f a 4-3 if ' v r CElTRt-'.'J-f--fVOTJCE' C: SERVICE H ,; ... tVBU(:ATION:, . Off .marl '-to'? t:iNw-ypBMBtc4' - jlaiteir)" -ice jaav 4, pleading, seek. l.ig'Yei; 4..i"gaiirt4ywtJfc 4,beeh ,Med inv.Ui bqvntjtjd,?.etio; The nature o iht ,eHJi ; betas 'auihtil as-. IgllpwsKAbsolute dlv- 'pt(0 ofy tiif rwnd"ofrwo;' years i'.'r'JA't' (. f ::.i !v v;- f.; Skatipr Alrt3?oB ; m4 Saturday -Aftctpooii' - Night Won. Night Skate C vSMri Sbuilt Of , .V -'-,r UnlAoUAr' ':'.:s,y Z . ; Cobfcfacng; Chicken ISuudings. t We Will Cut .otw Timber : . W Saw And l&ring U Back F:IM' PENNY'S MILL IX iIIwy,4l.Wallace,N;C. . - B. ( Jiiri) Penny :.-se Hifl ,23 9-32;-: anlaaa .Aaakk a Til ' S I mm i WM: - ' fTTs, mtm,,,. ..,... M-m&-m 1 1 .1. ;vlv) iWv -rf v.h--.tn f.i-.".vjt; .n ' i-.r. ' II . .'1 . ' Van. Bad 14 . Ja-vdk tlaiaa ln 7 . Tk. kffalka Ul k a aarlaf haaa . II' IT 4' . . .- r. ankai IkiaaK x Lt a! ma, kaha ' - .'; '-'' "v ; Sh'T T'- Htf Uil clutching yir ? ii '4- .jfieja hapay S1?1 "iichlne " ".i'!- cm, ifcew amplf Irutt and csnftdmu ' !liidi::i:'.; . .,-,..... : V but bow ynf danf or yaaf A baby l H tvivn) t (mj van tmtti plan far that 'fyftH. Thk baby f : ium4, e Mlfi9 it.- ' - . i I, f f ' f 7 "" n Of aa 1 1 - ' 1i j ' t ;"i '" buillIM appartunlty fuTH .;vy;y;Hy.v.?a.ribi-t fwnof w on Inf ' '.t'Y,V -' "vifw'. praaf ttiatp i,. . ' ;y .Jf'.-'flf .t"9'll at : MHIW appaaumty hhmj , r -, , fvna : 1 DISTTNCUBHSb SXVICI IINCS IM ' o KU.ION Collars Of psuuncs m " separation; and permanent, custody and ;. control of . Feggy- " LaRut, Adams,: minor, child born . b( the iBacriage,;: -. 'j;-. i'Ct'is:) ' Ypu are hereby required to make defense, to such pleading not lateq than June 1st. 1961, and upon you failure to-do so the party, seeking Service against you will apply U the, Court for the relief oueWMi' Wtm -. V.;,.Wells ; Clerk, General Coiatty-sCourWA': 'jfeVfc1 I. Harvey .Turner i'-'.,' .-. ; Attorney for --iitiUliUf$Mp2 Kto8ton:-Ni-C;-rj B-4-4STJ, v UNDER ANri'BV VIRTItir' lW Boepvof! ale; contained in a cer tain.;, peed ofTrus executed ' by Christine W. WUliam end husband Lehman G. Williams, to H. E. PhjJ liWj, Xrustee,'dated November 17th lS5 ahd ; Recorded' in Book ' 529. page tJt: the! office of the Re-ris- rep oi .veeast ej awpjjb (.county,, and wqdef and by virtue of the aHthjortty .vested In the Undersigned as, WbtitMte-iSteft by n lnstr lent,Ql, writing dated the 44th. dav Aferili' M61, artd- recorded Jn the efjioe at 1b; Register' of Deeds, ot JMUa County,-, defau having beea made the vaytnent oi the lhde btfifln',sa -thereby secured and this said deed ot trust " being; b 'thei' lenue . tnereo suDjeet to lorecio sarabands -thifc bolder of the indebti' ..Var--1wnireii having de manded a foreclosure there of for - ...e purpose i satisfying said In debtadness, , the undersigned si(bf stttgted trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for, cash at the eourtheuse-.dooT In Kenansville, North Carolina at 12 Vcjocjj: Nen, off, the. 16ft ( ,day 'of May,,' 1961 the land conveyed In said deed of, trust, the san lyJni? imd being in Smith iTownship, Duplin nmticuhirhr deseribed- as followi: f i-teQHVNH ata stake on the North Carolina Public; Highway No. itSleadms ffromi'IKe$ansv1He , to: louses; Or Any Kind of or C. B. (Andy) Penny : i Control root-knot In cotton, tobacco, vegetablee i..Use DDWFUME W-85-the high-strength ethylene dibromide soil fumigant that's, first choice for high-value field crops. By I - controlling the root-knot and other nematodes, Dowfume I : W-85 indirectly controls soil-borna root diseases such as black shank or tobacco, usanum Wilt of cotton, and black rot ot sweet potatoes. Dowfume W-65 has' a built-in rust inhibitor, .won't gum-up or clog nozzles. For bigger yields, better stands, order your Dowfume W-85 today! .:;"' , V .. . .. Tfvdtmark at 7V Dom CUtmical Company ' I ( w F;S; Royster Guano Co. CITQ '.'Otb Orris 5 H ana laalr at waa kahw Mm ffnkllm Junlt Inajrarf Sairbip flon. Jwl $3 wak. baglnabu el oe ana, wiH pajvM $US nanth daring foor Mllag pan, Tha plan a flaxIMf , taa. -Anvmofa banafltg fay cbanaai bi naach) vf . SlshP na pM oaa oocMW rr baby FhM Va OM totS tblt brfOafHajaajajt- laaay, mil Hmm ever, plan that win provide boarl. a- Janjat ' W wM (tatf WoHa Yauc CbIM (IS '';:-?"' rr an InflUM h , CKLTJCHESPfcRSONALSr S- ABOUT Phone 2:1 Personals; !'iMrs. G., D. lee; and. Met; H. ana iiaieisn. Mr,, and 'Mrs, J. E. Faison were (l Li-y " ,r. '7 W. v. pennine weeaena' wun DeR aaq wSlffifam 'ffllvl su, D'hter , C, a Cates nd, family, Wlinams W;Mt,.aUvtj.aa..r, Barta, StrouA" student at W.- , Mr. ' and ' Mrs. Dan' HoWeTi: of beiidron va m -vim vto reSfet vv? E 'i Mr.' and Mrs. Precythe and Mn and Mrv C, , D..- McCullen afr tended a Shriners Ladies night fish iy o. nauace x r.iaqy nign.. ' i Mr,';J6rrie: Pbauff 'ef Wijson Is visiting his sister Mrs. G. H. Cates aftd iainiy .iv-e, ', Mra N. K.rOates spent the week slid witb Mjrs;, J6hii Shlrte InlotdA; ro.'' ,-l : ' l, . ;).. . ; j i-f"r; ..U'O-' i ?-bb'ii'vAts3itt Qraham and Miss Lona Graham of Raeford and Or. Gfaham Newton of. Duke HospU tal ;were the week nd. wests. , of Mr. andMra D. Newton..' ; . wrs.I.: TP Witherington; of Mt. QJive was; the dinner "gUests Sunr darVthe;:j;,;Stxud".' Mrs; : Stroud, and ituest Sunday bf IN . Stroud. Mr JStroud a)ncl Mrs. .WltherinKton , attended i the funeral of Jt CC Henry . la Kifti etoa Sunday' afternoon. ? f v Men, C; - IX Lee- and Mrs. Ji E: Klnston, Nr.. tha said stake beiha the' 8pusheaat corner of the acre tnacl of land aa set fertb. and des- bum m. Boot 462. Dace L of the Duplin. County Registry, and runs nence from said. beatmiinK boint North 17r30 West.198 feet te a stakes thence a line perpendicular to the Maxwell Mill road, about South 72 degrees 30 minutes West ; 122 feet to a stake, thence South V W feet toa stake on tha northern edge of said highway i thence as the nor- then edge ef said Mehwav South ! 77-40 East 138 feet to point of beclnV fnlng. And being the same lands as described in a deed from ; H. E. Phillips. Commissioner, to Chris- :s!..,ywirnq' as roordd in Book 513, page 504,' of the Duplin This sale will ;be made subject to all outstanding, and unpaid taxe? ind' assessments against the' same ind the last and highest bidder at said sale will be. required to deposit -vith the,. Trustee, as good faith de posit the (10) percent of the first One Thousand Dollars bid. and 5 of all excess thereof. This1 the 14th day of April, 1961. F. E. . Wallace, Jr., Substituted Trustee ' ' ., W;:4T;F,;E, W. Jr. nematodes Beulaville: K. C. Uwna Sail Mao. m Hat film, "Tba WW Uva b" hi poar wa Warron A, Grady, Sr. v-V.i;: General Agent , '; Phone 73 5-3913 - ' P.O. Box 716 . " -CSoldsboropNaC. ' ' M-s ainon aitenchsd a tea of Mrs. Em I ..fepe'a Ini Mtj Olive Satunlay 1 afternooit The -tea was honoring '.Miss; Eusabotte Holmes, a brid of Mrs. . J. E. Brica of Chester,. Sr C. -spent the week en with berr dM 1 'Miss Berta, Shroud student al , W.- , ,tt ureensnoro,, spent u wees end -with be parents. Mr, and M O. in Greensbord spent the wee I. at .auwa, . , ;.; - . t Mrs. J, E. 'Faison is visiting' her daughter Mrs. W. U; Hewleyi aad family in High. Point. -. - ? 5 Mf and Mre.'C.; R. LKtle eritei talned Hp. Little's parents, Mr. an 'fV 4,:' Littie 't';-i'reeland Sun day -at 'the; Cdmrnuinty .Building; The dlnaer, was honoring tha, Sen, , , t'i vwuijs . : tii tieth ; AnniversWy iSventy-seven children and grand children attended, ., ,, . ': Mrs; Qoes; Hostess Jo T ' Swing Club ; 'j'Mrsi N. a.. Qalea'anleriaihed 'bv Sewing Club at r Uavne Tuesday ifteVnpon: :Cubv. members btcwen Mesdames D. Newton;' C, A. Dec keri J.. Ei Fafsen, C. Q. Lee: J. B teud. Jr.. A; P.. Cafes, W. M. Bau fham'-an'-Mra. ..Qaies.: Guests for , the club included Mesdames, N. F McColnian; Cr R. Lewis, R. L. Ben son; 'L R. .Faison, and Mrs. C iccms and Mrs. John Shine o "roldsboro. -. '.Following an hour of sewing, salad plate with coffee was serve' by the hostess. North Duplin PTA The North Duplin Parent Teach ers Association met Monday night n the North Duplin Cafeteria. Mrs G. H. Cates presided over Xbe bus; iness. The following officers wer installed for 1961-'6?. President Us. James Grady: Vice Pres. Mrs C. R. Lewis: Sec, Mrs. Edna Kirbj Treas Mrs.: W. R. Bryant. A pro Tram on Health was presented b the Health class of Mr. Richarr Kaleel. The class' is sending a de egate to the Summer Institute in Greensboro. Chatter Club Met Mrs. Isham R. Faison entertain ed her Chatter Club, Mrs. N. F Colman; Mrs. C. D. Lee; Mrs. Dur wood Clifton, Mrs. H. S. Precythe Mr. C. R. Lewis; Mrs-W. C. Man gum; Mrs. H. L. Hoey; and Mrs, L D. Groome on Wednesday, after noon at her home. Other guests in cluded Mrs. N. K. dates and Mrs V. M. Baugham. Mrs. Faison ser- er strawberry short cake topped ith cream . nuts and coffee. N.C. Confederate Festival, May 19-20 Bothvlnside Tjmes, Must . ... .. -i . One hundred years ago, in May of 1861, North Carolinians volun teered in thousands-to, fight against their countrymen to the north. Young men put away their , full length coats of the day. to don prey Confederate uniforms and, follow ing a short training period, march ed into Virginia where men frorr both side of tbej Mason-Dixon, line massed foe battleu History has recorded the actions of these far Heels and the thou sands who followed" during the foil' years of the Civil War First at Bet hel. Farthest at Gettysburg am l.nit at Ar-pomnttox. Now, one hundred yrs later M'r-h rarnlii.n -vill note its entry, into the Confere-"e Ptites of Ame lea with an ex?iting two-ay Cor federate Festival. It will be held In Ralei"h on May 19 and 20 Appropriately, the May 20th date falls on the nationwide flhservance of Armed Forces Dy4he day when the Nation takes, note of its unified strength, in the a-w Spare Are. North Carolina ia rich in the his tory of Civil WarThere were.- It battles and 73 skrimishes fought in the State. The largest gattle was at Benton vHle. on March 10-21, In 18- 65, was me. last major Confeder ate' offensive. ' , : Through' the North Carolina Con federate ' Centennial i Commission, the State as undertaken an ambi tious program to tell the story of North . Carolina's role in the Civil Wa. Ita ftcst major effort will be the Canfererate Festival. Invitations have been sent to ap proximately 1,500 .North Carotin ians to serve as natrons for the two- day Festival. The patrons, who ar being asked to contribute $100 to wards the Centennial Commission's proeram. will be guests of honor at all avent r . Tha gala Confederate Festival be gins in Raleigh Fri- afternoon, Maj 19, with areception at the Excutiv Mansion. The reception will honor patrons and 'Confederate Belles," who will be presented at the Fes tival's Ball on Saturday night. , ; - Friday night at Memorial.- Andlr torium. twa Civil War Era Jrsjnas wiH bo presenteoV for the patron who also will be guest at an after theatre buffet . :, ' Saturday' program begins at 10 a. m. with a devotional service and at 11 a. m, a.marnmoth paadaJea turing float and rojlttsrjc unite win fmvt' I f & up Fayetteville -Street n the Capi tol an dout Hillsbore Street to 9t. Mar:atraefc-;r-;;i-v..-,'wifa:.:. ' -MiUary anhs - and displays wUl be held at the State Fairgrounds .mm, uji i i iilii, uH''iu ,mmtl wd ,i --Mi, and Mr.: Fre4 Berrhig and Mrs, George-Walken visited- tbeir sistrt Mr. Nettie OuWawr and lam l)y. neac'.Bethel. last Sunday,; Callers, tothe home of Mr., and Mr. W C. and H. S. Tyndall and Mr jnd Mrs. Park Holmes, on. Sun day were, tb.J.,;U Mp?ele)('s, o Xinsten. C-' ' J .' 3;V :'' y Mr. an4 Mr$.. ,Les)te Teachey and son 'visited ifh relatives neaf. Rose Hill Sunday ' M v ' MiSs Catherine ' Kilpatrick :and Mr. Naomi, Brock ' of near Rose Hill wer recent visitor: with their sister. Mrs. "Shad Korneeav. ' - . ' ;', Misa Annette Pierce of Pink Hill spent the week end with Miss Joan (Walker. ',, , .Mrs. A., J.' Walker spent Sunday .ifternoon with her parents Mr. and Ir, Stacey Jones near San ford. Wdodldhd 4-HCub -'"'7 Woodland 4-H Club Gaston Westbrook, Reporter The Woodland 4-H Club, held its nril meeting. Saturday night, April 5th. In the home of Mr. and Mrst 'au Wetsbropk, The meeting, was called to order y the ' President. Anthony West' )rook, Patey Dail led the group in le Pledge of Allegiance to the lag and the 4-H Pledge. Emily larshburn. Secretary, read the ninutes of the last meeting, which vere approved. Patricia Grigg had -harg of - the devotional. Keith Vestbrook read the Thought for the Day. Patsy Dail led the group 'in Tayer. Gloria Wallace read a poem Rose . Stafford had charge of the program. After the business was taken care of, the meeting was turned over to the adult leaders, Mrs. Willan' Westbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westbrook. Patricia Grigg, group songleader. led the group in several songs and games. . The group enjoyed pulling taffy after the meeting had adjourned. Let Us Show Yoa How Wb Can Bring The Over-AU ' Cost Of Financing To The Lowest- Possible Figure, On Terms Yoa Can Readily Handle Out Of Current Income i IS. . 205 Mal St. -.'.' from 9 a. m. to p. m. 'No admis sion will be charged and the public is; invited. Saturday afternoon at the Fairgrounds a -firing exhibition oy the -military will be -presented featuring' a comparison of Civil War weapons and today's modern waaBans.-: .,.',. y.. '' J -' " Saturday night . from 9 p. m, to 1 a. -m.. the costume ball wilt take place ; at ; William Neal : Reynolds Coliseum. "Confederate B e lies'' will be presented and a Gxnd March, will follow the presentations. Music for the ball will be by the Johnny Long and Jan Garber Or chestras.": . i Many State and national leader, ,& well as stage and television per sonalities, have been invited to par ticipate; in the two-day Festival. ...f, Hardy Baker, right Hardy Baker Produces Hogs At UVi Cents Per Hardy Baker, Snow Hill, route 2, said today that His hog production program haj been improved con- a.M.UW. UNVUII U IV .... 1 T,HK 1.1V grading system at the Frosty Morn ! show that his average cost was be plant, in Kinston. j tween 12 and one-half cents to 13 Baker has 36 sows in his program : centg Per pound, which Should mean that about 600 I He expresses the idea that thro hogs will be marketed this year . "I ugh accurate record keeping he plan to- market these hogs at Frosty knows where he stands and what ALL THE CASH YOU NEED TO REMODEL KM INTEREST COOPERATIVE SAVINGS JAND LOAN ASSOCIATION Of Wilmington "Wheri Tnousands Are Saving Millions" W. Ray Johnson, Manager i The . Confederate : Festival ; not only' , will be an ovent of historic significance, but; all funds raised by patrons' : contributions,- admis sion fees', salr of souvenirs, etc., will be uesd lateo to help f inane the commission's carefully planned program duringthe four-year poa memorialton of the 100th. anniver sary of the- Civil War. 1861-tf05. , The- North Carolina Confederate Commission was established by the 1959 General Assembly. CoL Hugh Dortch of Goldsboro is chairman, and also chairman of the North Car olina Confederate Corporation, a non-profit organization whose, pur pose is to raise funds to supplement the-State appropriation. The commission seeks to publish l)- tmtd and Vance Williams Discuss " -a Morn, as I have in the past," Baker said. Last year records kept by Baker PAID ON SAVINGS ; j WaHace. N. C an accurate rotter or huu C, o lina troops in tba Civil War; a Nor th Carolina Confederate- Fact Bock which will includ a list of battles and skirnilshes," and the '' history of the,. State in. the ;war.i. ;;. 4 't . i Among the other )ite,ms the conv mission' seeks are- audioWhtuali aids presenting- the story .ivfNorttl aro Hna in the Civil War;' assistance m various Civil War Era publication; an historical drama; and fie eraey tion -Of maiers.''Si;:ff V3il.-,;-'- Hector McLean of Lufcbert- ii chairman of the Festival inj charge of the two-day Confederate- Festi val. Norman Larson m Ekequtire Secretary of the North CatoQna Confederate Centennial- ; unis Sipn. ' ;, t;'tf:..tf vv -'. ';y. ': A - Hog Production -r, r...-r,. his swme program is, doing," Sine I have been markejtin&ulwea at Frosty Morn I am marketing bet ter type hog and the. difference tit the price means a- littie more money." ' ' - '.v "Yes, sir" Baker concladed "Frosty Morn has definitely, helped me." AdT. , - j move from Memorial. Auditorium, A.

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