J r. p "d Mrs. . Monroe Minshew fit t visited last Thursday t j.ith to. nd-Mr BeUaii mshew and. boys. ' T (..;'!";..- !:r. I id J,Hrs.' Arthur ' Bentoo , ad ch,.J.ea. Kathy and Tommy, - pent the weekend with her pa . l ents- Mr. and Mr. J.C. Bos? in '.. pals Clty,,i-'''U':''!-' Mr. and .Mr Frances Button tif Mt. Olive' visited Mr and Mrs. jpelton Minshew Sunday, r, r. t Mr. and Mrs. Solon James, Jr-, and children visited his parents, ., Mr and Mr Solon James Sr., y Thursday. - ; '': v" "A i Mr., and Mrs. Joe Cos tin visited ; - her ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.. C Tvnriali Saturday eveniiut i'.-i' ' f Mrs. Dick Straughan and chil- drer of Jacksonville visited ' her day.- V. :i; ;V.-V;pi ".-'i ; ;; ' 4y . I .' .'A.. HT. I- r!lini with Xtlr. ' niut Mm. Joe Pool and Mr. antt Mm C. W. Ridffe of Hieh , JimmV Benton o( Charleston Jiftcfeh day leav wilh hi -pa-Ms, Mt. and Mrs. E. J. Benton. : Greenwood, fia, ! are 1 wsiung K With their daughter and family. -: Mr. and Mrs. JSd StrjcKiana ana ; children. ' A Rrnadu Rivenbark and So Danny are visiting her Sis teif and family. Mr. and Mirs. beans Grove in Hollywood. Ela. , anuses : oreuua .. ouuui Linda Grice spent last week at . T,, I- . O 1 .1- ..,t VV" KakJ Um. tlill inm Xiraara -'yi-J :i t Uiink TfnlK eruMI io- Aolr with her tSarents. Mr. ' and Mti. Ry Carter. me Deacn iasi ww. :.!vn-. and - Mrs. Milford Quinn the weekend in Windy Beach, S. 'i " k.m.itl' IV.... nnrl "Paul feritt Jr; whe attended, a ioot- 4 all camp there last week ur ' tied home with them Sunday. .;The Joe, Sutton's spent last jWednesaay al wjr cottage ai parelina; Beacji. 4' ' irfrm nf ML Oliv visited her pa rents.; Mr. and Mrs. hoti Kprne- Bton Thursday. iA. ; : f ' Quinn. . MSri Gerald Quinn and rniw CUtink"vmiiaA In. nAlltavillp ' Wednesday 'afternoon, -4 'i ' t." of Chapel Hill spent several days with .her parents,! Mr. auf ,Mr. Graham Phillips last week.- ' H Mn RnKu Rsaalav ttnent Sun- r- day with her nephew and family jnr. ana Mrs. james oonosvo tu M-jene'BelsIgf, Phil and Jeahet- ' 4 TlMI ensnt 1.r Atirulnv at Mn. rehead. .-.,Mr. and Mrs. Graham Quinn ' and children of Greenville spent ,k&' n..nLnnJ Mrirk thalv' vtOrollt.. Mr. i and Mrs. Sanford Packer and ; Mrt. Lillian Quinn. Mrs. Quinn returned home with. Ahem for a visit; . The Joe Wilson's snent last week at varoitna aeacti vaca tioinng. ; ,V Mrs. Blanche flowers of Caly pso visited Mr. and Mrs. San . ford Packer last Sunday. -. Mr. and Mrs.' Otis Cribb and daughter of Hish Point spent last Wednesday afternoon with . hit sister and family, Mr. ' and Mn Ml T. Kinlaw - - , s Litch Huie of Mebane spent Saturdav with his Darents. Mr r i r r : 'recently visited relatives in Kin eton. i i Ml W. C. Rouse of Gpldsboro tort, were recent over night gu- ests of Mrs. Butlers parents, MT. and Mr. Clinton Bouse. '4 Mr arid Mrs. , Paul Hunter and children spent several days last new hdrews Next To Hi-Wqy a FRESH II.:r8 No. 233 41 week with Mr. and Mrs. Vance CJofelter jn Mebane.rj - V i Mn .Jvk Knrnesav ''of Golds- I'boro spent Monday with her pa rents, Air. ana 4rs. yomi reu?- jet ..h v ?-V'-; i Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Norman BarwickVwere Mr, and Mrs. Austin Ridee of Micro. drs. Hal Wifgslt and .children tof , Alexandria, Va. spent the weekend i with her ; parents, Mr. and Mrs.7 Eddie Drewv;'..r.';',tk;:.-?';y . Mrs,' IBura - Albertson spent several days last, week, wn tt.s. Zebe Arbertsoa of Beulaville and Mjrs. Eddie Rinark and fami ly of. Rose HflU,'j '!..,' 1;v.iv: Mr, and Mrs. ; William Powell and Jerry returned recently fol lowing a vacation in-Selma, Ala. where they visited their son and daughter-in-law, , Mr.;, and Mrj. William Powell, Jr., i: , Mr. and Mrs. Job Wahah and Annette visited Mr. and Mrs. R. E.) Tunnel! of Greenvilje Sun day : iv HV-'V;, . v. . j IMr. and Mrs. B . C. Sheffield unit famllv and Mr. and Mrs. Al lan Draughan and family spent last week .at Surf City i Mrs. N. A. Mitchell and Mrs. Fisher Carlton and girls spent last week at Fort Fisher. r 'Mrs. T. R. Quinn and Mrs. Johnny Jenkins, Jr. spent Satur day in Beulaville. Mrs; Richard Williams and Son Frederick of Beulaville spent Saturday with her sister and chi ldren, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Carl ton.; . t Mrs. I. J. Quinn visited her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. V G. Alder man Friday, night in Rose Hill ; Mrs. Johnny Jenkins, Jr. and her mother. Mrs. T. R. Quinn shopped in Fayetteville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson and children of -Charlotte spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Winnie Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Costin and children of near Kenansville vi sited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Costin Sunday afternoon.. V Rdy . JJasty . Of Kenansville spent last Wednesday night with his aunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Costin. $(' ojR . I FriendS iOf Pn. - Otto S. Mat thewa will reeret to learn that he is an- operative patient in N. C. Memorial Hospital in cnapei Hill. ; - ' ' ' : ' Mr. Arnold Jones and children Jo Carol 'and Sharrann and Ca rol Jordan of High Point spent WafternooB ai White Lake. : Mr. and Mrs.J. P. Pavis of Chapel Hill spent the weekend with their famiUes, Mrs. Martha Davis and Mr. od, Mrs. W J. Weatlierly. " -i. " 1 . -Mr, and Mrs. ..Joe Surratt visi ted their son and family Mr. and Mrs. Joe Surratt Jr. and child ren in Goldsbpro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Sutton vi sited her mother, Mrs. Virginia Strickland in Newton throve bun day afternoon. Mrs. Hollingsworth Mpartnmpn Frank Steed. Jr.. Joe Costin, Elwood Revelle,, Joe Kornegay, Douglass' Towns end and Gerald Quinn were hostess es last Tuesdav eveninit when Mrs. Herman Hollingsworth was surprosed with a Stork Miower, Guests present other than the honoree and hostesses were Mes- dames Robert Matthews, Bill Best, John C. Pridgen, James Afnette, and Mrs'Roby Beasley and Mrs. Steed's daughter, Laura Melene. W;''. Upon arrival' hfi .all tne guests in Mrs. ... Hollingsworith's home, I.Mtle Inra Melen : Steed Dre- sented her with a white carna tion corsage appropriately bed on a yellow and white baby rattler. After Mrs. Hollinesworth. who was completely surprised, com posed herseiz, sue opened ine many lovely and useful gifts wh ich she received from, her nei- immmX:.. Produce ;yarket Minshew's Service ijjt South-Warsaw. FEATURING COLD MELONS " FRUITS & VEGETABLES s- OTHER SPECIALTIES . Bug Repellant , " . Tatio Lamps ' ; vs. EMrley Cc-iin ghbor' friends, , ' . Iced Pepsis, chocolate cookies and open faced pimento cheese sandwiches were served. Graduates Air: University t : MAXWELL AF8. Ala. Lieuten ant Colonel Robert L. (West of War saw, N.. C, an Air Force' Reserve officer, was a member of the grad uating class at the recently conclud ed - Command ; and Staff v Colleee orientation course at the Air Univer sity. a i'r; ..i ryrj i The colonel, an attorney, is a gra duate of Wake Forest College, Wio-ston-Salem, . N; C. A member of the Masonic Lodge, he is the son Of Mrs, Bertha P, West, College Sta tion, Warsaw.':.; .. He is married, to the former Anne Van, Wyck Pollock of Kinston, N. C';-. : p . 'yi' -' 'i.'.v- i Colonel West was one of 383 sele cted reserve, officers from a wide range of civilian occupations and professions to he chosen for the special course. He received instruct tlon designed to better acquaint him with the present threat to free wor ld security. The current roles capa bilities and employment concepts of Air Force ' aerospace Components and forces of the otner u, p. puu tary services-were stressed. ; , 1 '., ,-L. ".i il . i ,1' .. . ' 1 'I ' . 33 Kin Attend v Dinner Honoring Mrs. Byrd Mrs. W. A. Byrd of Route 2, Warsaw was honored Sunday with a famil homecoming and birthday , celebration. Mrs. Byrd, who will note her 69th birthday on' Sunday, July 15, was feted by 33 of her kin: children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.' " -iy ' Eight of her nine children urere nreaent with their families. Only pne son, Bill Byrd of Swan nanoa who had visited the pre vious week, was unable to at tend. ', ' i Children ' Dresent ; include Mrs. Rnhv CarHnn and Mrs. Irene Po- Well of Hollywood, Florida; Mrs. Madeline 'Beaseley of Goldsboro; Alex Byrd, of Falson; Robert Byrd of Wilmington; D5ck Byrd of tternerl-jJack Byrd -and, Mrs. LKrt "tiosticr ipf Warsaw? V v Mrs. Byrd was honored, with a (large birthday cake and with gifts. The bountiful dinner was served picnic style at ? the home just off the Warsaw-KenansviUs highway.1 ' 1 : : - ' I Attends Institute; Henrv Edwards, of .Warsaw. N. C.v,is attending a National Science Foundation Institute-for High sch ool teachers of the Earth Sciences now beine held at the .University of North Carolina, June 7- July 17. v Edwards is a teacher at tne Jam es Kenan 'High School in Warsaw, N. C. A total of 8 students are re gistered in this NSP . institute at unc. .. :y:;V;.!: u.,. , The institute is sponsored by the UNC Department of Geology and Geography under a grant w ks.wu from the National Science Founda linn Fach teacher attending recei ves a stipend of $4S0 plus an illov- ance tor aepenaenu an iravei, , ( The establishment 'of the institu te was prompted by the work of th North Carolina Curriculum . Study Committee which recommended that a course in the earth sciences be taught in the ninth grade, but discovered that few teachers were qualified to teach ftuch a course Courses offered by the'institute in physical geology, Jurtoricat geology and physicial geography are desig nator persons "with little or no previous training in -the field. Station N. C r . - 3 T! .i-'Mis Yvonne Caroleavis whose engagement Is announced by Tjer jndthe," Mrs, . Martha Davis, to- ASC Earl Jackf Benton, Jr. of VKeesler Atf Force Base, Mississippi. Mr. Benton is the son of Mr, s'and Mrs. Earl Jack Bentbn; Sr. of Wareaw; The wedding' is planned for Sunday, , August 28. , . f mM'm ? ' ( Dr, RoyvL. Ihfam, chahman of the Department ,f Geology and Geograph is director of the institu'.a H is assisted by Associate notesr sor of geology Walter. H. - Wheeler and Assistant Professor of georgra phy Sherwin H. Cooper., . . ' The-dates of the NSF Earth Sci ence' Ihstitute correspond" to the University's first session of . Sum- cv,i r ui auHiw.' Miss Rollins Honored At Dessert Bridge ' Mrs.' Robert J Lewis -.and Mrs. John A. Johnson, entertained at the Lewis home on Plank Street last Friday evening h i honoring Miss Judy Rollins, a July bride, elect at 8:00 p.m. with a dessert bridge party.. - ' Vlt The 'home' was' dedwatea with arrangements of' White filadioli and, shasta daises with turning white tapers. JSi White carnation corsages were presented the honoree and ; her mother, Mrs, Glenn Rollins. Ice cream, mit?, mints and bridal ca kes were served upon arrival bh tables cpvCred whh, white cloths and!, centered with", the burning tapers. - ' . : -"f tjuests placing were Mesdames A. 'J. Jenkins! Jf, George West, and Misses Sara Alice Fussell, Martha Ann? Bar,;; and Ann Stra ughan and ithe honoree and her mother. Mrsii Jlenkins ; won a' ba king "dish' for bridge high, and Mrs: Fussell" won a c"0aier : set for canasta high.-; j;v-.?f During progression,' punch Was served from the dining room ta ble which was thrown with a white linen cutwork cloth ; and centered with, a lovely arrange ment of white gladioJL ; .f ; Miss Rollins was presented wuth a Vegetable dish -In ''e chosen pattern by the 'hostesses, ; ".. i, i,T.?i-t ; ' ; '-'.) .i. -v.- '.-".' :'',' uis To Attend llat'l : : A delegation "of five Explorers, an one adult, leader will represent the Tuscarora Council, Boy1, Scouts of America, at the 1st National Em ployer Delegate Conference, which will be held o ' August. 26-30J at the University of Michigan, : AnnArboc Michigan. . "',;. ;( ' , i .4;;,'. Over 3,500 delegates are expected at the conference.. These Explorers were elected locally to represent the 300,000 American , boys of hijgh sch ool' age In Exploring.' . ,,; : ' the conference , program, i built around the present theme of Explor ing,; rOur Best Today . f or a Bet ter Tomorrow,' V has been- comple tely planned. by a Rational Steering Committee composed of hjgn-scbool age Explorers. . ' ; . The local delegation, elected by the disrtict and council , Explorer cabinets, are as follows: J. Charles Pratt,. Jerry Listen Edwards, Way ne 'District, Goldsboro,' Oliver D. Smith, and Johnny Craig Rich, Dup lin District, Magnolia, and ; John Munich, Sampson District, Clin ton, Heading the delegation will be H. Dean (Brady, District Executive, Smithfield. Vv h'." f ,,t i One of the men responsible Jonthe fine Exploring program, said "One ot the key conference events wiU be the discussion groups. " These young men from across the nation will tackle such national concerns as American ideals, free enterprise as President Kennedy's Challenge concerning the fitness of American youth. They hope to come up with recommendations for their r orO mom'iprs that wi'l ' " Methodist Circles The circles of the Methodist Church Of Warsaw met last Mon day night intne 'prospective ho mes of' the tfnerfibers. Circle 'Nt'i "met with i Mrs. Charles1 CafWlfc There were ele ven members present. Delicious iliirMt jrifiirtimerit were served. 9 Circle No. met with, Mrs. &o- bert . Lewis, with six members present. Ice cream floats, nuts and cookies were served. ' " Circle No. 3 niet with Mrs. M. A. Smith. A frozen fruit salad crackers and punch were served to the eight members present. Circle No. 4 met .with Mrs. Fred Walston. Chess pie, and cof fee ; was seryed to , the 1 seven members present.'; y u Circle No. K S ' met with .- Mrs. finhert Winders with five cre- sertt. Ice cream , and pound' cake was served.; .ii.';:.'..;' ;?-.-.',.;!, .,'.-, i; Circle No-i 6 met . with Mrs. Sanford Packer with .Mrs.' Lena Carlton presiding. .Ice- cjean,- in cantaloupe- was -servea 10 :, u nlnw anem'Her' nresent. 7 . I ; The .iMethodist Circles W have changed .their circle ? procedure and onlv have a devotional and snort ' business moeefing -within the individual . circles i in ; tne members homes. Following , this they all meet in the Fireside Room i of thC Church for , their program. Monday ; night Circle No. , 2 gave the program, which was on ; Youth work uver .oeas, The circle contest was won . by Circles No, I, 2, end 3. . ; jf Attend Recital Mr.t and'aMr Joe Surratt . at tended the Mueio jftecital of their granddauMter,'vPamel8 Surratt J GoldshoiyiSuiiday .afternoori whi- .l. k... il.iJ hi DM In: the hnme of jner music teacher,, Mrs. J. V. Riley.. iT'l'''- : - .h'-tr ' Joey Surratt Pamela's brother, mat . the Aueat . at ' the door and presented them with a progranv Several school mates ot rameia s assisted in serving. ' r v ;; 1 ": ; Punch, cookies and nuts were served to the friends and .rela tives ' invited. ;$v'yA 3- 4 , iS;:T SUNDAYS AT CHURCH ' ; ' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH V ' D. E. PARKERSON, MINISTER ,. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. ,? , layette Battavv 'tf ' Morning Worship 11:90 a. m. . : ' Music by Church Choir j , ;.' ; ' Training Union 7:00 p. Ptc h .,: - H. C, Allen, Director ' 'Evaning Worship 8:00 p. mV WARSAW METHODIST . CHURCH , ' Lr T. WILSON MINISTER ? CHURCH SCHOOL :i5 a. m. ;' t A, M- Benton Sup't, -Worship Services 11:00 A. M. .' ;.i -.'..; Sermon: i-. . . : - 1 Music:; A i. f WARSAW PRESBYTERIAN ' CHURCH " s v -(. NORMAN FLOWERS MINISTER ' Church School 9:50 a. m. 'Alien . W. . Draughori, Jr. Sup't . Morning Vor p 11:00 A. M. Pioneer Ft .. iip 6:00 P. M. - ' Evenine " 1 ship 7:30 P. M. ' CALVA1 . ' TIST CHURCH PAL Ii.JLL, PASTOR " ! : t'l-W 1 y School 10:00 A. Mr-.-; ' ' ,Co.on McLaurin Supt .,- Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Prayer Service I p. m. Wednesday 7:00 Training Unloa , . v John Vancey Director 1 , - WARSAW PENTECOASTAL . - HOUNESS CHURCH , , - PASTOR . , x . Rev. Jesse L. Danials , v-" Worship Services , ; Morning Worship 11:00 '..,':' Evening1 Worship 7:30 . Sunday School at 10 00 o'clock . livery Sunday firman F irw-ii-v, f -int-nder.t lit mm f't,e '' 4 Iv ll-'vlwia .,;;.j . At U. I J. C. 'if.ffy,- JIIAPEL .HILL - John Patrick lartnon of Warsaw, has just re turned from "the University of North Carolina where he com pleted ' pre-registration 4 for clas ses in the fall, j semester,! 1962. ; He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Harmon of Warsaw, J. C The purpose of the - pre-regis- .ration program is io enable gtu ients entering UNC to take ref quired placement lests in ' sd nee, , toseleot .subjects for. t e .'alii and to have the Opportu, ' to consult; Officials of the Uni versity, regarding loans, s choluit shjps, : jobs, Jhouslng, and, ,ROTC opportuniUes-rti.y--"'".,,, ; A1rs. Fpnye7o 4 i Entertains Club ti Mrs. Ed HSnes was high scorer when Mrs. John Fonveille en tertained .the members of-' her .bridge- club and additional gu ests last Friday evening. ' ' Members playing were Mesda mes Otto Matthews, J. M. Kor negay, John Vincent W. G. Britt, and Ed Hines. Mrs. Hines recei ved costume Jewelry for high it &ut : JANc , PARKtK pAlstKT , ucrMMivicf, 1 or SANDWICH . DlCB.Q - C 1 ' V Spanish i5ar n x VINE RIPE t V , Ml If , s 1 r V'- boneless Shoulder; ROAST 6'Sc! II?. "SUPER RIGI FRANKS: FAWOUS J,QUALlTy: MILD TAND MELLOV COFEEE Ct ilCITV Z r :ru .C:r. Trices la This Ad Are hijh. O.. i- - ' ; -I 1" ' Mesdames V... i". .ct -id W. J. Taylor." -' . .- ''-' '"'. '' At conclusion rf play, . l".3. Fonveille served ttiie berry, ice box 'pie and cof'i 8. During play she served nuts- and soft drinks- Club He ;s : ; Mrs. -Clinton' Rouse ' was hos tess - to the Baltic Bridge club last , Thursday evening in her home on Memprial Drive Ext. t Member . jplayini .were Mes dames James Sutton who recei ved second .high Winnie Javis, who - received high. Bruce Tor rans jwho' received, traveling, Mattie Torrans,'. , Seth Hill ; snd guests to the Club , were Mesda mes, V, A.;-Standi' and Hubert Merrltt, . Jr. Mrs, ; Stancil received Visitor's' high, i ;v-:i-K P. During mid-point of play, Mrs. Rouse served seveH-ufi floats, jpo und cake and cheese crackers. frleridlyMDCi Mcf . The Friendly Home Demons tration Club met in the home o1 Mrs..' C M. Outlaw. The President called the meet ing to order, The club sang "Am erica - the Beautiful'? 1 Mrs. Eu gene - Best gave the Devotion. Tha ilnadera rennrtn . were: Clti- ienship by Mrs. ' Eugene Best; a''i i i fix Donuts a ( .; ' ! Boneless Stew , "i 1 . ALt MEAT ' ' !b. 45c . ' , mm 4 ' jane ; ' 'M LK "1, I 20,' Parker 8cx. Sij, VoC v. Effective-Thr oush Sz' -tra- ; r Cove- 1 r i C. 1... outlaw.' ' :3V . t-t p-sent Th club closfi by repeating the Qub "0:vct- The hestess served ft,:, pie. fee cream, po , tatoe chips and drinks,. y,- -...l,.. j-,,. ' - 7- r;:;- , The true, reformer will not 'mf. , hata evil, but iU eamc:jt!y ,ender ; vor to U its pUca wUh zy9:&-:-u-i ', Charles Emmons yr-y Ifchal:"-' CLOTHPS O Press At j fwweir Ml)i MMm i- f I - .. '. '..-':... Bdrr-f .Men's: Shop; "Exclusive IenVWeaiV! ' i AVarsawN. C . 1 .,1 I, x ) 39c ' M 1 Each 'j f. FACH ' rvil 'dir.- Lean,, ( f ' 5Sc lb. 1, ''Super-Right'1 Thick Sliced . .'.".7- v m0L j I ,1 ' 8Cc A IW. - .ic - T-y July 14th. , I