V.. ''IK nit J (Ferry- Sunday where r Joyed a sea food hivfer -Vlew Restaurant, and Mrs. Claudell Tyndall here they en-', 1 1' ataner'abthflf-" ' ' tmT.'t JtWIt- v - , ' Jlwll.wl'- oiety f Chris- ?; ,1 -" ' f ' fathw Walter McCullen. In " tCL:. .T JUUllfCIIIlfJ littYVt indav afternoon, v , ' "uuy W- r T" ' By:' Christine Soothei'iand . ' Personals Img this week , in -the, heme K "7 Z,., uEffiS-ffl .Ml rralhe Howel, ;ol ,th - - . .1- , ... - i Presto- -AVor-k anri cfitMt'm atone Afeited jar the.hcWM nfO .noweu ,01 we wiwwi visiiea wr-Brifc!e Son- i ,r -and Mti7iJe'iWaijttiiun- ,taK " 01 'Gdldsboro tnenanu,' Monday? i, K ?ay--eSX!ilJ:iUM- HW?ta visited her .parents,, MfttM'fci'' JunriMtfanWthem and. Mrs. Carl Howefl during the t Itaymohd Turner WidnY t Jio&iWffX weekend.,- ; ; ;-f r- iPeneldatherd attended-jss in the Iia6jhni' ! i Recent visitors in the home of Parker a fourth birthday hear - Mrk!-HaiIrvhM Mr., and Mrs. Arnold Walker and Bhaards Mill Monday .afternpM, ut krtkihtSher Mr. and Mrs. DwigHt Walker were .n ' ' - H Adajni i of ffie i - Mr and Mrs. Levon' Kennedy ana We are glad to renort Mr. and Mr. and Stasnatd fca chil1,n ofiKin&tdn and Mr. arid Mrs. Seth Turner are-Back it home. of Ooldsbor vUited .in 'thenwi Joe Waters Mid family of ana ww. Paul Gry, rr, fir fcfK iA Mr Jn W.llana &A.' "ear Mt- V. . Mfc- snd Mst Chorles Bell ac-. Juatice is th nsefa of tee nation; : eompiuiied Jtfr; and Mrs. Uoyd it farvarsUiuogry for it. t 3qhei and Jerry . from Beulaville. Criih,aac punishment grow 'out Jlr. and Mrs. Oliver Edwards and of. 0BetJNsh.unishment is a fruit temjlS' of WaWw Mrs. Tommie ihatunsustrthtrfaNriDens within the ..J mi-rx' ..... n J M: . ! . . ... uMaiv ana inrsuewia Mifi jiower 01 inewcnire that conceal ier aon.queuiavtfje to eneads ed it ' , 1 11 J " ' v ' y-ii 1 . i " .. '. 1 ' 'if IM I ' I to I 1 psmM : . w Set Sallies mi PM'r.10 1 V.-.. . . C9m K(.1rt row our compute tekctkm oj ttmple itylt Astern r : Ldraosv Bridal f f And : fdrmal Shop , ' . 219 msi;tWaiSf. Next To Sears ysRbebUk Co. Rtymond Turner.- Sr,i ' Rannd Jr. and Rodney Holt visited Mr, nvmond Turner at Chanel Hill Inst Friday.. ,; . .. . !,...,.' f , Miss Pam Grady is a patient of Chapel Hill Her mother Is.-staying with her. , v . ; . r Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sutton and son of Sanford were week enS0est of- Mr. .and Mn Bill Slitldn: Mri and Mrs. , Jim Potter of Deep liun' fisitea on Sunday. ; - .; - -i Mrs.. Lula Smith of Deojj 'Rim rfi iled Mr. and Mra.'ifirvM'. Harper j -Saturday. Sunday ' via tors were ! fMiss Melba Carol Harper and fri er of .tack-'orville. , f ; ' Victims of this "old flu" are .rs. Bill ilDtfen and Mrs. 'Gregory Smith. We hopif they reeaver rpsl soon..' Mrs. Leonard J Loftln anH tr Bobby BrafPf Kihston visiterf vir. ana Mrs. Sunday. Mrs. Eugene Herruijf &nci son vis .i Xf ;-SliJ ittJfti the present tinted The. r centTat a Cdrof"otiiy j " ' -' As-Vft H yim'??-J -V W heroesV"'- -h ",; dmand foi'the new departntent is ZMSi ':- H 1 ltkJi& jY f X'flf' he plan' to set Up a Departmeht . gest municiiiauues of the country , br.'Stareioihtrc'4 the lntportflnii v -; V !'. ',PJn f,5fM. 'W'' Viv1 h l" W twmrth fwpotit jf Wansierrirta 'c f halartoeirthe dally diet aiidt 1 ' ... II w fijc ,.a X . ' vv. ' sv iiung qeie ra'tnt noBrevnsi tram' oi- (neir iinm.iii"iiiuieHi' Sayi Dial WPBUSt way 10 acnievlf ' " 112 -i.'-; VJ''' V--i---- ii X,e)e by,d-;Vbt' of '64: -t'uH. he Federal Treakure. The far ja Dy arietyla'"meats, ;flsh, daii' B PUTFUFMkNT -VT : i I j' J ' ? ' V 'Those who oWerVed-the hafldilng acr'diloiid('Uehr-ilMill - be producls. fruits.' vegetables, qereols i JtlKjlllL V;X4lUJJL1 l-Jl- IJL i,V4i.'Vf !''' ' .'..i'i:'of-hWll 4e.Ftrmf .thiBlilte ramtta4 by"0l''e'W'.ipaiienf Ul' fat r .r'J.d.--. V .' -'r'-'f i: Xn-CtW':-V'V-'-:--, tyitmtMSB -of IM .bill nop lvViaVaui''lea(l;' to "a 'raid dtt the Trta---.- y, ,1V- urj4AW-i?ii : f ' ; J'tU' UWl' I M.i'f:';.Vv.:''' ii :'reajehfr';liiag1i W.a'deb:'''a4b;tht benefit e. our largest - .. . , '.,"V ', .r--vv "'; 'A ".'J:,. -r '' ' ' ' 4 i UVI.f. Ill s .' I.H It .Wp : '? i 1 lap fCT I kt ..T W ""W '"w flaiy wivih. m-iuucuotuns "f; ,.. MfaOt ..1lrl W . Jnffld.. na..W cA imm.m 1r VwliW.'l V W V W a t,QCVWW)ww w nw aavisers. . uie iapmet, w conyer the capable professlonaf ataxof flw -v,' '.i.- . .Uv.iV'....-;f ;,-v ,v.T.:ttablishm'en;'irf; tednto dnventlOti ednsisting of robd.and'Drug1Admlrt'-ttfohi,''?i'vX ' . DArenni7c '' ! 1 Southe&fsrtf Flower 'anlt ' Oardeii' -'W'HWauini-Hseferuae the W18 heads f numerous dep&rtr - r- ' , ,y.';A l-tA ;. t fill OnJTi5 j-g Show in ,thtf Mttt'. itate,Fair Ar-' creatioM.'-o'f'-attch aidepartmeni h)erfi "th valUe otaCabirtet will Oratefyl thanks U, IJfiUinj antrM Visiting in the Home Of MM. t . 'LZDi. ti..i: tri. ktm 'rvi-lFit. tvkWM, in kV. v.Plith v'. lklWiili. ' t,n..n Iho nrinlnat nrtioln" j' : ! T ' i ,1. h - , 5 .... , ; ... - i .,,;.,,,:',,, ,.t,'-..r . If " -fine Cuii.-cr tio... . .. oi I 1 I r iii 1 chemicals without s: t ; of (' , .,fy gage - fiow much -and how lun;? ; '-The .isueeessful-orbit i bV- AsU-onaut' John warvi th.nk tt bss boosted the o fcroblehw . the inevitable-; re-035 dvaef:. '?ubi -.A "? ," jtw. . . .- ... Lt "jfoBtrikv l' umes. ' vitamin v w w iicks H'denjuJ. thin about CoHmmI Glmi's ; Ipoal' InlUhtive; ;.self-rtlittnc8-nu '-nd ted '!i"tplitls -J,. '";'. .)'---..". " ; Sage -ho much -and how Ion-;? t . of the earth the- local- level... It a' feojetfcl --e LJ, ,,i,i. " " n 'i ' i, " ' .. ' Glenn Twill artmeht is - established to deaj J,2Lm ...h t,hM i(j, ,j.i , tv.w than Aaiiohai Stare, "is one the, .ofltstendinj lit ithose 4 j?, accomplishinent was the iact fae spbnibHity. v ,i i",r". " fs jwnoie-wria wastiven the oppor- 'Thirdt the1 united states' ims a rintDnida'tioh':''iwat.'?rv tuniiy td witness it at a time when national; debt ; Which is- BU ostan mrturfties with fcouraES to follow . vtt Was hot MOWB .whelfe'r It wo; tHniy , terser vtJsaB., tne-coniBiiiea .!. t uld be a success or failure All atinal debts of B dthef nations ft t.,, ghmitir i of an or - lfowfevet. -In -my -iudfceirieni:-:thrt fliunicibklities. . states that ..we have the best 'id , were soiind teasbns for Adverse VFih.h 'Value of aCablhei .finest ioods- in bjstory. Ha bBliecs; qte.teerreasois titight wdll ie rtd' bet:Presidene and, the counjrjf ; that our foods are gootl and jlk; bd';agaln6.,.;ateV arise' eut of. the. act .thaE lVfur- some.'thanks' to-the Iria'yVesponj pl. mems.By proponents tnat tne-pian nisrresito tne rresiqent a smaii gible Conmahis that hav..the waii . iiV ! n ., ier of PbllocksYilleivMrs, Cerald States.' MKniclpaKHfes are, ewhstituWohili.fedVernment and ,the lJX''1 K.tt-Sum-, created by. atate law..: They- ar.. ftee enterprlsfe; system .mos of the remoroKBi f. ana Mrs. Clyde n..kii ti. nr r .uutHtwl inhii.vn niitiu iia wimiu, in thi. n..ii.iiii Dad wid -children, BforgVa.;iBj AdaW a Biin-....'?' ; V 5 fc ; ii'hev liave Ho oowers and- no b-r lfchdled ov'tha Houklna arid ilome dry. .kill of lntsster ,S.' Ji; M 1 ' iZfh-l.. j ' wan; and A:oi Mr4.' Odrrle -8edti'" ittdndddV-a a. .boutherldnd Charlotte; Mr. and - Mrs&.-$, work 'shop fheetifiij fdr H. O. C. ,ri-irf t, a- t Dail arta Uy of fldiborti:': Piblic'' .Relation: hfcirtrifl& Wed- Mrs. veima Scbtt; and .Mvs. oe- nesday at Kenansvllle. ligations other than, those pres- Finance "AJjeHcy and by agencies crioed by : the' laws of 'the states tf the- 'government "how-in -exiB1 in whteh. "they are iocited. Th4 ,ence. 'The; Solution to s problems Central government ought hot td does, hot 'depend on the creation- of tted Mrs,Ft.nl.Mbrvfi,:near Deep- rtte tTvtei 25? -',.' J.. .IftV ftf?-?! Ti''- i1!.' Kim Sundav afternoon i L. ' .V..- . A irlZ I '17 it Dasea wi-tne. tneory wai snouia ment ?i uees noi worease tne wisf Mrs. J B. Southerland spent Sat- . , f,' Katie Dav's "P0" vtoitn the Cot-.by-tasafthe states to deal directly dom 'of-goveTttment 'bfficlals td urday with MrTlm ' ; ' ' ,L Southerlanda apitts tte Week j .'ti.vWdni,,.. change ;the title of the egtoejr in1 Mr and Mrs AshleT H II whffi 1 m ?"y d gUeSU ' Mp-nd ei,d- ' : . vi ; J stbto .V f. t which ' they- Work,-HistoW 4as visiting ther I from New York X ' ?JWw !-,t-Rr"'1' Sundav ternoon Mrs. ;Nathan Second theprbblemsW fmllilci- shown, however, that changes ot " . ... . . W'.u . .1. UIUUUB B..U M -.IHITr Bnn MM Mm. InnU.H ....... ...Mm. k 1 u. 1 ... J I ' 1 i I ; ; T ' y' mi uia iiaviuoo weal pauues are-esseniiouy .jocb pro- mu imiuie uo auu g . i fwi .' r$li?" .' - . , - . to Fayetteville to visit Geirge lerris aHfl bUght to"be BolVed at oost. , :-1 Card Of Tnnnlc: 'W- and Mts- Curne Dail ol Sullivah.at the VA' Hospital t.i.,.., -i - - - iWlAj- Wariaw were visiting Mr. and . MfV attd Mrs Gariw 'Mwm-ow. Thelma Hargroves Sunday.' . Stare of Harvara.thaa We wish. to express our most sin re-- appreciation to our, friends, relatives and . neighbors for the many kindnesses shown os during our stsy In the hospjtal. The gifts, has id siiv on the Mrs.d-onas Dail Sundav eveninz. anH Mr. and i. Mrs- Marsden Brack subject. i i - Mrs5fanden Herring is an opr jnj? several' ''da iW' "visit with his' and-daughter of Mt' Olive Visited i A iotsof people are running erative btient at Duplin Gene- mother Mrsl Thelma Hareroves with tlte-Ralph Jones family San-, round the country, trying, to scare ral HospiBal, Kenansvllle. 4 They. Will f'liiake their home in ' W ' -' ..-? '-' '; us about our food; TO hear them i w nu. mn. ..xiciii A2zeii -wi , lam, n rt inmwer . we a.tiii t ,flii George SWlivai? is at Veterans AM2oifc:?f- cards, .letters,; visits and pravers Hospiul Fayelteville for medical c gundiiv Mr and W ihnlnhw-t. w'saw were visiting Mr, , and dead-o'r. at. least sick. ' -p-"!" o n than we can finrt words to express. . -eiw a.u Kuth Outlaw. - r'v'. J.,- ' : . ireaunent. . , v ..j iw t T and Mrs.:ohnny SinKleton .1 i' Tl rT, ' ?""' -u u:u i. ..:.iiLj lu- r. n. i. uieriiu weui iu uacnsonviiip to vi- Outlaws Bridge V .'A'1 J ' - : " SALUTE ALUMNI saw. ' I iMr. anil Mrs. Eugen Outlaw are' at, home aftef ; spending, several Mr.. J. n. Parker. Orr. days at Parrot Memorial Hospital nrnfri m. , for treatment of injuries received rCfVOWfVALO lin.a car accident The A. U. W. will meet-to the J'i CetU K(fnegay knd, Mrs, n.n. CM.. u ri nerring weni to nyewvure r,Z&V.r,r-:,""."' .4 Tuesday. Mrs. Xornewy attandel in. "a nJZZ - 3 Distr,It Meeting of home e- ing.All members are urged to be in.ii present. A special future will be h-r nlJ J vti: "Mlrdnv .lrt,rann,, . rln! vlslted er husband at Vete- Mrs.. A. O; Ingram Sunday.. ; , 'A The poisons are not :intlie food Mrs Wayne Scott Visited se- aad water hut In thn iterm nnrf tnn. and children visited the Roy Buitt sft Mr. ahd Mr. Archie Hall ' yeral, friends; patients at puplin gues of those who, by peddling mis' rlly f Granthai Sunday. - 1 ..Oenerelkbspital ,ThiOTdv. :.;.'... limomatiort. haJf-trutbs.: statements e 'I ,.m r;:?V'??"y 6t Kinstoh visiffed his" mother Mrs.- il'n smmer f :. W.oj; context and downright falser (Huiuay were, air, unq j.ur io'' ? j- .tm-t' .r, ' -i..--...- " : t.i v wood Phillips and chiidPtn of War- Jifcp tt;'..! ,-'V-. fnsService Kenansvllle ; were callers in file hobdsgain temporary notoriety, hv Clate their esos and make a profit, pr hope to'." ' ', ' : -. t SAN. PAUL E. GORE . f WXK), Calif, Paul Gore, .machinist's E. Wflliajh ! r,I!' "r ' of Mrs. Irvln Kdrnetty Wedrits afo i!-IT? " . Jr. ana Mrs.iU. m.u n . o.nn rnvinkb An OWNERSHIP ,v' - 7 LEARN'NO RIINDSHir V' LEADERSHIP PERSEVERANCE , , , CITIZENSHIP CHARACTER INITIATIVE ACrilEVEMEIlT :L. ' the ee.k. end. rtVson spent the weekend, wither. 1,11 aaa mn- ny and Mrs. Gurrtle Scottl v&ffl oui" ."i c:.u ... 1 ! Visitors in .the : home .vii. auu .wis. OIIUUI OHU Ulll'ireil l..a,J- s.MMA U. JTV WniJa.A u;. no-non nop.as were -,aunciay wttonM- famUy andfiilry Joe i MlfLt. i pliJTn m T 2T'v-vday March 7 at 2:00 o'ddek. W,,R;Vnd Mr8' Kn- Boyette of:8uttoo Bwn&l?''" ini S.rd K are. uriedjtd-attend nath Marshall a the parsonage. Mri Adolplt Koriieitey'.aJid Wl-.,?ia.a: th?.,g a P V J. " ' , ; "n".-""; uaugniry ana dren. Mt. Olive. Ai'FT.Smi Pink i X. ul l,uc 1 ion of raison were' vi! home of Mr. and Mrs.. ken Sunday afternon.. , Mr. and Mrs. Ri J. nounce the birth of a son. Tuesday February 20. Mrs. Taylor is the for- ,Oier Elsie Jean Outlaw, . a j' Mrs. Lessie Horton is on an ax- I tended visit with her brothers and ! wife. Mr. and Mr. JV -R." Dawsbn of Port Republic. Maryland. ,i, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Lewis, Jr. Sunday. Mr. ahd Mr. Wi . Waller and dauirhtefs were. fiu- ests, ot Mrs.i Addie Harden at f.BfStare continues, "As e physi 'Princeton "i ' dan and sfddeht of nutrition for the Gueita of ;Mr.' arid Mrt. . Ben- last - 2S ; jteaf a; let me- state cate nie '.Outlaw; Sunday for dinner gdrtcally that 'db not know; nor' were Mr. and Mrs. , .Nelson Kor1 .h9V6' I ver heard, of . one single, negay' andtctniarert joS Goldsbiro, case M IB health ih man shown to Mr. and Mri HarVey ' fkt and .w.,due to aiddjng approved addlilon-J iamiijrTarocw anq. tar. ana irs. ai Chemicals to foods. And I say ad' Robert Outlaw and son. V- V ditlonal chemicals because 1 1 wfch -Mr and Mrs. Ivey Surhhleriiit to mph&s?ze. that all : foods; are and Mrs J 15. Stahley and child- chemicals.; He Bdds that our own ren ;yisited the - Bill HargrflVM bodiea are also niomposed df chem- familir.,Sunday at Mt. Olfve . f ' fcal which is true water, protein. v Scott, Store Home Seinbtttfra- ?ats etd ; " .- tion ciuD wm meei at tne nome 1 r?x Kl IVYIMTC -"' visitors tt. the wn .a it. M n '..rtuW mPniDiou rorce, neacujuart- 7H 1 rVIH 1 James Par- n " of oP,ftn i lered ' San Diego. Calif, wheih ! tvrV ifl i 1 1 - risk Helen Twalfcrlaed'tiTe 1 elePr tts 20th anniversary Feb. rwlV , I WUIV VikUD tyTaylor an-1 .,' ., -i. -lJ; : .;; !. . k I . , Did vou kribW'W takWfi a were among viisifeRr wiffTMr. and Mrs. Gordon Odtlaw Sunday The L. R. Y goup mefrat the church Sunday night., ' . : '' Several from this area' attended the flower show in Raleigh, Sunday afternoon. -Mrs. Katie Outlaw' is visiting In and daughter, Pamela 3f Gddsboro, J(!EfeenvIfle (hu week'."" .'" :w - I Congratulations To Your Future ruirit 6m At it , 4 MFGOF J Vi . , ) 1 ' ' . . ..".'. V. r 'Corn Meal & Purina' Feds : ...vrm Supplies . Chicks ' Phone, Mt Olive S - 3776 . ' .Hovte. I, Seven Springs, N..C. - ''r- : . By W. N Bill Taylor Assistant Vice President UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Washington, District of CoiumbiaV ; is the seat pf guvernmenu -ine iisincT covera DOUii w square miles on -the northeast side of Potomac Rivef and is 38 miles southwest pt BaltimoT1 Ma; .!esL- dent George. Washington waa-aithori34 to'leA the site for the ppital. Jn . 1791,4 MsyorPiMej Charles L'Enfarit. a French engineer: was ''emDlovv ?ea 10 araw up pians-, ior ; tne capital cny.ius ;6 today one of the most bea'Uttfui'AiMsvIft'tfwId, Congress held its first session m the lie wcajpitpl' iri.' ictciiiuer, ouu, ine pi vrresiaeni jtope inaugu rated in Washington' was Thomas Jeffei'son! Today 4U i.L.'iL. .Ji-L" i ' . . uie tit voyersxne tnure aisinci, ana is governea by three commissioners who are appointed by the President: yji : ; v. - Each Account Member . WALLACE Insure4 To M ; f . N. C . ' $10,000.. . Federal Reserve . " By F.D.I.C. Sysfeta, . r . ("The. Oali Mfe.UXWa Awe tnfreaUerhto, -' " In Tie Federal fteserra System" 1 - Today: approximately 20.000 men assigned to some 70 ships and sup portinjr todts make, tip the force, commanded, by .Wee Adrm Howard A. ;Yea;-.The;,Taeif ic aniphis" art capable af traiisoortlni? and. lflrirfin coinbateadi;. Marines -and n their ecwiphjentqibs' th 'beaches of "". WW pov,j.Mie racuic, me r ar 6ti;or southeast Asia. ". i' i' ' m - ' XiaBML &..Vadtol V; MORFOLKa- irk Navy .Lti jig) Ellis B. Vestal, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Ellis V, JBestaldf acehansviltei N, C.,iis.srHn(;ilt-4he Little Creek Artiphibiow Baad, NdHolk, ' Va.( ... a nnit of the - Atlantic Fleet Amphi Woua Force, headquartered at Nor tew, Va., wnieh celebrated its 20th .anniversary of Feb. 20 , ( ' , I- Today, nearly 1,0D0 tee assign' ea to sa. snips and supporting nnits make up ' the forcVi' which teams wftfhe. .Atlantic -Fleet Marine. Force- to. elrjavldle a '.vital ' afnphlWdas striklni.cspabtlltf lor. 'the . natloii. Ctofttot-readyiteraruje the -Atlani leA lsltenv.vurcj3C..end .7AntareUc Odnans.H wWaheVCabeah and- MedMerfaMan'-Maw '-. H,V1ce AdW4frediy.WW, Conv rnnor . oY -thethMtij' emphiba, out k.iumJlnar'4M.M i.. page to the, man ol hi farce prais- pij meirvimportance-,fisii ."van fuard hi peace and spearhead, in fat." .-. .,'v.-, , t'-'i-" -1? . : - itnm v. : . . NOaPOUd Vn William b StaiC ley, ; shlpfitter fireman USN, son of- Mrr and Mrs. Luther Stanley of Magnoua, n. c., a serVihg abroad the amphibious) force1 flaeshlo USS Pocona,; a unit of, the Atlantic Fleet, AmpniDious, orce, . headquartered) at Norfolktj V;which celebrates tts toth anniversary on Feb:'. " ; V' Organic pa Feb. 30, 1943,' the force ' )id -.very major Allied ami phibious tending; hi , North . Africa and .Europe duriiig World. War ii - yk Adm, Alfred G. Ward, eoni- tnander of the Atlantic amphib. sent a personal anniversary, met- saze to the man or hii forta prai sing their importance as a "van guard in peace, and spearhead to little finie ybu dan gain points for your Home Demonstration '21ub? .You can. :, f't.i.:'" ; Ask ydur clutf fhembftrs to tnear sure their waistline' and take a penny, tor eadh'WCh df thfe'fnea- isuremeht to ydUr 'dub "meeting. It will mean -pdlhts ior tne aco-re-keeper and txtra1 cash for the treasury. Try It..". yv--i -Mrs. Oarrie J. Scott lublib ftelations - ,K - uafden lime r Are there poisons in your food-? Listen Jto :what" . pr.if Frederick J. ?.Dtel. I.Y. -fSri7 J. Fj REYNOLDS . ,21US1C COMPANY, tain Operated y Phono- gSraphs and Pool Tables. CigaffcUe yinddw. Ncvvi ah4 tiscd Records. : 2. ; r,P Bramon 8t.''','V;--.'v'.:'" ' ' ' ii' BEIK-IYLER'S Mount Olive,' N. d 'M' -" - 1 J , - IV.. ".: 1 " ' . l ire- 1 , - - r -. i. .. . Any heel, sa;rong,.l .' ; v xis it'$. tow. ondV: ; .w-, I ' stacked (V..' ;.'onrl.'. v 'v fi; s hoped by h61 ;f.;"i ;v,''5fflmous',m'ake 6f ' ' '(,',-;' ))bvob!eishQs::?0 Are Invited Tp A UOii Demonstration 01 - ret rucrurs ' v' V lx.'-t'Yitn. fThe' New',Multipower .Timiion' i-'C'i ,Lcarrt From Company Trained Personnel The Advantages j I : You Mr, Farmer Of Having 30 More Power and 30 More Speed Available.;; (j;-t:::j. "..vv .-, i;::,--:;.':, ;' v ,.:.'.'.." ,v ' ! '-' '-'. ! " . ", - , " j .J : ' i . ' -,- V . ' "" , '?''?" 'T'" ' y,5t' f'lv - AT YOUR FINGER' TIPS 14 :;;.gThur$dayi March 8th 2:00 P. M. 'i . ' i' - -V: Phono 29 6-3;;i '.': i V v,j Kcndnsvillo, N.C "A 4 i war." i - . ,t ,. ( r v -

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