TC2 triLE,ir3 KENANSVILLE, N. C,-.Z' . ,-ov v '"4 Mrs. ii i-i I - , inday. jmsx; ; ,) s and daught ! f i . yee of Clinton, ... ,rs. K....ue HarreS and :e Era-ilaw S U 0 4 a y v i . .ion Harreli of College T iryiamd epeat the week' . t i his mother, Mrs. Hattie : 1 1 iik& Earl Harrelt returned n after a few days Visit ,-v . a mother In Beulaville." , j, ,Cora iSWKteraon, j u d y J.. row and Mrs. JUila MuWrow muad a v business trip to Clinton ' Mar Jackson of Wilmine j toil .speftt Saturday With , he i. ' moihtr, Mrs. Betty Jackson. ' " i $Irs. Macy Trott, Judith Mud f t- diow, Kosajyn Trott and Mr. G. S. ".. i . MulJro tnade business trip U W mpmh Saturday. , . ;", ; lira. Marfia Sitterson 'and Mri. ANVe OaVjii f'Kenanayiaie Visit- ed Mrs. Mathe Bfadshaw one da r last Week, i ' , - ' . . v- lira Lula Mulit-ow $r .Ttidx visited Mr. and Mra. John WllliaM . .-.Xflesnam, Ir. Uarteuck and Mrs. i Dori4 C. ; Hols wrOv in , Wilson .Mr dienii luiier' and daught- '. rL AtWe aiwl iiainie, spent lYi J! 'day;.;a'nd, Saturday' 4 Raleigh.;; r ;i'tiy-MsttieiB, Sutton and. Mrs. iV 'Hafctie starred . made, a ? business " trip ;to WaDacp Tue&ay ntornirig. J - ... ifii.. iuiu 4ui nfciiie jj&mer ana Mr;' aril MrsL Gteiri tnleK Abbie fi Vt-Vatflle' were fit Topsaa Beach Mr.- .A&boam' Rhodes, of Jack ; sonviUe visited Mrs Mattil Brad- 4 Sni Sunday afternoon. r : V &:r:W&fyHQMtvCert Carone fw. was'ntffti'e for. the -week-; r end. '.Mr.- Buddy,' Mercer, Camp- 1 beliaiJee p a X jnigpeji' of Campballs andWUUe rVy'toin.v for i (he :vweek-end' ''.Mrs. Andy Campana of Bronx- .,lHvlw'!i.YkM:;nl. j non aHer vlsitkig her mother I Mrs. Nina" Jackson for few t k Weeks: ;.':v; '(' r;vB'itu. Be Widlia&.Mrs. V; v Joie A'berUortj' Mrs, Scott Smith, ;Mr.VHarry -Horne,v attended the i r Bible,; fichodl ; teachers" meetiiu ' !f 'in JjSck rwille last Saturday. A ' Mr. and Mr& Clyde Tiltort and ; caughiec, " Teresa' .of ?, Goldsboro ; Ipeni Saturday afternoon with Mr. afiiVtrv Jrie;.iUbeiitson. ft Mn and .Mrs, ardnef Edwards , in'd..Mrs.' ,Tahiy Nethercutt spent , M' week-end with Jiev. and Mrs : T jCtoodrtjah. 1 andHugh ; Ja . jf trrpetisboro. ; ''';:' V-' ' t-alfer Goodman and Hugh; In A.Gi!etfifpiiiro.V.f ;- '.'W ' t Mrs. Cecil Mu)erand Mrs. Bill Miller of HallsViHe Presbyterian i. Church attended .the Bible School r';':.Satuayx.';,iiV:; 'S'rrs, ' .: Mnsv." Dick Butler' of Wallace mm I; ; -i ,j umAi Biiaws-fuiwi 4 . rrsa-itraHKam.rwtl ' . ' . sws ou Ataawss .... .. 'f ; it V ' S1HWWOIWt MS :: j i snor wittrits aits V f' '; '.: kekuimSni m)V'". . SMIMnttUhKMC WIFI SMMNtlS y ; ' r- ' towint , ; ' i r- sm rMMnjk '. ' WAUWOe W PbIbI tnumti ft'' 4 attodi MMM WAUntC I .f ,.'.. kM MM el my WoHiW..(m, . g COM1 IN TODAY! J ' fa Sidal iT . pt h eo Contwl I '.v i ckMM MWirioM. May 13. "41. ::4iy. vffvt-:. :te"ER DfiOS. .: SyM Lailier Cv 8-4286 spent last week With her mother, z ; . -r- ; 7Z ' ""Vt-m SSSSE! ;K5'SJreS homt; after being hospitalized in a Kiri- A Hospital for a few days;. Mr; and Mrs.'Clyde Brlnsou.en Ibytd fi seafood dinner Id Sneads rry Sunday.' ' Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lanlef and Mr. and Mrs. Treasure Rhodes spent Sunday at "Topsail Beach and later had dinner at' Sneads ivir. ItuseH Lanier Shd Charlie' f"c ""P? 4ad dinner, in Jacksohyiae Sunday fK1"stontT1JursdIa3r- ; liH,ie R-enny Uimson, son OI mr, . ;.. 4 i:., : ,iL' tflti Vnli, , m Kenaasville, Little Kenny was struck Dy a car.j .,, Friends of Mrs- Alice Jones are " ica - sorrytohearUetemather'- Sneads Ferry MrChester Williams and Mrs. I Mrs Sarah Bolin M!. A. i Shaw we're to Kinston Fri- ner '"wPPed " Kinston Friday. : A. J. bhaw were to Kinston Fri- fl( Hngon Mr' and Mrs Carl Dartiei Pate'81 "d t0 know that h JrlSnr K: ' tmed to h home after being k "-,:,7JL.- .1 o. .r.,, xMHuucy pr. m eacuy Mrl W A'" PafeTias returned LJZ?--J:&Z??m rUf"fT uwuie wwi- vutiuug . ner parents, Mi- atu i.t,7 rvi St. Louis, Mo. for a few days. nrunn ThinnAn v.;. ot,, vtetted relatives nere one day last week. Mrs. YdVk: Lanier and Brenda topped in Kinston Tuesday after noon., , ., Wjllite Hbrne of Campbell Col- 'ege was home, over the week-end. 1 Mrs. Clinton Campbell made a jusineSs .trip-to Goldsboro Wed lesday afternoon.' Mr. Dick Cole,, and Mrs. A. P. Williams and Jenny shopped in Xinstott Thursday mdming. Lelarid CoiiLe of Raleigh visited lis pareits and son Mfvahd Mrs. ne.ton Cottle and Tany over tne veek-end.; ; .. ' The Seniors presented their sv. "LAST CHANCE" last Wed- lesday evening with the following peepue taking part : Jamey Quinn, nknua rauatinuoh A&nMi T.nnipr racy todwards, Douglas Edwards, pmmyj Marcer, Jane Tnigpen, loan Thigpen, Christine Smith, n Piner, FVt. d Lee Brown, and ohnny Jackson. Douglas Clark of Oak Ridge was tame , over; Wie week-enj. Miss Jean '.Campbell, Martha SandUn, Addle Sue Home tuid trrna Matthews shopped to kinston Thursday !. ' The BeulaviMe Beta Club, under the supervision, of Mr. Raymond PaylsTni.Mi5S ' 'Shirley Johnson, : attended the Convention in Ashe-, i and visited the LinviUe Cav- irrel'Mt Mitchell and the aer- Ti.n p-,.i. week-end. Those attending were; j .T Ann iwtih Aan ii.. Mo Lee IKler, Sue Duff,' Nancy Lee. I Chyrel Brown, Pegayt Qui n n, ! 1 i ;. J fTJ) 32 ' DBtLGll This Offer Expires May 31st rp.iiruEiiur.'.Es "1 I n Hart Representative Call On Me Without I ... ObUgauon On MY PART. , ; ' Q Please Send More Information. ' I .' ' j NAME ....r... I . ADDRESS ....-.- I . I CITY .Li -.'-.. BTATB! 2 !- ' J tf ftural Routt, give dUrtcttonl-' ' .-' I riOwnAtot ( )1 Am Buying A Lot i. Bliy Ward Sunvner, Jarrtey Qumni Tahiti r-an-.h -, Dit.r Thornaa Grovet KU1 Jrl,-Lanny Hill, Gene? HW, and Virgjl Williams." " Mrs; LeWi George" Whaley arid Mrs, Zannie Mae Cottle shopped in Kinston Thursday, - Mr. aui.'Mis. Larry Turner of Brevaid vis. ted friends and rela- lives here over the week-end. - Mrs. . Fits Bostic shopped lh Pfeafiie i KJizzara. and Hpttnic Knv i nomas . ... . . . ..... r:- viltte Sunday. 1 ' ' Mr ur.,i Mm : v. V. fansnhoil nnrl Mr uttrf Mi piintnn Pitrm. !i n j tj i j natlenf in Lenior Memorial Hos- -.. . . . pital in Kinston. ! Rev' and M'3 3 1 Jonathan and Kieth and Mrs. AdeU ... ... , .. . , , Matthews visited relatives in Ala-. bama this week. A vuntn Campbca mde a u1"T,Jr,p Goldsbor0 Satur day morning. Potters Hill HDC The Panels HH1 H. b. Club held its regular monthj,' meeting at 1:M in the Community Building. 1'iie rreeiitig was opened by everyone singing "Red River VaJ 'ey". Mrs. Lloyd White 'gave the devotional. A derrw: nitration on the oeit use of i-efi'igei atoi s was given, " by Mni Peanie Rae Price. Mrs. M.'iilie Turner reported on family -.lie af.d then" there was aw short discu.sicn on the coun'iy drss re vue and plans were maiie attend. 10 The meeting was closed by re t,ie ciub colect. Refresh. meats of candy, cookies, potato cmPs and sott drinks were sei vsd Ui the seven members present. j Pritarc Will PTA The Potters Hill P. T. A. hold its regular; meeting Monday May 1. at 7:30 p. m. The meeting was W""?- wiLI everyne singing ."" - '"u''u" SruuP Pew la rsaama ana lwaye.:wp. v. -. an.c.ea luncn room lnef? wa M o""ss, . rTli weie B've" lu u,e w,,u,cl ?f de f"r 8 spe"mg bee' h-tThb winners were; f.rst grade, i ' T?11' MUn 3rd,,, Marsia. Brown; 4th, Mary Rth Lpe"- 9th 6th, Charles Turner, and 7th John-, 0-1 J J iL 'ft'T' :' ' W '' " Strawberry Queen fntncf VVI ' ;Laier, 17, daughter of Mr. tad9 I.fri. York Lanier of Beulaville is the BeuIavlHe entry in th Strawberry Queen, coptest to be held m Wallace on Thursday night May 11 at 8.30 o'clock at i "" warehouse. v Prior to strawberry dance. Amino s a senior ana an oui- participated in the F. H, A. Club ---w IwirW fiH r.nOrtjr rtw-Plvi-H hpi Junlor aP Agrees; wa was on tM cneeneauer squad; a dbik member ., for four i,ear3 and a malorette three years servine a. ma1oret vea. A" J- Sheta ffi bni .w memDer oi ine wtauuD, servmg as secretary this year; kht " vice-president foi three of her classes and is an office worKer mis year ) iDrwg her junior vear she wa f ma, WM ""J8" homecoming attendant A imps was elected homecoming luleea oemavme. one also rep- ,'Sieq uiavuie nign scnooi in received the R. A. R. Good Citi zen Award; participated in th Junior ...and Senior play.s; wai editor-in-chief of the Beulaville yeaif book; and was voted by hei senior class the . best all arounc' and most athletic. Agnes plans to attend college at East Carolim next fall revs Entertain Bus Drivers ? On Saturday, Principal and Mrs. Ray Humphrey entertained the a 'svVile High School Bus drivers at their cottage at Topsail Beach. The drivers and their eilests en- loved skatine. fishine and a deli- cioUS seafood platter, Atteiding - were James Dewej iianier a no ueiiy raye wiuiams, Sloan Thigpen and Donna Jan Sumner. ' Johhri7 Jackson and Hutn Rhode9; Douglas vAwarda and Ola Fave Thienen. jtr:1 FutreU amj Blanche Thig. pio, Ted Mercer and Mona Jean joftM, Jesse Benson, Sandra Jo rutreii, Aiiieen sarmiin, dames te iBntchelof, Gene Auen Pickett, Coy Turner, Jerry Deaft Hall, Robert Lee Thigpen. Dean Thomas, Don Mercer and Jerome McQueen. ' MlKir Poritnl MUSIC KeCITai iWflV 5 VJOV J Mrs. Lucy K. .Grady will pre- i r j HO MOIiEYlWWHiAIID asJillle WITH CLEAR DEED TO YOUR LOT ' , FOR MOREIIIFOIU'IATIOII - CALL 29 3r71 85 ; OR WRITE , V VALUE HOMES tIWASAW, N. C. Members of the Mineral Sprifag; Club af they re-up holster a chair at & recent meeting. Mineral Springs Club Holds Workshop sent her music students in a piano recital on Friday, May 5th ' in the 3eulaville School Auditorium at .':30 o'clock. DebraShaw Honored Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Shaw enter tained their daughter, Deora, with a birthday party last week in We Want "' We Pay A Premium For Top Quality Hogs See Us or Call 2106, Clinton, N. C. ' HMBMMSSMMSWBSHBMMiBMBlBSSSlllM V Clinton Livestock Rlarket OPERATED BY LUNDY PACKING COMPANY Buying Days Are Mondays Through Fridays 8 a. m. Until 5 p. m. r Value Homes has come to your area and as an introductory offer we offer you a complete three piece bath set with the purchase of any Value Home during the month of May. Just think you get this, our exclusive hardboard siding, Douglas Fir framing and three coats of paint-7 FULL YEARS TO PAY with life insurance, fire insurance and storm insurance included in low monthly- pay ments. Be a satisfied Value Home owner. Enjoy life Value Home representee An outstanding meeting of Min erad Springs Ciub was the work honor of Her fourth rear. The Yog Bear motif was carried out, the cake was vr''oi "en loppc with four green candles. Refreshments were birthday cake, ice cream, drinks, potato chips and candy to the fifteen guests present. Mrs. Robert GraJ; Mis. P, C. Shaw assisted with the party. Your Hogs Titj'-rrf nearest you today. YojII as ; ; 6 N. C OFFICE TO SERVE YOU BETTER FayettevUle, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. iZ HiLiV 2504 Raeford Rd. 3316 Market St. ?n J i! 7 P. O. Box 606 P.O. Box 936 V e HU-4-2277 RO 3-3041 aj, waw , , Raeford, N. C. Luinbertoni N. C. Warsaw, N. a 401 By-Pass 74-301 A South 103 College St v I. O. si6x 145 P.O. Box 321 - 29 3-7185 . rhop held In the RecreatioA room .f . Bowden Presbyterian Church esnyierian unurcn L . i " 1 -i met fof ' on , Upholstering; ly at nine o'ciockT id Aprtt ltf, TM'"thember'i' day workshop chairs. Promotlv they began arriving wkh chair and elegant luhches ' k , ' , , . , Mr Norman Parks, flo-re Fur- f' SAtlS u. .i,. i,'dow of the late Jobflt Henderson fs jf ' . wlf k -dled ly Tuesday, night at ben Zl:- T" rl 7 keneai5eulaviye.' J Mr Leon -Taylor. Two chain , .. , i , , , , j , f were . .completely upholstered be-" i FuneTal services were held at th . gming with spribg to be repaired Beulaville Baptist. Church . Thurs and strengthened. -" i day afternoon at 3:00 O'clock sand-, ' ;'.-' - ucted by Rev. Jerry DeBell.' pastor, At won. work was temporarily , assisted". by RevJstephen Smiti oH Ipid aside and an hour of feHow- Beulavile, Interttierir Wai to c thf ship, recreation and food was en- j Family Cemetery ne the home. j: ed. Each member, paid one! 7 " ' ,it..-:il, , dofflar for lunch. 'This money will 1 She Is sur;vei-by. one;1Bhiughtei be donated to the Duplin County 1 Mrs. Steadman Wilson,, faff son Home Demonstration treasury. ' I German and Archie Henderson. al$ The afternoon session included 0f Beulaville and AshleJ"flenW a demonstration on miniature bou- s(m of Teacht ; Thirteerf grind quets. Mrs. Leon Taylor, chair-; ,.i , . , 'iAhi ZlLZit'Zdiji man of Arts and Crate, was in '-'tren and sixjgre&t gran chlloV charge of this and S number of ren , . , v f -: $ lovely miniatures were made. " . . . The members agreed they had d t h eek& acomphshed much in the work, sanjtarians studied iatest a the .rtterest shown and m the inlormati0 on miik, dair fellowship enjoyed. 'products, meats, meal-product The Minerrf Springs Home 3nd poultl.y products. 1 emoiftration Club attended 7 A: . .- .. : ,,,,..-3 Wi i! Belk-Tyler Co. with tenr i fit' ' ;7K Double stitched cups give lovely firm con touring, flattering support OuwedtflUnneH'' S lined band stays flat and smooth. A mighty pretty way to give your figure lift... and i your budget too! It costs so little in a quality construction home. Contact your be glad you did. . ; . , 875-3738 . RE 9-6319 church services" at .jwii..n Cw ?ir munitiy Presbyteri' n 'Qburch lit munitiy rPresbyterif ';tiurpfi lit a group on 5.. y. nwJog; APr)l 80 ' J J"'" " V -i J " J " 'Jf r-T,.1--! 7" V MBS. ELIZ4"i.:i)EItSON Mt. Olive LOVABLE'S Dualift-' Brat ' unique dual-action straps for 0 Most , . comfortable; even, lift '-:. to loojc Lovable " ONLY $; jpo-' .. r.. r r fj'-.''i' 1 r 5 ;

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