THE DUrLIN TIMES, KENANS VTLLE, N. C. THCKSOAy FtBRUART 13, 13G3. 1 A. 5 :0 i ' u 1 1 j - , -vr , v",". .; v ... XTr and Mrs Oscar Kenni-4v anri Kihi W -'Mingo 'BMM the waei wi(h Mr:' and Mrs: 'Arriotf Kennedy V Mrs.; Ailed QtlihWarttf Mrs' Owen ,lster ovei the week end. Edwards made a business trip to I ' Mrs. James Thomas and d3iigh fa!Iace Monday. : ,--'i ? , , j. ites James Lou and Annette made Mrs. Thelma Sanderson and Mrs Lizade itardison shopped In "Golds boro M"nday,' Miss Linds Hardison of Pink Hill spent the ween fend with. Mr. and ii . Urs. Wiliard llardisoh u, aiiu 4vua. itu luus uu viM-eu M"r. aid Mrs '.,! SandUn in Wal lace Sunday. ,J ' Mr.' 'iTommy - Craft has returned Jwma after a '$t-M the Veterans Hospital In FayetteviUe. , ,, Mr. 'an4 Mrs. Marion fiuinn, Mr. and f4r- i' Pro '; Hatcher, ' Alfonso 'Ouian and Janice Quins were in Ft ' Jackaeft South Carolina Sunday. Mr, ,'ljja K. Imier made a bus- Jaess trip to- Winston Thursday: ; and Mr,. Larry pinsoa and pliildren-.i, Tpny- and JKenoy visited Ait a. J.,W. Jordao w Burlaw Sun iay. , . Mrs. T. A. Sarden and Mrs. Bear trie Rouse of Rose Hill vUited frt ends and relatives in Beulaville Wednesday.: 1 ' Mrs. June Thomas and Mrs. Geor ree Whaley visite4 Mrs. Lacy Sho lar la Jtose Hil( tPWay, , Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rhodes, visi ted Mr. and Mrs. Stanley .Bratcher and ,Michleal in1 Raleigh Sunday. ' Mrs. Michieal in Raleigh Sunday. Mrs William Ai Pete and Joyce Albertson were tarWilmlngton Fri day ' ' ' Mr. Walter Gresham visited Mr. and Mrs. Cltyy Cresham and family In Wilaefl'-Manjiay'vw Mr. ad Mra.i Uimpton Sutton of JWWnla visited Mr. N- B. Clark tmi . amily and Mrs.., JotJce and family during the week end. i Mrt.-Jaek Jflmanj ahpped in i Warsaw Friday.- K T - Mr.; and Mrs.- Joe Quinn of Ken ansville .were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amon , Kennedy Sunday. Mrs. .Wick BosHe and son stowey . , 'T,. J V jTl.i ?'H.1 . 'J i. t JinbervaiouWinj, !-' tsrniNG. BOOTING OF 'AU- , :;''..nND. - f 'WW"--:, ZS) "'Plaster, Rock tathu; s BIock.Pauits.And jBuHders Hardware . 1 cyTTEB.n?BRA ; s-V v )'. f i I SllililJi "Furnitui al DfstitKtiM". '.-.iV'-A---- n 7 y m : Sybil, Lanier v""vu niMue b ousiness trm to k n. ton Monday. - i , ' Rajr McDowell of Dunn visited his 1 mother, Mrs, Carole McDowell and uus.iieiu inp mi vioiasDoro' Mon day evening . Kandy Nethercut and Frank Q"1" ot Kenansville visited Mrs Amon Kennedy - anr Mm Pntcu Quinn Thursday. ' James Lou Thomas, . Becky Ann Smith and " Amanda HaU' attended Doris Whitfield Dancing Schoo-v in I Pink Hill ThursUay acompanied by Mrs. James Thomas. ' Miss Donna Jan' Sumner of E. C. C. Greenville was home over the weekend s. " Friends of Betty Eva Edwards are sorry to hear that she is hos pitalized in Duplin General Hos pital. Mrs. Adeil Matthews and Umu Mrs.' Keubin Hunter, Mrs. Ran some Simith and Mrs. Ray Car roll Smith shopped In Kinston last Thursday. , ' " V Miss Phyllis Brown, Marsie Wil laord, and Irma Matthews were dinner guests of Miss Jean Camp bell Friday evening. ; , William Allan Grady and Wil lie Horne of Campbell College were home over the .weekend. Mrs. Clinton Campbell, Jean 2nd James Emory shopped in -Clinton Thursday afternoon. The following people of E, C. S. Greenville were home over the week-end; Jean Humphren, Judy Thomas, Joyce Blizzard, Agnes Lanier, and Roger Craft. Mrs. Vic Oxley and Mrs. Susan Turner made a business trip to Camp LeJeune last Wednesday. Friends of Arthur Sumner are sorry to ' hear that he has been hospitalized in Duplin General Hospital. ' Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brown and Phyllis Sunday were Miss Jean Campbell, Annet te Thomas, Patricia Sanderson, Marsie ' WUlaford, Irma Matthews fMrsi' Ted Brinkwater of ' Cherry -Point, Mrs. Gladys Pracior ot Ra leigh, Ray'' Brown "ef Durham Mrs. Ida Mae1 Sanderson, Mr, a4 tMr.:Joe Tachey':W yrllace, Mr. and Mrs- Suve Wilialora, rtonnie Holliogsworth, "and Mrs. . Dpnald House of Wareawl Pinner Guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Clinton CampbeU jBunday were; Mi, and Mrs. Vic Oxley, Mr:- and Mrs. X D. Cottle. ' Mr. and Mrs Emory Campbell and Mrs 1 Usa iTjurner v '" ' V 1 -"J ' -V,Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Camp bell, Janice Gordon and Ray mond 'Visited friends and relatives in Durham over the weekend. ' - Friends of Norman Sandlin are sorry to hear that he has- been hospitalised in Duplin. Genersd Hospital. ' ' Mrs. York Lanier and Mrs. Mat tie B. Sutton chopped in Kinston last' Friday, f ' h MifiiIrma Matthews visited Miss Lo Reynolds in K-enansyiUe last TVee-ead.' ! 1 "Mr. and Mri Stanley Bratcher and family of Haleigh - viaite4 Kenaedy. Mr. and Mr. Allen Nor frieads and relaUvee- here over rlsj, Mr. and, Mrs. Berry Lee Mobley the e)t-end. s - . H : '. ' - A ex 3;M0RE DAYS TO SHOP CHREECH'S SEMI-ANNUAL SALE iffi3Q1FI&'S0WlftEz M U M HUNDREDS OF v. v ; i yHERE n ' Cv 8-42U6 . , .: - Mrs. jaura wuuarns is now Hospitalized in ' Duplin General Hospital In Kenansville. ( i Mrs. Vic Oxley shopped Jacksonville last Saturday -mom-mi. r Mrs. Jack Jarman and Mrs; Ten m'ev, Rhodes shopped in Kinston lat triHnv - , . " -Little Bobby Houston was over night guest of James Emory Lam- I'Dueil last Monda:y. -Mrs. Ted Brink water - Cneiry Pot visited friends and relatives over the week-end. . : Clinton Campbell and James Emory and J.' I. Cottle made a business trip to Belgrade Saturday r Friends of Dynamite Brown are sorry to hear that he has been Jiospiltalized in DupUn General Hospital. Ray Brown of Durham and Mrs. Gladys Proctor of Raleigh visited bMto and relatives here over the weekend. ; ' A ' Friends of Mrs. Bet- Jarson Beulaville is stationer! at Rear Far are sorry to hear that she is hos- Dor an(j js assigne j ts a destroyer, pitalized in Parrotts Hospital in m0 m,rrr & th former Patsy Kinston. . Kennedy cf 'Beu'avl'e. , Mrs. Clinton Campbell Jean and . j i i James Emory and Phyllis Brown YOUf7 KailV neCf shopped in Kinston Thursday mor- ning. I The Beu'ville district Vouth Mr. and Mrs. Joe Teachey of rally was held Saturday, February Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo n at the PFWB Church in' Beula Brown and phyllis Sunday af- vil'e. There were appr(Kimately 285 ternoon. Sloan Thigpen of Campbell Col- lege was home over the week-end church presented a pjay entitled ' Mrs. R. L.Danley and Mrs. j 'Starch In Your Spine." The char Thelma Thomas shopped in Kins- acters were Milton Bostic, Warren ton last Thursday. ! Edwards, Raywood Hunter, Miss PT.A. Met The Beulaville Parents, Teachers nccipfinn rot Mon. niht. Feb. H at the High Schol Auditorium wiih : Varren Kennedy, president, presid ing. 'Ihe minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by the sec retary, Mrs. Ralph Jones. Prizes for room attendance were awarded to Mrs. Lou Bell Williams- primary: Grammar grade - M3ryjof Beulaville announce the birth Ellen 'Thlepen-'and for the high school Raymond Davis. The treasury reported a balance . brought forward t f &i4.w, less i $3JW for expenses leaving a oaiance of $51i.fi6 ' in the ' treasury. Mr. Cicere Lanier reported that tile had been' laid on the school ground, Plato Thigpen, Peggy Thomas and Cicero Lanier 'Vere apponited as the new nominating committee. a Tounoer fay oeims 1 en and the primary grades presen ted the program. Entertain Friends Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Howard en- tenaweu (wverai m uK.r aaiuraay nijtm uieir ti pan;. Those -enjoying the records and dancing were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carroll Smith.'Mr. and, Mrs. Oscar and Mr ana Mrs: , Jim urinson. -U GoLisboro, N. C. Inc FRIDAY & BIG SAVINGS WILL BE EVEN BIGGER DURING OUR DOLLAR DAYS Jur.ior Prom Plans I.ibr.ibcrs of the junior class of Bc.uiVille High School 9fe complet ing plans their prom which will be on Triday, March 23. The theme will be ""yoiara." Mrs. Temple Hill, Ervin Dobson and VirgiJ Mil- I W? sponsors. Eastern Star Met The' Eastern Star met Monday Mt ? 1:33 al thf Beulaville Lodge Hall. The program for the night was Line and Loyalty" . nnnt Virginia Ullonl oJ V wuu .iipiuin utuiianu, 01,14 tti husband Colon Holland and Thelma Murphy from the Kenansville chap- ter were visitors. On Destroyer , prentice Seaman Jpene Quinn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sue! Qui, Rt. 2, present with nine churches repre sented. The CCs of the Beulaville Elaine Edwards and Miss Judy Ed wards with Miss Lavae Baker as innruncer and Mrs. Shirley Hardi son director. After the program and the busi ness meeting a social hour was en joyed. The guests were served cuf cakes, candy, peanuts, cold drinks and coffee with the Valentine mo'.i;' carried out in the table cloths, nap kins and candy. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Houston of a son at Lenoir Memorial Hos pital on February 10. Mrs. Hous- t0n is the former Sally Jo Ken necjy 0f Beulaville Outlaw's Bridge News Mrs. J. H. Parker, Corrcs. I The Home Economics Club will j meet in the home of Mrs. Manly j Outlaw, MonCay, February 19, at 2:30 P. M. Mrs. M. -L. Outlaw i will be co-hostess. All members 1 are urged to attend the meeting. Mrs. Arthur Smith spent the weekend wUh her daughter, Mrs BU1 Cooper and family in Mon Mr. and Mrs. James Parker and children and Amos J. Outlaw were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nichols in Sims, Sunday. ' Quite a number attended P. T. A. at B. F. Gfady High School Monday sight. Mr. Albert Johnston of Wash ington, D. C. was a recent visitor with his mo'.her, ,Mrs. Joseph Johnston in the home of Mr., and Mrs. Perry Nobles. Mrs. Lessie Horton is visiting relatives in Maryland for several weeks. D. H. Outlaw of Mt. Olive was a brief visitor with relatives Sun day afternoon. ' zemo treat tor Minor Burns, Cuts 2emo, a doctor's formula, liquid te oinUnent, soothes, helps heal minor bums, cuts, bruises. Family antiseptic, eases itch of nirfaca rashes, eczema, teen-age pimple ' athlete's foot Stops scratching, so aids laatcr healing. For itubborn , eaaea, get Extra Sumgth Zemo. ,10 THE MOREHEAD PLANETARIUM See Cottle-Howard Marriage Vows Spoken Miss Winnie Nell Hjward, dau ' ghter of Mrs. Lake Howard of Kinston and the late Mr. IIjwjiu became the bride of Mr. Raybum Ward Cottle, son of Mrs. Mamie Cottle and the Ule .vl:. l..;.. on February 4, at the dey bru nch Free Will Baptist Church at Deep Run. j Rev. Norman Ard of Pink Hill officiated at the double-ring ce remony. j Mr. Edgar Wells Jr. pianist and Miss Judy Kornegay, vocalist, 1 presented traditional wedding mu sic. The bbide was attired in a gown of bridal satin and Chantilly lace with appliques. The long sleeves ended in calla points over the 1 njnus and trie flowing skirt edged with scallops featured an inset in back of Chantilly lace and ex i tended into a chapel train. Her j elbow - length veil of chantifb lace and tulle fell from a crown of bridal satin sprinkled with se quins. She carried a prayer book topped with a white orchid sho wered with satin streamers knot ted with carnations. Scott's Store Mews Personals Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Singleton visited her grandfather, Noah Winders at Eastover nursing home at FayetteviUe Saturday. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie ! Outlaw attended worship services at May's Chapel Church and were dinner guests of the Nelson Kor , negay family near Goldsboro. I Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Kornegay and children were at Rocky Mount Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. . Earl Sears. ' Mr. and Mrs. Barney Whitman and Mrs. J. Thomas of Rose Hill were recent visitors of Mrs. Nora , Jackson. Visitors in the Roland Thigpon home during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thigpen and daughters of Qrifton, Mr. and Mrs. ! Hardid Sutton and children and Mrs. Ray Malpass and baby of Goldsboro. j Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Outlaw are patients at Parrott Hospital, ' Kinston where they are receiv- j ing treatment for injuries received I in a car accident Saturday. I The Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Grubbs and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Kornegay at Seven Springs. Mi's. Jim Davis is recovering from surgery at Wayne Memorial Hospital where she has been for several days. Mrs. Nora Outlaw was at Wil son several days last week with SATURDAY MOUNT BARGAINS m n v o Attendants , Maid of Honor was Miss Ka.he rine Dunn and bridesmaius we.e 3.0 nul.i riwjru, siiiei of the bride, and Joan Grady, cou i.n ol t:ie bride. Jfr. Gerald Ileywood Cuttle oi' Beulaville, cousin of the troom, 1 served as best man, Ushers were Messrs rli.vard Co'tUe. orotner of the groom, and Lake Howard Jr., brother of the bride, Little Miss Dawn Murphy, niece of trie fefoi.m, was flower - girl. The bride is a graduate of B. F. Giady Hifcn Scnuul and is pre sently employed with Wachovia Bar.k and lrust Company of Kins tun. Trie groom is a graduate of beulaville High School and at tended rtardoi'i-gs'i's Business Col lege. He is presently employed by Houston B. ,.i dtng Company Inc. and Southein Building Com pany at Jacksonville. After a wedding trip to South Carolina, Mr. adn Mrs. Cottle will reside at Beulaville. following Hie ceremony the couple received in the vestioule of the church. Mrs. Ray Torrans' and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Outlaw were visiting at Hih Point du ring the weekend wi.n Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Outlaw. Sunday they all went to Charlotte to visit the Jaixis (Jullaw laniii... Sunday Mr. and .Ui.s. Norwood I'h. .Hp.-, unci children ot VVai..jW visi.ed the Dan Wallers. Mrs. Came Bell of Dudley is v. siting iiih her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Outlaw. Among visitors in the Rol .nd Sullivan home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones and son Thunnan of Kocky Mount. D. C. Herring of Clayton and Mr. and Mis. Taft Herring and daughter Janet went to Kinston Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Outlaw at Parrott Hospital, i hey also visited Mr. and Mrs Granger Hill in the Woodingtun area. Visiting in the Charlie Jackson home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Dail and daughter, Mr. ami Mrs. Steve Jackson and baby, Mrs. Rachel Jackson and Patsy of Gra ntham Mrs. Claud Powell and dau ghter Sonya of Warsaw visited Her mother, Mrs. Oarrie Scott Thursday. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sut ton and Virginia of Warsaw were dinner guests of his sister Mrs. Emma E. Outlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Singleton visited Mrs. Jim Davis at Wayne 9 -mm OLIVE fMemirial hospital Saturday even-icnnd lng. v. visuir.g in ine Lumer wiiKins home during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. leamon Wilkins and , children and Arch Wilkins of Pe-1 tersburg, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ; Kelly and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Barwick and family of Mt. Olive. ' Monday, Mr. ana jflrs. H irvey Btfcer and crjiidren of &aiecta were visiting the Bennie Outlaw's Mr. and Mrs. Currie Uail cf Warsaw visited Mr. and Mrs. Ju nas E'ail Thursday night. H.D.C. Met "Add Spice to Your Meals'', was the iooic for dcmtinsliativii 1 at a ret' meeting of the Scott ; Store lio.iu Demonstration ciuo heid Vednesday, Feb. 7 at the tk.rne ol Mrs. Edd Kornegay. Mrs. Lelund Herring, foods and nutrition leader, demonstrated be j to e toe giviup how to add spue ! to the meals. She prepared and i cr iked a stuffed hamburger pie and served to the group. The I103 : ti. ,s ass sled in set vine, i ivt, agreed. "Ppice to the 1 Maal M.ikes i. good.' Lea.e. i.-p.rt; were ilea id from Mrs. Helen Waller, health. M s. l'-vin Koi'i.egay, ci,.innig and Mis. Marion Murphy, education. The spring dress revue was d.s cussed during the business session Mrs. Edd Kornegay volunteered to investigate at department sco res to see 11 some siou- vv.juiu sponsor the fashion show. Plans weie made for snme one from club to served as hostess at Duplin General Hospital s- Tuesday, BiG FARM Auction Tractor and Equipment If You Have Machinery To Sell Bring It Or If Ycu Wish To Buy. Come. Any One Can Buy or Any One Can Sell We will have one of the Best Selection of Tractors and Equipment as you will find anywhere. More dealers are making this sale a place to exchange the equipment they cannot sell in their trade area for the items they can move. WAYNE STOCKYARD INC. And Pate Farm Equipment Exc. GOLDSBORO Route 1 2 Miles South Highway 117 Mt. Olive Highway Phone RE 4-4234 Owned And Operated By Guy Pate, Hugh Pate, Marshall Cox Richard "Dick" Smith PRIVATE SALES DAILY AT Af. C. IMP Sunday in -March. J - x Mis. Jason Wellar mas winnc oi .awora conies given uy mis. Jonas Dail recreation leader. . , - m1 "" " .. ;. , . ', -. WANTS' , - , ' who want much are always much in need. , Horace , f. The devotion of thought to an hon est achievement makes the achieve' nient possible. Mary Baker Eddy 1 try all things; 1 achieve wliat ! can ilerman Melville ., is capa'e cf all tUinsS, -Michel t'e Montaig ie . NOTICE DEEP WELL DRILLING And BLOWING Water Guaranteed Or No Pay E. L REGISTER ( Register's Crossroads ) MFD Rose Hill Phone 28 9-2671 "What Is Home Without Water" MACHINERY Feb. 20th. 4 ' :