:f; . :,i. ... 4! -' . " ' HELP- . ,. , . RED CROSS HELP OTHERS :.' 3 I9RI' 23; !, . i ''''. '?f ";''j ' , ' A" ' f ' ' '''' ' - .' ' : SAFETY ,!V'H: I. - 5. 1 C 1 . VOLUME XXIX .''''"f v''''--':".'' u- 'f'T'1',?'" ' MAY ic?'. 19 fit fqrhiar Appreciation Days ; Homer BriarhoppeJr and his troupe of musician Will present a big show or country and Western 'music as of? of the highllghu .'af Wallace's Fffrmet i Appreciation Days, to be heldFj-tday ahcf Saturday, May 18 and 1VA ':;.:'(?. - - J j ' .The, Homer firlarhopper, show Is i .Two scenes from the Science ''and .Health Exbihft held jn the Beu-' Olaville Grammar School last- Wednesdayi-'. thft theme ;wi .'Science; Alf Around Us' Exhibit were -made- 'and displayed by students ; lri; ? fjciente All Around Us" Theme Of : denteAnd Heallli Exhfe 'Wednesday. Aprit 18th, from 2:30 till 9:30. a Science and Health ex- I hlbif was, held by " the Beulaville Elementary grades' in Mrs. .Vara - Bostlc'S rtiom. The theme was "Sc ".. ience-All Around Xls.'f . It onsisted . of experiments facts, and 'works f v nature,, contributed by different grades. ; Included among the exhi lt;twas. a fire;'! '.'"extinguisher, an r erupting volcano. 5 atoms and mole- :, cblea made from candy and tooth picks,.; a train engine.. -an; .electric '1 motor, 'a . telegraph complete swith , the- transmitter, and receiver,- and . J home made door bells, i : , I In ' the way of nature ' there was "' the. life itages, of a ladpqlr . from IbV.egsr to the fi'of; repieset)te4 by ' 1 aifferent-size tadpdles. Turtles were enclosed In aqariums tr?td lo. their natural ..habitats.. The fly and the I bee .were Illustrated by a 'full sa1e drawing1 of their life cycle! .'There' I was a displarof ti few of Ihe fiotnes 4, of 'some insects. ; ; '-i',.'-- r ?..' ,In me toll mineral department : h) tiere, jwere tock collections and ce . v, monsfrations of the layers of soil- -r There were charts on coal and oil f and their osea.-" yif.'" bii't Burn Trash! StaielForester Fp?d H.?' r!arigc j I has issued a statement that -fo burn-' i ing '. permits wili be isued in tn state until further notice, Ho. s:4 , the-.' woods ;wmairi "dangerously " drv : v ';. V ;-" . :' "'' ) , Forester Eugene Wells df Dunlin" ! County s'ated (hat we liav had tev ' era! Woods fires in Duplin rc en!)y ' i which have done quitri ' a bit O' - d.iaia and tLe fasaneljj loss ta keea tai. ' No. 17 , 5 KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. ' hliois For 'bonier , on tap for Saturday night at 8:00 p. m. at Farmers No. t Warehouse , in Wallace, located on Highway 117 J lorth , The well-knowa singer W , country and wesetern tunes, Clyde Moody " will . appear as a ' special guest star with the Hornet Briar hopper Band, it was announced.. 4 "in Health there was, a scale model of the anatomy of man , and wo man.'' ) l . .'.''... '.'." There Was also an illustrated dis play as a sure way of getting rid of your future . K '' ' All in alj this is "Science Around .Us";,- ' ' ' The Duplin County Heart Council will hold it's final meeting-for this fiscal. year. May 3 at 8' o'clock at the Agriculture Building Jn' Kennns vi He. This is an, important meeting an all members are urpred to attend. At this time the following topics will be discussed: ''-.ReiMjrt' from Fund "Raising - Chairman ;.C Report from field Director on possible ac tivities that may be undertaken tor next year. Selection of council let', ers. to ' serve ,-during the '" coming year; Select a delegation to attend the annual rneetirg of ,N. C. Heart Assoc, which will be held at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh, May 24, $3iu f-r . 'r t. , - , . All council memliers,' community leaders; and those who worked with the heart -n-oupior co-ifributed m a helpful way are Invited to attend this meeting; J-; , j. c -,K '' Miss Kornegay,' president, wool ' like to pbint out a correctlnrr ; in 1 tlie final report of .contributions re-1 leased last.week In the local papei J- The memorial gifts in memory of Mi-.'H. M. Wells was $31.15. These gifts came from B. F.' Grady School and community. . ,; Briarhonper Show ' "This group Is very popular In Raleigh and throughout the State." a spokesman for. the Farmer App reciation ' Days program:, pointed out. -"We are very happy to have them come to Wallace for this big celebration and hope that farmers and their families from througout the area will come to Wallace for this show and all other events." Farmer Appreciation Days is be ing sponsored in Wallace by the Junior Chamber of Commerce and merchants of the Town of Wallace participating. - v : Free tickets to both the Homer Briarhopper Show 'on Saturday night and the Jim Thornton Show on Friday night ( to be held at Far mers No. 1 Warehouse also) are available from all Wallace merc hants. Farm families have only to request these tickets from their favorite merchants. .."Plans are shaping up well for the big two-day celebration, with merchants to feature special buys throughout the week of May 13," a Jaycee spokesman said. "The big events gets underway on Friday, May, ,19, with, a parade at 4:00 p. m., and the Jim Thornton Show at 8:00 p. m. On Saturday, a Swine Show will be held at 10:00 8. m. at Farmers Nd; 1 Warehouse,' followed by a barbecue lunch at the .ware house. at 12:00 noon.1' 'Plates of de nycdcnn(lictedndSetAt$75,000 Bond wait set at 175,000 for Wil liam Earl Baysden of ;, Jacksonville who was -Indicted by a . federal grand Jury Tuesday on charges con nected with a secret service jcrachr down, oik a Counterfeit' ring, 'bays Iden was tried, on counterfiet char gea to' 1958. . ;;TV'.';'4'1 Four other named in the indict- in The annual -Duplin County Health Pageant and Talent Show will b held Saturday. April 28, in the Kenansville . school ' aaditorhtm. The program will begin at 8 p, m. To be selected at the event will in .'This Is all personal. ' For'; the past seven and one-half years, I have had the privilege of working with the Duplin Times and the people of Duplin County. , A : ; As Of the first, of the year, I pur chased the Weekly, Gazette from Mrs.. Ruth Grady and have set up printing operations in LaGrange. - ; .. As a result of this, it has become necessary for me to leave Duplin County and the people here ' with whom I have worked and learned to appreciate during my work here. This, is my last Week of being asso ciated with the Duplin Times, In leaving the work here, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the wholehearted cooperation which : the , people in Duplin have given' me. ; "-j;, . -.f-S Coming to kenansville each Wed nesday morning will be a difficult habit to break. ' V-1 - : ,-J have thoroughly enjoyed my as sociation with the Duplin Times, both under the late Bob Grady, and since his death,' with his wife. Mrs. Ruth Grady. ' ? ' : I shall always cherish the, maiiy friends I have mode while working In Duplin County and look forward to returning from time-to-tme as Vjusta visitor." -;- ..' ;:. ; :' ON N.C. HiaWWAYl Yi ff ri r RALEIGH - The. Motor "Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths throbgh 10 a. m.. Tuesday. April 24, 1962: Killed To Date s--:.c.....V 831 Killed To Date Last Year ....... 310 THURSDAY APRIL 26, 1962 In uallace licious pork barbecue will be ava ilable, at minimum prices. At 2:00 p. m. Saturday, the Home Demon stration Club Fashion Show is on tap, to be followed by a big Gospel Sing,, with both local and out-of-town singing groups to be featured. The Homer Briarhopper Show with Clyde Moody will wind up the big two-day Farmers Day event with a bang Saturday night." It was also announced that rides and amusements will be featured in the vicinity of the Farmers No. 1 Warehouse for the children. Display booths will be set up inside the warehouse by various merchants in the WallaceRose Hill area exhib iting their merchandise, etc. The special exhibit will be op-n for viewing by the public at all times during the celebration and all vis itors are invited to go by and view the interesting and colorful exhi bits planned. Door prizes will be piven ;iw:ny at regular intervals at Farmers No. 1 Warehouse as another highlight of Wallace's Farmer Appreciation Days, the Jaycee spokesman added. "Be sure and get your free ticket for the big shows, and be on hand for? all the colorful entertainment planned for farmers of this area at Wallace's Farmer Appreciation Days May 18-19!" tnent were Clennie Humphrey and (Sunday. The head of the Se "ret Ser Norwood Wbaley, iboth ot..., Rich-1 vice office in Charlotte,, .Vernon D lands, Edward D. Sparrow of Kin-; Spicer, identified Humphrey and ton and Edward E. Thorp . of Whaley as employees of Bays ien's Richmond. Va.. Bond for .each- of furniture store and Sparrow as a them, was $25,O0p,V, . i ,' I printer... . District Attorney 5 Robert Cpwer I Baysden was convicted in 19F8 said Secret Service , men - Baked more than $100,000 ia, bogus $S);bil!s il HCfubHeallhP 4-H.be the County's Senior and Junior Health King and Queen as well a the outstanding Talent from the 4-H Clubs in Duplin., .. : i: ; . - There are 60 contestants in comp; etition for the title of Health King and Queen,. . Entries are from the following Community - Development Clubs; Beautancus, Pbuntain-Lynian Cypress Creek, Oak Ridge, Smiths. Woodland, Pleasnat Grove, Magno lonia, Stanford, Pin Hook. Beaver Dam. Concord,' Cedar Fork and Greenwood. - The King and Queen in both the junior and senior division will be selected on the basis of the- Health Records kept during the past year. In the Talent Contest, there 22 entries. They will come from the following 4-H Clubs: Magnolia, Sta ford. Greenwood, Fountain-Lyman, Pleasant Grove, Smith, Pin Hook, and 'Woodland. Arrangements and Assistant Coun ty Agents Mrs. Lois Brilt and John Clapp. : A large crowd Is expected to be on hand for what promises to be one of the most successful event in 4-H work In Duplin County. Duplin Times 'x.,: ..'?";v; 'tm'-"-- Deadline Change Is Beginning with the next Issue of J inc iJupim 1 iinrn, me uriuwn uaui for all advertising ;copyftid new$ items will be 6 00 p. m. Tuesday before. publlcation.-Vi ';'?r tv l Due to a request from our iner-, chants, The Duplin Times wili;mail earlier in order that people erf the routes may get. their pacers , a day earlier thereby helping them to ttke advantages of the weekend specials Offered by the merchant: . ; ; ?: We will greatly appreciate the co operation of Our advertisers and of our news ' correspondents, in this change of deadline tint. ' -'.-, If yon have news after th dead line time call the office 29 6 2171 or call Kenansville VI 6 2M1. ..... 1.. i i '.".... Trial & Error Thanks to Mr. Henry Belk! He answered my query on Halifax Day. This is his answer. "On April 12, 1776 the Provincial Assembly of North Carolina, in ses sion at 'Halifax, passed a resolution authorizing North Carolina repre sentatives at the meeting of repre sentatives of the colonies to join in proclaiming independence. You will note this was four months before tue Declaration of Independence. North Carlonia in these Halifax Re solves was the first state to take such action. Hence the State Holi day" Incidentaly Mr. Belk' said that he and Mrs. Belk had just attended the American Society of Kdilors annual meeting in New Orleans. Rev. O. H. Turner of Beul.iville RiFD was in the office on Wednes day afternoon and said that his wife went fislung at Topsail on Monday. It was her first fishing trip and she is past 54 years of age Mr. Turner gave me permission to use the ae. He said that she had such good luck fishim;, she caught more fish than most every one in the group. In fact she was so pleased that he doesn't know now whether he will be able to keep her (Continued On Back) , wdien $776,00 in bogus $20 bills were fiund by agents in a deei) freeze in his store. However the conviction (was reversed by the U. S. Fourth . Circuit Couit of Appeals because of ' . . " . .l . improper search warrant The grand jury charged the bills had been printed for Baysden by Sparrow, Whaley and Thrope. Dist Attorney Robert Cowen said the next term of court at New Bern, Where the men will be tried, is scheduled for May 21. He said he did not know if the case could be heard then. tttr16ICprge lobby Goodson Exhibits Grand Champion There were twenty-one Duplin County steers entered in the llth Annual Southeastern North Carolina Market Stock Show and Sale held April 18 and 19 at the New Han over Livestock Arena, Wilmington, North Carolina. Sixteen of these steers belonged to Duplin County 4-H'ers. The remaining five were James Wolff Is Arresfed For Stealing Meat James Wolff, 24-year-old Faison Negro, was arrested Monday in Fai son and charged with larrery of a quantity of hog meat from the smoke house of Arthur Garner. Negro, of Faison. The meat was stolen Sunday night. - Sheriff's Deputies Rodney Thig pen and Graham Chestnutt said Wolff stole two hams, two shoulders and two sides of meat. Utiuer smju oona. Leave Of Absence f Chief Deputy Sheriff Elwead ReveHe has announced that he . .Is taking a leave ( absence from Ihe county, without pay, ie ; '. have more time U gti around -. 'la visit the people or the county. This leave of absence Is effee '.' live as ef May I until after the -Democratic Prima? en May 28. " Revelie stated that he feels that .' be cannot d a fair Job far the .: roanty while he b busy cam- i palguiag for Sheriff ot Dupoaw v. aunty. .- .' I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 per year plus 11c N. C. Counties; $4.50 per year plus 14c N. C. Sales tax outside plus 17c N. C. Sales tax outside N. C. Dream Approaches Reality; Country Club, Golf Course And Swimming Poolpdea Enthusiastically Received Much enthusiasm was shown on Monday night over the prospects of a Country Club with golf course and swimming pool belli:; built in an area to serve Kenansville, Keula ville, Pink Hill, Warsaw, Magnolia, Kaison and Calypso. Ilu','h Carlton of Wat saw was elec ted temporary president, and V. VV. Mctiowan, temporary secretary, lo serve at the meeting held in the Court House. About eighty interested persons from Magnolia, Waisaw. Kenans ville. Beulaville, rink Hill, I'aison and Calypso joined in the general discussion, and told that they liar heard of many who were unable lo attend, express a desire to be a member of the Country Club. Dr. Glenn S. Rasmussen and Supt. O. V, Johnson told the group of the value this recreation could mean lo the young people and felt that with the interest shown at t In meeting anything desired could be accomplished. Dr. Troy Koi nei ay said to the group "If we an la do big tilings, we must think big, and accomplish what we go after." The following committee was named: II. S. Precythe and Cecil McCullen of Faison: Dr. O. S. lias- I mussen and W. E. Craft of Kenans ville: R. 1). Johnson, Jr. and Dr. Mett Ausley of Warsaw; W V. Simpson of Pink Hill; Richard Wil lianis and Krvin llohsun of Bcula ville; J. P. Smith anj Melvin Pope ol Magnolia. , Universalis! Rally In Raleigh The Outlaw's Brid-e Univeralisl Church in northern Duplin County plans to have a delegation present lit 1 lie denominational meetings in Raleigh. ' The Rev. Mis Gre'-i 'Wors'el' ; Crosby of Lynchhur :, Virginia, will , soeak to a rally of Unitarians and I j Universalists from North and Smith t 1:.... j 1 i' : f'jirnlin.M nnil eastern Georgia meet ing at Ralei -h. North Carolina on Sunday, April 29 I Mrs. Crosby, horn i-i 19:11 at l-nvi j City, Iowa, was eradu ated from ! Ohio Wesleyan University ami re ceived a Bachelor of Laws decree from Harvard Law S-huol in 1954. I practiced law in Ohio from I9M to (Continued n Back) Steer At Wilmington entered F. F. A. members of B. F. Grady School. In addition to tiie steers, several hogs were entered by Duplin County 4-11 and F. F. A. members. The grand champion steer was exhited by Duplin County 4-H'er, Bobby Goodson, Bobby also exhibi ted the grand . champion steer at the Coastal Plain Livestock Show and Sale held April II and 12 in Two Youths Are Charged With Hub Cap Theft Donald Smith. 17. and J W. Smith, 16, both of Kaison, were ar rested Tuesday afternoon in Faison and charged with larceny of hub caps from a 1960 Falcon. The youths kept the huh caps a bout two hours, according to in vesicating officers. They have been released under $100 bond each. Investigating the casp are Depu ties Rodney Thipen and Graham Chestnutt. DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT MEETS ' Democratic Precinct Meetings will be held ia the 20 Precincts ia the county on Saturday after- noon. May 5, 1962, at 2:00 'clock. In those Precincts In which a Town Hall Is located the meet- , In will be held at the Town HaJI. and at the regular polling place la all ether Precincts. . Sales tax In Duplin and adjoining this area In N. C. ; $5.50 per year After the meeting this committee met and named the following to serve on various committees: Land Committee: J. P. Smith, Chairman, Magnolia; -Dr. Mett Ausley, War saw; W. K. Craft, Kenansville; Hut;h Carlton, Warsaw. MKMBKUSHIF COMMITTKK: Richard Williams, Beulaville; N. V. McColeman, Faison; Melvin Pope, Mugnoliaj Hugh Carlton, Chairman, Waisaw; Dr. (Jlenn Rasmussen, Kenansville; Krvin Dobson, Beula ville I-KGAJ, COMMITTKK: Rivers Johnson, Jr., Chairman, Warsaw. William E. Craft, Kenansville; W. r. Minpson, Pink Hill. CONSTRUCTION COMMITTKK i Swimming Pool, Golf Course, Club I louse : Dr Glenn Rasmussen, Chairman, Kenansville: Melvin RESEARCH TOUR - Fo.'ty home economics agents from North Carolina have returned from Washington, D. C. and Beltsville, Md, where they observed research in home economics. Shown observing' features of the experimental kitchen are (left to right) Miss Cloise Williams. Monroe; Miss Edith Hinshaw, Salisbury; and Mrs, Jean ' Huie, Kenansville. SATURDAY, MAY 19 Wallace Jaycees To By: V. II. Reynolds. County Agrt. Agent The Wallace Jaycees will sponsor a Market Hoi; Show on Saturday, May 19, l2 as a part of tliier l-'ar- Kinston North Carolina. He is the son of Mr and Mrs. John Goodson, Route 1, Mt. Olive, North Carolina. Bobby received the grand champion prize of $100, prime beef award of $40, and the best record book award of $10. His champion was purchased by the Agricultural Committee of the Wilmington Chamber of Com merce for 35c per pound. Steers grading choice were enter ed by: Mack Jones, Bobby Tyndall (2, Robert Waller and Zennie Quinn. Those grading good and below were entered by: John Rouse, Glenn Williams (2. Keith West brook, Richard Waller, Anthony Westbrook, Alan Johnson, Guthrie Brown, Dwi-lil Johnson. Melvin Ward, Bobby Ward. Danny Harrcll, and David Byrd. Jr. Larry Davis of the B F. Grady F. F. A. Chapter exhibited the grand champion pen of three hogs which were purchased by the Frost v Morn Meals. Inc. for 35c per pound. Registration Books Registration Books will open of Saturday, April 28 for three weeks of registration before the May 26 Democratic primary. They wili be oen on the 28th, and on the next two Saturdays, May 5 and 12. Persons may also register at the homes of registrars during the week. . . Registrars will be in tbe(regular poling places in each of the 10 pre cincts of the county. ;f' May 19 will be Challenge Day and May 26 will be election day. Go to the polls and vote 00 May 26. . ,'.' . -".,. . PRICE TEN CENT Plus 1 cent Sales Tax ;. ' f Pope, Magnolia; J. P. Smith, Mag nolia; H. S. Precythe, Faison, Hugh Carlton, Warsaw. . ri PUBLICITY COMMITTEE; Mr. Ruth Grady. Kenansville and Joe Costin, Warsaw. 'f The goal set for members is 200. To date 80 people have signed pled ges expressing their desire to be come members of the Country club when the dream becomes a reality. Committees appointed will meet and discuss sites, get definite prices on land and prices for fixing golf course and Swimming pool and have definite figures ready to pre set n to the group at a mass meet ing to be held in the courthouse in Kenansville on Monday night, May 7. . Everyone interested in this pro ject is urged to attend. Sponsor Hog Show mer's Day Program. Each hog pro ducer in the area Js eligible to en ter one market hog either a harrow or gilt weighing between 180 and 230 pounds. These hogs will be jud ged and a cash prize of $40 will be awarded to Grand Champion and Reserve Champion will receive $30 cash and the third place winner will receive $20 cash. Ihe hog show will be held from 10 00 A. M. till 11:00 a. in. on Satur day. May 19, at the Farmer's Ware house Nu. 1, Wallace. All farmers who have good market hogs are urged to send their enteries in to Harry Carlton, Wallace N. C. not later than May 7. 1962. Since faci lities for handling pigs will be limi ted, the first twenty entries receiv ed will be accepted. Entry Blank - Hog Show Wallace Farmer's Day-May 19, 1962 I would like to enter one (1) Market Hog (180 to 230 lbs. 1 in Hog Show at Wallace Farmer's Day Program, May 19.1962. Signed: Address: Prizes 1st. $40, 2nd. $30. 3rd, $20 Please mail entries to Harry Carl ton, Wallace, N. C. not later than May 7, 1962. STRAWBEMltfHt The first strawberries f the se son in Mt. Olive were sold' through ' Mt. Olive Produce Auction Market on April 24. They we purchased . by H. D. Andrews Company. The Strawberry market this year it ope-:; rated by the buyers L..e. War-; reu Packing shed. V-'fV'T'iv' CLASS OFFICE ECC East Carolina ' Collegea,- rising senior class has elected officers for , 1962-63. Balloting was Concluded April 18, and result of the election has Just been announced by Deaa of Student Affairs. Barbara Ana -Ellis of Faiso was elected sxra Ury of the Senior Class.. - BRIEFS v 10) u A.