-i Si f f't tnim IDH? 111.-. urns. V i VLy Li ".fit "NOTHING SUCCEEDS Lilt IS KUCCESS." -Volume xvii. P ANBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 9, IS89. m. 42 TTV r T TTts. mm n V JJL - . . . . . : mju-ji- J.?ga!!".j. n.- neoorter and Post CLMHD WEEKLT AT . ' D ANBURY. N..C. JirPKR & SON?, ; Pw - Tr, imWi la ilr.iir .tl.SS tfcfcVta, i,. ......... .......... ....3 ATM P ADYEJt TIMI fa t aa .i.rs Urn tlne.0. im) I time, 91 ot . astvsaah imiUmuI tnwntioii,,.,, ...i aaatia la impartial. U 1 1, ntbo,. K . SVaaaaltMM miitumt win H. Mcttf't tfni' 1e wmiu w uriw tini !. tkvj Mini f-ir.r., m XaUMu-m 'in (1 urn rtr m ijmri tit 1i 'Umiiw M 111 liiMrlu4 atTta Ml MM. ... JP. L. HA Y.UOltu, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airr N. O. aaaial atuatian flran lo ilwaillcotvn of olaUaa. ir.r. CARTER, MT. AiKT, SUUKY CO., X. C- rracaiaaa wtwravarhiaaerrlw aro wnmti laaaa rawaat. aaa ktlo. ft W rOiVSRS' 4 CO., W HOLMS ALU DRUGGISTS, Ptalan In rAlKTS, 6ILH, DTK, TAl;XI3Hr.s, Trenah and American WIWBOW ULASS, PUTTY, 4.C BJIOKINC AKK UtllSWI.SO BIflAR8, TOBACCO A Kl'K.l'IAt.n 140S Main St., Biobaioud, Vu, GEO. STEWART. lin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. TICK BLOCK W1SXT05. . C, MOFING. GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING ae at short aotige. apft eonauallr on baud a fiuo lot JaaWag aa4 Ueathij; Stove. laaaalaelarer t atilU, and all kind of apper work dan. ' A kaaatifal Keener (iliuxlratrd) uf . OAK KIDG1C INSTITUTE and ISIW. J N K8S COl.l.KG K tailing all about lb. aiali brated aolioet FREE Tea ahouliiilit tki il'yoj coiitinlao J :it- tawala; any irUml aixt y tr. J-iuv.rcs lor Va&CHIJfii. BVMl.tIM, or VHUUKUK . ' aai aimlaiit. Ut or. This Si'liool i tine- ly located iu tba lMmliuuiil ru mi ol (aaar VrMuaboro, li.-r soni lio;ir.l uu br fcaa law. it na icnuiu uuiMiiir:, unr ala4) halls, anil rlfgautly rurnisiica mh loly Hallt. uutllul l.liaptl, anil is muipivu i aajutMwit. One nftlie t'v llisli-lu. Ilili 4 aliaU iu Ilw-Sijuth. AiMrt-as J. A. M. II. Holt, ' Duk lii.lst-, X. (.'. TJaivrsit7 of North Carolina. Chapbi, 'Hill, N. C. This skxt .... . n ..:.: msmob begins August J. i union i- , daeed to $S0, a halt yea . 1W stu dents way give notes. Faculty of fiftceu taaakara. Three full court s of atudy landiog U drgrees. Three short course fat the training of busiuvss man, tenoli- , pbysioisBS, aud pharmacists. Law eil fully eqnippod. : Write for ata- .lagnetn , Hos. Kbmp P. Uattle, Pres. The Wilmington Star. KKUVCTlOX IN riMCES. , AsUalion is called to the following io- daoed rates of subscription, CA8U IS ADVANCE : ". THE DAILY STAR. 9m Tsar $0.00 I Three Montlu$l.C IK Mentha 100 I One Months 50 : TUB WEEKLY STAR. m Tear $1.00 1 Bit Months 00 VaWMUontlts SOsents. r,Tl(fBah Xaws serrios has recently MM larsaly lacraaaad, and It is our deter saaaatiM U hasp tha StA up t the kll rtl tan i r4 af naws-papar exoelleucc. AMraas, WX. II. KKXAKI), 1 , WUnington, A aW-J.tsa l.iL ScIim I for ') and itrb. Fait Tcrin bijins Augiul 27ih. rnftioalrxa fl.aOi 9'i0 aud$I.U0 alra fr aeh.addiiioMti laacnia. MCliy $3,Q0 PKK. M -rdfr.a Sl 001o$i 50. ar-paitianlair appiy I ' J.T:' FAURKLL, Prin. n ilinaW C Ltrtai, Mu-'ms Teacher ' nssistaut. f 7 m7 jw Drug n-t the Lowest Price. either II hole saie. or Hat nil. Call for any thi n i:it1te J)rag Line he ford you buy and be. eonvin: mil. fh.tih tli.n In iff mil. irijt& are found h'atUlMTIt 1 J n JV SAW) XT' IT I. f f. Ir.iU, Ull.l U.tlUU, (.. Sc. Dont f.'r'Jet tltc j.l.icr.t SOVTK S'lJOS QP TUB COURT II0U.Ji SQL'.'aiK. WINS CON N. C. 0NWABD1.1STH3 V.'02D! TU ruotsiiUisivn iAKj:;:it Auit-nits nil Mi VH.i mi: a! Ill" rillittvhi; lati-n: I nHWriljur, I roar 1.V5 6 vilm'liliirs, yt.ir. ...... 10 diiU-nlxMs, 1 n:ir. ...... . I0.0J One i'"y, I jvarive til t!:t' one M'tnllng lilIil t;;i'S. W culbiiins, tfi-k!y. Si-iiiI Asu (:lativ IHi'ii 'iil) tu i. i.. roi.x, vi.i.h II, N'. C. W ; iic 'iUch fur 'any sew ins inrt'Mitnr., or the latt'si n-Oftilcr i)i iiipruee il ii (.. rh'uie. c.tll all . J INGE R SEWING MACriiNE CO., . OFriSC OPPOSITE P. Q. VyiKiXOK, K. OAKOttJfA. BIiiid9 etc. Vc arc prepared to (arnishdours sash blinds, newels, (un ed biiiiisters, hanJ rail, brackets, nioul d i ng, sc ro 1 1 -sawi lig of all kinds, window frames, door fraaies, dressed lumber of all kir.ds, ilooring, ceil ing, weather-boarding, etc. of our own manufacture. We aUo carry in .stuck shingles, uitiatcring I'xths, lime, cement, iiiciucd plas ter, plastering hair and all kinds oj ' builders' supplies. Please write and gut our prices be I'oro ordering elsewhere Special prices oil car-load bus. Rough lumber taken iu exchange for li.ii.ihed work when so Uu aired. -.'MILLER DUOS., WINSTOM, M. C. Greensboro Female Collcgs. THE fIXTV HKVKXTH SKSWON OK TlltS prosperous luatitutiou begins uu the 2ind of AlULT, 1888 Superior advantages offerod in all tits departments of loarning usually taught in Female Colleges of high Grade. Instruction given iu Type-writing au 1 Stenograph also. Tonus moderate. For Catalogue apply to T. M.JOXK3, . Piesidcnt ajsrrSffiTmT'n s .j rlillB - w .k ....11.1 r h i ! f la-TJU l'vtr-Tr" llijhhom. snd II -yi- - tai K.-Vat; -- il V 41 tllMllWMlrMM.ll.l-M 111 II t'rll IS 11: V....J- i.mmmmi .... ' - " Fir for-1 V. r .. fm ZLrr. 'iu, 1 lu ikiii r a eireitlar nil t of the tltroa ls k MrrsSrr.-y i m-mit su.ri. V ' Hlftf, M4 U t ; . t 1 1 TfititirKir u "HtJ wy y ?!. JL K ...... ii I .jrKS-Z'JZ'Z rr"-. Ii lilbs.ibstkingsfor...nulasigthrMd. 4 - iSZ?:" 'l'iT-im Thl W eaiefullr-, ir-i ( --. 'ITi'l lJi- "J m starving st ' shaft on IMiford M A LITTLE OIRL. w.u.Tin r. xicAoi.A. 1 '""ru lm raj. ..i in.Hinii!;. , wiiM-'t ?ilN miiii.Mus-lm,!. a ciuwii. I a .1.- . .... I i'T naiul 7iuy :ulurniii. H'liat ag" my buly ? Jmt tlilHoon. Vmii',1 ,lilnk slu' mis 1'ir uMur. Her wit :liln; L'ymliiivj a;r.i i more kien, lli-rtt'.M, too, iri:ik: liur fiiiJi-r. A lin ! ! rliildliioj, with a whirl.J Kioin je, tenia y is fleMiig! 1 la'leil lier a litile Kir! . 'l'ol. y s!il' s oi lis ilii greeting. flit on my lit ly. th-mijjli tl! ycaia Wi.i.-U -(i w to y null their p'cniy (Iflovo a:M trxT, oriitiptsau.l fears, Till age iroi-l.iimi yon l .i-iitj. l'li."n. as e:tey y ;tr tiino ittctli n rurl Ami iliinpie Imiii ymi (tloubtintj), Mrililnks I'll till ynu "111110 girl' W.tjont listUl.tful poutiii'. llvston Tr.inncrlpt, SdVSd by Q Birda The old It illilord Minn had proved a ftil ire : not. howcvci until sumo aich. toon or twenty thousaud dollars were X;)unil.-d 0:4 it. Now the deserted sliafi , 3'JO Mal deep, and a long tunnel in HoitHt'.ird Mountain, were the onlv visible signs of wli U had been done. Nowiiiitii Highborn, whila crossing hU very iiioiintain, strayed aw:ty from he rust of his pnitj, wundered iu the direction of I lie deserted snuff, and, bo- tore he discovered it was too late, had trippnJ and fill.-n into tho urnbio pit. His walking stick, catching here and there ig tins the j igged ide, helped lessen tho speed, but down, dowu he wont, and struck the bottom, bruised but alive. H h le smarting with pain a feeling of I liiatikf'ilues e.'iuie over him for the pre. serv.itio;i nt his life, After all, thought he, thesis no good in it down 300 feet in the earth. He had utily been saved I ... .1:.. ..1 .1 11. urn in amriiiiiuii, 1 A!l through the I mg night he tried to uonjecturo some possible way to get mt, but nothing could be thought of. IK must simply stay there, and die. 'I lie next morning, ufter devouring a baker's loaf, which, forunat'ily, he had iu his pocket, he waited. His room was only a few feat across, aod all the curiosities there lie soon cxatuiued, as wcil as he. could by the faiU light of a f.w matches ' Highborn was not one to bo discour aged uudcr odinary circumstances, but now the terrible situation that lie was in was gra lu'illy uiikiug a strong im. pressiou ou him. The more he thought about it the more it unmanned him. He was getting thirsty; no water was in tho plaoo -not even the drops that so frequently trickle down the sides of just such places. Tne day want on. Night csine. Weak ami hungry, ho laid down, and fell into a deep place. He dreamed about tho "Woolen Stocking," over aud over agais. It a an o.'d story that he had read very many times in childhood, about the workman of England who was left, alone on the top of a bigh chimney, aft er the scaffolding bad been takeujdown; and he unraveled bis stocking and let to the ground the tiny thraad, by which be was able to pull np a strong string, aud by that a sin til rope, and finally rope strong enough for him lo slid down on ; so the story weut, and so went bil dream. Ho awoke. by should be have snob dream I He bad known that story by heart to long. He wasn't 00 tin top of a ehimney down in the aartb was quite difforont thing ; dowu in the earth was quite different thing. While he wm musing over this ouiious story and dream, a wallow fluttered down the shaft aod dropped at bis side. The poor bird was frightened but not dead. Suddenly a thought posseted Newman bs pnt tba swallow . an- tore off hit shoet and h y cin-fnlly unraveled. 'i.im very eareful- ly !-N(ied to lb tail featherii, lied pat Umi bird voder the bat ocoe ffeors ; then. wrole oa a bit of ntatobei : the bottom of i ho ounttiu.lJ pray you tend help." .Tv . "Xevt.wam UlQItBOBX " - TUec, fuldiug it op, aud tyipg it care fully oa tho otit jf end of K tiig, be let the bird at Iibcrry - uttered boot bia bttd MoaMat and than went "t slowly up. Now a faint, gl.ui bope stole into lit" heart , it grew stronger an tbu bird still uceoded. Yes -noble Utile wallow ! the string was growing loss every inn mcnt. Perl-aps a life bung by that thread. The bird disappeared out of the mouth uhni-a ' How ninny chances, after all. had he! He shudder..d when be thnght how alight thoy. wero. Should the bird go to the right or lo she left after reaching opn I air, how easily, by the fnotion on the shaft's out-sr edge, would the thread be worn ofl. , Little liirdie found, after getting oat. that it was harder to fly ouo tide and so sailed bigh np iu tho air. Highborn eould now see it agsia, the sun shining bright j on ill wings be fcatw it must be ;arabore the surface The party of three, with which High. "lrn tht cJ,m'' '"'"sod him some time, miu now were giving anxious searen. Thoy had passed and repassed the old shaft, and it hud not nocuied to them to that ho mielit have fallen in thero Thov had looked down into it once, out of I titer curiotiiy, but saw only blackness below. As they wero discussing what should be done next, ono said : "What is that by you, Fi'ts ?' I Where!" "There, not three fe I lo your right ; a string, yarn or something. Why, it lays a long way to the bushes." "Pull it," said Sam Highborn, New man's brother. . . Pitts pulled it and a bird fluttered I about two rods away. "Why, the poor bird is tied to that string j 1 wonder what iuhuniau rascal ooold have been guilty ol lueb a thing!' "It's a swallow," said Pitts, "I woudcr where it's tied !" said Saiu. "Perhaps it's somebody's favorite bird," raid Kilts. .... . .. .. ruvnrt'o or no rnvoritn. I 111 irnin- Uo give the poor thing it's liberty," aud he out the attiii". Hirdie knew what that meant and in a moment was among the cljudjr Sam followed the string, andsuddaoly called to Fitts ! 'Come here, Fitts ; hero is a note oa the end of tho string. He tore it open and read aloud "I am starving at the bottom of the shaft on liottsford Mountain. I pray you soud help. Nkwman IIiuiiborw." 'Good heaveos, Fitts ! Down iu the bole .alive ! Not twenty yards from here. It eau't be, yet ho says so." Both rnshed for the shaft. '.' ... ''.. The bird I ad gone up the shaft an hour ago. Newman was anxiously wait, iug j hi had watched the mouth of the shaft above, nntil weary, be bad laid down, restiug one cheek on bit band. Uo bad not boeu in that position long when be was suddenly startlfd by some little chips of woods that weie fulling about him, and at the tame timo he heard voiacs echoing down the shaft. He looktd np, and could see two per sons looking down. Oh, hew be shouted ! A few moro anxious moments, and a billet dropped at his side. - He lighted a match and tdd : We are here, and will bring help as toon at possible." Sax Hiaar.OF.ii and Fitti. lit shouted " Hurrah "' baok. which was only a roaring, incoherent noise when H reached the open air. This was hope lodsed although three hundred feet above. A long boor paased-two, three. Night came. Four, Ave, aix, seven hoars. Souiwthig was earning down. He could tee the light of eandle at the lop. Tuuutp, thump, thamp, and a rope, a ttout rope hit head. No how eagerly h teiied it, aad now artfully be mads a knotted laafv M bow easily bt .eppsd into laV. tlw s-,vi it a v'ijotakiag t aeML, d;: ,':':'''-;.; - Poll : : Up, np, up, sh wly, kopefuHy Jp-; surely, higher -uew if stuppuj, d went dowu a few feat. Uy agun, slow ly. A momeat store and be w ou the broad aartb again, tared, weak bat u-livo. Newman Highborn oWer hi life to one j Iitllti bird ltd it wai gone. Ex NEW OillO WAY WIT II CORN. ; . I raised on three acres 19,440 lbs. of eotu.Swbiobr-arU'wiDg - a lbt. to the' hii.iii.l uf nnrf . ff.va 1 Hf hiiulittla .Imm I . ' to the aero. No extra tff-.rt w.-s ntado ; to laise this amount About UJ tons of barnyard niuuuro was used per acre, J which was turned under The pieoe was j plowed imii.edi .tely . before planting. i rouea tne saiuo day its plowed, and l.ar- rowed till it was thoroughly pulveris- ' -J 1l. . f r r .. i ea im iu.. hi .u.ii nuiB tour net ,.. 1,... .rcu u, urtticu wnu , j........ . .., ... high grade superphosphate added. Tlit kernels wore dropped about VI inches tipart. harrowed, just before tho eorn was up, cultivated as snoti as nicely out iii.run fiirn mu.xrpi will, :, 11. ' uf tho ground and once every week thereafter till the com wa too large. Tho crop as hoed but oncj and after socondjcul ivaling, wlnn the wends were young. Probably this extra, thorough aod fieq'K-nt. t'llage increased thi crop at least one half. Jty this process I get most of the benefits of summer fal low without any uf its disadvantages, such as losing the uso ot tha land one season, snd ho waste of the soluble compound or tntsogpn, , lite growing crop utilized tbein about at fust as they got in eoudiliou to evaporatu into the air and lench off with the drainage wa ter.-Cor. in Farm and lorn:. PLEASANT UOUKj. Squire Jone?, who was a vevy plain spjkeu old gentleman, used to go into the public loafing resorts about nine o'cloek every evening, and after look ing around enquiringly would say, "Well, gentlemen, what are you doing born ? Aie your homes not pleasant !" The squire inferred that a man who loved to loaf arouod bur-rooms and bill. lard rooiue at night could not have a pleasaot home, and the squire was right. A nun who prefers the smell of tobac co smoke and Mule beer, aud the tnifcid lanesus society which is usually found in places of tins sort, to the musical laughter of children, the sweet smile of a loving wife, the pertumo of flowers aud the companionship of good books, must bavo a very depraved tuste. To be sure, there are homes thav are not pleas, ant, and it is no marvel that men fly trom them as from a den or lair where erouch and crawl the poisonous serpent and savage beast. The wife growls aud whines and snaps aud snarls, tho chidrcn fight and the bahy squills Titers is a cootiuocd bedlnu, an ever, lasting hubbub. It may not be pleas ant for the woman, who cannot floe from it, but she has made her own bod, aod il is jusMbat she should lie io it. Tut aim ot every man and woman should be to make a heaven of home, then the men will seek it as a place of rest and peace and joy, and tint oh ldrci will uot bjjo u jjii 'it prowlers and street scavengers. x. eunious "oTiaiTbToNE FOREST FIRE. But tho firs with the most singular origin watthe'ont on tbo place of Mr. J. F. Ostwalt, in Fallstown township, this county, on the 10th. Mrs. Ost walt was beating a kettle of water in tin yard for seouiing, when a peacock with a boantiful tail three feet long, swelling arouod the pot, stuck bis tail in the fire. It caught at onoe and tho fool bird ran around the house, fired two straw stacks, a chaff pen. the barn, the straw ou an Irish potato patob, the grass around the blacksmith shop, and finally pulled up at the bouse again with its tail burnt smooth off aud presenting a most wot-begona tppearauee. Mr. J. T. udy, neighbor, and a bired an, seeing the smoke, rail to the place aad put tho fire out before it I a 1 n.tde much headway. sSlatesv lie Landmark. I. tjIsONS i0BE L H A UN E t. Tho success of Eun.p.iuu farmers, with all tho forces ef nature against thaas, abeutd be an inspiring lesson for our tillers of thojsoil. The American taaall farutar has euly to nutte brain ork to make biutrelf comfortable snd dpnduor, if not rioh. llut without tbs aaioo of the brain and hand there et be no great perutaueut suoeuss r- larta Vorutitutton. KttPLYTO" (00 AND UOMIM." rriiTiKa'ire Paruicr. Cms, Davie emiDty, . C. Ir Klitor see in T.'te Proyw it); Farmer of April 9, that ''flog and Hominy" wnuU to know how to ruisn j sorguum. A 1 have rnU it for the l.nt tweuty five yvari, I will uiJurtake i j w iviuini itoyr tu it.-eioot ioa iati'l good upunJ i,taat-prepaio by plowing and manuring the S'.uie ns for eottou. The rows should ho feet wide. After the Uud is bedded up and you are ready.to plant, take a 'common ouu-ionguo plow SDd open me ncd a" near on top as you can; lako your teed : i m a small bucket itn.l cateh the seed be- J tweeu your thumb and forefinger; jut i . . . ,.. mneh'ofilAnil s an Hi,- nt- dmn r j r a t101 lu a bunoh, 13 or 18 inches apart; thon cover lightly, same as for cotton Afer it comes np, the first working is to bur it off with s one ho se turn '1"W, throwing the dirt to the uiiddl.) a d chop or thin to a stand. When the c me is two or three inches high, let from four to six stalks s and to the hill; keep he grass out of the row: when the cane is throe or four inches high, witn 1 lie ains turning plow throw tho dirt back to the cane end hoc good ; wlu-n tho eano is two feet hiu.h plow it out good ami stop working it; work it as much as you like whilo it is smaM, hut ueyrr work it after it has grown tw or three c-i- j -- o j-- itie now 01 sap auu injuro nie yici.j . Plant any tiuio from the 1st of April to last of Mjy: two gallons of seed wid plant as acre as described nbore; op laud will make four gallons of syrup to one bushel of oorn .will make from 100 to 400 gallons per acre. The syrup, when properly made, is good enough for anybody to rat, and sells readily at 40 eeots per gallon. No crop pays well is sorchnru for h- -, i every fanner ought to raise euough for home use ; then, too, it comes in us cash in paying for labor and then we could gel home market for a 1 .-go amount of tho syrup. Jaow 1 liope"H0i and Homi ny" can uuderstand ine sffioion t to en. ennge him to plant a sorghum crop, and my word for it he will n.t regret it. If ho wants to know anything about me he can find me iu Alliaucc No. 801. 'Htl.P 1'ltKK." A TEAK SAVES A LIFE. This story is tt Id of the Emparor of Austria : A criminal hod been senten ced to death. The death warrant was placed boforo tht Emperor 1 0 sign. Convincing proofs of the mat's guil t had beca pr duced, and yet a shadow of doubt hovered in the Emperors mind. He was just about to sign the warrant, when be put his pen dowu and sat lor three hours immovable as a statue snd plunged iu deep thought. At last be began to write his nsine, hut hardly had he completed the first letter when a tear rolled down nis face and fell on the fresh ink. Turning to the Minister in attendance, he said : "Se.;, my tears obliterate my name. I ovuiot sign tins deed," and he tore up '.he death war rant. N. Y. Tthynm. A COON HUN TIN '3 HORSE. Minor Yooumb, s farmer living near Viuconnes, lud., has a bay mare that has developed a strange propcusity. She has learned to hunt 'uoous. She tan scent a 'ooon as w-U as thi best trained dog. Slu will follow the 'coons by seoct aloue, and when she "trees" one will neigh Mid paw around tho tied until Mr. Yooumb euates to capture it, Sbrnnvcr leaves the tree until sho has attracted the attention 01' her master. Mr. Yoeum'i frequently goes bunting oa horsebaek, takiug a gun and ax. The mare will gojlhrough the woods until she strikes a seent, and will then start on a dog tret, with her note to the ground, and will trail the '0000, by her unernoz scent, to its den. She will. then begin to paw and neigh until tho tree has been cut down and tho prize, captured. She will go through the woods and stop and smell the trunk tf a tree. If she djet not seent a 'coon she goes on, but is there it one in the tree the never fails to discover the fact and to make it known. Chioago Herald. lkfote slates were in use people multiplied 00 tliejfacc ef the earth. Wall Strett Newt. Subsoribe lot the UcrnttTER-PosT only $1.50 a . P.'CKINCS iVotn tlie WiiiiiingtoH ijtar. Vlain njs he liui do idea of resign ing. ft in expected now by Gen. gsUIeld j lb,lt 50 .uuo MlJ ,, :,, . . . I para,iu I , ' . " b'-" A uegr i - i ri kilLJ DefrNorfolk. (.'"' " " ult0 Cap" jok ; u" ""u""r "Loro- . ' IJt,n-l..ii h is a new and elejmt thea. tro nniiied utter' the aeeatest of Euelirk actors, IKvid (iurrick. 7'oe liuahiitg business has not been dUjiiiitiiiucl. It it, perhaps not to brisk as it ivas a tow luentLs ago. Some two tliiiusaud chidrcn have bad acar'et tuvtr in New York City uithia four weeks and ovel 235 deaths. , When a politician gets away out in the eld how luuoso lie h must feel and how his heart pants for sympa thy. Charleston is not rctrogiading. The A eit'i nad Courier says the population in 1SS3 was 63,353 against 54,385 iu 1880. A Texas law firm at Fort Woith, Capps and Caiitey, has just receive t the tnH.-t lue evorcolleoted iu Texas, some $ lijOOO. j 1 iiiiau.iipuia not only grsjlcd Lap- 4 alll Murreli with marked at'.ention but it is r.ii.-iuga fund for oim. It already amounts to S'2,3'20. Well done! ! Tne FrauJ; Olieaihaiu liivouao at Nusuville, Teiu., huvu takcu aation a. gainst begging I he North to help sup port indigeut Confederate suldiors. The Anderson (8. C.) Inlelfijencet says au "intelligent grand jurx" vaiecuised as to who was tioveruor uf South Carolina, and but three could tell.'. '-.'.-. After u'.I the blowing the crowd in Oklahoma is fir below lltu 100,000 first reported, lieu. Crook puts it at l3,00i. liutlirie lias 0,000 ouly, he says..- 7'iic news from Warhiuglcn is to the eiTeut ibi Dudley, of ilie "blocks of five" scheme, is 110 longer welcome at tbu White liuusu. hat base ingrati tude ! It is a great thing to bo endowed with the grat 0 of patience. How many Christians in every one hundred prcfins ed f oil u well of the Hiacu Lord have secured it. Pray for it mightily. Prrf. Horunday, of the Smithsonian ustitute, says tbobuffaio is dying out. He says bctwevu 1808 and 1873, 4 years, it, 500,000 buffaloes were ki.lcd in the country west of the Mississippi an Sauth of the Missouri rivers. It is auuoucccd that a Northern syn dicate In. purchased some 3J,000 aoiet of timbered lauds in this State and in Virginia paying $5 an acre. , Aad so our woods go tor a soug. Suieidal very ! . ' It is estimated that there sro now 00,000 negroes living in the District of . Columbia. Iu 1SU0 there wsre but 14.U00. The negroes love to gather in towns where they can loaf aud live with out toil. 1 1 New Vorl" a mad dog hit a work- I tugiuan. whea ho seized the unimal and ' ...am... tt t. tl... Il.p.., ill Pan. ,1 In Iia ground and seising the tongue with tba other hand held it uutil he had choked it io acath. Otto Falke. of Now York, has gone to tea from liangor, Mo., in a rowbeat fourteen feet long. He baa a heavy bet on accomplishing tho pi rilous vtyage. New Y'urk capitalistswill go into the tobuc:o raising business largely in Flo. rlda. It is stated that a syndicate bat purchased 14,000 acres in Polk county for the purpose. Tho South ia oertaln dirostioot it pressing forward. The Haltimoro -i-m'rknn, Pro., says that in 18-8 it made 200,000 more tousof pigiron tbsu in 1887. If the South will begiu to boom in the farms there will be great cause for rejoining, for the progress will be permanent. More than eighty of the leading ,( istcrs of Boston hart signed a re oau ttranee against eoastilutiooal prulum. lion. By tba way, a report fro 1'-rb tylraiiia it that it will be keatnti there. A remarkable ebange of from is r. -rt-ed on.the part, of Boss Q.isy and wtuop Republican Boodlera. ki. .nam - " ' if r ,1. ' , . . 'Xf' V . I I Is- , i

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