r TER-PO "NOTIU 1NCJ- HUCCKEIW LIKE HUCCESS." D ANBURY, C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1887. NO. 4 VOLUME XVI. Repprter and Post. PUBLISHED WEKKLY AT " D ANBURY, N. C. PEPPER A SONS, rub). J'rop BATCH Or MVUNCKIPTIOH t Cm Tw, paoable in advance, l..w I Month M ATM Or ADVERTISING: at Square t ten lines or Ichs) 1 time f 1 on gr Men addliloual InaoriUiD ...ro : Contract. for longer time or more space oar. be tarf In nivirmrtliin In the .kt.OVl! r.llff. Tran.lenl wlveitlwra will I ox.c,-ttil to remit aaoaralog to wosa riuoa it inn i.iiic u.uy miu tbett ravera. Leeal Notlcoiw HI lie chargo-1 8i; j.ci ont . LUnnr than above rate. BaMneM Carrie will be iiwerted at '1 en Dollar r annum. PROFESSIONAL CJRDS. R. L. JL'irMOUh', ATTORNEY AT LAW MtAii y N.C. Special attention siivcri to I lie coil'Vtion ol claims. WF. CART Jilt, MT. AIRY, SUIiUY CO., N. 1 iti(i)rit(': lis si nidi-:.i THE MCADOO HOUSE, '' 'UR-KENSIlOllO, N. C. C1IAS. D. YERMW, IWr. Ilia the largest, 'most elegantly furn iihed and bcit ventilated rooms of uny Hotel in the city. r. DAT, ALBERT JONES Day & JaPp maiiiirutiiiPis ot ADLKR,UAKNk-.RS; 1XU.I.AKS, Tl-.VSKS ' .... M. SM W. Hktiinwio ect,.-rlaiUniore; M. B1CBAK1) W0O1I SAM'l. I-. U0OIT.VIN. BENKY UKMtltliSUft. l;lell'lV 1 Ai'ON "WOOD, BACON & CO Importers and Jobber of . DR Y GOODS, A'OTIOJM, WHITE GOODS, ETC Set. JW-ill Msiket Ut.,. ' PHIL ALEH'IIIA, 1'A. Turtles laving .:';;.:'CUT:MIOA ; for tale will find it tu their iuteion to ftwrespond with A. 0. SOHOONMAKER, 158 William St., New York. '-.' u. it. IjEftwick . . with. WIX60, EI LETT 4 fRIMP, nit'UMONP, VA , Wholesale iealcra i BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS. &C. Prompt attention paid to orders, ana m'.'u .; ction gaurat.ttc.t. , , pK- Virginia Store Triin Qi e it it tj ma.ty Ifarch.fl. itBiUT-w. rotrsits. xikiah n. tai ;. . R. W. POWERS .t CO., WHOLESALE uKva'Jjxrs..- lcii-r? Ill v PAINTS, .OILa, LiYKM, 'VAI1NISI1KS, Fronch and Amoricna WINDOW GLASS, VUTVY, &C ' SMOKING AND CUKV.'INt! CIGARS, Tt'HACUO A SPKCIAI.TI 1806 Main St., Richmond, Vo; AagnaUinitti GEO. STEWART. ' Tin and Sheet Jron Manu facturer. Opposite Fanners' Wan-house. ; WINSTON. N. '.. ROOFING, GUTTERING AND SPQUT- .. 1NG : done at shoit ncttsc-. Keeps constantly on hand a lino lot Cooking and Ifrating tuv-. SUMMER MILLINE RY AND STAPLE NOTIONS, CONSISTING OF Glores, IIoHltrj, Zephyr, and the best and most Reliable L CORSETS. : Trimmed Hat and Bonnet, To Suit Everybody. First door South of Hotel Fountain, WINSTON, N.C Mr N' S- Davis. ' JIrs Stanton & Morritt, Winston N. C. -BKALEllS IN. Millinery and Fancy Qoods 1I8I. TRIMMED HATS, LACKS EM BROIfir.RiKs, etc., e. M ain Street nearly opposi te the Ceptr Hotel. V CsfalKa? Sp5c!2c for Llur tisease. SWPTWf l K!ttrr or fu tartc In ol.Iir I vlfiftl mmitb: tuxgue ronttU vhlleoroovfred Witlt ft hrnwn mr; psir. In the back. Hide?, or J.lntt4ifu-n mutaken for llitnilii;itini ; auur atomncl.; lone of ppitUtei efithcttinfa nu i'.t nua wiitr bnuth, or lnli,'r mien ; il:itr.!.r.cy ann wUX crtu'tattouHi howule nltcinaK'ly coettvo and lax, headache; UihuI memory, nub a pfunhil Hi'uiiikllon of havlnfi tall-d to d oir;etlilur whU-h our.ftt to hnvi- bcR aiwc , di-Mu.fi .,-, -irlUj h thi--R.yrll-.tr tip. peAmuro ot tl-.o I'iiin ami ti-'t-fl; n Ury u.u, levtr; rctlcMtnth; ilu- urln la Mo&j-tvanrl int-hco)oreo,an-l. li allowerl t .abutil, t pit -KXIltstM. SIMMONS LIYEIIREGULATOS (PURiLY VKtiCTABLCV In frrncn.ily wed in ihv South Ut orous the Toi.!'! Liver tu a htMlthy iictum. It ich with xtraordmary omoaoy on th El" IVERt Sidneys,- AND FSOVfCM.' lltrECUU IFfCf.AICA I'yuiH jinln, BltU Hi fitUfh. :oHOiiitinn, JtiU.tiittM'f i. Kitiiuiv -ItJcrfloiK", taumlirct, , MnnUtl J;vprriiiati( . t cllo Ktt'lorsoJ by the iti a( t Mlilloa! rf l uiUcs, THE BEST FAMILY KEP!C!KE fct Mlilren, fii A-lultj. .-.J (.., tl.c AgLd. ONLY GEKUiKE h.i -ur Z Si.iti(; in i. i r:'. t, -ut Wnp;r. . J. H. Zeifin & Co., MitaMflhia, Pa , cut fkoiktKiwkn, 1'ritM, tl.OO. GO TO T1SE HLOCK, AVinstOn,lV. C FOR 0001) Tobacco Fluti, Sheet Iron and Home maJo Tinware at I.ivif4" l"'it'o AI.'o Ruitfini' and tiutlering ut nhore notice, at iiottom hiices. pt 1G-Iy IF ypU INTEND TO BUY AnythiJK-' iii th" . HARNESS LINE LOOK Kolt TIIK BIG RED SADDLE, Southeast Cor. of Court ITouso Square I'izi t; Iloasrs. Kohl & Stockron, lAi::,t:ss, i.rs,t''ii.i.AKD, iiAi.ri:ii: wiiirs. i. sii .1. si i:'.tM, iiami'.s, ha:k ltANiiS, IKiltSK HKI'StiKS. BITlt.CttH KV lOMl! !. rtl llKAllS). H.Y ... SK'iS ; N'- IVKKYrlUNO IN .-' llli: HAltNIISS 1.IXK. . Homo n:da Collars a Specialty. l!'0viv "i '.':-t .r, uii-u at Stiio l-'air I!, i.i N : .':rs Trriy, ' J. W, SHIPLEY. : .Winston, N- C. Dears . Sash , Blinds. Having rebuilt our 1'laning Mill, llnur, S.i-ili and Mind Factory, onJ fit ted i: up with ail tun machinery of the lat-ist and af pr -vc-l pattern.', we areno'.r prepared t- do all kinda of work in cur iiuo iu ihe vjry be?t stylf. Wo waMifacturo .-: ltOK3, SASH, ni.INDS, Dn'or Frames, Window Frames. Brack ets, Muulding, Hand-rail, liahu'.er?, Nomli, Mantels, i'"ie!i t'oliunns, and aro preparJd t di- all. kilida.tif Suroll Sawing, 7'uriiiiij.-, is.,.' We curry in stock Weatlieibiiardiiif!. Flooring, Oeil iht'. Waiiiseotitic anil ail kind." of lress eil Lvniher; a!:-e Framin;: Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Lime, Cement, 1'la.strr, l'lastennir 11 air and all kinds! of Huild- eis' Mipplies. Call and eee us or write for our prioes before buying eluewncre. MILLER BROS-, WINSTON, N. C. Broun Rogers y Co Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE Largest lineofSTOKYS in Winston. Agricultural Implements MACHINERY of all kinds HJRJTESS AftD SADDLES ire r.JLVTS, OILS, VJRA'ISHES, Ac Special attention xnvlttd to their Whiiet Clipper Plom. Jlgenis DvponTi old and well known Riflt Powder. pt 2G-ly , ' TIIKUKAYE, ;.:n y)i i.r.:'. urx':. A r"alm wlierc conquests ncver lnirg ThetriuuipU of thiiir power 'li'x throne whereon a wonn Is kin:, Thf prince and Jilcmant 'a dower. aLivk-i-:a - s;r.TTt: jiA ivonv Swil, Ut m take that little liaml so fur, And whilst 1 slip ihe rliigtipon :u jilace The ple-lee !o seal our troth lilt thou to mini' Thy pure, pi-iud, f.tnltlos? fiee. Ri'bolil, the p nin.e 1 hand so ttveatly laid Within mine own, I raise it to H.y lip-', And nwear life's sun i.tvrnal rh-t!l yo down K.e my love Knows eclipse. ; . The Cum-n!. T11K C110SS-EYKD CLKRK. Puriiig the lite Cl.ri.stiuas holidays a larjte firm in 1! , omployed an an assistanl clerk a young man who was t-sceedingiy cross-eyed. The especial duty assigned to l.im iva.s to act ae ttntchuian and prevent the peculation of all sorts if suialt fancy artiales that were lyinjf about the coun ters for exhibition at U.at time. One day a half grown toy came into the Ftore, and after looking all arcrund picked up first one thing and then an other, among which were sonic very nice socks, be finally started to go out of the door. . ' At this moment the uow clerk touch ed him lightly nn the shoulder, and in viting him lo come to the back part of the store, said to him politely : , - "Obi. go me by giving me at ouco the socks tlmt you have in your back pock et" .' ".How d you knovr I lu.ve any sccka iu uiy back packet T deOjundpd the boy lu a bold t.-.e. "I sawyou put them there ,V raid tho clerk vciyently. The boy looked up in thi young man's face in utter amusement. "Are you looking at ino now?" he asked earn estly. "lo you see me this very min uteV he asked still m-ro earnestly. '-Of course I do," replied the clerk. "Good Lord, mister!" cried the boy with a blanching face, "here's your sock.' " And with a bound he was out of thj back door and ovor t!u fence and away, liuviug learned a lesson concern ing all-seeing eyes, which it is to be hoped he may never forget. IJarpir's Mugitziiic. fliAKCHlNq FOR FAl'A. A lady iu the street met little girl between two and three years old, evi dently lost, aud crying bitterly. The lady took the baby a hand, and asked where she was going. . "Down to find my papa," was the sobbing reply . "What is your papa's name !" asked the lady. "His name is papa." '.lint what is his other name V What does your mamma call hun V "She calls him papa," persisted the little creature, The l.vly then tried to lead hir tlong. "You had better uoine along with me. I guess you came this way." . "Yes, but 1 dou't want to go back, I want to find my papa." replied the little girl, cryiug afresh, as it hor heart would break. 'Vh;it do you want of your papa ' asked the lady. '1 want to kiss him." "Just at this time a sistci of the child, who bad been searching for her, camo along and took possession of tho lit.le runaway. From inquiry it ap peared that the little one's papa, whom she was so earnestly seeking, bad re cently died, and she, tried of waiting for him to oouio home, had gono out to find him. Ex. Fifty thousand tieoshave been plant ed in Nebraska by female bands in the last three yaors, and a youthful refugee lrom that State," now in St. Joseph, thinks bis mother baa crippled a great many of thorn for life by (tripping them for his benofit. Ex. Old aunt Catharmo Leach, at Logan, Ohio, dauded a jig on her one hundredth anniversary. Another case of the lead ing passiou being strong in very old age. liut ijho cannot dance the German. NORTH CAROLINA ' GUANO K EN CAMl'HENT AND PARMER'S INSTITUTK. To be held at Mouut Holly, Hasten Co., ou Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August .ldih, llth, l'th and 18tb 1887. 1 ho man purpose of this-Koc.tiupiiioiit is: Kirst. To enable the farmers of North Carolina to anuually meet togeth er at a time when there is littio work to do on the farm und compare oxwi. dices. To hear addresses from practi cal men, who have given pcocia) study to seine, particular biaueti Jt apicul ture. Second. To see the latest improv ed machinery uscd on tho farm, whiah will be cahibited in large iiiati!i!ies by manufacturers from every section of-the Union TuiRIi. To exhibit their stuck, hord es, cattle, sheep, hogs, lewis, tc , and make taien of some or to sscIkuj for ejine breed they think will be of advan tage to cross with thuir own. FotrjiJ'U. Tu aid farmers v. ho havo not jot secured i;oproV'.J steelt by show ing them all tho different br.'eds and in tins way encouraging the jiurehaaing of good varictiea of cattle, i-luep, swine, AC. FIFTH. To annually stimulate . and ! strengthen the farmer's .organizations throughout the Stats, by putting ncr energy and doterinina; into ti(c bveas! of every farmer who attends. According to tho recent act,i concern ing the Stato Agricultural Bttard, the Farmers' Instituto Department of this Encampment will be specially under State supervision. All theso de.-iring to inako .display a of machinery, stock, &c, should apply at an early day. Exhibitor.) of machinery desiring to Lake a ciroail of fails oau readily nr rango to display their goods at tho En campment of Alabama, 'i ennese, liecr gia, North and South Carolina, to be beld at Spartanburg, B. C. which is not exceeding jue huudrtd miles lisfant from Mount Holly, on Tuesday, V, '.'Jtii-s-day, Tliursiday and Friday the week pre ceding our Encampment, and at Athnta, Oa., tho week uftcr our Kucampment. ' There Pill be no admission fee to the grounds or charge on entrance of stock or articles exhibited by farmers. There will bo a very moderate charge made on exhibitors of machinery, eating bouse and restaurant keepers, just enough to aid in defraying the necessary expense:', which will be very light, as no f .-n' is charged by owners of grounds fci their use, and no officer's salary to pay, as Mr. J. T. Patrick, Commissioner of Immigration, has kindiy consented to do all the clerical work, and person." de siring special information nhouid ad dress him at Raleigh, N. 0. Very truly, Committee op Aruanoemln'; .. i'l'NOE.NT PM'i'F. . A woman always knows what another woman means. Little Uock (iiixi'tfe. The paper with the hrgent circula tion Hank cote paper . 1'biladdphia Cui. . " . . A rural correfpondent asks "How can I remove vermin, from my hens'" Make them ue their combs. Yi-ur hens dost seem to- havj beecti brought up right. IJinghiiiuton Rtpullilan. Ico is very popular now, but we can remember a lima not .x months ago when every one was down on it.- St. Paul -:. HE ' Dost thon love m ' I'ost trust mc dear ? Dost believe my promises sincere ! MIF.. '. "Dust quickly, Mr, or not atall, For father's scudding dowi the hall." Phil, Call. The children aro getting more preco cious every day. On returntug home from his office Col. Y'cigcr found his 10-yenr-old boy Tommy in tho front yard playing marbles with a strange boy of about his own age. "Bill," said Tommy, "allow tue to introduce yon to my father. Yon two gentleman ought to know each other." -Texas Sifting: A talented pianist, Mme. de Vere - sitting at dinner 1 by the side of Col. RuroeUot, askc 1 biiu in an amiable tone. ' ''(.oliinel. aro you fond of music?'' Madame," replied the warrior, roll ing hie eye savagely, "I am not afraid of it." Nfi rtf ton ller a I J. PICKINGS. From tim Wilmington .Slav. Henry W- Uavcne', liL: D. a ycry distinguished S. 0. botanist, is dead, ajrc-l 73. i .'Mr Hiainc ik reported ut ill htalth. Ills appetite ha:t givon way. A eolorored picmo near Wew York ended in tho usual way the razors filled tho air aud many were hart. The New York Wurld is writing up "31.vcry in Pennsylvania" among the mmcfa. ' - The way U build up a town it to keep nn building aud not charge too high rents. . ..... Iu Seorclary Lamar's dipartmout tliero aro 834 Union veterans. Under Arthur 'here wore but 770. This pass es for "reform." Tint horrible murder of a boy by a North Carolma preacher and teacher turns out to bo a regular Munchausen yarn all through. Sir William Vernon Hareourt is very hop :(ul of tho near overthrow of the To ry party. Ho says the hour of Liberal victory is now. Utilgium and Switzerland will send an infantry company each to attend the international drill in October next at Chicago. On the 1st of July the currrency in actual circulation amounted to $1,318 7cJ4,Oal. Die metallio increaso was from 157,410, 4U4 to 482,172, 189. . In IPSO thoro were 1110 furnaces producing. 71,00) tons cf iron per wetk. In 1887 there are 314 furnaces which produce lUl.DcB tons per week. While one paper in South Carolina, owned by whites, emplovs only nep;ro printers, another paper, the Bibiiit Tribune, is edited by negroes .and prnited by unite, compositors. The UU K.M. T. Hunter' was ilia youngest Speaker the house has over had, even younger than Mr. Clay was. Ho was elected m Wi wi.cn not thirty one j cars ulJ, ' Mr. Johu S. Harbour, of Va., is for Cleveland':' He is friendly to the Ad ministration. : Unles you blow over all that is dune tho organs will write you down as hestile and bourboni.ih and sil- Miss Dorothea L. Dix, a sister of (iuii. J'ix of N. i'. is dead, in her SCll, year. It was Miss Dix who -visited North Carolina and was chiefly instru mental in having the N. C. lusuuo Asylum erected. She was) who prompt ed Mr. James C. Dobbin's eloqucuce that carried the bill through the Leg islature.. ' - ' Is Pasteur's famous theory as to in oculation for rabies sound 1 So says a l.ruidi commission of men of science, composes of Sir James Paget, Dr. Laud er Uiuufoii, Dr. George Fleming, Sir Joseph Lister, Dr. Richard Quain Sir Henry E, Rosooe, and Dr. J. Huron Sanderson, with Prof. Victor llorsley as Secretary. Lord Salisbury in his speech to the members of Parliament on the 19th inst., admitted that his party -was at the mer cy of the Uniuiists that is of the Lib eral bolters. Is day breaking fur Ire land! . ; - FR U ITS O F THk"sTOCK lA W . lt. II. li. Weaver, who spent some days last week among tne mountains at head cf Kcuns' Creek in this county, tells us of the postive good effects of the operation o tho stock law in that sec tion. Tho ground which for some years had boeomo bare from depasturing, has now bceamc coatod with a spontaneous growth of red clover, the result of for mer droppings; and the wild poa vine, almost become extinct is making its reapponranco with luxuriant growth. The former rich coating of the moun tain sides and tops is boing renewed . through . the absence continued and indiscriminate grazing. After a while tho cattle can be turned out ococasion ally for a grand Ipicolie'picnio. Asho Tilte Citiien. Tho advisability of an ordiance pro hibiting women from wearing Mother (lubbards on the streets has been under consideration by the commissioners of the towa of Mucksvillc. A Greensboro fruit grower in two weeks shipped to Richmond 143 crates rhkh netted him $2 each. PROPER TESTING OF BUTTER COWS. Great stresn is laid upon the amount of butter a cow will make in a trial of seven days or a month. The milking weighing of the milk tho salting and working of tho butter are under super visions, as if the quantity and quality of tho butter decided the profitableness of tho cow, and the price she ought to bring iu tho market. We have many registered cows that produce fourteen pounds of butter in a week, and a few go up into the twenties. A very few are stated lo have produced !wenty-Evc pounds in a week. It is thought to be within the range of probability that a cow will yet make 9J J pounds of butter iu a year. These largo figures have set the old heads upou the tarm to serious thinking, which is a very good thing, and started tonic- doubts, which is better. They begin to question, whether, fourteen pounds of butter in a neck on selected rations, in additiou to grass pays any bettor than seven or eight pounds on grass alone Thny w.-.ut a cow that will make the most butter on a given value of food. It is tho execptlou rather than than the Trulo in the record of these largo yields of butter, that we have auy fair state ment of tho rations or tbe result of these Urge yields upon the condition of the cow. They wish to know what a pound of tho tested butter yield costs. There is a demanil for trial of these cows upon grass alone. That would not fully do cide the comparative merits of the cow. One animal might weigh a thousand, and another but fiive hundred, and of course it would lak" a much larger portion ot thi rations to keep up the condition of 'the former than of the latter. Oue cow might have accumu lation of lut, while the others was in poor condition. There might bo as much difference it. the pastures as in flesh of cos, of if tho grass was equal ly flush, pasture might be worth twenty-Eve oeots in a rural district, and a a dollar a week near a city. The ery for irial "on grajs alone ," will not give us the light wo want. We desire to know just what it costs Mr. Bonanza to gut a hundred pounds of butter out "of his $4,U00 cow, "Magnificat. ,? There is the interest on the investment during the butter trial the cost of pasturage iu his vicinity, the quantity of the ad ditional rations, and their value, and, thially, the cost of manufacture and marketing the butter. Ex. ; STATE NEWS. Tho first number of the Transylvania 'i'lo.'iecr, published at'; Brevard, hal ap peared. All the Southern '.Mocks are booming on Wail itre-t. New ' Bern Journal .-' Mr. R. C. Clcve ofVanceboro, seuds three huge Irish potatoes, tho product of his farm, down to Mr F. Ulrich. The three to gether weigh five and three quaitel pounds, the largest weighing two and one quarter. Faycttevillo Aims ": The architect ural beauty and finish of our new hotel will compare favorably with any like building iu the South. It is ncaring completion. Raleigh Mux-Observer i. C&fU Win. Smith reports that the crops along the Hue ot the R. Si G. railroad are looking splendid. So fur the continued hoc weather has not affected them for the worse. Lenoir Topic : Mr; James A. llouck, of Caldwell county, rooently lost two cows from eating sugar. He wa thin ning out his sugar cane, and what he pulled up he lult lying in the sun fui a couple of hours, after which ho threw it over the fence to his cows, which ato it readily, In an hour or two they began to swell up aud very soon died. Wcldon A ews : During the extreme heat of last week tlie stock that were at work suffered extremely. Maj Emry lost ono of his tine black horses ; Dr. Green lost a fine pray mare ; Mr. T A. Clark lost one of his hortcs , B. F. Gray of Halifax, lost a horse and John Dick ens, who lives neat Halifax, also lost a horse. Brevard Pioneer : The locust as a hade tree bos bad its day. There are uiauy other better kinds. Tourists and health-seekers - are moving about through the valley almost daily now, and tho unfailing expressions is, "This is the most beautiful countr; I ever saw. Why, I thought the French Broad Val ley was away up yonder at Asheville!" Not a bit of it ; the French Broad Val ley is right here in Trans, lvania County, where it will remain for the future. Of Criminal and Civil t'niei jar trial at Summer Term of Superior Court for Stokes County, commencing Mon day, dugusi 8M 1887. Sffunitiiv MH Tneariltv fit'll We locti for C'rimiuwl Tna.lt auetl Motions. Thursday, August 11th, 1887. 3 Kuffin vs Overby. 8 McCanless vs Flinchem (4 eases) 13 Tatuin vs Steele. 14 Merritt vs II airs ton. Friday Auausr 12tb 1887. 15 Hoyd Agent vs Taylor and others 22 Flynt vs Burton. 20 Slato vs Thomas. 27 FrancH, adiu. vs McKinncy. 28 Carroll et al vs Pepper et al. 29 Martin vs Hall. Saturday Auoust 13th 1887. 30 George vs Tilly. 32 Doid vs Lawson. 33 Pepper & Sons vs Alley. Ill Steele vs Priuglc et al. Monday Auoust 15th 1887. 35 Lawson vs Pr ingle (4 cases.) 40 Nelson vs Nelsou. 41 Wagner vs Dodd. 42 Boles vs Hutlodge. 43 Ruffin vs Bennett. 4 1 East vs Ross et al. 45 Hutchius vs Hodges. 40 Myers vs Bitting. 47 Dalton vs Leak. Tuesday August ICth 1887. 49 Buxton vs Duggins. 50 Short vs Gilbert. 51 Mustin vs Carroll. 52 N 0. & Dobson, sol. vi Southern et at 53 Vaughn vs Wall. 54 Westmoreland vs Wall. o5 Pell vs Jackson. 50 Gann vs Hawkins. 57 Lackey vs Bohannoo. 58 McCanless vs Reynolds. 00 Bouuctt vs Slate. CI Beuuett vs Slate. 03 Moretiuld vs Moreficld. Wednesday, Aiocbt 17th 1887. C4 Hall vs Martin. 05 Turpiu vs Turp'n. OG Marshall vs Mickey 07 Bee Hivo Co. vs Hill. 08 Kiugsbury vs Heck. 0!) Kallam vs Crousc. 70 Hall vs Boylcsct al. 71 Carter vs Saunders. 72 Smith vs Martin. 73 Martin vs Hughes. Thursday August 18th 1887. Smith vs Nuun. Vaughn vs Vaughn. Smith vs Eaton. Smith vs Joyce et al, Anderson & Brodor, administrator) vs Hill, Executor. Ncal vs Glidewell. Lester vs Hawkins, adui. Ellington vs Saunders. Wall vs Watts. Ltndreth vs Hay. Martin vs Boyden. Friday, August 19th 1887. ST Pearmiu vs Smith et al. (8 Wacner vs Pepper. !! Hill vs Mortfield. 90 Tuckei.ctalvs Tilly. 91 Mabo vs Mabe. 92 Westmoreland, adui'j.., it al VS Moo - ris. . 93 Lawrenco vs Gcorgo. 94 Flinchem vs Cook. 95 Mabe, adm., vs Smith at al. 90 ISozc vs Sarles, adm., et al. 97 Reynolds vs Eastetal. MOTION DOCKET. 1 Francis et al vs Worth, adm. 2 King, adm., vs King. 4 Griffin, adm. vs Griffin et al. . 5 Carter, admx. vs Poor. G Tinimons et al vs Watts et al. 7 Steele and wife vs Hawkins. 12 Warner vs Carroll. 15 Winston vs Winston. 10 Nowsom. adm. vs Newsom. 17 Moore, Ex. Partee. 19 Burwcll vs Martin. 20 Myers vs Guiding et al. 21 E'liugton vs Steel et al, 23 Smith vs Johnson. 24 N. C. It Baker, adm. vs Hill nr. et al. 25 Pepper, Guard, Ex Parte. 31 Caudle vs Fallin. 39 Nelson vs Tilly. 48 Adams vs Lasley. 59 Hairston vs Gilmer, guard, 02 Collins vs Smith et al. 80 Smith vs Short adm. 82 Galloway et al vs Caiter, at al. 98 McCanless vs Dunlap. 99 Galloway vs Batemao et al. 100 Galloway vsHalletal. In the call, uny case not raaahtd oa the appointed day will be called i t der on next day, and in preoedesot of eases set for the next day. Motions heard according to tbt) ven ence of the court. Witnesses will be allowed p for attendance only from the day cam aw set for trial, and after that time nntil causes is disposed .of. JOHN A. GILMER, P.:.t: T j Daubury, N. C, July 23rd 1837. i b'M. i v4