r x 8L I mm . i ' " f .r ... i ' a. , ;'.,: l v . i , .1.1 - . Villiamon Is Honored ist T ursday. evening, Mr. 1 1 iffln I aUTO . . r.i;r Smith hrmftred -'M'W VUUIU Mrs. AUie William- 4 On and . kir n. .tlier sun. on t 76p birthday.. 1 - Colorful summe flowers were flsed in the living and dining epm o 'MissvAlliea' house,' .where 'the fuHpw'ing guest were-invited in dmner:Mrs. C C. Waod, Mrs. Prudie iParker, Mr, David Wil Samsoii. iMrs. R B. Williamson. Mrs. I Oscar Houston, Mrs."" lna Drew., Miss Mary Lee.-Syke and Mrs. Myrtlt -Quhiri ;and Mr. ' 0ir t4et . fertitk4' Al-V-'V.iv,l l-The beautifully decorated cake . tanked, ;andelabra ; holding burning tapers made an attrac tive nterpiece.i"Mto; Allied' re ceived; -many lovely', and beauti iul gift. Mrs. Williamson said iVs to nice Still W have so many nice ien,ds Many more . Dtnnaay. pW&?Me- 1 The 'Woman's Missionary So lietv met on-Monday evening at 8 o'clock.- Mra. Jack Brinson. pre sidentVP'e,,ie' over .the busin ess sessioa.-'Mrs; Ellis Vestal, pro gram 5 chairman ifirom. the ; Cora Stokes CireJC' presented the pro gram 6n."TThey that Keep My Vestal Honored l . irin inet SYMnv evening - little Miss Laura Vestal celebrated her thin! hirthdav with her barents Mr. and Mrs. Brinson Vestal, her grandparents, Mr. ana iwrs. r.ms Vestal, Roy Lee ' and her great grandfather. Mr. O. L. Vestal. It mil a nice time for Laura.' espe- Lcially..when it, came time to cut nd senre the pretty., omnooy cake. -i'i Doc Brinson Has Birthday Cook-Out .' Tuesday,, July 10th, was j very special oay ivr many talnry for Doc" Brinson as he ce lebrated his twelfth birthda by helping his little League Team win their game. Then his father, who i4 the team manager, and mother.' Mr,1 and Mrs. Amos Brin son. invited all the team over for a cook-out in honor of their son'? "big day". A ball players centerpiece, known as "League Sam". aloiW ;'th hall mi table cloth and naokin motif made an attractive j setting for the good hamburgers,; baked beans, potato chips, pickles j '''& "'" ' -i-.-?"' MOSES D. GARNEB . '' KENANS VILLE -r Moses Dan iel Gaiiner, 60," of Kenansville, RFD, died Monday, Funeral ser vices' were' conducted Tuesday at S . p.m. from Pearsal Free Will Baptist ChuVch, of which'be was a member, by the, pastor, the Rev. S. A,. Smith of Beulaville, Burial was . near Sunimerlins Crossroads. y ; v-i.y,, ' He is survived by his wife, the former Lottie Houston; his step mother, .Mrs. Annie Garner ci Pink Hilt; two sons, Joe' ahd Ros- of the home;" two daughters, Mrs.: Paul Williams,, of 'Albert son and Vine Gamer of the ho me; seven ; brother, ' Harvev ol Beulaville. Morris of Pink Hilli Thurman of Rose Hill, Street of .Pttrmnia Cit", Fla., J. I. and Del mas, both of Beaufort, and Isaa of Morehead City; three sisters. Mrs. Bonnie Whitman of Rose Hill; Mrs. H.'Leaverton of Bal timore, Mcli and Mrs. Allen Har rell of Pink Hill ; " soft drinks that : were consumed bv the eighteen, guest. This was followed by the i serving,; of the hpndsnni!if : deforced '.birthday cake arid ice cream. -gi-wf aay',;lor all was the true feeling of .each guest as they Wished Poc many fltorebirthdays. . : BELK-TYLER'S In Mt. Olive V,--i':, . .-. c ... , it mil Now In Progress ; All Summer Merchandise DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO MAKE ROOM FOR BACK - TO - SCHOOL 'Xf 7 MERCUAKDIEJVRRiyiM PAtLY -i; ,,: . hJ.: i f iOONT . AAISS THIS GIGANTIC SALE AI BELK I TYLER'S IN MT. OLIVE LUMB CO. rrcQtmAST II JJMf ' mm 200 wos" -.. '. 1 . . t n Deor Fritnds: ; ioAhite Fir Boards Tor ZW: ?Jols o JrStroiflh. true, end , . w:.r.:irKls--r holding power - - ' c; parotivt cosT w,tn ; smcx)th a . v. SHEATING ' lI VWtt Fir , Pondcroso Pr - . a a a4 Mahogany i- . .M to a-" rarr$TUM i . $83.U I i"Tr, PrinteJrHr: Birch, Wainur, . $ 6.84 FRAMING Mir fLGORlNG i, K V'VU1 No. I Com. . . oA 0 A. Otar Rtd RA $175.75 $204.75 ond Lime Oox . ti(X64 -Premium SatiFin,shed Vglr BircK Oak, Cherry ond Walnut ' y. ;.; .; ' . . AD Int. 3.04 14" AC Ext. , t $2.77 . 38" Sheeting v i 471 58 Underlayment . J plus many other type .'n :V Regular Tapert f. , v $ 7 92 - ..V 5ealtob . . :, (i $ 2.33 . felt '. ; . ' .... .wT BfUVlMD CASH AND QUA-. ' - " . i TTEST COAST UJ1IBER co. --r THE -'.FLOWER B0X: by flora Leeds " - Aa a beauty treatment for house plants, amooth leavca may be cleaned by a gentle sponging with Clear water. If the leavf are extremely grimy, a little mild , aoap may be added to the water. ! ('.' PlanU with f unty ieaves, auch as African yiolcta or!lownia , should be brushed from time to i time in order toirelnwftany ' clinging dust. A soltr piihl brush is good for. this. r::. 'if i.f , , The Society of American Flor , isU suggests that, while cleaning . your house plants,' you; should check them for pests . mealy j. 1 bugs, red spiders scale. First , aidforsuchplantenemieatSimple ; soap-und-water.jrwsing wijlt re- s move ved spiders.. W,ith .mealy bugs, follow the treatment with a swabbing of the plknt with a cotton-tipped toothpick dipped in alcohol. Scale Is easily removed by scraping it off with a finger nail. . .l-i: When plants, become over crowded in their pott and need transplanting, use a mixture of three parts of good loamy soil and one part organic matter, such a peat moss. There are a t number of very good pre-mixed soils on the market which save a great deal of bother. Your florist probably has one or another of : them on hand and will advise you ;' of the best for , yovir particular problem. ' ' ' . - If you are a novice at indoor ' gardening, you will And that your local florist can be of invaluable help and advice. Consult him whenever you have a problem. He may have a quick and easy solution to it. tlcvs Miss Howell Honored At 1 Shower Mrs Joe Watew and Miss Ruby? lene "Waters entertained at the Wa ters - home near Mt.- Olive last Wednesday evening honoring Miss Lorraine Howell. Miss Howell, an August bride-elect, was honored with a bridal shower. The home was thrown en suite and decorated throughout with ar rangements of mixed flowers. . The refreshment table was covert ed with a cutwork cloth with lace insets over a green cloth, and cen tered with an arrangement of white roses. White burning tapers in cry stal holders graced each end of the table. Nosegays Of ForgetrMe-Nots entwined with ribbons were attach ed to the sides of the table, v Mrs. Dwight Walker poured punch while Mrs. Carl Howell served In dividual bridal cakes. Other , re freshments consisted of nuts aim mints. . : 'H -''xi'i-. V Miss Robylene Waters directed the guest in various games and ton tests... ':-:-' r MJpon arrival the honoree was pre sented a lovely corsage .of white roses by the hostesses. Miss Howel. received many , lovely gifts ui(l jood wishes from those present Approximately thirty guest were jreseut for the occasion . ," I Summerlins ; Crossroads Kews i ' By Mrs! Carl Ivoy The Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Whit field, Stevie and Debbie of Ken'y isited Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whit nan Monday Stevie remainec" yith the Whitman's fur a longe: ' isit. Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Coodso 'aul, Barbara, Dennis, and Brend "arol of Kinston. Dr. and Mrs Robert L. Summerlin, Rob,in. Nl nd Julia visite-l Mr., and Mrs. T . Jernigan Sunday. , Visiting Mis. Bessie A. Hcninj; 'tirinff the week end were' Mr. and Sirs.. Earl Herring, Bi'He, Sharon. Denpis and Gary of Harnnton. Va Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wifliams and ra.iMrpn Mr and Mrs! P.iul He-- ring, Linda and Richard of Wil mington. Mark Levi'is.'Oril Hen-ing Brendaand Besse of f ayefteville. Mr, and Mrs. T. A, ,Af -.l", natieiit at WayfieTneiaT, nosm-, tal Goljsboro. She returned home Monday Mr. and Mrs. John I. Amon. Sr feited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Faolk jf Bear Marsh Fridayr; Mrs. Minnie Summerlin and Mrs. Walter Hinson visited Mr. and Mrs 'Dan Wa'ier of Sk-tt'Sj Store and Mr. and Mrs. StaeChestautl af Albertson duriqsJhe wesk.end. Brenda sni Bessie Herring of Fayetteville and Linda Herrjng of Wilmin-ton are spending this week with their crandmother, Mrs. Bes sie A. Herring.- Mrs. Eddie Goodman visited her sister and nephew Mrs. Hermtn Quinn and Bill Quinn patients at the Duplin General Hospital Kenansville Sunday. Robin and Nell Summerlin of Dublin are spending this wertc with heir graMparerts. Mr.apd, Jlrs. T. A. Jernigan while their parents, rr and Mrs. Robert Summerlin at tended a Medical Meeting held at Morehead, City. Mrs. Martha Outlaw and Mrs. u.irm,n rtavU nf fmint Olive. Mrs. Eddie Goodman and Martha K"y - ... ... A ,.-.! attended tne uutiaw-uwens wea- 'ins held at the Baptist Church in Warsaw Saturday. Dwight and Dale Best 01 uoias- boro are visitin? he'-"r Mr. and Mrs. Jack flail while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. v. - uesi . si eifim; S'. veral davs with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brinson of Sheveport, La. -r M.Y.F, Met The M. Y. F. of Woodland met a: the church at 7:00 Sunday for fc regular meeting. Anthony Wrst- hrnnk nresided over the meeting. tcarlee Korncay had char;;e of Hit program which was entitled fctier. el muss upon Christianity". Tliert were twelve present including the two adult leaders, Mrs. Kulu Mai .uuuii and Mrs. Thelina Korne- ,ay. -' i. Oail during i. 1 t-nj wore Jimmy and Flora Lester; and children M Jacksonville, ! 'Mr. andJfis Marvin Marsliburn and'ChUdren spent -Sunday with Mr. MarslAurn mother, Mrs. Em ma Marshburn at Newton Grove. -i Jvy Grey Cahoon of Fort Brag? spent , the week end With Mrs.. Ca hoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Herman . Williams, Other guest In the. Williams home included An. ; liams of Kenansville and -Mr. Ali son Heath' and son also of Keiiatis vilK .''.- ' ' : & . . rAci ilk nf leeal protection, : the. majestic Royal Tern has inV i ... 1 nlnnrt till ereasea its' nuiiiuci North Saroliim coast, The chief co lony there is on Royal Shoal Is-1 land in Pamlico Sound. . - - 1 The I. -lad'Cn' i a L-..autifu : duck-like ' bud found in the coa Ki ll rp'rinn of North Carolina, in wiinler.;They can.be seen in Ap ril and May oi fresh water; where they "have stopped for ' food and rest on the way to their summer breeding grounds farther north. WSOiCSMet The Woman's Soc iety of Christ la: Jprvire of the Woodiarid MethoJis Church met at the churc Sunda. night for the July meeting. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Zollie Koi negay had charge oi the business transactions, Futur .totary suppers to be given by tin group were discussed. A program entitled "The Da Student of the Church", was als. presented by Mrs. Kornegay. Th; meeting closed with the benediction repeated in unison;' , , Those .present were Mesdamc; trn;. Vnriumii nuiuht 'Walker. 5. R. Chestutt, Ml B. Kornegay. Carl Kornegay and W. L. Westbrook. Personals v " Tha r'v nd Mrs. Felix Jones of arecta attended the preaching ser- -A' iL. ..mW Clin)nU A M ices . cu in wuiun uuiiuhj . - Following the services they were luncheon giiest In the home of Mr. anH VTrs James M. Walker. Preacher W. E. Howard, the new pastor of Woodland, and Mrs. Ho ward were luncheon guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kor negay following the services Sun day A. M. , t i Mrs. Linda Holt Sutton and baby of Raleigh visited with Mrs. Char les Bell Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Sutton enrolled for the second sum mer session of school at Carolina this past Wednesday. Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Sutton were class mates at B. F. Grady. , , ' Mrs. Joe Wallace visited in the homes of Mrs. Maggie Grant, Mrs Julia Grant, and IB. S. Walker of r..Uoiv.ri turn rlava last week. ' - Guest In the home oi Mr. ana Mrs. Joe Wallace Sunday aiternoon were Mrs. Avery Davis and son Franklin, Mrs. C. P. Grant and daughter. Hilda Walker,' all of Goldsboro. . . ,; n-l quests with B. f i and Connie Wallace were their soil Donald Wallace ' and , dau?hter-iih law, Betty Wallace of Raleigh. Among visitors with Mr. and Mrs, We Want Your Hogs r V ' SEE US '! OB CALL: PINK ' HILL! LIVESTOCK MARKET Pink Hill . 56 8-3681 r. : We Pay Premium For Top Quality II 5X5 MARKET Tlihton LY 2-2104 OPERATED BY LUNDY PACKING COMPANY m ecu as . K i A Your Summer, Shoe; Bonaza,'---Savo Now ;On Shoes You H ave 'Thought :Abput This Summer--Prices; Arei . Low Styles, Aro Right- r SALE fUv CONNIE fAdies Summer Shoes ; y V ; ri f i u f JACQUELLN S A L E Paris Fashion J .11. ' V ,vTmc- 'i Buy One Pair at Regular ' 4 t . V: .Price , ge4 2nd pair S t. . 5"' , - ' Ladies Canvas Shoes ; Slip-ons ? Tie i,pr.,S5.i. : - Values to $5.98' ' . j: SUmmerettes - Red Bell Jets - Alls Children's -v "White.-. Shoes & Sandals ' AW .? All Oft'eft 20"o ' J ' i ': ' ". ' One Rack -. (V''''''',", i 4Laaie53noe5 - PR." ? Values To $12.98 1 'Summer Styles Mehsl yyuu s 'All Others."0ofi! J Regular Price 3L 'vS ONE TABLE - - r?i rp-. .o n ; WOES.--cOciJo , ; Values To $1998 V (f,7 . i - t . i ' .' . - f VYour Family Shoe Stdre" ; 1 ' . T ' Hnn Sfree? . . ; Cmifoi? iJ. C. 5 . . .,- ' . - ' ' '