News Events of Interest to W omen Personals Bill Lockhart of Wilmington vvas the guest Friday night and Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer r Dowdy. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woodside and Milton Jr., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Dowdy Sunday. Mrs. Marvin Hinshaw and daughter, Barbara Jean, and Miss Sadie Riley of Burlington were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Laws. /* Need a /LAXATIVE? Black-Draught is 1- Usually prompt 2- Usually thorough 3- Always economical w^: Davies is a patient at watts Hospital in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Laws visited Mr. and Mrs. George Jaber in Ra leigh Sunday. 4 Mr.-and Mrs. Elwood Isley of. Winston-Salem were the guests Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs T. P. Hoffler. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lark Visited Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Van Vynckt in Mt. Holly over the week end Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McBain have started construction of their new home on Union Street. Clyde Ray was at home from Portsmouth, Va., for the week end. Miss Kathryn Ray, who is teach ing at Ossipee, and Bill Ray who is a student at Wake Forest Col lege; * were “also' at~h dm £ ToFTKef week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown Jr., Miss Hattie Brown, and ^Mrs. Clyde Ray motored to Ossipee Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shue left Monday to spend some time in St. Petersburg, Fla., with Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gulick ispent Monday visiting in' Clarks ville, Va. Miss Christine, Hayes, Bernard, Allison, and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cates motored to Pinehurst Sun day. Mrs. Herbert Riley visited her sister, Mrs. Van Kenyon, in Greensboro Sunday. Chas. Valentine F. W. Brawlev Cabinet Maker Upholsterer Furniture : Repaired Samples Refinished Made to order ' Call for estimate Pittsboro Rd. , Chapel Hill ; ^ Telephone 9367 Spencer Individually Designed Supports for Abdomen, Back and Breasts. MRS. W. R. BLACKWELDF.R P. O. Box 184 Hillsboro, N. C. Complete Insurance Service * * . *• John P. Ballard Insurance Agency \> ‘ Hillsboro LENTEN SPECIAL Hot -Cross Buns — Fresh — French — Rye — Salt Rising Bread Daily Hill Bakery and Pastry Shop _ Chanel Hill -_ ^rairWniiainUsinDmrafnrararararararaiifSraiTiirarararalSsnfaiPiiaminiJraffl&fa'SSiaiafaSiiSKfeiiiiiiiieiieli • . |! -Refreshment Headquarters Newest Spot in Hillsboro • Home Made Country Sandwiches • Banana Splits • Sundaes • Jce Cream, All Flavors • Milk Shakes • Milk, Sweet, Buttermilk aild'ChoroTate —Visit Our Dairy Bar Today—^ ■ . ~ LATTA COOPERATIVE DAIRY Milk Products of Superior Quality Produced and _Marketed by Orange County Farjttidfs • Hillsboro, N. C<———— smHsjraranarammrararararararararararfaBanviJPMaiaia/aiajaMaiajaaBiaja^/SiaiajaajafajD It’s Hot Too Early To Place Your Easter Flower Order \ Easter — March 28 I Mrs. G. S. Kirkland ana daugh ter, Sue, of Cheraw, S. C., were the guests Sunday of Mrs. Maude Hayes. Mrs. Lola Thomas was also the dinner guest of Mrs. Hayes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bivins Jr. of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Bivins Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claytor of Shelby spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Claytor. Mrs. Roger Wilson and children and Mrs. Willie Harris of Four Oaks visited friends in Hillsboro Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Dumont Eskridge and children spent the week end with Mrs Eskridge’s mother in Elkin while Mr. Eskridge was in Chica go, on. business..._.' . - Mrs. Cheshire Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Don Matheson and daughter, Elizabeth have returned from a trip to New Orleans, La., and Bi loxi, Miss. Mrs. H. W. Moore, Mrs. Alice, Cates, Mrs. J. W. Richmond, Mrs. Robert Forrest', and Mrs*. Felix For rest left Saturday for Mobile Ala bama, Where, they will visit the famous Belingrath gardens. . .Mrs. Clarence Jones returnee^ home Friday after' a three-day visit with her parents, Mr! and Mrs. W. T. Sockwell of Greens boro. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis have moved into an apartment in the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker, Sr. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Wilson of Danville. Va., and Miss Ruby Laws of Sanford were the week-end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Laws. Ben Banks returned with his mother, Mrs. Douglas Banks, to their home in.Shelby Sunday, after visjting his grandmother, .Mrs. B. T. Green, for some.time— -__ Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Miller of De troit, Mich., are spending this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Auman. , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis visited in Mebane Saturday. Little Janice Van Vynckt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vynckt is ill. at her home in the Fairview community. Tom Allen, formerly of Los Angeles, Calif., is making his home in Hillsboro for a few months. Church Notices Cedar Grove Methodist Church Layman’s Day will be observed Sunday; March 14, at Cedar Grovel Methodist church. The Rev. L. G.-j Allen of Burlington \yil] address j the assembly. Everyone is invited I to' attend. Laymen of various' churches are especially urged to j be present. Hillsboro Presbyterian Church j The Rev. Irving E. Birdseye, j Min iste r, —~—-; Sunday School TO A. M. Dumont i Eskridge will tell the Bible story.; Morning Worship, 11 A. M. I Mrs. Harry D. Hollingsworth. Organist, Sermon by the Rev.' Birdseye: ‘•Saints together through forgive ness," the fifth sermon in the Len-'' . ten Series of the Apostles’ Creed. Wednesday, March 17, 7 P. M, The annual fellowship dinner will be held at the Masonic Lodge hall,' Remus Smith will serve as master of ceremonies, Ed Barnes in charge of arrangements, -E. E. Pat terson in charge of every-mem-j, berrcanvass. The dinner will be Served by the Women’s Auxiliary. Carden Club The Hillsboro Garden club met "Thursday afternoon with Mrs* Robert Forrest as hostess. New .officers were elected as follows: president, Mrs. Charles S. Hubbard; vice president, Mrs. Clarence Jones; secretary-treasur er, Mrs. Wallace Strayhorn. Dur ing the past year Mrs. H. W. Moore has served as president, Norfleet Webb-as vice president, and Mrs. Allen Walker as secretary-treas urer. Norfleet Webb spoke to the group on plans for the garden pil grimage to be held on Thursday, April 29. Hat Grounds Open For Egg Hunting It has been announced that.the American Leg;ion Hut grounds in Hillsboro will be open Easter Mon day for all children who wish to participate in Easter Egg hunting. Engagement Announced Miss Sallie Johnson Stone Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Stone announce the engagement of their daughter, Sallie Johnson, to Joshua Paul Satterthwaite, Jr., of Winston-Salem and' 'Westfield', N. J. Mr. Satterthwaite is the son ol Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Paul Satterthwaite, Sa., of ''Westfield, N. J. The wedding, will take plate Saturday, April 24, at <4:30 in" the afternoon ' at’ the ' First Baptist church fn Hillsboro. Live At Home Plan Advised A small farm will provide a good living for any family if good man agement is practiced to make a little bit go a long way, says T. K. Jones, farm mamagement analyst for the State Collegen Extension service. Careful planning and wise alio- j cation of funds and other resources are' necessary if the farm family is to have a high standard of liv ing, Mr. Jones stated. Present prices make it important for the small farmer to reduce cash ex penses by producing as much of his food supply as possible. That a live at home program can be practiced on the small farm is Officers Elected At a meeting of the Order of ] Eastern Star in Hillsboro Thurs day night, Mr. and Mrs. R! B. Studebaker • were elected as worthy patron and worthy matron, respectively. Other -Officers elected wore Mrs. Bettie M. Broadwell, associate ma tron; H. O. Bivins, associate pa «tro.n; Mrs. John P. Ballard, con ductress; and Mrs. Gertrude Pope, associate conductress. Other officers will be appointed by the incoming worthy matron. The installation ceremony will be held Thursday night, March 18 Mrs. Allen Walker, past district deputy grand matron, will serve as installing officer. Mrs. Walker will be assisted by C. M. Walker, Sr., chaplain; Mrs. Herbert Riley, mar shall; and Mrs. Ed Laws, organist. Mrs. Lizzie" D. Long Will retire as worthy matron and J. G. Good win as worthy patron, i All members of the O. E. S. are urged to attend the installation ceremony. Birthday Dinner Odell Dawkins was honored by ja surprise J>irthda'y dinner given by Mrs. Dawkins and her mother, Mrs. Edgar Mayes at their home Sunday evening. Following the dinner hour and cutting of the birthday cake, Mr. Dawkins was presented a number of gifts. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baity Sr., Miss Bunny Baity of Efland, Mr. and Mrs. ^• C. DawkinS anth daughter, Marie, of Mebane, Mr. - and Mrs. Jack Baity Jr., of Durham, Mrs. Jack Price, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fear rington and daughter, Joyce, of Ffland, Mrs. Mayes, Mrs. Daw kins, and -Mr, Dawkins. ■■■■RafluLML/—IEj For That New Spring Look AT THE LITTLE SHOP * • -“-0 . ? - Chapel Hitt '._ evidenced by the way Stokes A. Burleson of the Crossnore com munity in Avery county, has car ried his out. .Mr. Burleson became a demon stration farmer in his community in 1933 when he agreed to cooper ate with the TVA and the N. C. Extension service. Practicing what he has learned since that time, Mr. Burleson plants a good garden each year and produces an adequate supply of-both early and late vege- j tables for his family needs. Two, high producing Guernsey cows j provide the family with plenty of' milk throughout the year. An j ample supply of 'pork is cured i each year and usually a beef is canned for later use. Fruit, root crops, and Vegetables are stored for consumption during the winter months and more than 400 quarts of vegetables, fruits and meat were canned last year. . Income from the sale of beans, potatoes, and cabbage provides the mountain farmer with suffi cient income to make needed im provements in home living. His seven-room house Which was built in H)4U is wired ioreleemCTtyand has running water. Other con veniences will be added in the ngaf future, - - • - . News of Eno By M rs. L. B. Haithcock J. M. Harris has returned home after having been a patient at Watts Hospital for eight days. 'Mrs. G. C. Truesdel visited her mother. Mrs. Crow, in Cheraw, S. C. Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Truesdel was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. “Dutch” Holland of Smithfield. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Haithcock I and son, E. C. Jr., of Spencer'visit [ ed Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Truesdel threes days last week. Mrs. Wilton Lloyd and H. G. Haithcock of Macon, and E. C. Haithcock of Spencer were t he dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Haithcock Thursday evening. Maynard Haithcock, acting cap- j tain of George Washington Uni-, -versify’s basketball . team, spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. L-. B. Haithcock. Attending the-Southern-Confer ence games at Duke University were J. M. Harris, L. B: Haithcock, W. B. Haithcock, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Haithcock, Mrs. Walter Talley, and Walter Simpson. tbs- j .Herbert Wilkins is a. patient at.j Watts' nospflal. - ■ —-• . The Mt. Herman choor partici-• pated in the -singing.convention at Edgemont Baptist Church Sunday. Mrs. Herbert Haithcock visited her sister, Mrs. Monroe, in Greens boro Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Griffin and son C. V. Jr„ have moved into the apartment formerly., occupied by Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Haithcock in the home of Vernon Blackvvood. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Haithcock and Brad, and E. C. Haithcock, spent Friday in Macon*. Cooking Lecture Chapel Hill—The nutrition com mittee o f .the local Red Cross spun - sored a lecture by Mrs. ' Virginia Moor§ at the elementary school auditorium Wednesday afternoon and evening on the buying and cooking of meats. Mrs. Moore is the Southern representative for Armour's Consumer Service De partment and a member of the company’s Marie Gifford Test Kitchens, a research laboratory. A film Made by the Test Kitch ens on “The Gentle Art of Meat Cookery” was shown as part of the program. LEGION AUXILIARY TO HOLD SALE The American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor a* rummage sale March 20 at the Legion hut on Churton Street. If the brooder house, is given a heavy spraying with ere te or a eoal tar disinfectant the chicjts should not he placed in the house -for several days. The stiong fumes are injurious to chicks. « BUTTON HOLES- ! Belts. Buckles, and'Buttons Covered — MRS. C. O. KNIGHT Tr.yon St. Hilisboro . Phone"4614 • the hew PHILCO WAY i TO PLAY RECORDS ■:/ X WITH THE NEW 1948 PHILCO PORTABLE PHONOGRAhl PHIICO ,"1700 ”-Plays « record automatically! Permanent Mac net Speaker provides full, riot tone. Comes in a weather resistant alligator grain lug gage case. Sturdy^ handle. Ira PhilcoQuality... Philco Vain*. Only $52.50 I’ay Only Sf) ;>8 Monthly Coleman-Laws Co- Inc. Hilt'sboro, .N, G. Look Your Best at Easter Send Yonr | Clothes For i ' :' ■ ■ Dry Cleaning Early Expert Attention Satisfaction Guaranteed Your Old Clothes Have A New Look —when We Clean Them Hillcboro Dry-Cleaners & Laundry 'Aero# from the (fouri Hoitse" Phone 2131 King Street