THIS DUPLIN TIMES. KENANSVTIXE, N. C, THURSDAY MARCH , IZZ. U L Pcrscnoli j J d y y Lb ' T-.Tr. and Mrs. Emmett Watson ui patifehts af N, C Memorial ; ' I f Chapel Hill. Friday, s d also "werr biriei, visitors, h Charlotte.:' 'V 'Ak&.. ". l' 'pf ' 3 ' L i "! rurml" Relieves" C tln and Shrink Hemorrhoid! . .: ' r.plt- Inatnietianw appear an ' !. Mrs; Currin Howard wan In Ra leigh, recently to visit in ti e honui of her son, Mr. John ' C. J Io ward, and to attend the South Eastern Qarden and Flower Show.- . jv Miss , Nancy Jones of Keredith', College, spent the .weekend with her parents, Mn and .Mrs. C. C. .Tones. ;, V BB ?B v "J BB''' ; Mr,; pnd Mrsi, Joe Clay 'anes of Wilson, spent: the1; weekend , with their parents, ilr and Mrs, Wesley Jones and Mr., and Mrs. Johnny Westbrook. '": &Ut:V Mr, and Mrs. bhn C. Howard, of Raleigh ' pent f the .weekend at .their home; siJ-yf fBBBB,. .'1.-4-f"il-i1- Xv.';Vv-'.. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Maxwell and Beth and Ken attended iun eal services f or' Mrs. Maxwell's Qrandmother, Mrs, John A.; .Clark in -Zebulon last week. Mrs.' J.' M Jones and Mrs. T. A, Turner left Friday, to spend seve ral ttays in New York City. They were joined in New York by Miss Connor. ; Jones ,atid a friend from I,- " i.--,' .V V-Wi'.i ft""' V., I. . -' 1 -'."j . ' :.vv- IV t. !(,. ...J' r v-; B B:1 -iW :B'BB BB'-BB B4B B:BBii BB': f Two. n-CnTPcsh ion Finds! . f valutpr!ctdat. , , fr ' . S ' Twp wayi wanderfull War th smart fathiori jprflnC v. ' if :1' on day, nxt day change to th handsom solid ' sld. Both itylei In wontd cotton poplin, ! chin '''' ' collar coat rvtrte to poplin print, the round col-. . '' . ' lor coaf to acotato taffeta print Both durably : , Vratr-rpellent, stain resistant, wrinkle-resistant bolh excellent buys at this pricel 'vi.-- A. Chin collar, 5-buHon front. Blue, beige,' green. -!. Alto i4-24. 13.99 . : .. I. Hidden hood, round collar, 4-button front. Black, beige,' green. I-It. ." n 9 Li id v-i J ' J' OF "3TON ' Mr. and Mrs.' J. T. Turner and Mir. 'and; Mrs .X.inwood -Turner spent the weekend in Raleigh ' Mrs Charlie Gillespie of Burns rille spent- the weekend with- her parents, Mr. and Mrs.t L Hv. Tur ner. Mr. Gillespie ,and Mrs. Char les ' Gillespie, Sr , were, at Ft, Bragg to visit relatives during the Weekend, and ' Becky joined her husband there on Sunday, lor the, return trip, vt - Mr, and Mrs. Hugh C. Turner and 1 children : visited relatives at Oxford' lor the weekend. "i ; Mr. Gilbert Jones of Spartan burg, S. "C. .was a weekend guest in "the home of Mr: ant Mrs. W. W. Maxwell , f , N Albertson ' postmaster and Mrs. Melvin Potter and children were called tot Savannah.v Ga; recently because of the death of Mrs Pot ter's', mother, Mrs. Arminter ' F. Malphrus McAlphin. The funeral was held at a Savannah Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sain is, and, burial was at Ridgeland, S. , Mr. Warren - Maxwell ' was in Durham, Thursday,-, and was ac companied home by young Mike Whitley, his grandson, who was a plastic surgery patient at Duke Hospital for aibout a week. Mr. and Mrs.; Faisnn Turner, Mrs. Janie Herring and Miss An nette Turner spent Sunday in Greensboro with Mr. "and Mrs W. ;', .T. Herring . and family. At Chapel Hill they were joined by Mr. Ben Turner,, who also spent the day -with the groUp., . Mr.-and Mrs. H. E. Maxwell at- ews WSofCSHas Study Course Motor Park Drive-ln Theotre Pink Hill,N.C. s-io Friday and Saturday; March The Greeri Helmet 'Starring Bill Traer 'and '-. ,-h ' Nanty -Walter A DramaUo Thriller - 'About Auto Racing -i . s if...". ''. . , ;: Cartoon If Only He Hadn't Been "Tailgating' t il - 'e liJi It takes a minimum of 90 feet to stop a vehicle traveling CO miles per hour, according (to traffic engineers at Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. Before even the best driver can . react to an emergency ahead, a vehicle moving at this speed travels more than 25 feet Laws of physics such as this proved fatal 1 to more than 14,000 persons involved in vehicular collisions last year. This . same disdain for physical principles caused the death of 1,700 more as a result of collisions with other fixed objects. In all, motor vehicle accidents resulting from such causes as careless ness, recklessness, speed and drinking took 38,200 lives last year and cost the nation $614 billion. Drivers are cautioned by traffic engineers at Liberty to obey ' the rule-of-thumb set down by state traffic authorities: "For each 10 miles per hour registered on your speedometer, allow at least one car length between you and the vehicle ahead." This way, the laws of physics and the rules of the road work together to help prevent accidents. Sunday And Monday March 11-12 Back Street ;'-';:v-?:S "'"Sus"' Hayweod . n, Classic American , Novel About A fyoman .lB Love With a Married Man Forced To live In The Back Street and Cartoon ' " tended 1 funeral services for Mr. Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Hanell Kroest Faulkner in Kinston r 11-' visited Mrs. Harrell's sister, Mrs. day afternoon. Mrs. Faulkner, the Haynes, of Raleigh who is ill at former Isobeile Turner, is a niece : Rex .Hospital, Tuesday They alsi of Mrs. Maxwell. I visited little Pamela Grady, of Mrs. Robbie Williams is visiting I Pink Hill who is ill at Memorial relatives in Wilmington this week. ! Hospitaly at Chapel Hill. Mr., and Mrs Horace G. Tyndall Miss ?ue Carte former student vere called to Wilmington t.w t Atlantic christian College, j lr?L0t,lZ? eek?,CaUS? Ofhenow attending Hardl.arger's Bus death of Mrs. Tyndall s sister, Mrs. , g h , , Kinston Henne W. Sanders. Mesdames A. 1 . P. TyndaU, Earl Smith and Annie I Mellon Carter, Norma Gray Kornegay attended the funeral w,ll,nouth- Ja'"f Hr'a ' mm' ': .' '. .. ' ." ,., . '- i . , 1 1 B n Preparation B'iiBiBB-B- Castration L ; Incisions Skin Irritations . Insect , . T Repellent . DALY-IIERRIKG Company , Kinston, N. C. . :. , . . ' 'V::,i - Ahoskie, N. C. ' , Thone 33 2-32 il there Wednesday "afternoon Mrs.. Jasper Tyndall spent the weekend with relatives at Soutli Mills and Norfolflf Va. Mr. and .Mrs. Faison Smith, Aaron Smith ;3nd,, Allen Grady I . spent the weekend with A1C and Mrs. James Hemphill and son, ifi Greenville, S. C. They were accompanied as far as Monroe, Taylor and Bob McKinney have returned to Eust Carolina College afier h;iving spent a few days be tween quarters, with relatives in Pink .Hill. Mr's.'Myra Jo Whitley, teaching in the Swansboro High School, i also teaching College freshman English two nights a week, at Cherry Point. The course is under by Mrs. Arthur Smith, who visited i the supervision of the East Caro Miss Marilyn Stroud of Raleigh spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stroud, on Pink Hill, Rt. 2. .Announce Birth Born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ho ward of Pink Hill, Rt. 2 a daughter. Vallery Lynn, at Parrott Memorial Hospital, Kinston, March ,'t, Mrs. Flo , Howard is the former Rebecca Tyn daU of Pink Hill. her daughter, Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Cooper. - ? Miss Martha Rogers pf Wash ington, N. C. spent the' weekend at her home on Pink Hill, Rt. 2 Miss Alicia Smith, employed at Wayne Memorial Hospital, in Goldsboro, was "ather home for the weekend. J' Mrs.. Amos. Howard left Friday afternoon for a visit with her dau ghters, in Hollywood,. Fla. 'Mr. and ; Mrs. 'Robert Ballard are ' spending this week in rida. ,--..'.-'; :i:;liiV WiWa' il!' iliVJlliWhl'sli) !;lli: :;i'i.HHv !li "B e l-u. wwraa stripe ttrsr 1 e Edi-Gardkardern(iprt , e Sdlf't tratott MtN-ltM top' Nwer baton tuchoutotandlne comfort and durabllttr (or only SJ.5. Thouaanda paid SM.N tor ttitt eoatty, quaHty taaturaa. ' Siraa maHtyFlaiSunlfntrMa,artlaiit(S(H la LIFE ii It, I960; Jaa. U aaa July H 1M1. . ' : list ANNIVERSARY SALE " ' B ' - B B ' , Baker Furn. Go. Cub Scouts Hold Banquet Pink Hill Cut) Scout Pack 244 held its annual Blue and Gold Banquet, recently, at the Methodist Church. The cubs were 100 per cent pre sent. - The event was opened with a flag ceremony by Billy Brewer, Jr., and Micky Parker, The Pledge of All egiance was made, and the group sang, America. Den I presented a skit on famous men born in Feb ruary. TaMng part were, Danny Whitson, Bill Turner, Mike Pickett, .1. M. Strickland, Haywood Smith, Morris Earl Lee, Micky Parker nnd Billy Brewer, Jr. Cubmaster Bob Hushes presented the Bobcat a war.d to Danny Whitson. During an inspection ceremony, registration cards were given each cub. Celebrating Scoutins 52nd birth day, Mrs. H 11 hes served a large cake to the group. Pink Hill Receives Many Honors In Tourney It. was a close race for the Pink Hill girls, but they lost out by a smnll nrirgin, in the finals of the Lenoir County Hasketbo'l tourna ment, at Southwood Saturday night. The Conlentnea rirls wore the win ners. Eneh School in the County prcsentel a sportsmanship ;nviird lo the sports on the boys and jiris learns, and Grace Howard for the Pink Hill Kills, and L. II. Tur ner, Jr., on the Pink Hill hoys team, received these awards. The Harvey-Dixie trophies were pre sented by Mr. C: Felix Harvey, of Kinston.Johnny Turner and Honts Leonard of Pink Hill made the All County team. Christian Chapel HOC Met The February meeting of the Christian Chapel Home Demonstra tion Club was held in the recreation room at the Church, recently, with every member present. The presi dent, Mrs. Roscoe Stroud, presid ed. Miss Julia Tyndall gave the de votional. Mrs. Iluthie Howard gave the demonstration on, covering and making belts, buckles and buttons. Miss Julia Tyndall. home beauti-! fication leader and Mrs. Ellen Ho ward, home food supply chairman, :ave reports. The club is planning a special lower arrangement to be used in the Church in May. The project for the year is a directory sign for the Church. The general meeting of the Pink Hill Woman's Society of Christian service was neia at tne cnurcn Tuesday night, February 27, with an attendance of 14. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Kenneth Max well, the vice-president, Mrs. Man ly Hatch presided. A study book,. Under Orders, The Churches and Problem Affairs, was reviewed by Mrs.'Dwight Walker, of the Wood land Church. GSSSJQC, IMItBfMSS. IMMVft '. . . ' asat ' MMTVftSOTVM . COMMS . fB; ar a fcMMe - dah )im law iin,' - 1 t jTii 1- fii t if ini v Ma law lana.M ) CHOWAN CCHJLI6 World Day Oi Prayer Services "God So Loved The World", is the program topic for the observan ce of the World Day of Prayer, to be held at the Pink Hill Methodist Church, at 3:30 p. m. Friday, Mar ch 9. Mrs. Frank Wiley and Mrs. Robert Parker will be in charge, It will be a joint service, and all chu rches in town will take part. Justice discards party, friend ship, kindred, and is therefore al ways represented as blind. If you have crowded stands of Pine Timber or stands with poor-quality trees, why not let us thin your woodland to provide for faster growth of future saw logs? You will not only re ceive current income, but also improve the ap pearsance of these stands. Call or Write ROBERT E. WARD P. O- Box 172 WALLACE, N. C. Home Ph. . Office Ph. 28 9-4031 AT 5-2870 Rose Hill Wallace Yard Ph. AT 5-2392 Wallace Office In Wallace Hwy. 41 West V - ,iV Symptom cf Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS1. pueto EXCESS ACID . QUICK RELIEF C3 KO COST Orer At million packafai of tha y WILLAKO TREATMENT h bBo4d for relief of ymptomaof dHtreatariaJnrfnn . ttamach and Dm aiwal tllaata due t Mm- , cm AcldPaar Pleaatlaw. Saawor Upaa '' 1 laaanaaa, ata., dua lo taciaa fuid. Aak foe , "Wlllard'a Mimai" which fullf expUina - V Uiia boroa traatmant " ffiaa at Kenansville Drug Store , Warsaw Drug Store . Looking For Recreation Skating Afternoon and Night 2:30 to 5:30. 7:00 to 11:00 Vz Price To Everyone Saturday Afternoon Cfnly Ladies Night Mon. Nigbi Skate Vz Price, ' GOLD PARK UK! 5 Miles South Of Goldsboro' . Pink Hill HDC Has Busy Meeting The March meeting of the Pink Hill Home Demonstration Club was held Friday afternoon, the 2nd. wilh Mrs. H. L. Harrell as hostess. Mrs. Haywood Stroud, president, was in charge. Stayslitchinc, pies sing equipment and pressing tech niques were demonstrated by the home agentyMis.s Marie Peneul. Mrs. Nick Sftnilh. fnmi'y life lead er, gave a report, and Mis. Harrel demonstrated, h it making. Seven members attended. WELLS STOCKYARDS WALLACE, V.. C AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY BUYING AND SELLINGS DAILY except srro.u OFFICE PHONE AT j-ZZr.i D. L. WILLS NIGHT PHONK AT 5-23t JACK P WELLS NTGHT PHONK AT S-ISH STOP BUY SAVE B.A.K. GAS STATION L(M'ATKl) NEXT TU UIIPLK MOTORS WAXSAW. N. C. GAS FOR J.E&S Regular 27c Per Gallon HirTest 30c 94 510 Octane 103 Octane All Brands Of Oil BELTON D. MINSHEW OWNERS MATT IE MINSHEW Home Beautification KINSTON, N. C. IS BIG BUSINESS WITH FLOWER FARMS Pink Hill, N. C. see a Our Terrific VALUES During Our Spring SA1

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