. x - p . . , r ' VS -;V 1 ' C2tttpi. ' , ft Jv v 'v ,y 'III 1 C I nwi . . t ' ( i ' f SUBSCRIPTION RATES: HM per year plus He N. C. Sale lax la Duplin and adjoining Cotintiea; fl.&O per year plus 14c N. C. Sales tax outside this area In N. C; $3.50 per year plus !7o N. C. Sales tax outside N. C. PRICE TEN i CENT Plus 1 cent Sales Tax VOLUME XXVIII 4 No. 46 KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1961 A : 7V ''. JTiss American Legion, tor 96) Jjp-Q w$5 selected t the ..Veteran fjm&f . celebratjon -to" Wirkiiyit on f Saturday, night, he Is ' Addle, Siie ! Horne of Beulaville Her", escort 1 tr tlovebs.f 22'. rpchicerit iii ..JJuulin '.Cdiuv Jbe Wmiteiin Dublifr heat. V ' i area wUl be, held-NovmleK20j Ji i i tWif Southern ' "Stater, Cpoperan A.. j n..lfjf-l . MAi'.'v.,!lll tr 1 pfoduccrt aftd-hatching.;! f ; jcerf' are fnvitpd to eUeiid. .; S Ismij tjj th marketing orders 'd . b the 'firtf ever, W be ; api I f reV'.a; national, basis' firVwrf t ' '""fiSt Cdmnl6dit5r,'av Ver. i -;-;H;'1Cou.nQ',.!....V ; V. b onosei" market inn " ?. wd e s '-6iibni1tttd t by 4he -fidUona) ' - j,Advttory -"Cortintttee,' nam, if Secretary or'Agripultor.Or 3 L. ; Freeman .t tne .reqUeal e sti Vrat-.'";i':c'!-:v :.:!:rjon 11 ?! : Congresman. David ; Henderson tirig rdenl for. turkeys end I many pnx f flatciiing 3gsj . - fr inciuaea irr.tn . .hearin-i for the lfcrthBrorTtasr'order are' Will be principal speaker at uveitis 1 en dinnef meeting to be held in V' t a Interest of Campbell College in ' . Wallace Thursday evening. ,;.vi --y-', '' The-' event will launch a drive In' 5 jjjiplin . County to support; parm i fell's. "prcpaffJltiod for full aenlor ' coUege'.standing. Tbe School enrol- !' ' v ' ' " ' ' "' .' f;. .ff".. i Wd you "get to'the WarMw .yeter r an Pay Celebration last Saturday? ' ; was' futt; The day ws 'beautf- ful. neither cold nor rainy Jand thr. par(de was really fine. , j never be-. fore seen a pet coon. Emma Jean i Ciimihc'rlin had, 4 eptered,, her J cnon. -drps 4 lit a little '"dresa to t rie kind, I he was tdrinklnf i. "I arins: iroiii a ouiiks wim h uhi; ft. T!ie;;mot,'tejurtcd;,"BiU , i 'character . that,' I ' all , . wis the Ihtle Chihuahua which i to .'Becky. Pop Herwai id. uv the most fetching white; 1 rf i outtit with ,s small tstn per- L'd on-his head, and jevemhough' he tied for first place with the r mn, be didn't appreciate , Jhe''tc . C6" at all. Chihuahuas can come as j-eao expressing . themselves it.wlth ' (lietr eyes as' any dog I have jivrr . i,' .('ftntlntf On- SUCCUMBS '5 4' Alfred Frost Rector QfYfalson e 63, died at his" home n Wed r -lav niftht' He was cashier I I ranch-Banking and Trust, Com j y In Faison. for the past 25 ;. ': T:V". " ', ' '..'. ctor was" a member - at ' th ( al Board' of, Faison. Jrleths- Churclv past president of the a Lion Club.. , J-'. a is survived by his wife Irene .cal, one daughter, Mrs.. John rs pf -Tampa, n ' '- ' fr John, Rector . . ! ;. .... h ', Vffg!r.la and Allen i rrt it n, Vh j. ata. ' : ) , .... :;-F-( V-"l-u " F.crbn w ... L.. ' lt.Runner-up, Mar Linda fi- dgen :.j6t NMth-EfupliiS High Sco oL Mary Linda a a senior': Hp r escdrVtyas jonifcy Sutton. In: Richmond; Va. Y VOverproducttoa: and falling prir cet for; the industry nave caused a critkaV a&noiftic I situatidb tqt lueers. ' i . proposed marapi' ipnviion for mar keT research? and derelooment,' re. gutation of grade, size and quality at the handler - level; prohebitiont onv unfair trade practices, and 'sup,' ply 'management. ;','. , If the msrlcetinit trim Is issued, a 60-member -advisory boanf Would bfeppolnUd'1)y; , Secretary Xme; mlin.' Ndmuujtidnsirer, memDorsnip ould be Wadtf.by (nendustfyr at state nominating meetings. A 19- member' administrative committee would be appointed from the board. MembershiD of the board and- coin- mittee. would be representative of all eegments of the industry. . . led !llrst 163 college Juniors -this fall as ihe current term opened. It will install the Jbufth year next .Septetober'';'y.';.';.s '.' ; This . will be Henderson's .second appearance (nbehalf of Canipbell's statewide effort to raise, this year the (7231,000 needed for the acience building now going up on the cam pus in Buie's Creek.; . U v . The Thursday-night meeting is set for 7 p. m. in the American Le gion Home at Wallace. Other spea kers wJU be Harry Carter; vice-president of J: . P. ; Stevens Company and.. Leslie H. Campbell, president of the college. "Master of ceremon ies will be Milford Quinn, Warsaw wholesale executive'. Quinn is .chair man of Campbell's development effort In the Duplin County area. j 'Register for Bond Eleetioa;. -, The- Sewer System Boh Elec tion ot Beulaville' will" be held 'on Npvembef 18 at: the Town, Hall; in Beulavule..AIf. people who f nave not registered bii,:tne' town books must do so-before they ctm-'vptet The' reeitrat km ' books Will ', b oen on Saturday, November' ll alter - mat . aae"; tne books .puu be "at . the ' home of.- Mrs. It ' Jf. Brown during the week. Everyone is urged to register-and , ypte by H. J. Brown,. Town Clerk. ?. .V V Union Sendee . Rev.-Norman H, Flowers, Pres byterian minister of "Warsaw. r nounce that there will be a Un- . ' (CONTINUtU m M,K . .. Community Service Bcgins.Sunday The .community spiritual life services of Thanksgiving will be held in the 'Kenansville Baptist Church beginning Sunday , night, November 19 at 7:30 o'clock ana on Thursday -morfllng at. 10:00 A., M ' ' :- v There wllf be different spea ker' each evening and special mu sic will be provided, j ThU as a community church project; and everyone is Invited and urged to be r"ent- The theme for the r - r, t'.!s year ia. "The Spirit .For 1C32 o Runner-upf Lynda;. Braswell of James Kenan High, School. Ly nda is a senior. Her escort' was Bill tiylor. Negro Man Killed II lear ' Smith Bry4nti;-yeael4 rpute, Beulavill Negro." was killed. ' Sun day afternoon' in a oncaf Occident : Bryant Was riding m car driven by ' Johh M- WHUainsv ,47-yee'r-old white man from Kenansville t the time 6t the fatal accident, accord- iTg flte Investigating' office Patrol-, itur A:-SHBvUer; JrJ;:';;.'? Wvi investigation Teveahr that we ear. traveled T300, feet, fa: the shoulder of the, highway andnqtherHO feet M the Me'tf wWn ewUrhit f thoIdsboM turned ver -several , times and H oceupanut ,were .throw frenx Uie J wmiam 'Ward, 50-yeaf-old rtegro, of route 1,' Beulavilie'was also a passenger In the" Car:. He received a broken anklet. i';"'. -0 , Williams received' lacerations of the head Jsnd several broken rib with (xissible chest Injuries. 1 '$ Both William and Ward are in DuplhV General Hospital; -) '- According to Patrolman, "BuUer; WUliam Is charged with . driving under the influence of alcohol and careless i.and ' reckless driving , re sulting ,nr death. : ;i !.i' , East Duplin Has Slight Delay .ijf.' The ' letting ot the contract for the East Duplin High School has been delayed according to an an nouncemet ; by Supt. .of . Schools O. P. Johnson. The letting of the contract 'which -was to," be held on November 21 has been changed to December 15. ': ; Johnson received a ; letter from Architect, Leslie N. Boney, atat Ing that the consulting ' engineer drawing for ' .heating ; plumbing and electrics! have been held up, but i; the" engineers " nssUfe then(( that the' contracts Will be Comple ted and read)? for' letting on Dec n)be tfr-f-$$Wjiy iv.J'"i Evehthbugh Johnson and 'the Bo ard, of Education iegre'tt lhl dc Uy;. the ire assured by .the ar; chitect that the uldmg -wttt b ready '.(of. occupancy by. the- op ening of school In 1962. , i X Linvodd Ward Is Elecfcdlp H Duplin Ag Workers , ;, , . ' t iinwood Ward has been elected Chairman of the ' Duplin' County Agriculture Workers Council for "62. "Ward Is vocational , apiculture teacher at B. F; Grady School. ' - Elected to serve with' him ; are: Frank Boydte, vice-chairman, sup erintendent of the Coastal Plain Research Station, at Faison; and Mis Thelma Dilda, secretary -treasurer, Home- economic, instructor at B. F. Grady school. '' i ' The. council is composed of all a;;ri, ' ' re workers and h-me'eca non,:; 1 ' I . s i.i I , i C . Tom Thumb'. Comes Home After 4th Prison Break William E.Tom Thumb" Hlnes, while, .22, escaped prisoner from Beaufort County Prison Farm, was apprehended, in. Sampson , County .wound 4:15 p. m. Tuesday Hines, well known in Kenansville nd .'by'- Sheriff's ' Officers, came jack to Duplin County after his es pe Monday and a?ain stole a car, thia one belonging to Norman Dai I, route 1,- Chinquapin. The 1955 Ford was stolen from n front of the Duplin County Wel fare " Department Tuesday around 9:50 a. m". The 'stolen Car was. re :orted to the Sheriff's Department around 10:15 a. m. Hines was wearing a blue suit and 'arrived in. Kenansville unnotic ed.. Dail- had parked his car and one int0 tne Welfare Department when Hines picked it up. When Dail came' out of the Welfare Depart inent. his car was gone. It was re ported immediately to the Duplin sheriffs Department. The car ,had approximately a half tank of gaso line when stolen. Hines had previously stolen three cars , in; Kenansville. - He stole his first car when he was 12 years old from Bell anrl Kellv Motors, in Kenansville'.' He- also has stolen a NOVEMBER 20 Tour Of Industrial Education In 'special tour; of the iotdsboro and I . Wilsdri ' IridustffalTEduCation Centers has. been set foR" Monday, November' 20th. .Thosevited for the .tour, sponsored bythe Rose .Hill eat- A'uptiia .vvtyj uifis..pa.aawwi a cipajs, members of the County Board of Education, County educa tional leader and ethers fwho have a special need for the aervices of fered by the Centers, . .' 'The group will assemble in Rose Hillj- leaving at 5:15 in the, after; noon for an- extensive visit .which wili include a-complete coverage of all classea' ond shops. The f tours will be conducted personally by the director pf the .IEC . Te IEC aystem,' which is only 3 years old,' has some W Centers sit ed throughout the State and offer a varied degree of subject at nomin al costs to the" student These cou Pleasant Grove Community Development Club ToJies First IPIace In County Pleasant Grove Community Deve lopment Club came out in first place, winning $150.00 and the cup for the organized community mak ing the most progress during the year. Oak" Ridge Community club won second place, $100.00. and Pot ter Hill came out in third plate Winning ' (50.00. $25.00 to each of the ergahixed communities' partici pating in the program was given to Cedar Fork, Chinquapin and Rones I L Franklin Quinn, county president of the Com munity Development XHubs of Duplin County, pre : sen tin a the coveted cup to the Club Pi ''sidertt'L. A. ' Wiggins for the Pleasant Grove ' Tbis club won first place in th hew co ar from Collis Miller and one from vlyrtle. Earle Quinn. both of Ken jnsvilie. He also broke into Service Motor onipany ouce and stole the com .any's safe. . Hines has made it a practice to jscape from Prison Farms and Jamps in North Carolina. This is he tourth escape for the young pri soner who is serving a long hitch or his. escapades. Hines had been made ah "honor 'radeS 'prison only Monday when ie accomplished his escape. ' He will probably be tried in the January Term of Criminal Super or Court for the latest larceny and another sentence attached to his al ready long prison term and record. NOTICE The Duplin Times will be published early nex tweek be cause of Thanksgiving. All persons having news Items, Subscriptions or adver tisement' are advised to have them in th eTimes office not later than - Monday ' November 20, at V p. in.'' rses; geared '. to the Immediate needs of local industry, are now reacmng over z,w. aeieciea ins" ; school youths and adults. There ars J at jartsept . jidditiotial EEC's sched for .nosMheeding.'' skill and technical information to enter employment or keep abreast wijlv the technological Changes in industry. A large number, is expected for the tour which, according tb their spokesman, "should be an enjoy able trip and one which will enable those attending to see an , educa. tional program in full operation," "Classes in Auto Mechanics and Poultry Technology are now being taught by a Unit of the Goldsboro !EC in Rose Hill with an enrollment of 60 . students. These students arc also Invited to tour the Goldsboro and Wilson IEC's. ;' Chapel. These awards were presen ted by Mr. Warren of Mount Olive. FCX and John Anderson Johnson of Warsaw. The Community Development a wards program was held on Fri day Evening, November 10, with a wonderful picnic dinner, honor ing .the Sponsors of the Clubs. This year there were 61 sponsors from Duplin County, Mt. Olive and Sev en Springs. The picnic dinner waa ' I?- 1 ijf . . . ...... ' . .. ;.. made the most progress during the past year. There. are nine organized Community Clubs in Dup lin County. Oak Ridge wa second place winner ' and Potters Hill took third place. ; V A -V'J,- ; -; J - -f ; Photo by Ruth P. Grady.) ment Club, j for haviiig,-. f iVi - M .r-,. i' v i ? ? r- 1 r : 4 j A 1 t, . " MISS NORTH CAROLINA cutting the ribbons at McCullen Air Field in Warsaw which dedicated the air port, on Saturday,. November 11. From right to left is Larry McCullen, who introduced Miss. North Warsaw Dediiijesj ter fy , Pprt McCullen Field, ' a public Air Port in WarsaV was Officially de dicated on Saturday, .November 11. Miss North Carolina cut the ribbons, putting the final stamp on the dedication. ' ' The Air Port has been com pleted far landing and taking on in. the lyture, e hanger, unicorn XUmcom..private pilot, frequency foi air port cmtnunicAH11 gp 1 and oil tanks wili pe 'added. 1 This 150 foot wide and 4250 foot Peace Corps Exam In Wilmington The Peace Corps examinations will be held in Wi'mington, N. C. at 8:30 A. M. promptly for those in this area who wish to. apply. Post master Holland was informed to day. Peace Corps posters, giving thl information, will be displayed in !he lo"at post office on the bulletin boards. ' held in Kenan Memorial Auditorium nH the nrneram was held in tht Kenansville School Auditorium, Presiding at the meeting was Franklin Quinn, president of Dup lin's Community Development Pro gram, who also gave the welcome which was responsed to by LeRoy Simmons. President of Puplin Cou nty Farm Bureau. Russell Brock; president of the Beaurancus Com munity introduced the guests and 1 1 frti'V. Awards long air poj t -has,, be"e6 ,hv the pro cess of being built' for' the past year and Ohethalf; hbt due to wea ther : condlftidns" the1 completiori had been delayed. 'Roy Dunn of Kenansville-has. done the work' under the supervision of Clay McCullen whd built, and financed the air port ; . . ' -' ' Lorry, McCullen states' that thii ie-'lcWtMtturf-TitpolV vein iiufvu vtwtua 1 au commodate Up to a DCS ;M,'u) len further state that it"aa built for air convenience and to helu the tpwii of Warsaw- Ho believes that It will aid in bringing indus try to. the town Warsaw now has A. C L. in town, Highways 24 and 117, and now with, air facili ties, McCullen believe .that there is no reason for not seeing bigger .mrl better erowth in the town The Air Port is located oh High way 24, back of Joi Sutton's gro cery store. h v . At the ceremonies on1 Saturday Clny and Larry McCullen made a few fitting words of explanation as to the origin' and use of the m Elmore Brinson, Vice President Duplin's Community Development Program,1 recognized the sponsors, i James Loftin of the Rones' Chapel Community Club, recognized the Agriculture Workers. , 1 William Sullivan. President of the Oak Ridge Community Club was speaker for the occasion. Sullivan eivewed the work of the commun ity development program over the county and showed pictures of im provements made and activities un dertaken during the last four years. (Contined on Back) Prom. Magnolia Citizen Succumbs Shetton Brinson 'Hunter " 84 died Wednesday night m Duplin General Hospilul at Kinansvlllej after several hours illness. - i Funeral services were conduc ted nilay afternoon at 2:30 in the Magnolia. Baptist Church by Rev. M. A. Conrad, pastor. He was born in Savannah, Ga., I the son of the late Dr. Henry Hun ter and Melissia Brinson and was married to the late Alice Brady Croom of Magnolia, He had been resident of Maenolia since 1907 ' and had been engaged in the ma nufacturing of vegetable crate with the late John F. Croom, hav ing retired from this business to 1940. He was an' active; member of the Magnolia Baptist Church and was Church Treasurer' for mafty years. He was. a member if the Masonic . Lodge . for : : aixty three year apd a thirty second degree Scottish Rite .Mason and a mem ber of the. Sudan .Temple of . the Snrin and a Woodman of . the World, ';--.''. '. ""''.. ' 1 He 'Is Burvived by two" on. Dr. Shelton 'Hunter' of Kenly and" Dr. John Ti .'. Hunter f Florence.' S, C and four graad on.- , Proara Carolina, Miss. North Carolina, outling the ribbons'; and Clay McCullen, builder of the Air Port., ( Photo by Ruth P. Grady) Air Port. Larry introduced Miss North Carolina who officially cut the ribbons thereby dedicating en other step of progress in the town of Warsaw., , J. Milton Vesh ? Joahua '-MilbT'Wt." 5T;--pi ' minent automobile dealer died ea rly Friday morning, in Duke Hos pital at Durham after" an illness of several weeks. West was also a member of th Lions Club and the Methodist Mens Club. J. Milton West was Chrysler - Plymouth dealer in Warsaw and was the oldest Chrysler Dealer in the Southeastern District of the United States., having served tor 32 years with Chrysler Motors and Commercial Credit Company. Funeral services were held from the Warsaw Methodist Chu rch Sunday afternoon at 3:00,0"- J clock conducted by Rev. L. T. Wilson, pastor, assisted by Rev. R. L. Crossno of Enfield, a for met pastor. Interment was in Pinecrest Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, the former Myra Smith, two sons Lee and Charles, one daughter Mary Best West all of the home, His mother. Mrs. Bertha West of War Saw, three sisters Mrs. Eunisa Taylor. Mrs. Q. J. Sutton and Mrs. Sterling Mamner all ot Warsaw, three brothers Robert las, Texas and H. D. West of Ra h. of Warsaw. Herbert J. of Dal leigh and a number of neices and nephews. West, a Duplin native, had lived in Warsaw for 47 years. He was graduated from Warsaw School and attended Duke Uiversity. Joi ning the Warsaw Methodist chu rch in his childhood, he had re mained a faithful member until his death. He has served as Sun day School Superintendent Ste ward and Trustee, and has served his town for many years as a r commissioner. Cordell Johnson Vice-President N. C. Technologists Cordell Johnson, M. T. Techni- cian in charge of the Clinical Laboratory at Duplin ' General Hospital, Kenansville, has been elected Vice President ' of the North Carolina State Society, f' the American Medical Technolo gist. -. " ; . ' -,: Johnton. Son of Mr. sod Mrs. R. W. Johnson of Kenansville. "was graduated from Kenansville High . School and Dell School of Medl-" cal Technology Asheville, N. C He formerly .worked at John B. TTmotead Hospital, Butner. N. C He aerVed IS month in the U. S Marino Corps - and then began work at th hospital" In Kenans ville In Aurust of 1980.' He ' a member th Board of Director ,,- . V(Cotined feK ,A ' li; .f 4- .iX- 'in 4f -'fc - ' rf JI J

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