' ' '.,''."'-'' j i '"'V' - V' 'r.: "'-J f . s" - V " t' 'i ' '.-... j ", 4. '. , '.-.';.'.".'".."''' '. -'k . V" ' 1 r ' " ' A ' ' ' ' ' 'i ' 1. ' v 'l ' ' .''' ''-'', J ,'.- . .r..- :.:v.,:'. i' -'-. ''7?': "-'r-:.:-r ,-'. - . -W !ysu sxti ir ...... ........ . 14 j i , I iK8pok':Wl37,Re-jistry of line n N. C. Highway No H: abeut "i, a'l "sLaUSl. andjwlw occiipatw tax stamps Dtotdled spirits,, wmes beerr and ms.d Ct. - in. s 5 urn' NISTBATION! ' I.Tbe'.m' ' jrif'inefc', having taJtouV f l.iAd!rO.-irtt,rf.tW -statf fcenry -',-Tiorni Murphy. deceas- 1 Li 'rit't..: irKl ji 'notL'y' all prs6a having claims -agarose', laid estate" to present, them jh;uhdr's"gi)ed'itfVbefore the 'jtpth day &,May 1963,' or this notUe Ul l tea4l ba?-bf their recov. tr' A .RwsOTaf weMe to said ' ; Sttt; ;t;naJwttgameditte toymen ttf the : undersigned. I . v 5 Thlit JtWr i&th ;iay; of May. 196$. ' ftArihBeB. Perrtsk Murphy; v;; ' :; to!strlri''rihe.i estate" ot- UHenry Tionwa Murphy, deceased. "t if it J-J" " iiT r i' 1 11 ' - c ! ' ',Mafy;7",roMham: deceased, j igasfam,'. estate w present them . fc vndtrsiAMJ ,befcre- the : ; mM oi m notice j S n..p'ftbar of, flietrrecoW I teV'llfBlV JWebd;.to Vsald I tft;plea$e.;make Immediate J faymeitdi.the -OndersJgned.t "'. I KTW;thiBday,.of;ayi98a-. i JireP.' a joroim, aaminisfratrix ? tne estare -oi Mhial rs J. Fordham. S1$WK-ivfcV to ftm.m,? ptfisiati- bzyfyp, claims, "4 tiulraikoe' Execii a Att'jtfrwwr , JndeMett to said es- raJHAMBERS tjVfv Hoyd .B.MianiDetSv Oeceaed " J - i 1 iti'.i'fl'ihev Afhf a&v Juh, ?7aw f U.I 11 l-l 1 1 oilU I lull I LI I 'k'w-'-a') vir.i;, ' .!- ..... .. aaa 'Wset HP to tilC for ft IJetter ddalT - 1 . a V-.. , t ' ! r 5.1 I 'it J'. V 1 I t re v: '.,vBy.oi,s4i;V.!i ;V:r ;VC.V.:;'' i iuctu1 -riiirPfi- ii iieati;:g co. Hi .iV:::: i v-f. V; l .:" . . . .iKj ... - j r. -,.r - - r t f Thu nnnrtv will Mi Bnlrt. mhlMt 1 nf t'lnir Hill IM -fli unrt runt thtnrA I -I r , . . - I : I wwwuro wj - i - ; y'r!,- . l ia bar of their MmIm indebted to satj estate will. please make immediate ' payment, to fhe . This the 6th day;o Junei .. William R. Ctifton t, 'TX r. ;Paui fl;.cufto:w-fe-i h Joint Kxecrtpfs ' Ylv'.vV"M j, Faisoii, 'North.'iCaVoHna ;v' ( NOTICE OF MINtTRAnON vj f toying Itbi d&iuiii&d i as Adminigtratri . of ) Douglas: Mnier'ate ,lo-- Duplini i-''.m: kZ'Jxi-i mlH'-:-i-r TZZ- llfliiflf - ftH' BALAAM Uliuulhf' V'ktaim agaiqst hUvSald estate .to present trnfrlrpu nn At hofn-a tha OtuI Am. y All . oeracmi ..indebted' rin" kaid estate', will: pjfet'kiat This JaJ'i'jMiri;'' . LEE Mr!4ER AND-M.WY, EMMA. Mlll:.Aclmlpistratrit-of, the Kstate 01 uougias Miller,- Deceased;. . llnder and 6 Virtue of the ocrver .'lA-f'?'"".'' joI. sale cnUinl in a" certain deed of .trust 'dated 'pra ; laBrand. duly .recorded in Bot 549 at page 281, m the Office of the Register" of Deeds of Dbplln Courityi Nrtb. Car? ollna : etecuted by Thurmani James lrrneU and 'fife, iBarbara J'eftnell to lacV' S. Collier. Trustee: .default' bavtng been madV'v'I'Wient ot tne tndemeaness seourea Dy saia deed pt trust and thfaolder if the. note .eviclenciiig aid. inddbtedrtess' bavins; requested they' .undersigned trust aS.ty the; 'terms ojf llfe: same provided: . the iitiderstgoed TTuste wiU iaeftv vplic: -audioB to' the highest bidder. ori casa -at tn conn-, house door, in 'hecity' of .'Kwums ViDe, orth CCarottn' ComttiM! Duplin,'; at 2-00-oori-ih.;to dify of; Jury', 1982; thr. property coo-' veved In1 said deed of trust which! propettTi! is more,; pWtjiftilariy . dear cr(bdt frhmkiiit t i :V- jBeing f Lot 'Number Seyehteen Uyas st lortn, anaesigqaiea on a certain map made by Parrjsjj arid Snbdgrass,'' reeijided fc: BaoKslSti 'Mtfe-421.- Beewn of Dunlin -Coun- M vijlorjth i4ba ;nW0Jf.TwPTfe?gT.ipnCTy- aor a ,mor ,.ojjpiev ,-lirta;,;. f curwe Hto - ahoVfr escrftted lot also fee- .ui( Jul lie . ww;ujuTOWi.wiiHl'y; ki out -' n.Jr.ri. J i.lft. v . tV.. J- I rtrtlber 4. lfrwJ an tteifui a'-iwCoW I . . .. onth to pay? Co-oliJ .., : ' ' t- 1 Let's tauc over. Telephone' 'v-.- 'Ofnet'OL.f-2581 '.t i - ! . i ' 4 'i ... Mr-t.ciive, n. c. to .outstanding rnd. nnpald taxes and special Assessments if ny . ; -The highest Udder will be requir ed; t deposit ,in . cash at the sale an amount equal' to 10 percent of the amounr.of his bid UP to $1000.00 plus five percent .of the excess of W bid over the sum of $1000 (. ' This the m day of dune, 1963. 1 tacy S- "Collier;. Trustee' t'.''l :' jFayWtevu.'WA ",v' :' wmmwnt, mail Si J D. Laurence Downing'; !S 1. ' V Attorneys At iaw. ; , .:'.VX ; notice ' or Xdministbation Haviqg this day Qualified Ad ministrator.of the Estate of Amos J. dutIawr!'now'-deceased, late of Duplin County, ;Nortl- Carolina; this is' tok " rlotif. :;M v persotis ' having qlaims against said estate ; to present .thisnl.to.' the f undersigned AdmihistratorVon' r before the 2nd dV nf M 1QR3, nrihl'i NotlcO will be pleaded hi bar Of their recovery. a AU.: teron. jndebteq. . to saw estate wiU :: please;- rnake. immediate payment.' "" J.' V vv-r Thl.17ai day bt May.,1962.; Dan H. Outlaw, Administrator of the Estatf ;o- Amo .Qutlaw. De ceased. H ' : y " S ' " '. . . NOTICE Or ADMINISTRATION , Having this ; day ojualified as Executor vol - AList VU1 and Testament of ElhV S Turner,- now deceased. lateo'f -uplta-: County, North Carolina;, this is to -notify aU persons having claims, against her said estato "to present them to the ndersigned Executor on- or before the Uth. day . ot June. 1983, br this notice wiU te, pleaded -in bar of their' wovenr.Vvf '? J--'.-i..'. AD persons'iodebted to.laid estate ..t. 111, JJl.i.' ' ment. ' ...iv :.VvV-.'!. ; Uiis Ilth daroi June, rlWJ.' ,. RICJIAIUI TMieJEB i VJ 'V ' . Executor of theEstote-f i " ,Ella SlMer'fDeCeased : -, . . NORTH CiROUNA t ' ;tinierimd by . Virtue of tlie power of 'taW'tontatirtd'-' 'iiertau)' iTMi -WttiiatJded -December 13. flamson.and SljifeTcirrie. WiUiams :VnitiH'1riml0'.7.' TM'ly-; ttfi; Tre;au ;hvtng;vbe?n made- lri-thtf.oayments of the note ItJebcHired. the; holder At said note rhayifig' requested W.Trustee therein' .the Mmft.VdrsigpfTee wiU Hif fitter slae andtell to the. highr eit bjdder ifojr. caslton 3dth. day .of t..i' ' H.A TiWrt TtoMts Tkmr of rDnplltt Cpubfy ,'m or: abdut' tjoon tM .WUowriff. aesenpea , reat -esw. . 1 ..... .. . : : . V,!VVV' ! . . . .- i..t ..fv':.::.:--r;--' .fv; -.' ;. ' ' ' . . -v .- . . . . . . ' 'y 'r J". ' ' .' 'y' J0U'm $jjjf' "'" " "il"'L""""""" ' " ' ' ' I " ' " ' ' ink n' - '-"'rj JlJ: , ' i r-iy HA I dividend rat- - g nuiii!- )if W WJPMIffiiS s I;.;: Vf--'"'!' I . ; f h, ;L , , n, - :., ... . j . .. , ii I M am i M , I 1 .... ''rlMMaBMBM ' -. 1 1 7 Manager. -"I' with the center line of said highway N S5 W, 200 feet to the H. C, Tur- neryMamle Heath - line.-' about 9000 feet to a point; thence in an easterly direction about 200 feet to an cotton plow -beam, an agreed comer between 3eneral Outlaw and H.C Turner as recorded in a deed dated May 11. 1955 of the Duplin County ' Registry; , thence with ; the line, as established la said deed N. 4 E. 1835 feet to the center Of said highway, the ' point of beginning. Arid being a portion oTrhe lands or lot' No. $ to. the. divisim of ,be B, JC; Smith property. coitafhlng- acres, niore or less.' i l: ''. A deposit of to will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faitiV '!';j-'.:;':..-.i f ;;' ; '.?-', tiki' the 27th' day of June 1962. -r J. T. Flythe, Trustee ;.ft$?'Xi: y 7-i9r Mt. dl. b&l' ; NOTICE, OF ADMINISTRATION NORTH "CAROLINA ' DUPLIN COUNTY ' The '' undersigned, Geneva Fred' erickson. having' qualified as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Our les Frederjckson; deceased, late of Duplin County,-this is to. notify all persons haying claims against said estate to present them to the under signed en or before $b 28th day of June, ,1963, or' this notice wiU be pleaded, in bar of their recovery. All persons ' Indebted to said estate will Wease-.make immediate payment to the Undersigned. . Thi8 the 28th day of June, 1962. Geneva Frederickson .Warsaw, North Carolina Beasley & Stevens Attorneys at Law Kenansville, N. C. 7-1MT-HLSIII NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY -,.r TTMTMTQ W VlTtllP flf the li.. JU.. UJ'M , " power of sal .contained in that certain deed of trust dated NovenK ber 2nd, 1&53.. Book 481284 oJU the Dttplin County Registry, exe. tcuted by Wright J. Lanier and wife-Ellen F. Lanier, conveyea xo J. T. Flyths, Trustee, default hav been' made in 1 the payments ori the note thereby secured, the holder of the same-having reques ted Trustee therein named to fore close the same,', the. undersigned Trustee will offer 'for- sale and sell to the highest bidder fdr cash ton, the 3(Hh day! of July 1962, at thje-'Cotirt .House- poor or uupnn County oh pf about noon the fol lowing real estate: . iLdng and-'beW in Rose Hill, rjjiplin . vourrty,.- iNortn and .described as ' follows: 1 ' ' ,; , 'Beginning at a stake in the so: uthera edge 'of ChnrchJSitreet,, Ja mes McKays nortfiwejstfftorner; thence his linebOui S. -liHi ; E, 150 feet tft a stake, & M. Hobbj northeast -dorner; thence Hobbe lifie about S.. 76 V2 W. 100 feet to . af H tw 205 EAST ... ; -' :: ' ' . . CP . 1 1 . i ...in 1" ; '.Curtis D. Lovill.of Gardiner, 1 Maine, was elected Interna-. tional -President of Lions Inter- national at ' the Association's 45th Annual Convention in Nice, France. Lions International, 'with 640,000 members, in 116 - countries, is the world's largest -service club organisation. - l Lions International . is best . known for its many youth pro r grams) community service proi- ects, sight conservation activi ties and aid to the blind. Last ? yeav ' Lions Clubs around the f lobe completed more than 00,000 - individual community service' projects. a .i,U''n . M Hnhhs northwest corner; thence about N. 13 Vi W. 150 feet to a stake in the southern edge of said Church Street; thence alone the - sou thern edge of said Church Street N. 76Mi E. 100 feet to the point of beginning. A deposit of 10 will be requir ed of the Successful bidder as evi dence pf good faith. This the 27th day of June 1962. J. T. Flythe. Trustee. - 19-4T - Mt. O B Sth- Some Businesses Register By June 29 , AU businesses 'according to Mr. J. E. Wall of the Internal Revenue office in Greensboro, N. C. must re- Vle' atve advice by the bucket, but take it by the grain. ,.i -w. it. Aiger Mpn uivp counsel: but thev clve not the wisdom-to profit by it. - Alary naKer cauy Sam's Drug Store Rose Hill, N. C. rm I ... i i , ijii h rmM mm m w-m - - . MAIN STREET, WALLACE ,1V it .11 v- ' ; ' .': t maintain for use. or deal in or with: Gaming devices Use f orm U-U Wagering -W.. Use Form 11-C Narcotics or. marihuana Use Form Who This ; t - Jt.It-.. fl , , , fcJt ,,.. , J. Your local dairy farmer ... the man who awns' Wayne Dairy. When you see all the mouth watering goodness! waiting for you at the'airy case, remember the men who make it possible. , " iv .. During June Dairy month, you're invited to come in and see our.mo dem milk plant ... sec how we produce milk that to Keslifer By A Day. iV",'.ri-'"' Wayne Daii GOLDSBORO, N. C. V Answters to any questions regard- 'lng rates 01 tax or requu-emenis .ior 1 I filing returns for these taxes may Ibe " obtained by:.; calling the local ' i-.yr,.'V. ... ,t-:;.J.u. .vii-;i-.;' -. . Is r I . ! A II benina aii Gcod Eating ; PAID POUR TIMES A i . j: A'. ' Harsh counsels have no reflect:' uiey are ukb nainmera wim.11 wo always repulsed by-the ;ivhV ; S ' j .-Hclvetius :t . 1 . YEAR 1! ' '3 i Hi i fi