I ,v CC 743 "natic:;al fise t .. -v.- V 'sS , i HUH V.- ilk?;-. V-f it' " ty. :''V'Afliiit.'i VOLUME XXIX - No. 41 KENANSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY OCTOBER 11, 1962. "SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3.50 per year plus lie N. C. Sales tax to Duplin and adjoining Counties; 4.50 per year pins 14c N. C. Sales tax outside this area In N. C; 5.50 per year pins 17c N. C. Sales tax outside N. C. PRICE TEN CENT Plus 1 cent Sales Tax 2 Pi H f" O: CI lliiii H V -i l L S. ki u a C?3UG3fe:: 3 AssssEa. Check Presented Republicans To Hold Rally; John A. Vi'llrmr Tn Anaalr : jii ifiimiu iv fpvuiY j , Jobft, A.!, WUkins, : Washington, N Talk To Club Leaders In Oak Ridge, Pleasant Grova Forty people, representing a cross section of Raleigh business and professional people, stopped in two Duplin County communities Thurs . day during three-day nine-county fact-finding tour. The group, all. members of the Capital Area Development Association Inc., talked to Trial & Error jqflU, A.i wuKins, ; nasningion, m, r r-. T r ....... , A . -. a-j1 . 1 M it. rnu ncj- Mwi4 Dlaanant ltAVA Pnmmunifv TWlVP.lnDment . xt. i. J y. 11 n AanAnln11 fVA . V. atlUI IIC . IIW JiUlll. jrcai - JllCliluvia W. UIC VM AVtUfiV u wwjwji v xiuilll vaiUIIIia, cajicvioujr Mm a leader in Republican circles in CU0S The visitors were served lunch during their stop at Pleasant Grove, newspaper people of the state, were North Carolina, will be the featured At Ridge group neard community 'developnient president etlyJber"vfed wef . sneaker at a IS a nlate d nner to v.. u, ""' ' f . rj. ... of the death of our dear fnnd Lynn l.ii 1 it.-, ki iu . - . iinm , finlHun . 1aa-rlhni4 Prtfn. Well be. "not done. but We have r:i n oo M.'okat mu ' j Jty Building,' located on highway nity development a ,t' group of st begun. . . . , - f bureau manager and Raleigh cor- between Wallace and Chinquapin, ' people living In a community who Following a buffet luncheon, pre- respondent for the North Carolina Tuesday night, Oct; 16 at 7 p. m, "av Ki dowiu and analyzed their pared and served . by the. women of Association of Afternoon Dailies. At ' i v "rickets are available to the pub- natural resources and then haw seethe Pleasant Grove club, members the time of his retirement, he wag j lie from any member of the Dun-""out to convert these resources into of the Capital Area group beard a the dean of Raleigh capital corres- fid Republican committee of James tangible thing." ' ; . r '? ?,: y. program of project reports. Pleasant pendents, t . - A I Ward, Rose Hill, N. C. v . ' . ""The purpose of community' de Grove vice-president,. Carl Korne- in Tuesday's News-Argus, Mr. ? i j . valnnmant nrncm nlH Sullivan.:? on Int iHnfpH thu sneakers who nnlb naiA honuliful trihiifa tn S firouo of titizens Interested in re- "la to increase the income and inv gave reports. Giving project reports Nisbet and expressed the sentiment were . ruinui yjuum ; vj ot me newspaper., ioi ui un siaic . Kornegay, Miss Janet Herring; Mrs. He was a man appreciated for his , XTnl ITMrflAiriltf'MrA: . TafL Her MtAa ' Knifw & ttv.iratanoGa in w.'i ,L. i. ji ii 1 1 i . n rn rr .-. . kiiui w w lauucoo, auuu; p w, . 3 h KI ' L.U J rM . ' number of leaders to ma it ring, Mrsi trying to leave a f I U I hUUUvtf l ' success." be saldi- : stinir ' but trying to report ine Sullivan Mid tna. erouo mat a lew . .v.. n,s fnrtu as thev actually were. m of the nroiects of the Oak, Ridge "" Wbutevto Mri Nisbet is a li nil tests: croo. livestocks : poultry1, '. ' . ... .. . . v.., IUj' mWll,l.i.. ,'CnMlnl 4.al S.: ...... r' ol. -J. T3 11 ' VinirfMa. Otlf4 'Van k juid ' ehiriretl wiiih 'possession Cf provement prograoi if-rr a -J ,k. -i. thut a mnttn for tl 2 ifroup of tiUzen Interested Jn re- "18 to jncrease tne income ana im I establishing the two-party system to prove the living conditions of a Duplin County, ' s, , , - ' .community. The- program offers a i v . - v I, cnueiiK uwusu uu i ,hb, ixannie ivoiucgayin iii tairness, aouuy i 1 :. ' . ... t - . i i. ...... i i j . lf'V: " ' CJ. v.h.n...i an v Toft . - f" tl TL J r; f ' nuniuer -ui siuwa iu' uif ring, mr.,".i.iM-iwsv "-. reporting, never rCllf IMaODCCI rOrr success," he said. 'fmi'mm' :.v-'i.i ' sting,' but tryini I I U,tn mttl . r.M" T" Accompanying tha, group on thfelr wh - j '?vrn: , d t ,rsx,flS ts; tft "control' .--f-PrtihjiPiiitt-t CDuntvthii wnjiTiicc' wni i',Mr 4 Lii. it farm Jand . home im-' ftaleigh grtup was scheduled the 'crowd, with - a pipe . u- j irograihs.. He i, added a stop to PehderCounty before con- cUncned between his teeth.' ?. He ' ;' . .r -- - n LJ l ft A 11 . 'A J' viul' Emma Chasten, 34, 13 e!;l Without Bond On Charg .t t ! 3 Rpincr hplH in Countv iail, without bond, is Mrs. Emma Chasten, 34, who is charged with the Saturday morning slaying of her husband, Simon Chasten.- Chief Sheriffs deputy S. C. Dempsey said that the Negro woman admitted firing one blast from a 12 guage shotgun at her husband from approximately in fwt .nil. ThP shot struck where she wanea ior imee ui mm F"rSn-tTpfid .whfckey for the pur, that a motto for the club might tinuing on Wilmington j tMrs.VMewber4 was also char- k ged , As m;4u list Aifnilnrr. urltK- n nn officer. sneW peui nera jn . cnuntv Iail Undeni $?00.,bond. ROnd for Mr. Mebw'is bee" tfil t $200. 1 v V The pair were arrested at their Veterans Day Celebration Set For Warsa m Hoy. 10 r .name arouna. :iu-iiuiv-i jhi. y Accompanying Sherrt ReyeUe f was Chief Parker, of Jhe,ik Kill police. vi '.t tMmil never to' be alone but en gaged in conversation and seemed to know everyone.. I shall always remember him and love him, for as busy as he was be seemed to sense that I was frightened, and that I knew very few people, and might run if I could get away with it. So at the time of the banquet, he would always take me by the arm Sandlin left, and John Thomas, president and vice- nMtkMa tcsnectivelv ofr the Beulaville Boosters club, display the cheek that was donated to the club by the Beulaville Jay caes.'fhe presentation was made during halftime ceremonies of the East Duplin - North Duplin football same recently. It has been announced by an 'of-'": the following high ; schools: ; Mt. ficial with the Warsaw American Olive, North Duplin B. F. Grady, Legion Post No, 127,tbat the Annual , Chinquapin. Wauace-Kose "u'1ur- sayii, "Ruth come on please and Veterans uay teieorauon win ue gaw, uu.uu, - v;".."., . ... banquet, for I am held Saturday. Nov, 10, due to Vet-; Hobbton BeulavUW. Jamea ,g wmat was never a true erans Day falling dn Sunady, Nov. and WnkHdl. The new ' .ement for I discovered by sit- . nSU - , 4 r::? -i :.-! rZ .'tlM with him that he knew Just MSSUmeS UtJJWWar; -.The. hit celebration win oegw miss 0o -u.u ""v. " -7 about everybody to North Carolina. with a square aance on inurmwy u uo night at the Warsaw. ' National ;. ; ; Guard Armory. A Teenage "Dance ' ' ' " .. j ' will be held on'Friday night with COrdlllQ 'JerSeV the famous "Blue Notes", furnishing;: r, , , t , j the music. The .Annual veterans SetS: VYOria AflllK Saturaay -7;. 1 . Beulaville JC's Donate $300 To Athletic Boosters about everybody to North Carolina. iub pians Unique I met SO many people inrougn nun n . . and one day I asKed nun ne vw vervone In the state, He said Soon To Sponsor 'No, but m bet I come as near 4H Cuj, jn Are. . . . ..... i HaAnta a nv. n. 1 ...111 k Kn evening at the armory and at this Production Mark will be chosen from IS contestants, ; B. tt' Cording, Wallace, ?nas The crowning will be at 8:00 p. m.Vbeen officially advised that . The beauty contestants will be from Jersey cow in his nerd has esta-, . 1 j -. KH-ihed a new . national ' ana Clerk's Office, Probates Wills;; Divorces Listed world's record for: milk produc y tioa . ' The cow, Daring halftime ceremonies of the East Duplin-North Duplin foot ball game last week, members of the Beulaville Jaycees presented a check for $300 to the East Duplin Athletic Boosters club. The money will be used to help finance the schools athletic pro- A rpa w a a mauav A.a a a a u fy,..,it,.t ns many people as any one else In the state." tie never boumeu to be taking many notes, so I would watch bis -column the next day to see how much be had remembered without notes. It was amazing. --; ' - I shall miss him very mucn ai v4 malinif a, tnwprint? UU1 JflCOfl ,1 , w . . . a, r - " n .no.ir nc in MHirviuiA.. never, tfram. 10 nurcnase a iuuvie taiuu T. . . . t . . J n fM (ha fnntKall taoni onH (In run. ... .!. ir u nnneanns 10 ue in a iiuiij, auu a iu, mc ... . ,V 'ine ow, , weam -; ;:- with much wit. .. tal fees for a gym during basket ...Mary, produced 15.046 pounds of person witn mucnwiiv geason The unds represent . ,, milk and 788 pounds of butterfat , h. aiUnait I did not cart of the proceeds from the first alVUlv-o vin 309 days, She repwcesvne - . Ws 8-nual Jaycef.sponsored Agricul- - The wills ef live people were pro- mer champton, u. . ti. Maraen. h hag a turai Fajr bated to me county offi last week owl; Danel . - .v ' . i,aii, --""-, ---- --:. r - - . to- thj. world. Alice and Kums are ana present u. iu.uic uuisiaiiuu.6 Assuming duties Monday as assis- Best. Geie A Taylq GulU "outstrut:' met They wem agricultural- student at East Duplin tant- Home Economics agent for lor and 1 ' tSnS ' ScSSaJb right allly. bragging so much. Alice hiph school this year. Dunlin County was Miss Elizabeth' Granted divorce were James M.. the American Jef even soneto Texas, she even The clutv will buy a guilt each wTminXn Miss Slocum Herring and l?u, It to a different See; M -Jeair Huw who re- Nancy Pigp Voung RoWnso untU all schools cently .resigned. A Woman's College ArthOr Ear. da Banyan wmiams; r - .. , . 1.. j iirnnhmmnr wi mnis. 7 . wuuc a,w - r a - for Ih'-ir s'-liool. Each student that is awarded oni of 'he nrlis will present a pi out of his litter to the following yen 's winner. When this program has been initialed in all county s-h"'s. ths J.iycees plan to start another program with cnttl?. The program is rlesitjned to fjreatly increase the swine and cattle beef quality or the coun'y. Jaycees in Beulaville are also now making plans to sponsor a 4-H club in the area. AH qualified students will he contacted s:m:i. Chasten. 55, over the right eye. . After the shooting, Mrs. Chasten surrendered herself at the Wallace town hall. Officials at the town hall notified the Sheriff's Department by radio. Mrs. ("hnsten told officers that her husband had beat her earlier in the evening and that she had left the house and gone into the woods Hospital Wing To Be Dedicated Sunday At 3 Dr. L. U. Chandler, administrator of the Duplin General Hospital an nounces that the public is invited to dedication ceremonies of the hos pital's new South Wing Sunday afternoon at 3... llvi dedieHtiop program will be held in the courtroom of the Duplin County courthouse with an open house at the hospital to follow. Dr. W. Heece iBerryhill, Dean of the University or North Carolina medical school. Chapel Hill, will be the featured speaker at the pro gram. Dr. Barryhill and other speakers will be introduced by Dr. Edward L. Boyette, former chief-of-staff at Duke Hospital. The new wing to the hospital will be opened Monday and will pro vide convalcsant patients skilled nursing care at a cost considerably less than that of a hospital. i hours before returning. She went, back to the house around 2 a. m, and was let in by her eight-year old son. She said that her husband then told her that he was going to kill -her now that he had her back in . the house and started for a bed room where he kept a loaded 22-; caliber pistol. Mrs. Chasten said ; that she then picked up the loaded , shotgun that was standing beside a door and went to the bedroom , and shot her husband. Police found Chasten's body, on a bed. Four , other small children of the couple were asleep in another room at the : time of the shooting. Chasten was employed by T. R. Murphy at Charity Crossroads. The . two had been married approximate- , ly eight years. Chasten's body was taken to Gar- ris Funeral Home in Mount Olive and funeral services were conduct- - ed Monday. . , . . ,, Board Appoints . ' h D. J. Rivenbark , D. J. Rivenbark Jr., Warsaw auto j dealer, has been appointed to serve ? ,,,! the unexpired term on the Warsaw, town board of Commissioners of . t John A. Johnson who resigned re- .. . cently to become county tax colec- -, tor, : The appointment was made at , the Oct. 1 meeting of the board and . .; , Mr. Rivenbark took the oath of office at that time. His term runs until May 1963. Rivenbark formerly . , served terms on the town board. Kenneth Marsha!! Accepts Pastorate Eev. Kenneth K. Marshall, Ro ute 1. Seven Springs, has accep ted an inviiatirn tf t ie Davics Memorial Unitarian Church ct Washington, D. C, to become their minister, effective J.-.n. 1, 19133. Mr. Marshall is presently min ister ef :lic Outlaw's Bridge Uni versnlist Church in northern Dup lin County and the Kinston and Wcot'ingtnn Universalist Church es in Lenoir County, to wh;ch he was called in Jaunary cf 11150. The Davies Memorial Chur.-hes serves the southeast e-t'in o! the District cf Columbia and Prince Georges County in Mary land Hampstead Plans Community Center, Fire Station Members of the llampstea 1 Community club this week raised the sign designating the future site of the Ilamnstead Community Cen ter and Fire Department. The huildimj will bp constructed on a lot on hi'-hway 17 just south of the town's business section. Construction of the building will begin as soon as sufficient funds ore raised to finance materials. The current fund-raising project is the barbecue and fish-fry that will be held at the Topsiil school cafeteria Oct. 13, 5-8 p. m. Tickets for this event are available for $1 at all iHampstead business establishments and from members of the commun ity. , A feature attraction at the bar becue and fish-fry will be the drawing of a lucky ticket whose holder will receive the deed to a beautiful lot valued at $1,000 in Washington Acres. The drawing will be held in the school auditor ium at Hp. ti. To Teach Class The Rev. Robert L. Bame. above, will be one of the featured Instmc tors at the Christian Workers school to be held Oct. 14-17 at the Wallace Methodist Church. Rev. Bane ts pastor of the Fifth Avenue Metho dist Church. Wilmington. At the school he will teach a class on the use of the Bible In teaching yonth. i,,- years Trio Of Defendants Appeal-Duplin ' ; . ' i ... "5 .. . Dumy aon i pit uw h ... . Gounty Court Decisions Last Week ' '"" ...... t.t - diiw S9 In i nver medical bill of -tax. paid whiskey.' 60 day. in cutel "'Z " ' s. .. ail suspended on payment o. iu ""'"'i " r,t:,Lv Charles D. Elton -. speeding, Charlie. Allen Powell - spe speeding. .- . i r ..faniknl n,n BIRO Biacea on nr mtiuii ui ,n- r - ..... . jm .naruai nn navmpnt OI 1U Ji baticn for a two-year period. - not P n.V tel is'&-.nd cosU and 12 months' good be- Vhanded them by Judge Other ,ef r satejiu speed. Russol J. Lamer. - . - a. - rnrw- - : manufacture ol non-tax paid whi- and costs. v. J .. . Lmv"f ir",! K.lmes' appearance la Supenor n 1 defendant was not prosecuted at th Ume. -V , costs. L:. ZIIL - ' ' v Court was set ai juu ---- . ,.ta . TSnni niw TWtnjen. navmi jac omiura ,uui - ----- , i -. t v T . emn ' ' also msirucieu -u. .71 -- r ...: . .f rvi driving S10 and , Fran- imccicm jr. non wv- '-f- " - y ' .. ... .hi, i.. ; M cV-lx appealed motor vehicle for a period cz iz -. - , 7 j; port and -'S5 ,0 $ Grdo to-h - possesion o -t and cosU a oe.!.r . on I ion, and his months - . ;- ult "RubSrt HuddlTand Eula Mer- Joseph Reave, Merritt - spee- in lad ' inn costl Pr"'.t. non-tax paid whbke for sale.-ei- year's good behavior, bind was it at ho.. - e adultery and din. 10 and cost .... , , $14 month for support of mmor ".ciuispvght months in jail suspeled;on Robert Uslie Boney; Also receiving a suen(Jea jau wun ---- . , - ; c().habitation. Di9nvissed. ... V Wiley Jackson - assu.ng a wor- u leider.ee was ; - t n. snwdLn Wil ard rtoscoe jacKson - . . ; ... -! t v 1, r sixmon- ,. ,fwHce l,Bf-nVUe Elbert Ray McArthur dn vine with a reveked operator s license, 30 days in jail suspended on payment of $25 and costs. Roger Morireo assau't with a deadly weapon and threatening to kill, not presecutcd at this time. Finersori Williams Jr. care less and reckless driving costs William W. Capt S25 and costs Charles D. Elton not prosecuted. John Gale Lane costs. Coed Bostic having no ope rator's license. $25 and costs. Harare Garland Tate sped ine. Diaver for judgement con- $50 and tinned on .payment of costs. - 'JJ.llv Kav Lonneriy 's Allen Gore - having no operator's license, not prosc- S22 to cover medical bill of Kose Charlie Allen Powell - speeding, James Ernest Hearn Jr. - speed ing, $10 and costs. .lames Earl Grady Jr. - speeding, dismissed. Gertrude Nadine Hall - walking on a public highway, not prosecuted at this time. ' ' ; Durwood Hatch - possession of non-tax paid whiskey for sale, six mAnth in iail suspended on pay- ana ' iw speeding, care- eeding, siu ana cos! -; Z.;.r.- TvI t.. . h.'n. nA ca- mies cncv, uj j . ... , j ; nr-Jp rvitl-jw hav nst no OD- year Foa nen;ivn.. ., ... uoroiny nay uoiira $50 pended on payment of the check less and reckless dHving. W 1 J. $,0 wo V'- - Joph AMon Harrell -- assault : operator s ' lieeoM. 30 days in jail ana cos. .. . -a . i.v-ai-H . raropm and on a lomaie. iuw, j-" Continued On Page t ) , t r nn CO ui.kfim. ion cf non- yie - r A

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