THE DUPLIN TIMES, KENANSVHJ.E, N.' Cy THURSDAY 'DECEMBER, 7, 1961 ; ' '-.V -From ." ' " liKRA.!ER'S . 'v ' ' ""Your Shopping Center" . . J s Wallace N C. ; HAVE A$PECIAL WAY OF SAYING Merry : Christmas i m Deck Your Dear With Lingerie The gift that's dear ' to her feminine heart. We've gowns, pajamas, gown and robe sets with dain ty and delicate airs in practical, long waring easy - care fabrics 'by Rogers Seampruf,' Shadow-" line, Movie Star & Pinehurst Slips From $2.99 Fancy Panties From ' ' 50c- ;. Gowns From $1.99 P7 fin YoV. Stock ,Goe& Up " When You Give Her Stockings A gift that's useful, foeauti f ul and ' flatteringiy. fash-. natferingiy. ionable. Our choice inclu des Archer, Hanes, Fawn, . .'TVoit -' 6f-the -'Loom and Seba. Seamed, Seamless & -Streth in all W' new pop laf shades .TTfi,&vp a box of. three airs. ..f i I- ' 49c prto $1.65 pr. Warm and Wonder ful and Right for Christmas! ROBES , by Shrewsbury, Her Grace and Milgrim Nylon and cotton quilted.' Styled to suit the Lady on Your List Priced From $5.99 to $17.99 What Could Be Better Than .' a Christmas . . . SWEATER r other , , SPORTSWEAR m tviu ... ... Spa nnr beautiful i Beiecuon 01 ; SKIRTS v .with dyed-to- : ' ' match' ' " SWEATERS "BLOUSES and . JACKETS hy ' ? . Majesuc, uia ; ' Colonv and . ' Personal. $5.99 to $14.99., Also a huge selction of Slacks and slack 4' sets. ';' ""'- All Departmenfe'ai-e completely stocked with the most beautiful stock of Christ mas gift ite&S-ever. Gifts for the home and every member of the family. rnrr , irr m rucc uin Kramer -s "Your Shopping Center' Wallace, N, C. - Personals Mr. and Mr.- Ellis Vestal spent - aturday in lialeith. j Mrs. An3 Brinson and son Doc '.ccompamed her ; Ijther, - Mr. K. . iiagerton ol Wallace to the foot all game in. Chapel Hill, Sat urday. . , , . Mrs.' Joyce Payne and children ( i ayetteville, were week end Quests of her parents, Mr. and irs. Robert Hollingsworth. . ' Captain and Mrs.. Wade Cooper and sons have luoveq to new iu- Verr Captain Cooper is, stationed nere after a long, tour of duty .n Okinawa.' :,:;-i;;.v-,i..'v, : I Mis.. Martha ' McKenzie and da- jghter,, Cathy McKenzie of Wil- .nington,- -were Sunday -. guest oi .ylr.' and Mrs. J. B. Wallace. : , Mrs. Earl Hardy,. Mrs. Harold .ones, , Mrs. Lattie- Houston and Mrs. Lewis shopped in Wuming .on, 'fuesday. pMrs. La t tie Houston shopped ir. iCinston i riday. s ' Mrs. Dorothy Johnson spent se .eral days recently in Ports.nouth, Virginia with her son. Mrs. Laurence Ryder' and chil dren of Ft Bragg spent several aays recently wuh Mrs. ttloise Ryder and Mr.' McCoy Kenned v prior to leaving for Germany on December 7. . mu, vvuiard Brinson accompa nied Mrs. Lela .Tucker of Magno lia to Wilmington Saturday. Mrs. Leo Jackson and Mrs. Hu bert Brown attended the funeral jf Miss Minnie bouce in Waiiact Friday. - Mr. and Mr3. Jack Brinson, Mr. and Mis. boo Quinn attended the luneiai ol Mrs. yuinn's sisier Mri. Jeanette Brinson at Hallsville Fri day. Mrs. N. B. Boney was in Golds boro Thursday. Mr. ana mis. Gordon Kornegav v-isiteJ ui ii-per over uie week end. Mrs. Robert Williams and dau ghters shopped in Warsaw, .Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Caison of Kelly were SuuJay guest of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Caison. y ,. KJnyer vesiai oi wnmingion Cpllega, Wilmington was home iui the weekend. vMiss Florrie Currie of Peace College, Haleih spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Flo- " rence Currie. Mrs. J. B. Wallace shopped in Goldsboro, Saturday. t ' Mrs. Ben. Bowden visited .he mother Mrs. Glendora Crown ir Warsaw, Saturday. " iMMiss Lura Aflne -Penney of Meredith College, Raleiih wai home for the weekend with he) ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Penney. - Mrs, J. R; Grady and Margarsi spent the week end in Rich Squa re and Norfolk. They were ac companied by Mrs,- G. .P. PridgeB and Mrs. R. J. Andrews. Mrs. Pri dgen will make her home in Rich Square for the winter Mr. ' and Mrs. Dick Massengill and daugther of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bursress and Mr. md Mrs." Donald Murphy last Sun- lay.. ' Mrs. G. V. Gooding spent several lays last we?k in Goldsboro with ;he C. 'Banks McNairys. ,; Mrs.vl. B. Boney attended a First Aid Workshop in Goldsboro last Thursday afternoon in the Metho dist Church there. It was sponsored by the Wayne County Chapter American Red Cross. The Walter Boones of Nor "oik, Va. spent the past week end here with the Clarence 'Murphys. Mrs. G. R. Dail spent last Thurs day night'fn Kinston with her Sister Mrsj Lee Edwards. She visited a nother. sister, Mrs. Griff Porter in Goldsboro last Sunday afternoon at vhich time she was accompanied by Mr, Carolina Gavin. ' Mrs: .Hortense Hasty ' and son, Rudy accompanied Mrs, Alton New ton to Raleigh home day last week. Mr.s. Louise W. Mitchell attended meeting in Winstom-Salem, sev eral days last wcek; ' !: ' lRev. and Mrs. Thomas' Wa3dell and small son of Wake Forest visit ted Mrs. Enoch Howard recently Mr. and Mrs! J. D, Kornegay and son visited Mrs. Shad Kornegay in Albertson 'recently.V.A " " Among those from here who at- Mrs. Murphes Aunt Succumbs She was', the 'daughter of the late r Samuel James - Boone and Harriet' Ann' Baor.ev She haa een i v rtsident .; oi ' Wallace lor 49 years, moving there jfj-orp the Cak Plains section, hk, "with her two sisters, Cora and lura, owned auu operated the first and only niilli- lery, store in Wallace fgr a num oer cf years. Upon the . death - of her sisters, -"Miss Minnie'' sold ,ier business to Harry Kramer and was employed by nis iirui unit 194ST, at which time she was for ced to retire because of ill health. ' "Miss ..iiuiie," as she was af fectionally called' "by all, was a vrted, loyal member of the Wallace Presbyterian Church and attended regularly until illness prevented her from doing so. Hers was a character of faith.. Society f ' 'it . 7 ' ' -' it y - - r Miss Sarah Jean Fraley, dau ghter "of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fraley of Alexandria,. Virginia, itrentrth. courase. oeautv and love as was shown during the long wno announce ner engagement iu period of her illness. The many 1 $r. Robert L. Eubank, the son of friends, who stood by her until Surviving Miss Minnie are one neice, Mrs, Clarence;, Murphy of iieiidiisville, "and. two nephews, Clarence Boone of Clinton, and Walter Boone of Norfolk, Va. Six great-nephews survive also. Funeral services were held at Norman's Memorial Chapel on Friday, December, 1, with Rever end James M. At woodof "W'allace ami Reverend Richard Holshdusei n.iaWiiie otuciating. Senator and Mrs. William M. Eu- her Dassine attested to this fact frank. Jr., of Wilmington, N. C air tuoanK is me granason i Mrs. R. L. Sykes of Kenansville. The wedding will take place in June. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Shephen Monroe Williamson announce the birth of a son, Stephen Monroe, Jr. on Decern Interment was at RockfiSh ' Ce-, her 2, 1961 in Duplin General Hospi metery. tal, Kenansville. N. C. Mrs. William Pallbearers were Harry Kra- som was the former, Nancy A!phin mer, f rar.k Williams, Bill Eruw- " der, Daniel' Williams. Steve Go- , MMn O wan, and Roy .'Carter. TromenUf Morning Club Met urch Met The Early Morning Home Demon stration Club met Nov. 21st at 7:30 p. m. at the club house. The meet ing opened with the group sinj ing. "Come Ye Thankful People, Come.' Mrs. Paul Ingram read Psalm 100 for the devotional, foHowed with prayer by Mrs. Roy Dunn. Project leaders reporting were: Mrs. Rivers Winstead, Citizenship; Mrs. R. G. Quinn, Safety and Miss Cora Wells. Education. During the business session min utes of the October meeting were read and approved. The roll was called with 10 members and 1 visi tor present. Plans were made for a workshop on making feather hats, to be held at the club house Nov. 28th at 7:30 P. M. Mrs. Mary Kennedy announced that her lawn Would be landscaped and planted Nov. 24 and invited the members A committee was appointed ' to prepare sunshine baskets for the shut-ins and elderly people in the community. A most interesting demonstration on "Family Team Work" was giv en by Family Life leader, Mrs. John Matthis. The meeting closed with the club collect as a brayer. During the social hour the hostes sess Mrs. Carl Powell ; and Mrs. Allen Dunn served ' ice rream, pound cake, nuts, and coffee. Free Wheeling By Bill CioweU The seven deadly sins take to the road as envisioned by the Rev. E. W. Andrews, writing in the Read er's Review. - SLOTH, or laziness, is the sin that makes the motorist unwilling to take the time to correct mechan ical faults in his car. It prevents the taking of simple precautions. It produces a lethargy deadly to body as well as to soul. - CREED is so obviously a traffic sin that the greedy driver has a specific title-road hog. The greedy one demands more than his share of the road, demands the right, to be first across at an intersection. ' LUST, in a sexual sense, produces some accidents through One , armed driving and distraction, But ..lust for sneed , H, excitement is 'dead lier in traffic. ' . r ' J"" The Onoril meeMn" of the Wo men of Grove Presbyterian Church was held last Monday nmht a 7:30 ii the Lucy .Jolly Building. There were 12 members present. In th absence of the president, the vice president, Mrs. J. B. Wallace pre sjded. The Dcvn'innal was conduc ed by Mrs. Mattie W. Sartler. Th program, entitled "Jesus Christ the Ljght of the World," Introrlucirr You to the World Council of Chn relies was in charge of M-s. N. B Boney who was ably assisted bv Mesrlames G. V. Gooding, Ruth P 6rady and Martha Sitterson. Eqstern Star Met: Mrs. J," B. Stroud assisted by the Chaplain; Star Points and Mrs. N. 6. Boney presented a short Thanks giving Program when Kenansville Chapter, No. 215. Order of the Eas tern Star met last week for its bi monthly m-- iivg. The worthy Mat ron Violet Rogers and Worthy Pat ron, A. C. Hoiiand were in then respective stations. Plans were made to have the annual Christmas program at the next statei meetin; on December the 12th at 7:30 p. m. A good attendance is anticipated. At the close of the meeting a social hour was enjoyed. The refreshments committee composed of Mr. ano Mrs. Lewis A. Westbrook, Mrs. Pearl T. Kornegay. and Miss Bes sie Kornegay" served fruit cake top ped with whipped cream and & cherry followed by coffee, to the 2L presei.t. Week Oi Prayer A series of services were con eluded on Friday evening at tiu Baptist Church. Mrs. Jck, W. 'M. president, opened the meeting will, prayer. .ni. uorotny Jonnson, program chiinr.a.i lilla Coope. Circle, opjned the meeting wit: 'Thev That Puulish Glad Tidings as her theme for the pre gran . The pcem "Lovest Thou Me" bj Elizabeth Reynolds was presenter by Mrs. Jim Bunce; Tid:ng.s ' redemption; Mrs. E. C. Tyndall: Why we should Pray and fo. Whom, Mrs. Amos Brinson; ap peal for the Lottie Moon Cnrisi nas offering, Mrs. Colon Holland, New Era in Christian Missioi. Mrs. Jack Brinson. Closing meditation and prayer .vas given by Mrs. Willard Brm :on and the offering'- was tke. oy the girls auxiliary members With The Duplin Circuit Rider The way to have groci neighbors is to be ore. The world needs goo I neiRnDors in rwenansvnie ana ever where else. Franklin Roosevelt ii. stituted tho good neighbor policy as our American policy. Jesus le cognized the good neighbor policy as cardinal to God's law as the se cond commandment. The prophets centuries before had so recognize love of neigtibor. Attend the churcl of your choice next Sunday anJ learn how to be a good neighbor. Church school ,at Kenansville Magnolia and Unity Churches a 10:00 A. M. Worship at Unity at 11:00 A. M. w'or.Wn at Magnolia cancelled. ' Goldsboro District, M. Y. F.. Ra! Iv at St. Lukes Church at 5:00 P. M. Basket Dinner, fieacuer loin VOTING VOTING: On December 12 Dup lin County farmers will have the op portunity to vote on four important question: 1, ASCS Tobacco Referendum. , 2. ASCS Cotton Referendum 3. Tobacco. Associates 4 FC Tobac .0 Assessment Referendum. - t .' . . 4. North Carolina Peatrut Growl ers Association Peanut AsssssmenC .Xefcrendum. 1 J We will have more Information :oncerning these referendums in a-t later newsletter. " ' - "L Note to Santa: Everyone Wants ,$6.50 odmBm $5.50 Comf2lin?.s jr Red ) Blue iT Black Many r j other 3 , ' Pa Items f X Red . . ( 'M- Black And I 'f-4- Colors $7.00 Choose I From s. f y , t 'r Men's I Brown Rid Goldsboro, N. C. nt tTrmwTt 1 .! S - i 11 tended the funeral for Miss Minnie! u.""Vv p," , ula:ijr' m lne d.-. - u;i w va use' of alcohol. dUlla lines. sense. the Clarence Murpheys, ' the Krr-1 naJVf!Ja&. Wells Murpheys.' The Donald ,Mur-, J?, 'i " pheys. Mr. R. V. Wells, Rev. Rh- S?" m" Ld.Holshouser also, Mesdam, Uo .X jaexson, nooen noiuntcsworin, ni p .,(1Ev,erything jSiT'Ct ,., For The f( j kJk. MACKS ter, Stroud, N. B. Boney, Bill Stephens, Ralph and Hubert Brown. Jo Ann apd Art Pascal of Pike Ville spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Gor don Kornegay. Mr. and Mrs. Kor negay took them back on Sunday afternoon and attended the dedi cation services of the Charles B. the drinking driver. . ENVL is a cbss'-? kil'er: The .dri ver who resents being passed or left behind at a s opli-'ht is being moved hv'4--"y to behavior "'that jeopardizes tifo. .. ' ' . . , ANGER U a Jamiuai' phenoroeii on in drivers. The fault in the other driver-whether -it be , a . real , fault or an. imagined one stirs resentment Aycock School Mr. Pascall is 'and often provokes, hazardous re principal of the school V f I'P0"8- We f-own Mrs. M. K. Glover of Charles-! fauIt8: then Wp we ton, S. C. is visiting her mother f n'v "uman ,8b Mri Irma Williams. . - . - Jed to W W. But iU;.irault Mrs. Bess Hines of Highlands P"v " inhumanity of the has returned to Kenansville - fbf "enemy" in the other car. whose the winter . . '-; ; fault imperils or inconveniences us. ' According to the American Koun- deadly as roaring wrath. Nation for the Blind, thwh there I PRIDE. Behind every one of are now 65,000 blind readers re?is ! these driving sins lies the central tered with libraries for the' b'ind.'1 sin of pride. Once encased shee there are probably at least 120.000 steel, with the power of more thar potential library users: but' as yet 100 horses resnonsing to the gentk ! too few b!ind people have heard of , touch of a foot, we find ourselves ' this service ... . (lifted to a false sens of great.-K'S. Santa Headquarters Do Your Christmas Shopping At MO f IMi fit 5, 10 & 25c STORE he Store That Has Everything" In Warsaw, N. C. Has AH The Old Time Favorites In Tree Decora tions Plus A Large Variety Of The New Plastic Num bers. Also Supplies For Ma king The Tooth Pick Trees. Just A Few Items Halvorison Trees In Green & Silver a 79 Aluminum Trees $4.95 To $12.95 Reflectors $7.98 Soecial On Gift Wraps 3 Big Rolls - 432" Long 66c Large Assortment of Pkg. Gift WrapsPaper & Ribbon 10c and up ; Plus A Large Variety Cf ' CARDS, SEALS, and TAGS MACKS CARD DEPARTMENT ; Is Complete SPECIALS IN BOX CARDS J $2.00 - Values 99c 98c Values 66c ; RELIGIOUS ASSORTMENTS ; $U0-59c-29c : '" . . Personalized Greetings 10c and up. We Think You Will Agree That MACK'S Has The Largest And Best Assortment Of Plastic Models In Town. New Shipment Has Just Arrived Suitable For All Ages. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY A FEW OTHER ITEMS FOR BOYS . . . Filling Stations $1.98 Drums 29c and 98c Wagons $3.69 & $7.95 Tricycles $7.95 - $9.95 - $12.95 Foot Balls 98c And $1.98 DOLLS FOR ALL AGES Walking Dolls $5.98 To $12.98 Small New Born Babies $2.98 Large Babies With Regular Size Milk Bottles Babette Dolls Babette Doll Clothes . . , . Barbie Doll Beds:. Barbie Doll Cases . . . $6.98 $1.98 $1.00 $3.98 $1.93 Plus hundreds of items . s V ' I . : r for both Boys and Girls -

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