;v tk!cfi-m:!as!:irlsini3 Breese threagh spring and a lnte surame ta "nuyhln. skirts and klodses that ir machine wahstle a4 'little or at Ironing., rieated and straight aklrtS , ' prints. Mlids, checks and slrltwa. S:..'i 1-1.' ' ( -, .l- ."fv-1 -. i .M ;','v:.vv;,.. . r.r riaor