.IE, DUPLIN TIMES PabJishe ml TkmUf U KenansvUle, C, Caanty Seal of Editorial kala-M sifte and -printing plant. KaasvUI N. C . , um v. cradt; , -; . ;,, . ' " ' OWNEft and PUBLISHES ,"' i , RUTH P. CBADT. EDITOR ! . ' Entered At The Past Qffk. KeaanivMe. N .C. . , ,,&-' a secmd das nutter -v ';..-TELEPHONE- Kenansvllle, Par 29 Wtl Night t UHl SUBSCRIPTIONS j RATESi n.M per year:- la Duplin,; Lenoir, Janet, .' Outer, Pehdee, Samssonv ;N -Hanover and Wayne coon tie; $4.09 pec yea-; outside this area in North Carolina and 3.M per year elsewhere;. V1. 1 ' .,W ,. . : -Advertising rate famished en reenest. A Dapltn County Jonmal, devoted to the religions, material, educational ecoiomlc and sgrlcnttural development of Duplin Uncle Pete from DEAR MR. . EDtlOS . .J sL, J I see by th papers where the,to figger all the, angles afore h ew Postmaster -General jay the , can us-ass sound, judgenn " oa finances in hit' department is alt Aut of whack. He Is advising that : We got to hike the rate another l4u &. i - txr f' been gltting that song from ever Postmaster V General, -J: Democrat J'nd Republican, ter 40 j year and le finances, git worse and worse nd the ratea git higher and highf. ' r. About two, more Postmaster I jpenerals And it'll be cheaper to Jo see a fellow than write him d letter. . , ''4 I don't think finances is the . ' nly thing out o(. whack in this ' department. Fer instant out here. On the rural route' 1 can mail a ' parcel post package ' weighing ' 7 .. 2 I li . , r. ' aul it into town and git it off fort" E? Doolittle said he was read : 2,. b., tt i h...i u t ling last week where our Guvern- : elf and mail it at the window! WUfe I'flUI IK IIILU IU W II IIIT- they won't take but ,40 pound of ; parcel post. Don't ask me why. It's : the post, office Department that's i drazv. not me. . I f.I ain't aavinv thi niii'l " nm I excuse fer it. Sometimes they is technical reasons fer things that Old Photographs Restored , PORTRAITS Commercial PHOTOGRAPHY .1., Parties, Anniversaries and Identification Photos WE SPEgLUiziB in WEDDING PICTURES LANIER STUDIO Phou6341 WALLACEN. C. Sittings Nights and Sundays By Appointment STOP BUY B.A.K. GAS STATION LOCATED NEXT TO DUPLIN MOTORS WARSAW. N. C. OAS FOR LESS Regufor 27c Per Gallon Hi-Test 30c 4 SM Octane- . 103 Octane 1 AH Brands Of Oil , BEbTON D. MinsHEW OWNERS MATTIE S. MMBBCW , Cash and Carry . BUILDING' Credit If Yen Need It I At .' , t "l$&'jNd.1), r?V: ORANGE 5 Electric BottliogCo. In Wilmington, N. C Chittlin Switch, dotit meet th eye. A teVm has, ; so-aepun. . I recollect onct when a traveling salesman stopped at ole Pa Sedgefield's house and ask him how fur it was Jo town. Pa al lowed as how it was 4 mile .thex.e and 6 mile back. When the salesr, man ask him 'how come, & was. more one way tnan trie, otar. ra told him he walked saighter V" ing than he did coming home. The Congress has been working on this problem of post office fin ances so long and gitting no place that I figgered I better bring it up at the country store Saurday night. The thing hadn't been in committee more'n 10 minutes till the fellers had it solved. . T nf. s ? T. " lor eign aid in the last 15 year, aver aging around $57. billion a year. The post office is coming up short about two- thirds ol one billion ever yr' bi jmj aiiowea as now as we could ; pinch a little piece . of that foreign aid off ever year and pay up the postal deficit. Zeke Grubb claimed that them countries like the Congo and Vietnam would never git about half of it anyhow. , Bug Hookum went, so lur as to favor I pinching off a little extra and : his benefits as. soon as be reaches I making all postal services free.!62 wi" qualify; for as per cent of He said this would olease the constituents and make it nice fer them Congressman at election time. If you folks in town has got any piuuiejiis, master tailor, mail em to me parcel post and I'll have the fellers purertt on the agenda fer the next meeting. But be shore they don't weigh more'n 40 pound. Yours truly. Uncle Pete CHANGES II! SOCIAL SECURITY , ' By Robert L. Hamel (Field Representative, Social urlty Office) . Sec- SAVE . MATERIALS Wholesale Prices fan' te jCUntoii;, , ,. ,.' t ..I 1 Ww-l; wzll, it 0 W 1 MJ ORG AT PL'GASUXO TO K-AFZ THAT SINCE I SPOKC TO YCUZZ - rrvwi tits STAYING AT HOME cvcnngo : . . i 7- ttft "ml e FMOS IT MUCH U 7 rJrb EASIER TO STAY INj X S fT THAW TU rv,;, ' 2iA eXPLAIN f?- ' ; -STAYED .!llnew; ajsdnvwls to the oc lal seeuriterttew, sigaedby Presi dent JUnnedy lat .wk. We men earjtf bMwstt rlgfcte tlmlter ift women, have, kad since t93A,. .-. ; T etange, apaltes te mea .hs- m i years age. an k)r4liasigned tapecially to kel those who are unable to find employment because. , p ; their. ags or .poor heal- tnv.-r': "jix $zg- f ' A rnan: now 6J tfr 65 year s of age can start reeeivtnV benefits with tha. mwtU .of .,AugMSttf,19Sl. ,But if he retires, before he reaches age, 65, the monthharhfluntol, benefit paid t Mm is redueedtf He will contin ue to be paid the reduced amount even after he reaches 65. Dependent widows and the de pendent fathers of workers who have died also can get benefits at ase 62. Their benefits, like those of widows and, dependent mothers, are hoe reduced. ' , For men who retire early, the a mount by which their benefits will be reduced depends on the number of months for which they will re ceive benefits while still under 65. A worker who retires and claims the amount that would be payable to him at age 65 based on his aver age earnings up until his retire merit. If he waits until he is 63, he will get 86-23 per cent of his full benefit; and if he waits until 64, he will receive 93-Mi per cent. The reductions are figured so that a person may expect to re ceive, on the average, about the same amount if he takes reduced benefits beginning before he is 65, or waits until 65. Members of the immediate fam ily of a retired worker can get de pendents' benefits if the worker re tires at 62 or if he' waits. Eligible dependents include a wife 62 or or der, or a wife at any age if she has in her care children who are eligi ble for benefits. The child of a re tired worker is eligible if he is un der age 18, or if he has been totally- disabled since childhood. The Committee on Finance of the Senate, in recommending this cha nge in the law, said "The provision of benefits at age 62 for men wUl help to alleviate the hardships fac ed by that group of men who, be cause of ill health, automation, or other technological change, are for ced into premature retirement b fort age 65.' For more information about this change in th elaw and the other changes made by the new amend ments to the law, ask your nearest social,seCurity office for your free coyp of Leaflet No. 1, Men 62 to 65 years old who decide to take their social security benefits now instead of waiting can also apply for the.; benefits at their social security of fice in- Wilmington, N.C BIBLE FACTS ,,, OF INTEREST BY: ELLA V. PRIDGEN '. .1 Forgive Us ".'. Debts, As We Forgive Our Debtor. , Do You Have Pine Tint' berj ; Pine .. Pulpwood ot Land With Standing Timber , , v V For SaUr. H -Call or Write -ROBERT E. WARD , Pulpwood Dealer P.'O. Box 172v . ' Wallace, N. C, - . .; Home Phi f Office Ph. 28 9-4031 A T5-2870 Rose Hill - ;( Wallace Yard , Ph. , AT 5-2392 " Wallace ; t 1 Office Iri Wallace 1 , Hwy. 41 West CJ v. t. t J . civis apfq&d fnifjtr twjrwvi , .iW M.ll..BH h feelinm iif "l , l , . Yo, "Be kind to one another tend hearted, forgiving onfthother, as A. fiod in Christ foreave Vou " Whe-1 ""JM-0 uer y?. ,ae pus S2 ZtfT1 V,pUm nd political then under law or under grace, maivdoes not find it easy to forgive wrong. It requires discipline; it cU mands real soul effort; Jesus taught this, Te said 'Pray for them which espltefully use you and persecute ou". ( Matt. 5:4tlv Our hjased Master teaches that., without this, spirit of Grace and foraiveneSs, there can be no real fellowship with God. If our praying is to bear the marks of the Master," h rnut be concerned with -a double-barreled forgiveness-that which comes to us from God and that which we offer our fellowmen. ' I Torsive Us. Our Debts." We can't Interpret the phrasa to mean "For give Us for. the money we owe Thee". Rather we are the stewards .m uua vi ail that we posses, s us in it in accordance with God's will and returning to His service speci fic portion. The obligation to ti- e is A debt that Is not wiped out by praying this part of the Lord's Prayer, What Jesus means may be stated in this fashion: "Forgive Us for our failures to acknowledge and ;7 A . u thl niiinii uasnii moat -of the people In, the; ; Third District Although; we are right to the .middle ;o..the( legislative es sion here in the Congress, I enjoy ed attending; the- annual iish fry at bea. JLevei ana noiea wa fnany folks were enjoying beach vacat ions in- Carteret County , - ' I'l , .Quito, a number or people coma to .Washington, for their vacation and mwore first time, take advantege.o Jhe opportunity to get a rejwiy goon iook n weir nair win tiiuiui,tiuaiiY utujjic viu throughout the Third District in - elude she cqngressionai Office on their; (itinerary1 and it is alwaya'.a seBAw.euniBany and continuing in- debnws IbJs indebtedness ?,is greater Jhaa we reckon. We , are indebted to God for the gifts of l(te and death, of talens and ideas. Wt we maeoiea 10 our lamny ror siSJt . I . 1 t : t I- ' l 1 i ter and love, guidance and encor- I . nd,bted t0. ? 'i .ft'W?1","? .ldpm we eujoy, and tlie sociai an ' dwtellectual ideas which we We are indebted to persons whf staff our schools and churches, our hospitals and service agencies our governmental institutions. We are indebted ' to commerce and indus try, for- employment that requires talents and provides our "daily broad". .We - do not- repay .. any stl these debts very well, and need l- ask for forgiveness, As we forgive-Among the peti 'iors of our Lord's Prayer, this onr may well be the most dynamic This Prayer, -will not permit us l tc ask God's forgiveness with ou' making us affirm that we have for given ou rbrothers and are on,r basis of brotherly "ove with al men. It is by forgiving others that w( are able to 'receive divine forgive ness. He taught us to pray: "For give: Us Our Debts as we have for given our Debtors." Next: Lead us not into tempt a tion, But deliver us from Evil. twice a,s fsCst as u Batilr xSs 11 z : Compafcr Rose . Member federal peposit Ins. Corp. mm ' ,ypt CdnflrtMmcm, DAVIO N. NENCERSOM niaiiiri far mn and the members f mylstaff to;baouj: ;frieha - visit us here. , 1 There are a number of .ways Hn whigh .your Congressional, roffice can be of asslstanc ete you .in .vist iting Washington-espeeially wh?n we know of your visit inradvance For xamptej we can rrang for small groups to take a special 9:00 A. M.-; tour of the White, HoUf which ,is Werable W convifv piete than fre fWn'ifr ten O'clock untl4 noon, .we can an maKe ; arnMIKemeiiia tur sycviu 1 tours fit the Capitou Building and issue passes to-visitors so, that yoy can enter the gallwies and see the House of EepreseaUtiyes in ses sion.,, .v.;. :r::: One tour which ean be arranged thrpugh. the ' CongressipnsJ vpfica and -which has beea. very jpofaulaf with, Third Distrfct "visitors, is; a tour of the FBI bulldihg, which includes a demonstration of var ious practices and techniques used by the FBI and a pistol shooting exhibition by an FBI expert.. 'V' we have also, on request,, been able to arrange hotel and restau rant reservations,, get tickets for baseball games as well as assist in. train and air reservations, and it is always a pleasure to provide this service for the folks from the Third District ' , ' I certainly want to urge every one m the Third District iw-ho plan to visit Washington: wr h esummer vacation ?: perl write me at Room 324; House Will Pay Top Market Prices For Water Melons Truck Load Lbthe)ri feeady To S;f See UiL$. .Office Phone' f 'V I hi-' I'l-fbape OL 8-2666 ; :-'.':;; Mount Olive, NC aT -,71 - . j r xo cure H . y;fe finaxxcial i7 Hill -s f.ce C.,v 1! ' i ' - ' . places you woui-. -L..a' U f' while here. One word of aiiii..u: j The White House tour is especial- ly popular duririg the Summer and ( usually stays booKea-up ai leasi; two i weeks 'in , advance.; ? "'..';", ; ( la'hy lWa.rtment..if ,Btt : Presbyterian junior Mnwe Xacth CamlW,? Are you iananese 6r Chinesp?.'' taid to a yourig, prientaj mK and wtnnan ' who werir ready to escort its mJhti Pa'pi p pt' the C. A. T rnm at -me airport m usasa. -Japan. , v. . ot!eilbv Taiwan IV Formosa). Since ft is a Chinese airline 1. thou- ght they might be hlns$y HI an swer lauiiht nw. a; fessoh He isaid, What diftrenw doe it make: we art.atf la;hUii..-i: 1 - "Cine is ' under ChiaDrr and the-tb4f in4ec-Jtbe , firnoerjl I tri$4 ii justif jf w wJaatJavvfrji ; "Ingovernmejrtf,;: ..IfWVV8id ;-ferei-n.i) the .'world needs te Jearrt,,.We ca over-emphasiB dtnr: differences -,w national, loy9Hjj ia jcuttorris, )n;;th color-of our. sktns. ilbng;" .long; ag k Uoki-AW hr-nnhpta tmlpht US ' th-1 the iiuman aces is' :?n Ther h a common ancestry, tney. mm. m ! fr0i 8rw Adam ind no Bytj God said, ''Let us make, man." -He did not say 'Let m m?we, men.'iTer i a nity, to tt human, ffi 1 ra oil hmrtan'hehleS J'f.l. iSfeWaijeti 3 I if il "1 A::!' :w i boV'to like brothers, ana iove wr "s. i- t W iv K iwTU "Of- 'Dors even as fv:.!toiii.w; .1:1U'- Otwia..i txaiimi I ietii tlt-tT,; VFLesson, f pr J.ulr Ml'ttBt'V fp l&)"6. who Jilr'e coriuertedf W , 'tmerera(i('lh ;;' them - Soli?. '.f ipaopl1- re(thp-nVntal('i. : optimistic others atf by 'nature, ; pesrtmists;'., nd.V they : -ftsj -thti; way after conyersioh 1f 'takf ir, . r two aircrrr.:ea , ti)- Mttw. court.' one. -'.a;': transport,', i. theotbe'l hgfi( . plane1; i A ;ar',nji kath planes !,, ' (S-lere turn1 . to -the; tight,. perhaps Ww 'J ctesl mnmd'itakl - fJK-lf'we.SP.W.- iefrev.nirttVr Atvettwnhej'ysW f , 'fltheitmpt p,ipettittig mi. .ktV? i ooptrs.V'l5f t':- AUtti, y-wsteVj tnaD tMsii 'L tornih qmskMOhi oijthe hsd; .:;vertioir(c.i! mtn(J,fbut: k was aer for him MJteUaWw: pleVnt '(a'civK jh ':.,bi' f. & :.ftgvf. - Ia.:i!V :L'.-'."l.-i'.- j paints - over V4U ,, wnnpwel .n ; ! lafail ;. ( What a. diSrfiil' wnrid thlssf Th Ijssr'.? a-'gUiss ' windows and iflffcps' tttem poHsh'e ' 'BTpiU. iontkide' tha1 ? realist says a The. opMfflisf "srfys, . ' 'n;yoe;f'--pessVTVsH'Se ' j how jJoVeljr ftw world"to fr ' ' Twi:,,Mf l;-5rVirt-i., - j a:0 But (he, man" U Wot a. pei, . Thdmas.. like others dr tus sori '.:onjeWmes';;. Ip..' Vr.: jnfoY;ptg,'' slriiiniitbut'rtgaln Christian realists) enm.wbea ; he V takes the' darkest-j-flew possible;. '. be' does not' lose hs fiitlvOtn- th ' . ocoasiqn' ;.en jssus'f wnt.;' -ib Lazarus -.-diedV-titi.-wa-. ' kpwn fact vthat,, ftyifltum, v wanted ' to. ' have.; bM jirrested. : Thbraas thought -nV would' eome.'t - wofrse '.than . jirrest.i;'HLtJ".is"'.gi- : rf ?9ii IM ; nn !wtth; nim.3 . f ;.V. V fc- ' TT';i ! '.lord. .tw"d.ftol. fcna A6eMrV,;' I oil srt gcidng, to-esa'Wfl knw( j the -; wayn-t,He W videntlyj oompletelj ; -j,weredi.: "But. he jdld not leave the tsble, asJudasr. did. ta'go ourk-ttolhe nighVlhfi i was at a 'low -point He .as' good ' las admits He"aoes not understand 'Jesus' a-: alLt-"We don't ! taowr; wn.fcn'i wjini aT,wiva,.7. wa.idihg iS,',e'srjiiesjli I jUwlUsnisiH ' the . woiefc of T-rhomui - .vna.l f :',where"'yoii- fc'-JtJ' headed'.' scundSj1'-.-- i very much iHe what the HagUshi-s '; '"tjalfc a veta.nt oeonfldence. Bi - ; .Thomas stayed) on. Where r was Setu beaded?, He dldiwf-ksww. ' - Rut .'ha ' aa . M '- JriiiM knW." . ' lafslisttf ThomafltV kioown Irst refusing 'tobelleve thai?, fbiy, ' surreetion; efr Jesus 'waslns tetusS , -taofc.. To teVmore 'axact,-.' WSf-v '-' fused; .to '.believe -on, thi:'evtdnee; . j ol his friends.' Thomas never sslAj '.The thing's impossible, I'B, neyeri , ' WleW-wliatt'iA?.'s?fc t r effect, was '"ivmay. be Pss4e ;' , but 'I '.can't take-' tt at second-j i-.' hand. VI mas see fee', snyseli' tft 'j: " , I beUeye,: It wfll b only tt Jesu.a ; teUing-, -v -'j' v.-&fi ) esaet) -rnty nave. been -otlendeil) When e;ot'yoin-; friends, teUow Deiievetnei oi you, h gewini i shia-.tslr hlmt.ould a'nsa) , aWr-W.-sklh. ; But ttdld,!np!t,iiti f. TSomout,; 'and' tit ;dld voot put t.- -'-V f, -p - 4 IBetjlia;'nW I ; V 1 1 .nieibs. was'there too.i.",'vi ii- , be. eauea a kaouDt i,o j wuuna ' r; deubt. but , tanorarlca'. .t. rides, Wmt 8boi a man'i eaed k '-l . ' b . .n'kA . .h. mm, i . t aaay) ol tK wh ijeyet Soma j ; i mm srs skPUCS nq oon jt wsni j to buse.'.But thot skeptics wha i irant to beUeve,, can tad filth ' f ki. d OariUaa a.aaaha, Planaaai waa.a w a,vwv, ... , vmrmt tm tfea U. t. snmil. ti . - t CaiaiaaUi , Pnn Stniia.i ' ' y-- ;. . . '' :"i i V i' ' : 1 ' T7- v iT ' fv ;(i ,. . i , i I ,i,;l li-::. f -( a , a k . . . I v... . mJ ? ' tawx. a doctor's f.rmulm, 1" "if'l'i , : r ouitnwa.t, , are,tiia; he. h- J r ' . .. Sninoc bums, ciiu, bnjw-n, tuy j an-,,MiUc, i.. h of ".' - : e .,..' .., I ' ' t r t J ' ' ' :. ,i. I i . . 4 a , ,:., 1 ill)

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