Rev. William H. Poole of Wld formerly pastor of the ■oro Baptist church, visited ■°nd Mrs. Sidney Wal^Mrs. Murray and other friends his week. and Mrs. Hubert Carson, Lillie Ray, Mrs. Corranna . and Nancy Carson enjoyed , to the mountains in the .n part of the state diiring eekend. and Mrs. Johnnie Taylor of ,rihg, Md., are spending this here as the guests of Mr. r’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ’aylor. Ernest Barker, who is seri ill, was taken to Watts hos las't Thursday, and Mrs. Arthur Macaulay orth Andover, Mass;, have spending two months here e guests of their daughter, G. Fawthrop, and family, and Mrs. R. H. Chatham and Chatham’s sister, Mrs. Dare, sysvile, Va., have been the ■ for several days of Mr. and Ben Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Neville and family, and Mrs. Sidney Barker and have been visiting Mr. and Frank Wombie in Siler City. >se from Carrboro attending Carolina-Maryland football last Saturday included Hu ■iackney, C. R. and Lee Far Miss Lenoe Thrift, Mr. and R. M. Durham, Mr. and Mrs. an Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Man Upchurch, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray. All enjoyed the game which was played in Griffin sta kium, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Joe Crittenton left last Fri day for Denver, Col., to visit her son, Quinton Crittenton, who has been very ill in an army hospital in Denver. . Glenn Starnes, who is teaching in Burlington-again this winter has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Dwight Ray and family. Henry Champion of State col lege in Raleigh has been visiting relatives here this week. R. B. Studebaker, who has been a patient in Watts hospital, re turned to his home here’ last Thursday. His condition is im proving. Bun Thrift, who has been ill for the past week, is improving. Miss Edna Earle Womble, who has been ill at her home for the past week is able to be back in high school. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Canipe and two children, Chris and Steve, of Jonesboro have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Studebaker. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Sink of Greensboro were the weekend guests of Mrs. Sink’s sister, Mrs. Walter Clark Sr., and family. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Moore have returned to their home in Durham after spending three weeks here with their daughter, Mrs. Bill Baxter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Farrell of Pittsboro have been'"visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boone and Mr. I and Mrs. R. L. Sturdivant, i Redoy Crittenton of the army, BEER—Americas Beverage of Moderation Yes, Sir, Mr. Citizen— The Brewing Industry Agrees with "Ybu! You want the legal and entirely reasonable rules that go with beer licenses in North Carolina to be respected and enforced. So does each and every one of us in the North Carolina brewing industry. That’s why we have our Self-Regulation pro gram to see that those granted beer licenses ^ hew to the line. Begun in 1939, Self-Regulation has well established its effectiveness. The public, press and law-enforcement agencies have applauded its methods .and objectives. We see eye to eye on this program. Let’s work shoulder to shoulder to maintain an already creditable record! -—4-- • - NORTH CAROLINA COMMITTEE UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION EDGAR H. BAIN, Stale Director Suite 606-607 Insurance Building, Raleigh, North Carolina stationed in Texas, has been h§re on a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crittenton. Mrs. Margaret Teel and Cherry Blackwood were among those from this section attending the Carolina-Maryland football game in Washington last Saturday. Miss Helen Morrow of near Durham has been spending several days with Miss Sarah B. Durham. Kenneth Clark of Mebane was here last weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark Sr. Misses Trillis Hackney and Joyce Ann Boone have been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hackhey in Durham. GOSPEL TEAM HOLDS SERVICES IN DURHAM Carrboro—‘The Gospel Team” composed of the following young men—Lloyd Pendergrass, Nat Sparrow, and Harry Byrd held the evening service last Sunday in the Edgemdnt Baptist church in Durham with Sparrow at the piano, Lloyd Pendergrass using as a devotional I John 7 through 17 and Harry Byrd useing as his theme “The Love of Christ” for the evening mesage. WILSON-COUNCIL VOW8 Carrboro—The wedding of Miss Esta Ruth Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seaton jyilson of near Damascus, to Kenneth Council, son of Mrs. Fannie Concll May nard, was solemnized at the home of the Rev. Thomas Bland on Fri day evening, Nov. 7, at 8 o’clock. The Rev. Bland was the officiat ing minister and only close friend and relatives were present for the ceremony. The bride and groom are both graduates of the Chapel Hill high school. Mrs. Council is now a member of the office staff at the Univer sity Laundry in Chapel Hill. Mr. Council, after Serving two years in the navy during the war, is now employed by the university at the gymnasium. The young couple are making their home in ' an apartment with Mr. and Mrs. James Perry on Pleasant drive, in Carrboro. ATTEND MILITARY FUNERAL Carrboro—The body of Frank Fawthrop, brother of Granville Fawthrop of Carrboro was brought back to his home in North And over, Mass., two weeks ago for burial. Fawthrop, who was one of the first to volunteer for the ma rine corps from that section, was killed in action in the Marshall Is lands Feb. 2, 1944. was the first body brought back in that section. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Fawthrop of Carrboro attended the funeral in North Andover, which was held with full military honors. MISSIONARY SPEAKS Carrboro—Mrs: Edwin Dozier, former missionary to Japan, was guest speaker at the Carrboro Bap tist chuch Monday evening of this week. Her address was taken from the book, “A Golden Milestone in Japan” written by her husband, the Rev. Edwin Dozier, who at the present time is a missionary in Japan. The book was written during the first year of the war by the Rev. Dozier who was then stationed in Japan Mrs. Dozier was presented with a slower of cloth by the church home to be carried back to Japan for relief work. She is planning to return to Japan with her husband who is coming for her at an early date. The devo tional for the meeting was given by Mrs. R. B. Studebaker. f 0 '£.«» the e vaU»»8 ffor_ —•*>«* VEAL • BEtf • ntrv Brod r ttuV County , We Bay StoteS ^ Darhatn i Hill and v Chapel ^ , sBOp and SS. ^ Self Service , OurM°detn A Food Sto«5' HoO>e°«ned MRS. BILL HARDEE FETES S. 8. CLASS Carrboro—The young matrons FideliS clas of the Carrboro Bap tist class met on last Tuesday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Bill j Hardee. After the business ses | ion, chicken salad sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by the hostess who was assisted by Mrs. Sidney Barker as co-hostess. CHURCH CIRCLES Carrboro—Circle No. 1 of the Society of Christian Service of the Carrboro Methodist church met Tuesday evening of this week at the home of Mrs. Alton Perry on Marlett street in Chapel Hill. On Thursday evening of this week a joint meeting of Circle No. 1 and Circle No. 2 will be held in the church hut. Circle No. 2 will entertain Circle No. 1 at a dinner to be served at 6 o’clock, after which the book “Committed Unto Us” by Willis Lamott will be taught in a study course by Mrs. L. R. Sturdivant. Mrs. J. L. Joyce, Mrs. R. H. Marks and Miss Sarah B. Durham. „ BIRTHDAY DINNER GIVEN Carrboro—Ralph Smith and his son, Ralph Jr., were given a birth day dinner on their birthdays last Sunday at the Smith home on Main street. Mr. Smith’s broth ers, J. B. Smith and family of Ala mance county, and Mr. and Mrs. John Snipes, of near Bynum were out-of-town'guests. Mrs. Snipes is Mr. Smith’s sister. BIRTH8 ANNOUNCED Carrboro—Mr. and Mrs. John Hines announce the birth of a daughter in Watts hospital Nov. 6. Mrs. Hines and her new daugh ter returned to their home here last Sunday. Carrboro—Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Watson announce the “birth of a son, Herbert Donald, in Watts hospital November 11. Mrs. Wat son is the former Miss Frances Oakley of Carrboro. Carrboro—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirk announce the birth of a daughter, Linda Diana, in Watts hospital, Nov. 9. Mrs. Kirk is the former Miss Miriam Dark. Durham Bank 8 Trust Co. MILLUBORO CHURCH 8ERVICE8 Carrboro—Members of the Mc Duffie Memorial Baptist church, four miles north of Carrboro, near the Oange Methodist church, have announced a slight change in their services. Sunday school is held every Sunday morning as usual at 110 o’clock. Clarence Dixon Is Sunday school superintendent. The rrtoming worship service is held on the second and fourth Sunday mornings in each month at 11 o’clock. The Rev. W. L. Scott is the min ister in charge. with (to wdwrivi “SEAL-TITE” OVEN Makes cooking a joy! Year after year Alien Leads tbe way in developing new features . . . ttttj Nw aai Mfftraat Features it Qwtek H»a«iwg • D—p in»ulot»d I E. A. Brown Furniture Company Chapel Hill, N\ C. InlliillnllBimUnHnllnHnUnlfnllnimilHlISltSHnirtgrSHBlIningirHSlInUnllnlWnainUFinafigrrgiSKnllnimil naisiinirRinii[i3iBramaiBiniinirniiHiifDn3i5inariaiBii?aiBrB>nai5iiiBiiB®iaiHiBM*H Chapel Hill - Carrboro Directory of dependable business & professional service Quahty meats and grocer ies. Sea foods in season. —We Deliver— P 8V Groceteria Phone F-3341 Carr boro “We take the dents out of Accidents” Expert Auto Painting and Body Rebuilding Crabtree Body -3 Shop Phone 9056 — Carrboro Fresh meats, groceries, pro duce Bright’s Cash — Grocery 423 W. Franklin Street Chapel Hill University Florist "For the Best in Flowers” Pick Theatre Bldg. Chapel Kill We wire flowers anywhere. It pays to be smart. It is smart to have your cloth es laundered or dry cleaned by Twin-Village Laundry & Gleaners Phone F-3541—Carrboro Refrigerator, Washing Machine, , Electric Range, and Radio Repairs. Ogbnrn Furniture Co. Chapel Hill Featuring carry - home packages of delicious ice cream. Famer’s Dairy Cooperative Chapel Hill ' 4 Caston Motor Co. Inc. Sales—Service Dodge—Plymouth—Dodge Trucks Chapel Hill PUZZLED? -}. Then let one of these reliable firms solve your problem. For Infants and Children Up To Six Years Shop At The Baby Shop (Under Ledbetter Pickards) Chapel Hih Shower Gifts—Toys—Nursery Supplies ( _ r > Danziger’s Candy Kitchen Chapel Hill Order Your Coal and Fuel Oil Now from Bennett* Blocksidge < ChaREl Hill Ladies’ and children’s clothing. Fashions Dept. 2nd Floor Varsity Chapel HIM Snttoos Drag Store "Your Walgreen Agency” Chapel Hill Walgreen Drugs at Walgreen Prices , Sporting Goods—Radios Sport Coats—Slacks Phonograph Records—Gift Items Carolina Sport Shop