1 k'V&& 1 y. ?..... SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 pr year plus lie N. C. Sales tax In Duplin and adjoining PRICE TEN CENT Plus 1 cent Sales Tax " $4.50 per year plus 14c N, C. Kale tax outside tnis area in in. u.; per year C. Sales tax outside in. l. ,;:iiy;r,iii'iy-;r::,r ;yy '"-vyy:. -.V rs : ; :.1wffaf-itw-4 ,;CHjcaEsiRs6N " r: ; K?Aiyy Phone 233 1 -Mrs. James Faison, Ciorrespondent PERSONALS 3 Mrs. W."f i ' Andrews of" Charlotte spent the week end with her sister, Mrs.C. D. Lee.: r.ri ' ; . .V ? Mrs. . George Gates left . Wednes day, for Winston-Salem to attend y:; J Phone 293 ? J16C Jl Route 2 -; 'S Siir-'a-i.'- it' "'rt 'y'' - .One Mile From . ' ; 'x Jonpiffrossrbi4fv'i: Will Po? Complete oj Fixtures Anti Labor Or ' - f.;.'Jusf lborj'i't; s STATE LICENSED contractor; Me In Fersopi s N Or Call smrCU 4 ;t..,.;'!'i the State' meeting of the N. C, F. W. C. Mrs. Cates was a V delegate from' the Sesame Club. V ' - ; ' j Mr. and Mis. J. E. Faison attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Tyree Tay lor in Mt. Olive Tuesday., Mrs. ft. A. Williams and Mrs. W. I. Thompson Visited the ' Wilber Jackson's in Clinton. Monday, jj- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rackley and amily visited the Tommy Avents 4n Raleieh Sunday. f'4- Miss Jean Smith visited friends in Wilson last week. y Mr and Mrs., N. F. MuColman l,and'Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grow at tended the Rural Mail Carriers meeting and dinner, in Willard Friday night. Mrs. frank Byrd of Virginia spent the week end with Mrs. Eliza Precythe. ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Clanton of Richmond visited' vherv mother Mrs. f Lila Mae Smith last week. Pam and Dewey McCullen spent last week end at Carolina Beach, guests of Eva Lister at Dr. C. C. j Henderson's Cottage. I William Clifton is a patient at j Sampson Memorial Hospital in Clin- ;.ton. . . ' . ' " ''', . Mr. and Mis. Ronald Oates and "family spent 3lnday with their son . - -' ' .... . . . " :-,y; ; . STQP AT EDWARPSiCtCHFIELDiSTATION millif Mlr I'ORlty--'; :' i GASieitFl5UNIX)R TIRES V-. IS V . WEGiyE , - KtybW?M&0 y;'r-- f.i-'5;3;.oyNp. - .-r:fe, ' WARSAWW, Cl$& v; Rudy a Senior at U. N. C. In Chapel Hill. . , 1 Mr. , and Mr?; Clyde Crow were the guests Sunday of Mrs. Crow's sister, Miss Sally Flowers, in Mt. Olive. '.r . i . ' Worth Bowman spent the past ten days in Kentucky with relatives. Mrs.-Robert Parker of Roanoke Rapids' visited tier father , Mr. Ho ward Faison and her sister Mrs. A. M, Davis and family last week. Mrs. John Pate of Winter Park, Fla.- visited her mother Mrs. T. H. Lathan the past week." Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Ray had as their guests Sunday Mrs. Charles Gantt and children and Mrs. J. T. Phair of Sanford and Dr. and Mrs. Johni McCain and children of Wilson.- Miss Rose Lindsay, Faison Sen ior at E. C. College in Greenville accompanied the . Women's Glee Club of East Carolina College in the Wright Auditorium in Greenville Wednesday night for the final Con ceit of the year. Mr. and Mrs. James Faison spent Sunday with the William Hawleys In High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor enter tained Thursday night with an out door fish supper. Their guests in cluded Dr.' O. L. Redwine and fam ily of Kenansville. The Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Perkins, Mrs. C. P. Kal mar, Mrs. N. K. Oates. Mrs. R. L. Benson, Miss Mallna Parker, Mr. and Mr, - James Taylor Jr. and family. Twenty-five enjoyed The Taylor hospitality.'- a Presbyterian' ;. The, Circles of tiif.??esbyterlan women of. the church, met. Monday Circle No 1 Mrs. . R. A.i Williams-Chairman;- met at the home of Miss Kate Hicks; Mrs. C. D. Lee gave the Bible Study and Mrs.' G. Hi Cates the program. . WClrele: No.'vII, Mrs. ' J. E.; Faiwnr Chairman,, met at he home 'of Mrs p.; Newton. Mrs. pP. B.' oYst gav? the' Bible. Study, and Mrs T. H. La- ' Circle No. ill,' Miss Blanche Lew Js-jthairman, met at the -home of Mrs. N. F. MeColman With Mrs. W.J T Perkins assisting hostess. Mrs. Geite Bowman gave the Bible Study, and Mr?. E.; L, Thornton the pro granu. . -....;. .. ... .M-J. Entertains At Bridgend Samba f Mrs: C u. lucculien and Mrs. j. I. Thompson entertained Wednes day night at the McCullen home With two tables of bridge and one of Samba. V Making up the bridge tables were Mrs. Rachel Rudolph of Ft. Lauder dale,' Fla; Mrs. Louice Oliver of Mt. Olive,' Mrs. Mary Cameron of Calypso and Mrs. Frank Casteen, Mrs. George Cates Mrs. Francis MeColman, Mrs. McCullen and Mrs i Thompson. v Mrs. Oliver won a silver compote for holding high score. Mrs. Ru dolph was remembered with a trav eling peweled bag. . The Samba players included Mrs. Paul Clifton. Mrs. Frank Martin, Mrs. W. J. Rackley, and Mrs. J. R. Crow. Mrs. Clifton won a silver compote for holding high score Bridge Honors Mrs. Pate Mrs. J. I. Thompson entertained Thursday night with a table of brid ge honoring Mrs. John Pate of Winter-Park, Fla. Mrs. Pate is visi ting her mother Mrs. T. H. Latham. Other guests included Mrs. Nell Precythe and Mrs. Gene Bowman. ASC NOTES TIME EXTENDED FOR UNITED TOBACCO COMMENTS The U.,S. Department of Agricul ture has announced that the time fur submitting views and comments on a proposed change in price sup port regulations on united flue-cured tobacco has been extended from AprU 23 to May 15. , USDA announced on March 27 (hat Consideration is being given to WinnPM which would make nrice iippWtir available tfh'fiiiliW 1WaWbtor.'' Prfce - Division: ' Agricultural on a limited and experimental bas is during the first five sale day? on all South Carolina markets and the Border Belt markets in North Car am iqnts A capacity crowd : of fe 4-HeVs, leaders, and parents were in at tendance at the 4-H County Coun cil meeting Wednesday Night ac cording to a statement from the Negro Extension Office in Ken ansville. i The event took place at the E E. Smith School in Kenansville. Annette Carlton, County Council President, Presided . , T.homas Roberts a teacher and community leader of the Stan ford Community appeared on the program to speak on the "4-Hers Responsibility In Making Com munity Club Work." Roberts poi Una. During that time, supports would be available only on lugs, including primings and nondescript grades therof. Thereafter price support will be available on all tobacco, includ ing hiS and primings, but only in tied form. Price support grade loan rates for tobacco offered in untied form would be less than the rates for the same grades offered in tied form. During 11 season, the differential between grades of flue-cured tobac co marketed untied in Florida-Georgia and those marketed tied else where was 6.00 per hundredweight. USDA invites the views and com ments of tobacco producers, ware housemen, manufactures, dealers and- other interested persons rela tive to the proposed change. In order to afford all interested per sons additional time to submit views and comments, the final date for submissions has been extended to May 15. Views and comments should be submitted in writing and should be received by Murray Thompson, Dir Stabllzation and Conservation Ser vice, II. S. Department of Agricul ture, Washington 25, D. C, no later than May 15, 1962. nted out that the Community i' mainly responsible for the suc cess of commuriUy clubs. Hubert urged the 4 Hers tj elevate them selves through the resources ot the 4-H program Highlighting the program was the Counfy Team Demonstration Boys and Girls entered I'l eieas of farming and Ituiiiemaking Winning 1st place in (.'juuei ative were C'leareure Ba U and L) maid Graham of Rose H:M; A,mietlc Carlton and Suvuun: h L'ryant of Warsaw came in second. In to bacco the winning Team was Charles Carlton and Jessie Smith of Magnolia, who edged Joyce Graham and Dora .lean Karrio:- of Kenansville. William O. June and Km- Wil kins won the nod of the judges in cotton; James Hadge-, an. I John nie Wright was 1st in Electricity. R. E. Wilkins Jr. earned l.sl place in peanuts. Nathan Met rowan and Walter Williams took 1st place in Vegetable production. In the girls division tlie Ulead making Team honors went t.i l.es- ! sie Marie lwley, and Kth '1 Bland of the Byrds Chapel Clu' of Rose Hill. Individual honor-, went to Lunell Mainor ol the Sandy t'russ Club; Dairy Food t ;p spot was earned by lXirethu Li lie of Wallace Sr. C'iub. Vigetable preparation was won !y CJeral dine Smith and Thelma hiedencl of The Stanford Club. I In the Senior t'lotliing diviiim lrdell Pierce cl the Hose Hill Si i Club won 1st place. W. L. Pierce Vo ag. Teacher of Charity William Fennell Vo ai. Teacher of E. E. Smith, Wil iiauns Powers, principal of the P. E. William and M'as A. P. H id f(?e Teacher leader uf Ken: villi- Judged the boys demoiisti i'tioii. Mrs. Mary L. Pleri. Miss B. 1. tieaty, S. Brinsoll, Delphine Bry ant and W. Dison Judged the girl: demonstration. Notice Employers Employers liable for income tax withheld and social security taxes in excess of $100 for the month of April must deposit such taxes with a depositary, Mr. J. E. Wall of the Internal Revenue off in Greensboro, N. C. reporUd today, Stressing the importance of compliance with de posit deadline of May 15, 1962, Mr. J. E. Wall added that a Form 450 should be used for this purpose. Deposits may be made in local authorized banks, or Federal Re serve Banks, said .1. E. Wall. Employers who do not have a copy of Circular K, "Kmployer's Tax tiuide," may obtain it from any local IRS office. This publication contains a full discussion of em ployment taxes together with tab les and percentage methods for computing such taxes. All first place contestants will compete in the District Demons tration day at Snow Hill on June 7. jS ..:- ;,-.,- -. :;'., -7': .'..'-!, V ...;.", ' "- , . 1 V X oV : "', .-' ' " X, ,- ) . i .;'"- '.. v,.i .. l;..: .;' WT'"4w ;,.' : , A-b i ' ',: ,fc?';Vis--r't. ) ?V v'; y :y;;y'i yf -r.t L -i' l J-l i I ? :y:4.yy 1 v - I I r-? f A r. ' - tit f-;AUTCr.!ATIClT; M . .1 , ...... r" '"1 SC0-$315 Installed Model 400 i1 .-. 1 7T ONIY HAS CONTROLS IS' T Your Vote And Support In The Past. And I Am Looking Forward To Your r Support ! In The Future wmmm .mmmtm wmmm mm wmm Go To The Poles, And Vote Inf The Mayy.26 Primary. 1 -it v " County Coroner 'Warsaw; N.! C Old Photographs Restored PORTRAITS Commercial PHOTOGRAPHY Parties, Anniversaries and Identification Photos WE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING PICTURES LANIER STUDIO Phone C341 . WALLACE, JSL.Q. Sittings Nights and Sundays By Appointment The World Health Organziation of the United Nations reports that up ward of 50 per cent of the world's people ingest less than 1500 calories a day a status of direct starvation. "dIep well drilling And BLOWING Water Guaranteed Or No Pay' ' E. L. REGISTER ( Register's Crossroads ) RFD Rose Hill Phone 28 9-7511 "What Is Home Without Water", Dial LY 24317 , J. F. REYNOLDS MUSIC COMPANY Operators Of , ' Coin Operated ' Phono caph.Aad Pool able. Cigarette1 Vlndors. New and Used Rccocds. 1 516 Beamort St. Clinton, N. C. ft i-y"yy ' ' V X-. i", ' '. pit " :, x1 . - vy -m -i--ii-ipyiMi-v i3ii .L ; Use your head when you shop for a , -.3 "new-size"car The air is filled with claims about the so called "new-8ize" cars the ones that have finally caught up with Rambler Classic's size, but with little else. Just use your head and you'll discover sizeable differences. Slide into the front seat and you'll find much more headroom in the Rambler Classic (actually more than Cadillac!). Full and ample room for six big and well-padded Mooters. - You get better perform ance because Rambler is ahead in both, horsepower and passing power. And any JOIN THE TRADE PARADE TO RAMBLER Rambler owner will tell you how much he saves on gasoline. Care about quality? Every Rambler has Double-Safety Brakes of all U. 3, cars, only Cadillac has a similar system. Only Rambler gives you Deep-Dip rust proofing up to the roof. Only Rambler spares you the expense of replacing rusted out mufflers and tailpipes Rambler's are Ceramic-Armored. " r; You can get all the facts' alt your dealer. His free car?'' comparison i X-Ray -. Bookl ' make it easy to use your head Your RjnbMr DmIw Map ihUmm Mt of ttit Mcond U. S. Mm is Oft. Hmt K m ABC, CM Hi NIC ifila. r;;':Al;Tai'ner -Col - - : Pink Hill, N. C. - ; V; BELL MOTORS Highway 50 Kenansville, N. C f Paid Political Adv. ) i , ftvalm l imn kMHII '' - ... t. -.. ' yi 'X HP -y'rpnrri i i