.A A "nothing KTJOci:i2it Liiki; si : coioss. OLUME XV. Reporter, and Post. fCBUIHID WKEKLT AT . DANBTJRY. N. 0. PJCPPER & S0N3, PuAs. JVops Ou Tear, paoablo In advance , tl-M ll Months , 73 KATES OF ADVERTIMMUl )aa Square tan line, or lee.) 1 tlmo,...!..! (10 for aah additional lunertton, ..So ' Oonttmeta forloncer time or jnoro apace caa be aaaae ka proportion to the above rate. Transient advertliere will be exacted to ren.lt aeeerdtag to these rate attlio time they eoml tnelr favors. Iiooaa Notices will be charged 90 per-cent. higher Bathuna Garde will a liuerted at Ten Dollars terauaaia. . , . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. J. BOYD KB. JOHNSTON, J. W. ttf.II, JIJI.ll.S JOHNSTON. BO YD, UElD.S -lOlfjySOX, Attorneys - at - Livvv9 WKNTWOHTH, X. C. Messrs. Rcid and Johhson will regu larly Attend the Superior . Courts of Stokes county. it. L. If.lYMOliE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Mt. Aii'V. N. C Spxclar attmitiou shen to tin- iilhv:Imi tdaliua. 1 J-Jiii 1k1 "c; HIT En, ut. Aim, tr.;:iv i o., n. Practices when-vo. his s i.vs are v. an'ed t. DAT, " amier: JONFS. tiunufa 1' rers ( BADttl.KHV. Ko. 35o W. li i;s.-n;rR U.S. S r.i-.'iiu. A. T acker. II. Tuckor. Smit h Mannfarlarlii.'A' v.!-.;l'. i Co.. i r. in tooT-f, siiokh,- ha r.s a:i c.ws No. 830 llalumi re 1. Imllim ir.', l. ,t i.'. i.i-.-i, ' Willi henry tioiuicocfii S' Co., WHOLESALE 1'LOTHIEZS.V it Aaaorer a,l., (l'Civ.-i:r'fl.'tiii.ui - l."i.il';ir-l SI.-1 . ; r,M v no ax .an:.- U. BONNEDOKN, ti. UI.tMl.IMt .' v it:i So0ts, Shoes, and Trunks, , lit) Mow Street, gft 8-81-Cm. UK UMOSJ), lr A. BICHAlUI WIIUII MU 1. IMiui iUUS.: HUN lev hi;mki:'.. li i l.io:i. AYOOD. BACON & CO lajK-rtoc." ami .J'Afii of DRY GOODS, .YOTO.Vt, WHITE GOODS, ETC- 30O-31 1 Mal.l St., PHILALELI'IIIA, PA. Parties having CUT MICA for tale will find it to their interest, to eovespond with A. 0. SOHOO-NMAKEU, i 158 William St., New York. R. S. OWLEUV, - :':":,-':' WITH '. C. W. SCOTT. WHOLESALE MOTIONS ANli WHITE- GOODS, 612 Main Street '-. LYNCHBURG VA. a. e LKl'IKt.K. wilb . ' . KHGO, RIXETT & fRHIP, RICHMOND, VA., : Wholesale l.ilcrs la - BOOTS, BHOKS, TllUHKS, &C Prompt attention mid to oui-'i s. nnrt Us clion aacranteed. pf YxryvM Sail Priton Ooodi m ijimoUy Marcb,, . , m aar w. rowias. roan t. tatlo . R W. 'POWERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Deaiers in PAINTS', OHA ' DVKfl, TARNISHES, . 1'rench and American WINDOW GLAbS, PUTTY, 4C . HMl'KIHO ANPIHKWI'O CIGARS, TOBACCO A SPECIALTY 180S Main Bt., Bichmond, Va; ' Antoiicaiie h 1L80S, b;:rsi t WPOLISAI.K ORHCK8 AND COMMI. KION MKRCHANTS. So 8 ilowarl street, earner of Lombard; . BALTIMORR. W keep constantly oa band a larire an. Well aaeortfd itock of Orocerirt mitsble fol Boolbero aa.) Western trade. 1 We olirlteon IgDmenli of (lounlry Produce eucb as dot . Ion; feathers; Ginseng; Beaewai V?ool:l)rie .; Fruitj fort; Bkios, etc. Out racilit.A for do ( biuiiMMara inch as to warrant quik salel 4 tfoapl returns. All orders m ill hare U14 fawt wrtawotw . yt GOTO I, I $mm: TIHIS BLOCK, "Winston, 3V. C. FOR 000D Tobaqco Flues, Sbcot Iron and Ilome in&iio Tiuware at i . . Living" lricc;s Also Roofing and Guttering at short notice, ut Tiurxnsi pricks. Sept lu-ly ;. '.'"' " J. ? V. SHI 1 LE Y, Corner Main nnd 3rd Street WIXSTOX, x.c. Under Jacobs Clothing Store. MAXlFA(TL'ltr.ROF Harness, Bridies, Ciiilav:- and Saddles, Also il -aler in Whips, Unites, Prr.ohes, Lap Robe, hi fist e-.fi-vtl.tii-' in t!i.. Har ness mid '.'idiil'-rv lino. HKAPKsT ilin s:: Tl l:N NO'.ITl! I ' i Wiil'jrdI my own tttni:'if:tJU!red pMnU as eb;iip ts v i'.i re l.i.y.tii t e' l'rit N ti'.i" I (;'. t. '. ;y, ..p.Ti? o :ir. !-. c m f: ; r. a .: r. ?:jy. lias a Ptivk o.f tit" t'd in.y M j'.'lelhin S;.l.!ie'i . .. I ;,nd. 'C.Mtso.ttiid "0 ri-T Si-p' 1-v. Sro'a: -liojdrs $ Co AVhU-j.lca:irl llotil J J A.lt 1 ) Vv' A li 11 liarjj. st l:a.M rrro:;VS i;i V, i;;-(.m. - A g fit'ii! t n l-i il J hi ploinoiils rAcilTXKUYofallkindi r. il 7.V, OILS, V.WMSUES, f,c SjHcinl allenlion uivitfd tj their IVhilrs i'lijper t'iuurs. .Igrn'.s PupnnVi otf and izt.ll known Riflr Puiivlrr. Sept 20-1 y Doors, SaskilHuids. Having". rebuilt cur l'laning Mill, Door, Sasb and Illiud Factory, nd fit ted i". up with all new maehitt ry of the latest and most approved patterns, we are now prepared to do all kiuds of work in cur line in the very best style. .V man,uf.icture DOOKS, SASH, BLINDS, " Door Frames, Window Frames. Braci . .... . . it . ets, Woulding, lianu-ran, oiuus:crs, Newels, Mantels, P,.rch Columns, and are prepared to do ni kinds of Scroll Sawing, Turning, &e. We carry in stock Weathei boarding, t looting, (. cu ing, Wainscoting and all kinds of Dress ed Lumber; uiso Framing Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Lime, Cement, Plaster, e . i tt i i r li. l.i I'lastering Hair aim an miius oi uuuu- crs' 6upplics. Call and sec us or write for our prices botoro buying msewncre. MILLER BROS-, WINSTON N. C. GEO. STEWART." Tin and Sheet Iron Manu- - lacturcr. . , " Opposite Farmers' Warehouse. ' WI SVIIIS, ! ... ROOFING, GUTTERING AND SPCUT ING done at short notice. Kisps ro:istanl!y on band a fine lot of Cookine and lleatiuf; htoves .J TieWaM- hvn Oo. liuP'ird M th. Un.twl .Soilf" ,.f.2'.";K JSSt; ITl Fl u.oo,. p), ,l,.n cf ttio 8ci.nti.1e lor p.O tK c.tciI tnito-iniirkt eopr- to at.l.o iuf.nl. lit C.vlV .'. TLr- (fermtrur nd -. 1 1 oi W c m ojri.. l i - "eri in n urja..l and ia..r honiUa. a an.ur- 'lilrMlnil .s1 rfilloilion. jimwred and IH Iu On I'.li.t I m.-. r.n nl.firt noli. I Tin. T.n iT)bii7l.. cL.rK. lor enminalloa of lood.l. r.nt- VvT'Si'-roufli M anr. .Oo.ar.otlM ill I wc.rcilMW.n .d I. lb.- aio-t 11I c.VB.tr ot iu kind Pub!i.:.-d In tb. world. U 'pblUhSdlvffKKl.U '; J? .dm.tl-d M. b. the tan IIr drroI to ioS bmIuum, lBTnllon .nrliworlng worfca, end 5b.r d.Virtm.nu cl toimnM proam. rb li.lil In nj countri'. .It ooni.in. lb. Hum .of all p.tnl.. .nd l l.t I. ot ,rir ' S'SWS? - Hob mk. 'I-rr H " awala. lue ooo oolUr. Sold br .11 n.wid..lrfc ., , II ron b... an lnontloo to PfcMl wrl '-a v"r,l t o " nobli.hfr. l BoHmUae Aaa, rl Hroul.r. Vork , Uaadtook .Boo aauala oullea . I D ANBURY, N. KTCBTUAY MK. AKUKEW I1EDUUOOKK, Tlie niarbte smilli, at his nioruinfc task, Merrily glasses the hliie-veliieil stone. With stout bauds circling smooth. Ton ask, "What will It be wben it is iIot.c?" "A shaft for a young gill's grave" Both - hat.'! .- Go hack wltli a will to their sinewy play; And he sings like a bird, as h swaying . siiinils, A rollicking stave of Love nnd May. , Allatitir'i!oi.Vdu. ... IHAIT. Follow yon, (he star that' li'ilils a dessert . i':itliw:iy. yours ir niini' l'orward, till you ce.' the hlghojl ; human nature i--' divine. Folic w llplit and i!: the risht, f. r man can hairo'iitiol liis doom, Till you lind the deathless anjrl seated in Hits vae itit tnnih. Ftrw ;rd! lli! Let tin si..y iient lly and tho,,!, I Hi: t ..3i!...-l ! ei. !...!., Iiilit. I.ove v. il! oaijnrr it lin l.i.l." Vvt.iti "ii uh'Jih'h 1.w!.ki ll i'a !". m i .'iV-i-. . TWO PICTl'llES. The Or.!) F.it.ks at Home, a Scruurr 0::au i j Til". IIkart ok Kverv Tin i: Man. In reot I tibliittion w. iT-vviinr. cini:l. d "The (I'd li.-.iu ." lt v?;r.,'.'en!"d an a: t.:u:?, togoth'jr reading a b-tter 'whieli l.iy i ll i. i.c taoiu oemm ineiii.. i ac 7. mother, with a Hidling face, '.vis pering . something to .tlf pleasant f.iccd i father. There uiu-t I'-ivo Dcen poo,li news ill tint letter.. It may inve Otoa irint'tli-iir bryw" ?o ?.!nv hm-t Bl,;t.rH.-'--Nvr in sa'mtr.'e'r wo T.r'- sen- ee-d .rirl.s to fat'ier and in 'her telling of! his ir.ie.3cM thus far in the battlj of life. Maybe it- was from a loved daughter, J writing, to father, and mother, telling ! them how much be.r little out" talkid of .: grandpa and grandma. Ii .. !,.,..- I tiful picture of a su'jeet dear t a the heart of every true uiuu and wmitau. The old folks at hoote, in t!m pijt.ico, were just what they should have been Irippy. 1 1 was, aside from an artistic view, a picture that would attract and do'ieht tho eye. Another picture is painted to tho miiid. It is the same subject. In place of smiles thuie are tears coursing down the furrowed cheeks. An cxpressiou of anxious csre takes the place of pleas- ure, as ihey gaze on the letter before them. That letter contains bad news from those whom those two agod hearts, in the years gono by, bad hoped would prove an honor and blessing to their father and mother in their old age. Now all this bright coloring of a happy old ago ives way to tho dark colors of life that mako Death welcome and -"the grave a flowery bed of oa.o Those ar true pictures of the old folks at home ic every coruiuuiuty. Looking at the agod ui it tier's face, love for Iter child shine forth under all, no matter bow trying, circumstances. In tho criminal court of Chicago, ro eeutly, a young man was tried and convicted of a capital crime. The mother had sat with ber boy all through the trial. Sho bad hoard all the ovideuce for and against him. Sho bad listened to the arguments of couusol for and ' against her son, and whin tho jury brought in a verdict of guilty she could nolouger retain herself and ia her. des pair and excitement arose and denounced in frenzied words tho court, hoping Mily to save her boy. Blinded by luvo that mother could see no ill in ber san, thoHgh be belonged to that class of be ings which infest all large cities. No one can estimate a mother's lovo. lt descends decpor, it reaches higher, it broader aud more charitable than all .i i . . . r i - ... tnmgs I creauou. manor uu No matter bow iun aiiu U.pi,,,17". W UIIIIU ...J UUIII.., mother's love goes out to that cbjld with low ana uepravea a ouuu tuay docohih, the saTuo force as it would had that child grown up and the mother baa realized all her fond hopes far Us future. How many young men who are away j q crtaliD(,s,line ncw cum.nCyt from th old folks at home think of. ... ,Mmmrnnxu. - -,,- motlte'rs' love 1 When tempted to do questionable aot think ol mother. evil companion en'ice you it will help vou lo resin (eilimaiuiu. ii iun vuiiuz . ' iiieii 'i America woo am uuv iu wild striving to nwko a competency would t'Ulv keep the picture of tho old ' C, THURSDAY. folks at home, especially mother's pic ture, constantly in their hearts there would be fewer mothers laid to rest in broken hearted f raves and iiiuoh h crime to record. Boys, donj t po br.cl; on the old folks at home. ''Staiid lirm by the principles mother taught, for it is to mother all credit is due for what good there is iu us. Milwukee Sun. wuIlFecuu-urs Of to-' baqco has doxb. Editor Phocbesbive Faumbr : About aiz or eight yeurs, i in con VMsation with two otli.'t' la.'.ft.i (tobuu eo raisers) on tlio subject of tobaoeo raising, I ruaJe the assertion that the culture of tobacco was tho worse curse that hud ever beon introduced into North Carolina. - Thoy BeeuieJ to al most doubt the sanity of a man who would venture nieb an asrinini.. 1 asserted it because I believed it to be a stubborn fact and 1 believe the time bus couie when hundreds of others .will (if they have not already) uoiuc to the same conclusion. Fifteen years ago tho far mer as a clans pud bis way or ho did not go. 'fu-iiiy tha Pinners of North Carolina owe to firms in othrr Sta'es j hundreds nf thousin ls of .lolhrs, tniirh '..f - i.;..i. t .1 v.ll i I.I.. i topiv without saer nee, t r en. n.ie i fjitilizers, anolli-.T grand curst! for i whieli the culture of tohaceo is repon- si'jle. Fl eeu years i;;n when tho far'ii mer wanted to haul hi- grai'i . or hi: pork to in irkct he could do so during fin ! w.Uiier and over .reasonably good roa ls, briniiiit; b:iel; the ea!i for bi- ! prod net. Now lie must haul hi toli.ie 1 co over, the w i f t of r i.ids 0Mr.ii; th s an en- ' w,,rst f .l0aih.:r. Ia!;e whit hi: ..-.in get, Folk-i at , 11;l-t,.r W,a( jt ji m . ',, u'-i -.co ,1 eoiiplo ' i,,). lt fa c B;t!, tin ,-a4,' but with the very things t "uhoitbl rai - lit hi l.n ..... . ,.,at un.l briM 1, 'T-tlV. i-o novcr 8Ufk another pl-mt afjlnext , , ,,,,., .Jiai. l, t:,j' .,,t. i()W jiteut our .servos We ,,;1.1 b,,.,,.,,.,,!,!,! summers an 1 .mild win h .i,,,,,,!, .,,.,1 ; rntor fr,- n Ly !d .- i zar This is ihe fact.--.': WtV-ra ive. tl0 ClMj5o t . Some yean- a yo when Illimy f ihe fannevs had th; Tex.,s fuvvv ,C'M':S to -y would not liw ; -. . country so subject to drouth i c,.ing0J cf tompeiatiir.; and y .i Ir so ' f.r,ncrs. in order to Bro li.su' vol- . nw tobacco, have, with the axe in e ... uIi nj ,i10 . itf brniitl in tie: otiitr, limti0 ,.jVm. w;,t, wj, J t,jV . y, ! lha riliu of (llJ 0l.Ul Kiat.-, '... r magnificent forests, and na b" Carolina just such " Country a? .Nerlli ii.,y (,neo vo .ved they would never tuhah t. Fanners, when, oh, w'.en Will you j turn limn yo'ur evil ways ? j 'Show tr.e ten farmers w ho have rai.-e t ti.bjeco for ten years and 1 will fV .v j you seven out of tho ten w! a.-o (all j things conoid, red) tooiur than they j were ten years ago. It is my hom st conviction and I fear that time will prevo mo correct, that ten more years ! of teckbis growing of tobacco and us ing commercial fertilizers will hud North Carolina in a horse financial euuJition than sho was at the close of tho ei il war. Tau :h.u.. Dec. 10,1886, ' C U It R EN r CO M M K N T . . Whilo both the President's uiesf.ige and Mr. Manning's report reomjimeiidml measures of vigorous cuireney coutr.ohc- tdon, each failed to uial.o suggi:;.iious of any compensatory expedients for the preservation of t!io present volume of currency Which tha country Cuds it its Crst experiences of trad.i activity hardly adequate to its wants. The Piesidenl reecouimended tho su "u.-ion of silver coinage, and Mr. Manning tho same, .1. in fun re:.r wnllhl .lonr-VA I( currency of additions auiounting to $:5lHt,oOO,006. Mr Manning also urj- ed the retirement cf legal tender miles 1 which in ten years would destroy $:!;,- i .ii in Otlil if i.iii-iiliiino- uoies The in- ! ,ional tlink CHrrcacy j, being steadily 1 retired, and under pres.tit laws l!-.e loss , (m eamMJ m lhis Je. : . . j j " wltllo tne Wllliurawai ot iuis cirvuiaiioo . .. ... i ..i: T l.: m nvnn nnw ennriuut.a-.. ne failure of those antboritave utterauoos to stig means of saving this circula- a . in oher cUmP9 (lf currni.Tf If , : p. . moft re,u.irkablo feature. j LlU1iU, Courier-Jour Den. ... . -- - - ua Tliirtr thousand nersous are sulonnff ; for tl1J Mi.c,,gslrlcs f ifa in the drout ( dMirict ut' Texas t JANUARY J3. awwcgiiKfai.iainjLi. ; .THE LOST CAUSE. THK At I.CliEIl NORTHWEST ErtN' rOSSPI KAi'J' KEntET S-OCIETV OF THE SoNSOl'l.IBKRrV. Louisville, Kv., January 1. Tho -Tauuary number of the Soultern jiVoy ' c will contain a second p:;pfr on the N irt'swestern Conspiracy." In -.this ilio writer devotes uiu-lt space to a njr .utive f the ciTonit mado by Jacob Thompson, "Special Commissioner of the Confederate States in Canada," in tho summer of 18!il. wiih a view to tn- CTMtiiigp'roix1iien 'nien oittio NortTi in" I'urthcraneo of the peace policy, and this failing, to create diruussion aud disunion iu tha Northwest. Aiuing th j North ern men who went to Toronto to co.ii'or with '.Thompson w;w Jmlga Jeriniih S, Black, '-. Judge i'lae'u .was nnxlou, to lind some plan that VoiiM lei 1 f.'i poao'e but his hi bur was fi u i'h ss. Thompson was also in i:;n:i'i liealioii with -V.il-landiiighum, who was at liiis tune in Canada. Vallau.I.Tiliain explained to I'lion.pson Hie ch.'.rv'tir m t!i ' 'soerel society of f'nns of Lioi-rly , w'.i -!i he was (Irand (.'oinina:i I r. lie assured Ti no that th-i Order was in all three uiiii'lrel (l."U-i;id strou;:. 'I'li-r; iu re ei::h:y-iive :!iou-m l numibois, !(--- iid, III i.im -i.-; !i.:y thou ind in I'l l: :.i , and f.irly thousand in Ohio. 'i !. -I irhir owed iis ex'.teo'.'t', ii. w n el i!.a. to an a; j'li'iicnsiou tint the i f events was le idi-isr to milil iry d -j .oi rstti, against whiidi it was ., 'ce-:saiy to reanixe an army. . ".'embers of tin. !-'Si:':..lll.ei. tile wri'r says. Il l i o I"' ll -., i'ie ('.:;.- :,., ill. T- t .ei.l.vl ,1 a no 1 1 -1 li -eee -..on. S oUli su 'ee n; I w! ! I i.ey ssful il d 110 Wi -ll 1 ise.j ll: o ai f ro e i.-nl-e v;'.;.'i-.l the 1't I -i il it I'n-oi SuutLui'i turritoA .1.1.. thi.l'e vvl'U few ,f!. .m. I Kv.-' r, "'.i'-od ii.' in'' 'way to a I 'i.n'eoh.r i:e . vietory, i wisbc.! disr.-ter to tliv t''it-.i anuius in ill i iioei. Wo very soon discover. 1 that ) i.i- ,'o- t'i.' tejiper of the-o paople and j round it uveef -.uy to ki.vp t h i:; ; let i i a. i. id in ell .i.-.f de.ioii!.'s' iii:'i a;,,.,,,. !'i:...e .j.uii.4 1 ). he hi.;.e .tiiv piri' J-:. .-. aie :i:e i.hei'.. 01 t'.e o: ' -r, ..;u.'i.i-, I'li't it -A i .1 lYe,.n"M topic of diseussioii. ( . . tabli.-iiit...' a sepi.'rat CeifeJeraey of t!:e Ni.ir;v.vesteni Sfi'es. but thj great iinj "i:,v,si far a the Coiifederale (' in ..- .-i. iters and their sub udinau s could .ii.-eovii- ihe real and preponderant feel i:o"i. were animated. .i.otithsian ling i il.eir jealoiiny ai: 1 dislike of Fi'dcri! j aiif.ioiity, by a strung desire to se . the ! l uion restored "as it wis."' "Th.inp j -on and his felbiw' i'o'mu.is.-ieners in. i lea' led in every say possible to fooler the i'ka of a Nonhwesteru Confederacy t.i act in eoe cert with the Southern. The writer denies that President Davi was a mend; -r of the !Jilei- or It ..1 any-, thtttg t ) do with drawing its i ou-titu-tl.itl . ' ; " PERSONAL- - The lnr.1 b'iok that General Logan read was the biography of Oe:r. R. J'.. l.ee. lie finished it tho day before he was stricken down by his fatal sickness. N. Y. ::'..'. . ; Tho largest legal fen ever obtained by Abraham Liucolu and his partner, ilLindon, was oiio of $.'i,0vtf from the lihnois Central Railroad. N. Y. llorW. (ii.u Logan is dead, lie was a bravo unit and made a good soldier;, but he lacked i hat magnanimity which would have adorned his chitravtor.. Poor geinle ui.in' ho was never able to li.mk kuully of tho South or me heoels. Aortolk I L.il'l IH'll'ii. Log in was too nirrow-minded to be pattioi, and bis pretentions to broad id enlieiiti tied statesmanship do not j,.s,rP i,,r inm a reputation beyond that '. aise n ': il tltt- Mieeosful i o;iiieian Even . ; '-' " Hr"7" and bitter. .Montgomery (Alt.) IKsp'tr. The whole of the five persons who i . i. -1 It I.' l-. w.re taken to 1 ans nv it. r.au, oi y Caterham to bo tr-ated by M. l'as'oui nft. r bi.ooT bitten bv a mad dog have r(,,irri0,i t-, their respective homes, and - j ar0 reported to bo progressing lavora- ! blv toward rccovery.-t.'oig rifific a .ut ,rn rr of Pans. . i..vi - ii.i-..h.. mi .iih ,nrk is I e,iand grA,,ufi atJnuons in the North ' during her visit. At a reception given 1,1er, ' N . , s ... n . . . 5..u R.nn 1 u n.vi. ii. mnn t-.1.. i,i.-.tt ..!...;,. t bly and because without subserviency, WUmingtonfttfir. 1 .'.'-.' XOilTll CAROLINA. A Native Agtist at Work. It is indeed an ! in truth a magic land, for bore apples prow end ripen md mill"W twice o:i ths saine tree in me y.'ar, for mmiuer brings to thee ! siiii.'iii.'d vies all of the swecost and i.uluiii'St influence of its gorgeous and lvti'.rietit wealth, and scatters' as her incense and her fondest tribute to this beautiful sbriuo of plenteous land fa vored of Ood and loved of man. It is a laud where the golden suuligut of r'npling laughter of splashing rills, scatters tho fust sparking sliadi ws of .living light, and makes gorgeous with crimson splendor some of the .-loveliest vale's that wero ever Nlrete'ied out be-ue-itli th'i broad e.anoiy of lle.ven. Ll is a hind whoso vsles, treaded with sil very hro- 'xh't-- nnd' dotted with flowery i.'iol'oes, io-.ike one dream n' anew !"'lor i l i, a io w cri.ati.in-; !r i-i So.ieS grow in riehv.-t hlooni aiol .sweet -st Ii-.igr.inee-, vie ie bird siog their merry roundelay l'-.-'.ii ni-,.till lite at nii'i.t, ni-i!.'! in.; ' ... ! v.'ar voeal wish noteV of ghnjo :s, to -liing portions of every in. ...li i t W.iuter to resemble a llowcr-wreath.-d .:hiM of fr:ii:r,iut Spring. l! is a !.i!ld v. ;i -le Midi liin.liitaill tops, c-it'-ldiig all t'.v .:riiiisoii glories. f gor-g,-. -... 'mi:i '-. 's, prefer. e fur loan's de brtatoiii mil yapltire lli.ise e'i-;ui-it.c tintiLg o! 'it aaly, cmingly ma ia only i'..-r tlo; visions of tlie .best hi the enchiu te.l ii alei: of I'nradi.-e,. The setnes cf '...-i:t;j. -eioi in 'he .mgled dell, the . ii.-. i'.i :; .- i: and tho crystal' r... "J i:ll i".'.iH ( wild ;oi!w :'; ,v ,-... .. . ;:..i.i e .!- JO ;! i ll i.e. !. 'He.. 'iv Wiio '. r i.' :;i ! v!:!i e:. e ei:--! brnih the 'i-h.; i 'a'i. - f th-.'ir J o .-tie bosoms. V1". it it- a i iiel riflr in scenes like . :. f,.'.- Ire ir.'Ufr. n'oolutely Koams to empi-y all lo" paint po'.s "of; heaven on the Itin.i sea;. . . jCarih does bur most g rg . apparelling of utviiad liucd i.-p-'btry... I'l-entieti seems bathed in pri"ira''i"' -. splendors, . Th. foret'ts, re ih::. r. her r.r-.v mitlit uf enill. ss y;ir ie.l nii'l he; atw!.; J .'tog"ry,-.to':'licilr heaijs j-iiiiitili, '-swing tli lr long- arms, bend, scrti'po 'and elmekle, and put on as many airs as d i lies .t a. rural ball. Tho re.ioiid Ida dies at live wi-oing of jol ly I; Frnft, v.ho ci'mc? pinching her ehei k and nipping her nose with the rol licking iiivil. nee of a -if no; devilmay care. The will .ts and cotton voods, asp'Mi a'n! laurels, in fiieir dilieatc dra peiiesof pr-.'.i and gold, flutter and simper wi:h e-'ipietti.-h delight at the bt-pi'i'i"a of lb : a.'iiui mi breoze. m ibov .Mirror. . ; . "ijbTTki-'S ADUll- T. . Violent eiith piakc shocks are rcport el in- 'AVslerii M iryhui 1, causing great alarm, 1 at no lainae-.'. . Three hundred per-ons perished in a ! ,';ie at M.nlrss, Brilb.li '.idi,. on Deo. j nist, issi;.; -.:: I Thcshipnaiits of Chris'ins presents to New York was so great that they j could not be delivered by the express i companies, who Saturday hid nearly i'ono million piekiges awaiting deliv- ery. . - . Th -day sjt by (iov, Leo of Virginia, for the execution of Chtverius is Jau. 11. .;';';..-.- .--..'" Iu tjdfe.rd county, . Va., Christmas day so.ne boys tied a package of lighted fire-era '- s to the tail of a dog, near I'rofes. r il. IL Meredith's barn. The dog ran into the barn aud the fire crackers set . fire to the build ing. "The building wn.s burned, with t w 0,,t v-ii ve bairels of corn and forage, i auJ th! ,;rof0!K,or barely saved bis cat- tie aud horses. The severest snow storm ever known in tireat Britain has been sweeping England during the past twenty-four hours. Trains arc blocked over all loads, and travel in many instancas en tirely suspended. Telegraph wires have been prostrated in every direction, and for several hours Loudon was entirely cut from communication with the out side world. Stos-kwaix Jackson's Horse. The frame of -'Old Sorrell ,'' tho horse Stonewall Jackson rode on tho ill-fated field of Chaucelhir8ville, has been moun- ; ted by a taxidermist who, it is said, is ; now exhibiting it somewhere in the ., ,i. r -n u l l nmntha un. And his frame wi 11 be nlaccd somewhere at the homo as Soon as the taxidermist brings it back to Richmond. -Ex. NO. "27 OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. To begin then with our highest oonrr. They should provide for the amendment j of our Statu Constitution so a to add . two more J udgeg to the present number. The business of tho court has Increased to sncb an extent (bat the labor ia too great for three person to perform, with tho thorough aud carefnl consideration which all of its adjudications should iw -ceive. The decisions of our highest court ought to be carefully made, tad thoroughly and maturely oonaidered le . ' fof e thoy arenbl Aed-ift ofcsdnee and government of the inferior eonrU and the public. : The judicial district! of the Stato ought to be reformed so that courts of adjoining counties should conflict with each other as little as pos sible. This could be accomplishod by establishing on inferior system of ooarU upon its permanent a basis as the Supe rior Courts are now established, and not dependent as the late Inferior Courts were, upon the whim and oapriee of sel fish politicians and unprincipled demo, gogtics. Wo have bad enough local op tion legislation, and the worst of wbioh was that which applied to our court of justico. Our judiciary ought to be in dependent, and as fur removod as poeti. blc from the corrupt atmosphere of pob h:s.--CtlJsboro JMesscnger. In the language of the statute, "the ends of j'lslico, pub'.io morals and the preservation of order demand that th execution of capital offenders should be ma lc private." Wo have no hesitation iu Maying that the statute is right. Pab !ic exeeutioiis feud to corrupt morals pervert jo.lf meut. aud inspue vicious P'.is.ioii-.. Of course there is a horrid interest attaching to tbe banging of a human being, and there arc thousands who would like to seo it. Tbose who go to iviti.ess r.ueh scenes expect to SCO something that will horrify their better fc lings, and they generally resort to stiiouliints to brace up their nerve. U'o oil know the bad affects of whiskey upon a crowd, and wo can hardly con ceive it to be possible that orowd should go away. from such a plaoe bet ter and wiser. There was perhaps noth ing that tended to debauch the moral of the old Romans so much as their fierce and cruel gladiatorial contests oo the arena. This final act of the penal law ought to bo invested with proper solemnity. This cannot be don in public. Piitsboro Home, There are writers who are hopeful that tho timo will come when haman life will be very greatly extended. San itation and' medical science, it is hoped . will, yet increase tbe avcrago of life permanently and greatly. To justify s loli an expectation the city of Birming ham, England, is pointed to. In 1871. it bad 344,9 -0 inhabitants, and 41 persons to every acre. In 1885, th population bad grown to 427,769, aad 51 persons to each acre. But tbe healing has been better and the death rata low er. In 1871 tho deaths numbered 8,695; in 1885, but 8,156, although th pop, lation was some 85,000 more. Tb actual saving in deaths for three yean was 17,715. 1 hat is what good sanita tion aud science did. Hero is a lesson for all cities, towns and Tillages. Wilmington Star. .". Senator Vance has introduced a bill in the Senate for the repeal of th CiU Servico law. We hope the Senator will keep hammering away on this manifest ly unjust end un-Demoeratio measure until it shall have been wiped from the statute books. Jllbtmarlt Observer. Ono of the saddest objeots we art apt to see is a heart broken by affliction and without ooufidonoe in God'. Th mind is iu such a case is the eunniag instrument of its own tot tare. It prey upon itself with a cruel voracity. J is not only despair, but despair armed with a deathless ttlng. To th infant ed imagination Providence wear the) aspect of a capncious tyrant ever sport ing with the sensibilities of it belplet victims. Charlotte ChutxK .Vuea ge r. Speaker Carlisle think there will h nn looialAtinn this winter to Mdauw tha revenue. The time is too short and there is too much disagreement on both sides of the House. "The Ameriean, people," be says, "cannot be mad to realise a situation until it is aetoallf upon thorn." Gen. Roger'lCj--J !W? York soon nfteirnrrwar without dol lar, and with no introduction ear hfa reputation. II acquired almost! kf mediately a good praotioe. whieh he steadily grown, until it no bt inn bHA J $20,000 a year.