Classified and legal ads fast Ad Rates Ads are - For any [ 15 words ( jrge is 25 nal word t cents bm E SIZE nw fis site (boldface, I and lower case) tl l rents per word Love the 15-woM linimum /anl In Advance loriams and are the same advance. limit. For Sale SALE: Automobile Insur ihat meets all the require tof the new auto financial re ality act effective July 1st. T with us. John P. Ballard Lee Agensy, Hilsboro, N. C. FOR SALE SAND Le Lynwood Brown at jwest Hillsboro, N. C. ■7-tf SALE: Giants, Wyandot H. Reds, Barred Rocks, tRocks, Red-Rock and Rock hicks. No Leghorn. No culls, tipples. $8.95 per 100. Pul |5.00 per 100. Order Now sent COD. Ed’s Chicks Jester, N. H., Phone 9653-J. SALE: Old newspapers in ound bundles. Two cents per 1 ideal for wrapping and Ig. The News, Hillsboro, N. BALE: Electric v/elders. Pro auality welder, makes repairs. Easily operated, lie. 220 volts." 144 afrits. M. A. and R. E. A. ap Complete with helmet ^c. Werg $157.5,0. New price Western Auto Associate Hillsboro. 7-14-tfc SALE: Easy and Maytag ne motor washing ma First come, first served. ^an-Laws Co., Hillsboro. 7-24-2tc J SALE: Battery converters, le your B pack radio to |c for only $13.45. Simple asy to use. Western Auto lated Store, Hillsboro. tfc [SALE: Eight acres wooded near Rice’s Nursery on high [OA. Excellent building site. 10. See J. E. Grasty, Rt. 1, Jim, or _ inquire at THE office in Hillsboro. ■ 1 ■ ' 7-24-3tc FOR RENT: Good combi farm—8.6 tobacco allot plenly of corn,- grain, and land. Located seven (north of Hillsboro on High P6. 7-17-3tp. SALE: Majestic wood or [ange with hot water jacket jtank. Excellent condition. [hn Clayton, Hillsboro;-ItP [ SALE: Second hand cook Will make price right. iTurner, Hillsboro. ltp MILCH COW ' for sale. [Efland, Efland, N. C. oaltp SALE: Good coal, wood Can also be used for oil John B. Dickson. 7-31tfc SALE: An upright piano, t M. Cable $225. In excel phape. Recently tuned. Otto I route 3, Hillsboro. 7-31-2tc |p Wanted - Male , HELP WANTED: Sales Por Orange Co. to sell books pall business firms to keep Juwn books—Good commis |'n sales. H. S. education and I necessary. For interview I E- E. Williams, 2334 Huron ^ Durham, N. C. oaltp lusiness Notes tYs DUPLICATED while you **• Dnly 20 cents. Western Associate Store, Hillsboro, ecial NOTICE, ATTEN We are now back in pro n and are equipped to sup °u with the following: Well 1^ (with soaked joints the L of weHs). storm sewers, f Pipe, farm dr^in tile, horse I s, cement (wholesale and re Gr sale), Free Delivery, reasonable and satisfaction re^- Highway 86 across .pOble Dairy. Page Concrete °'' phone 3184, Yanceyville, legal Adv. lvi!!Nl8TRATR,x NOTICE I 8 qualified as administra trix of the estate of Thomas S. Brown, deceased, late Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned at Hills boro on or before the 19th day of July, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please mike immediate payment. This the 19th day of July, 1947. OLLIE H. BROWN. _ 7-24-6tc NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Or der of the Superior Court of Orange county, made in the spe cial proceeding entitled “Mrs. Annie Miller, Administratrix of the Estate of John M. Miller, and Mrs. Anna Miller, individually, vs. W. H. Miller, et als.,” the un dersigned Commissioners will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of August, 1947, at 12:00 o’clock Noon, at the Courthouse Door in Hillsboro. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, sub ject to the confirmation of the Court, the following described real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING at a rock the Northeast comer of David C. Paul let on Mitchell Vincent’s line, thence his line North 10 deg. West 30 chs. and 47 Iks. to a rock, Wal ter Crawford’s corner, thence his line North 88 V2 deg. East 27 chs. and 76 Iks. to Emma Holman’s corner; thence South 38 chs. and 90 Iks. to the Northeast corner of David C. Paul lot, thence with the same West 20 chs. and 68 Iks. to the firs! station, containing 94 acres, more or less. This being the same land conveyed to John M. Miller by deed of Mrs. Hariett I. Miles, dated November 18, 1909, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Orange County in Deed Book 62, at page 571. A deposit of.ten per cent will be required from the last and highest bidder at the sale, and the said sale will remain open ten days for increased or upset bid. This the 1st day of July, 1947. j. Dumont Eskridge and Thomas C. Carter, Commissioners. ”“™~ "" - — 7-10-4tc ADMINISTRATROR’S NOTICE Having qualified as . adminis trator of the estate of Paulette E. Rossettos, deceased, late of Orange county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned at Route 1, Chapel Hill on or before the 30th day of June, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payihent. This the 30th day of June, 1947. MATTIE W. EDWARDS, 7-3-6tp ADMINISTRATOR’S, NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Constantine T. Rossettos, deceased, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons ‘having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed at Hillsboro, North Caro lina, on or before the 26th day of June, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 24th day of June, 1947 J. Dumont Eskridge, Ad ministrator of the estate of Constantine T. Rosset tos. 6-26-6tc ~ *_ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Charles Moore, Jr., deceased, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having, claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hillsboro, North Carolina, on or before the 26th day oi June, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please immediate payment. This the 24th day of June, 1947. J. Dumont Eskridge, Ad ministrator of the Estate ' of Charlie Moore, Jr. 6-26-6tc- *_ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as_ Adminis trator of the estate of Ann Lloyd Andrews, (Mrs. W. V.). deceased, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned at Box 442 Chapel Hill N C, on1' or before the ldtn day’of July, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of J. BRIGHT ANDREWS, Administrator of the es tate of Ann Lloyd An drews, deceased. ORTH CAROLINA RANGE COUNTY _ •, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK notice ebecca Vaughn, Administratrix • the estate of Charlie Phillip aughn,% dec. vs. Alex Vaughn it wife, Fleter Vaughn, Louis Vaughn & wife, Minnie Vaughn, James Vaughn & wife, Mrs. James Vaughn. The defendants, James Vaughn it Mrs. James Vaughn, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Orange County, North Carolina,, to sell, the real estate of Charlie Phillip’ Vaughn, dec., in orc^er to create! assets with which to pay the debts of said estate; and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of , the clerk of the Superior Court of Orange Coun ty in the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C., on the 10th day of Septem ber, 1947, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to court for relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 28th day of July, 1947. M. LYNCH, Clerk of Superior Court of Orange County, N. C. 7-31-4tc NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Orange County, made in the spe cial proceeding entitled “H. T. Porterfield, Administrator of the Estate of Alice Smith Porterfield, et als., vs. Mamie Porterfield Monk, et al.”, the undersigned Commissioners will, on SATURDAY, the 9th day of August, 1947, at 12:00 o’clock Noon, at the Courthouse Door in Hillsboro, North Carolina, offer for resale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to the confirmation of the Court, the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: TRACT NO. 1: Being the tract or parcel of land in Little River Township, Orange County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of James Laws, T. J. Horner, et al. Bounded on the North by T. J. Horner and Wheeley lands (Orange County and Person County line); on the East by Dewey Daniel; on the South by the said J. H. Newton and wife, Bettie B. Newton; on the West by the- Public Road -leading from Nordenton to Hillsboro, contain ing 73 V\ acres, more or less. Being the identical tract of land conveyed by J. H. Newton and wife, Bettie B. Newton, to John T. Porterfield and wife, by Deed dated September 15, 1906, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Orange County in Deed Book 59, at page 357. TRACT NO. 2: Being the tract or parcel of land in Person Coun ty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of P. B. Wbeeley on the North; John F. Wilson on the West; Thomas J. Horner on the South, and others, and bounded as follows, viz.: BEGINNING at a poplar stump on the West side of the Leasburg Road, Philip Wheeley’s corner; thense with Wheeley’s lot North 87 deg. West 22.66 chains to a post, - John F. Wilson’s corner; thence with Wilson’s line South 7Mfdeg. West 9.32 chains to point ers and rock, Win. Wheeley’s cor ner;thence with his line South 87 deg. East 23.33 chains with his line South 87 deg. East to a| rock on the Leasburg Road;! thence with the Road North 19 deg. East 4.50 chains to a post; thence North 7% deg. West 4.85 chains to fi^st station, containing 21 *4 acres, more or less. Being the identical tract of land conveyed by1 IJohn F. Wilson to John T. Porterfield and wife, Alice Porterfield, by deed dated August 4, 1905, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County in Deed Book 7, at page 598. This being a resale, the bidding at said sale will begin at $10, 500.00. A deposit of ten per cefet will be required from the last and highest bidder at the sale, and the said sale will remain open ten (10) days for increased or upset bid. This the 23rd day of July, 1947. BONNER D. SAWYER, J. DUMONT ESKRIDGE, Commissioners. 2-31-2tc Producer price supports of six cents a pound for 1947-crop com mon ryegrass seed grown west of the Rocky Mountains, and of seven cents a pound for seed grown east of the Rockies, have been announced by the USDA. ATHLETES FOOT ITCH nJ'JOT HARD TO KILL. IN ONE HOUR If not pleased, your 35c back at any drug store. TE-OL, a STRONG fungicide, contains 90% alcohol. IT PENETRATES. Reaches MORE germs to KILL the itch. Today at James Pharmacy. A Friendly Church ROCK HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Chapel Hill Rev. John R. Manley, Pastor 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Mr. L. F. Caldwell, Superin tendent. 11:00 a.m.—Preaching by Pastor. 6:30 p.m.—B.T.U. Miss S. V. Cald well, President. 7:30 p.m.—Preaching by Pastor. A cordial welcome awaits you Mr. and Mrs. Atlas Burnett of Lexington, Ky., and Donald Bur nette of High Point spent a few days last week visiting friends and relatives. Misses Hazel Gattis and Cath erine Johnson left the city over the weekend for Philadelphia, Pa. Geanie and Conny Wilson, motored to Durham to see the soap box derby. Miss Minerva Richmond will leave the city in August to enter nursing school at Lincdln hospital, Durham. Miss Richmond is an honor graduate of the Hillsboro high school. _ > t The choir of the A, M. E. church rendered music for the Sunday school convention Sunday morn ing session at the Methodist church in Milton. Choir Direc tress Mrs.' Irene Whitted, pastor, the Rev. F. O. James. Mr. and - Mrs* James Thomas announce the birth of a boy, July 26. The Hillsboro All-Stars, de feated the Clarksville nine, Sat urday and Sunday. Scores Sat urday 10—-7; scores Sunday 8—7. Miss Celia Cooper flew from Chepston, England, to marry Ed mond Wilson, formerly of Hills boro, now of Brooklyn, N. Y. The wedding took place ih the Meth odist church in Brooklyn, the Rev. Phillip P. Byers officiated.; Bridesmaids of honor, Mrs. Alice Williams. Best man, David Mc Pherson. Eugene Wilson gave the bride in marriage. Soloist Wilson Woodbeck, baritone, sang O, Promise Me. Immediately after the ceremony ' a wedding recep tion was givert at the bride and groom’s home in Hemstead, Long Island. The total pig crop this year is indicated to be three per cent greater than in 1940 and one per cent above the 1936-45 average. Hie spring pig crop was only slightly greater than a year earlier but the fall fcrop probably will show a somewhat larger increase, according to BAE. CHAPEL Bfl.l. COLORED MEWS By L. Vickera Miss Helen Youna of Dunn visited friends in Chapel Hill last week. Henry Snipes of New York is spending his vacation at home with Mr. and Mrs. Zon King. Fred Hargraves and Charlie Hargraves of Newark, N. J., are visiting brothers and sisters heer. visiting brothers and sisters here, is sponsoring a weekend excur sion to Seebreeze beach Satur day, August 2..- - -- . Mrs. Sallie Jones and daughter, Mrs. Alma Brewer,] are leaving Friday for New York " and New Jersey io spend a two weeks va cation. A mass meeting of the Orange and Chatham counties missionary meeting was held with the Mt. Zion Baptist church Sunday aft ernoon. ■ The Rev. J. H. Jones is pastor. Mrs. M. Browder of Hillsboro was presiding officer. Robert Nicks, L. Pettiford, Mrs. monies. ' # Participating on the program were Miss Lillian Perry, Miss Charlie -Mae Booth, students from Merritts school, Miss Mirian Holmes, Dorma B. Watson, Dr. Charles Thompson, Zip, Bingo, John and Douglas Clark, Miss Doris Burnett, Miss Johnnie L. | Johnson and her dancing class. Sponsor or the program was Mrs. Harold M. Holmes who reported $37.85 realized. An Old Fashion Bam l5ance was held on Tuesday night with Mrs. Sellars as sponsor who re ported $45.75 collected. W. N. Sellars sponsored a song festival on Wednesday night. He reported $20.07 collected. Carnival night on Thursday See CHAPEL HILL on Page 6 The Lone Ranger By Fran Striker IT'S NO USE. BOVS' HOLD YOUR FIRE.' THAT MASKS? MAN AN* INDIAN GOT AWAV' r— 1^5 TO VOUR HORSES, MEN! AFTER 'EMi) THEVRE PALS OP BRAZOS BILL/ / JUSr A MINUTE, SHERIFF. IVE BEEN THINKING •OF WHAT THAT MASKED MAN, SAID * - IT, DEPOT/? nJ THE MASKED MAN TOLD US HE'D ^ FOLLOWED BRAZOS BILL THROUGH THE SWAMP TO WHERE THAT CROOK MET OUTLAW INDIANS HE SAID THE INDIANS AIMED ID ATTACK A WAGON NOW, IF THAT'S _ TRUE IT'S NOT' HE TOLD US THAT SO WE'D SO INTO THAT SWAMP AND SET, MIRED.' WE GO GET WAGON TRAIN RIGHT NOW; r UGH! w MEANWHILE - - iissaaas s{ WHOA THERE, SILVER/ WHOA," BOV/ Copt I >41. The Lone Rjriffi I re _rwbuyd_b^j(_»wg ru'uir' Symhei I THINK WE'VE GOTTEN .AWAV FROM THE SHERIFFS MEt^J TONTO. UGH-' WHAT WE DO NOW? I COUNTED ON THE HELP OF THOSE LAWMEN ID GET BRAZOS BILL WHEN HE ATTACKS THE WAGON TRAIN. sssaad THEM NOT] HELP US. NOW. 'THEV'VE got ToA WHETMER THEY WAKT fC) OR MOTT. jC«f» imTi -. . . , [ by K^l Srn^Uttt L THAT'S WHAT WE'RE: WAITIN' FOR.' COME ON!) GET UP.'/ "-N __' I CANT FIGURE WHERE THAT MASKED MAN WENT TOi WE'LL SCOUR THESE WOODS) UNTIL WE , FIND THEM/ WHAT TH LOOKING FOR] “SZ/ar-71*. IT THERE 1571 v BOTS/GET HIM! It Cm l»47. Ito Um >m«m. >k dZhU—4 by K*4 Tmlmm 9fmSe THIS PLENTY DANGEROUS. PLAN' r-^ ] I KNOW/ IT, TONTO, f BUT IT'S THE ONLV LWAV WE CAN DO IT TWERE IS OUTFIT WE MASSACRE/ WE t MEET THEM IN BASIN/ THERE'S THE BA«N, MAGGIE. WHEN WE GET THERE, WE CAN REST /