" f i ' i HE DUPLIN TIMES 1 c ' trsday la Kenanavtlle, N. C County Seat of " . DUPLIN COUNTV f ' ' J. bwiae.ffte and printing plant, KenansvllW, N, ruth P. cr ny ' L ' OWNEH and TUB!. Tit r . BUTH P. GRADY, 1 HTR V , V - r II Tax A I i JfYHjed At The Past Office, I .r"Je. N .C v .' aa second daw M , . '.r'nanivllle. Da t . .Jlight 4-2141 t .wii . r JES: IS.50 per year plus W N. c! Sale Tax "n I nvv . I Pe, Onflow, Pender, Sampson,' New Banover .nc . uoUtMH5 per year plus Me N. C Sale Tax oustlde ' i North Carolina and' $i per year phis J7e :N.. Ci Sale ' Advertialnf rale furnished on reoaest v Canute Journal.' devoted to the Millions, T material.' ecdierol1 hnd tpfcaltoraj derejopmant f " itapUa ,i , J j , . , , XL 11 ' ''Maw 17 i maj , ?f-f l" Mi 111 , n i fin, . fill h w" i . ' ;.-. .i . s ..ether ctmrrfc a fhinor or tvin T " DEAB MISTEB ' KDITfftLi 4 l,f Seta Grubb'a preacber cenie by i "the country store Saturday' night, 're '' jported that things was really pop t ,ping at W charch these day- "If lall -tarted. he allowed, whea Heze- f fciah 'Adams got' up" at a Aaeting of the- Ping-Pong; Committee 1 Umportant announceinent.";s r ; i k Heiekiah annouDoed (hat tfae chur , joh down the road was . remodeling r their gteeple.'Ke told the jCoranilttee S -ke couldn't recollect wheri hfs jihu- b )feh dldnt have the highest steeple - -.r mlio arovadr but now the iword y yut jjiat thiit other jcbiirpb ?te t eple was going to be abovt two foot h'pfief n 5iny ,m the s communltF. et i't Wlrnneialt?wer;, aHpw J tin . ...uhraad that wa to build new t ' ch v .i" 'V'v-i-v'; )' WeU5jv-oid- the Parson,; this Et-Je ofshocjring bws really throw fj lha Communlttee into a dither. .Harold; the tellers he'd ,been trying & t Jt his congregation into build-, ng-i newNohurcit fe years, bad lold ? 'em how they. needed- more Bphce firlpnrfy on the' Lord work. But nothing he .ever saidi claimod jhe Parton, stirred his . folks like Hetekiah'if announcement o I . rfrst of f reported the vParson, fEatie' Hightowet1; ;wheh the beard .another church fas gltting, a steeple j .two foof hicber'k. hert, jut keeled ', over in g faint. If was the first tune, i heMldi'-. h?ver f kijowed 'tster; fCatiays 'd .concerned about the church. -JL Tax y'vift.tv5s"" Well. ,bit the 'jUmautber'd brune ether -church 'a thing or two.: The Parson told the- fellers It was! a thrill ta so hip folks taking to? the jLord's wortith such flre, fr1 ' : A nvetiog of the whole congrega tion was: tailed fer the next eight and things is now jgitting in high gear, he said. The wimmen folks is going to. put on a chicken noodle supper twict a weekl They decided 6ir this' en :accoune of it not taking much chicken and. they got plenty of well water. The mfen folks ia- go ing to raffle off awhKe-tace heffer. The Parson said this might look' a ume sad at .jtfsi. oo account ox tne church being agin -gambling, but it was decided that when the church steeple was at stake, the Lord wou- W. fergiw.'em't't:: ir- r Well, that" was about the size of it;' allowed the Parson; Be said his folks! was really set nn gitting the new church wjth that high steeple. Who knows, he said, but what some of the.- members., theirselves might even, make a contribution. - - The. 'good Parson excused his self a little early, said he was chair man 6f the Measuring Committee and they had to slip down the road and put the tape on that other steeple. , Yours truly, ,; yvlmcIe'.'.Pete f tieroimdJherepoe.the.Cpr tools mittee' was -to, all-out campaign to bnUd 'a new jchnrcaVThej? was bang- tir, 5SU wi the 'pewo and ar as' hew; 4beyashow . that Jteart lTarsaw tevr Company f fae liamined' .Clawes Pitted Swimmin" Season ftta41y If a.' Bitil" . ste' PICNICKING. : -:F4aurii''':; ,;V. 'Tldetf rer'atarch.':- ' :-; .. SchoeV -Youthv And,",;v ? t i . i i i ..to 'lAJteraooB And Night :&$iVZz South Of.c artd related equipment having a to tal original cost to the Government of approximately million will: be sold -jby auction on V June 2, 1962, at the Naval Weapons Plant, Wash hlgton, (D. C ' . ' . ' H . Jlobert B. Horning, Branch Man- jK?er 1 SjnaU".- iBuliin'esa'' i AdministraJ ttan ChavloUe, Norm Carolina, em-phajsed- that ; small business . con cerns interesMni. foreign trade nr nay1? flnppp3rtiinity ot acquire .'.machiri.efy Jot- ajpgadint their pre- nt equipment and for adding ad- .ditionnl producJioB capadty Mr. Horning' further points- out- .that a leview of the machinery offered re veals that ft should .' be ot wide anread jhterest 'among' small; con ers since It' was operable when the -plant was deactivated.. He be-' lieves that smaA concern$ will find it worthwhile, io brnvef considerable dirtrawes : to purchase such Hems is automatic screw machines, tar ret lathes, drill presses, punch pres-" ses, shapers, grinders, -planers, gear bobbers,- band saws; boring, boning: aorf threading' machiqes and ' the many others ,of equal demand mat will ' be' offered. :-:- " : '.This material may be inspected beginning .today through June 28 at the Naval -Weapons Plant; h - :- iHJ Street,.: SX Ev'. Washing ton 1J, i The auction. Np, IFB 62-79 begins at npoo, June 28 et Bulldkig 159 -J.: .r- i- SsK ;.i.r'jVi5.v. i Every possible assitance and. con venience will be provided so that small concerns; not - familiar with this' type' of buying will have an equal opportunity. Parking Trill be available ' and 'BDrtple . directional markings leading to the sale site, will be insfalled, p . v ' ' -. Complete information and cata logs, giving t.etail j infcripatioc. may be obtained by contacting the selling installation,, - the " Oefpnse c::ie faos .t . - By; Ella V. Pridgen . , . Suffering for Christ : I Pete i4:l2,v"Beloved,do not be surprised 'at the wery ordeai which comes upon you o prove you, .' as oinethjng Strang were happening to you U3 but rejoice in eo-ar as you 'share . Christ's suffering that you may also rejoice and be glad when bis, glery is revealed.' i ' .. It fsddubtful Whether any human being; ver suffered s - more . than Peter did in the first year of his erforts. to follow Jesus. We don't know how. "Peter : behaved before Jesus called 'him to be one of his disciples. We wonder-why the Mas ter did It. Peter '-was, always too sure of himself. Peter, told his Mas ter "though ell the rest pf the dis ciples forsake rtneev wm not", and then. denied. Hun. We cannot know ' how. Peter suffered over his fail, but we know; his heart was al most broken. He was in despair wneo. the risen Christ appeared : to him and tookhim back as one ef his roast loved disciples. We Under stand why. Peter .'was qualified to write a message back as one of his most loved disciples.'. We '- under stand why ' Peter was qualified to write a message f light , and com fort to people, who had also suffer-; The civilized .world at the : time i when peter wrote bis letters -was in the hands of the Romans, every one was" expected "to- burn incense to .-.the lkoa-jBu9erot:-yh!iM-V Yet these' Christians possessed a gift beyond ail -other gifts. They had been born into a new life because Jesus had died and risen from, the dead, This new are would, go on forever and provide for them an in heritance 'beyoqd their f, wildest dreams'They were not protected! by God's power. Why. then, should they fear what any man could ' do ! to them? ii Peter) 2:24. "He- himself bore our '41ns in his body' on the tree7 that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wouads you have been healed.' . " : ! i Peter" reassures them about God's case. 'Accept trouble, he writes: "be willing lv be abused." God can use trouble to mature you and make you better than -you are. Cut be ion your guard. ' Don t underestimate the devil. He does not want you' to 'win the moral ;strug"le; resist him, hold fast to yonr faith. He-does Sot tempt only you; every Christian' is tempted by-him. '. '-"After you have suffered ' little While, .God wil Ihimself restore, es- ' Jtablish and strengthen youwhin) s ' he has called 'to live with Himself forever Peter suffered terribly "Sin the service of Christ, he throughtiof his --pagan' converts as weaklings. There were as many professing Christians in his day as there are today, who wanted to be Christians J f f 1 r i ......... fTOH MAKtN' FAMJLYJl fev.r'TN','. f i t '1 ,u. mi .ij ii u I ii ii l i .Jl,'- , r. ,,r.-: 1 v j '" t ' By D. E. r tiah ill! --it Sfand alnst tlie wiles fit Uie devil. H fn Ithe "Rreatest battle which we fight the issue is drawn as t6 whet-, her -God or"" the devil will rule the hearW of man. ' , . . ' Some thmk: to- beat .the devil by Inughmvbjm roff the stage. They claim that he plays tricks on human i beings jus,, for the '-fun of it. This pleases bis tjtanio njPety and be comes so close as to hug us while he slits our throats. 1 - Others tiy to nutthjnkv him fby appointing -,, good V Chur6h toUc to ehaperpn ms parties, in this way our peoples can safely mix with the -- . f " Fifteen rears o this week 'Mose ArU - U upha Murderef dies today iff gas . chamber. . Pete' tlulno ; opens new store here - Kenansville is on the Ma rch. , -iidSt Colony starts -10th year. Ten years ago this week. ' ? Kones Chapel, Section due ih get telephone service at once. Supt. O. P, Johnson to be on pa-- not at F.. C Colleuo.. . : " -'i. .' v. iMamxnoth new C. P. & L Street 1 Unit will boost power in Duplin County . u j, ' 'ft' " "f ' 4 v. t lliii km r. SOila- ll " V..1:" . PMl MtrlMl:'TI K it ?1- &1 br,vatlenl HeftdUNft 11 K"IU 3:1-1, : A r::.:3 br::II '.'. ; Lesson for July t, 19SZ ' i Duplin County Bed Cross Chap ter holds annual meeting in Ken- i worldly crowd and swap dirty jdkes ansv?ne recently, '" - v- r. . i iwith each other's mates. - Warsaw Garden Club presents a- i ; ; . I t .. .. . ; si . " i'i V'- -.. -..( wonA te Mf -ftiwl Mm "Tr.mrnftns "Some people solve the social pro- Carper. ' - ' - ' 'i blem by joining the church and go-i 'Lame delegation of teachers tp ing, nan ume ana giving ine aevu s attend National Education s4tf crowd the" other halt . .elation Meetinc. ''" if it didn't cost, any thing. Read the 'letters' of Peter to Christians.?1,.'. 1 , V. By: f:d l)ef,"Tleld Representative '.r."DnpHn County '.-';.'..' S orfnl ScCBrity Admlnistratloa tldsbora,' North Carolino . ''' po nor risk losing - cash benefits from social security merely by fail ing to app'y mr them. Many work ers are doing jest .yiat,' those who have '"long standing disaMii ties of serious tnature" and 'Whd-bavc not applied' for disability benefits may' he 'depriviric themselves and their famiiles .of' sucbir'needed-'vincome. The actual point at Which money is tost forever -occurs at 18 rnonths after a disability has become severe enough to prevent-one from enga-f-ine in any type of gainful work. No loss of benefits Js possible if a per son files his pppjieation -within 18 months after ? the- onset of his dis ability. ;1;:;''-.- - iv; :"Loss of benefits is only one rea son why an application should be tiled with in the M month period mentioned.. The second reason; and one of immediate r importance,' is that after June . 1962, the lew will not ' permit, the . -establishment of a disability more . than. V 13 months prior to the date the application is filed. When the disability provision became a part of Social . Security Law, it was felt that a reasonable period should be allowed those per sons of long standing disabilities !to establish tfae exact time that the dis ability began. It was also realized that medical evidence becomes ex tremely difficult to obtain for treat ment received many years' ago that short periods of trial employment are hard to explain when the em ployer is no "longer to business. These, and many other . reasons, made It necessary to establish a time limitation on the date in which a disability could be established for Social security purposes. ,:, ; , J It is commonly beEveu . that the only thing that -can be lost by de laying the actual filing pf an appli cation is the benefits themselves. However, two additional, important factors enter the picture. (1 The amount of benefits depend upon a worker's average earnings. 'The higher the average, the higher the payments. Since the years in which a worker Rat established -witti soc ial security' that he Is disabled . are not considered: In this 'avreage,' it can be easily seen thatlt is to the worker's advantage to , have , all kshed - not years ofvdisablllt; just the 18 months. (2) In. order to dj aw benefits at all, a worker must eftablish that - he bad .worked at least 5 put of the 10 years just be fore the onset , of his ", disability. Therefore, if by law, a person can. not establish $ disability . more than 18 months before" application, it is quite possible that a worker ; with many years of disability; would not qualify at alL For example, a wor- ger, disablied since 1952 files appli-j . , - r l , i : , - i r:. l July 2, 1962. Under, the law, he is ; permitted to only go back as far as January 1961, to establish disability; Therefore, social Security must Use the ten-year period from 'January 1951, to January 1961," to determine if he has the necessary 5 years work. In this case, the worker does not , have the necessity : work be cause be has not beep able to work since 1952., No payments .would, be due him. . . -, : .;'vy ' J.-; ' If you are so disabled that' you are unable to work, get in touch with your Social Security ' District Office at 311' E. Walnut Street in Goldsboro as soon as possible and let them help you file your applica tion. 'For those unable to go to Goldsboro, -a representative -will be at the JCourthouse in. ' Kenansville each Tuesday. . "' y gj 'iM.'ttl.yj, fa W.I ihl W ' If Elipah had played that ' game the ravens would bflve eaten him Jnstead of feeding him.' v, . . i . : , " i " i . ; i ii,, , i ; ,,"i ; fhe refortner must be a hero at all points, and be - must have con quered hiniSelf before he Cap ;con quCr .otherssiW:,:, ytfy-t v-h' f .. ... Mary Baker Eddy : One year'; age this weok J".'.;.- ' Defensive driving caa be your lite saves. -.." '' ' 'i 'Heavy rains in area do damag to tobacco crop - extent unknown, Bill to permit :mall acrea$e' transfer is . now being considered by Congress. s,'4r J.t ...J i.Ai. Sales Partj ! Service . J -..:-SV- j '-"'I ' . . Quality t ' rant) fquip jCJo. J Clinton, N. C. 'Your John Deere Dealer" f bone LY 2-3742 fi jtmt laer ; , Jitng :---:;'.;;, Mrs Phone 554 For HOUSES RENT & APARTMENT Kenansville and , Warsaw Belton Minshev - J v Warsaw Phone 74,1 TOR Mrs- Jlomer C prown N.C Jtose nn,N.c. II estanusned -,n9ifl ,v , I 'Ml ." - ""v. : -.-" A r-- J TZi.:.Lr...' . t-it . X, nl )y : ' . ?.-'x V-n&J. mti TTM15 C3IARLIE liked to carry lots of cash . - - -.""t E particularly wrinlffbtti v'keting V shme ) Surplus Sales Office, Dept. 4 S. P., Ft. Holablrd, Baltimore 19. Mary land Pbore-Medford 3-8000, Ext. 71T, V : ' i -1 '- '& t. V ' mi- Co rOR SALE ,' LuAtbef, Moulding, 'plumbinjf Supplies :V SASH DOORS. ASBESTOS " , SroiNG, ROOFINfi OF Al ,-1 i t ,-1 - J -; . .V-, , - - . - . - J.";vV.-''.-".'.PP X V i Plaster, tticji Lath, Shefock,'; Mortar, ' Brick, Cetnent : .e-p -.Black. Paints And -1 '. Bi'Uers Hardware i - : ' !;WTrEB,.ti;BaA COTTA.v so : I ; .U' V' RTfi TlWR THARL1E liked to carry lots of cash ; ; -He thought a checking account was a lot of trash. ; He liked to show, the mpney in his jweket, - .' - ' And he never saw reason to iocit 11.., , f. '' Then, one day Charlie lost his moneys. ' ' And Poor Charlie didn't think that so funny. . ; Now Charlie keeps his money at WACCAMAW And from his account he can make-a-dra w.' ' " -. I. ? r ouVegbb it iWcknjuVc got it SauecK r - 'HsiSL en 1 . -;'':';i.:CO.'C 1 I AMERICANS ire conditioned i fnot only by temperament, but by the ntovirs and Jhp' 1 (."pro gisihs we Lke to see, conditioned 4o hair t'f ' h escapes The hero r 1 Burnt' not have too ' f f Ume of it iev. must barely 1 : squeak .tthroueh I But jt must teu i escape', the, end- i i ing. has to hex I haDOv ' on. .ih i tne cavauiy" ! 1 Superman or Did Tracy w Pern ,lffrA toreman MasonSor sonie ijody triumphing sgiin-i i-(n real life t doesn't 4ryi work.1 ko that. There are genuine tragues, there are unhappy end--Ings. wfast ought, to. Come outa i p .doesn't always do ithis. jThe Me stw-ie w Ire gom'g to,tv ; chsnc to study during the; nji live weeks are stories of a people 'lii'ntldi. 'Biit the oeoolo either AM i"M'!ke their: danger,- px if ther pqw'K wejr hii' uv wi wis Beceissry: tt- save"Die 'situation: ? jrodiio'-'tta people perished; "tf PMOlf who think rof thfr BIMfc kg a book of. comort: only, 'must preplre lor a shock when iiduk this -part tot -the Old Testament This is the tale, not of a asrro escape but ef a narrow failure to teeape.M!'"-.f.'AV!-j,-;. v',..i. s dae 'S.-w..w Josiatt as ybuhif niaa on the throne and he wapfed to db wnst was right. Uie propneu toil ' nuri, and m wn quite .true, th ' unless m uon; tumsa w u It would be destroyed. JojIi -knew What that meant;, it niean getting rid of the swarm of Well, . false Gods whose, shrines -wera'r everywhere In the land.. Se, K$ ,got rd of .them.-ttf took a, cou rageous 'stand for the .true God, Bat the nation went right on tht downward siide and, .;th. fin crash turned put to be only ii lew yearaway '-'U Kit, ip; :: r' Wh W thUf What did n Josl'do "mat was .wrongr.tlii prtltlf seems to, te tnat-.nr xua nothing karltAil. hintllD. H'did not MT- snade infiSftevt Wi kfrtbitf viewilie -vdestroyed- ifcivtykiib blaces.'fpagan "inand'lr Ut)i and he pomri; d all 'dd; tens io worship; nt jarusslem. But itv was reform from' the lop down; there - was nothing popular hbout rt. W fan see vhowi this, fwwks' n ."Our owm'- country A' president may urge much needejl weforips, be"iiay 'bav aensitiv socuta ? conscience; -?:boi .uhlei jb'ere is something, "contagious about b""' WeaUsni nr his) con science, be temains. a Jnpi iol4 'crying b-a wilderness. , r When a mania sick; sameumti tht best thing for him Is a shot is the arm. But this' is in'em gency -measure', it would. W far better if the msd bad been BvUif wisely) building-up his beaim by wise babiU of eating, exerobe and-fo on. Josiah's reform, n-cete- as be was," amounted to.no niore than. a'iort pf shot blithe srm. The disease of GodlassncH WS deep-seated. Itr was not Jo bs - rooted out by a mere change A jtbe blace where God ai,to b Mil ipped. U was to be cured bj a king telling the people to; wpp Uit one une uixj, aoa. w nre they did tlilSt destrot" - Idols, 'aise Tevivai,V"W f J r.ih. V i have bee ,e if t i raople'.btd y theu" 1 Is .ibem , g-w''s; bnie-rslK . c. j 1 f timahdea 'ii from -v i bin. 4 , ? . ll.f: 1 I is of r'"eis csn bs i-j-d.t' .'fafc..ex , are exce' ' ips to -the . e o( some cot, s, But one . s s of apple i j is not going to help a man who beeds.balf s doien; and furtjiermore,- If Vths man's j.'!ness has progressed ir enough, a whole bushel of srrlM r won't belp hiin.-Tlwy are pi uty, but tliey are too late. V. Ben Uiber 'cuJo"s strikes, complete rest.it the road to euro, if' cure Is bo j-Hible.. But to rtt flv minutei - ifter each meal is too little; wbUt ,f. the- patient's' csndiifon is-lg-wed until he is in "tit. Peter's jvrd" at death's very door,' rest' ng all day tnd night wUl c' l not "4 bit of pood; U i now too late'. , k fn t! e days of Josiah; to rtiany 4 t e ", " 'nation has gsn k '8 to 1 1 not for lank Of good on " 1 s but tteause tX ns ia 1 t was jrlaht toofUttlt .nf 1 1 -o l..'e. '-'i -H.'-fv".;' . 1 s r 4 -W blame fur Ba or I i -s lohcst Fa!; Ffoph MiT We.l-mcanlng but 1-eeble ttormersf'. :or ', the main, 'w everyday, people r ; . h 1. islaa Cltr.i, . .. A C"rll ml . 1.4 ( , u n, V. S. A. :, k; Member Federal Deposif Ins. Corp. ! I I J I ' L- .!. 7- Tli future js no more unci rt thus V 0 present.' ' -.' '.'"", ' - ","-r Walt Whitman ADVICE ". "i j i '--- If! A ivice Is like lMw: IVi "tr f... s fie lung'-r it ewe. iv Hi , r it t ' 4 I t 1 1

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