I. i .A .-'. J m . A ; ' Higher ; prices ? are anticipated when the' 1961 tobacco auction Sea son ia inaugurated in Lumbertoi), on .Thursday morning. August,'$. ;,; :'-'( Bob Thompson,' Lumberton salea supervisor, said the spirit of opti mism had 'mounted , as surveys showed that hail and water damage was spotty rather than general, p i rwhile "the weight "or the crop may be a little less than last year, ? there is' every reason to believe that f higher prices Witt Wore than offset I that loss '.Thompson said. "In fact we are predicting that 1961 will be a better year dollar-wise, than the fine season 'Of i960,'' ' -. , i ' Once again, the Lumberton mar , ket will have 30 acres of floor space for the auctioning of tobacco, telling 6600- gaskets of tobacco daily, six of the larger firms a mong those operating on the Bor der Belt will serve-as go-between ; as the 1961 crop is transferred from the growers to the i buying compan . les. These firms are'the Carolina, Cooperative, Hedgpeth, j - Liberty, "' .Smith-Dixie, and StW;h? :hM''i ' Opening ceremonies wilr be conr j 'ducted Thursday v; morning at - 9 ' o'clock in Cooperative Warehouse. Among the visiting dignitaries win tfe Fred S? Rpyster, managing di ector of the (Bright' Belt .Warehouse .V.'Aaawtmor,:,.Vi-ii.;... 1 .v-;'-'rf'";- "v1"'.'-1 ' , Mayor R. A. Hedgpeth, a ware ' ' houseman, himself, will be on hand to greet farmers, buyers and visi-U '"Because producers have sought tors. . .-'... t0 row wnat tn8 buye1-1'' nave shown they want,. we leel tnal Lum berton reached an all-time high 'in price average, Thompson conclud ed. Thus.the outlook is good and we'rt very optimistic'' ' FOR SALE jft Lumbef. Jtfottlding, -V Piumbinff SiUM)lies i bash a doors. Asbestos A t SIDING. BOOFWrt OF ALL Sheetfock, -Mortar, ,V . Brick, Cement Buying power will be at its peak this year, Supervisor Thompson said. Three sets of buyers will be sent to the. market by vail the big tobacco " manf acturlng companies and by the larger buying firms fronvall over e world.. - , v Person-Garrett 'Mullins Leaf To bacco Company, I nterstate and Chine American Tobacco Company will join buyers from Reynolds, Ex port American, Imperial and Lig gett and Myers to provide the "str ength which has been a factor in the success of the market over the years": Supervisor Thompson add- s Furman K. Biggs, Pr. is presi dent of 'the.' Lumberton Tobacco Board of trade.' "About the best and most impor tant thing we can say as the open ing nears is that our warehousemen are ready,' the sales supervisor as serted' in Connection with the Aug ust 3rd date. "They have rounded up an experienced staff. A' few new faces will, be seen in the var ious warehouses, but mostly they are old hands at the business who are replacements : for those, who, for one reason 'or another, are not returning, Old-Timers tell me that the market is in the best shape for receipts of tobacco that it has been in jnany. years." V The crop which will reach the market this season will rank with the best from the , standpoint of quality. Very little of the heavy leaf which went Into the hands of the stabilization corporation in recent years is in prospect. Block, Plaints And Builders Hardware. i , OWnER, ;TERRA WTTA Z:j:carter ,. Us.;.VV:-S.: ill!" "-.A V,V.;-;fJ': WALLALI'v i U. riVqjJjCE "deeFwell 'DRILLING - "' , '"' And ;'V.: BLOWING ' " Water; Guaranteed : ; ; . Or NoPay E. L REGISTER ( Register's Crossroads ) . RFD Rose HU1 Phone 28 9-2672 ; What Is Home Without Water V Carolina Warehouse, managed by J. E. Johnson, Eas., Leroy Town send, .Marvin , Roycrofth, s Johnnie Currin, Jr., Johnnie Roycroft. V Cooperative Waremouse, managed by C. E, McLaurin. . i Hedgpeth ' Warehouse, Managed by R. A. Hedgpeth, Leroy Rollins, Horace Hicks, Leroy, Walker, Sales Manager. Liberty Warehouse, managed by Frank White, H. D. Goode. Smith Dixie Warehouse, managed by F. K. Biggs, Jr., Alex Kinlaw, iMilton Huggins and Leroy Town send, Jr., Sales Manager. Star Warehouse. Hogan Teater, D. T. ( Tom) Stephenson. Lumberton three redrying plants include the following: Interstate To bacco Co. W. E. Elmore, Vice-President and .manager, .; : : Whitehead and Anderson. Inc. A. H. Martin, President' and Treas.! Person-Garrett, Inc. Ralph Gar rett, Jr. Vice-President and man ager of Lumberton branch. Thompson's Job on the Lumber ton marcet never stops. He works for the farmer in the Lumberton area beginning at plant bed time and follows on through transplant ing, harvesting, grading, and until the crop is sold and the farmer is happy. He is on hand to help the farmer in anyway possible con cerning -his tobacco from January to January. Entertains Negro Male Chorus On Sunday night July 16. 1961 Mrs. T. I. Chasten was hostess to the Serecta Community Male chorus. She served, baked chicken, cake soft drinks and lemonade with diced cheese. The table draped with a white cloth had a. huge bunch of glads of several motors in 4he center of the ' table which attracted every- ones attention. : Civil Service : . A new examination for Immi gration Patrol Inspector itas been announced by the U. S. Civil Ser vice Commission, for filling pos itions, paying $5,355 a year with the Immigration and, Naturalizat ion Service of the U. S. pepart ment of Justice. j. : These positions offer young men interested to, immigration law en forcement,.an opportunity to begin a career In such work with on-the-job training for positions of great er responsibility. As Immigration Patrol Inspec tors, ' they pat roi areas along international bound aries by .automobile bnfoot by boat, or as observers in aircraft, hi search of aliens who have ent ered or are attempting to enter the United States unlawfully, Vlo experience ' is required for these positions. To qualify, appli cants must pass a written test of verbal abilities. Judgment, and ap titude ' for learning a foreign language--those who- pass the test wjll be interviewed to determine if they have the personal qualities needed for the work. Since the duties are arduous, applicants must be in sound physical condi tionThey must be at least 68 in ches tall, weigh at least 140 pou- nds.and have : reached their 21st birthday at the time of appointment.- - u .v Persons interested in early con sideration should ' apply before September 1. The closing date for G Sam's Drug Store Rose Hill, N. C. receipt of applications is Decem ber 8, 1961. - Fuji information, is given in Announcement No. 263 B which may be obtained, with ap- miraunn anci(L t n-nm m n v nil:. offices thrtughouf the country oi from the VJ&. CivH Service Com- l-mission. Washington 25, D. C. ; WELLS STOCKYARDS ; WALLACE, W. C. - - '.I AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY BUYING AND SELLINGS DAILY " v txeerr BOND A t OFFICE PHONE AT 5-2261 - D. L. WELLS NIGHT PHONE AT MM ' JACK r. WELLS NIGHT PHONE AT S-I5U " i. 4 A 5-' u Ate Sure-To Get The Most For Your Tobacco x WAREHOUSES Fairmont, N. C. f; You Will Find Tobacco Higher Here Our mrst Sale enme HOLLIDAY'S Day b.! .' 1- m r r, n i i .1 1 .n'Y --nil I ' -;. .,';.". .T;-v't.:-'.fi r 'Erntest Frye Will Be On Sale At AH Times And Is Determined To . Get Hie lUghest Price For Every Pound Sold. We Have Proven Time And AgainThat We SellTobacco Higher. Call Jake Burns Collect For Floor Space We Will Be Ready To Receive Tobacco 'Jv Monday, July 31 " ; ' And warehouses Frye 'i , '1 nil r hJ 1 fe mis MSL k m TCa Iggns! Oarisllwiifls Birii: ON THE BORDER BELT- Call Your Favorite Warehouse Collect Re 9-6303 Re 9-3756 Co)elflhi Re 9-6993 "MR. FARMER DON'T GAMBLE BE SURE" Re 9-3352 o o 73 9-2422 73 9-2401 Re 9-3325 LUMBERTON OPENS THIS SEASON With The STRONGEST BUYING POWER In It's HISTORY Every House Has A Guaranteed Sale Every Day LUMBERTON WAREHOUSEMEN KNOW TOBACCO S KNOW HOW TO SEU IT. Lcjjsouoa Warn 9!ikiM Bob Thompson - Sales Supervisor Call Collect Re 9-4963 , H, C. - . - (