Krowse Along Bur gain How—Perhaps The Things You Want Are Here CLASSIFIED AD RATES Fifteen Words 50c (this type) Twe cents for each additional word Fifteen words $1.00 (tins type) Four cents for each additional word Telephone Your Classified Ads > DIAL 4191 HILLSBORO Telephone Your Classified Ads DIAL 4616 CHAPEL HILL For Sale SALE, CHEAP: Fryer Fin ing Batteries. R. E. Bivins, I miles from Hillsboro on Dan te Road. 2-24:4tp SALE—One five-room house Tairview, City water.' John P. lard. 3-10:ltc .. NEW LINE of fishing tackle Arriving daily. Drop in and take ok. Western Auto Associate e, Hillsboro. " Itc jp in and look over our ,SEBALL and SOFTBALL Uipment. Western Auto Asso Store, Hillsboro. 3-lQ:ltc SW AND USED— |ight, sold, repaired or rented, us give your old useless cam a n6w lease on life., Hillsboro kdry, Photo Dept., Hillsboro. tfc SALE: Houses and Farms, located. For' description and cesi contact W. B. Coleman, Isboro, N. C. tfc BEST GRADES HEAVY LED CHICKS, 200 for $15.00. for price list—save money, jrthwhile Chicks, 101 W. North enue, Baltimore 1, Md. 2-17:5tp bOD FOR SALE—Convenient }e wood lengths. Warren Sum Phone 2573 for immediate vice. tic ROOM HOUSE on King et, Hillsboro. See John P. Hard. tOOM HOUSE, insulated, city r, bath, located mile east lillsboro. John P..Ballard. Itc iOOM HOUSE in Efland, N. C. In P. Ballard. Itc S MADE Western ^ sboro. Store, Wanted Offered tleurn flooring, P kitchen V for bathroom tic table ksd exs*nV,n-3«, Ird Furniture L0" 2.24:4tc >pel Hill pei ** ^—-— >FRT batches by ted >r* -£ss ipany, Hiteboto. ;—--^ mrF" Well Cas EClAL NOTICE.. bottom ot f (Soaked joints JLS Culver ■\ls), Stonn sew and >e Tile for Delivery Uc tanks, ^/satisfaction Ls Reasonable- across Kranteed. «bfh*%e Concrete - Coble Dairy. ^ Yancey* Co., Phonejl^k kNTED: CORN SH^^^ank ake, condition and Price 3_3;2tp land, Efland, N. ---jXresTandplace T ofJessie Ipioyment of Miami, f1* Irefoot, formerly « ^ N. E lotective Loan Sef' 3-K>-ltp St., Miami, Fla. js^saa3 WSORA*^ AutomobWe, *-”•» Anv Insurance m at Any T"1* aolH. Robertson 16576 chapel HUI ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the Es tate of James Lewis Ruffin, De ceased, late of Orange County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of Febru ary, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate pay ment’, to undersigned. • This the 16th day »f February, T949. CORA RUFFIN, Administratrix of the 'Estate of James Lewis Ruffin, Deceased. BONNER 9. SAWYER, Attorney.’ 2-24:6tc -NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Katie Mae Davis vs. William Henry Davis The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has Jaeen commenced in the Superior Court of Orange County • for an- absolute divorce ‘between the plaintiff and the de fendant and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange County in Hillsboro, N. C.A within 20 days after the 17th day of March, 1949, and an swer-or demur to the complaint in the said action or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said action. This the 16th day of February, 1949. E. M. LYNCH, 2-20:4tc Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Eric Bynum vs. Minerva Tuck Bynum To Minerva Tuck Bynum, the de fendant: The defendant above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com mented in the Superior Court of .Orangei County; fs>r- ififl absolute, divorce between the plaintiff and the defendant and the said defend ant will further take notice that she is required to afipear at. the; Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange County in Hills- . bOfo, N. C., within 20 days after the 17th day of March, 1949, and answer or demur to the complaint in the sard action- or plaintiff will apply t© the. Court for the relief.. demanded in the said action.—^4 This the 16th day of February, 1949. - E. M. LYNCH J... 2-20:4tc Clerk Superior Court. Legal Notices EXECUTOR’S OFFICE Having qualified as executor of ; the estate of Ed Gates, deceased, ■ late of Orange County, North \ Carolina, this is to notify all per- j sons having claims against the ; estate J>f said deceased to exhibit | them to the undersigned at Route ; 2, Rougemont, North Carolina, on or before the 3rd day of March,, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded j in bar, of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of February, 1949. WILLIAM S. GATES, Executor of the Estate of Ed * Gates. 3-3:6tc ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE The undersigned, having quali ied as Administratrix of the Istate of R. H. Claytor, Deceased, ite of Orange County, this Is to .claims gainst said Estate *to present hem to the undersigned on or efore the 26th day of February, 950, or this notice will be pleaded a bar of their recovery. All per ons indebted to said Estate will lease make immediate payment, a undersigned. ROSA T. CLAYTOR, Administratrix of the Estate of R H. Claytor, Deceased. t 3-3:6tc NOTICE iRTH CAROLINA ANGE COUNTY i_ N THE,. SUPERIOR COURT Before the Clerk vin Lee Caldwell, Adminislra or of the Estate of Charles Wil on Caldwell, against Wilson Caldwell and others ’he defendants in the above itled action, namely: Emmett Caldwell, Herbert Morrow and Virginia Caldwell, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of. Orange County for sale of real estate for division and the^a'id defendants will further a^P*riptice that they are required o appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange County in Hillsboro, N. C., within ten days after the 31st day of March, 1949, and answer or demur to the complaint in the said action or plaintiff will apply to ‘he Court for the relief demanded in the said action. « This the 28th day Of February, 1949. E. M. LYNCH, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue ot the laws of the State of North Carolina and the order of the Honorable L. J. Phipps, Judge of , the Orange County Recorder’s Court, the un dersigned will on Saturday, the 12th day of March, 1949, at 12:00 o’clock Noon, offer for sale to the last ^nd highest bidder, lor cash, at the Courthouse Door in Hills ,boro, North Carolina, the follow ing described property, to-wit: One International Arfny Truck, FWD Weapon Carrier, Motor No. 104043H-X95, Markings on side of cab USMC 62951. One 1937 Model Ford V-8 85 Truck, Motor No* 5693840. The above property was seized gnd ordered confiscated for the illegal transportation of intoxicat ing liquors. This the 17th day of February, 1949. S. T. LATTA, JR., Sheriff of Orange County. 2-24:3tc NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Bruce R. Durham vs. Mary W. Janowski Durham The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Orange County for an absolute divorce be tween ■ the plaintiff and the de fendant and the said defendant will further take^ notice. that„he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange County in Hillsboro, N C ., - within 20 days after the 17th day of March, 1949, and an swer or demur to the comolaint in the said action or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said action. This the 16th day of February, 1949. . E. M. LYNCH, 2-20:4tc Clefk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power - -of side' T’nntitrrst“in-~iaFwr’ fain Deed of Trust pxeruted b' H. B. Smith and wife, Selma H Smith, dated August 12, U47, an recorded in Book 102 Pare 31" in thet office of the Register of Deeds of Orange County, North Carolina', default having : been made in the payment of the b (f'htr-'ners thnrobv secured an ■ said Deed of Trust, being by tb* Urms thereof SUhirC* tn f'irr closure, ‘the undersigned 'I'ni't*’ .will offer for'^a^e at nuhlic au^j tion to the hjehesf bidder {<■■ cash at the Courthouse door in Hillsboro, North Carolina, at 12:00 o’clock. Neon on the 26th- day of March,. 1949, the pronorty conveyed in saU Deed of Trust, the same Iving'and being in the County of Orange and State of North Carolina in Bm^ham Township, and more particularly described as follow BEGINNING at a stake, old line thence South 8° East 11 chain' 32 links to S. 0; thence South 12 chains and 50 links to stump thence South 68° East 7 chains '5C links -to stake corner of Lot No. 2 thence North 15° East 25 chain' to'pointers; thence West 11 chains and 95 links to beginning, contain ing 23% Acres, more or less. See Deed from Marticia Sykes, et als., and payable upon confirmation This 22nd. day of February, to Mary F. Dodson, dated 1918; Deed from Mary F. Dodson tc J. A. Simmons, dated December 12, 1936, duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds ol Orange County. This sale Is made subject to all outstanding SA^aa^taxes. , A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired of the purchaser on the day of sale with the balance due 1949. BONNER D. SAWYER, 3-4:4tc Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue 6f the powers con ferred upon me by a deed of trust from Odie Jones dated June 28. 1946, and recorded in B. M. 103 at page 62, to secure a certain note therein described, ' and default having been made in the payment of said note and request having been made upon me by the holder of the note to execute the power of sale therein, I will on SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1949 at 12 o’clock noon at the court house door in Hillsboro, N. C., offer for sale the following de BEGINNING atya point in the East line of Hattie Mayo, said be ginning point being near the South line of the New Rate Track R. ad, about one mile North of the Cor poration Limits, of the Town of Hillsboro, North Carolina, and running thence South along the East line of Hattie Mayo, 18,97 chains (1253 ft.) by survey of J. R. Weaver, to a rock, Alice Whitted North line; thence East* ward along said Whitted line to i rock in the Southeast corner of -- M -—c_ ; Cemetery Lop thence along Ceme tery "line and Faucette line North '334 ft. to a rock, Faucette North west corner; thence East along Ffiucette North line 135 ft. to cor j ner of Susan Vincent; thcnte along • the West line of Susan Vincent i North 384 ft. to a red oak, corner j of Annie Day 440 ft.; thence West : 323 ft. to the point of beginning, | the , same containing 8 aeres (more | or less and being same land con veyed by E.‘ T. Newton and wife COLLEGE SHU-FIXERY 173 E. Franklin St. CHAPEL HILL Phone F-2971 to W. L. Foushee, dated Novem ber 25th, 1922, by deed recorder D. B. 85, at page 89. See alst deed recorded in D. B. 84, a page 45, Register of Deeds Office • Orange Cojlnty. 4 This March 2, 1949. W. L. FOU3HEE, Trustee. . 3-10:4tc Consult Us For All Your Electric Appliance and Wiring Needs Good Wiring Is Essential LLOYD ELECTRIC CO. Phone F-3862 Carrboro After 5 P. M.—F-g86* The Lone Ranger NOU FRAMED AN INDIAN. HEIL 5TAV N JAIL UNLESS THE WW COWES OUT AND I CAN BRING OUT THE TRUTH/ HOLD IT! THE LONE RANGER WANTED TO WEAR A DISGUISE AN' TRY TO PROVE THAT HANK-AND NOT THE REDSKIN - 15 THE HORSE THIEF! I , PROMISED HIM THE CHANCE! RIDE DOWN TO WANKS HOUSE NOW AN' VOU'LL SPOIL EVERYTHING/ WHATS MORE YOU'LL HAVE TO OOWOOT /ME / TO DO IT/ - -—y =J OUTSHOOT YOU, "TT EH? rl •ftAMoes? WEN l BRING THE STOLEN HORDES AND THE MEN WHO DLD THEM INTO THE SHERIFF TOOK US IN ON THE LONE RANGERS PLAN TO GET>-T HANK ID CONFESS/ WE ^ ^ WERE HIDDEN OUTSIDE AND HEARD TALL/ 'WE'LL FREE, TONTO., [VUH GOTMEBON&j'lOU WEREN'T BUT III MAKE jPwiE SMART GOOD- DON'T LET THE LAW HANG ME. h ENOUGH FOR THE ,LONE HUNGER! MT1