i l-Ui, REPORT "NOTHING HUCCEEDH LIKE SIJCCEHS." VOLUME XVII. DANBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1888. ISO. 13 ...t-v v . . . . . . ; ... . . .- - THE MNBURT ER-rftST il Reoorter and Post rtBLUHRD WtttLT AT D ANBURY. N. C. PKPPKR & SONS, Pko. Prom BtTm r niBaBiPTii ae To r. ebis In advene 1.1 Mat.h., ,.,....... .7 KATKH r ADTCRTIMNWt On S'piare (ten Una. nr lew 1 ft nip,. .....a I 09 Fvr ait'.! sdditioml insertion,... ........as Ontract. for lander time mere pe can b . nede in proportion tu tliewtiove rate.. rrMiint !iiivertiur will be expected tA rem' te wording ta tbese rutve etthe tune they tend j loir ru wni. , , . . UicW Notice, will be chureJM per oent.kl.'b rk then stave rate. ABselneai Cull will ls inserted l Ten U oll aaaum. ''-.. PROFESSIONAL L1RDS. R. L. HAYMORE. A Trm? V UV A fP I A VV u. x lumi ui ii Mt Airv N. C. : Spadst attention givouto tiieeolloctiou of -claims. W. F. CARTER, MT. AlltY, SL'KUY CO., S. C rractL-.).. vh ;rev.v bit services are wanld SOBIST W. fOWSSS. SUUAK C. TATI.O. It W. POWERS k CO., WHOLESALE VRUGUISTS, Dealers in PAIXTS, OILS, OVKS, TAR!SHS, French and American WINDOW ULAbS, PUTT I, ftC HM.KISU AMI CllhWINO CIUARS, TUIIACCO A Bl'KCIAln 1305 Main St., Bichmond, Va. want' tn.2o GEO. S IE WART. .fin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite KitiHKTs' .Vjrehou. HOOFING. GUTTERING AND SfOUT ING ' dotu at short notice. ;Keps cons autly uti baud, a uue Ut w wmi and Heating SuH'. 'OAK RID3E INSTITUTE. O YOU wish to put ion iie a rmuneal und arKre)ii -cbael. Duyott is: tu.-t a ca in plot t: roun ded aJuMlion ? Uo you wisb to learn' to be a T' ttcrr, to eep bxk, pi.ipre for Uie Uuiver.ity, or eflaiah a good count; of itul ? ' ' If n aJitrews. J. A. a, H. II. HOLT. uak iudui: i.Siriri'Tc, -Oak ItmoK. S, C. Scat term bri.j A'j-u.l Dlh. TJaWsrjitj of North Carolina. Chami. IIili., N. 0. ' Tn htxr iMaaiou bejiiin August 31. Tuttiou re duced to a ball year, l'oor stu dents way give notes. Faculty of fifteen leaoburs. Three full courses of atudy leaJiof to degrees. Tlirce short courses for tha training of business men, If aoa. ra, phjsiciaos, aud plianuacists. Law school fully equipped. Write for cata logue to K Hon. Kemp P. Hattlk, l'rcs. The Wilmington' 'Star. BeUVCTlUX IN' VKRKS. i A Haitian it oalled to the following te dueed ratef of subscription, CASH 1.1 ADVANCE: THE DAU.V STAR. Ua Tear fti.W I Three Montlil.fc0 J8U Manthi 3.W One Months 5U TIIK WEEKLY STAR 4a Tear $1.00 1 Six Mottths 60 Tare Mouths 30 cents. Our Telegraph News service haa recently ee largely increased, and it it nur iletar rttination to keep the StAr up to tlie highest Vaadard of news-paier eeellem. AaMreas, WV. H. KEN AMI), Wilmington, X.C. WHY GO OUT OF THE V0UXTV FOR Y0UR: SUPPLIES WHEN r You Can Ct W. B. VA "Waal nut Co)(Il.; ,C. JOS. AS LITELK M0,NEY AS . V ANY OT11ER MARKET.' Stop and see for yourself when passing Walnut Cove. DHUBS! GaUSS! A full line of DRUG S at th old reliable Jfouse oj DR. V. 0, THOMPSON , WINSTON N. C. both et ii. WHOLESALE aid RETAIL, i Patent Mediuines Leads and Oili, , I'iaini :id Dyes, etc. Everything at the very Lowest Prices in the Winston Mirkrt. ONWABSIIS TSS WOES! The rUOtiKKSSIVE KAItal Eli enters its riiiiiu voi-i'Mr. at th-fidi'wiiii: rates : 1 .uWriiirr. 1 5 l.'." 5 mli'iilM'ri. I v.i:- ,...'j.t)') l'l snt'!-i!iiT, 1 yi'ar. ....... 1 '.00 On oi;ty, I yearivt' to tl.c mm st'iMlin,; a rltib of fit'ti. Kiglit pai;es. 40 eolumiia. w.ek.' Nvi l c.H (I'iiarjjei prepaiili to I. I.. FOLK, ki.Kiaii. N. . IF YOU "W A.'T Oil or needles for any sew in$ machine, or the latest wonder in improved --tit a chiiifi. call nt SINGER SEWING MACHINE C8 OFflOK OPPOtlTI p. O. WIIaaTOK. K. CAUOLtKA. illia $i2as, Manufacturer of and Dea lerin al'. kinds of Sedillw, Haiueas, Collars. Whip, Spun Curry Coiubs, Kruslies and everything usually kopt in h:s liue. MoAdoo HuilJihg. O rroiiMburo, r, C3 WALNUT C07I ICAJEltT. A first-class high School for B"y'ind liirls. Fall Term biginV August "JTtli. Vultion front fl.60 to and $1.00 extra fur each additional laticuac. MUSI" :UU I'KR. MONTH Hoard from $S.OO to tl.M. For fur ther patticulars apply to J. T. FARUEI.l., Frin. Miss Minnie C. Leach, Moic Teacher aud assiatant. LOOK FOB THE NEXT TO MR. S. K. ALLEN'S HARDWARE STORE, For anything you intend buying in the harness or saddle line. calved arat premium .ut StNfe rli. Harness. Collars, Itridlet, Saddles, Halters, Whipi, Spurs, Saddle Cloths, Home-made Wagon Whips and Lashes, Bask Bands, etc., Lap Spreads, Fly Nets, Brakkea, Carry Comb, aad every thing in tbe Harness and Saddle Line. J. W. Shipley . m ' ' k a. 1. 1 oiuer ef sf Aiiri AtsDaa ff a a, a A I vvhii wvavaias a.waaaaavy , M;L.----r-,,-M-,,1.: c. i Ageatfor Pat. Biveled Seam Col lars, Wet aallart in th world; barness eannel slip btT--gasrantd not to rip. ' THE TOICCMCM. Ol lTKR WKNDKI.I. IIDI.MF.S. W rnttnt P e 'jrokin lyiva tliat reit Wlieft' the awwt walling aingrn aliim . Iwra . But oVrtlie aili'iit sintm't brpast Tli' wild flnwpri wlw will atoop to ntiin- A V ean tourti the marie atriiy. An I iK.icy fame is pruuil to win tlu-tn; Aija fur tln alio nvcrain. Hut die itli all tlwir music in tbrni ! Xay, grieve iict for tlie (lead alono Wlwar aong lir.a tnlil llK-ir Uarta' an) toiy " ' Wwnfur llu'vaitviraa, wlio liave k'utwii Tin I'l iws without the rrowu of glory ( Not wlir fucaHan biwaea samp I )'i r Sailin'a nwuory-ltaiiiiU-il billow, lint wlinv tlie gliatotiliic iiiKlit-ilew fp On lunu'lrM sol rew'a diurrliyard pillow. O U-arts thai bn'ak anil give uo tign Save whitening Hp atnl fiujiiitrrnaei, Till tleaih pnurj out lila conlial wlm Mow-ilri'HMl fiwin Miacry'a crusliin" pivai's If -iiiinj lireatli or febuiitg ilioid To every li'hblen paag weie givun. When i-mlliw iia-lodiea war pouieJ, A iui a.i e.irth, as sweet at buaven! "THE LITPLK HIGn CHI-VK Th ere was an aue'ion at one of the down town auction Wises recently. A pale sud-fsced wmuan, in a plain ealico gown, stned in the ;rod. The loud voieed auetioueir at last came to a lot of plain and somewhat shabby old fur niture. It bad belonged to a pal wo. unn, and waa being told lo satisfy the mortgage on it. Onn by one the arti cles were suld, the eld bureau to one, the cay rocker to another, and the bed stead to a third. Finally the auction, eer hauled out a child's hij;U chair. It waa ill aid rickety, aud a the auction eer held it upcvirybody laughed every body except the pale hoed wouian, and a tear trickled down her cneek. The auctioneer law it. and somehow a lump see red to come up in his throat. And his gruff voice grew toft. lie re membered a little hijjb chair at home, aud how it bad once filled his life with sunshine. It was empty now The baby laugh, tha two little hands that wereouee held out to greet papa from that lub chair, were gone foicver. He taw the pale faced woman's piteous looks, and knew that iu ber eye the little high ehair waa more pruvious than if it bad been tuaiie ofjfnidaud studded with diamonds, lu iuiaginaiion ha could sea tho little , dimpled cherub which it ouce held :uld see the little chubby fist (rasping the tin rattle but and pounding the chair full nt uicks; could see the little feet which had rubbed the paint off tbe legs: he could bear the crowing and laughing in glee, and now the ,'ittle high chair was empty. lie knew there was an aching void in the pale-faced woman's heart-, as there was in his own. "Don't laugh!'' said tbe auctioneer softly, as somebody facetiously offered tec cents ' lany of you have little empty high chairs at home, which men. ey would not tempt you to part with." 1 bee he handed tbe clerk a bill out of his own pooktt, aud remarked, "sold to the lady over there," aud tho pale faced woman walked out, with the little high chair claspeu in ber arms, and tears streamed down her checks. Tbe erowd stood baek respectfully, aud tbere iu t suspicious moisture in tbe eves of tbe ssau whe had bid ten eeut. A so-called lodepenpendeiit Conven tion was held at Asbeville, but from a report in the Citizen it was a very Rad. ieal show Twenty-eight Rads nomina ted their candidates. No Independent got a showing, but Mr. Richmond Pear son was well pleased and "orate 1" after his usual style of "lndepcndontism." He ought to quit posing as one of that stripe. He is a Radical at heart, we bare no doubt, and he ought to come out tn his real colors. Tha negro had no ebanoe. Pearson tail be would support tbe Radical ticket Boaiiuated and weald appose Cleveland. Oood-bye Ricaaieod, atay your political pillow be bard and your rost disturbed You sin against light and knowledge, for you know bettor lie is now full fledged. Wilmington Star. Cars eouisaeooed last week to ran on tbe Madison branch of the C. F. A Y. V. NORTH CAROMSA DEMOURA-CV. PLATFORM OF PARTY" ADOPTED. IN STATE I'OSVK.ITIDN AT IIAI--EKIII, MAV, We again eoud(ratuIate the people of Korth Carolina on the noutiuiled enjey. tnent nf ueuce. irnod zovernnient ami general proporiy under louiocrati admiuistrattuu of the State which ha. now been nnbrgken for so many yenrs: upon the juat ar.d iuipaitiul enforcement of the law, upon the increasing erBoieu cy of our entuiiion school system, uud the prvgreaa made in popular edueiilimi: upon the miproveuient ana enter; rise manifested hi all parts ot the Mute. W e again challenge a comparison between the state of thin and the outrages, crimes and scandals which attended Re publican ascendancy in our borders. We pledge Mirselvcs to exert in the future aa in the past our best efforts to pio luotcjhc best interests of the pont ic of all sections of the State. Affirming our adlicrenoe to Democratic priuciles as hertofore enunciated in the platform of the party, it is hereby Resolved, That no government has the right to burdet, its people aith tuxc bevond the amount required to par its ueccwary expenses and gradually extin guish its public debt; and that when ever the. revenues, however derived, ex ceed this amount, they should be reduc ed, so as to avoid a surplus iu the treas ury. That any system of taxuiiou which necessitates the payment of a premium of $'i"J by the government on each $1, IX'O of its bonds, tikenup with the mil lion" th:it wtuld otherwise lie idle in iti vaults, and paid to boiidiii-iili-rs who pureliased in many ..instauees,'.-. :it less than par, is uiidetiKiciatie, opprcive and lui'juitou utid slioul i bo refunded', The course of our Dciuocrittc Iff -prescn-tatjves in Cungrrss, m their eftrti to give relief to the pet' 1c from huideu same internal revenue and tariff taxa tion, meets with the approval of '.the Democratic party of fliis State iJ we rehpeetfully recoiunitud that is they find it luiposaible tugivo to the people all the relief they demanded, they support any just and practical measure presented in Congress that will afford a practical re lief from such existing burden. Resolved, That while tha details of the methods by which the constitutional revenue tariff shall be gradual 'y reac'ie' i aie subjects which the representatives of our onr people at the national capital mutt bo trusted to adjust, wc think the custom duties should be levied for the prodnctt"n of public revenue, and the discriminations in their adjuMmcLt should be such as will place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the unavoidable burdens of taxation, and oo'itcr the greatest goad on the greatest number. - Resolved, That wc, as heretofore, fa vor, and will never cease lo demand, the unconditional abolition of the whole in ternal revenue system, as a war tux,uot to be justified in tijiesof peace; as a grievous burden to o ir eoplu and a source of annoyance in its practicul op erations. Wc cull the attention of tin: ' peoplo of the State to the liypoentica prctun.i,is 0f tbe Republican paity in their platforms that they aro in favor of tho aepeai ot this onerous system taxa tion, enacted by their party, while the Repiblitaus in C i.gressare taxil g their energies to obstruct all legislation in augurated be tbe representatives of tbe Democratic party to relieve the people of all or a part of this odious system. Resolved, That the course of 1 the Damocratic party, iu furtherance ol'pop ular education, U a sufficient guarantee that we favor the education of the poor pie, tud wo will promote ana improve the present educational advantages to far as it can be done without burdening the people by excessive taxation. Resolved, That to meet an existing ovil, we will accept, for educational pur noses, from the Federal Government or pro rata share of the surplus in its trea sury; f rovided, that it be disbursed through Slate agents and the bill for tbe dutiibution be free from objection able features. Resolved, That the United States be ing one government and ours a national party, we denounce the efforts of the Republicans tu iorcc sectional issues in Congress and elsewhere, and to promote disscntion sod ill will between the pso ple of tbo different sections of our com mon country. Resolved, That it is due to the peo ple of our eastern eourtie?, who have so cheerfully borno their tharc of onr com mon burdens, that the present or some ciuully effect ivo system of county gov ernment shall be maintained. Resolved, That the Dciuoura'i: party is opposed to any further extension of tbe "No-fence" law, uulcss such ei ten sion shall have first been authorized by majority or the qualified voters within tbe territory to be affected thereby. Resolved, That tbo Democratic party baa ever beea list party of the working man, and has never fostered monopolies, or save "trusts" or "eoaibmations" or "pools" ever erowu up uuder laws en acted by it. The oontest m this coun try being between aggtegated capital, seeking to crush out all couiiietion, and tbe individual laborer, the Democratio party is, as it has ever becn.agaansl the monopolist and in favor of a just dis ri bntion of capital, aad demands tbe ea. aetaaeat of lawe thai wi 1 bear equally apoa all. Resolved, That as all taxation bears most heavily upon the Utwrr, it is tha dutv fif the legislator, aa a direct benefit tn the wotkingaian, to keep the expenses of onr pnhiie inaiitiitione at the lowest limit consistent with wio and efficient n iiuacemetit. The Democratic party opposes any competition between free and convict ht; but it insists that i nviets shall not remain iile at tlio ex- i iise of honest labor. Resolved, that ours being an agricul tural Mate, it ig out duty as well as our phasureto promote any and all legisla tion that is beei calculated to advance the interests of agriculture, and that in so doing we will most effectually advance the iuterest of mechanics, manufactur ers and laborers, Resolved, That tho Democracy of: North Carolina, cord ally approve the administration of Hou. Alfred M. Scales as liouest, patriotic and conservative. Resolved, That the ability, wisdom, honesty, patriotism, independence, failh fulness to duty and manly courage of 1'rcsident Cleveland have won tlie admi . ation of all good men, and the interests of the eountry demand his re-nomination and re.electiou. AN O0E VN GKOV'K GIRL She tripped down to the foamy edge of the surf and tan back, screaming prettily as the watet ran up over her toes. Aud all the spectators smiltd. And then sho ran down again and danc ed on one too and then on the ether, and thcu on both at once as she got in all the way up lo her ankles. Then she plucked up all her courage and as a big wave rolled in alio ran to meet it. It flopped her hang up aaiust the beach, knocked tier sailor hat iutoihape lessiiets, and, as it receded, drew her out as if she hud been a wooden ball. It was alinrn too n.u.'l; of a "l l!;inj, and sl.e strutted an i wriggled and spluttered. And while .-he struggled In ftst fnnllii.M rrtlinr ir.,-..1 -..t .4 her, and she flipped over the top of it as light as an egg-dir!!. (Juick as thought onmc a third, and she danced over I be ti p of that also and every lima she tri- ed to get on her leet she was whisked back. Tb she realized that she was beauti fully floatiug out to sea, aud she sent up (i ncreaiu that startled the bathers near her . One of them young and brave and string, rusheii-vfor it was toe shal low to swim to ber, seized her by the shoulder, but ber feet would not down, aiid being a wiso thoughtful lad, he tow ed her iu shore. She scarcely siaid to say thank you, und with tbe red blood on iioiifusion snowing in hor tanned cheeks, rushed away to change bar garments. She might have escaped with that had she not imparted the secret of the episode a friend. And tliCKeeret was this: She was a prj '.er.t giil, with a proper regard for bar sai'.My. She had taken out the whale bones of her corset and introduc ed eork stays, and had put another layer of coik in her stocking.. S ic had mis calculated the effect, ouly to fiad thai the iurJc kept her nicely above aater, it ijuiie us tlleeiuaily picvtuted from uetiiny doaii also. 1'ittsbur" Press. PACKING EGGS FOit SIIIP.MFNT. Poultry keeper reiterates tbe anoai) dvire as to shipping eggs. It is atl proper, but we have this to say in rela tion to tbe whole matter, in the light modern traurpoitalion. That i, if egga do not hatch, when earned a reasonable distance, the fault prrbably lies in lack of vitality in the eggs, from impaired function, if the receiver docs his duty iu the setting. Tbe advice, aa to ship ping, is is follows : Baskets are the best. Line tbe bas ket with old paper cf any kind, then put in tho bottom an inch of cut hay or chaffpress down, on tbis put wheat bran, then set the eggs on end from one-eighth to one-fourth ef an inch apart then put in more bran und press carefully down, then hay again, and so on uutil your basket is full. Two lay en are enough. Now put on plenty of cut h y : that is, round up the basket well Willi it. Then put over the top a pice of cotton cloth ; tie tho cbto around tbe basket just under the liui with good, strong twine ; stretch tbe cloth doau tight and sew tbe cloth to the string, taking ono inch stitches, and yon have a pscktge that will go safely any distance. Muiphy, N. C.,hs opened ber doors to tbe refugees from Ktrickea Jackson ville, and special cxcuision trams will convey them to tbe healib restoring climate of the mountains of North Carolina. PUNGENT SNUFF j . "SWEET SOLiTUHE'S 8ECt,US- ION." "Henry, have you mt word to the Social VV mii that we sail for Kur'-i.e next Monday V Vcs." "And that there is a rumor to the effeot that Ittlla is engaged to a foreign cor.Dt, at whose castle wo will apend a portion of the season '' "Yes, my dear ; I'vj ialcei carj of that." "Then I guess I'll write to Cousin Amanda to expect us in a day or m ' at the fanuj and say, Hjti-y, djn't fir- ' yet to get me two or tbtce Kuropou ; guide-books 1 don't intend to let that j hateful Mrs. Sniff gat ahead of mo this ! ear... yu'p. AN INDIGNANT WIDOW. FriendVbu setm to be excited, Mrs: Jones Widow, I am excited I have been grossly insulted. WLa:i tha matter 1 Well, juat think of young Jiuki, Yislerday 1 buried my husband, and this moruing he came and proposed to sue. - You showed bin the dior 1 Of course I did, and gave Li in to un derstand that he was not to show his face in this house again for at least a week. ,S'jtjno-.T. XOIH1NG EXTRAORMNAmY. "This, ladies an' gents," vociferated a menagerie orator iu a small town iu Kentucky, is the great Arabian ' dromsdary, with two humps upon his bme matead of one, but the extra hump I Wl" co"t younothinw. He is the Arab's K ... u I u. r-i i u, vumca, iiv tniciars ana csr- rios, while the Arab site idly in th. sand, and hi can go eight days without witcr '." "Only eight days !" was the general exclaiuutiiou, and then tlis crowd moved on in search of something startling.. N.Y. World. A COMPLIMENT. Finny Man (who has been imitating animals) .Well, what do you thing of my proficirnoy? Jinks. Voucau't foed me. "Vt hat do you mean ?" "I mean that braying like a donkny. There was no imitation about that. That was the real article." Texas S'fttnq.i. THE PKACil CROP. Wife -Peaches seem to be scarce again thisssisnn. llushand- Yes, the speculators are "bearing" the Dvlawaie peach crop, ''Speculators hearing tuo pcaeh arop What are the trees diing "-StJt-ings. AT CONEV ISLAND. He .Do you see that peculiar cloud in the biirisoa She. I don't know which one you mean "I mean tho one that louki like a dog." "O yes, 1 see it now. It is a reg ular sky terrier.". Sifting!. ANCIENT RELICS. First Liio-Talking about rare coins, my brother has one of tho original pieces for ahieh Joseph was sold by his breth ren. Second Liar, That's nothing. I've got u uncle who nwna tbe identical lad der Joseph saw in his iream.-Sifl-iis. ' ' . SOMETHING ELSE. Diner (to slow waiter), Some roasi hocf, well done, potatoes, and a glass of beer. Wiiter sYei, sir , anything else, sir ! DiocrwYcs ; I'd like it tljs after noor.. Jttdgt. Subscribe for tbe $1.50 a-year. Ripoaria-PosT. PICKINGS From the Hi I mi union o'tor. Congress may adjourn ta O toe t Rut it may not. . It .uikes ! tbii the !.i.. k.ry '(., is ai.iit en I. Tin fj-uell suba'cripti'Wi ;':ii'! m-w amounts ta $ 15,000. The workinguien of tho country ar. agaiust ('Lin 'so llallisou. The ll'Jpublieins are great, in lev yer. and surplus spenders. g A I'ittsbutg mm has $100,0;. wlieli4hi! wishes to bet on Cleveland. JI-s. Sheiidan widow of the General, is said to be worth less than $1,000 a year. The London Tm;i flitly contradicts I IV..:. r..i..i......i -i .... .... .. c wivai'iiimu auoui irusis ueiug in Kuglaad. Tho silver tongued orators are around this campaign. They are as common as YarboroJgh House Kurorts. The inevitable Rocncfort is clam oring fur the indie mien ! of ox-Euiprca Eugenie lor libel and slander. 7'he Princess of Wales and daugh ters came near being killed by a pass ing train iu Germany, a few days ago. The oseapc was extremely nerrow. The mortality at J.iekstmyille it far less than it wa.i in 1 77 in Ne Orleans and Memphis. Sauitation, isolation, knowledge of the disease have done tint much. . The Democrats in North Carolina ought to put in s imo very likely, earn est work within the next forty five days. Etcrual work is tho price 0f victory. Indiana is reported to have been can- j vatscd by the Rads, aud they only got 1,. 00 majority. If true you may put down I udiuna safe fir the Demoorats by at least 5,000. It it 45 d.vs io tbo election. After that it will be Guvcruor Fowle elect and Vice President elect Hiunuan. Of course the honest and brave President wiil be reelected. An awful caaluiity has bofallcn the French fisherman on the coatt of lee laud. One hundred and thirty soveu. have pi 'rished in a terrific gale, six ves sels wrib all their crews, wcrel. st. The nogrocs tn Florida icfusa t leave. They are represented as being more afra'd of losing their vote than of having yellow fever, Jut ihey aro ta king Ibc fever now and as freely as the hitcs. . A special from Jacksonville to the Now York World says that uiany per sons die for lack of nurses and faun de. factivo care. One sufferer was given a hot bath, then pocked in ice aud then he died. Professor Corlcw, fonnoly Superin tendent of the Charlotte Graded Sebool, is now a waiter in u New York restu rant. He got into trouble st Charlotte too much married or something of the sort and left. x Senator Bu.'k has been very til and is still sick. He is at Gld Point and will remain there for some time. He brought it on by sleeping in a chair between two windows a very hot night. A warning to iiupruJout people. Mr. IVnew says le is suiisued trmi. all he could .-'ee and lu.iin abroad that the youiig Gorman Emperor is anxious to get into war with France. He may be Is badly fooled next time as Lonie Napoleon was in the war. Who eaa tell Freui the acoounts in our State et chaiigwa. ' Prohibition .'v alker. t the Dookery Beubow Radical Side Show, w having a rather lonesome time be can vasses. A fellow cannot bo said lo be rolling in clover when be has two or four, or half doieo for an audeuce. The Republican managers are alarm, about tho Northwest, aud are holding anxious conferences. If tbe disgust over high taxes should continue to gtow among tbe people, of that great section there lo.y bo real "tevulution" and not oi.e of your Blame sort in Maine. Chairman llrico is 'seating bick to New YuKv'' Tie has been out West in specting tlie itronghoidi. He il satis tied that the Democrats have ne ahnw im' in Illinois, but have in Miehifaa. If he will capture California and Michi-"" gan and bold all the States Clevelaud got in 1&84. he will be auly praised and honored. km iT I kV 3. l h. I I- it i : - iV- r a - ) . a . : . " -4 : '., i . , , , ' '. Hf'.l SI. ;J !.'.' . - ..b .4 . 'i r : TTVi TTVo A.

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