, . . ... . ....... ... , I - S j a ' . f - $MW J OWI VOLUME XXIX SUBSCRIPTION RATES; $3.50 per year plus 11c N. C. Sales tax in Duplin and adjoining Counties; $4.50 per year plus 14c N. C. Sales tax outside this area in N. C; $5.50 per year plus 17c N. C. Sales tax outside N. C. PRICE TEN CENT Plus 1 cent Sales Tax No. 32., KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA." THURSDAY AUGUST 9 1962. 7 A v M w t ' v t, Johnnie Jenkins of Warsaw, hiember of 4 ., the Board of Directors; Charlie Thomas of Mag . ' nolia, course designer: and Davis Evans of Warsaw and Kenansville, donor of the property , i for the Duplin Country Club, Inc. t, discussing EXTENSION PROGRAM ?Affrioc'i "Visit. Duplin T.W. Workable Joses Nluria and Ij Jngol,- Assistant Agricullure 01- ' .liters of JCenya, Africa, AT visitiofc 'lin County liMi week. Jlkso hten arp with group- of eleven who were tent to the United States, sponsored . by the Agency of. International De velopment These met received this , trip with all expenses paid to study ; Vade Gaylor IIov Field Manager:! Motorola Products Wade. Gaylor- has been '.named FK'M.,' Manager, Parts & Accessor ies, "for Motorola Consumer Prod ucts, Chicago, 111., according to on ,ptmounceemnt from S. R. Heikes, Marketing Vice President of ., the electronics firm. Gaylor will 'Work with Motorola distrbutors on i na tional basis to further develop . the" tjualily W their parts service. Toge thisr' Mtif Motorola ; reginoal man- 8gerv he- will assist' distributor in ttodetlng better services to" dis tslibutbrs and 'dealers- ' ,: (; ' ' ' Gayfor joined Motorola as service manager for' the Motorola distribu- . to-tn Norfolk,. Virginia.:. He then Joined the Motorola staff as region al, service jnanagei covering . dis tributors along the .eastern ' sea- ooarctt viayior aiienoea vapum na- OUK JUigmeerjiig ansiume, wasmng too, D.; C. He la formerly., Of Mag aolia.'N. C. ond brother to Mrs. ,K. W. Johnson of Kenansville. N, C. ' He is married to the former Mary Beth Southertand of Kenansville, N. C. and -reside "with his wife, ond h two daughters : In Princess Anne, 4r41'nJa). liV' s - r i .1 ' ' , J' I ' ' ' HDC To Receive - lienor At Mahlco ' , Home ' Demonstration Clubs win : be honored the night of August 25 at . the performance of "The tost i Colony." Thi la a high honor for 7 the - .clubs. Mrs. -Mae H. ;Spicer, Home Demonstration .Agent, says, : 'I hope that many home demonstra i tion club members and their faml Mfes will attend." ?V! 1 1 i f . ; Housing Will be available-at the Roanoke Island 4-H Club Camp. The Camp I located near the water-front theatre. Meals Will not be ser "vod at the camp-only sleeping acl- TJt available.- Club Women who plan to stay, fit the 4-H Camp, must fcri'-j Uvetr own linens, aheets, pil- cses towel and a blanket, rvations should be made by August 20 to: Mr. John L. Rea, Jr., County Agricultural Agent, Manteo, N. C. Cost at the camp will b $2.00 per night. - .. . ' This is the last big hitfht of the f a on so Club Women may pet ' Tit Tickcfs '-!. 1 rf time by Uie' extension, "programl-Tliey have: visited .Richmond, and North Hamp ton OxintHis befer fidipiog t pup-lm.- 'After' leaving' Duplin they" will go to Michigan, &T' College In Greensboro ' Puerto ' Rlclf and then back fo Washington. D. C. to sum marize their trip. Tliey will be In the States about three months, v The object of the study la to ob serve and learn about the program of Agricultaral research; to Analyze problems in selected subject4 areas; study and observe certain services to farm people as carried out by the Extension Servicer and to visit and study the program procedures and organization of - County . Extension work. '.Workabi stated that' the ex , (Continued On. Back) Elmore Bell (lamed Town , Commissioner The Board of. Commissioners of the Tow not Kenans villa have set the tax rate for the next fiscal year at $1.00 per $iolfr0 Varuatlon. Under tne jiew evaluation tins. wii te a tax. reduction for mosf of the citi zens of Kenansville. When all taxes for this year are paid, it will fur nish an income of approximately $9,000.00. To be-able to periorin the functions of govertiment at so low a cost, 'it will, be necessaty for citi zents to cooperate by paying their taxes when due. - ,". " After much deliberation and due concern, for the wishes of the citi zenry, the Board of Commissioners felt that the next high man in the past Commissioners race' should be given the- office made vacant by the death of ' Commissioner, , R. ' T. Brown. Elmore Bell has been cho sen his successor and will serve in that capacity ifor the remainder of the barm. t : i . ; i i. . . '. . Caught Operating 209 Gallon Still . , ; Charley Hulbert, Jr. : Wh ite 30, of, Kenansville, - was caught on Tuesday . operating a ; 200 ' gallon submarine silU on a farm i near Kenansville, according to officers. Jerry Lee Troublefield, ; colored male of Kenansville, -was at the styi alsd, but Van'.: however a war rant has been Issued for; his ar rest. Kulbert,' was given a hear ing and Is out under a $300, bond bound over to August ?7 term of court.: , ' : :, ,Vl l Present so the raid Were Depu ties Graham Chestnut.' Oscar Ho-, uston, Elwood Revelle and Sheriff Miller, - ..',-- . i ;, . Deputies Elwood .Revelle and Graham Chestnutt also destroyed a 200 gallon submarine type still on Tuesday on a farm 2 miles I' "vpt of- V.'ursaw. No arrests V i lUad, . ' .. . the land on which the Golf Course and swim ming pool are being constructed. J. W. Hoffler Construction- Company of Wallace is doing the work, and the clearing of the land is expected to be completed in about 30 days. . Trial n fx' This has beea a full ahd Interest ing week! Many pictures to take (In cidentally don't jrou think the pic ture deal 1 s Improving). Visitors from Kenya, Africa,. Goss Press representatives from Chicago, Di vinity student if rom Duke Univer sity and many, many more. But the most, exciting thing was to glance up on Monday morning, look out the window and see law enforcement officers,, . blood hounds, patrol cars and whar not running down the quiet street of Kenansville. Every one . was' running to and fro try ing to find out what had happened The prisoner had escaped from a window' next door to The" Duplin Times office. That man must 'have moved like a "jactc-rabbir for he surely didn't have time o get very far. , ' n " My, younrf friend OliVBr Vestal, who-went to Newport, ,s Rhode Is land for Naval training is sick, ond in the. Naval Hospital there. Oliver would like hearing . from. ' his friends as he says they -are long days and he does. not know hew long he will be in the hospital. Ills (Continued Ob Baca) CHEFS. '-y : Attend Convention ; She-riff and Mrs. Ralph Miller, and Sheriff-elect and Mrs.. El wood Revelle attended the She riff's Convention, at the ; George Vanderbilt Hotel in Asheville on Thursday . through . Saturday of last week, - Revelle report a fine trip' and ; an mforrhativf conven tion. ; . -r.-v ' '.- REPEAT PERFORMANCE William Cresham of - Route ; 1. Kenansville has been arrested- for the third time' since July -9th for public drunkeness, , Ho has .' been bound over to General County .Court, according to authorities., 4. - '.,'.- WITH FHA ' ': Albert Lanier of Rose Hill is back with the . Federal -Housing Adminis tration on the Emergency Loan Pro gram. Lanier has been doing this type of. work tor the past several years ior a number of counties, Mrs.' Grace McNeil is back with the FHA office after a leave of absence. "c AT 'ECC WORKSHOP' .- ' ; Alma J. Frederick of' Kenansville attended the- evaluative.' study of visual' aids, in; modern education and improved teaching techniques studies at th sixth annual work shop in Visual Aid In Education at East Carolina College. . . - J V "iV '.-' ' "'. ;'..'' - , ' '. Lee Erunloa , r The 2nd reunior of the Descen dants of rvi4 Cr- ' ' snd Mar & F.rmr , v K...W.I AT COMMISSIONERS MEET Joint Meet Plaiihed Asst. Farm Agent & Marion Griffin was employed to fill the vacancy left by the., resigna tion of John G. Clapp at a meeting of the Board, of County Commission ers held on Monday, August 6. Clapp was assistant County Farm Agent who worked with 4-H Clubs of Duplin County. At this same meeting, Miss Clara Watkins of Johnston County was ap proved by the Board to fill the posi tion of Negro Home Agent. Mrs. Alice L. Lee, who has resigned, ef fective, September 1. A joint meeting was planned to be held with the Pender County Board of Commissioners. At this meeting. Congressman David N. Henderson and a Representative of the Army Corps of Engineers will be present to discuss the problem of flood con trol along the Northeast Cape Fear River in Duplin and Pender coun ties. The meeting will be held at the Duplin County Board of Com missioners office in Kenansville on Friday, August 17 at 3:00 p. m. The Board accepted the audit re port of A. M. Pullen and Company on the Tax Collectors office as of June 30. 1962. Total Tax collections A New Wrinkle In Scenes showing a front and side f --y . vir '-tm'K . f4' . r A - 1 "-"7 era 4' - ? P'-yWll1M!lMl,l'llWlil''M , MS- i f f : - ,r ,f -, i If fW-1 fwwnwmmvmm .WWiil.:-aii. a'Wiri i nun mmmmmmmmmS ine begin used on the farm on Otho Lee Holland near Kenansville. V The machine actually stitches the green tobacco leaves onto the to ' bacco sticks, in ' the top view, three women are laying the tobacco leaves on a belt. One of the women lays a tobacco stick on top of the leaves then the third woman puts more tobacco on top of the v stick. The stick of tobacco rides to the machine which stitches the .tobacco on the stick; and cuts the twine. Carol Hall was standing at .' the end of the pulley to remove the stick and have it ready for hang !; ing In the barn,' '; The bottom picture is a front view of the same machine with a small boy stainding at the end of the table to catch any leaves that ' may have gone astray. Holland says that the machine eliminates v much labor around the barn as the four workers are taking the place ; of about twelve, and they can fill two barns n one day. The machine will stitch about 3 stick of tobacco ln.onjl minute, running low speed. Instructions i For i Fair premium lists for the Agri cultural Fair to be held in Beula ville, September 10-15, have been mailed to HDC member.' Monday. Septenf-er 10 Is ENTRY DAY: Bring any item in the Prem ium List to the fair grounds any time after 9:00 A.' M. Monday and before 12:00 noon, September 10. - Some one will be there to enter th item. Be sure your Name is se cured to. (he articles along with the Premium Number. ' The Fair Ground are located hist I'.ji 0- C.4 I UJt Hill Willi Pender Board Negro Agent Named for the past fiscal year were $1,024,- 544.28, which is the largest collec tion in the history of the county. The Tax Collector's report was sub mitted for the month of July show ing a collection of $15,188.81. July is the slowest month during the year for tax collections in Duplin County. Drop-out Problem To Be Studied A continuous study of drop-outs will begin in . the high schools of Duplin County this year. The statistical reports of the prin cipals for 1961-62 showed a rather large number of school leavers or rirnn.nuts Sphnnl rwrsnnnpl arp an- xious to cut down on this number Tn fin ,nH m0n nf Hnlno this, information about each school leaver will be secured by teachers and counselors. At the end of the school year, the information will be compiled and used in a study of the drop-out problem in the County. Tobacco Housing view of a tobacco Sewing Mach Agricultural Fair Road. . j -v ; ; V : . : -.y''.:"--' All Hems entered must be picked up from 'the exhibit booths any time between 3:00 and 6:00 p. m. Satur day, September IS. No article are to ba removed before that hour. The Fair Committee 1 hot re sponsible! for article left at the fair. Prises for winning Items can be picked up Wednesday - Saturday at the -Jaycee Booth. 1 ..: . You are urged to take advantage of. this opportunity to exhibit high qua! ''- '' ms in the Duplin County Agn A Fair, ." Jackson Escapes - Faced Of Theft - Jesse Willard Jackson, alias "Duckiy" escaped on Monday mor ning giving Duplin County Law Enforcement officers a merry chase all day Monday, ending with no luck in catching "Ducky". Jackson was being held in Dup lin County jail on four counts in Duplin County of "grand larceny by trick." He is also wanted in se veral surrounding counties on the same charge and also in the state of Virginia. According to a report from the Sheriff's office, Jackson was ta ken from the jail by Deputy Ro dncty Thigpen to the office of JP Jack Sitterson in Kenansville, along with another prisoner. The office was filled with people on various cases. Suddenly Jackson disappeared and it was discovered he had escaped through the top I of a balh room window which had been nailed shut. The window was small and the space between Sfocker Cattle Program May Add Additional Farm Income To Farmers Duplin County farmers who will have more feed produced on their farm than the present livestock pro gram will consume, may add addi tional income to their operation by feeding this extra feed through Stocker Cattle, according to Ralph Sasser, Assistant County Agricul tural Agent. Steer calves should be purchased in September, October or November weighing between - 300 and 450 pounds. They should be uniform in size and grade medium or better. These calves if fed about 8 pounds of ground ear corn and about V2 pounds of protein supplement should Red Cross Funds Breakdown Given In a recent issue of the local papers a report of the 1962 Red Cross Fund Campaign with Atlor ney 'William E. Crart of Kenansville as Fund Campaign Manager for the Duplin County Chapter given. The total receipts reported at that time were $3939.58. Of that amount the Negro Division headed by Mrs. Irene Carr of rtose Hill, N. C. raised $537.85 .A bread down is given of that division as it was overlnaked in the previous re port. It will be noled that the Wal lace Community came in firs! place with Rose Hill running second: Community Amount reported. Wallace $137.17 Rose Hill $103.18 Chinquapin $r2 .00 Charity $R7 50 Warsaw $16.50 Magnolia $31.00 Kenansville $00 Teachey $32.50 H. O. Clubs $10.00 Combined total $537.85 Mrs. Carr has headed the Negro Division for the past three years. Her quota was 500.00 and she over subscribed by $37.85. The officers of the Duplin County Chapter are most greatful to her for her services and appreciate her cooperation. ... , - ;,,vv.,. ,Vj-::uJM' .: I ;t - ; . ur - : -'r.-i;; s ' The Duplin Country Club, .Inc. is quickly "changing from a dream to a reality as the bull dozer works on one of the fairways, for the Golf ; Course. This particular scene happens to be the ' t , - -i . '--- Chased Bv m the two buildings was narrow, but Jackson is a small man of five feet five inches tall and wei ghing about 120 pounds. Immediately after the escape, lawmen with the aid of blood hounds from both Duplin and Pender Counties combed the wooded area near Kenansville, across from the Prison Camp where it was thought Jackson was hiding. The man was wear ing dark colored trousers and a white and yellow checked short sleeve shirt, it was learned. Jackson has been in the Duplin County Jail since July 24 after he was caught in Durham Coun ty. After a hearing he was bound over to the August term of Sup erior Court under a bond of $2000. He was being held in jail in de fault of bond. The four counts on which he was being held in Dup lin were: May 15, $75 taken from Mrs. C. W. Lane of Bowden; Mrs. gain a?)out 1 '4 pounds per clay. These calves should be marketed through special Stocker Cattle Sales held around April 1 - April 15 next year. The Duplin Counly Agent's Of'Ue will be happy to furnish additional information cone-erring this pro gram and assist individuals in set ting up a livestock progra,nj for their fisrmv:shrt8 'Ratph -Sas's-r, As sistant County Agricultural Agent. Beulaville MYF's To Have C A W. A' Christian Adventure Week will' be held at the Beulaville Methodist Church the nights of August 12 through the 15th. The C. A. W. is a week of special activities for young people from 12 to 15 years of age. The pro gram for the week will include a fellowship supper each evening, beginning at 6:30 P.M., followed by a period of study recreation and worship. The pastor of the church. Rev. William D. Moore Jr., will teach the studiy course entitled Chris tian Beliefs written by Lola Ha zelwood. Rev. Neill Bane, past.n' of the Beulaville Presbyterian Church, will be the devotional speaker for the week. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service, under the leader ship of Mrs. Doris Bostic. will ser ve the fellowship supper each ev ening. Mrs. John Simmons. M. Y. F. Counselor and Carl E. Setlle, a student at Duke University Divi nity School, have worked closely with the M. Y. F. Council in plan ing the event. All young people of this age group in the Beulaville area, are invited to attend. ninth fairway. Club, Inc. I Will be one of olina ' Charges D Nannie Thompson of Albertson was robbed of $110; July 19, $17' was taken from Murphy's Ser vice Station near Wallace and on the same day, $325 was stolen from itiley Ka,ynor near Beula ville. According to officers, Jack son had pled guilty to these char ges. Jackson was originally from Calypso and Beulaville. He had worked out a system of theft whereby lie would go to a store or service .station, call for a dollars worth of gas, and while the ope rator was filling the gas tank he would rob Hie rush diawer. George Cowan New Committeeman Ceor;e I Cowan of lit. 2, Beula ville, N. C. was recently appointed by Melvin llearne, Slate Director of Farmers Home Administration, to serve a three-year term on the Dup lin county FHA committee. Cowan is a pinmim-nt fanner and community leader from the Cedar Fork community, lie was born in Onslow counly and moved to Dup 'in countv at an earlv :iyp where hp has lived since, lie alleiuled school in Warsaw He has been farming in the Cedar Fork community for the nasi thirty years, and Was one of the leaders in organizing the Cedar 1 Fork Community Development ! Cinb He served as ch ui uiuil of the. K57, 1959, and 1962. Ht yurved'as chaii man ol Duplfn County Develop ment Associaton in 1980 and is a member of- the Board of Directors of SENClund in charge of tourist and recrealioj for Duplin county. At present he isr 'serving as chairman of the comniittee on agricultural af fairs for the Duplin County Fair. He was chairman of Dairy Month for Duplin county during the month of June . Cowan conducts n successful farm ing operation consisting of tobacco, corn, and broiler enterprise. The past several years be has cooperat ed wilh i:lcnsion by conducting a variety of cxperieinent tests with crops, fertilizers, and insecticides, lie is now in the process of constru cting a new type broiler house known as an "Environmental Broil er House". Cowan is married to the former Ila Simpson of Onslow county. They have two boys and two girls now living away from home. They are loodhounds members of the Mount Zion FreewilIM j Baptist t Miiii li. jft-n. Cowan will be serving on the Farmers Home Administration com mittee with William (1. Sullivan of the Oak Uiclge community and Henry S. Tymlall ol the Albertson community. Topsail Tide Table A. M. P. M. I Date llieh Low High Low 9 111 7 43 2:11 8:38 10 2 08 8-11 3 09 9:39 j 11 3 10 9 10 4 (18 10:37 12 4 12 10:39 5 04 11:32 " "t 13 5:12 11:34 5:59 - i 14 6:08 12 23 6 50 12:27 ' 15 7; 02 1:12 7:42 1:19 Mo. Aug. The location of (he Duplin Country in a beautiful wooded area, ond it . the "beauty spots" of Eastern Car . y.',;-, ...' I jaVf-t- t J) TVOT1 TfTs 1 1

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