THE LuLW IP 3, EENAK3YILLE. N. C, Tirrf ; 0.A1 1 1, 1 PH:4 1JV 4h9 Stanford VH Club' are shown .hert enjoying ; business arid edcaiionJ part of their ': ; ., I - VUf ing fUtJMj!lp,.TOWm in- 25tereed;.iuJv.:;ndjyouiig people Ttnet .iS Stanford 'Church, east of Mtt'VUV, H discuss organizing a i Community- 4'H Club; Stemming ,? n irom, interest. shown ,at the meet ' ,i ingt-f sponsoring commiitee was 1 5nained.'Jlay Roerts4 Sr. was ol- AriA Their You Ace Ivonying Us 'Better 1 i'VC x Wl ,;,i,i -..Scv.-f't'l 1 ''tt BEULAVILLE . .-. WAYNE FEEDS I -v. 'I.' : ..h:--:"'- ..' -. ;- , "l Phone CY 8-3781 M OCX ; W ' To Our 4-H'ers iifc M.WU NEED i ' . f i . iis? J Liability Auto Insurance Collision If fSSoS : ' : ::r'.5?. , . : Ill . nUUIbl uullillUUUII .MUI.III.I L ?;,'!'.. It ':'t7 ,,.V;"":- " I I'PaulB.-Potteift M-:'- AUerfDraughon, Jr. I v? ; Duplin's fcconomy s ' . .' V:..Pv,:yfV-'''-1-!j'!::':ir ' ; We Turn iyo One Down Regardless of Age depends on our ::t 'P::ikw. ; . v. X :-dpdj'-V ' v " Low Down Payment - 4 to 6 moi. To Pay Balance v- ?-V ;.;v - .-'i?; '.": '" :- '. - ' ' :'. .' ' . f I is-'' .V': V sV '.v? V"" ' I II ties xru:HS auios ? I ";:' Ana : nprneiiiwci i yi . , i i . .. ; v w J prtpil Vhairman of 'tliB.Brir.nsril'UlB committee which, was cortiDosed f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones Mr. and Mrs, Ray Roberts, and MiM Lillie Smith.' ' ' Miss Smith and Preston Royafi were chosen by th committee as Adult 4-H Leaders- On August 3, HATS OFF ! To 4-H Boys & Girls Of Duplin Many Projects. The Way To Bigger and Things. V' "' MILLING CO . - i anj woiK Degw s ' ' jnii year i (m; " " i V- J , r I 'iiave bewt'ir. To. . '.'..1.'p..L : I i'moiistration."'; feWH'.trVH an i iorganizaUonaLjneeUna. , was called. The group of elevin, 4-H lows;; i-jy ione'i; .'r-i j 'J..' 'tV- V to Ifl-i v.'Vi.' . W jq tenjtolk, as. V UVii&vJ AiAiffiitrt &&1llitZ- liaW"?'' ?ref sen tly," B .atifdrd ,4-H ,Club, .'as '$ named '.thein'Sei'Vi'ei' i'ttlfcbt to" ;itAVe : buiiai ' oWneid'-t:bv; Adult':. T V GroWth1'c.rttr club : hasten rto'nrirtiioLrf. ' .VfemueChh) now iM' Inds at t'we'n-tilnea'hii(J WhS program, topics e A 'is ; ialth Im 1 provement.!?'EotH Subjects' 'yere presented oy -i-ners, unner me guidance of adult" leaders' and Ex tension Agents. .; ;' ' As a part ofkatlonal 4-k, Week? Observance Stanford Club,, spent Saturday af tejhoon ; of last week Cleaning roadsides in frijs.' commu nity. Special attention -was givdn I Church ground 'j.. t" (Recreation tas been included in the club's activities. Miss Smith and Mr, Royall have worked with the t-H'erf in all phages . of thei work including county events and activities. Look ing V , for .' Eecieation Skating Afternoon and Night 2:30 to 5:30 7:00 to 11:00 V Price To Everyone ' Saturday Afternoon . Only . Ladies Night v JVlon. Night Skate . . , Price. . , GOLD PARK : LAKE 5 Miles South Of , Gpldsboro" C H1 :': ' v. y- i Lnmber Phohe93 25 v ' ; Building Supplies jfcyr fce&fteMllilllhW1 Sw&- !; I 7.1Piifiif iWap-1 '4 West Coast Lumber Specialties j i ' I jf I I i .si; Masno'ia 4-If rnen efs are A. Q. Smith, kheeling. This 4-H Kiwunds as one of their community iplia 4-fT ers By " Craig EUh, Eepdrtes to sTiow haw to give deTienstra The Magnolia Coinmunicy 4-H tions will be given by .limmie Club had its ffrst mesiing'Jan- Rich. 11 io in .tho rnmmniiitv Juhe A demonstration on tht Building in Magnolia. The offi- who were elected are: Mary Alice Thomas, President; Jimmie Rich, Vice President; Jean Rich, Secretary - Treasurer; Craig Rich, ReDorter- Marv Ann Martino, Song ' K. ' ..... , Leader. The Adult Leaders are Mr. nd Mrs. A. O. Smith. The sponsors are Mr. and Mrs Charlie Thomas and Mrs. Rosa Pope. The club started with 26 mem bers at the first meeting, and now has 4 new members making a to tal of 30. Members of the club took part in the Heart Fund Benefit Pro eram recently . held in Magnolia On February 25, H?art Sunday, club members in groups of 2 and 3 went on a house-to-house can - j vass for the Heart Fun. This mo nth, being Cancer month the group will also go on a Cencer Drive in the communitv. , Pspgrams are planned for this year. They are as follows: .February Beautlfication of the Magholla Elementary School gro unds. ' ' Marc"h Mrs. Charlie Thomas and Mary Alice will give a talk on the uress tievue, ana a iaiK and demonstration given on the safety of guns, both hunt ing ,and. in the home, by 'Jimmie Rich. , April - Practice and prepare for Health Pageant. . May A talk to encourage aJ TI1GRES WO STOPPINGS- MADIMCD Products "..,' ; ; , r , Warsaw, N. C. Red Wood Products .Vf jr-. r- J-.--,. sliown above 'With their "leader Mrs, Club plans to beautify the school projects. Plan Busy Year safety of Electrical Equip ncnl, on the farm una jii the lio ne. (for boys) will be given by Craig Rich. A demonstration on the sa- lety ana use 01 isiecincai Appi:- ances in the home, (for girls) will I Tiff A TU..- , be given Dy Mary Alice 1 nomas and Jean Rich July A talk will be given by outstanding club members un 4 H work. Plans will be made for a community picnic. August Program on Career Exploration. September Planning and pre paring for Fair Exhibit. October A talk and de:nons- tration on Crafts by Mrs. Kusa Pope, November The planning c( the program for next year. December Christmas Party. 4-H Club goals have been se; for this year and ii is hoped to complete each and everyone of them. Plan and conduct National 4-H Club Week observance. Have a project tour, Conduct Commu nity Service Project, and have a 4-H Sunday Program. For the Community service pro ject plans are to beautify the Mag nolia Elementary School grounds The club has asked for donations of shrubs and bulbs lrom various clubs and individuals to help carry out this project. It is hoped that the club will be a auccess, both for the mem bers and the people who will take it over. Under the expert leader ship of the leads s, the club as - sured of success. LITTLE BEAVER DAM CLUB This Club was organized No vember 10, 1961 in the Beaver Dam Community 4-H Club House. Fourteen boys and girls are en rolled in the club which meets every other Friday at 4:00 o'clock, The first few meetines were de - voted to learning club pledges and learning how to conduct a meet ing. At present, members are busy working on a health pfqject. Mrs. Robert Ward, is serving as adult leader with the help of junior leaders, Alice Carol Mer ritt and Leli Ward. The junior leaders are members of the Bea ver Dam Community 4-H Club. Club officers are: Ann Craft, President; Sylvia Ward, Vice-President; Carla Ray Merritt, Secre tary; Melvin Ward, Treasurer; and Larry Knowles, Reporter. Crime and punishment grow out of one stem. Punishment is fruit that, unsuspected, ripens within the flower of the pleasure that conceal ed it. REMEMBER Delivery When r.lack Oi! 4 :V. ' Phone 293 Warsaw, N. C. The tfbjie cgfle tuac'r r romn Service R presealn'lve Carplina Pwer & LIgllt Cu. AH OUT OVEN TSMP..tATl'RES V In, the p.J d"." cooi: s".u.'.. her nrl in ths, u:er 0 ' e: the 'em"rr-;ure.' 'lar l"y .he rooJern ;ook desa't have to gutss at the '.amperatura of li.r o '?n, lain-j in He r'nes 0"f rf te.i, her r ;n e h is oven heat cortrol. f'O 'w r, t.n se ''odVs vh'se o-'ers o not hive h "it rov vol th?y should purchase a t s'.o.l, rroven own tuef modeler "h'"h 'vhus'y will not control the heat but will help determine the t.mpera'uro of the oven so that vou can lo v r or increase the amount of he;t nee led. These handy oven thermo meters are available at most hard ware stores or houeswarcs depart ments in gener'l stores. If you are going to b.ike success fully, you will need correct oven temperature and shouli id ow the temperature indicated in the recipe you are using. Mary a od cake has been ruined becnusc the oven temperature was not correct. Once a year, at leas, have your 1 oven checked by the utility comp any, your electrician or yourself, because -even the best range needs care. S'udy the instructions which came with your range because the people ih mala it bnn,. kpt wno maae n Know Dest now you should treat it for maximum ser vice. Although modern recipes give exact cooking temperature, it is just as well for you to know what these different temperatures mean. Very slow - 230-300 F Slow - 325 F. ' Moderate - 350-375 F. Moderately Hot -400 "F. Hot - 425-450F. Very Hot - 475-500' F. Common Caus-K of Cuke Drier's i Higher on Ore Side Than The Other - Uneven oven heat: cake too near sides of oven, oven too fuli, uneven oven; worped pans. 1 Coarse Grain: Insufficient mix ing; oven too hot or too cool; too much or too little sugar; too much i flour or wrong kind; too much or too little liquid; too much baki.ig powder. Tunnels: Over mixing; too hot oven; too much flour or wrong kind Dry and Crumbly: Too much four; too much baking powder or soda; too little shortening. Moist and Crumbly: Too much sugar; too lit tle or too much liquid; too much shortening. Falls during baking: Too cool oven; tuo much suar; too little flour or too much bakin" powder or soda; tooo much shorten- 1 . ing. Falls after baking Insufficient bak ing. Runs Over Top Of Pan: Too cool oven; too much sugar; too much baking powder or soda; to small pan. Hard Crust: Too hot oven; ba' ed too long. Falls ApaiH Coming From Pan: Too cool oven; too much sir ar insufficent baking; improper cool ing; too much shortening: too mu"h baking powder or soda rough Innd- ling when taking cake out of pan. 1 Sticks To Pan: To much sugar; im proper cooling; pan not greased properly or new pan not properly tempered. Gillette Adjustable Razor 9 Settings for Superb Shaves! You Want III Company 4328 '135 toj with nw JZmf 0 Hotteis-hiil 4-71 ers an. ji.ured o',-ove with their leaders at-a club mestin'. From left to ryiit: Marsha, Brown, Lorianne Quinn, Kenreth Garner, Carol (Juin 1, Mr. Karl Johnson, Mrs. Ellis Turner, Billy Turner, Marie Quinn, Gene Turner, Annie Turner and Kenny , Brown. . . .' Pcliers Hill 4-H Plans Fuli Year The Potters Hill Communil 4-H Club was organized Ma"i 25, 1958. At present t"e c' i members, together with adult 4-H leaders, Mrs. Lee Thigpen, and Mr. Ei:rl Jeiinsan, In:. a i . .. regular mon h!y n'pr'ine n' ""' Potters H 11 Community Devel'ip mnt Club Building. Me-t.ngs . held i.n the last Friday niiiii : each month. A. the meeting held in Xr.-c:i:-ber to plan the next w pro grams, the ciji) member-; de i, e l 4-H'ers Let Service In Your I i&bihi Q3BE33. Bank Of Alf. Olive Make Our Hank Your Bank In Mount Olive and Calypso a 4-H lu rl tit iwuys ready to help . . and soafe To People Like You We Owe Our Success I ! QUINN-McGOWAN CO. INC. Furniture Funeral Dir.. Warsaw and Beulaville . -t . - i. they would l'ke to rmike a tour of the J. P. Stevens Company In Walla e. This tour U to be con ducted during the month of May and will rep:e;e..t the planned jilt ; :ra.n for thst morth. Y' ? The goal in 19G2 is to have all record; comple.ed by members and tj enter more county 4-11 ev- ent Club officers -are: ;iiUv Turnch, President; Carol Ann Quinri, "Vice President; Marie Quinn, Secra tnry Treasurer; Ann e 'Turn?r, Reporter; and Kenny Brown, S:mg lender. Man is capable of ail things. Eve.-vth'ng in the world is good fur something. , f- . . Us Ue Of To You Future r -i - V. . TrA MM iii - , ....-,w.v,4.rfi t S-'- ,kW--- . -,;; - , '..'.,1' -. t , -? " '