CHAPEL HILL By Mrs. Dorothy iDashiell Smith Telephone 4616 Chapel Hill Paul Green has been selected to] serve on the Jury of Selection for the awarding of the 1948 Bellingen Prize. The prize is given each year to the American author judged to have written the year’s best” book of poetry. Mrs. W: W.’ Pierson’s mother,. Mrs. Robert Holmes, visited Dr. and»Mrs. Pierson last week. Mr. George Laycock of Ashe boro spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spearman. Mr. Laycock, a former student of the University, has recently been chosen as business manager of the Randolph Hospital in Asheboro after concluding two years of similar work at the Good Samari tan Hospital in Charlotte. Mr. Bagby Pollard and sister Eilyjiave returned to their home on ^Damascus Road three miles west of Chapel Hill after spending the winter in southern /Texas. Mrs. Roy Homewood and Mrs. V, - A. Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray *. Wolf, former residents Of Chapel Hill, in Gainesville, Fla ■ Dick Dashiell visited the J. F. iashiells last week-end. He is | working in Washington now for' the Congressional Quarterly Dr. Gordon W. Blackwell spoke1 to the Social Welfare Department, of the Woman’s Club of Goldsboro Tuesday,, March 2. He talked on delinquency problems and their relationship to community plan ning. Ralph S. Boggs has been ap pointed United States representa tive and correspondent for the Na tional Commission of Folklore of the Brazilian Institute of Educa tion, Science and Culture in Rip de Janeiro. U. ux. Rsttsoff "spoke pt Dsviftsoir College Wednesday on “Great -Ideas in Civilization.” He* address ed the jnqrning chapel session and talked to a faculty group. Betsy Anne Barbee has been “tapped” by the University’s high est t‘o-ed honor society, The Val kyries.. Members are chosen for outstanding character, effective leadership, " scholarship,' .unsellSfr: service and sound* iu demerit Billy Carmichael III' has been GO FARTHER AND RIDE WORRY-FREE Ofi/Venr GOODYEAR TIRES BIG TRADE-IN EASY TERMS Strowd Motor Co. Since .1914 1 Chapel Hil iSRSfesSKSaBSSisli New Fellowship At University On Atonic Energy Chapel Hill—President Frank Graham has been notified by the United States Atomic Energy Commission that the University will be given the facilities next fall to provde training for holders of Atomic Energy Fellowships in biology and medicine. Three oth er North Carolina institutions, Duke University, N. C.^State-Col lege, and Wake Forest, will have similar facilities available. North Carolina is one of six states so chosen by the Commission. In order to allevate the shortage of faculty members qualified to teach the biologic and medical sciences related to atomic energy, the 4tomic Energy Commission is -£0>Ofi_ to set up a series of courses which professors of the University and the other selected institutions may- tike this summer to obtain -advanced training. . Cancer Clinics Are Outlined At Cine Meeting Chapel Hill—-James Westbrook and W. P. Richardsiln spoke to the Kiwanis Club at- the meeting Tuesday, March 2, about the clin ics for cancer diagnostic clinics, for cancer diagnosis which are go ing to be set up by the State. These diagnostic clinics will be able to examine and advise those.who have suspicions-of cancer. “Cancer Quackery,” a film put out by the North Carolina Depart ment of Health, was shown at' the meeting. It exposed the fake methods used by unreliable prac tioners for the treatment of cancer patients.—-- - Dr. Joseph P. Alter of New Kingston. Pa.-i and K. P. Williams, manager of Berman’s department" store, were guests of the Kiwan ians. nominated by one of the Univer sity student political parties for the position of member-at-large on the publications board. Representing the University at the executive meeting of the North Carolina Student Legilature will be Sam McGill, one of seven elect ed representatives. Delegates from 15 other universities and colleges will be present at the March 13 meeting at Meredith College. Bill Mackie and Roland Giduz were chosen to be alternates. ■„ Hilda Sharkey was elected vice president "of the; Delta Delta Delta sorority to serve until March 194&. Phyllis Bradshaw was,elect 7 ed chaplain by the Tri Delts. Do You Need Money To Delight Your Family With A New Car Your Bankisymtr roost economical source for Auto Loans. We offer a con • .lenientLow-Cost Financing Plan. Terms can be ' arranged in a few --1 • . • ' ■ minutes. . Cristoph-Johnston Rites Announced The following announcements were received in Cha^pd Hill re cently from Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christoph announce the marriage of their daughter - Carolyn Edith to • > Mr Charles Wilson Johnston, III on Friday,'the ninth Of January Nineteen hundred and forty-eight Chapel Hill, North Carolina Rambert Speaks To Carolina Dames Chapel Hill — The Carolina Dames Club met Tuesday night in the Roland Parker Lounge of Gra ham Memorial to hear Mr. John Rambert, associate professor of art, give an illustrated lecture on “Appreciation of Art in America Today.” The club is composed of wives of students at the-Univer sity. All student wives are in vited to attend the meetings. Brandis Will Speak On Indonesian Trip Chapel Hill—Henry P Brandis Jr,-will speak to the Chapel Hill chapter of the American Associa tion of University Women at the meeting tonight at 8 o’clock in the faculty room of the Carolina Inn. Etf. Brandis willtalk about his re cent, trip to Indonesia which hfe made as advisor to the United Na* ti0ns Security Council’s commit tee on good oflices, that committee On which President Frank Graham served.__ . Bond Issue Will Be Discussed Chapel Hill — A town meeting will be held next Tuesday evening, March 16 to discuss the bond elec tion, slated for April. The meet ing will be held in the Town Hall, and is sponsored by the Chapel Hill Community Council and the League of Women Voters. 1 KOdGmp r— Is Organized In Chapel Hill Chapel Hill—A Hillel Auxiliary has been organized by the Jewish women of Chapel Hill to stimulate local Jewish affairs and to affiliate in community projects. The Aux iliary wHl assist Mrs. Sam Rosen berg, acting advisor of the Hillel Foundation, in student welfare: work. Officers were elected by the newly-formed club at the first j meeting March 3 at the home of j Mrs. Berman. President of the Auxiliary is Mrs. S. A. Nathan. Mrs. „P. Phillit was elected vice president, Mrs. Joe Morrison was j elected secretary, and Mrs. Ben j Schreiber waif cnosen treasurer Of] the Auxiliary, There will be monthly -meetings for the 20 members. Any women in Chapel Hill who are interested in joining and have not been con tacted are welcome ,to notify Mrs. I Nathan. . CITIZENS' _ ' INSURANCE AGENCY General Insurance And Surety Bonds Phon<* 2181 E. H. Collins Dirhaa IBank 8 Trust Co. H4LLMORO Funeral Home ——o AMBULANCE f ERVICE Dial 3161 Main St. I aee-Triunned Organdy Easter IEresses and Pinafores Ballerina and Sun Dresses - ~ . - «■ in Dan Rivet'Cottons Pcachev «’ Cream lEet’” Fashions SPRING CAPS AND BONNETS Cuddly Easter Funnies and Pandas THE BABY SHOP „ . Ghapfel Hill ■ * • . Phone F-3862 after ry pin. j GOOD WIR INC* * -.3 MEANS ' CONVENIENCE and SAFETY Consult with us today on all your electrical problems. Lloyd Electric Co. * Electric Contractors Appliances—Fixtures „ Carrboio .vXXv. ROXBOKO t AOUGEMOW BURLiNCTON HENDERSON CHAPEL HILL RALE 1C H SILER / PITT5B0R0 SANFORD Subscribe to The News of Orange County, $2.00 a Year Auction Sale! Dairy Herd , v, -- Dairy and Farm Equipment At Absolute Auction Saturday, March 13 2:30 P.M. 4 Miles Southwest • ’ . ' _ — "C _r from Chapel Hill on Pittsboro Highway 16 Milch Cows i i of them fresh, three of which are registered |erseys, f>"of them will freshen in 20 to 60 days. All have been tested recently for T. B. and Bang's disease. t 1 Practically new manure spreader I 4-wheel rubber tired wagon, like new 1 Grain and fertilizer drill, good conditio n 1 2-horse walking plow 1 Cole corn planter. Like new 12-disc tractor plow 1 Cultivator r _ ; 1 Double section harrow 2 Rubber Tired Wheelbarrows 1 3-can Milk cooler 5 10-gallonmilk cans ~ 2 Hooded milk pails 1 Milk Strainer ^ ■ • 1 3-compartment wash vat with • heating unit 1 2-unit DeLaval milking machine, like new About 25 barrels SHUCKED Corn Shovels, Picks and Many Other Items Drive out the Pittsboro Road to the big sign atuMook this prof>erty over Ijeloresakuas tljiis^ ^ is a most unusual sale. ' . * a.■ - ! - :■ , . XI ■ -1 I ■ ■ ■ »>—" ■■ ' V .. SALE R AIN OR SHINE University Auction Co. Geddie Fields, Auctioneer H. 1.. Womble, Owner _ ■ * ~