i. . in ' " 1 I I 1 f-ITe'-rtil At Ti Pfc t ' i- eoi 1 oUaa Biattaa , " "!-. uT:e, Di) t-I-JIebt M-t . J tZ-Ot . . I I 'USi tfM pot tmi la Papua, Lenoir, ' laiu k, Onslow, fender, SmbImm.: Nmt - Uanarw m4 Wayne 5 eoaaiietf $tM per year eaiaJde thai arc fas North Caraltaer . ed !. pec rear elsewher - - ' - . Advert bring- jratot .awtehe on geaaaas , ' A Daplb Ceaaty Jearaal ."dfwtod to the eHf toa atateHal. 3 aeUaaa.i acajMMVtia MrHttKaral ierrlapmeai af Capita , realty... ) t ' s- " - " ' . 1 4,' l a flannrv Raaaa i t i" r ' I fl;f ibhal llospifei Week May 7f4 J-ZHfty t,horimuniiy's interests and goals,'perhaps rn$: franks higher than the health .of its citizens. Most ti HSJt 9 ltart of health much for grant- j-m w urotvipc example, tnat the hospital will be therfe'lwhenevere'tieed it , ; '.eutlfwon't.Be Unless we as citizeas of the commun- itV rrtilco hnrnd tfnrt 4L- . )., V. j wuuuuu I riy rnara spnjeffo?t,dake some interest, and offer out Wtw., .timtitutipnt which-'Stancb guard over our healtK. v- ' , r t ?;,,'. ' l Vtfttilililj,.i j '. , J 2- ' v Yz3??rd of thls, today; the opening on Na- fpnat .ttospi.taj. Weekvrwhich ha thyeap as its theme?1 t.T. T---f:-y ; -r. w sninnaSlbeen Well identified. . to'.lho&tiwhdtnrtd'rt: 7ff.tnt ine xare jeryejia a wfchcfc ag5iist disease in the Prtmyritiriitw vstirf; Kfn. . j . . . lW f'Tl1 m Bupporj pi me SlXXlificallv.tilrnmmiinifw't. .UJ V t .i. . 1.1. . SSfr0Ub P,enal fWf:H. vpaytneni prpgram wnlch; i ' Apital.care.of its members-through , i ' WPSI reimbursement to; hospitals forcar?of Popto enter halth careers;. i- - - w. 1 ? S2Sfd? too often: unsung; job' of ? KSng b ?le H the lowest oVsibS ' - COSt., WehoDe-VOU Will loin ns iivT WiVMw; JS v ; . JThevfelforl the "taimlrx. store wtataft-nlgiit jna'v aiaowthigVv ; item front the. Guvernment- saying 'i erfcafaW ' I kT Coollttleput god wordier : the 'i-;aBoiriai-fcVswW' , wasa't -costing him halt aa mucb as : tt Guwnment. He Oatgered crowe hadatnjost him nore'n $4 annual -? and :h .wished. he, coudt say the , V same -ter ;ornment ; , Teke Grubb-aaid he .waigiad the subject was brung- up qn account of him not taking; that crow, deduction n his. income Jtax report;. He said he sumetf.,tovK; h0me and. write H( oo .the, brn , door, atonj with, his . t other records, eo'a he- wouldn't fcr- crit. ttr npvi' nw On ear. Am tkm.nk said Teke, ain!e It was deduetable. , . ------ j . V .. DbVUJIu 1. 1 1 ui streu ma cruwa was a :uiuc i PlY for yffiffi&fo.y faiThar r nfiiti ' ' t.s .!, K. C Co;:?. Seat a J .TT ! t plaal. Eeaaonllle, It. O - t." .,. KenanaaUt,. Ut C. vcijr ujApuiuun reiauon Thp hnsnital nmvi ,a,i.iXA.i". in- Hospital's curreal nmmms SeiTice a volunteer; thro. worst kt nis pUe than over at Ed.',. maybe about a 18, deduction annual.,?. ' ...f---.:: UFrem .crow tte iellers natural got to, talking, about corn. On thing about a session at the country, store, the various problems, home and abroad- is took, up in logical order and; solved afore adjournment. In tbe tSongress. they is apt to go from tcrows to the Cpngei 1ft the same meeting and hoi the whole problem, over fer the, aet adminisr tratten. Bug Hoekttm brung bb. dW Idea come next fall, of baying; e!4 lastuoned corn shuckin? to Washr mgtoiu. Bun claimed, that a com shucking at the national level wou ld: do more fer good wilt between f hfl flirmpn SkrA frtnfrroca than a new Amendment to the Constitution u was agreed Dy air tnat tne fer Safet? & iceiioiav iETTERTWuXEVER V' ' Esteron 99 STOPS WEEDS ... saves moisture and fertility in corn, small grains and pastures troublesome weeds can .rob your growing crops of needed moisture arid soil fertility, fow, you can stop (his loss jn your , corn, .smal grain and psture with Estsron 9' , a versatile, easy-to-use that's more t effective than old-fashioied material ,: . kills, a wide jange of tough broadleaf weeds easily sad effectively. Discover for yourself, why more farmers use Esteron 99 than any other brand of 2,4-D. Sse ut today. ' TfvJmmrt TU Dvm Otmktl Compmay - Virginia Carolina Chemical Co. ' DeWltt JlcGowan BeulavBle, N. C. rtiHa ill f 4 A,y'Arf i IV I U s& .' I II I , mers should have charge of -this na tional corn shucking. If the Con gress handled; It, claimed Bug, the cost would raise taxe. The formers emilrl handle 'it eertnnmic and wtthv out any long debates: On protocal, 1' 2 ""J" sair- pug the Senator from Indiana wou- id want to set. at the head com W senator om row would challenge the distinguished Senator from Indiana and by the tirije they got this jettfed; the crows, would ;) ufrthe corf , f v Monument, aact in. piaces arouno them Guvernment building that wpul eonvenjent. .then invite wM owr iiw saw, a de doua barbecue chicken dinner pre cious barbecue chicken dinner pre reel with etow would be served ent ConeressroeB. - allowed zeice, would never knew- the difference. ter'dwciae a little publi- w Vours truly, Uncle Pete CIIAIIGES III SOCIAL (Field BepresentaUve, Social Soc ial Security Qffiee) Ia January,. 1S1, -more liberal rules on earnings by social security beneficiaries went into effect, .the familiar $1200 figure ' remains' the same but there the similarity ends: As. before, . earnings of $1200 or less will be, permitted without penalty, However, under, the new rules,1. for each $2 earned from $1200 to $1500, $1 of the beneficiary's (or his lanv jUysH benefits wi be withheld; For ever tt of earnings above $1500, $1- of beenfits will be withheld. Family benefits are all payments to the beneficiary and his family based on tne Deneticiary s social secure itv record. . -I. There will still be no loss of bene fits in any month in which neither wages of $100 are earned nor sub stantial services in self-employment rendered. Also no, benefits for any month the beneficiary is age 72 or over. The earnings of a dependent or, survivor of the beneficiary affect only that person's own benefits.. -; AH wages and net earning! ffom Da You; Uave Pine Tim ber Pine Pulpwood hv Land With Standing Umber -For Sale? ' -Call or Write -ROBERT E. -WARD i: ! Pulpwood Dealer K P; a Box 172 fiV Wallace, N. C. Home PhV Office: Ph. 28 94031 A TS-2870 Rose Hill r ' Wallace 'rr t Yard Ph. : f AT5r2392 t Wallace ;lv , 1 Officti In Wallace 1 Open Mon., Wfed., Fri. j if: i SECURITY self-employment must be- included in computing earning on which to base, deductions. Remember, how ever) investment .' incomet- savings, and pensions are not counted. . ' For :. further .information about earninrs after . retiremept, write your social security office at 14 S. St., Wilmington, N. C i - BIBLE FACTf OF IIITEREST By EUa V. Frldgea - IS KNOWLEDGE WISDOMT Proverbs 1:7 ' a v,-- "The fear of the Lord is the be ginning af(knowledTe: fools des pise wisdom and instruction." "Kno'vledpe is proud that he has learned so much: Wisdom is hunst;-iiB'tt-ety ,bf the wise VEUS STOCKYARDS FA1XA1S. R. C. AUCTION EVERY TlWKSDAV BUYING AND SELLINGS . DAILY f OFFICF PHONE AT 5-22151 D. I WKIXfl NIGHT PHONE AT l-EMl . JACK P. WEXLS NIGHT PHONK AT 5-2511 v Low 5 Bank IIIJEriST Oil Automobiles KenansYi'lle Prepared by tier-' t I -!) ;j fresbyterlan J-.aur College , Max ton. North Carollr '. It is wonderful to have a warm ble that he knows no. more"' and S therefore teachable. . - The huge number of people Invol ved, the nuge sums of money spent u. educational enterprises are ex amples of man's- searcZi for wisdom In spite of our massive' efforts in, behalf of education,' their is a wide spread of uneasiness about our re sults. The prophets of old and our modern prophets do ' not confuse facts, which may e true today, and false tomorrow, with truth which remains forever true. , v " 1 1 .:'"'. .;v,','. ':' '"r'-y.,- y:'-yx- !''' They keep their minds open to the new facts that appear, but for eternal truth they go to it's source. which is God. We have a remark tween knowledge, and wisdom in able example of the difference be- th? last few years.. Never has thej world possessed so . much know-1 wage about, the: world and- about men: never has 'It possessed less wisdom. ' It can produce vast quart tjtiea of food. Enough to eed a' peoples: However, It does not havr wisdom enough, to plan a way to feed all peonies. It has knowledge enough fo break up the atom and" release it's energy, but not enough wisdom to harness that- power for the good; of roan only 01 ' J, We" individuals have aA the facts we need, to know- in order to live intelligently ana ell, but we dr not have the wisdom to put what we know Into practice. - . u , Hos. 2:6 reciared "My people are destroyed top the lack of wis dom." Jerwilnh 4:6, Ignorance and re- sponetbilitgr mark the false proph ets, an ignorant man does no' know what is ri.tor what is good.' uWith all your knowled"e, . get- 1 ' ' ' ' Ja -.. ..v , . . i ..." ,:!-'-'.'.". ,. . .'.:'..''. ;"' ' , . W4 5..V ' . ' t Rose Hill Member' Federal Deposit Ins, Corp. with proi.t. spring day, especially after a spel Of rainy, cool weather when the wir tec has lingered on in the lap of spring. Early in the morning, aftci refreshing , sleep, one f seems more sensitive io the sounds of, awaken ing life. The birds are twittering c cacophony of melody; High over head a flock of geese Qy by,' callinr to each -other j in intermittent quacks Doves are cooing to each other. , ' - i "For lo, the winter, is past, the rain Ut over, and gone i The flowers, appear on the earth, Ute time of singing has cpme, , and the voice of the turtle dove ' is heard in our land." -; . Song of Solomon 2 11. 12) man of old. V e t heed his words to. s FOR : ALL FOP.EIGM I 7TIRE RECAPPINd. w'f FLAKES 'TIRE Wifmington Hwy. ' , ' 1 NOTICE CHAS. F. CATES & SONS", INC, 'ot Faison, N.s C, is now accepting applications for FEMALE'enr ployees - in seasonal and - non-seasonal .; processing jobs.'.'.'1 - (. V : Selection of ferhale ? employees is now1' being based on results of apptitude tests 'heixig Rive by the North Carolina Employment Security Conunis- v Any woman interested iiji ertpfoynufit wtk tV F, CATES & SONS, Inc., mdy file'appiatitidff al, the plant in Faison, Monday through Friday of each . CHAS , F. CATfS Faison, ;. 1 "V '.;Vr;' -,'..':--v ",;V 'v.';.: "4 : -. '. J. c-Ti' ' . y. :' ':",'' " -j t 'I v.,v,:i ;:t - v.'-"' " ' ' ' '' "''' "- .- - .,. v:v.. ', , 4 i-: . i-'i- .;yy ry'-Jfy-'w .' , ,'.,' - -1 v-. A-r 'f rai!v",- i B , i .' ti -j V V 9 , - i-s i aWWh'i:.-' Beuloville KV.7 I 5?'S'i; r lENTEEPRISE J FEED R1ILL rentxr Meant Olive SERVICE ivi.1' ; iX'.k--' if Vi'Vil'i ' i'" llfifi, V?' - Gin ton, V(. C. t . - " ' v ' J ' ' .' ' . LT 2-2309 SONS, HC N. C, ssaaaaaaaBSaaBBBaaaaaaBai ,.t w. Ik.-J I - - ;i.'.: Leuan for May,'? MV tt ft BART' Is a word -whluh I r O changed Its meaning .In course of.tme . wnnn u. i es, who Wrote th Bible, us. it, ,they Seldom meant the pby t,"ren. tit the. toddythst ;.w aot-i uhde'rstfWfl untd 'about years ajn "Tn usually meant s a'";fls;ure of ' speech. S do w t . butJwlth a dlfftOv ' ence- Wh'n Fp Dsh-pakuig 1 pie, use. the-wo f j. ", J'heiru;,.-! -inost often me. f ' the emotlosS) - e i Iw.. FaraMaa peclallysconnery.i ei'with loVe.or.the capacity ft f . tovei, But when Hebrew used tl word to the lsnguUte; they uj eny'meant shfejholB.Jrirwer Jlle.? , kU ,here s; In- nan .1b ln physical, n ;tiat ' ttxaov-W Ssfved -wjth)..Vicxafeope -Or Jcvd with irdorotomefc-vn -that bo be weigh (heOOr'-.ineasutM'ioil jr , aay-'Sealsv: by fit Kr-?t " 'lta the. hearT when you sneat the phrase t the Blble-Mlpei;n ' Wln theltace whert yeU.psc jreut :;motioip,-. whera ?jrou;4y' your thri;:ss 1 means to the Whole inner -sel U nns Jn tW'mJnjt In tbe hsbtt.' 1 Ibe- attitudes S life, 'Two JMngfc, aye' specfall AiantloiMd la .toe Preverbs which Jve, been, seiected 4tr our study tbis weak, that shouia De Mpi "ua the hwt'J Ob 1 ttta Comma wf tnent the will at UOd. lor bumn life. That it the vUat where they Aaw to b written, tflhdo any fopi? Tb 'I tOHmaodmenU , W' hnnhL.iK-axcroll haaBinff DTiUk on- uwwiaeA io atalnedn ffssl winn -you, eea .abut yon, eyels to th.t3e. or yoQsn.forfet them But write the&Von yqur heart and yoa ean't forget themi Wen, tothe oee, wUl- uv', I mernorized th . Command.menta andistlll efted- jt don't keep themwthat't because you .jtisfput'tfi Commandments tn,i , . Into yeur- braliv 4 row. braj forgets .pratty seslly. They -have to' be faMcribedk cut deeely as with an eng' -iver's tooly Intoyour whols Inner lae your iuud spirit,, attt- ; tudes, . notionv pars onality, the ' Whole YG&.Theothet thing tPro. 4:20-21) I "my words,", that Is. to say the words of wlsdpmvfWlsdoni ' has to be put insids and kept -side, ; Knpwledga can i be puf li , books ana eat on. inference sheii ' " But wisdom bB,tobe tarred 'around1, w'th you and y6U'Cap"t ' carry wisdom, in a book-bag,: ;! v ; i Had H ever; struck, you that thp ,, 'jBible aaves .uses-that' expressleq, : ,"wiukaU yurhKt"' Tha E4-Mh.ejprsstoB,.''h-heartedt.jjs , - not meant' as compliment.', A i half-hearted effort is a feeble one, 'f . , A' half-hearted assent Js S r"yoi' toat ha eohoes of "no" In it. Ho ; .younf man.-wants a glrllo tell him i - she loves, him with half her herj. t , . ' Piycbiatt3ts.taJkpowadayabot : ; , split paraonallties and that's e jctly b half--heart . nieaaa. pchdly. istihis true -"TruM i I in a fcorAwith Q your, besrtf xms aoasn ijiear wp anouia npw , at. iaa any- selji-cpnAdence j;t , ' does not forbid, as tor (nist !eur . I ' (siaads, or even (oa occasion) p4 (easuteaacerC It 4oes hold before : va.tlie tm)th tbathatf-trustiagal i - Is Uka elimbing the Alps fastened to the guide, with a half-tied ropf ftetTw TkaHeW' V. 'jlr " Out-or the abundance pi the heart s man's mouth speaks; stld jeiui of Nazareth; The' ("heatt?' . ' is not a lafety-depoiit box bpeiiad only on rare Accaslons.' The- heM? ; is nota slow-trowing plant bloom, . Iny no4 la a lifetime The.hearA t always outflowing, wacsriiyt k help It. We cannot keep oVrselvas to oursalvcv even if 4,shut Svt.. -(poth areVefuse tp,speakto any -' onar weax siU gwinj Wy wht kind of. persons we.' are 'JFor.' the " i heart is the way you are, ;inald1. : ( nd sooner orJater the"heart glv (ft -itaway'rt,t .n -( . jj fl I i: Out ,af 'the . heart;' flow -'the J ,"sprhigS el life.? (Pro. 4:23) sad . Jhl means more than WoYda fVS S the deep meaning, of (his grr ai truth' is this : If yoa-' are going to : ... be a spring of hia. and' not of' - death, to those around you;.! ; your, lilt It to revive others' lives ' as . a spring in the desert revives ; a fainting traveler, it can only b , ?o U there is within ye a life Uih' - overflow! The htart that how 1U life for itW. perishes : 4 -- " ibihI SfUiMa tarrifkt . lk DHrla CarUUsa .4t.i t iloul Cd :W lk Ckarh,( ChrUI hi lb C. S. A. SMMMi .Cmsnll! Prn Srrle. . '.. ..-. : 5 fl a1 r. Quietly reliere ntRglng paint 4 tintd, lore, aching mux: let , 1 STANT-AK PowaUr or Tibl. i. STANBACK S owluoawcn of meut- eally f mven 11 rr ,:iem l,.r relt f of pain t rut i J t vn 4 mirVably comforting reiiKj. i 1 f" "ted. iiep bak 2iA....tu,, K i 3 V :

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