I.. V7 J i X I S3 it n ! f -: a- ubuih .ui uurs.nan-y. craicner last wees, 'were her brother, 'Mr. Robert O. Ricks of Miami, Florida end .uUvawi' Mrs. Lnlher Williams of Emporia, Virginia.' - . ' Mrs. Jeryl Wilson and Mrs, $.""$. lhjlcb-ew made a business tup to .Camp LeJeune tFriday, iff 4pll IMJIA lfa. - JBOQU UWUN BIU Mt, and Mrs. Henry tSevena. Iff fit Warsaw, spent Friday - through .ted'AfrS, ;iyde Brinson and :ittiide4 , the Owens . Minor I -i 'John Will' make their .au tb boaa..r. over them Barbara rthomaa Qtojday. ;ijuie d Bodecker CbriatifeAs1 Show In home in Beulavflle, They plan W wlth faDer and decora' with draw I tilck .Hodge remained with bis gr-' Wilson last week: , O" .: .-m-.v the first part of August. Mr. .' If you like. jidmother,' Mrs. Ham Brinson fdr :a weeks .visit. - ,x i., . ' .( i-VCueita of Mrs..' Archie-Lapipr,shaw aa .aaugniei; vween nave Sunday wera her nephews. Bob 4 . Jim Henderson from vuiuv i:r' k Mrs. Grace Clark and (Mrs., itfim MuMrow were at ; Topsail eah tbbrsday.i' Si .'A'-.'ilt, HAscWe Muidrow. Jessie Mw'ndi .July Muiarow spent '- IM day v at Carolina Beach and htlsndeda i aanve hi 'ine ucean nsza aaiur- " 'pay night. i - r. , '-t ' I ; , Mrs. Kit Brinson and Mrs! .Mar- I tha Sanaiin attended the Farm and Home Week in Raleigh last . ieefc, Home Week in Raleigh last weeb, ronrocontino thiViJ,tioin1vi.rwr.l. onstration Ckia'! 'V 'i,;4tf '"Khteiv and son4n-la,w4 Mj-i and .Mr. and Mrs. Kit Brinson visited Mrs. Russell Saudei-son and Rusty. Mrr .and ''Mrt;; Harold J.,;njth;,',in ' Mr- and Mrs. Reynolds Batts end Pjnk Hill Sune;aftetnnoBr f. daughter Jeesie of Hampton. Va. 'Sunday didrief guests of 'ir." and'" ' visited .rlelafives in Beulayllle last Utif. .'BolanA'4aRaatt'.'4ir eVi .Week... f. - and Mrs. Joseph Ingram and child-1 Mrs. A. T. Shuw has returned ren and ReV. Walter- Sutten'.-Und home after be'wr under observat sen; of Williarttstoit, N. CWfi ffVun .jicn in 'Chapel Hill Hospital for a Tne following pwuirea Jnqm, Ihe , Free Wil Baptist; Church df. Cabin. I n.ina r,un,n i.. ui.. I J in fllack'MonirtainiftM-Weekr Want Jgt,:'.h- MmerAmtimm.riM)l "75 suver l!ia Wandaiful Afteragobdbtjfht' hljfht's' slein; tid tou ' 1 ttlU feel ttred outr. Often this i run-down feeling li due to "iron- . Hungry Blood simple iron c. dflelnc'nmlit), Thn if ,; needless for most women to suffer : if such awful weariness, . ii-i -v . Take Lydla E. PtnkhanS Tab X l lto. only ttron tonic made espsl,. cuuiy ior women, twen--ur Irani .,: uv fa Plnkbnt Tablets Sl7rt- t9 , FEMAU Alt MEMT$ Tsalous tydia E. Plnkham't Vegetable .'.Compound OJquid) also brbigs blessed relief from the miser-: ; able discomforts oti&angv-tfilife and monthly pain. , ' i I ;fe:':"44v''' pJ?;10 ?'ff-nrs vvu It sataouR TOBACCO WITH ...v . ' 1 ' . L.' ... K.. .. ' I liretjSlv i 1 1 W j..4.i.V.i..;t;J,:irt:; Jf" t J5: :; .',: vTr-' i.f it.: ' 4 V --' v ; ' -i A Sale EVERY DAY! PLANTER'S NO. 1 '4-ii ' ; ' ' Phone Planter's AAAin 8-5731, Fairmont, N. G. -Call US 1 ''' u . Li j L. w ' SvbiVlnier Cy;8-4286i fV! Dean . Bostic, Ellen Mercer, Esta Joe Kennedy, byivia mercer, Car olyn Taye Kennedy, Craig Mercer, George Norris, Phil Khodes,? .Law ton Turner; Jr. They, were accom panied by their jrastyr. Rev.'Josehp Ingram, , ; - ' :. Miss Sue Clark of Beulaville and Mr. Wilbur Keed. of. Clinton were married Saturday, July 22 4- Ph Carolina. Afterwards : ey P'ttt llte week-end withMi-. nun aaca. rwiupiiusuu. - i Nit.: ana ' Mrs. MUSseU tSOStic. . . , , , , , . . . , . Mrs. Pam, Everett, and Earl Hat - mW'. and Mrs. iijnry T. jarman l Jacksonville Jaiid Colon feiurnea.. some unei viamng jvjf, and Mrs James Hiii itfyictorville, ;Vrtyttss Mary Francis Bostic has returned Q Wauace where me is fWloyed, after being confined -to her home due to illness. Mfc and Ma-s. Cecil I Lee of Kin- ston, Mr, and Mrs. Henry T. Jar- au tiu wib. man jaexsonvme ana Mi s. iA - olon blaw na aaugnier goieen Pnt last weekend at Whit tfiltej ' ' Mr- and Mr K-''- Clark ' of Mr- nd Mr M.0; Clark'or Memtfliis. Ttnn. are visitiua tliefr Jew., days. The public is cordially invited tv, d.ui t w....;...- -! v, en' -Sunday- July 29 to a covered 4idh.4imaii.at 12:00 O'clock. Bring BloeaStrenglhening t strengthen your fel blood within one , I Thus quickly help build rich, , red blood .. . to restore strengtn and energy so you feel fine again fasti If vour blood is bo starved for iron that you Just drag through the day, get wonderful lydia S. Plnkiiam Tablets from any drug store today. Then )st iee if you dont soon feel like a new woman again. 'J; oi r; QUED? it ksr- iii ni ii as - Tuck -G.P. Roysfer-W. M. Daniel At 'S WAREHOUSE ,,,W"'f.-'.,.(. j- " FAiRMOIIT;fll; C. i . FOR RESERVATIOIIS- L u j y V-, i a dish. This Will be the last ser mon delivered by Rev.' Held rw4n befoi he leaves for Kew Bern.. Mrs. Carl Hortie returned home Tuesday ni)'it afuer spending a few' days with her ' father -Mr. Willie Jonas In Duke Hospital. 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Sandlm had cords. , ' i 1 dinner at the Dlnmy Shore In Surf A -file for storing your collection City Sunday. Mtw J ey vistteoV of records cap be made from a cer friends in Topsail Beach) ,. el box. flere are three simple steps Friiiitds of Mlrs. ,York Lanier are to follow: , ; i , Isorrv to Itann 'that -she is Confined . to her home due to illness. v I Mr. and Mrs. Lou' Hallow. KM Hallow is connected wiUi.';?The Eeacca Homes".. v Birth- AFMCUriC&tll&nt I M, jiiu mis. nriiiiaiii ncu iwiiiu ! rif tt'utiittsiwilla anvinitrtA thfl hlrth .. ,.-..1 1fun UT!mnM HTnll TAMrl fo ,,.,Mnl. 'c. o..inn n .inlv 7 at Cape F'ar Valley Hospital, M,.Si Klnd is the former ,Misg Ger. .,)in .oi f RmhIbviH .i j b ai ifrci.'MlA AArin UCUIU 1 1 IV. iviuii DiesOfShtrt n . Billy Whaley Jr., 26 died of a self-infiicted gunshot wound at his heme near Beulaville Sunday. I , Funeral Servjoes weUe coiiJuctel I at Hie New Hcpu (.Missionary En 1 .1st Church Tuesday at :3 pi m., the I ,tev, KranK CacmoJy, pastor, oLi oiated, , Burial was in, the family ! cemetery He is. suryivea oy m? mother, Mrs: Bil.y Woaley Sr. 'o she.home; four brothers, Warre Ls Vega. Ney., Rob ert of Km- both of the honie; twosisters, Mrs. James Cfde niUBflUlaMjlje,. ajid Mrs. tay Heath of Richlands. Smith 4-H Club The Smith Ccmmpnity -H.;,Club ha ie its regularly monthly "meeting Saturday,, July ,3 , ,at ,the home of 3lennWUliflms;i Thurtees children and four adults per sent. QJerw Wil liams gave ,, a demonstration i . on Water safetyi c.n '.ir. V . , Refreshments . were - served by Mrs, Bryant Smith, Jr. The.next meeting will be held iin the home nf Mr,i and, Mrs. Bryant Smith, Jr. on Saturday, August 28, at 7:00 P.. M. All, members .will bring their 1960. Record books for this meeting and prepare them for turning in to. the County 4-Hoffiee. .-.I,' . j.., - Record Rack v , By Lucye Turner ' 'Below I, have the ( directions , for making an attractive Record Rack. Teenagers especially enjoy making tnese jot storing their many re l.Cut off the top of the. box i . m n... J : '1 j .1 I i. 1- . w, vwkwnuv me aaw am "r0M o"- ' If you need a larce file, tape sev eral bvXcs together, These box files can also be' used to keep a collec tion of special 'picture's, magazines, birthday cards, or tany other kinds of materials you maywant to keep. B.F.Grady HOC . The B. F. Grady . "o;ne Econo mics Club Met with Mrs. John C. Smith on Monday, Ju!y 3 at 2:00 o'clpak.in tjba ateraoon. The President, ri-s. Faism Tur iie'.r. ''presided over the business meeting" dliriag which the club vot ed to go to Wri jhtsvilie Beach o: the second Sunday in Aiinst foi the annual club .family outing. Those appearing on the leaders' iiro'ram were: Mrs. John Jtfcy Smfth, '..Irs. ,Jepy 0. Smith, anri Mrs. ,Willar-d, Weslbrook. Mrs, ae.H.'jYpicer, Home Agent, gave a 'demonstration on "Per sonal Abearance." It was maJ( very effeatfv with the use of slides ,JEight;;(5lub -members o-i'oyei -Slad pjata -and soft drinks served by the hostess. Outlaw's Bridge News Mrs. J. H5 3Parker. Torres Mrs. Lucy Smith was hostess to the local bridge players Wedncsdoy night of last week. : .Mrs. H. C Poby, Jr. and daugh ters, Alberta Ann and Susan of Al bemarle spent the week end with CVfra. Lucy ,0. Smith, Mr. and (Mrs. Herman Outtawtw vrMr..and Mrs.; Robert Jones, Miss Ponna Lou, and Bobby Jones of Pine Bluffy Arkansas, Mr. and Mrs Ijouib farkeff. and children, Pres ton and, .Margaret Ann of Mt. Olive were among visitors with Mrs. J. H. Parker Sunday night. Miss,, Maggie.. Stroud of Raleigh visited her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs,, (Marvin Stroud Saturday. Mr and ,Mrs, Curtis Simmons have been recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Outlaw in the Bethel section. Refreshing By (fa . . . - - . 3- I -St- 4 &- 3k! ' " ' s ' 1 wfflw I FFA Member Has Turkish Tobacco Proj. .Drop cits in story without cutlines Graham Heath, vocational-ag- riculture student of the Beulaville School, is currently concerned with the successful production of Turkish tobacco. He produced his own plants and set out 0 13 of an acre. ''The quality of leaf produc- ed and price received will deter- Syet n i i i i ii i i i i i I LJ UU LJ Your own experience assures you that electric house heating is clean. Like your other electric appliances, it is flameless, fumeless, completely free of smoke or soot But perhaps you are ford it?" The answer is yes. Electric heat is practical and compares in; operating cost with that of homes now using flame-type heat. And this is a major reason for its rapid re ceptance. Scarcely heard of five years ago, today V .... - lift V f I mine the acreage allowed to this crop in the future', Graham says. The yield this year is nut going to be good because of the tobacco becoming overripe in the field. "This was due", says Graham and Mr. W. C. Heath, his father, "to the excessive rain that fell causing the flue cured crop to require ex- .. .... - -.. 5 -"7S., i, sx"- t7z mi s - i. iiiiffe ' "T '; k,...H. f 6., -"f 4 so reasonable in cost! wondering: "can we af- Personals 4 Milftrd. Wiggins of Morgan, N. J. flew-to Kinston,' Wednesday with a friendly plane andwade a brief yislj witji his brother, Lathan Wig gins and family here, before iur chasing a. plane and returning, to bis .home' . , . , . . Mrs. Minnie Sumioerlln .oiy Mt. Olive, ; Dan and Sam Walle,r at" tended the funeral of their uncle Joseph Williams in Kinsbw FsWay , ' Reoentiy ?Jrs Margaret Garrety of , Warsaw visited Mrs. VeUna Scott. '. ,: ' . '. '1(,nday ni; ht A: R. Moffett and " m . r i. V ly o Ashland, Ohio were guests in the Ro'and Sullivan home. They were inroute to Charleston,. W. Va. to visit relatives there. Thaddeus Dail is in VA hospital yayettewille for treatment. Wednes lay night and Thursday Mrs. Lucy Garner of Summeriin ,'rossrct(is visiled Mrs. Nora Jack san vis'itng the Sam Holmes farn- y Sun-Jay were Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ooc i .IrKer and children of Newton tra attention at a time that the Turkish crop needed harvesting. I He Heaths' appeared confident ili.it they could produce satlsfac- torily and profitably increased achates hoin Sunflay.f1 ",U rcage cl lurkish tobacco, it no' ,a:ket'ng problems are encount ered this year, Turkish tobacco will viry likely supply a signific ant part of the total income to trie Heath farm in future years. Beiilaville Vocational Agricul ture 'teachers are shown with Mr. W. O. 'Heath observing a curing uf a leaf in addition to green leaf in the field. Graham was not pre sent when the pictures were made. SECRETARY - - WANTED Knowledge Of Short Hand Essenticl. SEE IN PERSON: E. C. THOMPSON, SR. Vice-President BRANCH BANKING & Warsaw, HsC. .atr- ,11,.. . a million homes use electric heat. By 1970, esti mates run to at least 6 million homes. ' i Is this clean, modern b.ea practical for the home you plan to build, buy or remodel? To help you decide, your CP&L representative can show case histories and operating costs. You'll also find that CP&L.V special, low, heating irate can make your selection of flameless electric heat a prudent investment in living comfort. ! . . . C CAPtOUNA EOWH a UOHT COMPANY . An investor-owned, tazpaylng, public utility company. 'andTsl;,,.. i Carrie. Scott ... were. visUiJig rcar Warsaw, Fridays wlib 'Mr. Marcla Powell; and fconSf .T v'i" i Mrsu,ilennie!rIgi'aiB1 tnd son ' TJlvid fVlsftel Mrsf-.lGnAfe'Ezzell 'O.Warssw fieantly;-y-''. ,i?Mrn4 Mrtnob Waidrs, iaii4 .'Jau'ghtur..Nellift were Sunday guests Sifyih WiHaro,, Waters iamily, , iuttontoWn.; . " '' MoirJi, Hill of Magnollaapahf ijd night, (inTther' homje,o ,hi : sKtef.-iMrs. Tiny Biiziard. 'j,,-; Thursday of last, Week Ms, , add i.VIrs. T. A. Jernigan of Summeriin Cressroads, Mrs. Ralph Britt 'ipf Lgear Marsh and (Mrs, Buby.Gijay went tQ Durham to visit the Thnr- , J , r man lorniiaufi " e ' During Sunday visitors' in he r t Hfrii.i Ivme wee Mr.' and Mrs. Milton Dixon, KinSton 'nd Mr. and Mrs. D. C. HeWngVaf Clayton. . -4,t-; Week end gupsts of 'tr. ,- Mrs. " vrank Outlaw ware Mr. an Mr$. W. S. Outlaw and baby". 6f -JtTt. Gilead. l.Mrs. Gordon Southerland f ' J4ln ston spent FaiJay with her father John Waters. .'.-V. . i v. r. Mrs. Le.lie Kornegay and' daugh ter Geraldine of Outlaws" !t$r.idf; and i Mrs. Leslie Quinn of. '.Smith- field were visitors iri the -Ralph "s 'Mi ink- JSnmmertiftVof'r.Ttn Olive, Mrs. Helen -Waller and Miss Urena Waller viBitwKMT. .fertile DaiJ Thursday at , , Wayne.. Memptiai Hospital. .; t ? Carolyn Waller o&. iWilsMi ,.s home lor the week.efld with the iamily the William Wallers. .- Mr and Mrs. W. H. Smlth'-apd Melody of Indian Springs were vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kornegay Sunday. ".TV a ) :' i I J I : I 1- .'1 f i r.