! a Sunder W llyatfavlUC,- Md., ' als!t with hlaiisterMri. ,i.,1Wr,ie,i-.-,,,i; W Mrs: VemMi Batchelor fSt&'tall nd,wn to Spelg contest held at ; ujr.' and W. 'iMUtoa- uau ana t in' Greetf rt Wilaetf were dinner t f -s! Sfttjejf ot:Mtd;.Mrs. : .t ffjUwdefcivp.'I'f ; ' ; f a'aitt3OT& eftugan ;. v'te' ' Wfcj -W4 5r.e Pernard ; "oodeon ana Mf aad Mrs. Charles CUotf oe GrenVi.lle last JVed !fceida4tv't,; . i Mr) afldii ftrsj- Alurtay Cashwell end, tfailshter' of Mount Olive-were '4nnft giesU last Thursday of Mr. find Mi John t AmoA Sr, ' Mrs- JulfiV 4ones, l Mrs; - Elbert i-hltman .d .idaujfhtef; Patricia BSted ihef Rv. aM Mr.. Marvin t hitfleJd :lCenly SaHjrday. . "'t ilr'Ha ;flar.Dehalit Alphin; and daughter mjd Wlss.: lnfla Alphin : fa New fcefri wtted -Mri Fred Al- .'i hiri iduring theeek.end. S.-ilrtY; AoHk Ingram t el .Kenans- -ipenl ,;fh wee eh with Mr. itd Mra" FerresV pan. tjthy!rji,A'!tvJarnef dor- thrw al", 'Mary I iHjt'ltt Riklgli;; MrV Marie Hug r y ana daugnter mann- oc wcn liofldi iVi,,5' Virginia VArnett ri4 i. C70Berry M Baltunorei Md. liMvMfMk-ICIberl Whitman 5nd "Mtffek1 WMthW ! aceortpan 'fmwewi 'OradT ftaleigfr Sun- tM: ' ' i "A BAd:MJr.MelvW Hendenoa i nan t za at'ima mm fiiL,A4aUa 1 ;0ilie-.5 r ; v . iJMrrtnuarur- --. JfkJfc' fir.,-"- -W-vi.. , .- v uun !Us0Uqua-Vito s , t VArir DannAr 1W ft k-oiir decision to use AMERICAN LlQUA-VITA when TRANS ! HAmiSO y-ur PEPPER and TOBACCO PLANTS can well mean : OiCtti difrice bvtween EARLIER of LATER matttrityalso HEAV l ljEXor UGH 13 ;n qS Planr;Fofeecaue it ' '.V'ir;OUrodtices aU others. It is a scientifically compounded formula in ' f &4&8 til fourteen most essetitial elements recommended by lead '.p$'pmfita as. a complete supplemental plant food for all crops, v UicompIetety soluole'ajid imm evert in cold ' wvivcather When soil-locked nitrogen, y . Us aJue a a fast attlnc" starter and booster at TRANSPLANTING v"n.TIJIEi Mairy pt&mnn f i freocbiiig outlier matuJrity. A-Mlf A is 1 'f 'V Cnpany of Marietta, Ohio, and is available in your , area only '''flifmir'h tH Aufborized Dealers listed below. nii.'---T'r---.--r:-. 'ivi ;There U ONtS ? J5Iisld With Cheap SUBSTITUTES! LIQUA-VITA ia widelv imitat liirW&Uet isiiptmotbe ,dunlkafed! Insist on AMERICAN &et;0ne pttbm nearby- dealers:'. r-i' w- v-v.--...v.-v , -.vrttLf.BT'llXVv'.fAigOM. JCCV.-'V -.' - .'- 8ALEMBURO. H. C. . V ' ' i-4Uiinamr ity--XS.. m. .p. ntfMn ; -v r"'- " H. Bnwer 'ereM '' -nyyGtAibm. A dr-t : -. itoyai a wsma Bdwe., t t.jrpfy Coeanny- a. -Wett a Brwtaera ':f " '". newton grove, n. c. . ' .:... r'TTCSJanj. . irt Caiapejuy - Cn Miy-; r-' ', "V (": -;-' y y; ; Kerr ' BcM ;. - f ,'o..iiV'Ca' McLeatf Supply Caaapaay' -"-.'-.. -. M. A'ale..-- ; 1 -V Jones' ehapel visited Mr. and Mrs. John L Anion Sr., during the week eni w-..; '.'V'vv ;' Mr." and Mrs. Bernard Goodson and Children, of Gretavil le were dinner mests Sunday of Mr. and uise Jeaii Batthelor daughter of the B. F. Grady School last week. She will participate in the contest for the County. Llnwood Rhodes of Raleigh spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Rhodes. Mrs. Q. L. Summerlin, Mr. and Mts. T.' A. Jernigan, Mrs. Carl Ivey and daughter Lorraine attend ed the Senior Play at B. 7. Grady jcheol last Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Westbrook of Kenansvllle visited Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whitman during the week end. ; ' Mr. and Mrs. Liston Summerlin and daughters of Warsaw visited relatives in this Communit Sunday. '.- Gideon i? Cherry of Hyattsvllle, Md. and Mrs. A. E. Garner were dinner guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey. J gM - -v At MfS. OutlQW Hostess HDC Mrs. Ella Outlaw was hostess to .the Summerlin' Home Demonstra tion Club at her home last Thurs day. . ';Ho! Tor Carolina" was sung followed with the devotional eiven by . Mrs. J. C. Lewis. The Home Economics Agent, Mrs. Mae H. Spicer. gave a demonstration enti tled 'Your Living Room Arrange ment For use and Beauty". Various project leaders reported. The Club' planned to observe Na- Twilitd Drive 'ii iville, li C. Friday- - Saturday April 28-29 Key Witness tSaninjr Jeffrey Hunter ft Pat Crowley and . : The Plunderers Starring Jeff Chandler ft Dolores Hart Sun. ft Tuea. , . April 80-May 2 "The Grass Is Greener" . Starring Cary Grant Jean Shnmons .. .' Color Cartoon Wednesday thro Saturday May 3-6 Gone With The Wind . Starring Clark Gable Vlviea Leigh . ' Pills' Color Cartoon Sunday Only . May 7th THE MISFITS . : Starring Clark Gable ft ' Marilyn Monroe . Plus Color Cartoon mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmammaummm en nnH TrthnA nnH Crops a -flying Start! foir instance, Mbil JUL j (10-20-10) Wh LIQUA'VTTA has shown outstanding results In vu&nff it report' amaiing' increase in both all plants advancing faster and MantactOred by Hie American ONE AMERICAN LIQUA-VITA! Do Not ' Be FOUU QAKSiM. C. J. B. Crete---:. -vi.y"jf j tt-SJCKT, Mi C., . ? ;V:", Tom HadBon; 8to;- .''': CUNTON, f;. , tional Home Demonstration club Week with a Special Activity. It was announced that the County Council and Dress. Re vu would Be held luae t. --xn.'fif:. ', i,S c Tiie KoiW served a Chicken Sal id plate end sort drinks during the Social hour. v--.-'."v.: Torn Summerlin Honored Mrs.' ThotnaS Summerlin enter' tained, at a dinner Sunday in hon-. or of her husband on his birthday1 at their home in the Summer lin'S Cross Roads Community. j ' Attending ; were Mrs. 1 GeoriHa Hinsoii and Family of Dover, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie White and sen oi Bridgeton, Mr. anil Mrs. Jamei Watson of New Bern, Mr. and Mrsi Jake Summerlin and granddaugh ter Pamela of Williams Mill,' Mr! and Mrs. M. F. McCullen, Faison McCullen and son, Mr. and Mrs; iMelvin Sutton of the Dobberson ville Communtiy, Jennlveue McCul len and Ray Parker of Raleigh, Mr and Mrs. Boyd Barflld, Calypso, Mr. and Mrs. Carl KUpatrick of Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton and Dan of Warsaw, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. McPherson and Family of Hampton; Va., Mrs. Elmer Nobles and daughters of Kinston, Mrs. Ella Outlaw Mr. and Mrs. Norman Outlaw and daughter Erlene and .tolland Outlaw. ', Birthday Dinner Honors t Mrs. Outlaw Mrs. Martha Outlaw Was honored oh. her 70th birthday Sunday with a dinner given by her children at the home of Mr, and Mjs. Thurman Davis of Mount Olive. These enjoying the occasion were the honoree, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Johnny and Jack, Mr .and Mrs. Ray Outlaw, Edith Mae and Bobby of Brodgen, Jimmy Outlaw of Sn1 emburg, Mr :and Mrs. Eddie Good man and MTthn Kav of Stimmer; lin's Cross Roads, Mr. and Mrs Henry Outlaw and Sup, o' Wars . Mr .and Mrs. Herrrian Qiiinn, Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Outlaw and Tommy of Kenansville, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Quinn of Rose Hill. With The Sick Friends will be glad t hear that Miss Daisy , Burnjiam .returned home recently frbrd Duplin General Hospital in KenahsVJlle. Mrs. Glenn Rollins nas return ed home from Duke Hospital where she was a patienf for several day and is recuperating at her home Friends will regret to hear . Miss I Annie Kate PoweU sunerea a irac tiird Wd followine a fall last Frl day and is a patien . at Duplin neneral Hosplal. Friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. John Pierce is confined- t. ii Innu dn to rmnumonla. IV lil MW1 I Everyone will regret to learn that Mrs. D. E. Parkerson Is a patient at James Walker Hospital in WiE tnington. Transplanting fiua Yrnr is not available to Liquid Fertilizer I. P. HetTtaa A Sons DUNN, N. C. . --. Haraett Trading; Cempatty BENSON, N. C t Dixie Nitrogens, lue. .' Cae E. DennlBf i...'... LaC RANGE, N. C. . Britt Denmark Cempaajr MORE HEWS Calvary Church 51 Sponsos SuppQr Th Adult tTninn int hi CnrwuHr Bnntint : Tmlnlna Ilninh.. annnahMin a deUcious barbecued thicken sup- Cheryl Cavenaugfi ';. er last Friday evening in the Bow- Kathrvi Costin .-. -den Community Building at Bow- Jana Wilson i. U den. Their guests included all the 1 Mary Alice Thomas departments of the' training union Rev, Eugene Hagar gave the In vocation after which supper was ser ved to approximately fifty who at tended. ..v. ,:!: Club Plans To Attend Raleigh Tour Plana were made for members to attend the Annual Home and Gar den Show, in Raleigh when mem bers of the . Home Gardeners met last Wednesday afternoon for their April meeting in the Ladles Parlor of the Presbyterian Church.- Mrs. J. M. Korttegays president, presided over an extensive business meeting at which time it was decid ed upon that the club would go as nai-t In a rtiwUrt tnur nf some of the outstanding homes and gardens in Raleieh. .' 7 ' Following the .business meeting, Mrt. Sam Godwin and Mrs. Mit chell Britt, hostesses, served straw berry shortcake' and. coffee to the hirteen member attending!-- - Mrs. Strickland Has Bridge)" Luncheon Mrs. , Ed Strickland J entertained Jane Straughan, Faye Lanier, Joy members of hpr ' bridge-luncheon ! ce Potter, Sandra Smith,, Lynn club last ThtirsdaV mqrrilng at the ! Rouse, and B. J. Stancil. Strickland home. , ' ' ,' '. I Miss Rouse received the hkb . Those attending were 'MesHames I score award and Mis Marty Davii Bill Sheffield. J. H. Hines, F. A. the low score award. Mitchner, Allen Drfluijhon,, Jr. 0. S. Matthpws, J. N. West, Avon Shar pe, and Maurice Jordan. ' , Following several progressions of play, Mrs. Strickland served bar becued pork ham. carrott salad on lettuce, green beans; sweet potato souffle, rolls, lemon ice 'box cake, and coffee. ' '"' Mrs. Draughon, recipient of ' the high score award, received coasters as her award, Mrs. Matthews, se cond high winner, received !a bill fold,, and consolation,"flowef bulbs, went to Mrs. Sheffield,. Mrs. Russ Honored Mrs.. J. C. Russ was honered on her 82nd birthday last Sunday after noon by her granddaughter Miss Fannie Thomas. ; The livingroom of the home was graced with arrangements of spr ing flowers . ? Miss Thomas was assisted in ser ving birthday cake and coffee by Mrs. Edwin Sheffield and Mrs. Bill Neighbors and friends called dur ing the. afternoon to extend birth day greetings. On Sunday at noon. Miss Thomas invited several of Mrs. Russ's fri ends in for a birthday dinned They were Mesdames C. J. Brown, J. W. Farrior. R. E. L. Whelless, W. J. Middleton, Sr, and Mr. Russ. BUY ' nSf Fffl hflMM. rr r, , ; ;:, ' Fraoets. Big Txatfe in Allowance un xwu rrcseni sxeezer;'. V'-i '?v - ' fr;;7J yfy:f:f;0X I 1 IX- " ""'rr' 1": ' rS'"-'-v' v :.'--.'-V:.:.-;-?rvJf FAIIc::rRbll fdrjaiiiw Th All A"-Honor for Hth.Grad-irig- Period? r' mm has beVn an rounce4 by Rrinripat .1. P." Btarmeh f tn Jaris Kehaii High School'. 5 ' NTVTH GRADE . 1 C". H. 'Pop, Jr. Everette. PhUIip I Daryl Pricey , JudyWlllaima' Linda Williams Mary Susan Baars Harriett O'Leary Eva Alphin , " ' Elizabeth Sutton , i Vellie ,Tuckfr. : r TrxTH GRADE Polly BrinsoA iM oiices .Su oud . , Bobo Potter . i Gerald Bradshaw Linda English ELEVENTH GRADE Alma Grace Drew Mary Ann Dunn y Johnny Pat Harmon Russell ' Tucker -Linda Kay Barr Mary Anne Williams Joyce Eason - ' TWELFTH GRADE Marilyn Goodman ail Kennedy ',.;. Donnie Ezzell Florie CUrrle Uorotny uunn Janice Henderson Lura Anne Penney Shirlejf Somerrf Mi$iSmith o Cdnasfd Hostess Mies Gloria Smith was hostess to members of her canasta club last Wednesday . evening at her home at 8:00 p. m. Those attending . ' were Misses j Yvonne Davis, Marty Davis, Bar bara Lanier, Dottie Hinson, Mablc Miss Smith served German Choco i .. ,i 'ccms a. uie con elusion of play. Card Of Thanks I wan to thank all the nurses, doctors relatives and friends for being so nice to my aunt, Daisy Burnham, while she was a patient at Duplin Geenral Hospital. Mrs. J. E. Creech. ' Lpdies Auxiliary The Ladles' Auxiliary of the War saw Pentecostal Holiness Church met Monday night in the home o Mrs. Norma Barwick with eight members present. Mrs. Vander Out 'aw was in charge of the Devotion xl snd program. , The hostess served a chicken sal ad plate and iced pa. , Intermediates Entertained The Intermediate ; Class of the Methodist Church was entertained last Sunday afternoon with a wie ner roast by their teachers, Mrs. Eugene Beasley and Miss ' Betty Taylor. ' Class members arrived at the Beasley home at ?:0O p. m. and after planned entertainment,, en joyed hot dogs, potato chips, cook ies, and soft drinks served by the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. '. Robert jj p.i:j :. J -;i--i'--r;. rj ;:frIvtv- . -A.t J " : -v'; "VV"''''V rf'-' IjarmonSpzaks . ii . '.f f ,W At-mOnS V.IUO.;; tur' with.lhcttliinnlnjBS. ?;The Methodist Kerf's Club of the hni. Warsaw Methodist, m ChUrch Kfff- their ftigular monthly supper. meet- ! ess "".fiden? to to tM Fireside Room Minton ad vMr: 'ahd.Mw.Vr Fred evening,. J,.' flamoii principal of WalBton-along; with. sixteeni mera- M oert attended the afternoon of fun.- mod gave a most informative talk Why compromise? Thanks to fkaiit tailoring, you eft joy the fullest measure of at vta,, fit and comfort in a auit that's, 1C0 automatic wash 'n wear, Northcool fabrics stay neat from 4a. to yawn, n are ; practically. Vwrbkle probf" and emerge from the automatic home laundry ready to wear with pre-set trouser cVeasea intact, wrinkles gone, Northcools in the season a. newest shade await your eelection. See them now.,,.-" ... .... .v1 , vaf : " N'.7 :;'.. -jj v.-'-,' Warsaw, N.C Page AiSOttfho FamoOs Frost! Proof Freezer,; By Fi hidaire !h Stock-NO FrbstlEveB Forms!; V We Have In Our Stock a DTJFLI.N TIMES KENANSV1IXE, N. C - i t" The ladies of the W. S. C. S .Cir :? ', cie number 5 prepared a deliciouF - BimMir' which consisted 'Of oaKea '4 &,? ;0i 'fx NOW! . h f with, a I Safer, low-cost weed killer It's i-4 D0W WEEP klLLER-FORMULA 40-foViM-tive broadleaf weed control in' a wide variety of crops aa low cost per acre. 2-4 Dow Weed Killer Formula 40-is an amine Salt formulation-better for use on or near cropi suscep tible to 2,4lD ester-type weed killers, ft mixes easily with hard' or soft water .".'. can be applied with field-spraying equipment or knapsack.' sprayers . . . and there's no. sediment or giim to clog spray nozzles; and leave skipped areas" in your fields. Order your 2-4 Dow Weed Killer Formula 40 -today. 'Trudemurk oi 'JM Df4m (!hemical Company . ' . :!' "' I.. -' - - ' '' Pink Hill, . . r- 1 in Warsaw Uljj FROZEN i . Home Appl V FdotJ Bokes Cheslshct 1 'toenfhly Or'Faertlan'lIi:; ' At TWa Time several A-i,Ketrigerars ana TBlT - CaAY concerning dom. . , toe eJuct In an Interview with Larry P KpiiUen today, lie reminded t local aewspapen of the Bo oming ( Town Election In War W, -on Taesday.' May' t, IM1. taWyf 'the - youngest candidate. ' seeking office' ras Towsv Coqi nissidner , in ; this . eteitUB..'A Vi!cl Sci- Bce graffhate of tke yniversity of ; Norm Carojnu Scoutmaster, Fireman, and ,ac '.rve In1 many othfr tivio activi ties, H la parilcnlarly IriU'resWn t4 s-ki)t i large; tarndut in thlf eleetkMy In a field of SRvear eaf lldates.'four havlnff had exper 'rneti and three tttiuUnc for the 'rsMlalik'Jeihk .'i oui1 town, have aa excelled hoiee tn ehoosla.?. a dnallfle jloarl of Commissioners, keenly iware of tiie dnti. s an t obllga Ions to represent all of toe lc. he is f the belief that whi, , he wisdom and experience of .'e older ': meinters,.'; combine;''' rltb the energy and toatua' lew s of yoaager nembera, il 'ake an excellent comhinatioli f Comm'ssionen that will worlt the bene It of the town i Warsaw, Larry sees the poten tials ear town , as ntajimlted ad whether elected er notfet say yoa can expect him ' to yai forth every effort to make 1 eat town prosper and ajrow. ," f, '''" PaidPoiltleaf Adv.if ft f ,;;;ri'M i ML 1 .,:.-;e. .'.,.-r; : N,C. ail-X'' 1 ; iRw.vi,.,:.:.:.,.-:.,ri v :3-' prighf Styles ;n; c;:- ' . - . - . t ts. "T T)

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