personals Alonzo Kenion has returned to Walter Reed hospital in Washing ton after visiting his' mother, Mrs. Alonzo Kenion, the past weekend. Mr and Mrs. Gilma Summey of Durham spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Osbun Summey. pfc. Caldwell Williams is spend ing his terminal ld&ve with his mother, Mrs. Andrew Williams. Mrs. Marion Cates accompaneid Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cates on a weekend trip to Morehead City. Mrs. Moss Rose and daughter, •Doris 'Rose,- visited- -Mr. and Mrs. j M. Shue and family Sunday. . r. J. Smith and Dr. Marion Rob erts left last Wednesday to attend the Miami-Carolina game Friday night. They returned to Hillsboro last Sunday. Mrs. A. S. Mitchell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Watkins, in Dur ham this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crabtree of Columbia, S. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Crabtree last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie James, Hank Rhew, Bill Lynch, Jake For rest, Erwin Rosemond, Seth Thom as, Steve Allison, Clem Strudwick and a number of other local peo ple attended the Duke-Tennessee game Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs: Buck Bass of Wil son spent the weekend visiting Mr. Bass’s brother, Larry Bass. Charlotte Savage and Kenneth Harold of Portsmouth, Va., vis ited Marjorie and Foy Cole last weekend. Miss Shirley Joyner spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Joyner. Miss Ruth Privette, who is at tending W. C. in Greensboro, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Plott of Concord visited Mrs: Paul Hayes Sunday. Mrs. I. W. Kay and son, Frank, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Ray Sunday. Mrs. Emma Lloyd, Ida Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hastings and son, Bobby, spent Saturday in Gra ham visiting Mrs. D. R. Williams and other relatives. Mrs. Douglas Bank and-son, Ben, of Franklinton are visiting Mrs. B.'TV Green. Harry Sutton Dula had his ton sils removed Saturday at McPher son’s hospital. Moyle Williams of State College visited with his parents last week end. Mrs. Allan Lioyd, Mrs. Charles S. Hubbard and Mrs. H. H, Brown represented the Woman’s Society of Christian Service at the Orange county zone meeting Sunday at Hebron church. New Sharon church representatives were Mrs. Clyde Roberts, Mrs. Wesley Wal ker, Mrs. Paul Browning, Mrs. W. L. Smith and Miss Vesta Bacon. Bob Wells of New York visited his wife and son, Robert, this past weekend. Mrs. Wells and son are continuing their visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Scott, for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Scott en | iNews Events of Interest to Women WiMM** < ) ■ • fTilirff—~n-r--~M — . i I, . i—.— — I. ■■■ THE OVERBROOK J ' »OOM or III MONTI - ■ ^ Picturesqueness is outstanding in this low-, rambling ranch style structure. The three structures efficiently separate three living units: kitchen, storage and ga rage—living 'and dining room; — porch and outdoor living room' —sleeping quarters. Six rooms in all with two baths, seven closets and a utility closet. The kitchen has one porch entrance and one side service entry leading to the basement stairs. All have bed room picture windows; the ga rage has overhead doors; and a recreation room is provided un der the living room.-— Couple Entertain At Card Party Mr. and Mrs. Alton Williams entertained at their home last Wed nesday night. During the evening, bridge was played at four tables. High score prize was presented to Mrs. Wil liam Cates. High score for men went to O. P. Southerland. Rum mey was also played at one table. At the conclusion of play a prize was awarded Mrs. Chandler Cates and John Ballard for high scores. Nuts and Cold drinks were served during the game and a salad course tertained at a buffet supper Sun day evening. Present woi Mr. and Mrs. Felts Paschall and children Larry and Linda Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wells and son Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Worth B. Haithcock and son, “Tim”, Melvin, Roland, Hilda and Philip Scott. Mrs. Bob Wells and son are vis iting1 Mr. and Mrs. Felts Paschall of Durham Rt. 1, this week. ton Wouldn’t Put DYNAMITE in Yonr Kitchen Sink!!! fat...Cleaning with GASOLINE is just as dangerous!!! Every year hundreds of women lose their lives attempting to clean clothing in gasoline, nap tha or benzine. These fluids are dangerous be cause they vaporize so quickly. * ■ ._ DON’T TAKE CHANCES WITH LIQUID DYNAMITE Send clothing to the dry cleaners. PROFES SIONAL DRY CLEANING IS^AFE. When service from Hillsboro Dry Cleaners and Laundry is so easy and convenient, why take chances with home! cleaning methods? • • • REASONABLE COST PERFECT WORKMANSHIP SATISFACTION GUARAN TEED JLSBORO DRY CLEANERS 8 LAUNDRY ■Located Across From Court House Smith'Wilkins Vows Pledged "Miss Calene Smith of Fuquay Springs and Ernest Wilkins of Durham and Hillsboro were united in marriage at the home of Mrs. Thomas Tatum in Durham Sun day, September 29. The double ring ceremony was used. The bride wore a blue gabardine suit with black accessories and an orchid corsage. Immediately following the cere mony a reception was given at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Tatum. Afterwards, the couple left on their wedding trip for New York. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith of Fuquay Springs. She is a graduate of La fayette high school and Kings Business College in' Greensboro. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wilkins of Durham and is a graduate of Green Hope high school and Croft’s Secretarial School in Durham. He is now manager of Wilkins Jew elry store, in Hillsboro. The Fulton Memorial church in Durham was*. the scene of a mar riage union between Miss Irene Stevens of Durham and Milton Mincey of Hillsboro on Septem ber 27. The' couple pledged1 their wedding vows before the Rev. D. Brown." The bride wore a blue velvet suit and a pink rose corsage with brown accessories. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens of Durham and is a graduate of Durham high school. The groom attended Hills boro high school and is now em ployed in the Wilkins Jewe,r-y store in Hillsboro. with coffee after the game. Invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Bivins, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bason, Mr. and Mrs. George Cannady, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Shue, Mr. and Mrs” William' Cates, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Conrad, Mrs. and Mrs. O. P. Southerland, Mr and Mrs. J. P. Ballard, Mrs. Jimmy Holt, Mrs. Chandler Cates, and the hostess. Hocntt Circle Holds Meeting The Hocutt Circle of the First Baptist W. M. U. met Monday night in the home of Mrs. R. B. Todd. Mrs. Paul Reeves had charge of the program, “World Invest ments of Southern Baptist,” with various members taking part, after which an open discussion on “Tithing" was held. The chairman, Mrs. G. C. Mc Bane, presided over the business meeting. The group decided to send cards to sick members. A letter was read from the former presi dent, Mrs. C. A. Caldwell. Refreshments were served to the following members: Mesdames Wallace Strayhorn, Winnie Black welder, Curtis Scott, G. C. Mc Bane, W. W. Abernathy, Leonard Mitchell, Sam Crawford, Fred Sharpe, Paul Reeves, Leonard Rosemond, and Miss Mary Spur geon and two new members, Mrs. Edward Mincey and Miss Luna Carden. ,» The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Sam Crawford. TQ PAVE ROAD ~~ Chapel Hill.—The section of the Mason Farm road being occupied by residents of the prefabricated housing development popularly known as “Vetville” will be paved by November 1, it has been an nounced by the state highway com mission. Need a LAXATIVE? . Slack-Draught is. X-Usually prompt 2- Usually thorough 3- Always economical BLACK-DRAUGHT caution: use only *t uihcctco Church and Lodge Directory Hillsboro Episcopal Church R. C. Masterton, Pastor #lrst Sunday, Holy Communion, 11.00 a. m. Second Sunday, Holy Commun ion, 8:00 a. m. Morning service, 11:00 a. m. Third Sunday, Holy Commun ion, 11:00 a. m. Fourth Sunday, Holy Commun ion, 8:00 a. m. Morning service and Litany, 11;Q0 a. m. ^ Fifth Sunday, Morning service, 11:00 a. m. Saints Days, Holy Communion, 11:00 Hillsboro Methodist Charles S. Hubbard, Pastor Services Second and Fourth Sun day at 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship every Thurs day night at 7:30. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:40 a.m. New Sharon Church First Sunday, 11 a.m. Third Sunday, 11 a.m. Fifth .Sunday, 11 a.m. :■ Palmer Grove Church Second Sunday, 7:30 D.m. Fourth Sunday, 3 p.m. Union Grove Church Second Sunday, 3 p.m. Fourth Sunday, 11 a.m. Sunday Schodl every Sunday morning. Hillsboro First Baptist Rev. W. W. Abemethy, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday, 9:45. H. £. Singletary, Supt. Worship every Sunday morning, 11 o’clock; every Sunday night ex cept first Sunday nights, 8:00. Prayer service every Wednes day night, 8:00. * * Weit Hillaboro Baptist Rev. E. D. Young, Pastor ~ Sunday School, 10 am. N. ft: Swainey, superintendent. Preaching services each Sunday Morning worship, 11 a.m. Children’s worshfp*'T'T&Dlft;.. Evening service, 7:30 pjn. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Boys Club meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the church for boys 11 and older. * West Hillsboro Pentecostal Holiness Church Don S. Whitfield, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday i morning at 9:45; Morning services every Sunday at 11:00. Children’s service every Sunday afternoon at 5:00 and Young People’s service at 6:00 p.m. Night services every Sunday at 7:00. —Everyone is cordially invited to attend these services. Free Will Baptist Church R. G. Woodard, Pastor Sunday School Supt.; W. G. Rippy 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Service Night Services: >F:00 ‘ 7:45 p.m.—Every Wednesday Week-Day Prayer Meeting. Hillsboro Presbyterian Church Rev. S. W. Du Bose, Pastor Sunday school: 10 am. Morning worship: 11 am. Chestnut Ridge Methodist Church Services every second Sunda) at 11 a mand every fourth Sun day at 3 pm. Conaiissioners i—r- (Continued irom page 1) Kane would meet with boards of commissioners October 16 to dis cuss highway matters. The meet ing will be held in Roxboro. The commissioners authorize^ the payment of the following: DOGS KILL GOATS To John H. Cate, route 2, Chap el Hill, $13.50 for nine goats kill ed by dogs; to S. P. Lockhart, route 1, Durham, $50 for six gobblers and one hen killed by dogs. Issuance of beer license to Mar vin' Morrow of route 1, Chapel Hill, was deferred to the next meeting. IS GRADUATED - Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. —Private Paul C. Torain of Route 2, Hillsboro has graduated from the Small Arms Weapons Mechan ic Course at the Ordnance School, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Mary land. Private Torain is the son of W. E. Torain of Route 2, Hillsboro. THE CORRECT WATCH FOR THE CORRECT TIME YOU’LL BE r + Jill ' <::;' WITH YOUR y:;-5* 4 Make your selection now « from the newest and finest Helbros 1 watch creations. Brilliantly styled ... built for 1 F accuracy and dependability. A. Handsome modal In yaBow' or rota rolled gold plate, durite bad^ Checker bracelet. 17 jewels* $^J50 B. Dainty case In yellow of rose rolled gold plate, durite back) .... *39'*; yellow or rote rolled gold plate. DUrSj back. 17 jewels, *39'* f D. Rich rolled gold plate case with durite back. Sweep second hand) Cord bracelet. _ 17 jewels. V hint Includt Mtrol Tm 9 Hillsboro We Wish to Express oar Sincere Appreciation to the Following Men Who Make Up the Hillsboro Fire Department George W. Gilmore, Chief V. M. Forrest, Ass't. Chief - gait K. TORREST A. A. Ij.LOYD G. W. Ray J. D„. Eskridge J. L. Brown, Jr. R. I. Thomas M. P. Lloyd C. H. Cates